Y&R Transcript Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Audra: Hey there.

Nate: There she is. Genoa City’s newest… mogul?

Audra: Newest? I thought I’d already established myself as one to watch.

Nate: True, true. I stand corrected. But you are about to take things to the next level.

Audra: Care for some company? It makes me sad to see you here, just drinking all alone.

Nate: Well, I, uh, hate to be the reason for anyone’s unhappiness. Especially yours. By all means, join me.

Audra: Okay.

Nate: Hm. So, how goes the corporate intrigue?

Audra: All that intrigue is a thing of the past. The only thing left is unbridled success.

Summer: Hey.

Chance: Hey.

Summer: Sorry it took me so long. I had to stop to make.

Chance: No worries. Thank you for coming.

[ Summer sighing ]

Summer: Oh. You already ordered me a drink.

Chance: Yeah.

Summer: Thank you. Mmm. I’m glad that you called. I’ve had a hell of a day.

Chance: You and me both.

Summer: You will never guess what Kyle has done now. I mean, he keeps on making one bad decision after another, and I actually can’t really get into what it is, because I promised him that I wouldn’t. Why I feel any loyalty to him anymore, I have no idea. He doesn’t feel that way towards me. He doesn’t actually respect my feelings at all, even when it comes to our son. I mean, I admit, I felt a little bit sorry for him when I found out why he made his latest choice, but the more he talked about it, the more I realized he was just making another colossal mistake. But does he listen to me? No, he does– he does not. Mm. Here I am, not listening to you, or not letting you get a word in edgewise. I could tell something was up with you based on your text. Are you okay?

Chance: Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine. I, uh, just really wanted to see you.

Summer: Let’s reset, okay? You have been listening to my problems plenty lately. What’s going on with you?

Chance: Well, I got some news that you are not going to believe.

Billy: There you are.

Lily: Are you following me?

Billy: Yes. I mean, you basically sprinted out of the building after the meeting.

Lily: Well, I, um, I had to get out of there.

Billy: Without me? We’re supposed to be together, celebrating.

Lily: Well, I guess congratulations are in order.

Billy: You guess? Really? Do I have to remind you what happened back there? Because just in case you missed it, we won.

Jack: Okay, I’ll ask again. What are you up to with Victor Newman?

Kyle: Who says I’m up to anything?

Jack: I don’t know. Somehow, he seems to know that you’ve already left Jabot.

Kyle: Huh. He told you that?

Diane: No, he told me.

Jack: How would he know that unless you told him?

Kyle: Well, Who knows how Victor gets his information.

Jack: After your mother fired you, you said you had a job lined up, something in the works.

Kyle: Exactly what are you accusing me of now?

Diane: We are simply trying to put the pieces together. Has Victor offered you a job at Newman?

Kyle: Hm. Me? Working for Newman Enterprises? That’s an interesting idea.

Jack: Well, look at you, the cat that swallowed the canary. Believe me, getting tangled up with Victor again is nothing to smile about.

Kyle: Oh, I don’t know about that. Might actually be a good fit.

Diane: Please tell me you don’t really believe that.

Kyle: I’ve worked there before. Victor understands what a capable businessman I am. He probably appreciates my skill and knowledge, more so than most people.

Jack: Then you are considering an offer from Victor?

Kyle: Oh, I’m considering several potential offers. It’s amazing how many jobs are out there for someone with my expertise.

Diane: You still haven’t answered the question.

Kyle: That’s because I’m not going to. What I do from here on out is none of your business.

Jack: What you do is always of concern to us.

Diane: We’re still your parents, even though we’re not your employers anymore.

Jack: We care about your well-being, we care about your future.

Diane: And we love you very much.

Kyle: Hm. I must have missed that in my termination letters. I guess it was in the fine print.

Jack: Okay, I can see you’re still upset.

Kyle: How astute of you. How do you expect me to feel after I find out my mother wants me gone and my father was right there with her? Neither one of you gave a damn about yanking away my birthright to the Abbott family legacy. But yeah, sure, you still concerned about my well-being.

Diane: We are, and we always will be, whether you choose to believe that right now or not. >>

Kyle: No, no, I choose to let your actions speak for themselves. Proclamations of love mean nothing after what you did to me, and future discussions about my business plans, you’re no longer entitled to.

Jack: Uh, listen to me. I know getting pulled back into Victor’s web is a mistake. Nothing good will come of it, Kyle. You know that better than anyone.

Kyle: I don’t need or want your advice.

Jack: Whatever he is offering you, it’s not worth it. It does not end well. It ends with him on top and you vulnerable.

Kyle: No, no, this is just condescending and insulting. You really don’t think I can handle myself in the business world?

Nate: Well, sounds like, uh, congratulations are in order.

Audra: Yes, they are. But maybe you should hold off until the official press release hits.

Nate: So, big news drops tomorrow?

Audra: First thing in the morning, and I called my favorite business reporter to offer her, you know, the official inside scoop.

Nate: Look at you, feeling yourself.

Audra: Mm. On top of the world. You finally have got what you’ve always wanted. I’m happy for you. And– and for Glissade. You’re both better off without Tucker.

Audra: Yeah, good riddance. You know, my whole world was tied to him one way or another for way too long.

Nate: And he took full advantage of that.

Audra: He’s definitely a– a master at manipulation. I see now that was his way of motivating and inspiring people to do whatever he wanted. And I got caught up in it.

Nate: Many have. He knows how to lure folks in.

Audra: And when you pry yourself away, you– you end up feeling like a crash victim. Just wondering what the hell just happened.

Nate: You’re tough, Audra. But also a decent person. Which makes it hard to believe there are actual people out there in this world who can behave like Tucker.

Audra: Yeah. That’s– that’s nice of you to say.

[ Audra sighing ] But you know, if I’m being honest with myself, um, I was aware of his ruthless ambition. I admired it. And part of the relationship was pure ego on my part. It was so intoxicating that the great Tucker McCall saw something special in me.

Nate: All part of a manipulator’s con.

Audra: Mm. Well, I will file that under learning experience.

Nate: Yes, and deep six that file.

[ Audra sighing ]

Audra: Okay. Now that I have broken that connection, I feel like everything’s changed for me. I now have this burst of energy and drive that’s opened up a whole new future for me.

Nate: I can see that.

Audra: Mm. My aura.

Nate: And feel it.

Audra: My magnetism.

Nate: Both. Like never before.

Summer: Okay, so what’s this unbelievable news?

Chance: Well, this isn’t public knowledge yet, so you gotta promise not to say anything.

Summer: I promise, I promise.

Chance: Billy managed to get the Chancellor-Winters board to separate the companies.

Summer: It was such a big deal when they merged.

Chance: Mm-hmm. Joining the two entities was a massive undertaking.

Summer: They made such a splash with all the publicity that they got.

Chance: All the rebranding, all the restructuring to combine the two. And now, they’re just gonna rip it apart.

Summer: Undoing it’s gonna get just as much press.

Chance: If not more.

Summer: So, what’s the upside of this? I know both parties must think that it’s to their advantage, but how?

Chance: Well, it’s what the powers that be want. You know, that’s the upside, but they’re already moving forward with the severing.

Summer: How is that gonna work?

Chance: Well, Devon’s gonna take back all the original Winters divisions, including gaming and a couple more elements, and Billy and Lily are gonna run Chancellor. But Billy wants to rename it Abbott-Chancellor.

Summer: Wow.

Chance: Yeah.

Summer: That is big.

Chance: And there’s more. Guess who Billy wants to be his new COO?

Summer: Wait. Is it my favorite Chancellor?

Jack: I’m not criticizing, Kyle. I know you can handle yourself. You’ve proven that time again. We are talking about Victor Newman and his insatiable appetite for revenge and manipulation.

Kyle: So what are you saying? I’m no match for Victor?

Jack: This has nothing to do with your business savvy or your maturity. Kyle, I know this man. I have watched him operate for decades. He takes advantage of anyone and everyone he meets.

Diane: Kyle, your father’s right. We have been dealing with Victor since before you were born. Everything, and I mean everything he does, has a hidden agenda.

Jack: If he wants to hire you, there is some self-serving nefarious reason behind it.

Kyle: Wow, the insults just keep coming, don’t they? Why don’t you just admit it? You don’t believe that I can land a job based on my own merits. There has to be some mysterious plot behind someone wanting to hire me.

Diane: Stop twisting our words to sound like we don’t believe in you.

Jack: That is not what we are saying at all. You have every right to choose whatever career path you want. And there will be plenty of great jobs out there for you, and they will be lucky to hire someone of your skill.

Diane: I completely agree with your father. What happened between us was about business. It had nothing to do with your abilities. I’ve always thought you were a brilliant businessman. You’ve– you’ve learned from the best.

Kyle: But still, somehow, I wasn’t worth keeping in my family’s company.

Diane: Kyle, you were let go because of your insubordination. And that came out of a personal conflict between the two of us. It had nothing to do with your expertise.

Kyle: Hm. Can you quote that to HR? It might give me a bigger severance package.

Jack: The issue we’re discussing right now is Victor Newman.

Kyle: Dad, what makes you so certain that Victor is a part of my plans just because he mentioned to you that he suddenly knows I’m out of a job?

Jack: Things don’t just happen with Victor.

Kyle: Now, is it impossible that I just ran into Victor and told him that I had lost my job, and he offered his sympathy and acknowledged what a mistake the two of you have made?

Diane: What? And then he made you an offer you couldn’t refuse? Kyle, I spoke with Victor. He had that annoying, smug tone about him. I’m telling you, it’s a red flag.

Jack: Son, we are just trying to look out for you.

Kyle: No, what is it you’re not getting? I don’t want or need you looking out for me! I’m not a teenager who needs to run things by you. And you voluntarily left all those years, when I needed your caring and guidance. You don’t get to reclaim them now.

[ Diane exhaling ]

Summer: Chance, that’s– that’s amazing. That’s a huge promotion. I mean, you’ve got to be thrilled, right?

Chance: Honestly, I’ve got mixed feelings about the whole thing.

Summer: Why?

Chance: Sure, it’s a– it’s a great opportunity, right? And I’m very honored that Billy has that kind of faith in me.

Summer: Well, I think it’s pretty damn good, especially considering how new you are to the job.

Chance: Yeah, I hear you, but I spoke with Jill, and I found out that she’s disappointed in the breakup. Billy didn’t tell me this, so how am I supposed to get behind it if Jill’s not?

Summer: So, the company’s splitting up and Jill’s against it. How is that even possible? Couldn’t she have stopped it if she wanted to?

Chance: Not if she was outvoted.

Summer: So, Billy voted against his own mom’s wishes.

Chance: Yeah. There’s more to the story, too, if you can believe it.

Summer: Oh, like what?

Chance: It’s something I can’t really share with you right now. I’m sorry.

Summer: Okay.

Chance: Yeah, there’s just something about this demerger that doesn’t feel right. And I don’t think I can completely trust why Billy made me this offer.

Lily: I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel like a victory to me, you know? I really thought this was going to be a unanimous vote.

Billy: Look, I know you think you let my mom down, but trust me, you didn’t.

Lily: I don’t know, I just can’t stop thinking about her reasons for opposing the split. She made some good points, you know? Like, both companies were doing really well under the merger, so it’s like, why are we going to tear that apart?

Billy: We’re building a new one.

Lily: Yeah, but how long is that going to take? And I mean, aren’t both companies prospering? A good argument for keeping them together?

Billy: Well, Chancellor was strong and profitable before the merger and it will be again. And to be honest, I think my mother’s reservations says more about where she’s at in her life right now, and everything she’s going through. She’s… very risk adverse. But I’m looking at the big picture here now, okay? And when she sees that Abbott-Chancellor logo emblazoned on the side of the building, trust me, those reservations are going to evaporate.

Lily: I mean, I don’t– I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.

Billy: I think she’s going to come around. And at the end of the day, the vote is done. That part has been decided. We’re moving forward. Unless my mother’s position has somehow changed your feelings about all of that. Have you changed your mind about what we’re talking about here?

Lily: I mean, it’s changed a lot. Like maybe everything.

Summer: Okay, so exactly what do you think Billy’s motives are?

Chance: I have no idea. Self-advancement, maybe? I just, I get a feeling that he’s taking an unfortunate situation and using it for his own benefit.

Summer: Yeah, could you at least tell me what kind of unfortunate situation we’re talking about here?

Chance: Look, I’m sorry. I really wish that I could, but I can’t.

Summer: Look, I promised you that I wouldn’t say anything about the company’s secrets. I would not say anything about this either.

Chance: Oh, it’s not that. I know you wouldn’t, but I gave my word.

Summer: Okay. I’m not going to push. I know that you must have your reasons. Okay, so, so Billy. You don’t trust his motives. You also don’t really know what they are. Are you worried that his ambition might negatively impact you?

Chance: It’s possible, yeah.

Summer: What would Billy’s endgame be?

Chance: I mean, I can only assume he wants to be king of the hill, right?

Summer: Isn’t he kind of already that, by Jill appointing him her proxy?

Chance: Yep, but that is the thing about ambition. You get a little taste of it, and you crave more. Don’t even realize it. The next thing you know, it’s overtaken you. You’re blinded to reality and your own actions.

Summer: So, you think Billy’s being driven by blind ambition?

Chance: I do. And he’s not even aware of it. Happens to the best of ’em.

Audra: So, tell me, Mr. Hastings. Exactly what is it you see now that you never saw before?

Nate: Are you sure you’re ready to hear the answer to that?

Audra: I am.

Nate: From the moment I met you, I knew you were capable and destined for great things.

Audra: Just like that?

Nate: I like to think I have a flair for reading people.

Audra: Well, I like what you read. Tell me more.

Nate: Seeing you the way I did, I– I never understood why you thought you had to team up with Tucker, for anything. I mean, you’re brilliant, insightful, intuitive and driven. All of my favorite things.

Audra: Mine too.

Nate: And Tucker is the little man hiding behind a curtain. A con man who uses smoke and mirrors to advance his convoluted agendas. Meanwhile, the world has moved on from his successes of the past. But, sadly, he couldn’t see it over his big, fat ego.

Audra: Yeah, you saw it and you tried to tell me.

Nate: Yes, and you finally embraced the truth. That you can and will accomplish anything you want to. All on your own. So, what do you think?

Audra: I– I suppose I could have done without the part, uh, where I wasted so many years with Tucker. Especially now that I see there was this insightful man right in front of me. Ready to tell me he understands my true nature. And how wonderful I am.

[ both chuckling ]

Nate: Oh, uh, there’s something else I understand.

Audra: Oh, what is it?

Nate: That you deserve a celebration for your triumph. How about it?

[ Audra chuckling ]

Diane: Kyle, I– I thought we’d come to terms with the past. You know how much I regret leaving you for so long and– and missing out on all those important years.

Kyle: I thought so too. Until I realized you’re still the same cold-hearted woman who cuts me out of her life when it’s in her own self-interest.

Jack: Kyle, that’s a low blow. Your mother has worked very hard to make up for that time.

Kyle: Hm. What about all the nights she missed tucking me in? Or my plays or graduations. Or maybe when I just needed a mother’s love. I’m sorry, but that’s how I feel. And you. You say my actions got me fired. Your actions have gotten me to see how selfish you are.

Jack: Enough! You’re saying things you’re going to regret.

Kyle: No, no, no. You don’t get to have it both ways. You don’t want to be my boss, but you still want to boss me around. That’s not how this works.

Diane: All right, Kyle. I– I know you’re upset with me, but please just try to listen to me.

Kyle: No, Mom, I don’t want to listen to this! I have had it. From now on, my career, my future, my decisions, are no longer your concern. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to check on Harrison.

Diane: Ow.

Jack: Hey, you okay?

[ Diane grunting ]

Diane: That was ugly.

Jack: Hey, he’s– he’s emotional. The wound is still so raw. He’s not seeing reason.

Diane: No, he obviously just resents me to the core, and my firing him has just brought it all back up again.

Jack: Sweetheart, don’t take what he says too hard.

Diane: Well, it’s– it’s really hard not to. But you know what, Jack? I maintain that something had to be done about his behavior, and I would do it again.

Jack: The way he just behaved, we couldn’t walk things back with him if we wanted to.

Diane: God, he was– he was actually gloating.

Jack: I know.

Diane: I mean, he was– he was enjoying keeping us in the dark about whatever he’s up to, and I am convinced more than ever that it has to do with Victor.

Jack: You said earlier, you had an interesting conversation with Michael. What exactly did he say that tipped you off to all of this? : Michael confided in me that Victor asked him to rekindle our friendship.

Jack: Wait, why would he do that?

Diane: Hang on, there’s more. He also asked Cole Howard to keep an eye on Kyle, all in the same breath.

Jack: To spy on him?

Diane: Well, more like befriend Kyle. Make a point of getting to know him better.

Jack: Why would he do that? What’s he up to?

Diane: Well, unfortunately, Michael and I think this is all about you. He knows that Kyle and I are your closest connections, and we suspect that Victor’s plotting some sort of retaliation for what happened with Nikki.

Jack: Well, Victor made it very clear how he felt about that night. He was furious with me. And we both know he is capable of holding a grudge, but… do you think he is taking steps to reignite our feud?

Diane: I do, and I think I’m one of those steps. When Victor ran into me, I could tell that he was pushing my buttons for some reason.

Jack: What do you mean? In what way?

Diane: Oh, he couldn’t wait to rehash that whole night. You know, he wanted to see how jealous and angry I could get about, well, the fact that you spent an entire night in a hotel with Nikki. But it was like he was trying to drive a wedge between the two of us.

Jack: And you think Kyle is also part of this plan?

Diane: Well, why else have Cole befriend him?

Jack: So he’s recruiting spies to keep tabs on my family?

Diane: Yes, and there’s no peaceful explanation about that. And when I told Michael that you and I suspected Kyle had a new job, he put the pieces together with the timing and tied it all back to Victor.

Jack: I know Kyle is furious at both of us. You honestly think he’s mad enough to team up with Victor?

Summer: So, the corporate world’s a little more complicated than you thought.

Chance: I expected a certain amount of intrigue, but this is next level.

Summer: You’re not fed up with it, are you?

Chance: No, no, no. There’s still a lot that I like about it. You know, at the very least, my mother didn’t have to worry about me. Not out there dodging bullets every day.

Summer: I am with Nina on that one, but you definitely don’t seem sold on this new opportunity.

Chance: Part of me’s hopeful. You know, maybe splitting up the companies will end all this infighting that’s been driving me nuts.

Summer: Yeah? What about the other part?

Chance: Well, I just wonder if I came out on the right side of this thing. You know, when I first started, it felt like Nate and I were the lone voices of reason around that place. I could confide in him.

Summer: That’s changed.

Chance: I don’t know. I have no idea. I know I’d feel a lot better about this if Jill was on board. Just feels… messy.

Summer: But look, there’s nothing wrong with taking the win.

Chance: COO, huh?

Summer: That’s a huge promotion.

Chance: Yeah, but how much of it is based on the job that I’m doing? And how much of it is based on purely convenience for Billy?

Summer: What’s in it for him?

Chance: Well, I don’t know. Maybe he’s trying to buy my loyalty.

Summer: Look, I know that you’re wary of Billy right now, but he already has a pretty strong ally in Lily. I mean, she’s leaving her own brother’s company to stay at Chancellor with Billy.

Chance: True.

Summer: I think that that says a lot. You know, I’m actually kind of shocked that she made that choice.

Billy: Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts. But if you are, talk to me. What’s changed?

Lily: There’s just a lot to think about.

Billy: ‘Kay, but you were very excited about the potential of what we’re going to do in the future, right? So– so don’t let my mother’s little speech dampen that energy.

Lily: Well, I mean, maybe you can ignore her feelings, but I can’t.

Billy: I’m not ignoring her feelings. I’m just thinking about all the stuff that we’ve talked about. All these divisions that we’re going to create. The expansion of the research and development. We can do amazing things and we don’t need the Winters side to do that. We can exceed my mother’s expectations as partners–

Lily: Okay. Okay, Billy, I– I don’t– I don’t need a sales pitch right now, okay? I just need some time to think, to process everything that’s happened without you pressuring me.

Billy: I’m not trying to strong-arm you. Lily, I’m really not. I just– I want to know where we stand.

Lily: Yeah, I know. So do I. Which is why I just need some time to think.

Billy: About what, exactly? Okay, you’re scaring me a little bit here because whatever this is, whatever you’re feeling, it– it– Sounds like it’s going to affect me, too.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, if I leave the company? Yes, it will. surprised that Lily wanted to stay at Chancellor, too. I think everybody was.

Summer: Why do you think she did it?

Chance: Well, my grandmother did bring her in and entrusted her to run the whole company.

Summer: So, she feels some loyalty to Chancellor.

Chance: Yeah, Jill invested in her, you know. Gave her a career.

Summer: Kind of like what Billy’s doing for you?

Chance: Is it the same?

Summer: Look, I know that Billy is not the most reliable person in the world, but I think he actually respects you. And– and I don’t think that he would offer you such an important position as COO if he didn’t really believe in you.

Chance: I hope you’re right.

Summer: Look, I know that I am right, so you can just cross that concern off of your list. My suggestion is that we actually just celebrate this news.

Chance: Oh, uh, I wish I could.

Summer: What?

Chance: I– I just don’t see our boardroom turning friendly overnight. The tension’s so thick, I don’t think it’s ever going to end.

Billy: Hey, don’t do that. We haven’t even got started yet, okay? Don’t blow apart this deal because my mother is having the jitters.

Lily: Come on, Billy, please. It’s more than that.

Billy: It is. My mother is not in the right place right now. Everything she’s going through, it’s coloring her judgment, which is why I am more determined than ever to protect her interests.

Lily: I know. And I– I– I know you’re going to protect her interests. You’re going to be fine, okay? I– I– Maybe Devon’s right. You don’t need me. You can run Abbott-Chancellor all by yourself.

Billy: I don’t want to do that. I want to do it with you because I know how capable you are. I want to do it how we talked about it, okay?

Lily: Okay, are you sure that’s what it is? Or is it just that you need me to get everyone to agree to your takeover?

Billy: Lily, you wanted this. You knew she had the potential to vote this way. You were prepared for this and now, all of a sudden, you’re talking about walking away.

[ Lily sighing ] Lily… have you been playing me this entire time?

Nate: To you, awesome lady.

Audra: To success. Mm. So, tell me, how are things at Chancellor-Winters? I imagine it must be terribly boring there without me on the team.

Nate: Oddly enough, we’ve managed to keep plenty of drama going without your help.

Audra: Oh, fill me in. I’m dying to hear.

Nate: I’m sorry, but I’m not at liberty to discuss it yet.

Audra: Oh.

Nate: All I can say is there will be some seismic shifts happening very soon. And I’m sure you will hear all about it.

Audra: Mm, I can hardly wait.

Nate: Well, stand by. There will be a press release very soon.

Audra: This does sound good. I mean, can’t you give me a little hint? I promise I won’t tell a soul.

Nate: You know what? You’re right. Why should I keep secrets from you?

Audra: You can trust me.

Nate: Oh, I do. I just, um– I want to make sure you can trust me, too. Tell me who this mystery investor in Glissade is.

Audra: Okay, fine. You got me.

Nate: What? No deal?

Audra: You know, I just hope that whatever this big news is means good things for you.

Nate: Oh, there will be plenty of opportunities opening up for me. And this time, I will handle it right and I will not blow it.

Audra: Here’s to the sky really being the limit for both of us.

Jack: I want to think Kyle is much too smart for that vulture’s manipulations.

Diane: Hm. What if he’s not being manipulated?

Jack: Wow. Yeah, I guess we have to consider the possibility he’s doing this willingly.

Diane: I hate suggesting it or even thinking about it.

Jack: No, you’re right. This wouldn’t be the first time he has been lured into betraying us before.

Diane: Yeah, but I’m the one he’s angry at. I’m the one who fired him.

Jack: I’m the one who backed you up.

Diane: True, and you did give me the job over him.

Jack: God, I thought he was over this. Clearly, I was wrong.

Diane: Still, choosing Victor over you? Actively seeking to hurt you?

Jack: No, no, no. I’m not saying it’s true. I’m saying we have to consider the possibility. He has been lured to the dark side before.

Diane: Uh, so, um, according to the projections, the fragrance line is really in demand.

Jack: Yeah, we’ll have to beef up production for the holidays.

Kyle: Yeah, I know you guys are talking about me, but you don’t have to cover for my sake anymore.

Diane: Um, we weren’t covering.

Kyle: Look, I don’t want things to get any more strained than they already are, so I’ve made a decision. I think it’s best for all of us if I find my own place for Harrison and me. Someplace where he won’t be subjected to all this tension. u for a lovely celebration. Between Paris and tonight, I really do feel like I’m on top of the world.

Nate: Hope you don’t have a fear of heights.

Audra: Nope. I’m very comfortable up here. Think I’ll stay a while. Free of the past and firmly focused on the next big thing.

Nate: With any luck, I’ll be joining you up there. The future certainly has endless possibilities.

Audra: Tempting as it is, I’m not going to invite you to my room for a nightcap.

Nate: Hm. Oh. Well, tempting as it is, I will respect your wishes.

Lily: I’m playing you? Like, what does that even mean?

Billy: I mean, it’s all making sense now, to be honest. You and Devon want me out, so we divide the companies. I walk with Chancellor. Does that sound familiar? Is that the game plan here?

Lily: Okay, I– I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Billy: Okay, you fall in love with my plan in order to divide the companies, then once that happens and that’s finalized, then you kick me to the curb.

Lily: Oh, my God.

Billy: I mean, Lily, I was wondering how you came around so easily.

Lily: Okay, you sound delusional right now.

Billy: In fact, there was a moment… there was a moment at the board meeting today between you and Devon, and it seemed very odd when it happened.

Lily: Sorry, what moment?

Billy: He looked you dead in the eye and he very pointedly asked you, “Is this really what you want to do?” As if he was making sure that you could be trusted. Do you remember that?

Lily: Okay. Now you’re asking why I looked at my brother? Do you realize how crazy you sound right now?

Billy: He wanted final confirmation that you were going to go through with this before he voted.

Lily: Okay, Billy, enough. I am not going down this road with you.

Billy: It’s really amazing, actually. I mean, why else would you walk away, right?

Lily: Oh, my God. I didn’t say I’m walking away. I just need some time to think. Is that too much to ask?

[ Lily sighing ] Hey.

Chance: Hey. What happened there? She looked kind of mad.

Billy: Lily’s fine. Everything’s fine.

Chance: Okay, uh, we’re going to grab a table.

Billy: Okay.

Chance: Anyways, uh, back to you. Said you were pretty hopped up about Kyle.

Summer: Yeah, I was. I mean, I– I am.

Chance: Have– have you given any more thought to the whole custody thing?

Summer: I— I know you suggested that I not escalate things or get lawyers involved. He just– he made me so mad earlier.

Chance: No, you didn’t.

Summer: I did. Oof. But you’re right, you’re right. I want to keep things civil. I do. And everything has just now settled down for Harrison. I mean, I don’t want to cause any more turmoil.

Jack: Wait, you and Harrison can’t move out.

Kyle: I don’t have a choice.

Diane: Kyle, you’re taking it too far. Please, don’t take Harrison and leave your family home. Our problem is a– is a business issue. Don’t let it affect your personal life this way.

Kyle: And whose fault is that? I mean, really, Mom. What did you expect was going to happen?

Jack: Listen to me. Neither of us wants you to move out of this house.

Kyle: What about what I want? Oh, oh, yes, that’s right. My wants don’t matter with you two.

Jack: Kyle, Kyle, just don’t rush this. Let’s let the dust settle.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Look, all of our emotions are high right now. Give it time. Think it through. And remember how much we all love each other.

Diane: Please don’t do this. Come on. We have always been able to settle our differences in the past. And– and we can come back together again.

Kyle: I’m afraid it won’t be that easy this time.

Jack: It wasn’t easy last time. It never is, but we can do this. We can get through this.

Kyle: Dad, it’s different this time. You think things are tense now? It’s only the beginning. Things are about to get way worse.

Jack: Wait, what does that mean?

Diane: What’s about to get worse?

Kyle: You’ll find out soon enough.

Jack: Okay, that’s enough. I’ve had it with the secrets and innuendos.

Diane: What are you doing?

Jack: This has got to stop.

Diane: Well, what are you doing?

Jack: If we can’t get the answers from Kyle, I’m going to get ’em from the mustache myself.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Audra and Nate have dinner and celebrate her new job at Glissade. Nate and Audra kiss after their date.

Chance tells Summer that Chancellor-Winters is going to split up and Billy wants him to be COO of the newly formed Abbott -Chancellor. Chance isn’t sure he wants to take the job because he is afraid that Billy has a hidden agenda.

Billy figures out that Lily has been conning him and she intends to kick him to the curb once the two companies split and return to work with Devon at Hamilton Winters. Lily tells Billy that she needs time to think and he should stop pressuring her.

Diane tells Jack about her conversation with Michael. She and Michael think that Victor wants to use Kyle to restart their old feud because he is angry about what happened with Nikki the night he persuaded her to go to rehab.

Kyle is so angry with Diane for firing him that he tells his parents that he and Harrison are moving out of the house and he will find his own place. Jack and Diane ask Kyle not to leave his family home over business differences between them. Kyle thinks things will get more tense between them soon so it is best he find his own place.

Jack sends Victor a text message asking if they can talk.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Nikki: Jack! Hi, good to see you.

Jack: Hey. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing.

Nikki: And yet, you haven’t called.

Jack: Ringer on my phone works.

Nikki: Touché.

Jack: No, seriously. No– no judgment. I’m… I’m happy to see you. I– I assume you’ve been busy. How’s the outpatient program?

Nikki: I have good days and bad, but overall I’m doing well. Today, I feel strong.

Jack: Well, I hope you found a new sponsor and that he or she is giving you all the support you need.

Michael: Voila. What you see before you is a cappuccino with extra foam, and a chai latte. For your pleasure.

Diane: When I said surprise me, I didn’t expect you to be so adventurous.

Michael: You know me better than that.

Diane: Yes, you like a grand gesture.

Michael: All right. Are you going to pick one or am I going to have to do all the work here?

Diane: I’ll take the chai.

Michael: Yes, you will.

Diane: Thank you. You know, I was really happy to get your call. It’s like you have a sixth sense. You could tell I needed someone to vent to today.

Michael: What’s the topic?

[ Diane sighing ]

Diane: I fired Kyle from Jabot this morning.

Michael: Oh. I wasn’t expecting that. Ah, that’s the stuff of a Greek tragedy.

Diane: I was looking for a little support, Michael. Not comparisons to tyrannical parents.

Michael: All right, all right. I’m sorry. What I meant to say is, that couldn’t have been easy. You know, I know exactly how important the family is to Jack and, you know, John Abbott’s legacy is still a guiding force of theirs.

Diane: Yes, don’t I know it. And Jack was not pleased. But I really didn’t have a choice. I mean, Kyle was undermining me. He was looking for any opportunity to prove that he was better suited for my job than I am.

Michael: Doesn’t sound very professional of Kyle.

Diane: Uh-uh.

Michael: Well, maybe a little time off will, um, shake a little sense into the boy.

Diane: Oh, I doubt he’s doing any self-reflecting. Especially since he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. And besides, it almost sounds like he’s already found another job.

Michael: Hmm. Really? Where would Kyle land so fast?

Diane: I’m not sure. He– he was kind of vague about the details, but he just– he said he had something in the works. You know what? It almost sounds like he welcomed being cut loose.

Michael: I wonder.

Diane: What? Have you heard any rumors? Do you know something?

Michael: No, no. It’s– The timing’s interesting.

Diane: Michael, don’t be so cryptic.

Michael: Okay. It’s just a hunch, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Kyle’s job can be traced right back to Victor.

Diane: What?

Victoria: Mmm. You do make a really excellent cup of tea.

Cole: Hmm. Well, I was always a coffee guy before I lived in England. But the Brits, they made me appreciate a good afternoon cuppa.

Victoria: Oh, look at him now. He could serve the King.

Cole: Well, I was always amazed at how seriously they took their tea rituals. You know, it’s a lot more than just boiling water.

Victoria: Oh, you’ve mastered it, for sure.

Cole: Hmm. Well, I could teach you.

Victoria: Mm-mmm. No, I know you could, but I prefer you serving me, actually.

Claire: You two are adorable.

Cole: All right, okay. On another subject. I was hoping that we could have dinner tonight. The three of us. My treat.

Claire: I would love that, but you two are going to have to go without me.

Victoria: Okay. Enough with this whole matchmaking thing.

Claire: That isn’t it. I have other plans.

Victoria: Oh, well, I’m– I’m so happy that you’re making friends. You going to have another girls’ night with Mariah? Is Tessa going to join you this time?

Claire: Actually, it’s with Kyle.

Audra: Hello.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. Look at the two of you. By now, I thought you might have strangled each other, but that obviously is not the case.

Audra: Well, thank you for meeting us, Victor. Uh, we wanted to tell you we’ve smoothed out our differences.

Kyle: And how excited we are to be working with each other.

Victor: I’m so glad to hear that. Please have a seat. You know, I somehow felt that you would reach common ground.

Kyle: Your pitch was persuasive.

Victor: Thank you. Are you all right with leaving Jabot?

Kyle: It’s done. I’m out completely.

Victor: Huh. Welcome.

Audra: Well, we are ready to move full speed ahead. The first step is a press release announcing Glissade’s new leadership team.

Kyle: And how we will be presenting ourselves as the next big thing in the industry, highlighting my experience at Jabot.

Audra: Yeah, we’ll work on that language. Uh, for now, we wanted to see how you wanted us to position your role.

Victor: I want you to keep my name out of it. The mystery investor will remain a mystery.

Victoria: Is this a date?

Cole: I mean, I haven’t even had a drink with this young man yet. Sussed out his intentions.

Claire: Don’t you start.

Cole: Only seems fair to me. I mean, you’ve been giving it to us here.

Claire: It’s not a date. And the topic is going to be Harrison. I– I overheard a heated conversation between Kyle and Summer earlier. I heard lawyers mentioned. So, Kyle suggested we talk about it at dinner.

Victoria: Are you sure you should be going?

Claire: Why wouldn’t I?

Victoria: Because Kyle is technically your boss. And so is Summer. I mean, what if he is trying to win you over to his side of some argument? You should not get in the middle of some conflict between Harrison’s parents. Especially if it’s some legal battle.

Claire: I think you’re overreacting. If anything, he wants a friendly ear.

Victoria: Well, I don’t like it.

Claire: Well, I’m not worried. And you shouldn’t be either. I should go. I have an errand that I want to run first, and I don’t want to be late. You two have a lovely dinner without me.

Cole: Hmm. So, let me guess. You’re going to worry.

Victoria: Oh, absolutely.

Kyle: Victor, I… I hope you don’t mind me asking a question.

Victor: No, go ahead.

Kyle: Why invest so much money into Glissade if you want to remain anonymous? Newman Enterprises used to be quite the player at one point in time. Even rivaled Jabot. I think we should play that up in the press. Why wouldn’t we?

Audra: Well, I think it’s Victor’s prerogative if he wants to be named or not.

Kyle: Well, I just don’t understand the secrecy. Unless, there’s a reason you don’t want your involvement.

Victor: Well, Kyle, there’s nothing nefarious about my decision. All I want to happen is that Glissade succeeds on its own merits. And yours.

Kyle: I’m sorry. I’m– I’m just having a difficult time believing this is just a selfless gesture.

Nikki: I haven’t replaced you yet, not that you are replaceable.

Jack: Nikki, this is an important part of your recovery. You know that. I am sorry I left you in the lurch here.

Nikki: No, you didn’t, Jack. I’ve just been busy focusing on my outpatient treatment, and I decided to wait until that was over, because it can be pretty intense. But I see it as serving the role of a sponsor.

Jack: Okay, I can see that. But if it is that strenuous, a sponsor could offer a lot of support.

Nikki: I know. I know. And don’t worry. I will do it. Soon. I’m feeling so well that, uh, I’m ready to go back to Newman Media.

Jack: Hey, that is great. Work has always given you purpose and focus, and that kind of accomplishment can be empowering.

Nikki: Thank you.

Jack: For what?

Nikki: Understanding that about me.

Jack: You and I know each other pretty well.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. Well, Victor is fighting me on it. Even though I told him I would ease my way in and share my responsibilities, he is digging in. But I know, I know. It’s only out of concern and love.

Jack: He does have a powerful need to protect you.

Nikki: He insists that he knows what I need better than I do. It’s infuriating. It– it’s exhausting. I want to go back to work.

Jack: Well, hopefully, Victor will come around soon.

Nikki: Ever the diplomat. Look, I hope things have calmed down between you and Diane. I still feel guilty that I’m the reason that you jeopardized your life and your marriage.

Diane: What are you saying? You think Kyle’s going to work for Victor Newman?

Michael: I don’t know if that’s exactly it. It’s, like I said, the– the timing. I just think there’s a connection between all this.

Diane: All what?

Michael: Remember how you witnessed Victor firing me?

Diane: Oh, that’s hard to forget.

Michael: Hmm.

Diane: Mmm.

Michael: Well, in order to get back into his good graces, he gave me sort of a loyalty test. I was supposed to rekindle my friendship with you.

Diane: Excuse me?

Michael: Yeah! I had the same reaction.

Diane: Yeah, but why would he do that? How does our friendship benefit Victor?

Michael: I don’t know.

Diane: Okay, hang on a second. So, that’s why you invited me for coffee? You’re sitting there pretending to be my friend when what you’re really doing is pumping me for information for Victor?

Michael: If I didn’t think of you as a true and trustworthy friend, why would I be telling you all this?

Diane: Well, I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe it’s part of your strategy. Maybe the two of you staged that whole firing in front of me so that I would feel sorry for you, and now you’re pretending to confide in me, when what you’re really doing is helping your boss plan some kind of attack on me.

Michael: Attack?

Diane: Yeah.

Michael: I would never do that to you.

Diane: Well, I don’t know if I believe you. Victor’s manipulations are legendary, and for some reason, the man inspires loyalty in you.

Michael: Please, please just listen to me? I don’t– Listen! I don’t think you’re the target.

Diane: Well, I’m sure Victor doesn’t want you to befriend me because I’m lonely. He clearly has an agenda.

Michael: You think? Of course, he does. After he asked me to do this, he asked Cole to cozy up to Kyle. Now, think about it. Why? Why would he do that?

Diane: Um, okay, so maybe it’s because Claire is Harrison’s nanny, and he doesn’t trust the Abbotts, so he wants Cole to be pals with Kyle, so that it’s some sort of extra security for Claire under the evil Abbott roof.

Michael: No. I’ve known Victor a long time. I know the way he thinks. It’s bigger. It’s bigger than that.

Diane: So, what is it?

Michael: What’s the common denominator between you and Kyle?

Diane: Of course. This has to do with Jack.

Jack: You are not responsible for any tension in my marriage. That’s on me. I’m the one who chose to take the pills that night.

Nikki: Because you were trying to help me.

Jack: Yes, but I think you’ll agree, I went a step too far. And frankly, it was Diane’s fear of my actions that made me see that clearly.

Nikki: So, she was angry.

Jack: She was furious.

[ Nikki sighing ]

Nikki: The things that happened that night are still causing trouble for you, and I hate that. Jack, be honest with me. Diane is the reason why you decided not to continue as my sponsor.

Jack: Her fear may have been a factor, but don’t blame her for this. It was my choice.

Nikki: Well, as much as I would like to, I can’t hold it against her.

Jack: Stop blaming yourself, too. Look, we have worked our way through this.

Nikki: You have, really?

Jack: I swear. We are on the other side of that particular conflict.

Nikki: So, there’s another one.

Jack: The tension between Diane and Kyle hit a breaking point today.

Nikki: That’s what’s been weighing on you.

Jack: It is tearing me apart.

Nikki: Talk to me, Jack. Let me be there for you the way you have been here for me.

Audra: Victor’s investment is a big vote of confidence in the company and us.

Kyle: It would be, if he wasn’t remaining anonymous.

Audra: Leave it.

Victor: Audra, that’s all right. I actually respect Kyle’s suspicion, and his skepticism. Indicative of an active mind.

Kyle: Thank you.

Victor: But my decision stands, and I want you to now redirect your active mind to the business at hand, okay? I expect great things from both of you.

Kyle: Thank you, Victor.

Audra: Thank you.

Kyle: Bye.

Audra: Here’s a helpful career tip. Don’t disrespect the person signing your paychecks. Or are you trying to insult your way out of a job?

Kyle: Oh, I’m not going anywhere. Victor and I go way back. You heard him. He admires someone who looks at all the angles.

Audra: Yeah, apparently not enough to answer all your obnoxious questions.

Kyle: What? You’re telling me you’re not at least suspicious of his motives.

Audra: The– the why doesn’t matter. He made it possible for me to take Glissade from Tucker. I don’t see why you can’t let it go.

Kyle: Oh, I don’t know. A gut feeling? Come on, Audra. He purchased a cosmetics company that, if we succeed, will rival Jabot. Then he lured me away from that family company and made me co-CEO.

Audra: Well, it didn’t take a lot of luring. Sounded like you were ready to jump ship.

Kyle: Yes, because there has been a lot of behind-the-scenes drama that has made me dissatisfied. You’ve known this.

Audra: I’ve known about you pretending it existed to double-cross Tucker.

Kyle: And now it’s all real, and Victor’s taking advantage of it. But there’s no way he could have known about how I felt before he gave me the job offer. That’s what bothers me. He came to me out of the blue, said that I should have the top spot over my mom. He was working me. I didn’t bite. I didn’t agree with him. Not at first.

Audra: Doesn’t mean he doesn’t sense your real feelings. He’s savvy. Good at reading people.

Kyle: Yeah, so am I. Which is why I think this job offer has very little to do with Victor’s great confidence in me. No, no, this is about Victor versus my father. He… He is up to something.

Audra: And what if he is? Is that a deal-breaker? Are you going to go running back to play third fiddle at your family’s company again?

Kyle: All I want is Glissade to be a success. If that is a blow against Jabot, all the better.

Diane: Victor’s hatred of Jack is epic. I should know. I was wounded in many of their battles. But is this really war again?

Michael: Please, I’ve never bought any of their declarations of peace. They were tenuous at best. And now, these two seemingly innocuous requests of Cole and me to befriend you and Kyle. I– I can’t stop spinning scenarios in my head. And none of them are good.

Diane: Well, Victor was furious with Jack when he, you know, overdosed, took pills, to try and help Nikki. He said it was stupid, it was dangerous, and that Jack would regret it.

Michael: Yeah, and he didn’t waste any time riling you up about it, from what you told me about that conversation I walked in on.

Diane: Yeah, it was right before you were fired. Victor made a big point of sitting down and– and telling me how Jack’s actions were a massive betrayal of me.

Michael: He was trying to stir up trouble between you and Jack.

Jack: Ever since I made Diane my co-CEO, and moved Kyle to the Chief Operating Officer spot, the conflict between them has grown.

Nikki: Kyle hasn’t liked taking orders from his mother.

Jack: No, more like he’s telling the whole world that he is the better person for her job, including Diane.

Nikki: Hmm. She didn’t take that well.

Jack: No, not well at all. She tries to talk to him, that only makes matters worse. He denies it, claims she’s overreacting, being too sensitive. He’s only doing his job.

Nikki: Well, is he?

Jack: He’s overreached. He definitely has. And a few too many times, and Diane felt she had no choice but to fire him.

Nikki: Oh, my God. How did he take that?

Jack: Not well. I’ve stayed out of it, hoping the two of them could work things out, and now I regret that. If I’d only somehow intervened, maybe we could stop things from escalating this far.

Nikki: Jack, it is not your fault. I doubt you could have changed the outcome. Maybe it was just a momentary flare-up, and they’ll come around.

Jack: I’m not so sure. Kyle may have found a new job.

Nikki: What? Where?

Jack: He won’t say.

Kyle: Here I invite you to dinner and I’m late.

Claire: Oh, so rude. No. I’ve only been here for like two minutes.

Kyle: Still, I apologize.

Claire: No need. Busy day?

Kyle: To say the least.

Claire: Well, I know you said you wanted to fill me in on what was going on between you and Summer, but I get the feeling you’d rather forget about today.

Kyle: Well, tempting as it is, I think I need to process it. Things got even more complicated after I saw you.

Claire: Happy to listen.

Kyle: Well, first, I think I need to fill you in on what you walked in on between Summer and me. She wants to revisit our custody arrangement.

Claire: It’s because of me, isn’t it?

Kyle: Uh, I suppose that’s part of it. She’s not, um, getting used to you being Harrison’s nanny as quickly as I thought she would.

Claire: Am I being fired?

Kyle: What? No, no, of course not. Harrison adores you. Summer accepts and acknowledges that. She appreciates it.

Claire: Thank goodness.

Kyle: I think there’s something else at play here. Summer doesn’t like a business move I’m making,

Claire: Mmm, why would Summer care about that?

Kyle: I need you to keep this quiet for now.

Claire: I won’t tell a soul.

Kyle: Summer doesn’t like who I’m going into business with. A woman named Audra Charles.

Claire: Audra? I know Audra from my time at Newman Media when I was Nikki’s assistant.

Kyle: Huh.

Claire: She’s a powerhouse. I got the sense that she didn’t trust me, but she had good reason.

Kyle: Well, she doesn’t trust me either.

Claire: But she hired you?

Kyle: Well, she runs a cosmetics company, and I know the industry.

Claire: And why would that bother Summer?

Kyle: Audra and I worked together before, and we have a tumultuous history.

Claire: So, why would you leave your good job Jabot to work together again?

Kyle: I was fired by my mother.

Claire: Well, now this all makes a little bit more sense.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Claire: Can I give you some unsolicited advice?

Kyle: Sure.

Claire: Revenge is never worth it.

Cole: You’re awfully quiet.

Victoria: Sorry, I just– I can’t shake this worry that I have about Claire.

Cole: Well, I know you have concerns about her having dinner with Kyle, but she assured you that it’s all right. And she was so excited and upbeat.

Victoria: Yeah, but that’s what I’m worried about. I just don’t want her getting caught in the middle of something messy.

Cole: It’s just a meal.

Victoria: Yeah, but what is Kyle’s agenda? She said that Summer mentioned lawyers. I mean, clearly there is some kind of conflict between the two of them. And if it’s about Harrison, what if Kyle is trying to get Claire on his side?

Cole: That’s a lot of assumptions.

Victoria: Well, I have been in divorces and– and custody battles, and– and it can get very ugly. And– Summer, she’s– she’s never trusted Claire. She never wanted her to be Harrison’s nanny in the first place. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see this ending well.

Cole: Vic, it’s just– it’s just none of our business.

Victoria: It is! It is our business when Claire might be caught in the middle of all of it.

Cole: Okay, okay. All right.

Victoria: I’m sorry. I– I know I’m worrying about the what-ifs. I get that, but this is all so new to Claire, and I feel like it’s my job to look out for her.

Cole: You’re doing a great job. I mean, look at how far she’s come.

Victoria: Mm. Yeah, well, a big part of that is due to you.

[ Cole sighing ]

Cole: It’s the great joy of my life to see her so happy.

Victoria: Yes, I want– I want her to stay that way.

Cole: Well– Vic, Vic, listen, honey. We have got to let her make her own choices.

Victoria: Yes, I know that, but we also– We have to at least try to undo some of the damage that Jordan did raising her. That witch was nothing but… revengeful, and– and she taught her nothing but manipulation. And we need to show her that there’s another life, and try to steer her away from conflict.

Cole: You’re right, about all of that. But there’s also a part of that that’s leading by example.

Victoria: I’m sorry. I don’t follow.

Cole: To teach her to enjoy the here and the now, and no more of the spinning these worst-case scenarios.

Victoria: Are you saying that’s what I’m doing?

Cole: Did you see how happy she was when she walked out that door?

[ Victoria sighing ]

Victoria: Yes, but I–

Cole: Okay, I think for tonight, that we let her have dinner with a friend, free of any worries or strife.

Kyle: Taking this job with Audra, it isn’t about payback.

Claire: So, you have no feelings about your mother firing you?

Kyle: Oh, no, I have plenty. Uh, relief, excitement, hope. I– it’s the best thing that could have happened. I mean, things with my mom were becoming untenable. I was ready to quit.

Claire: But she beat you to it?

Kyle: I rescued a deal for the company that she was about to botch. Her ego was hurt, so she handed me my walking papers.

Claire: And what about your father? Doesn’t he have the last word?

Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm. He backed her up.

Claire: Ouch.

Kyle: Mm.

Claire: That’s gotta hurt.

Kyle: No, it– it was the best thing that could have happened. I mean, I can leave the family company without any guilt. I can put all that frustration behind me and now I can show the world what I can do. I– I’m free to show what Kyle Abbott can achieve when he’s not being held back by good old mom and dad.

Claire: I’m glad that you seem so happy about it.

Kyle: I am. You know, I– I– I want to toast to my new freedom. I– I want to turn this dinner into a celebration, uh… to my day of liberation.

[ Claire laughing ]

Michael: So, did Victor’s tactics work?

[ Diane laughing ]

Diane: Well, I knew he was pushing my buttons. But like I told you then, I was as upset with Jack as he was. Maybe even more so. I mean, Victor and Jack are sworn enemies, but Jack is my husband. I expected better of him. And as much as I hate to admit it, Victor’s right. I– I did feel betrayed by the risk Jack took for Nikki.

Michael: So he did. He did. He stirred up trouble between you and Jack.

Diane: No, because I knew Victor was goading me. I didn’t run home and start a fight about it.

Michael: No, but it did get under your skin.

Diane: All right, well, there hasn’t been any more problems about that. I think that knowing that Jack’s not Nikki’s sponsor any more has helped.

Michael: So, it hasn’t caused any lingering issues between you two?

Diane: Why are you pushing me on this?

Michael: Because if this is Victor’s new mind game, I’m trying to see if it’s working.

Diane: Well, Michael, you even warned me yourself about Jack and Nikki’s incredible bond. But no, there hasn’t been any more tension on that front.

Michael: Then fine, so things are still solid between you and Jack. That’s a relief.

Diane: Why are you telling me all this, anyway? If– if Victor’s really planning all this, then you’re betraying his trust. I mean, I thought the whole point of befriending me was to prove your loyalty to him.

Michael: Because I get the sense that I might have to step in and protect Victor from himself.

[ Diane chuckling ]

Diane: How noble of you.

Michael: And more importantly, I care about you, Diane. You’re my friend. And I don’t want to see you trapped in another Victor-Jack war. You’ve turned your life around. You don’t need Victor to implode it now.

Victor: Thank you.

Diane: Oh. Oh, by all means, Victor. Join us.

Victor: So, I understand your son Kyle is leaving Jabot?

Diane: Oh, listening to idle gossip? How unbecoming.

Victor: Well, I gotta tell you that I’m not surprised, because every time I’ve run into him in the past, he seems to complain about being constrained by his parents.

Diane: You know, Victor, why don’t you find someone else to aim your insults at today?

Michael: Yes, Victor. Diane’s not looking for a fight.

Victor: I’m not fighting, I’m just making an observation, you know? Yeah. I’m not blaming you for his dissatisfaction, I blame Jack.

Diane: Well, I’m probably going to regret this, but how do you figure that?

Victor: You know, he made the egregious mistake of appointing you as co-CEO of Jabot. You certainly weren’t qualified, were you? By doing so, he demoted his own son, therefore causing a lot of upset and dissatisfaction. And you are hardly qualified to fill that position, are you?

Diane: Wow, I do regret that. Um, my promotion was not just Jack’s decision. Kyle was very much a part of the discussion. But you know what? Your rumor sources are correct. Kyle is leaving Jabot, and I heard that he might already have another job.

Victor: Hm.

Diane: Hm.

Victor: Well, I’m sorry that he’s leaving you. Let me ask you something. When will you run out of excuses for Jack Abbott?

Diane: Well, let me ask you something. When are you going to explain yourself? Because I know that you hate me as much as you hate Jack, and yet lately you’re trying to protect me. So, what are you up to?

Nikki: Why would Kyle be secretive about his new position? You’re going to find out about it anyway.

Jack: That’s the worst part of it. Kyle is so bitter, it’s like he’s holding back information just to punish Diane and me.

Nikki: Well, he might be mad at her, but he worships you.

Jack: Well, he may have at one time, but not right now, and I hate it. We live in the same house, we are family first and foremost, far more important than anything that happens at the office.

Nikki: And you will find a way to remind him of that. He just needs time to cool off.

Jack: God, the look in his eye when I backed Diane and her decision, it cut right through me.

Nikki: So you agreed with her that he needed to be fired?

Jack: No, in the moment, I understood he pushed her to that decision, but now I’m wondering what it’s going to cost us. I mean, it’s one thing to lose a COO, it’s quite another when your son decides to cut you out of his personal life.

Nikki: Jack, I can see that you’re hurting. You will find a way to bring your family together, I know it. That’s who you are.

Kyle: To a new chapter.

Claire: I’ve never really had champagne like this before.

Kyle: Oh, you mean this expensive? It’s definitely a different experience than the cheap stuff.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: No, I mean, I don’t really drink alcohol.

Kyle: Wait, you’re kidding. I could have sworn I’ve seen you with a drink.

Claire: You’ve seen me with the seltzer and lime. Sometimes, I order a glass of wine to fit in.

Kyle: What about margarita night with Mariah?

Claire: Sometimes, I take a few sips so that no one feels weird. Mariah went through all that effort. I didn’t want her to feel awkward or like she was drinking alone. But you’d be amazed, people don’t really seem to notice if you don’t make a big deal about it. And here I am making a big deal about it. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put a damper on your celebration.

Kyle: No, no, no, no, I had no idea you were sober.

Claire: Oh, no, it’s– it’s not like that, it’s just… Jordan forbade it. She said it clouds your judgment, so I never developed a habit or– or a taste for it.

Kyle: Well, let’s get you a mocktail to toast with.

Claire: Well, hang on there, just a second. I’m actually quite curious. Champagne always seemed so elegant to me, like something that fun and carefree people always have in the fridge, ready to pop open with any excuse.

Kyle: Mm, I don’t want to corrupt you.

Claire: Well, I can take a sip. To toast. To new chapters.

Kyle: For both of us. Hm?

Claire: Mm!

Kyle: Hm. Hm.

[ Kyle laughing ]

Claire: Bubbly.

Kyle: Nice try, but that is not a face that says carefree and fun.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: I guess I’ll have to stick to my usual.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. One seltzer and lime, coming up.

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Victor: But you’re quite right, I do not like you. But my loathing of your husband supersedes that. Hope you both end up desperate, and alone and miserable. And I’m sure I won’t have to lift a finger to make that happen. You do it all on your own.

Diane: Wow. There’s the Victor that I know so well.

Victor: Mmm.

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Michael, kindly follow me to the ranch. Some business to discuss.

Michael: I thought I was fired.

Victor: I’ll see you at the ranch.

[ Diane scoffing ]

[ Michael scoffing ].

Michael: I admire your fortitude for sitting through all that hot mess without exploding. And thank you for not throwing me under the bus by revealing what I told you.

Diane: Well, I wouldn’t have done that to you. And I doubt it would have helped get a straight answer out of him anyway.

[ Michael chuckling ]

Michael: The man remains a mystery.

[ Diane laughing ]

Diane: I think you like the challenge of figuring him out. And I hope you do. Because I’m convinced you’re right. He’s after Jack. But how? What is his plan of attack?

Michael: Well, by the way he’s prodding you, he’s definitely ramping up against Jack. But how and when the attack will happen, only Victor knows for sure.

Diane: All right, follow him to the ranch and see what you can find out. I need to tell Jack about this so we can get ahead of it, before it’s too late.

Kyle: Oh, thank you for joining me. I had a good time. Talking to you made the stress of today disappear.

Claire: Are you sure that wasn’t the champagne?

Kyle: That may have played a part, given that I had to drink most of the bottle.

Claire: Well, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you with that.

Kyle: We should do this again. Find you a perfect signature mocktail.

Claire: Something that says fun and elegant and carefree?

Kyle: I don’t think you need a drink to say that. It’s who you are.

Claire: I’d like to do this again sometime.

Kyle: Yeah, me too.

Claire: Bye.

Kyle: Bye.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Cole: Well, you’re being just a little obvious.

Victoria: What? I thought I heard something, that’s all.

Cole: Ah, you’re watching for Claire to come home from dinner.

Victoria: Look, I know it’s silly. I know she’s a grown woman, but I can’t help it. We– we weren’t there for her teenage years. We didn’t get to be there for her first date.

Cole: Are you going to pounce on her the moment she walks through the door?

Victoria: Yes, I am. And I don’t care what you say. I — I want all the details. I want her to recount the whole evening. I’m a mother. It’s my prerogative to be overprotective.

Cole: Well, I’m not going to try to talk you out of it anymore because I think it’s sweet. And if you’re going to continue to be the worried mom, I am going to be the reassuring dad.

Victoria: Okay, then. You can tell me what I want to hear.

Cole: Our daughter is safe, and she’s happy, and she’s going to stay that way.

[ Cole chuckling ]

Diane: Oh, good. I’m glad you’re home. I have some news.

Jack: Please tell me you worked things out with Kyle.

Diane: No, no, no. But I was having an interesting conversation with Michael Baldwin. And Victor showed up and started talking about Kyle leaving Jabot.

Jack: But how would he know that already?

Diane: That’s exactly my question. Jack, I think Victor’s up to something. And Michael thinks that Kyle’s job prospect has something to do with Newman Enterprises.

[ door opening ]

Jack: Kyle would not dare to… Hey! What are you up to with Victor Newman?

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Michael invites Diane for a Chai latte and a talk and, while they are talking, Diane figures out Michael is trying to get information from her for Victor. Michael decides to tell Diane that Victor asked him to befriend her as a loyalty test for Victor. Michael also tells Diane Victor asked Cole to befriend Kyle and Michael. He suspects that Kyle’s new job may be connected to Newman Enterprises. Michael tells Diane that he thinks Victor is going after Jack, but he doesn’t know what Victor’s plan is yet. Michael thinks he will need to step in to save Victor from himself and he doesn’t want Diane to get caught in the crossfire of the latest war between Jack and Victor. Victor sees Michael and Diane talking and tells her that he knows Kyle has another job.

Kyle has a date with Claire and he tells her coffee Summer wants to revisit their custody arrangement because he doesn’t approve of his business relationship with Audra.

Kyle tells Audra he thinks Victor wants to use Glissade against Jack but, despite his doubts, he intends to make Glissade a success.

Jack tells Nikki Diane fired Kyle because he kept undermining her authority. Jack also tells Nikki he and Diane think Kyle has a new job. Diane tells Jack that Victor talked to her and he already knew Kyle left Jabot. Kyle comes home and Jack asks him what is going on between him and Victor.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, July 1, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Summer: Yeah, I’m just at the house to check on Harrison now, so could you push my four o’clock to five? You know what, actually? Could we just reschedule that for tomorrow morning? Yeah, I just want to spend some extra time with my little guy. Okay, thank you. Bye.

Traci: Abby, honey, I’m going to go make some tea. Would you like some?

Abby: No, thank you.

Traci: Something a little stronger, maybe? Abby, are you okay?

Abby: I guess so.

Traci: Ashley was so happy to see you. She just lit up when you walked into the room. It was the right thing for you to come.

Abby: It was so hard to see her that way. Locked away in an institution. So vulnerable and alone. I had no idea it had gotten this bad.

Traci: I know. We– we didn’t know that either until we came back to Paris the second time and your mom was able to sort of put together what happened to her.

Abby: It sounded so terrible.

Traci: It was. But Ashley is on her way back. She has made tremendous progress. Even since the last time I was there to visit. That’s what you have to hold on to. Focus on the hope that Ashley can put all of this behind her.

[ Abby sighing ]

Billy: Hey, just the two of us?

Lily: Uh, yeah. Devon’s on his way.

Billy: Okay, great. When he arrives, we will call Abby and Jill and we can get the show on the road. Abbott-Chancellor, here we come.

Lily: Well, I wouldn’t get ahead of yourself.

Billy: Why do you say that? Is there a problem?

Lily: Uh, have you spoken to Jill?

Billy: Yeah, I talked to her this morning. I made sure that she knows everything’s going to go according to plan.

Lily: Okay, well, that’s not the message that I got. She’s concerned that maybe I’m not completely on board with the move and that I might be having second thoughts.

Billy: Well, I hope you set her straight.

Lily: I mean, I tried to reassure her.

Billy: You’re not thinking about what Devon said yesterday, are you?

Lily: No.

Billy: Okay, because Lily, I swear on my life, I would never do that, okay? I would never use you to try and push this vote through. I would never betray you like that. And if I’m excited and jazzed up about running this company together with you, it’s because– because I am, and I think it’s going to be great, and I hope that you feel the same way.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, I’m going to follow through on what needs to be done and that I can promise.

Billy: Okay, good. That’s all I needed to hear.

Lily: I think the person that we have to worry about is your mother.

Summer: Hi.

Claire: Hello, Summer.

Summer: I was hoping to take Harrison out for some ice cream after his first day at camp.

Claire: Oh, no, I’m sorry.

Summer: Don’t tell me you beat me to it again.

Claire: It isn’t that. Um, Harrison’s just so worn out from playing with the other kids that he’s upstairs right now taking a nap. I think all that activity must have gotten to him.

Summer: Are you sure that’s all it is?

Claire: What do you mean?

Summer: Well, it’s just, it’s Harrison’s first day being away by himself since the kidnapping and I’m just– I’m worried that he might be having some issues with that.

Claire: He didn’t seem to be.

Summer: What about the other campers? I mean, were they giving him a hard time at all?

Claire: No. Summer, everyone got along great. Harrison had a really good day. And a lot of his friends go to this camp. They all know the story, or a version of it, and they think Harrison’s a hero.

Summer: And you see that as a positive thing?

Claire: I don’t see it as a problem. Do you?

Summer: Harrison might enjoy the attention right now, but it also could trigger traumatic memories for him when he was terrified. I just, I don’t want him to have any more nightmares.

Claire: I understand your concerns. I have the same ones. But I swear to you that if I thought those things were happening, I would tell you. I feel like camp is a great thing for him right now.

Summer: So, you’re an expert on summer camps, too.

Abby: You know, Aunt Traci, I’m trying to stay positive, but when I think about what my mom went through with Alan’s psychotic brother.

Traci: Yes, if it was a horror movie, nobody would believe it.

Abby: And I was in the dark the whole time. Even when I felt like my mom was off, I just went about my life thinking that my mom was having mood swings. But the truth was, she was being driven out of her mind.

Traci: I know and I’m so sorry.

Abby: How could you do this to me? You didn’t think I could handle it?

Traci: No, no, that’s not it at all.

Abby: Because I can, you know?

Traci: Of course you can, Abby. Of course, you can.

Abby: Then why did everyone shut me out? I wanted to be there for my mom, the way that she had been there for me all of these years, but my mom must have been thinking her– her only daughter was the only person in her family who didn’t care about what she was going through.

Traci: That’s not it at all. Ashley wanted to protect you.

Abby: You know, Billy said the same thing. But I don’t know because my mom is struggling. She was struggling and you want me to believe that she had the frame of mind to order you to keep me out of it?

Traci: Honey, it’s the truth. When Ashley was really herself, she didn’t want any of this to worry you.

Abby: You should have told me.

Traci: You know what? If we had it to do over again, we would. Your mother was in such a fragile state of mind, we didn’t want to do anything to upset her. You’re right. Abby, we had no business making that decision for you. I’m sorry. I, of all people, should know better.

Abby: Why? What do you mean?

Traci: Well, I– I’ve always been the youngest, until years later when Billy came along, Jack and Ashley’s first instinct was always to protect me from any crisis in the family. It got even worse when I moved to New York. Some harrowing thing would happen and I wouldn’t hear about it for weeks, sometimes months.

Abby: So, you get it.

Traci: I do get it and I should have got it sooner. And I promise, it will never happen again. Not with me.

[ knocking on door ]

Alan: Hello.

Traci: Alan, what are you doing here? Hi.

Alan: Special delivery.

Traci: What– what’s this?

Alan: Something I thought you might like. Open it. Go ahead.

Traci: Uh, okay.

[ Traci gasping ]

Traci: Oh, it’s– it’s gorgeous.

Alan: I saw you admiring it through the window of that boutique, so I thought I’d surprise you.

Traci: You did.

Alan: Good.

Traci: Thank you. Alan, I just– I love it. Oh, my gosh. Come in. Please come in. Sorry.

Alan: Abby.

Abby: Hi.

Alan: When– when did you get in?

Abby: Last night.

Alan: Abby, Ashley’s gonna be so happy that you’re here. She’s gonna be really thrilled to see you.

Traci: Actually, we just came from visiting her.

Alan: And how did she seem?

Traci: Um, Abby is a little shaken by seeing her mom in the hospital like that, but as I explained, it’s night and day from when she was admitted. I really feel like her treatment is going very well.

Alan: This is what my colleagues are saying as well. You know, they’re all very optimistic about a full recovery, really. But it’s just one small step at a time, you know?

Abby: Yeah, yeah, I’m– I’m trying to accept that, but it’s hard since this is all new information for me.

Alan: Yeah.

Abby: But, Alan, I’m actually glad that you’re here because I wanted to thank you in person for everything you did for my mom.

Alan: Oh, well, that’s, uh, that’s very kind of you, although I wouldn’t be surprised if you felt the opposite way.

Abby: You’re not responsible for what your brother did.

Traci: That’s what I keep reminding him.

Abby: You know, what happened to my mom was– was horrible, but you lost your brother and I can’t imagine how hard that is.

Alan: I lost Martin a long time ago, really, but, uh, thank you. Thank you very much. That was very kind of you to say.

[ phone pinging ]

Traci: Is everything all right, honey?

Abby: You know how I said I was strong enough to handle anything? This might put that to the test.

Billy: You don’t have to worry about Mom.

Lily: Well, you keep saying that, but she did not seem like she was on board with the dividing the companies. She had very strong concerns.

Billy: Okay, yeah, she voiced those concerns to me as well, but I think one thing we’re forgetting here is that I have her voting power, okay, so it’s gonna be fine.

Lily: Are you sure that’s still on?

Billy: Yes, of course it is.

Lily: Then why did she tell me that she might vote on her own today? Oh, my God. Billy, I thought you had this wrapped up.

Billy: I did. I do.

Lily: Okay, it doesn’t seem that way.

Billy: No, let’s not blow this out of proportion.

Lily: This plan is completely off the rails.

Billy: Lily, it’s fine.

Lily: I mean, you led me, you led all of us to believe that she was 100% on board with this. So were you lying or was that just false bravado?

Billy: No, of course not. I’ll call her right now to work it out.

Lily: It’s too late for that.

Billy: Lily, calm down. We’re fine.

Lily: Okay, don’t tell me to calm down because I might have just turned on my brother for nothing. I mean, what are we gonna do? We’re gonna work here miserably ever after?

Billy: Of course not.

Lily: How do you think that’s gonna turn out?

Billy: Listen, hold on. Just let me explain it, okay?

Lily: Yeah, sure, explain how we’re headed off a cliff.

Billy: Lily, we’re fine. I did not lie to you and I’m not trying to be big man here, okay? I am very confident that my mother is not gonna backstab me like that. She knows how important this is to me personally and professionally, and if she did something like that, that type of betrayal would cause a permanent rupture. She does not want that right now, especially not now, okay? This vote will go our way. I promise you that. This merger will end today as is planned.

Devon: Everybody ready for this meeting?

Lily: Uh, yeah. Jill and Abby are ready to go.

Devon: Let’s do it.

Billy: Um, can you give me a minute? Actually, there’s, uh… There’s something I would like to share with you.

Devon: Can we just get to the end of this meeting, Billy?

Billy: I think you’re gonna want to know this.

Devon: If this is, like, a last-minute trick you’re trying to pull, I’m gonna leave.

Billy: It’s not. In fact, I think it’ll help explain my reasoning and my urgency behind wanting to separate the companies.

Devon: Okay.

Billy: Uh… my mom… she’s sick.

Traci: Well, this board meeting sounds really big.

Abby: It is. I– I wish I could tell you about it, but, um–

Traci: Oh, honey, no. I’ve been around enough Jabot deals. I understand discretion. You tell me about it when it’s all over.

Abby: I will. I promise.

Traci: I have no doubt that whatever decision is required, you’ll make the right one.

Abby: Thank you. Um, I’m gonna go take it up in my bedroom. That way, it won’t bother you two.

Alan: Well, I was, uh, gonna ask Traci out for drinks anyway, if you’d like.

Traci: Oh, I would love to.

Alan: All right, great. And please, uh, join us after your call, if you’d like. We’ll have Traci text you where we are.

Traci: Is it the same place?

Alan: Yes. It’s beginning to feel like our place a little bit, huh? Shall we?

Traci: Yeah, let’s.

Abby: All right. And we’ll, uh, we’ll talk to you later.

Traci: Bye.

Alan: Bye-bye.

Devon: What do you mean that she’s sick? Like, what’s wrong with her?

Billy: Fancy medical words for her heart. It’s not working the way it’s supposed to.

Devon: And what did the doctors say?

Billy: Well, I mean, she’s getting treatment and they’re testing new medications, but, uh, she’s not out of the woods yet, and you know doctors, they’re not gonna guarantee anything.

Devon: All right. And it’s been going on for a while? Wow.

Billy: Look, I would have said something earlier, but she swore me to secrecy, but I– I hope this helps you understand why I wanted to add– want to add Abbott to the company letterhead because, you know, for her… For her legacy while she’s still here to see it.

Devon: Yeah. All right. And, hey, you knew about this?

Lily: I did.

Billy: Lily’s the only one that I confided in, and– and Chance knows because my mom told him personally, but she doesn’t want anyone to know about this, so out of respect for my mom, I hope we can not say anything during the call.

Devon: Oh, yeah, for sure.

Billy: Thank you.

Devon: I won’t say a word.

Billy: Appreciate it.

Devon: Yeah. I do find this very interesting, though.

Billy: What’s interesting?

Devon: The timing is interesting. It’s… You essentially decided to drop this bomb right before we’re about to decide on dividing the company.

Billy: Yeah, I– I understand that, but I– I thought it’d be a good thing to, uh, to let you know where I’m coming from.

Devon: Well, I think the– the jury is still out on that.

Billy: Why do you say that?

Devon: Well, because you could have shared this information with me back when Jill first gave you all of her power, or when you first came up with this idea to demerge the company. But you didn’t do that. You’ve waited ’til right now. And why at the last moment? Is it to try and get a sympathy vote out of me?

Billy: I see it as a courtesy.

Devon: Oh, okay. I mean, if you say so.

Billy: You can think whatever you want, okay? I really don’t care how you see me or my motives. At the end of the day, my mother gave me her voting power, so if you want to turn this into a conspiracy theory, you go right ahead, but you’re playing that game by yourself.

Jill: Hello?

Billy: Hi, Mom.

Devon: Hey.

Jill: Ah, I’ve been waiting. Surely everyone’s on by now.

Devon: Just have to get ahold of Abby. Lily You look good, Jill.

Jill: Oh, thanks.

Lily: Yeah, you seem rested.

Jill: Well, God knows I’ve been getting plenty of that.

Devon: How you feeling, Jill?

Jill: I’ve been feeling okay. Why do you ask?

Devon: I just haven’t talked to you in a while. Just curious.

Jill: Yeah, sure you were. You told them, didn’t you, Billy?

Traci: Are you sure you’re okay being here?

Alan: Yeah, I’m having a great time.

Traci: Good. I– I just was–

[ Traci sighing ]

Traci: Never mind.

Alan: What is it, Traci?

Traci: Well, I know that this is the place that Ashley met Martin and the whole thing started and I’m sure this is bringing a lot of things up for you.

Alan: Well, it does.

Traci: And it doesn’t bother you?

Alan: It’s kind of a closure in a way, you know? I mean, I have to live with Martin’s crimes, his illness, the fact that he was sad and lonely, but also, you know, I’m mourning someone I love very much. It’s– it’s…

Traci: Complicated emotions.

Alan: Yeah, very complicated. But, you know, being here with you, it feels like you, uh… you cleanse the place, you know?

[ Traci laughing ]

Alan: I feel like I’m replacing the bad memories I had here with good memories of you.

Traci: Oh, well, good. I’m so glad that you think these are gonna be good memories.

Alan: No, they already are. They already are. No, I feel like you, uh, I feel like you sage the place, you know?

Traci: Sage?

Alan: Yeah, you know, when they burn sage to drive away negative energy? I– I… I feel like you, uh, you do that.

Traci: Well, I don’t know about that.

Alan: Well, it’s true. Being with you is… It’s just very reassuring. You know, your kindness, compassion… It’s just very rare.

Traci: Oh, well, thank you.

Alan: Well, that’s why I like talking to you so much. You mean that. I know all that’s real.

Traci: Alan, I– I think that when you have been through some of the experiences that I’ve been through, well, I have started to look at life as a continuum, from the very great joy to bone-cracking sorrow, you know? Um, from happiness to heartbreak, love, sadness. The whole messy package. Y– you just have to find a way to accept it. All of it. And you have to find a way to move forward. At least that’s what I’ve tried to do.

Alan: That is a lesson we can all learn from you.

Traci: Oh, no, no, no. You flatter me again and I think that we’ve had quite enough of talking about me.

Alan: Oh, I don’t think so. I could talk about you all night long.

Traci: Oh, well, but I know so little about you.

Alan: Oh, well, there’s not really much to tell.

Traci: I think I should be the judge of that.

Alan: Oh, okay. So, uh, what do you want to know?

Traci: Uh… everything.

Claire: Summer, you’re clearly upset. Let’s talk about it.

Summer: Look, I– I already told you, I’m just concerned about my son.

Claire: I understand that.

Summer: I– I don’t know how you could, considering you’ve never had a child, especially one who just went through a horrific event like Harrison just did.

Claire: Caused by my Aunt Jordan, yes, I know.

Summer: I wasn’t bringing up that part.

Claire: You don’t have to. It’s true. I’ve never had kids. And up until recently, I never had parents or their love or desire to do what’s best for me, but I do have that now and I can see how much they worry about me. I can feel it. So, I must know a little bit what it must be like for you. And I can only tell you what I’ve already said. Harrison is a really strong and resilient little boy and a big part of that is because he’s so completely confident in his parents’ love for him. And Harrison’s love for you, it’s as natural to him as breathing. And I would just, I would hate if you felt that… That I was in some way hurting that.

Kyle: Hey. I got your message. Is everything all right?

Claire: I’ll go check on Harrison and see if he’s gotten a second wind.

Summer: No, I can do it. We’ll talk after.

Kyle: What did I just walk in on?

Claire: Nothing you haven’t seen before. I don’t think Summer’s ever going to be comfortable with me being in Harrison’s life.

Jill: Damn it, Billy!

Billy: Uh, let me explain, okay?

Jill: I specifically told you not to tell anyone about my condition, if that’s what you want to call it.

Billy: Okay, I understand that, but given the circumstances, I thought it was fair that they know.

Jill: What about my right to privacy?

Billy: Again, Mom, I’m sorry, but I made the call.

Jill: Why did you make the call? Was it to get Devon and Lily to feel sorry for me so they would give you what you want?

Billy: Yeah, you and Devon share that opinion. It’s not true, by the way.

Lily: How are you feeling, Jill?

Devon: Is there anything that you need or that we can do for you?

Jill: No, but thank you, thank you. I’ve got a lot of good doctors, so many that I can’t even remember their names. In fact, there’s even a rumor I might live.

Lily: Well, Abby will have to know about this, but besides her, we will not tell another soul.

Jill: Speaking of Abby, where is she?

Devon: I’ll let her know we’re ready.

Jill: Good. It’s time to get this over with.

Devon: Yeah, we’re all here. How you doing?

Abby: It’s been a long day, but we can talk about it later.

Devon: All right, for sure. I’ll call you afterwards.

Jill: Let’s get started.

Lily: I’m calling this meeting of the Chancellor Winters Board of Directors to discuss the proposed separation of the two companies.

Jill: Since this involves the future of the company that I built, I’m going to be exercising my own vote.

Billy: Understood. You know where I stand. And I’m hoping now that everyone had a little bit of time with the proposal, this vote will be a formality.

Devon: It might be to you. It’s not to me, though.

Billy: Okay, Devon, why don’t you go ahead and voice your concerns?

Devon: Just a little curious about how we’re actually going to divide things up. Who’s going to get what?

Billy: Well, we’ve already talked about this, Chancellor. We’ll take all the assets that they came in with, and the same thing will happen with Winters.

Devon: Right, I understand that part. But what about the new divisions that were created after the merger took place, like the video games and Omega Sphere? Who gets that?

Billy: We can figure that out later. Right now, this is an overall concept on whether we want to divide the companies.

Devon: Right, but how the assets are divided is part of the overall concept. And I’d like to not just kick that down the road and wait.

Billy: Okay. Um… Because gaming falls more easily under the Winters umbrella, you can have Omega Sphere. Every other company that was created after and under this merger, Abbott-Chancellor, we’ll take those companies. Does that make sense, everyone?

Devon: Yeah, sounds good to me.

Billy: Great. Any other concerns?

Abby: Should we have a vote whether to discuss the details now, or wait?

Billy: I vote waiting.

Lily: I agree.

Jill: I’ll make that a majority. Let’s vote.

[ Traci laughing ]

Traci: I can see that I’ve terrified you. Oh, Alan. When I meant that I wanted to know everything about you, about you, Martin doesn’t have to be a part of this.

Alan: Well, it’s kind of hard to do that without including Martin.

Traci: Ah, twins, of course.

Alan: Mm. We were inseparable, you know? All the cliches abound. Two halves of the same whole. But I’ll say this, it’s impossible to be lonely when you grow up a twin.

Traci: Oh. And I’m very close to my brother and sister, but I’m sure it’s nothing like that. Yeah– to grow up with such companionship, to have that sense of security that there’s someone on Earth who knows you better than anyone else, must be a really intense bond.

Alan: It is, exactly. Ah, the things we used to do when we were kids.

Traci: Like what?

Alan: Mmm. We used to pretend to be each other, and see if people could tell.

Traci: Oh, you know what? I’ve heard that twins try to do that.

Alan: As I said, all the cliches abound.

Traci: Did you get away with it?

Alan: Uh, yeah, for the most part we did, but my mother could always tell. You know, I was always the serious one, always reading and thinking great thoughts at ten.

[ Traci chuckling ]

Alan: But Martin was the more personable one. You know, he’d get along with anyone at any age. He was… such a dreamer. So sweet when he was young. Wanted to conquer the world. Sad, such a loss, huh?

Traci: Especially for you. Someone so close to you. So much a part of you, suddenly gone. Alan, I’m so sorry.

Alan: Sorry? For what?

Traci: I– I’m sorry that I made you go there. We can talk about anything else you want to.

Alan: No, no, no, really. You know, I– I think it’s good, because I’ve needed to process this, and, you know, get it all out, and… Truth is, I don’t usually open up. I don’t usually talk to people.

Traci: Really? Well, then I am very glad that I could be that person for you. >

Traci: If you weren’t such an amazing writer, you’d be a fantastic therapist. You really can read people’s hearts.

Kyle: So Summer’s still giving you a hard time.

Claire: That isn’t why I brought up her not being thrilled with me.

Kyle: Mmm.

Claire: I need to coordinate more with her, make sure Summer gets to spend more time with Harrison.

Kyle: That’s very thoughtful, of you, Claire, but this isn’t your problem to solve. No one is standing in the way of Summer seeing her son.

Claire: But there have been some occasions where she’s felt left out. I get it. She has a job. She can’t be in two places at once. So it’s part of my job to make it easier for her.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Kyle: How is he?

Summer: He was still sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb him. Uh, he looked a little sunburned, actually. Maybe that’s why he’s so tired. Did– did you put sunscreen on him earlier?

Claire: I did. But I probably could have used more. Be more on top of it from now on.

Summer: Thank you.

Claire: I’ll go make Harrison a snack for when he wakes up. He’s bound to be hungry.

Kyle: Really, Summer?

Summer: What?

Kyle: You’re busting her on sunscreen?

Summer: I’m not busting anybody. And Claire seemed to take the suggestion just fine. So what’s your problem, Kyle?

Kyle: I don’t have one.

Summer: I do. What’s going on between you and Audra?

Kyle: I don’t owe you any explanations about who I spend my time with.

Summer: Well, I think you do, when it comes to her.

Kyle: Okay, fir–

Summer: What’s wrong with you, Kyle?

Kyle: First of all, it’s not anything like you think it is.

Summer: You have no idea what I think.

Kyle: There is nothing personal going on between me and Audra. Truth is, I left Jabot.

Summer: You quit?

Kyle: I was fired, actually, by my mom.

Summer: Diane fired you?

Kyle: She was threatened by me constantly proving her incompetence right and left, so she had me removed.

Summer: What did Jack have to say about that?

Kyle: Not so much, as it turns out. Mmm. Too bad, kid. It’s her call, so you’re out.

Summer: Kyle, I… Kyle, I don’t even know what to say. I– I– I’m sorry. I– I– I know that must have hurt you.

Kyle: Yeah, well, it opened my eyes, I can tell you that much.

Summer: What does any of this have to do with Audra?

Kyle: Audra now runs Glissade. Tucker McCall’s old company, and Tucker is out of the picture completely.

Summer: Hmm, we’ve heard that before.

Kyle: No, it’s true. Uh… She turned the board against them, and they voted them out.

Summer: Audra did that alone?

Kyle: Not entirely alone. She brought on a new investor that now owns the company.

Summer: Who?

Kyle: They want to keep their identity under wraps for now.

Summer: Let me guess the rest of the story. Audra wants you to come work for her.

Kyle: Mmm. Not for her. With her, we’d both be co-CEOs. Clean slate and all that.

Summer: Are you out of your mind?

Alan: You know, last night, I downloaded one of your novels.

Traci: You’re kidding!

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Traci: Really, which one?

Alan: It was “Echoes of the Past.” I mean, incredible. It was really fant– I could not put it down. I was up all night long.

Traci: Oh, that was a really good one. It’s about Ashley, and me. Very personal.

Alan: Yes. And very much like you. Kind and loving and beautiful. Inside and out.

Jill: You don’t look happy, Devon.

Devon: I’ll– I mean, that’s not really the point of today, right, Jill?

Abby: Devon, if you’re having issues with us…

Devon: No! I’m not having any issues at all. Let’s get to the voting.

Lily: Okay. The topic on the table is to separate Chancellor-Winters into two companies.

Billy: I vote separate.

Lily: I agree.

Devon: It’s really what you want?

Lily: Yes, it is.

Devon: Okay. Then I vote the same. Yes.

Abby: Well, it seems like a fair solution, and what everybody wants, so I vote yes.

Billy: Does everyone want this? Mom?

Jill: Mmm. I find myself in the unfortunate position of casting a vote that really won’t mean anything. You already have the majority.

Lily: Well, it means something to me, Jill.

Billy: It means something to me, too. I think it means something to all of us.

Lily: So, Jill, what do you think?

[ Jill chuckling ]

Jill: I guess I should’ve prepared a concession speech for this moment.

Billy: Mom, this is not a loss, okay? Your vote means so much more, even if these companies separate.

Jill: Oh, good try, son, but I am not convinced. All right, I’m gonna speak from my heart. I think what you’re about to do is a huge, horrible mistake.

Lily: Why?

Jill: Because, Lily, despite all the problems and the infighting, this company has prospered during the merger. I hate that Billy and Devon couldn’t make it work. And what I hate most of all is that the only option we have is to tear it all apart.

Devon: So– okay, so what are you saying?

Jill: I’m saying that I am voting no. I realize it’s only a symbolic gesture, but it is the only way I can truly express how I feel. And, Billy, you got what you want. I only hope it’s worth it to you in the end.

Devon: I’ll call you in a little bit.

Abby: Okay.

[ Devon sighing ]

Lily: Well, it’s done.

Billy: You don’t seem excited.

Lily: I’m not. I feel like we let Jill down.

[ Alan chuckling ]

Traci: Oh, my goodness. That was the best evening. I had the most wonderful time.

Alan: So did I. Thank you for your patience and kindness, Lily. Lily Oh! Thank you for sharing some of your story with me.

Alan: Well, I think I could trust you with just about anything. So, anyway, good night.

Alan: Yes.

[ Traci gasping ]

Summer: Do I really need to list all the reasons why this is a terrible idea?

Kyle: Do I have a choice?

Summer: First of all, this whole secret owner thing, it’s sketchy, all by itself.

Kyle: That’s your opinion. And what we just talked about, it stays between us, okay?

Summer: No, I’m not gonna tell a soul. I mean, it’s too embarrassing. Kyle, you would be going into competition with your own family’s company, the company I still work for, by the way.

Kyle: Summer, Glissade won’t go after Marchetti. Our target is Jabot, because we are a cosmetics company. And if you think I’m going to feel bad about going after them after what they did to me, you’re dead wrong.

Summer: I admit, what happened to you seems unfair.

Kyle: Unfair? It was an out-and-out betrayal. It was treacherous.

Summer: Kyle, look… I understand that you’re angry, okay? I’m just asking you to think about it for a second. Doing this is a declaration of war against your own family. And Diane might deserve that. But does Jack? And talk about treacherous? I mean, are you forgetting what Audra did to you last time?

Kyle: Oh, now hold on, it was a deception on both sides. It’s a different dynamic this time.

Summer: I think it sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Kyle: Well, that’s your opinion. But I– it was my decision, so if it goes wrong, I’ll try something else.

Summer: I think you’re a fool, Kyle. And I’m warning you, I do not want Audra anywhere near Harrison.

Kyle: What? Summer, why do you keep trying to dictate who I spend time with?

Summer: Honestly, I don’t care who you spend time with, or what you spend your time doing. I just care about Harrison, okay? Maybe it’s time we revisit our custody agreement.

Kyle: I’m sorry, is that a threat?

Summer: Call it what you want.

Kyle: Summer, do you really want to go there? Do you really think that would be good for our son?

Summer: Uh, look, I, um… I’m going to have my attorney call yours.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Claire: Everything all right?

Kyle: Um, no, no, it’s not all right, but I don– I don’t want to get into it with Harrison here. So, you know what? Have dinner with me tonight.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, June 28, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Mariah: Mom? Mom? Hello?

Sharon: Oh, hi honey. I didn’t hear you come in.

Mariah: Are– are you all right? You were a million miles away.

[ knocking on door ]

Diane: Busy?

Jack: You have the Joplin figures already?

Diane: Oh, I– I haven’t even started. I–

Jack: Kyle.

Diane: It’s all I can think about. How badly things have fallen apart with our son.

Jack: Well, that makes two of us.

Diane: Jack, I know that this is tearing you apart. Jabot is Kyle’s legacy, and it’s been our dream for him to run the company someday, and now I’m… I’m just really sorry.

Jack: Yeah. Maybe time will heal. Kyle’s left the company before and come back. No reason that can’t happen again.

Diane: It’s not just Jabot that will be affected. I’m… I’m worried that our family will never be the same.

Jack: So what, you’re having second thoughts?

Diane: Well, that’s what I keep asking myself. You know, what could I have done differently? What other… What other option did I have?

Jack: And what conclusions have you come up with?

Diane: Only that, business-wise, I made the only call I could when I fired Kyle.

Audra: Hey.

Kyle: Few minutes late.

Audra: Yeah, I have priorities.

Kyle: I’m not one of them?

Audra: I was on the phone with Victor. I wanted to make sure this meeting you wanted was legit.

Kyle: Suspicious.

Audra: Can you blame me?

Kyle: Eh, it goes both ways.

Audra: Yeah, but then here you are, all that suspicion, but suddenly eager and ready to run Glissade with me.

Kyle: I gave your offer some thought and I realized it’s an opportunity I can’t afford to pass up.

Audra: Even if it means working with me?

Kyle: Given Glissade’s potential, I’m willing to overlook our past.

Audra: You were absolutely against working with me. “No way in hell,” was your exact quote. So tell me, has hell frozen over?

Sharon: I’m right here and I’m fine. I’m– I’m happy to see you.

Mariah: Okay. Are you sure? Because you didn’t hear me when I knocked, or when I opened the door, or I called out a couple times.

Sharon: My mind’s been wandering a little bit lately. Just for a few moments, and then that’s it. I’m– I’m all good.

Mariah: Um, well, maybe more than a few, because your tea is cold.

Sharon: No, I just made it. I– I thought.

Mariah: Are you coming down with something? Are you feeling okay?

Sharon: What? No, of course not. I’m fine. You know what? It’s so wonderful having Faith back home. I did her laundry earlier.

Mariah: You did? You’re kidding.

Sharon: It was fun.

Mariah: Oh, I think you need to revise your idea of fun.

Sharon: You know, I think Faith would agree with you on that.

Mariah: How is she doing, by the way? Her breakup with Moses?

Sharon: She is struggling, but she has her friends and her family and she’s determined to move ahead.

Mariah: She is resilient, that one.

Sharon: I think it’s a family trait.

Mariah: Well, I was hoping to, uh, catch her here this morning.

Sharon: Oh, she ran off with some friends and as far as I know, she’s going to be busy all day.

Mariah: Well, maybe you and Nick freaked her out with that blow-by-blow true confessions about your guys’ epic love story.

Sharon: Do you think that Nick and I went too far, telling her everything?

Mariah: Look, she’s very, very strong. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it brought up some not-so-great memories.

Sharon: Well, I think maybe sharing our story reminded her and showed her how much love this family is capable of, no matter what obstacles we face.

Mariah: The good, the bad and the ugly?

Sharon: Yes. And there was a lot of good. And I think that that’s what Faith is holding on to. And so am I.

Faith: Thank you so much for texting me to meet. We’re kind of sort of related, so I figured we’d get to know each other.

Lucy: Yeah, I’d really like that, and I love these.

Faith: It’s one of the things I miss most about Genoa City. Nobody makes a better latte.

Lucy: You know, I don’t really know how much I would miss home if I went off to college. I mean, not that I don’t love my parents and living here, but, you know, when my mom and I were living in Savannah, there was a college really nearby, and it just seemed like everyone was having so much fun all the time. You know, living in the dorms and all the freedom and the parties. You know, it just seemed like– seemed like a blast.

Faith: There’s this one thing called studying you kind of have to squeeze in every once in a while.

Lucy: Yeah, right. Are you, uh, in a sorority? I don’t know. Those always seemed like so much fun. All the parties with the frats and being a little sister.

Faith: I hate to disappoint you, but no Alpha Delta Pi for me. I mainly just hang out with my friends. My boyfriend.

Lucy: You have a boyfriend?

Faith: I should have said ex. We just broke up.

Lucy: Oh, no. I’m sorry. What happened?

Faith: He was a jerk.

Lucy: Right. Well, it still must have really sucked. So, I’m sorry.

Faith: More time to hang out with my girlfriends. My family. And the party thing? I don’t drink, so I’m not really into it.

Lucy: Like, never?

Faith: Not a drop.

Lucy: Not that that’s weird or– or anything.

Faith: Thank you?

Lucy: I just, like– I thought that everyone in college drank. Isn’t that kind of part of the whole experience?

Faith: Not for me. At least not anymore. The last time I drank, I almost died.

Kyle: Victor was right. I have been unhappy working at Jabot under my mother and father.

Audra: Demoted again. Last I remember, you were only COO working under your father. And now, you are third in command. Ugh, must be such a grind after having been king of the world.

Kyle: Something like that. I accepted it, focused on what was best for the company, tried to help out where I could.

Audra: But?

Kyle: My mother is supremely inexperienced. Insecure. She’s in way over her head. She takes concern as criticism, help as interference, and instead of showing gratitude or trying to learn something, she’s constantly pulling rank. Turning everything into a power struggle.

Audra: And your dad is okay with this?

Kyle: He supports her completely. No matter what.

Audra: Well, that is no way to run a business.

Kyle: Now, you understand why I’m more than ready to make a change.

Audra: Even if it means working with someone you profoundly distrust?

Kyle: I’m impressed by your memory of every disparaging word I’ve ever said about you. But I like to believe that trust can be rebuilt.

Audra: Yeah, that makes one of us. But I’m willing to try, if you are.

Kyle: Here’s the good news. We know everything there is to know about each other.

Audra: And then some.

Kyle: We move fast. We break things. We take no prisoners. We do whatever it takes to get what we want, and we don’t stop until we do. Have we screwed each other over? Absolutely. A healthy dose of mutual distrust will keep us on our toes. So, why not roll the dice and see what happens?

Sally: Okay. You’re right. Yeah. Everything you said. It’s the perfect solution.

Chloe: I know. God, I love doing this.

Sally: I’m really sorry that Summer hasn’t leapt at the chance to rehire you.

Chloe: You know, I– Look, I– I know it was a bit of a reach, bringing me on as your second. You know, I was a bit of a pain when I walked out on Marchetti.

Sally: A bit.

Chloe: Hey, look, I– I have ideas and I am passionate about what I do. I mean, I– I love what I do and I’m really damn good at it.

Sally: Mm-hmm. Yeah, you’re one of the best. Which is why I am hoping that Summer makes a decision soon.

Chloe: I’m not holding out hope. [ phone pinging ]

Sally: Would you look at that.

Chloe: Well, is it good news or bad news?

Sally: Well, it’s Summer, and she wants to meet with me. And you.

Chloe: Oh.

Sally: Looks like she’s coming around.

Chloe: No, she just wants to crack her whip. Make me jump through hoops that are too high or too small or too something. She wants to watch me squirm.

Sally: Okay, well, there is only one way to find out.

Audra: You’ll understand if I’m a bit skeptical. Last time you told me how unhappy you were at Jabot, you were setting me up.

Kyle: And then you double-crossed me.

Audra: Because I was all in with Tucker at the time.

Kyle: And then you screwed him out of Glissade.

Audra: You judging me?

Kyle: No, I was thinking more along the lines of… respect.

Audra: Okay, don’t lay it on too thick.

Kyle: Hey, you outplayed a man who considers himself a master. I have to ask how you did it.

Audra: Tucker broke his own rule. He let emotion get in the way.

Kyle: Because he loved you.

Audra: No, it made him weak.

Kyle: Oh.

Audra: Once I realized there was no future for us, the rest was academic. Assess Glissade’s value, rally the board, find an investor. Yeah. When Tucker realized what I’d done, the man was so desperate to stop me, so out of moves, that the best he could come up with was to fake a heart attack to put off the board vote.

Kyle: Wow, that’s bold, even for him.

Audra: It was pathetic. I can’t believe I ever thought he was such a mastermind.

Kyle: Maybe you’re the one who won’t let her emotions get in the way again.

Audra: That’s never gonna happen again. Trust me.

Kyle: Right there. That’s common ground.

Audra: You’re– you’re saying all the right things.

Kyle: Well, I’m here because I want a job. You’re here because you moved on from whatever doubts you have about me.

Audra: Wrong. I’m here because Victor’s given me no choice.

Kyle: I bet your head exploded when he insisted we work together as co-CEOs.

Audra: Just stay in your lane and we’ll be fine.

Kyle: You really believe that? Look, Victor Newman trying to force us to work together is him just playing God. But what I don’t understand is how he fits in all this. I mean, what does he want? Why would he buy a Paris-based cosmetics company? Is he trying to create a viable rival to Jabot? Is this somehow tied into his decades-old battle with my father?

Audra: Interesting.

Kyle: What?

Audra: You’ve agreed to partner with me even though you suspect that Victor could be using Glissade to target your father.

Kyle: So.

Audra: Maybe this is what you’ve wanted all along. Retaliation against the family who doesn’t appreciate you.

Diane: Look, tearing this company and this family apart is the last thing I wanted, but Kyle’s insubordination, his refusal to show me any respect. What other choice did I have?

Jack: There are always choices.

Diane: Well, do you think I’m wrong? Jack, when you brought me into Jabot, I was so grateful. I– I was excited, I was inspired to put my skill set and my experience to good use, and then when you made me co-CEO, I was determined to prove that I was worthy of your belief in me. To work side by side with my husband and my son to build Jabot into the best it could be? It was like a dream come true.

Jack: Yeah, that’s what we all wanted.

Diane: Yeah, but instead, it’s– it’s turned into this nightmare. I mean, Kyle is– He’s just so resentful. And he’s so angry and– and so condescending. And the lack of trust it’s created, the tension? I mean, the whole thing is just unraveled into this horrible mess.

Jack: I just can’t believe it’s gotten to the point where we have to take such drastic measures.

Diane: Well, firing Kyle was a last resort. And believe me, it was not an easy decision. But Kyle had so many chances to be a team player. But he didn’t even try. Instead, he went out of his way to undermine me. And that kind of behavior cannot be tolerated.

Jack: I agree. At the same time, he seems a bit old to be punished by his mother and father.

Diane: I didn’t make that decision to fire him as his mother. I made it as co-CEO of this company. And it’s not like I didn’t try to find other solutions. I even offered to step down and switch positions with him, but remember, you disagreed with that. But, look, all that aside, our son was given more chances than I would have given any other employee.

Jack: I know you did everything we could.

Diane: I did. But honey, when I see how much this is hurting you, I wish there could have been another solution.

Jack: Yeah, so do I. But this just tells me I made the right choice when I decided not to reinstate him as co-CEO, and it appears our son has some maturing to do.

Kyle: The situation with my family has changed considerably since I was spying for them. Were there issues back then? Absolutely. But I felt like I could prove myself to earn back my co-CEO position and I had my mom’s support every step of the way. And then she got a taste of the C-suite power and she’s only been out for herself ever since. And my father blindly enables her.

Audra: I’m sorry to hear that.

Kyle: Yeah, no, you’re not. Now, back to the question you avoided. What is Victor up to?

Audra: No idea.

Kyle: Would you tell me? Even if you know?

Audra: Probably not. All I do know is Victor wants his name kept out of it completely. Even Tucker doesn’t know it was Victor who helped me steal his company.

Kyle: I’m impressed you didn’t decide to share.

Audra: In case I haven’t made myself clear, Tucker and I are through. I will be sharing nothing with him. And that doesn’t mean he didn’t try to get it out of me. He actually thought your father was my backer.

Kyle: Not a bad guess, given how much they hate each other.

Audra: That could be what’s behind Victor’s move as well. Good old-fashioned hate. But does Victor’s motive really matter if he lets us run Glissade the way we want?

Kyle: I doubt it’ll be that cut and dry. Nothing with Victor Newman ever is.

Audra: Yeah, I don’t see this as such a straightforward move for you either.

Kyle: What’s that supposed to mean?

Audra: This isn’t the first time Newman Enterprises has gone big in the cosmetics world. Given that, plus my business expertise and your contribution, aren’t you worried about the competition for your family’s sacred Jabot?

Kyle: Are you kidding me? I couldn’t be more excited.

Mariah: So, Aria’s latest and greatest word is “oggie.” Yep. And every time she sees an “oggie”, she laughs and smiles and she like jumps up and down and does this dance thing that she does. I mean, it’s– it’s adorable. But Tessa had to sit her down and unfortunately explain to her that we’re probably not getting an “oggie” anytime soon, because she really, really wants one. And then the cow ran away with the spoon.

Sharon: You know, that’s so cute.

Mariah: Really? Because I have a sneaking suspicion you didn’t hear a word I said.

Sharon: What? You were talking about Aria.

Mariah: Uh-huh. And?

Sharon: How cute she is.

Mariah: Yes, but that’s very generic. Since when do you zone out on an Aria story? Especially when her word count has jumped to four.

Sharon: Oh, I’m sorry. You know, this Cassidy First Grant program is just swirling around in my head and I probably didn’t get enough sleep last night, but you know how much I adore Aria. So, please continue. I will hang on your every word.

Mariah: Okay, well, it’s actually more show and tell. After Tessa ix-nayed a puppy, Aria created this masterpiece.

Sharon: What is it?

Mariah: Her very own oggie.

Sharon: Oh, right. Yeah. I can tell. There’s the tail.

Mariah: I think that might actually be the nose, but I’m not sure. Do you like it?

Sharon: I was just thinking about how much Cassie liked to paint and draw. I used to hang her artwork all over this house. Our refrigerator was just loaded with her masterpieces.

Mariah: Well, maybe this can be an honoree on the fridge.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Okay, that’s it.

Sharon: What’s it?

Mariah: You are working so hard. You’re juggling Cassidy First and Crimson Lights. It is obviously too much. You’re exhausted. Okay, so Dr. Mariah has a prescription that always does the trick.

Sharon: What?

Mariah: We are going to have a little sunshine and a little grandma time.

Sharon: Oh, that just sounds great. And there is nothing I would love more, but you just said it yourself. I’m swamped with work. I can’t.

Mariah: Uh-huh. So, you have time to do loads of laundry, but not see your granddaughter?

Sharon: Well, it has been a while since we had a play date.

Mariah: Great! And it just so happens I’m on my way to the park to see Tessa and Aria. We’re doing a little picnic, so you’re coming, all right?

Sharon: You know what? You’re right. Some Aria time, that’s exactly what I need.

Lucy: Wow, you almost died. That’s– that’s terrible. What happened?

Faith: I was going through a rough time. I made some bad choices, bad friends. I started drinking. One night, I got drunk. I had the brilliant idea of stealing a truck from my grandparents’ ranch. I crashed.

Lucy: Wow. Were– were you hurt?

Faith: It was pretty bad. I had to have surgery. Then, I got an infection. I probably would have died if my Uncle Adam hadn’t given me one of his kidneys.

Lucy: Wow. That all– that all sounds pretty horrible. But you’re totally fine now?

Faith: Good as new.

Lucy: That’s why no drinking.

Faith: Pretty good reasons, I’d say.

Lucy: Yeah, I guess that all makes a lot of sense, but, I don’t know, don’t you ever feel like you’re missing out on all the fun?

Faith: I guess it depends on what your definition of fun is. [ phone pings ] This has been great, but I have got to go. I’m meeting up with some friends.

Lucy: Oh, I didn’t even get to hear about the crazy kidnapping story.

Faith: We can save it for another time.

Lucy: Yeah, that sounds great. Well, I’m pretty much around, so.

Faith: I’ll let you know.

Lucy: Okay, well, have fun.

Faith: Enjoy the rest of your day.

Kyle: My mother’s paranoia, and my father’s support of it, has completely soured me on Jabot. A company that is run like a mom-and-pop echo chamber doesn’t deserve to be at the top, and they won’t be for long.

Audra: Hm, spoken like you mean it.

Kyle: I do.

Audra: Look, I don’t have a problem taking down Jabot, not that I have anything against Jack, but Diane has never liked me.

Kyle: She didn’t like it when she saw the two of us together the other day.

Audra: Yeah, she went all uh, snarky mama bear on me. So overprotective of her little boy. You sure she’s really turned on you?

Kyle: My mom also let me believe that she was dead for years, so there’s kind of a lack in consistency there.

Audra: Hm, good point.

Kyle: Regardless of the way my mom feels today, I’m going to take everything I’ve learned and turn Glissade into a powerhouse rival like Jabot has never seen before.

Audra: This might work out after all. [ indistinct chattering ]

Sally: What’s wrong?

Summer: Nothing. Just, um, my ex acting like an idiot again.

Audra: Have you brought Summer up to speed on your employment situation?

Kyle: We are officially divorced, so our conversations are limited to Harrison.

Audra: Good to know. You ready for next steps?

Kyle: Um, before we do that, I want to discuss the very real possibility that Tucker could be out for revenge. He could come back fighting for Glissade. Are you ready for that?

Audra: No, the man was broken. He literally gave up and walked away. My guess is he crawled back into whatever ashram he came out of. If he does rally, I’m ready.

Kyle: I will be too.

Audra: More common ground.

Kyle: Ah. So about those next steps?

Audra: I’ll have Legal write up a contract for you to review. How quickly can you disentangle yourself from Jabot?

Kyle: I can fast track it. Just tell me when you want to get started.

Audra: The sooner the better.

Kyle: I can handle that.

Sally: I have incorporated the bell sleeve. Summer.

Summer: Sorry, what?

Sally: Uh, the restyling of the sleeve. I think it brings a lot to the design.

Summer: Uh, you know what? Actually, I just– I don’t think that that’s quite right for this collection.

Chloe: How can you say that? I think that that’s exact–

Summer: You think… You think what?

Chloe: I think… when I think Marchetti, I think wearable, elegant, modern. And the bell sleeve can be incorporated into that style, but there are certainly other options.

Summer: Good save. And wearing Marchetti to the meeting, that’s a nice touch. But Chloe, you really don’t have to suck up to me. I’ve considered Sally’s request to rehire you while Chelsea’s away and… I’ve made my decision.

Tessa: Hi!

Mariah: Hi– Oh.

Tessa: I’m trying to get her to take a nap.

Sharon: Okay.

Mariah: Okay.

Tessa: Maybe Grandma can take her?

Sharon: Yeah, why don’t I stroll her over? We’ll look at the ducks. Yeah, the duck pond.

Mariah: Thank you, Grandma!

Tessa: I didn’t know Sharon was going to be here. I mean, not that I object, but I would have brought an extra sandwich.

Mariah: Well, it was sort of a last minute decision.

Tessa: Is everything okay?

Mariah: I don’t know. I– I went to stop by and she just seemed out of it, you know? I knocked on the door, she didn’t answer, I had to use my key, and it’s like she didn’t hear anything I said to her.

Tessa: I mean, Sharon has been working a lot lately. Cassidy First and Crimson Lights, she’s probably just exhausted.

Mariah: Yeah, that’s what I said. So, I thought a dose of sunshine and Aria would just be the thing.

Tessa: Well, it seems to be working.

Diane: After everything you went through in Paris with Ashley and Traci, I’m just– I’m just really sorry you had to come home to this.

Jack: Yeah, so am I. I understand why you felt you needed to terminate Kyle. I just wish we talked about it. We could have presented a united front. Have a discussion, a constructive discussion on how to move forward. And maybe we could have avoided this whole mess.

Diane: Well, maybe I– maybe I should have waited and spoken to you first and I– I apologize for that, but Kyle seemed to feel that your absence gave him license to be even more difficult. And a line had to be drawn.

Jack: Yeah, I understand. I do.

Diane: Well, maybe we can have that united front now. I mean, we need to look for a new COO as soon as possible and I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with the perfect person.

Jack: I’ll give that some thought.

Diane: Yeah. And– and also, I know you really don’t want to consider this, but we should probably look for someone to fill in for Ashley while she’s gone.

Jack: No way. Ashley’s absence is temporary.

Diane: Yes, I know. But without her skill set and her leadership, the lab is in a holding pattern. We can’t expect it to run itself. I mean, we have– we have new products in development. Some are ready to launch. R&D is stalled. And that affects our bottom line.

Jack: How do we assure the quality of our new product without Ashley’s expertise? This was her– her idea, her patents. She’s not easily replaced here.

Diane: I agree. It will– it will be a challenge.

Jack: Look, I’m convinced once she is through treatment, she’s going to come back stronger than ever.

Diane: Well, I’m just suggesting an interim solution. Or do you suggest we just freeze the lab until she’s back?

Jack: I understand on a corporate level, decisions have to be made, but on a personal level, I hate that the Abbott family company has so few Abbots. First, Ashley, then Billy. And now, Kyle. It’s just depressing.

Diane: I know, but Allie is still working for Jabot in the Paris office and I think she is just as brilliant as Ashley. And there is no doubt in my mind that with some experience, she could be running the entire lab herself. Jack, the future for Jabot is wide open. And so is the door, whenever our family members are ready to come back. me back.

Summer: Chloe.

Chloe: I really– I know that I was a real pain when we were working with each other before.

Summer: Chloe!

Chloe: But I’ve been working on myself and trying to listen more. Well, I’m doing it again.

Summer: Chloe!

Chloe: What?

Summer: Look, I am willing to give you a second chance.

Chloe: You are? Wait, you mean it? Okay, well, this is great!

Sally: Thank you so much, Summer. This really will make all the difference.

Summer: All right, so where are we at with the winter line?

Sally: Uh, we are on track. I have all the edits with the changes you requested. The tailored outerwear, the soft feminine one-and-done knit dresses.

Chloe: Yeah, and the off-the-shoulder silhouettes. I think that maybe if we add a statement belt, I think that would be amazing.

Summer: Um, I have to get back to Marchetti, actually, for a meeting, so let’s follow up on this this afternoon.

Sally: Okay, sounds– Sounds good.

Summer: Audra!

Audra: Can I help you?

Summer: You and Kyle looked quite friendly for two people that supposedly hate each other. What’s going on?

Kyle: Co-CEOs hugging it out. Looks like it’s business as usual here.

Jack: I hope you’ve had time to cool down, maybe reconsider.

Kyle: Mm, sorry to disappoint, Dad. I’m just here to clean out my office.

Diane: Oh, well, there’s no sense drawing this out. It could be civil, painless.

Kyle: Unlike the last few months working here.

Jack: Kyle, we can solve this.

Kyle: Mom already has.

Jack: I’m sure your mother would be willing to reconsider if you were open to compromise, if you were willing to change your attitude.

Kyle: My attitude is just fine and I am comfortable with the decision. I mean, who knows, Mom? Maybe I should thank you.

Diane: What’s that supposed to mean?

Kyle: You freed me up to explore other opportunities and there is one in particular that may just appreciate what I bring to the table.

Diane: Really? That almost sounds like you’ve already found another job.

Tessa: Well, I’m so glad that you could join us. Aria definitely seemed thrilled.

Sharon: You know, I just love how she does that thing with her head. It’s so precious.

Mariah: What thing with her head?

Sharon: Oh, you know, when– Just when she smiles at me, she does this little head tilt and Cassie used to do that.

Mariah: Really?

Sharon: Yeah, well, especially when she wanted another cookie or another story or she wanted to stay up a little bit later. She would look up at me and smile and there was that little head bob, and it was impossible to say no.

Mariah: Well, you know, you never really talked about what my sister was like when she was little. I would love to know anything you could tell me about Cassie. Mom? H– hi, are you all right? What’s going on?

Sharon: You’ve already asked me that. The answer hasn’t changed. I’m thinking about my grant project for Cassidy First. That’s all. I’m distracted.

Mariah: I am your employee, so if you need any sort of help, just put me to work, please.

Sharon: No, don’t worry about it, sweetie. I’ve got this. In fact, I better get back to it. Oh, but, thank you. You were right. This is exactly what I needed.

Mariah: There really is no reason to rush off.

Sharon: No, I have to get back to work, but we’ll talk soon, okay?

Mariah: Okay.

Tessa: Okay.

Mariah: Bye.

Tessa: Bye. Okay, that was interesting.

Mariah: Right? Something is definitely off with my mom. [ Sharon sighing ]

Sharon: What is going on with me? Hello, Doctor, this is Sharon Newman. Yeah, these new meds that you gave me, I think there’s something wrong with them. They’re making me feel so… odd.

Diane: Have you been looking? Was this your plan all along?

Kyle: I’ll be in my office, packing up. [ Diane sighing ]

Diane: I wasn’t expecting that.

Jack: So, go to him. Talk to him. There might still be a way to get around this. We have to try.

Diane: No, no. Kyle might be right. This might be the best thing for him. Maybe he felt too stifled here.

Jack: I still think there’s a way to work this out.

Diane: Well, as far as our son is concerned, the only way to do that is for me to step down and for him to take my position. And if you want me to do that, I will.

Jack: That is not an option.

Diane: Is anything Kyle said true? About me? I mean, I don’t– I don’t want to be seen as some mercy hire whose only qualification was being married to you.

Jack: No, no, no. You have proved yourself time and again. I could not be more impressed with you.

Diane: Thank you. That means more than you know. Because I feel like I really belong here. That I’m just getting started. And there’s so much ahead for us at Jabot. And as painful as it is, maybe– maybe that’s what Kyle needs. He needs to find a place where he feels he belongs.

Jack: I just wish he felt he belonged here. This is his family’s company.

Audra: You are quite inquisitive for an ex.

Summer: Kyle and I share a child and I don’t trust you, so yes, I’m curious.

Audra: You know, I think most people will call it nosy.

Summer: You didn’t answer the question, Audra. What’s going on between you and Kyle?

Audra: Summer, I still can’t figure out what difference that would make to you. Have a nice day.

Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless…

Lily: Well, I guess congratulations are in order.

Billy: We won.

Jack: It is tearing me apart.

Nikki: Talk to me, Jack. Let me be there for you the way you have been here for me.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 28, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Summer hires Chloe again to help Sally with the newest Marquetti collection while Chelsea is on her leave of absence. Summer notices Audra and Kyle talking and later asks Audra what is going on between her and Kyle. Audra thinks Summer is very nosy for an ex-wife because it shouldn’t matter to her what Kyle does with her.

Kyle tells Jack and Diane he has another job and he has to pack up his office. Jack is heartbroken that Kyle is leaving Jabot and asks Diane to talk to Kyle and stop him from leaving Jabot, but she thinks the new job will be good for him.

Mariah and Tessa are worried about Sharon who seems unable to concentrate for long periods of time. Sharon calls her doctor and tells the doctor her new bipolar medicine is making her feel odd.

Faith tells Lucy about college life and the accident she had when she was drinking and how she almost died. Faith encourages Lucy not to drink because it isn’t fun.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, June 27, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Billy: Take your time, Chels.

Chelsea: Connor was happy. Happiest we had seen him in a really long time.

Billy: Well, that’s good, right?

Chelsea: Well, that’s what we thought. Until, after we dropped him off, his OCD flared. Apparently, because he was happy.

Billy: I’m sorry, Chels, I– I don’t understand that.

Chelsea: He had a good time. His spirits were soaring. His OCD wanted to punish him for that. Wanted to make him feel he didn’t deserve to be happy.

Billy: That’s awful.

Chelsea: Like, can you even imagine? My son can’t spend time with his parents without this monstrous disease trying to ruin it for him.

Billy: Did he… hit himself again as well?

Chelsea: Billy. He… He took a pen and tried to cut himself. Luckily, the nurse got to him in time, so he didn’t cause any major harm, but… [ Chelsea sighs ] …they had to transfer him to inpatient status.

Billy: Chels, I’m so sorry.

Chelsea: It’s just so unfair. You know, my sweet little boy. I’m so scared, Billy. I mean, what if– what if he’s never gonna be happy again? What if this is just the way it is for him, forever?

Billy: Okay, you can’t think that way, okay? You– you gotta trust that this treatment program will eventually work. I mean, he was taking positive steps forward before this point, right?

Chelsea: Yeah, when he was here, it was like the happiest we’d seen him.

Billy: And he will have those happy moments again, and he’ll learn to fend off those impulses to– to hurt himself. You– you just… You– you gotta believe that.

Chelsea: I know. I’m really trying. It’s just not easy.

Billy: I know it’s not easy. Not for you. Not for Connor. And not for Adam, either. How is Adam handling this setback?

Diane: Jack, I thought your plane had already landed. Could you please call me as soon as you get this? I have to do something, and I– I want you to hear it from me first. [ Diane sighs ] [ Kyle sighs ]

Kyle: Good morning.

Diane: I’m afraid it isn’t. And it’s about to get a lot worse.

Kyle: Can we please not do this? How about we just put our heads down and do our jobs? I’d much rather like to avoid some more drama.

Diane: It’s a little late for that.

Kyle: What’s this?

Diane: Your termination notice. You’re fired. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Audra: When Tucker finally realized he lost and I won, he panicked.

Sally: Cool, calm and collected Tucker?

Audra: Mm. Just before the board was about to vote, he faked a heart attack.

Sally: Oh, my God. He did not.

Audra: Can you believe it? He collapsed on the video call. The hotel doctor was called.

Sally: Okay, that is quite a stunt. Did anyone buy it?

Audra: There were some concerned executives, and his assistant will probably never be the same, but I knew exactly what he was up to.

Sally: So, what happened?

Audra: Well, his impromptu performance worked as a delay tactic, but not for long. When it was clear that he wasn’t going to die, the board reconvened and voted him out, and me in.

Sally: Wow, you actually pulled it off.

Audra: Did you doubt me?

Sally: No, never. It’s just a very bold move, considering how hard Tucker went after you. I mean, you’ve seen how volatile he can be. And yet, you poked the bear anyway.

Audra: It was risky, and honestly, nerve-wracking. But in the end, it was an exhilarating ride. It feels good to win. Mm. What a rush.

Sally: For now.

Audra: I plan to bask in this victory for a while, okay? And the best part, he doesn’t even know who he’s losing to.

Sally: What are you talking about?

Audra: Well, I didn’t pull this off all by myself. I had a partner who came in with a large cash infusion that played a big part in convincing the board that this was the right move.

Sally: Who was it?

Audra: I can’t say. That was part of the deal, and my investor wants to remain anonymous.

Sally: Well, I’m sure Tucker hates that. How did he react?

Audra: Not well.

Sally: He is a notoriously bad loser. Do you think he will try and retaliate somehow?

Audra: Just let him try.

Kyle: You’re– you’re actually firing me.

Diane: I’m afraid you’ve left me no choice, but you’ll see I included a very generous severance package.

Kyle: I thought you were threatening me. A warning to get me to back off. Now, I see you were setting up your ultimate power play.

Diane: This isn’t a game, Kyle.

Kyle: Yeah, this is you trying to prove who’s boss.

Diane: It’s amazing to me that you still can’t see this is the result of your actions.

Kyle: Look, Jabot is my family’s company! You really think you can just fire me like this?

Diane: I’m an Abbott too, you know.

Kyle: Only by marriage, and a recent one at that. Jabot is my birthright, and I have grown up knowing that one day, I’d be running this place. You think you can just rip that away from me with a piece of paper?

Diane: I have given you fair warning, and you have chosen to ignore me one time too many.

Kyle: You call this fair? Just springing this on me? and you know how much I love you. But to be honest, I’ve had it. I am done with you constantly tweaking my work, embarrassing me in front of colleagues, and stabbing me in the back whenever it’s turned.

Kyle: Does Dad know about this? He doesn’t, does he? Do you really think he’s going to sign off on this?

Diane: You know, I– I’m glad you’re here. I– I’ve been trying to reach you.

Jack: I just came straight from the airport, just in time to see my executive staff engaged in whatever this is. Both of you, in my office, now.

Sally: Well, I am impressed, because not only did you mastermind a coup, you almost seem like you’re daring Tucker to come after you.

Audra: Well, I’m sure he’s consumed with rage, plotting his revenge about now. He’s not used to getting outplayed, but I’ve covered all my bases, and there is no way in hell Tucker McCall is ever hurting me again, personally or professionally.

Sally: Wow, make it sound so simple and absolute.

Audra: It’s– none of this has been easy. That’s why I’m 100% sure that I’m done with him. You know, he broke my trust, and he doesn’t get any more chances there. But on the work front, I’ve got my mystery investor, and a person I promise has no intention of ever letting Tucker get his hands back on Glissade.

Sally: Right, yes, this mystery investor. What was their name again?

Audra: Nice try. You’re not getting it out of me. But I do have a feeling Glissade’s new owner is plotting the perfect time and place to reveal him or herself.

Sally: Well, congratulations.

Audra: Thank you.

Sally: To a seamless transition for the new head of Glissade, and I can’t wait to hear all about your new leadership when the news hits the press.

Audra: Cheers.

Sally: Cheers.

Audra: Mm.

Sally: Mm.

Audra: You know, there are still a few wrinkles I need to iron out before we go public with the changes, but I am working on that. Enough about me. I want to know what’s going on with you. I– I’m sure you’re killing it at Marchetti.

Sally: Well, not to be overly modest, but uh, yeah, I am.

Audra: Well, I will be the first in line to buy one of your designs.

Sally: Well, thank you. I am missing Adam, though. He’s still in Baltimore with Chelsea and Connor.

Audra: How’s that going?

Sally: Uh, not well. He was supposed to come home last night, but he called and said things had taken a turn for the worse, so they’re gonna be there for a little bit longer.

Audra: I’m sorry to hear that. Oof, my heart goes out to that little boy.

Sally: Yeah. It’s definitely been unbearable for all of them, but I just am afraid Adam is taking it worse than anyone.

Audra: Are you thinking of going to be with him?

Sally: I mean, it’s not really my place. You know, I know Connor, he’s an amazing kid, but I’m not his family, so…

Audra: Yeah, but you’re Adam’s partner, and it sounds like he could use your support.

Sally: He has Chelsea. You know, what they’re going through as Connor’s parents, it’s intense, and they’ve had to navigate a lot of their own tensions, and their different parenting styles, and I feel like they’ve finally found a way to do that, you know, to be there for their son.

Audra: If you say so.

Sally: It’s a tricky balance, and I just don’t wanna insert myself in the middle of it.

Audra: Now, I’m impressed. A lot of women wouldn’t appreciate their guy spending so much time with his ex-wife.

Chelsea: Believe it or not, Adam was a rock. After the doctor left, I completely fell apart, but Adam was the strong one. He’s been that a lot lately.

Billy: That is surprising.

Chelsea: Yeah, last night, we just stayed up, talking things through. It helped. I woke up feeling more hopeful today.

Billy: That’s good, I’m glad you’re staying positive. So, what happens now?

Chelsea: We don’t really know.

Billy: Oh, are you able to see Connor while he’s inpatient, or– or are you heading home?

Chelsea: Well, we wanna stay in town in case Connor improves and we’re allowed to go see him, so…

Billy: Yeah, of course. Um, well, you know, I can come out there and be with you, that’s no problem. I will go to your apartment, I can grab some fresh clothes and anything else you might need.

Chelsea: Billy, that’s so sweet.

Billy: I just feel so helpless. You know, there must be something I can do.

Kyle: You gonna tell him?

Jack: Tell me what?

Kyle: Mom gave me a pink slip. Did you agree to this?

Jack: No, I didn’t.

Diane: I was trying to reach you to explain what was going on, to avoid a scene.

Jack: It seems a bit late for that.

Diane: Jack, you know this did not come out of the blue.

Jack: What I want to know is what could possibly have happened in the short time I was away that would lead you to fire our son?

Kyle: Yeah. That’s what I would like to know.

Diane: Oh, come on, Kyle. You know exactly why you’re being fired. I have tried to reason with you. I have warned you multiple times to back off, and yet, you’ve persisted. You know what? You have pushed me too far, and your self-promoting actions have consequences.

Kyle: Do you hear this? I have done nothing other than the same job I’ve always done.

Diane: Yeah, and that’s the problem! It’s not your job anymore. It’s mine.

Kyle: Hey, are you gonna step in here? Mom is completely overreacting. Clearly, she doesn’t have the experience to be operating at this level.

Diane: Oh, please, please, do not come to his rescue now, Jack. Now, when every time I try to talk to you about this, you said you wanted to stay out of it. And you wanted Kyle and I to work it out between us.

Jack: I had hoped that the two of you would be professional enough to handle this in a reasonable manner.

Diane: I have tried everything to fix the problem, and nothing has worked. And he has left me no choice but to take the only option I had left, and I am not backing down.

Chelsea: As much as I would love you to come here and wrap your arms around me, I don’t want to pull you away from work. How did it go with the board vote and Jill?

Billy: Oh, you have enough on your mind right now, okay? I’ll fill you in on the details when you get back home.

Chelsea: Sounds slightly ominous.

Billy: I wouldn’t go that far. [ knocking on door ]

Chelsea: Hold on one second. Hey, come on in. Uh, I should go.

Billy: Okay. Um, I’ll call you later. I miss you.

Chelsea: I miss you more. Bye.

Adam: I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can go if you want to call him back.

Chelsea: No, it’s okay. Uh, did you talk to Sally?

Adam: Uh-huh. She wishes that she could do something to help, yeah.

Chelsea: Billy does too.

Adam: Hm. If only there was something they could do. There really isn’t, is there? There’s nothing anyone can do.

Sally: What are you talking about? If I’ve given you the impression at all that I’m jealous, I’m– I’m not.

Audra: Adam’s off in a hotel,untry, with his ex. A twinge of jealousy wouldn’t be surprising.

Sally: Honestly, it never even crossed my mind. Adam and Chelsea, their romance is long over.

Audra: Yeah, Tucker promised me he was also done with his ex, but every time I turned around, and there she was.

Sally: Well, they are a family in crisis, and their only focus right now is on Connor, and how to get him through this nightmare.

Audra: Yeah, um, I’m– I’m sure their son is their primary focus.

Sally: Exactly. And besides, Adam and I are in love. He actually just asked me to move in with him.

Audra: Oh.

Sally: He’s letting me buy throw pillows.

Audra: Oh, well, that is love.

Sally: Yeah, and I– I trust him. Completely.

Audra: Wow. I’m always amazed when people can do that.

Sally: What?

Audra: Trust. Yeah, I– I’ve learned the hard way to never trust anyone. Ever.

Sally: Never.

Audra: I mean it. I intend to spend the rest of my life relying only on myself.

Sally: Okay. All right then. Well, then in that case, what is your next step in launching your completely self-sufficient empire?

Audra: Making sure the last few pieces are in place to assure my success.

Kyle: Apparently, my mother needs a crash course on corporate protocol. Can you please enlighten your wife for me?

Diane: There it is again. That condescending attitude that I’ve had to put up with. Any other Jabot employee would have been fired a long time ago.

Jack: Yes, the attitude is a problem, but he is upset for a reason.

Kyle: Thank you for understanding. I– Dad, remember how we used to wo together as co-CEOs? We were in total sync. I never would have imagined firing someone without talking to you first, and I certainly wouldn’t have waited until he was conveniently out of the country.

Diane: Well, I have been waiting for you to pull yourself together and start acting like an actual executive instead of an entitled heir apparent, but you haven’t!

Kyle: Why don’t you just admit it? You want me gone because my mere presence shines a spotlight on all your inadequacies. [ Diane scoffs ] And I’m not the only one that sees it, am I?

Jack: Hold on right there. Diane has done an exemplary job.

Kyle: You have to say that, to keep peace in your marriage.

Jack: Kyle, tone it down. Now, what happened? What– what was the final straw?

Diane: Oh, why pick one when there’s been so many?

Kyle: Dad, see? She can’t point to anything.

Diane: You want to do this, Kyle? Fine. What about my press release that you rewrote, because you felt my copy was a little rushed?

Kyle: I made a few minor tweaks to clean it up a bit. That’s no big deal.

Diane: No, you changed my work without discussing it with me. And what about the meeting you canceled with my project manager and then rescheduled without including me?

Kyle: That– that was an oversight. I– I thought you were busy, so I stepped in for you.

Diane: Oh, nice try. And what about all of the emails addressed to me that you were merely CCed on, that you take it upon yourself to answer before I even get a chance to respond?

Kyle: You are harping on all of the tiny details.

Diane: Tiny details? All these tiny details undermine my authority.

Kyle: Yeah, I was just trying to help. Be supportive. Take a little work off your plate, and you have somehow unfairly managed to turn my good intentions into fireable offenses.

Audra: All right. I will see you.

Sally: Bye.

Audra: Bye.

Sally: Have a good day.

Audra: Billy.

Billy: Hi, Audra. Morning, Sally.

Sally: Billy.

Billy: Hi.

Sally: Hi. Uh, care to join me?

Billy: For breakfast?

Sally: I mean, I’d settle for coffee. I know we’re not exactly friends, but our lives seem to be crossing paths more these days and I don’t know, I thought maybe we should get to know each other a little better, especially since we’re so firmly Team Connor.

Billy: Can’t argue with that. Um, since you are being so generous, do you mind if I give you a tip of my own?

Sally: Please do.

Billy: The woman that just left.

Sally: Audra?

Billy: Be careful around her.

Sally: Okay. It’s funny, because people would probably say the same thing to her about me but, um, yes, uh, Audra has been nothing but a good friend to me so far.

Billy: Okay. Well, take it or leave it, but you’ve been warned.

Sally: Okay, duly noted. So, uh, when was the last time you spoke with Chelsea?

Billy: We, uh, we spoke this morning. She filled me in on what’s going on with Connor.

Sally: Yeah, I– I can’t believe it. Just when things were starting to get a little better, and then something like this had to happen.

Billy: Yeah. I mean, I hate what this OCD is doing to him. To all of them, frankly.

Sally: Yeah, it just seems cruel and unfair.

Billy: And they’re in Baltimore and we’re sitting here with no way to help.

Adam: Brought some coffee and your favorite pastries. You want to eat a little something?

Chelsea: Ah. Thanks, but I’m not hungry.

Adam: Oh. Yeah, me either. [ both sigh ]

Chelsea: Actually, we need to stay strong. For Connor’s sake, so, um, I’ll tell you what. I’ll have a bite if you do.

Adam: I’m not a toddler. So, you don’t need to talk to me like one.

Chelsea: I wouldn’t have to if you would just eat something.

Adam: Give me that. [ garbled ] Thank you.

Diane: Do you care to explain your good intentions to your father with the Huntley deal, hm?

Kyle: I– I was just trying to help.

Jack: Wait, wait. What happened with Huntley?

Diane: Uh, I specifically told Kyle not to finalize anything. That there were a few details I was still working out. And then, I came to the office this morning to find out that Kyle had gone behind my back and done exactly what I asked him not to do.

Kyle: The deal was done. I had ironed out the numbers months ago. Their CEO called me, furious, wondering what the holdup was. Said you were stonewalling him. You let it languish. Put a major deal at risk. He was ready to walk.

Diane: He wasn’t going anywhere. I had him right where I wanted him. He was just trying to play hardball. But then, you pushed the deal through, all on your own, despite my direct orders.

Kyle: He wasn’t bluffing. I talked to him. He wasn’t giving an inch.

Diane: Well, you’re wrong. You should have consulted with me. I was about to get Jabot a much better deal.

Kyle: Okay, look, about to and getting are two very different things.

Diane: Well, we’ll never know now for sure, will we? Oh, and on top of that, the man now won’t take my calls.

Jack: What? Why?

Diane: Because Kyle told him to bypass me, and deal directly with him. So tell me, how benevolent is that? How is that anything but a direct stab in my back?

Jack: I have to say, Kyle, hearing this, I agree. You went way too far.

Kyle: I don’t believe this. You’re– you’re actually siding with Mom on this. Won’t you just at least look at my Huntley numbers before you decide that I’m wrong?

Jack: Kyle, this isn’t about right and wrong.

Kyle: No, there is no way she could have brokered a better deal than the one I’ve–

Jack: Don’t you see what you’ve done? You have put it out there, in the business world, that you don’t believe in one of our chief executives. That they can just ignore her when they want to do business with Jabot. Why would you do that?

Kyle: That’s not what I did.

Jack: That is exactly what you did. You did damage to her credibility, and Jabot’s, and mine.

Kyle: Not true. Your reputation is stellar. Nothing anyone could say would change that.

Jack: Oh, Kyle, I wish it was that simple. You have made it look like I gave my wife a job she didn’t deserve and wasn’t qualified for. Nothing could be further from the truth. You were the one that advocated for me giving Diane that job to begin with.

Kyle: I don’t believe this is happening. Especially from you. I guess I’ll go clean out my office.

Jack: No, wait, Kyle. Wait.

Kyle: For what? The so-called Abbott legacy to kick in? So much for that.

Jack: Kyle, I believe you made an error in judgment. I also believe you being fired was premature. Can we just talk this out?

Kyle: What, and now you want to talk it out? Two minutes ago, your minds were made up.

Jack: We all make mistakes. That includes me. I made the mistake of insisting that the two of you work things out on your own. I should have jumped in and helped come up with the solution. Let’s do that now.

Kyle: No, don’t bother. This pink slip from Mom proves that we are way past any mutually agreed solution. Consider me gone.

Jack: Kyle, Kyle, don’t go. Come– come here. [ Diane sighs ]

Diane: Please don’t blame me for this.

Adam: I’m not trying to be difficult… but this waiting around is killing me.

Chelsea: I know.

Adam: We have no control at all and I just don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Chelsea: I know. We just, we have to be patient.

Adam: I mean, how? Our son’s well-being is completely out of our hands. Every parenting instinct tells me that this is, it’s all wrong.

Chelsea: Don’t say that. We are not helpless. I– I mean, look what we’ve done for Connor so far.

Adam: What did we do? Ship him off to a place where we can’t even visit him now?

Chelsea: Well, getting him into this clinic and convincing him and ourselves that this is the right place for him, that was a giant step.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: I know along the way we needed to fight our instincts, but we did the research. These doctors are the best in their field and we have to trust that they are gonna do what they’re trained to do. You know, and in the meantime, we– we send Connor positive thoughts. You heard him yesterday. He said that he could feel that. He knows we love him. So, we have to stay positive, okay? Until we’re allowed to go see him again.

Adam: You– you really are something, you know that?

Chelsea: What did I do now?

Adam: Reminded me, yet again, of your incredible devotion to fighting like hell for our son. I don’t know where Connor and I would be in all of this without you.

Chelsea: Well, back at you.

Adam: I have to wonder, though, are we making a mistake staying in this town?

Jack: I don’t blame you.

Diane: Good.

Jack: I just wanna know what happened. I wanna know how things escalated so quickly. You and Kyle were getting along wonderfully until you took over his old job.

Diane: I think you just answered your own question.

Jack: You really want me to believe this is as petty as resentment over a job?

Diane: Yes. Kyle clearly wasn’t happy being relegated to third position in a company. It was, I don’t know, it was just too much for his ego to handle. And so, consciously or not, he started retaliating in any way he could.

Jack: Much as I hate to admit it, you might be right.

Diane: Well, think about the timing for when things got tense between us. There’s really no other explanation.

Jack: This would not be the first time that Kyle betrayed a family member for his own personal gain.

Diane: Well, hopefully, it’s the last.

Jack: Was it really necessary to fire him, though?

Diane: Jack, do you think I wanted to do that? I mean, Kyle is my son. You know how much I love him. And after how hard it was to get him to trust me again, after how hard I worked on our relationship once I came back to town? Listen to me, this– this is not at all what I wanted.

Jack: That’s why I’m advocating for a different solution.

Diane: Yeah, but there isn’t one. I mean, Kyle is just– he’s just so angry with me. And then I, and then I fight back, right? And then I’m walking on eggshells, just trying not to make things worse. And you know, it’s not– it’s not just here at the office. It’s also happening at home. I mean, honey, it’s gotten to the point that the only time we are even remotely normal with each other is when Harrison’s in the room.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Victor: Hello, Kyle.

Kyle: Victor.

Victor: Have a seat. So… you ready to accept my offer?

Kyle: Oh, I am more than ready. I’ve officially left Jabot. ok, I know this is probably really awkward, considering how much you and Adam dislike each other.

Billy: We’ve had our moments. There’s no doubt about that. But none of that matters now.

Sally: I just keep thinking about Connor and how he must feel so alone.

Billy: Yeah, it’s impossible for me to not think about how this would feel for me or how I would react if it were Johnny and Katie. And I know you don’t have kids yet, but you can imagine… I’m sorry. That was insensitive. I apologize.

Sally: I know what you meant. And you lost a child, too, so I know you get the pain.

Billy: Yeah, it changes you forever. Makes you see life in a new light.

Sally: Yeah, it really does.

Billy: What’s hard for me is imagining Connor battling all these intrusive thoughts, you know, on his own, like he’s in some kind of prison.

Sally: Yeah, now he’s an inpatient and I feel like it’s even more isolating. I mean, the kid I know, he’s just fun and smart. We used to joke all the time.

Billy: You will again. But it is excruciating, knowing what he’s going through and the toll that it’s taking on Chelsea and Adam.

Sally: Chelsea’s really lucky to have you in her corner.

Billy: Not half as lucky as Adam is to have you.

Chelsea: How would staying near Connor be a mistake? He might need us. They could call any minute, saying he’s ready for a visit.

Adam: Yeah, but we don’t know when that call is gonna come. I mean, think about what it’s gonna be like to stay here while we wait for that.

Chelsea: Well, at least we’re close by. Otherwise, it’ll take us hours to get here when he is ready.

Adam: Yes, but we’re gonna be sitting in this room, wondering about Connor every second. Think about what that’s gonna be like. It’s gonna be pure torture, don’t you think?

Chelsea: Adam, we would be doing that at home, too.

Adam: The doctor said it could be a couple weeks before Connor is released. With nothing to do in this hotel room, I mean, we’re gonna be reduced to two frantic, stir-crazy parents by the time Connor finally gets to see us.

Chelsea: I see your point. I really do. But I have to be close to my son. At least right now. So if– if you wanna go, for whatever reason, I totally understand. And you can always hop on a plane and come back if things change.

Adam: Well, you’re not gonna get rid of me that easy. If you’re staying, I’m gonna stay, too.

Diane: Thanks, Jack. I could really use your support today. But I’m– I’m sure you could use mine after everything you’ve been through. I know it’s gotta be hard to come home from Paris to this.

Jack: Yeah, it’s been a rough few days.

Diane: Yeah, I know it’s horrible timing with all the stress about Ashley. How’s she doing?

Jack: She’s in a wonderful facility. I didn’t get to spend much time there, but… she seems strong and in control.

Diane: Well, did the doctor say how long she’ll be there?

Jack: Oh, I don’t think they know and they weren’t willing to share with me every step in her recovery. I– Alan did think that she will fully recover.

Diane: Well, I hope she rests as well and is home soon.

Jack: Thanks. I saw Allie.

Diane: Ah! She’s always so happy and positive on her phone.

Jack: Oh, she is so happy in Paris. Loved having her Aunt Traci there and Abby– Abby is pretty upset that she wasn’t informed about her mother’s situation.

Diane: I can imagine. It’s– it’s hard to know how to protect your child, even when they’re an adult. I mean, you just, you never know how far to go.

Jack: I’m not ready to give up on Kyle. Maybe he can still come back to Jabot. Maybe there’s a way to work this all out.

Victor: You left Jabot rather suddenly, didn’t you?

Kyle: I would say it’s right on time, wouldn’t you?

Victor: But something must have prompted you to leave so quickly.

Kyle: I realized you were right. I have way too much untapped potential to waste it somewhere that doesn’t value what I have to offer.

Victor: So, this is all right with your parents?

Kyle: What difference does it make? I’m a free agent now. I’m free to work wherever I like and I want to come and run Glissade for you.

Victor: Question to you is, are you really ready to become a serious competitor to Jabot?

Kyle: Oh, I have every intention of giving Jabot a run for their money.

Diane: I know you want to turn this thing around with Kyle. And in a perfect world, I want that too. The three of us working together at Jabot, making it an even stronger company for Kyle and Harrison to run someday.

Jack: It has been my dream since the day I found out he was my son.

Diane: Well, it’s my dream too.

Jack: You’re talking about the Abbott family legacy here.

Diane: And it can still happen. It can. But right now, letting Kyle go was the only course we had.

Victor: Well, Kyle, I am very happy that you are solidly on board with Glissade, but… there’s only one question and that is why did you leave Jabot so quickly?

Kyle: Leaving Jabot wasn’t a quick decision. I had been thinking about it for a while. It’s hard to stay somewhere when you’ve been demoted twice.

Victor: Now, I understand why you want to move on.

Kyle: Look, Victor, I have had it, being shunted around by my father, and the sad part is, it had nothing to do with my business skills. It was for purely personal reasons.

Victor: Well, Jabot’s loss seems to be Glissade’s gain.

Kyle: This is a perfect opportunity to prove to them what they’re losing.

Victor: I like your drive, Kyle. There’s only one caveat.

Kyle: What’s that?

Victor: Removing Audra from the equation is out of the question. She and you have to work out a way to work together.

Kyle: With all due respect, I think I can do a better job if I don’t have to constantly be watching my–

Victor: There’s no point. I want the two of you to work together, to turn Glissade into a powerhouse. If you can’t do that, then the offer is off the table.

Kyle: If that is a deal breaker and Audra and I have to share the top spot, I’m sure we can find a way to work through our differences.

Victor: Good. I had a feeling you would get on board with that.

Kyle: In six months’ time, when you see me dancing circles around Audra, hopefully you’ll reconsider your–

Victor: No competition between the two of you. I want you to work together, all right?

Kyle: Got it.

Victor: Now, I suggest you contact Audra and tell her that you’re on board and you find a way to work together. All right? I want you to hit the ground running. Time is of the essence.

Kyle: Yes, sir.

Victor: Thank you for coming by. [ Kyle sighs ]

Audra: Thank you.

[ phone pings ]

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea decide to stay in Maryland to be close to Connor in case he makes progress and gets out of the in-patient wing of the treatment center and they are able to visit him again. Billy and Sally talk about how they wish there was something they could do to help Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Diane fires Kyle from Jabot because she is tired of him constantly undermining her authority. Jack arrives at the office while Kyle and Diane are arguing. Jack tries his best to resolve the situation between them but Kyle is angry with Jack because he takes Diane’s side without hearing his side of the situation. Kyle leaves Jabot and sends a text message to Victor telling him he wants to meet with him. Kyle tells Victor he will accept the job he offered him. Victor tells Kyle he must work together with Audra or he can’t have the job. Kyle tells Victor that he will work with Audra to make Glissade a competitor to Jabot so his parents can see they made a mistake when they let him go.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Chelsea: What do you think? I tried to get us a room overlooking the harbor, but those rooms were booked.

Connor: That’s okay. We got to see the harbor IRL. In real life.

Chelsea: Oh, IRL. Thank you for the translation.

Adam: And how cool were those old schooners, huh? We’ll have to take a ride on one.

Connor: Can we do that today? After we eat?

Chelsea: Well, maybe we’ll save that for next time. We don’t want to overdo it. Plus, we need to get you back soon.

Adam: But today has been awesome, buddy. And it is so great to see you and to be able to leave campus.

Connor: Yeah. Being able to get out of there’s amazing. I mean, they are helping me. You can tell, right?

Adam: Mm.

Connor: This is fun, the three of us. Like before.

Chelsea: Yeah. So much fun.

Connor: Oh. That’s like the millionth hug.

Adam: Yeah, and you’re hogging him. I’ve only had a thousand. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Billy: Hey, I got your text. Or should I say summons?

Chance: Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I really needed to talk to you. Didn’t want to do it in the office.

Billy: I think I know what this is about. I’m assuming you heard some rumblings.

Chance: Yeah, you could say that.

Billy: Okay, well, you know that I would have brought you up to speed if I could.

Chance: No, it’s fine. I get it, man.

Billy: There’s a lot of moving parts. Just had to put the pieces together to make sure that we had Lily on our side before, you know, to guarantee we had the votes.

Chance: Wait, what are you talking about?

Billy: What are you talking about?

Chance: I’m talking about Jill. I heard about her condition. It worries the hell out of me.

Lily: Why were you questioning me like that in front of Billy?

Devon: What are you talking about? I had to say something. Was I supposed to just roll over and go, “Yeah, let’s split up the company. See you later, Lily.”

Lily: You were interrogating me like I was a traitor.

Devon: What?

Nate: You did go at her pretty hard.

Devon: I– Are you guys kidding? I had to make it seem like I felt a little betrayed or else Billy would have suspected something, don’t you think?

Lily: Oh, well, bravo, because it was quite the performance.

Devon: Come on, really?

Lily: No, it was a little too real, Devon. It was like borderline hurtful.

Devon: You know this whole thing isn’t going to work unless I sell it, right?

Lily: Then why did it feel like you were trying to trip me up?

Devon: Why would I want to trip you up?

Lily: I don’t know, because everything is going according to plan. Billy is convinced that I’m going to run Abbott-Chancellor with him. And all we have to do is keep him convinced of that until we divide the companies.

Devon: I understand. I know what the plan is.

Lily: Okay, then why does it feel like you’re trying to sabotage it?

Devon: I don’t know ’cause I’m certainly not. But the fact that you’re getting so upset over nothing, it makes me wonder if this is what you really want to do.

Chelsea: All right, all right. I will ration my hugs from here on out. Our time is limited and we have other things to do.

Adam: Like diving into this pizza before it gets cold.

Connor: It’d be good if this day could last a week or even forever. Just go back to Genoa City and everything is normal.

Adam: Hm. Well, normal is never that normal, but I hear you.

Chelsea: Yeah. And we will all be together again very soon. And this day has been perfect just the way it is.

Connor: I do have a group session I have to get back to and sticking to my schedule is important.

Chelsea: Yeah, absolutely.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, eat. We’ll have you back in plenty of time.

Connor: This is way better than the food they serve. I mean, the food’s fine. Great, really. I know the place is crazy expensive.

Adam: Where’d you hear that from?

Connor: Some kids were talking about it last night. I feel bad you have to spend all that money just to make me better.

Adam: No– [ exhaling ] Connor, that’s very considerate of you, but it’s a non-issue. It doesn’t matter a bit.

Chelsea: Your dad’s right. That’s what money is for. To take care of the people you love.

Connor: You’re sure?

Adam: Positive, okay? Don’t give it another thought.

Connor: Thanks. I still wish it didn’t cost so much. I feel bad for t the kids whose parents don’t have money or don’t have parents as cool as you guys are. So, thank you.

Chelsea: Sweetheart.

Adam: Yeah, we’ll always be here for you, buddy.

Connor: I know that. Even when it seems like I don’t. And I know I’m lucky. Some of the kids here, you know their parents don’t visit? Like, they don’t want to know anything until it’s all over. They freak out it’s taking too long.

Chelsea: Well, it takes as long as it takes.

Connor: Right. That’s what the doctor says and for the first time ever, I feel like I can get better. That this place is really helping me.

Chelsea: Well, I think your dad and I can both see that.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: We’re all feeling pretty hopeful.

Chelsea: But there is one thing.

Connor: What?

Chelsea: I really need another hug. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. If that’s allowed, I…

Connor: Permission granted.

Chelsea: We love you so much.

Adam: Hey, hey, hey. What about me? Huh? Come here.

Billy: How did you find out about my mom?

Chance: She told me. She said you’re the only person she’s talked to about this.

Billy: So you know why I couldn’t say anything?

Chance: Yeah.

Billy: She swore me to silence.

Chance: She just told me today, but it seems like this has been going on for a while.

Billy: Yeah, a little bit. You know, she didn’t want to worry anyone.

Chance: More like she doesn’t want anyone hovering or asking too many questions, or worse, showing signs of pity, right?

Billy: You know, you shouldn’t say pity and Jill in the same sentence. That’ll get you fired.

Chance: Well, she told me that everything’s under control. You know, she’s undergoing treatment. The meds make her kind of tired, but all is well and all will be fine. I can’t stop worrying, though. So please, is she telling the truth? Is she covering? Help me out here.

Billy: Trust me, I’ve had the exact same thoughts since I found out. I’ve been panicked. You know, what if she doesn’t make it through this? But I’ve also talked to Snapper, and he seems optimistic, so I think she’s telling the truth.

Chance: All right. Yeah, I’d feel a lot better if she was being treated here instead of London.

Billy: Tell me about it.

Chance: You know, I can’t help but think of Katherine when we lost her on the bucket list tour, and well, nobody got to say goodbye.

Billy: That’s another reason why I think she’s telling the truth. She knows how much this affects everyone. And if it was worse, I– I think that she would not be hiding it.

Chance: Well, that’s a relief. Yeah, I thought about going to check up on her, but I’m pretty sure she’d read me the Riot Act, huh?

Billy: I guarantee you she would. Yeah, I advise against that. She’ll let us know when she wants company. [ Chance sighing ]

Chance: I just wish there was something I could do now.

Billy: Actually, um, I am working on something in support of my mother, her legacy. I could use your help.

Lily: Why are you doubting me all of a sudden? Where is this coming from?

Devon: Well, for starters, you’re getting pretty bent out of shape for no reason. And I’d like to think that I know when you’re bluffing, and you seem pretty damn jazzed about the pitch of joining Billy and leaving Winters behind.

Lily: I mean, I’m trying to sell my act the way that you’re selling your act.

Devon: Okay, sure, fair enough. I also saw you and Billy toasting earlier at Society and you guys looked pretty pleased with yourselves.

Lily: Oh, my God, Devon, that’s part of the performance. Just like you’re selling your sense of betrayal, I’m selling my excitement to jump ship with Billy, which is an idea that I shot down in the past. I mean, you– you get that, right?

Nate: I gotta agree, Devon. She’s gotta sell her enthusiasm just as much as you gotta sell your skepticism.

Lily: Yeah, thank you. I mean, okay, can we go on with the plan now?

Devon: No, we can’t. Not yet. Because I think that Nate is being a little generous with you because he doesn’t know the full story.

Lily: What are you talking about?

Devon: I told Nate about you coming to me and telling me how Billy was trying to get you to join up with him and basically oust me. But what I didn’t tell Nate is how long it took you to share that information with me. It was, what, weeks? A month?

Lily: I told you why I waited. Things were very tense between you and Billy. I didn’t want to make it worse.

Devon: I– I know know what you said.

Lily: And– and what does it matter how long I waited? I wasn’t going to go along with his idea anyway.

Devon: Well, you’re going along with it now.

Lily: That’s part of the plan. Like, what do you think? I’m just some liar who’s waiting to betray you?

Chelsea: Am I wrong? It was really good, right? Am– am I wrong?

Adam: I– I was just hoping that I would finally get to see him. Today, it definitely surpassed that.

Chelsea: I mean, the difference, Adam, between that last video call with Connor and today, it’s– it’s amazing.

Adam: It’s like he finally turned a corner.

Chelsea: Look at you, being all optimistic.

Adam: Hey. Who knew I had it in me?

Chelsea: I mean, I don’t want to tease. This is really serious stuff, but I’m– I’m– I’m giddy.

Adam: No, I get it. It’s like a giant weight has been lifted off our shoulders.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: So, you’re allowed a gentle jab at my expense. I was the one who had the doubts about the facility, but after today, I can see they know what they’re doing. Hey, you see that spark back in his eyes again?

Chelsea: Yes, that spark. That spark. I didn’t think we’d ever see that again. And when he sat here and said that, he, like, he thanked us for being there for him. Oh!

Adam: And he was worried about the other kids who weren’t as lucky.

Chelsea: I know. It feels like he’s really getting better, Adam.

Adam: I’m going to talk to his doctors. I’m going to ask them how they feel about his progress. Ask them about a timeline for when he can come home.

Chelsea: Okay, okay. Well, let’s– We just have to slow down a little bit. We have to be patient with the doctors.

Adam: Wait, I mean, I mean, that is patient. It’s involved. It’s advocating for our son the way that he would want us to.

Chelsea: Right, but the doctors have included us in all the details of his progress and everything. I just think we have to continue to trust them.

Adam: Okay, okay. You’re right. Again.

Chelsea: Thank you. What?

Adam: You… don’t cut me any slack. And I mean that in the best way possible. You don’t just assume I’m a lost cause. I mean, how many times have you stopped me from blowing things up?

Chelsea: About as many times as you’ve stopped me from spinning out and calmed me down.

Adam: None of this has been easy.

Chelsea: I know. But I’m glad we’ve had each other to lean on.

Adam: Hm.

Chance: Well, hang on. I’m a little confused. Because when Mamie suggested reversing the merger, I know you were for it, but Devon was dead set against it.

Billy: Which is another reason, for many, I needed to get Lily on our side so she could help convince Devon.

Chance: But why would Lily want to tear down what she built? I mean, she worked really hard to make Chancellor-Winters a success.

Billy: There’s no doubt about that, but I think that she sees where the problems are now. You know, all this constant infighting. It’s a drain on her, it’s a drain on the company. With this plan, we can tighten everything up and we can get rid of the baggage.

Chance: You mean Devon and Nate?

Billy: What I mean is there’s immense potential here, and we need to be able to make big and small decisions without all the fighting. And let’s just be honest, from the Chancellor side of things, we don’t need the diversification that the Winters company brings. We focus on our wheelhouse. We expand, we invest on the things that we do well. And if we do that, Abbott-Chancellor becomes a powerhouse.

Chance: Abbott-Chancellor. You back on that again?

Billy: It’s part of the plan. It’s a major point. It’s about your grandmother’s legacy. It’s about our family’s success.

Chance: And the Winters family be damned?

Billy: No, not at all. They have the same opportunities and the same benefits we have. It’s a win-win.

Chance: Yeah? Is that how Nate and Devon see it?

Billy: Well, you know, Nate played it close to his chest. Devon, he was a little more skeptical, but he’ll come around.

Chance: Okay, well, Devon’s opinion is the one that matters. He’s the one with the board vote.

Billy: Well, let’s not forget that my mother gave him her voting power, so I have two votes. Even if Abby decides to vote with Devon in opposition, we’ll be fine.

Chance: Mm, I don’t know. It just seems like a contentious way to get this done.

Billy: I don’t think it’s going to get that far. I’m confident that Lily will convince Devon that this is the right way to go. We’ll separate the companies as friends. Gave it a shot. We learned a lot. No harm, no foul.

Devon: No, Lily, I don’t think you’re trying to betray me. I don’t think you’re lying, all right? At least not to me.

Lily: Then who am I lying to?

Devon: I– Maybe yourself.

Lily: Oh, okay, so now I don’t know my own mind. I mean, do you realize how condescending you are?

Devon: I’m not trying to sound or be condescending. I’m trying to make sure that you’re not conflicted about where you want to end up.

Lily: Okay, then please. Explain it to me.

Devon: You’ve explained to me many times about how Jill handpicked you to run Chancellor. Right? Even over her own son because she has faith in you. And you had a lot of success doing that. You don’t have that same experience on the Winters side of things.

Lily: So, sorry, am I too experienced or not experienced enough? Which one?

Devon: No, I’m saying that they are two different divisions. And currently, you mostly handle things on the Chancellor side, right?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Devon: We agreed to run Winters together.

Lily: And now, you’re having second thoughts.

Devon: No, I’m trying to make sure that you’re not having second thoughts. And that Billy hasn’t gotten into your head about working together with me. That’s all this is about.

Lily: So, sorry, you put me on the spot in front of Billy to test my loyalty?

Devon: No, it’s– I–

Lily: I mean, how dare you blindside me with a test I don’t even know I’m taking? I told you what I wanted. I’m the one who came to you with this idea. So, you know what? If you don’t trust me, maybe I should reconsider joining you at Winters.

Devon: So, tell me, is this just you being upset? Or is this you looking for a reason to join Billy and actually stay there with him?

Lily: Well, I don’t have to look. I mean, you’re giving me plenty of reasons. Your whole attitude screams that you don’t want me with you at Winters.

Devon: I’ve already told you, that is not how I feel. And like you said, we’re just playing parts, right?

Lily: Oh, I don’t know. I mean, it sounded pretty real when you were asking Billy why he even needs me to run the company with him. I mean, thank you for that little improv.

Devon: Yeah, it sounded pretty real when you were talking about ditching Winters.

Nate: Hey, hey, hey. We’re getting way off track here, okay? That’s enough.

Devon: I disagree. I think we’re very much on track ’cause I think I deserve to know, I think we all do, if Billy’s actually tempted you.

Lily: Oh, I want to know if you actually are pushing me because you’ve realized that you don’t want me at Winters.

Devon: Well, why would I change my mind about that?

Lily: I don’t know. Maybe Billy’s right. Maybe you do want total autonomy.

Devon: So, you’re going to argue with me by quoting Billy, the partner that you claim you don’t want.

Lily: Well, Billy isn’t the only one who’s dealt with your control issues. Right, Nate?

Nate: Ooh, no, no. Leave me out of this.

Devon: Lily, I would understand if you started to have a change of heart. I would. I just want to know.

Lily: Oh, my God. I don’t know how to convince you that I have not changed my mind.

Devon: Well, I would love to believe you.

Lily: Okay, you know what? Believe it or not, I am great at selling something when I commit to it. That’s it. So, if you would both please leave, then maybe I can get some actual work done.

Adam: Ah, it’s perfect. We can be at the jet by then. Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind having some chilled champagne on board, that would be great. All right, thanks.

Chelsea: Champagne? Really?

Adam: I’m feeling in the mood to celebrate.

Chelsea: Sounds perfect.

Adam: Didn’t realize how stressed I was about this trip until now.

Chelsea: Oh, yeah. I mean, I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, but when Connor said he wanted things to get back to normal…

Adam: I would like nothing better. [ phone ringing ]

Chelsea: Oh, it’s one of Connor’s doctors. Hello, doctor. No, it’s great to hear from you. Adam and I were going to call you before we left tonight. Should I put you on speaker? Now? Sure. Yeah, we’re room 711. Okay, bye. Um, that was Dr. Hammond. She’s going to stop by.

Adam: Oh, well, she didn’t need to do that. That– We don’t want to be pushy, right?

Chelsea: Yeah, well, she said since we’re still here, she wants to talk to us in person.

Adam: Huh.

Chelsea: What do you think that means? That doesn’t sound good.

Adam: Well, it could mean she wants to talk about his progress. Maybe give us a timeline, like we hoped.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.

Adam: Or maybe she wants to see how the visit went. Ask about his demeanor while he was– he was here.

Chelsea: Definitely. And we will be sure to give her a glowing report.

Billy: So, now that I’ve told you about the plan, can I count on you to have my back? And not only that, I’m going to need someone to do the extra work that this is all going to generate. It’s not going to be easy separating these two companies, especially after we worked so hard to integrate them.

Chance: I’m in. And I want to be a team player, I want to do my part.

Billy: Oh, I see you having a bigger role than just your part, Chance. Maybe even COO of Abbott-Chancellor. How does that sound?

Chance: Sounds like I’ll need a new suit, right? Oh. [ indistinct chatting ]

Billy: Just remember, silence on my mother’s condition.

Chance: I’m a vault.

Billy: Thank you.

Devon: Hello, gentlemen.

Billy: Hey.

Devon: Chance, I, uh– I assume Billy’s brought you up to speed on his latest idea?

Chance: He sure did.

Devon: Yeah? And what do you think about it? Think it’s the right move for the company?

Chance: Well, I feel like the more important question is, how do you feel about it?

Devon: I’m on the fence.

Billy: Which I don’t understand. I mean, unless it’s for the same reason as always because it was my idea and Lily likes it and you don’t want me to get my way.

Devon: I mean, actually, I’d be getting my way by not having to work with you anymore, so.

Chance: What’s going to push you to one side of that fence?

Devon: I– I’m going to go with however the board votes.

Billy: Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Billy: Even though you know Lily and I pretty much have this locked up, you sure about that?

Devon: I mean, I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out, won’t you?

Billy: Hey, Nate. please come in.

Hammond: Thank you. I appreciate you letting me come by.

Chelsea: Yeah, of course. This is after hours for you, isn’t it?

Hammond: I was working late, and this is on my way home.

Adam: Is there an issue? Because we just saw him and he was in great spirits.

Hammond: Yes, I’m aware.

Chelsea: Uh, it was a really nice visit. He was articulate and very positive about his progress.

Hammond: Unfortunately, that’s exactly the problem.

Devon: God, Billy’s such a tool.

Nate: His default mode? To be extremely pleased with himself.

Devon: Oh, I just– I can’t– I can’t stand having to deal with him anymore.

Nate: Then, his smarm is working.

Devon: No, it’s– it’s nothing intentional about him. It’s just the way he is.

Nate: I don’t know. He’s been taking it to the next level. Devon, he’s pushing your buttons, trying to get you riled up so you’ll want to cut ties with Chancellor and not have anything to do with him.

Devon: Then, you know what? He’d be right. He would be right. I just don’t like the fact that he’s clouding Lily’s judgment. ‘Cause can you believe that she thought that I was trying to trick her into admitting some kind of betrayal?

Nate: You basically admitted to her that’s exactly what you were doing, so yeah, yeah, I can believe it. I’d like to know what’s up with that.

Devon: That’s not exactly what I was doing. I– I just know Lily, and I know that Lily likes a challenge, and I think that we have to at least consider the fact that she might actually be intrigued by running Abbott-Chancellor with Billy.

Nate: Or you’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Accusing your sister of wanting to stay at Chancellor and driving her to do just that.

Devon: All I’ve been doing is asking questions and letting her reveal her true colors to us.

Nate: I don’t know about that. Look, I sat back and watched you both go at it, and it didn’t sound like that to me.

Devon: Well, what did it sound like to you?

Nate: That Lily wasn’t wrong to wonder if you’re the one pushing her away. [ knocking on door ]

Chance: Hey, boss.

Lily: Hi.

Chance: You got a minute? Or is this a bad time?

Lily: Um, uh, no. Uh, come on in. I could use a distraction. It’s been a… a lot going on.

Chance: Yeah, yeah, so I hear. I just got done talking to Billy. He brought me up to speed on the whole divide and conquer plan.

Lily: Right, of course he did. Uh, I mean, he shouldn’t have said anything. Nothing is final right now.

Chance: Well, he made it seem like it was basically a done deal.

Lily: Well, we still have a– a board vote to get through.

Chance: And with Billy having his own vote plus Jill’s… Well, seems like he got that in the bag.

Lily: Yeah, maybe. Uh, what– what is it that you wanted?

Chance: Look, I just wanted to come in here and tell you that I am all in. I am here to help whenever you need me.

Lily: Well, thank you. There’s going to be a lot to do if this all happens, uh…

Chance: Absolutely, and this is not me kissing up or anything, but I do look forward to working more closely with you. Yeah, ever since you got back, I’ve been thoroughly impressed with how you’ve done things.

Lily: That sounds an awful lot like kissing up. [ both laughing ]

Chance: No, you, uh, you seem to rise above the infighting, and I think that is a big loss for the Winters’ side and a huge gain for Abbott-Chancellor. [ phone ringing ]

Billy: Hey, Mom. It’s good to see you. You’re looking good.

Jill: Yes, the doctors all say I’m their star patient. I am following their protocols to a T.

Billy: You have no idea how happy that makes me. And thank you very much for telling Chance about what’s going on with you.

Jill: Darling, I didn’t want you to have to carry that secret all by yourself.

Billy: Yeah, it’s nice to have someone else to complain to about how stubborn you are. And you just let us know, okay? When you’re ready, we’ll jump on a plane and come and see you.

Jill: Oh, I will let you know.

Billy: In the meantime, Lily and I pitched Devon and Nate. The board call is ready to go. Abby’s on a plane on her way to Paris at the moment.

Jill: How very nice for her.

Billy: Yeah, not exactly. It’s personal reasons. Ashley’s going through some health stuff as well.

Jill: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

Billy: As soon as she lands, we’re ready. We’ll get things rolling.

Jill: Well, now, Billy, that is actually why I called. I’m having second thoughts.

Billy: What exactly is giving you second thoughts, Mom? When we talked about the plan, you– you said you liked it.

Jill: I did a deeper dive into the post-merger numbers, and it showed that combined, our companies are very strong. I mean, they’re very profitable. Are we sure we want to risk splitting them up again?

Billy: I– I think it’s a valid point, but with Lily and me at the helm, I assure you, this will be a smooth transition.

Jill: Billy, you can’t protect against the questions and the rumors.

Billy: Mom, look, this is the only way to add the Abbott name to the company, okay? That alone is worth the risk.

Jill: Are you sure Lily is totally on board? I can’t imagine that she’d be so anxious to share her CEO status with you, given your history.

Billy: Well, I think after the way Devon reacted to the idea of Lily sticking with Chancellor, I think she’s more than ready to part ways with him.

Chance: You know, this company, it means something to me, too.

Lily: I know. I’m aware of your last name.

Chance: Yeah. And, uh, you know, I don’t like to throw that around too much, but ever since I started, I’ve showed up, I’ve done my work. I sucked it up and sat at Billy’s knee.

Lily: Yeah, basked in the glow of his wisdom.

Chance: You know how he can be.

Lily: I do. And unfortunately, he is as smart as he thinks he is.

Chance: It’s really nice to hear you say that.

Lily: Why is that?

Chance: Well, ever since I started, there’s been a lot of jockeying for position here. Whatever happens with this vote, whatever happens with Billy’s plan, I really hope things can settle down. You know, I look forward to everyone focusing on the work, instead of who’s going to come out on top. And I– I guess that’s what I really wanted to say to you.

Lily: Well, thank you. Thank you for your honesty. It’s refreshing. And I– I know that you care about Chancellor-Winters. Or Abbott-Chancellor or whatever it’s going to be called.

Chance: Well, I’ll, uh, let you get back to it. And it goes without saying, I’ll keep the demerger under wraps until it’s official.

Lily: Yes, thank you.

Neil: From now on, we’re going to leave our personal feelings on the other side of that door. When we’re in this office, the company comes first. I want this company to be the gold standard of how a family business should be run. And I plan to set the example.

Lily: Yeah, well, count me in, Dad. I love your new vision, and I can’t wait to see what we create together.

Neil: See that? Listen to her. That’s what I’m talking about. Thank you. [ Lily exhaling ]

Chelsea: Did Connor say he had a bad time? I mean–

Hammond: Connor had a wonderful time with you both. He came back to us in high spirits. He shared in his group session how great it was to see you, that you enjoyed a beautiful day on the harbor, he got to eat pizza.

Chelsea: Yeah, right. So, what’s the problem?

Hammond: That’s when his OCD flared. It’s actually common for OCD to intrude when good things happen to the patient.

Adam: What does that mean?

Hammond: It’s like the OCD rises up to tell the patient they don’t deserve the happiness they’re feeling. We think this is what happened, and it triggered a negative response in Connor. A punishment by the OCD, if that makes sense.

Chelsea: None of this makes sense.

Adam: Did he hit himself again?

Hammond: It started with the hitting. Then he used a pen and tried to cut his arm. [ Chelsea gasping ] Fortunately, one of the nurses checked in on Connor and saw what was happening before he could break the skin.

Chelsea: Wait– well, is he okay? Can we go see him?

Hammond: That’s why I wanted to talk to you in person. Since Connor did try to hurt himself again, we moved him to inpatient status for his own protection.

Adam: I– I know that you said inpatient was a possibility before, but what does that really mean?

Hammond: We moved him to another part of the hospital. He can’t leave the wing. He’s checked in on more often than in the residential center, and he won’t see his regular doctors.

Adam: Won’t that upset him? Won’t that cause him to backslide?

Chelsea: Yeah, won’t– won’t that undo, um, all the progress he’s been making?

Adam: I just– I– I don’t get it. How can his OCD still be so disruptive when he seems like he’s doing so much better?

Hammond: I know it’s hard to understand, but this is the OCD fighting back. It is weakening. And so it’s hanging on for dear life, doing anything it can to regain control.

Chelsea: So how long would he have to be in this inpatient wing?

Hammond: It’s hard to say. It could be a few days, or a couple of weeks. [ Chelsea sighing ] We’ll be monitoring his progress, reassessing him on a daily basis.

Adam: Um, well, thank you for coming in person to tell us this.

Hammond: I know it’s not the news you wanted to hear, especially after today, but I thought it was better to hear it this way than on the phone. Do you have any other questions for me?

Adam: Uh, probably, but I think– I think right now, we both need to process this.

Hammond: I’ll be in touch. We’ll keep you posted.

Adam: Mm-hmm. [ Chelsea exhaling ] Thank you. That was not the news I was hoping for. [ Adam exhaling ]

Adam: I don’t know what to think. Just when I thought that place knew what they were doing. Did they let us take him too soon? Are we not allowed to show him a good time? Are we never allowed to have fun with him again, unless the OCD wants to punish him? Chelsea, say something. Say anything. Don’t shut down right now.

Chelsea: What do you want me to say?

Adam: I don’t know. Tell me to shut up. Give me one of your pep talks. I just– I need to know what you’re thinking.

Chelsea: I don’t know, Adam. I’m just trying to hold on here, so excuse me if taking care of you right now is not my priority.

Adam: That’s not what I meant.

Chelsea: Well, it sure sounds like it. Sounds like you want me to pull you out of one of your rage spirals, and to be honest with you, I don’t have it in me right now.

Chelsea: Maybe I need support. We take turns, right? Well, now it’s my turn to freak out.

Adam: Hey, okay. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put that on you. Obviously, we are both reeling. You know, it’s like– we had a great day, and the news… it’s– it’s just, it’s whiplash, and the thought of him hurting himself like that–

Chelsea: He attacked himself! He attacked himself, Adam! Our precious little boy took a pen and tried to stab himself!

Adam: I know, I know. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s not who he is. I mean, it’s not who he’s ever been.

Chelsea: Maybe it is. Wha– Maybe this has been lingering inside him all along, and we just never saw it. Maybe our son has been struggling to keep these thoughts and feelings at bay, and we just never noticed, because we’ve been too focused on ourselves. We’ve been thinking about our own problems and our own issues, and our son has been taking care of himself all these years.

Adam: Don’t think like that, okay? This thinking is not helpful.

Chelsea: Don’t tell me how to think! We should have thought this way a long time ago, and then none of this would have been happening. Maybe… Maybe we’re just two really selfish people who never put our son first.

Adam: That is not true, and you know it.

Chelsea: Don’t tell me what’s true. I mean– If this day has taught us anything, it’s that we don’t know anything. You were about to order champagne, Adam. We– we were celebrating, and now look.

Adam: We should– come on, let’s sit down. Sit down.

Chelsea: How is this possible? He was so happy just a couple hours ago. We were making jokes and giving hugs and he… He wanted to go on a boat.

Adam: It’s okay.

Chelsea: It’s not okay, Adam. None of this is okay.

Adam: I know. It’s not right now, but he’s gonna be okay. All right? And so are we. We’re gonna be okay.

Billy: So, what’s with all the sudden questions and doubts? When we talked about this, you were all for it.

Jill: I don’t know. Maybe it’s this treatment I’ve been going through. I’ve been seeing things from a different perspective.

Billy: But you did give me your voting power. So you do trust me, correct?

Jill: Yes.

Billy: Okay, so this is the right call, Mom. It’s the right thing to do. You gotta let me run with it.

Devon: Please, man, don’t start this. Because that’s– that’s not why I questioned Lily. And if you really believe that, then maybe you need to stay behind with her at Chancellor.

Nate: Hey, hey, I’m not judging you. I’m just asking, the same way you asked Lily. If you want to run Winters on your own, just say so.

Devon: I want to run my family’s company with my family.

Nate: Yeah. Want to is one thing. Listen. You and Lily don’t have to do everything together just because you’re brother and sister. And that’s okay for the both of you, but you have to be honest with each other, because if you can’t at least do that, then you’ll keep insisting that it’s Aunt Mamie or Billy or Jill causing all the trouble, when it’s you and Lily letting it happen. So, I think you both need to take a breath before this vote happens. And answer for yourselves and each other: what do you really want? [ laptop ringing ]

Lily: Jill, I’m surprised to hear from you. It must be late in London.

Jill: Oh, I’m a big girl. I can stay up as late as I want.

Lily: Of course, you can. Um, what can I do for you?

Jill: Tell me that you’re really okay with this conscious uncoupling plan for the company, and that you’re not gonna regret it later.

Lily: Well, it sounds like you’re having second thoughts.

Jill: That is not an answer.

Lily: Well, neither is that. I mean, I assume that you signed off on Billy’s plan. Not that he needs you to, since you’ve given him your proxy to do with as he pleases.

Jill: Yeah, well, this is a huge, huge decision, and if Billy gets two votes, I’m struggling to believe that it’s going to pave the way for a smooth transition. I may have to vote my own shares on this one.

Lily: So, which way are you planning to vote?

Jill: Ah, yes, that is the million dollar question, isn’t it? Because if we don’t get this right, we could lose the company that we’ve worked so hard to build.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Faith: Mom, no.

Sharon: What?

Faith: You did my laundry.

Sharon: I’m happy to.

Faith: I’m in college now. Technically, an adult. I can wash my own clothes.

Sharon: Did it occur to you that it makes me happy to have my little girl home, where I can cook for her and do her laundry and pretend that she’s not technically an adult yet for a few more weeks? And based on the mound of clothes you had, you’ve been saving them up for a while.

Faith: Well, I’ve been a little distracted.

Sharon: Oh, I know you have been, sweetie. I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time.

Faith: Is that why you’re doing all this? Because Moses dumped me?

Sharon: No, not at all.

Faith: Because it would make me feel even worse if you were taking pity on me because of that, that, I don’t even want to say the word.

Sharon: This is an act of love, not pity.

Faith: Well, good. I love you too.

Sharon: I’m glad we got that worked out.

Faith: I’m almost totally over him, anyway. I refuse to let him ruin my summer any more than he already has.

Sharon: Well, I admire your resilience and your independence, Faith. But don’t run away from your feelings. I have done that too many times myself, so take it from me, a broken heart can’t heal overnight and pretending that it does, only delays the healing.

Nick: This seat taken?

Phyllis: Uh, no, sit down.

Nick: So?

Phyllis: So?

Nick: I haven’t seen you in a while.

Phyllis: Yeah, I’ve been busy, you know, trying to keep a roof over my head.

Nick: Yeah, anything positive on the job front there?

Phyllis: Um, you know, I’m formulating a plan.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay?

Nick: Yeah. Was I supposed to say something else?

Phyllis: I mean, well, you don’t have to, as you usually interrogate me, so.

Nick: Yeah, I’ve learned how to mind my own business.

Phyllis: Really? Are you messing with me?

Nick: I’m absolutely messing with you.

Phyllis: Don’t mess with me. I’m so vulnerable right now. I’m so, so sensitive, please don’t do that. I’m unemployed.

Nick: Phyllis, I am convinced there is something out there for you post-Chancellor-Winters. So, what are you doing, what’s the plan?

Phyllis: Don’t wanna bore you with what I’m doing, you know?

Nick: If you tell me what it is, I’ll bet you anything I can help you with it.

Phyllis: Just say that, you know, I’m working on something. Um, my job search will go full circle and land me closer to home, just say that.

Nick: That tells me absolutely nothing.

Phyllis: Well, I can’t get into specifics with you, Nick. But let’s just say that if everything goes the way I want it to go, I’ll be able to deliver karmic payback to Chancellor-Winters.

Daniel: So, how was the job interview?

Heather: Pleasant, polite, and unsuccessful.

Daniel: How do you know, did they say that?

Heather: They don’t need to, Daniel. I’ve been to enough of these things to know when I’m getting hired. And when I’m not.

Daniel: Sorry.

Heather: It’s okay, there are still a lot of law firms out there.

Daniel: Sure, but maybe they’re all skittish because they heard your significant other sued one of the most powerful companies in town.

Heather: Well, they wouldn’t say that.

Daniel: But it’s still there, right?

Heather: Definitely there. Anyway, let’s talk about Lily. How did it go with Lily? How’d she take the news?

Lucy: Wait a minute, what about Lily? What news?

Daniel: Um, you know, I probably should have said something to you before, but–

Heather: Your dad went to see Lily about dropping the lawsuit.

Lucy: Oh, you did? How come?

Daniel: Signed a pretty firm contract for one thing.

Heather: Which we could have still challenged in court.

Daniel: But none of that matters. I didn’t want to fight with her anymore. I just wanted to get past this, put it all behind us so we could just move on.

Lucy: So, what does this mean?

Daniel: It means that Chancellor-Winters is gonna keep Princess Louisa.

Lucy: Oh, you’re giving up Princess Louisa?

Daniel: Luce, I’m sorry. I know that I should have said something to you sooner, and if you’re upset, I totally get it.

Lucy: No, no, I’m– I’m actually not upset at all. I think it’s a hundred percent the right move. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Nate: So, this must be it. Lily’s plan is happening. [ Devon sighs ]

Devon: Looks to be that way.

Nate: Time to act surprised when she and Billy tell us they’re breaking up the company.

Devon: Hm.

Nate: You okay?

Devon: Yeah, I’m good.

Nate: No last minute doubts about Lily following through?

Lily: Hello.

Nate: Hello, hey.

Billy: Hey.

Lily: Thank you for coming so quickly. I’m sorry for the late notice.

Devon: Yeah, no need to apologize. I’m just wondering why we’re here.

Nate: Yeah, yeah, what’s happening?

Lily: Well, this is about moving forward. I think it’s no secret there’s been a lot of tension in the office lately.

Devon: Yeah, sure has been.

Lily: Yes, so I think the infighting has been stopping Chancellor-Winters from growing. And I think that Billy and I have come up with a scenario that will stop the constant fighting and conflict.

Mamie: Now this, I’d like to hear. it still hurts.

Sharon: I know it does.

Faith: I guess I just didn’t want to give Moses the satisfaction of knowing that.

Sharon: Well, you don’t have to give Moses anything at all. As far as he’s concerned, you happily moved on with your life. With me, you can cry all you want to and we can eat ice cream.

Faith: Is that what you did when you got your heart broken?

Sharon: I did a lot of things, some of them pretty embarrassing and stupid as I think back on it, but time heals.

Faith: I just wonder if all the pain is worth it sometimes.

Sharon: Hey, remember that conversation your dad and I shared with you about all of our ups and downs? Our relationship was a mile-high roller coaster. We loved each other fiercely and at times we hurt each other just as much, but in the end, we settled for a friendship that means a lot to both of us.

Faith: Do you regret it didn’ )t turn into more than that with Dad?

Sharon: Um, I try not to linger on feelings of regret about anything.

Faith: You didn’t answer my question.

Sharon: Faith, your dad and I are exactly where we are supposed to be.

Faith: Alone? I know that a woman doesn’t need a partner to be happy, but I also don’t like to think of you being all by yourself here.

Sharon: Well, thank you, sweetie, that’s nice of you, but I don’t want you worrying about me and besides, it’s not like I’m poor mom rattling around the house with nothing to do. I’ve got my businesses to run, I’ve got my friends, my family, and I have my very grown-up daughter home for the summer.

Faith: I know you’re super busy and you have tons of stuff to do, but I also know that you’re a complete romantic. You light up when there’s someone special. The last time I saw that was when you were with Rey.

Sharon: That was special. He was special.

Faith: I know. You seemed relaxed together, easy, effortless. You were completely yourself.

Sharon: That kind of thing doesn’t come along every day.

Faith: Except I see that look on you a lot of the time. Always when you’re around dad.

Nick: Don’t.

Phyllis: What? I’m not even doing anything. Why would you think something like that?

Nick: Karmic payback? It sounds like revenge to me.

Phyllis: Well, it’s not revenge. It’s not even remotely underhanded.

Nick: Then, what are you doing?

Phyllis: You know what? I’m just sitting back. I’m doing nothing. I’m just watching everything happen, waiting for the stars to align, and then I’m gonna make my move.

Nick: Move where? Move when?

Phyllis: I just hear there is some upheaval.

Nick: At Chancellor-Winters?

Phyllis: Yes. I’m just waiting for everything to explode. Then, there’ll be opportunities for me and I won’t even have to lift a finger.

Devon: Aunt Mamie, we’re having a private meeting here.

Mamie: Yes, but you’re talking about keeping the peace. That’s what I want, too.

Devon: I understand that, but the reason that you weren’t invited to this meeting is because you’re no longer a part of the decision-making process. And that’s something that I thought we all agreed on, including yourself.

Lily: Yeah, we even offered to buy you out.

Mamie: You know I’m not interested in selling, Lily.

Nate: Aunt Mamie, you still promised to stay in your lane.

Mamie: Yeah, but I thought that with some time and introspection, I wouldn’t be banished forever. But everyone would soon realize I was only trying to make sure that you don’t make any foolish decisions that could harm the company.

Devon: Well, you know what? It’s a good thing we haven’t made any foolish decisions today.

Mamie: Is that so?

Devon: Yeah.

Mamie: Then, can someone please explain to me what happened with OmegaSphere’s flagship property?

Lily: Daniel and I settled. So, there’s no more lawsuit, and no one has an issue with the settlement, right?

Devon: No, not me.

Nate: Or me.

Lily: Exactly. So you see, nothing for you to worry about.

Billy: I’m sorry, excuse me. Can we please get back to the subject at hand? Mamie can stay or she can go, but I don’t think we should be distracting.

Devon: No, no, no, no. We’re not gonna do that. We’re not gonna have this meeting with Mamie here, okay? Daniel: Thank you. Um, so let me get this straight. You are not upset that I gave up Princess Louisa?

Lucy: It’s just a game, Dad.

Daniel: It’s not entirely just a game.

Lucy: Okay, yes. I know I was your inspiration for it and everything, but you know, I’m older now. I don’t need some game to be sure that you love me. I know that you do. And besides, I really hated that you and Lily were fighting about it.

Daniel: I hated it too.

Lucy: And you know, I might have wanted you and Mom to get together, but that doesn’t mean that I wanted Lily to get hurt. Now, I have everything I could have ever wanted. So, let them have the game.

Daniel: I’m sorry, who– who is this? Do you recognize this person?

Heather: This– this kind, generous, compassionate person is our daughter.

Daniel: You know, I was dreading breaking the news to you. It’s probably why I waited until after it happened. Um… thank you for understanding. You are an amazing, one-of-a-kind young lady, and I am so very proud to be your dad.

Lucy: Stop, Dad, you can’t do that. Be so nice. I’ll cry.

Daniel: Well, then someone better say something funny or stupid fast because maybe I’m gonna cry too. [ Lucy chuckles ]

Sharon: I think what you’re seeing between your father and me is comfort. It’s family. Something that we will always have and I’m content with that.

Faith: Okay.

Sharon: What, you don’t believe me?

Faith: You two used to have more, Mom. Used to want more before Cassie died, before Phyllis went after Dad. You had it, you had everything.

Sharon: Well, dredging up old hurts and bad memories is not the message your dad and I wanted to share with you.

Faith: And I don’t want to dredge them up either, but it still sucks, right? It still happened. I mean, I feel terrible over some dumb guy that dumped me, but you and Dad had a life together, you had a family.

Sharon: You’re getting all worked up about ancient history. Yeah, we did some destructive things, including myself, when we were young and in pain, but we’ve moved on.

Faith: Even with Phyllis?

Sharon: Yeah, even with Phyllis. I mean, we’re never gonna be best friends or anything like that, but we are cordial and respectful with each other, and you know, it wouldn’t surprise me if your dad ended up back with her at some point.

Faith: Really, you think that’s possible?

Sharon: Well, there’s just this connection, and it’s very different than what your father and I share, but it’s there. And maybe, that’s all you need to really move on, is knowing that the person that you loved so much you cared about, has someone else in their heart.

Nick: So, what is this vibe you’re getting from Chancellor-Winters and where is it coming from?

Phyllis: I’m sorry, I can’t reveal my sources.

Nick: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: How about off the record, then?

Phyllis: Well, off the record for sure. You know, I have a lot of friends there still, and they’re telling me that there’s a lot of infighting going on.

Nick: Infighting with who?

Phyllis: Who do you think? Lily, Devon.

Nick: That’s it? I noticed you left out one other key name from the Chancellor-Winters’ masthead and that would be Billy Abbott.

Phyllis: Oh, did I? Really?

Nick: Yeah, you did, which makes me think Billy is the one behind the trouble, which makes sense because I never thought he was a good fit there. So, I’m guessing that Billy is the man behind the plan. Is that right?

Devon: I really don’t mean to be so blunt about this, because you’re our family, and we love you, but I’m just talking about business here. And like we’ve all agreed, you can’t be around when we’re talking about the future of the company. And I can understand you being angry about it, but it doesn’t change anything.

Mamie: Listen to yourself, Devon. There’s just so little compassion or forgiveness. You know, it makes me wonder if the wedge that’s between you and Tucker wasn’t as much your fault as it was his.

Devon: Well, I think you know the reasons for that.

Mamie: No, I thought that I did, but now I’m not so sure. You know, he may be disreputable, and maybe even untrustworthy, but one thing I know about your father is that he really was genuinely wanting to set things right between you. But, you know, you don’t need him as you clearly do not need me now. Oh, my goodness. Were you thrilled to hear that Glissade was just sold right from underneath him?

Devon: What do you mean it was sold from underneath him?

Mamie: Your father has lost everything. But, you know, c’est la vie. It doesn’t affect you. So, who cares? You know, when you push your family away, Devon, you’re pushing away the only constant that you can probably get in this lifetime. I’d be careful if I were you. You’re making a lot of causes for regret.

Faith: I don’t know, Mom. I’m having a hard time comparing what you and Dad had to whatever happened between him and Phyllis.

Sharon: Well, then stop comparing it. It’s just different, that’s all. Anyway, I let go of all that pain and animosity a long time ago.

Faith: I don’t mean to keep bringing it back up, I’m sorry.

Sharon: Um, my mind wanders back to that time every so often, but I don’t let myself spend too much time there. It’s– There’s a lot of pain there.

Faith: Because of Cassie?

Sharon: Yeah.

Faith: So horrible. What happened?

Sharon: It is the worst thing that a parent can experience. I, uh, I don’t blame your father for spinning out the way he did. Um, we were both just so lost.

Faith: Do you think of her all the time?

Sharon: Not every day, but there are moments, like a song will come on the radio that she liked, or Mariah will have this expression that brings Cassie back to me. But she’s always gonna be in my heart. And, you know, your dad and I still bring her flowers every year on her and Mariah’s birthday. Of course, we’ll never forget the day we lost her.

Faith: The anniversary was last month, right?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. And your father and I celebrated her like we have every year since it happened. You know, we, uh, we embraced life and our future to honor her and all the love that she brought into the world.

Faith: I wish I’d known her.

Sharon: I do too. You would have had the best big sister.

Faith: I love you, Mom.

Sharon: I love you.

Heather: What did, uh, Lily actually say when you told her about dropping the lawsuit? [ Daniel exhales ]

Lucy: I’m sure she was relieved too.

Daniel: Actually, she felt the same way I did.

Heather: What do you mean?

Daniel: Well, she didn’t want the game either. She was willing to give it back to me.

Heather: Without going to court, and you still let them have it?

Daniel: Yes.

Heather: Daniel, you completely failed to mention that part to me earlier.

Daniel: That is because I didn’t wanna talk to my lawyer about it. I wanted to talk to the woman that I love. Look, I needed to let this all go, Heather. One of the main reasons being guilt for what I did to Lily. And it felt good to get rid of all of it. I mean, it felt cathartic. The game is our past, not our future.

Heather: I bet she was thrilled.

Daniel: Lily understood. And um, I didn’t say that I gave Princess Louisa away for nothing.

Nate: Did you know about Tucker losing Glissade?

Devon: I did not. No. Victor mentioned to me that he suffered some kind of loss in business, but I didn’t know it was that.

Nate: Well, how did Aunt Mamie find out?

Devon: Because she’s clearly been paying more attention to Tucker’s business than I have.

Lily: Well, I think it’s also her way to keep a connection to us.

Nate: I still feel for her.

Devon: I do too. I just didn’t want her to cause any issues today. I wanna hear whatever you two have to present to us in peace.

Billy: Great, so we remember why we’re here.

Nate: We’re all here.

Billy: Yeah.

Nate: It’s your show.

Billy: Fantastic. So, I think it’s time, it’s actually past time, we face the fact that we will not find a working common ground here at Chancellor-Winters. The divide between Devon and me is too deep and insolvable that we can’t continue the way that we are right now. And I, for one, will take my share of the responsibility for that.

Devon: Wow, that’s very generous of you.

Billy: On a larger scale, the merger, although we did attain some good things, ultimately feels like a failed vision. It has suffered from the same problems and tension and Lily agrees with me.

Devon: Do you really?

Lily: Yes, I– I do. You know, I didn’t wanna face the reality for a long time that this merger just isn’t working and I think it’s time to split the companies.

Nate: Um, how do you see that happening?

Lily: Well, you and Devon would take back Winters and all of its original divisions and Billy and I will run Chancellor and their divisions and then whatever we acquired during the merger, we’ll just split fairly. We put together a preliminary list already, but obviously we’ll want you two to have some input.

Devon: That’s it. That’s, wow. Um, I’m having a difficult time wrapping my head around that or even believing you. You just wanna walk away from Winters?

Heather: So, what is Lily giving you in exchange for just about everything else?

Daniel: Princess Louisa is going to be made a part of OmegaSphere’s new classic games library.

Lucy: What does that mean?

Daniel: It means no spin-offs. They can’t alter or change anything that I created. Princess Louisa ˯ will remain pristine forever.

Heather: And this is being put in writing?

Daniel: Lawyers are gonna be sending over new contracts in a few days.

Lucy: Well, that’s something, right, Mom?

Heather: It’s more than something, honey. It means that your dad’s work will always have your name on it and this is what you wanted, isn’t it? Your love letter to your daughter staying intact.

Daniel: Nothing else really mattered to me.

Heather: I know.

Lucy: Well, you know what? I think that we should celebrate.

Heather: We definitely, we need to celebrate.

Daniel: Okay, hold on now, I didn’t say I was finished.

Lucy: Wait, there’s more?

Daniel: There is more. In exchange for letting Chancellor-Winters keep the game, Lily has agreed to make sure that they make a sizable contribution to your college fund.

Lucy: Wow, are you serious?

Daniel: I am very serious.

Heather: What? That’s–

Lucy: Well, I guess Lily’s just as cool as I thought she was.

Daniel: Are you happy?

Heather: I’m very happy and this– this was the right decision. I’m very proud of you.

Sharon: So, any idea what you wanna do on your first day back home?

Faith: I don’t know. I thought I might hook up with some friends from Walnut Grove. But I can cancel them if you wanna hang out.

Sharon: We will have plenty of time to spend together. Why don’t you go and see your friends?

Faith: Thank you, Mom.

Sharon: For what?

Faith: For making a home a place I always wanna come back to. I thought it would be harder this time after, you know, all the Cameron stuff. You and Dad have been so patient with me. You make all the good memories wipe out the bad ones. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that.

Sharon: Thank you.

Faith: Anyway, I’m off. I will check back in with you later.

Sharon: Okay, bye-bye.

Faith: Bye.

Sharon: Have fun.

Nick: So, what’s Billy been feeding you?

Phyllis: Billy’s not feeding me anything. I mean, this is from my own observation. Billy is truly, he’s the only one who’s interested in growing the company.

Nick: Well, that’s not giving Devon and Lily much credit. They’ve been there a hell of a lot longer than Billy has.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, their leadership is stale.

Nick: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Did you get that from Billy?

Phyllis: No, it’s what I see. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the huge chip that Devon has on his shoulder because Billy’s even there in the first place.

Nick: Why are you defending Billy?

Phyllis: I’m not defending Billy.

Nick: It sure as hell sounds like it.

Phyllis: I’m just calling it like I see it.

Nick: Oh, this is from your observation?

Phyllis: Are you making fun of me?

Nick: No, Phyllis. I’m just trying to protect you and make sure you don’t step on some landmine because Billy Abbott is trouble. He always has been, he always will be.

Phyllis: Duly noted.

Nick: I hope so. Because if I’m reading this right, you’re just sort of waiting for things to implode at Chancellor-Winters and then Billy Abbott’s gonna end up on top. Then, he’s gonna have a place for you there. Is that the angle?

Lily: Yes, Devon. It was a difficult decision to leave the Winters divisions behind.

Devon: I would hope it was a difficult decision because you’re essentially just throwing away Neil’s company and the legacy that he left behind for us.

Lily: I mean, I think that’s a misrepresentation of what’s going on here.

Devon: I’m just being honest. That’s how it feels.

Lily: No, I am doing this for the very practical reasons of helping both companies grow and not get bogged down by petty arguments and power plays.

Devon: And you think you can achieve that by teaming up with this guy here?

Lily: Jill handed me the reins of Chancellor. It’s been my responsibility for a very long time. And I also think that it just makes good business sense.

Devon: Mm. So, you’ve already been discussing this with Jill?

Billy: Actually, no, I brought this up with Lily, not Jill. And yes, Devon, she was reluctant at first, but I think now it’s pretty clear this is the solution to the problem. And maybe, hopefully, once you stop being so pissed off and territorial, you’ll come to the same conclusion.

Devon: Oh, I have a question for you, Billy.

Billy: Sure.

Devon: Why don’t you just take Chancellor and run it yourself? What do you need her for?

Faith: Hi, Daniel.

Daniel: Faith, I didn’t know you were back.

Faith: I just got back.

Daniel: Oh, you remember Heather?

Faith: I think we met a long time ago.

Heather: It’s okay, you were just a kid and you’re all grown up now, you look wonderful.

Daniel: She’s in college now. How’s that going, by the way?

Faith: Let’s just say I’m ready for summer break.

Heather: Well, it’s good to see you again.

Daniel: This is our daughter, Lucy.

Faith: Hey, Lucy.

Lucy: Wait, oh, my God, you’re that– that girl.

Faith: I don’t know, what girl?

Lucy: The one that got kidnapped by one of your mom’s exes. Is it really true that you had a bomb strapped to your waist?

Heather: Lucy.

Lucy: I just, I heard a lot about it, that’s all.

Daniel: Yeah, and I’m pretty sure that Faith doesn’t wanna sit here and relive it for you, okay?

Lucy: Right, I’m sorry.

Faith: It’s okay.

Lucy: Um, my friends and I, we just, we read a lot about it and you actually lived through it. It must have been really horrible.

Faith: It was pretty bad, but I’m mostly past the whole trauma thing.

Lucy: I’m really glad. You were really brave.

Faith: No, just lucky. But I would be fine telling you about it sometime.

Lucy: Really?

Faith: Sure. [ phone pings ] Uh-oh, plans have changed. I’m meeting somewhere else now, I gotta go. But I’m home for most of the summer, so maybe we can grab lunch or coffee sometime.

Lucy: Yeah, that– that would be great.

Lily: How can you say that? Do you have such little respect for me that you don’t think I’m an asset?

Devon: I didn’t say that you wouldn’t be an asset at all. I’m just making sure that he’s not using you.

Billy: Well, why am I not surprised you’d go immediately there?

Lily: How would he be using me?

Devon: By convincing you of what a great team you are when really all he needs is your influence over me and Nate to make this whole thing happen.

Lily: Oh, okay, so now I’m unqualified and naive.

Devon: Did I say that? I think you’re twisting my words a little bit.

Lily: No, no, no, I think I’m hearing you pretty clearly.

Billy: I think what we’re all hearing, Devon, is you’re the problem. It’s always gotta be your way, and if you don’t agree, you’re either dumb, stupid, or both.

Devon: Is that how it made you feel, Billy? I’m sorry. You know what, I have one more question for you. What happens the first time you and Lily have a big disagreement? Are you gonna treat her like an obstacle instead of a partner, the way you’ve been doing with me?

Billy: So insulting.

Devon: It’s not. It’s a question. I mean, really, are you gonna stand there and not admit that this whole thing, this whole big idea is not just you wanting to take a hold of Chancellor and rename it to Abbott, or Abbott-Chancellor, or whatever the hell you want it to be?

Billy: Devon, just shut up. Just stop talking.

Lily: Okay, okay, okay, please, both of you, stop. Devon, I am going into this because I believe it’s the best move. No one is pulling my strings. Are we clear on that?

Phyllis: If I were to talk to Billy about a job, would it be so bad if I did?

Nick: Depends.

Phyllis: On?

Nick: You not pushing yourself into a situation where you’re not really wanted.

Phyllis: Wait, why would that be the case?

Nick: I’m not saying it is.

Phyllis: But you kind of are. I mean, I’m– I’m very good at what I do. I’m very smart and– and I have value and skills.

Nick: Nobody is disputing that.

Phyllis: Well, you kind of are right now. You’re sort of saying that– that I don’t have value and I’m not good, and I have to, like, beg for a job of some sort.

Nick: Nobody is more impressed with your talents than I am. I just wanna make sure that the next place you go is the right one.

Phyllis: Well, what makes you think this wouldn’t be the right one? Nick, I’ve been trying to get a job. I’m banging on a bunch of doors and nobody is opening their door to me. And I know it’s because of me. I have a lot to do with it. I realize that, so shh. Don’t remind me of that. It’s really hard and I’m starting to get desperate. I mean, something has to happen soon.

Nick: That is what I’m worried about, okay? That you’re gonna go rushing into the situation without really thinking about it. I mean, should I put together a list of all the times that you have acted impulsively and it’s blown up in your face or other people’s? Just please, I beg you, take a breath. Just really think about it. Make sure that the next place you go is the right one.

Faith: Change of plans. I’ve got to rush. Love you, Mom.

Sharon: Oh, okay.

Heather: Thank you.

Sharon: Hi.

Daniel: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: Did you see my social butterfly daughter who just ran out of here?

Daniel: We did. We got a quick chance to say hello to her. She and Lucy actually hit it off, it seemed.

Sharon: That’s great.

Daniel: I was hoping they could maybe hang out this summer.

Lucy: Dad, you don’t have to set up play dates for me. I’m not eight.

Daniel: Oh, is that what I was doing? I’m sorry.

Lucy: Kind of.

Heather: Are you here to eat? Do you want to just join us?

Sharon: No, thank you. I came to get some takeout. I have a lot of work to do, but maybe another time. Hi, I’m Sharon. I came to pick up my order.

Nick: Listen to me, you little punk. Do you have any idea how seriously my daughter’s hurt?

Sharon: Are you still here? What part of go away don’t you understand?

Daniel: Mrs. Newman, I–

Sharon: Listen to me. Our whole family is watching over that child in there, praying that she survives, and you are the cause of it.

Daniel: You have no idea how sorry I am.

Sharon: I could just kill you for what you have done to this family. You don’t even deserve to live.

Nick: Sharon, Sharon, stop.

Sharon: Get out of here.

Nick: Get out.

Sharon: Oh, thank you. eather: Well, you seem lighter, like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders.

Daniel: More like a boulder.

Heather: I’m glad. You deserve it.

Lucy: I am, too, Dad.

Heather: It’s a consensus.

Lucy: So, what’s next?

Daniel: Ah, yes, that is the big question, isn’t it? The big mystery. What is the next adventure?

Heather: Ooh, I like the sound of that, adventure.

Lucy: Hm, well, we could go to Africa, sail around the world.

Daniel: What about school?

Heather: Right.

Lucy: Online classes.

Daniel: Yeah, you know, it could be that or it could be right here in Genoa City. But you know, whatever, wherever it is, I know that it’s gonna be great because I have the two of you to share it with me. I’ve got my family.

Lucy: I love you guys.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: I am ending my sermon right now.

Phyllis: Okay, it was a good one.

Nick: I just really feel like you pinning your hopes on Billy Abbott is a recipe for disaster.

Phyllis: So, you keep on saying.

Nick: All right, definitely done now.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: Unless, of course, you want me to keep going and I will.

Phyllis: No, no. Thank you for always looking out for me.

Nick: Are you surprised by that?

Phyllis: No, I’m not. I really appreciate it. If anyone looks out for me, I hope it would be you. So, thank you.

Devon: Well, uh, this motion is gonna require a board vote, right?

Billy: Yeah, fine. Let’s have one.

Devon: Okay. Well, Abby is on her way to Paris right now to check on her mom. So, we should probably wait until she gets back, don’t you think?

Billy: Why do we have to wait? I mean, she’s got a phone. She can vote via video chat. Why don’t you give her a call and see if she’s available?

Devon: She is literally on the plane right now, Billy. And she probably would need to take some time to digest this, like the rest of us probably should.

Nate: Yeah, that’s right. What’s the big rush?

Lily: Yeah, I agree. This is a massive decision for the company. So, let’s just marinate on it. Give it a day or two, right?

Billy: Great. Sounds good.

Lily: What the hell were you doing?

Devon: I don’t know what I was doing. I was selling the plan like we talked about.

Lily: Really? Because it kind of felt like you were trying to sabotage it.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis tells Nick that she has heard rumors about in-fighting at Chancellor-Winters and she is waiting for the company to blowup so she can ask Billy for a job.

Faith asks Sharon, if she wishes, she and Nick were still together. Sharon insists that just being friends with Nick is fine.

Faith thinks that if Cassie hadn’t died she and Nick would still be together. Sharon remembers when Daniel apologized to her and Nick for causing the accident that killed Cassie.

Devon, Lily, and Nate stage an argument about splitting up Chancellor-Winters so Billy won’t discover their plan.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, June 24, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Traci: Well, as fabulous as this place is, I have to admit, I’m feeling a little strange being here.

Alan: Yeah. Me too.

Traci: Uh, do you mind if I ask… what or who are you looking for? [ Alan sighs ]

Alan: I don’t know. I– Ever since Ashley met Martin here, I just– I’ve been wondering, you know, did he come here before? Does anyone here know him? Is there anyone in here right now looking at me thinking I’m him?

Traci: Oh. I’m not at all surprised that you have unanswered questions, especially since your brother is gone now.

Alan: Maybe there’s still some things I can find out.

Traci: Like what?

Alan: I don’t know. You know, where did he live when he wasn’t sneaking in my house? Who did he associate with? Did they know what he was capable of?

Traci: And you think someone here might know the answers?

Alan: Oh, here or… someplace else.

Traci: Okay, so, for the sake of argument, let’s just say someone here recognizes you, thinks you’re Martin. Or out on the street, someone passes you and then approaches you and starts a conversation. How do you imagine that will go?

Alan: Uh, I– I don’t know. I don’t know what he was up to these last few years. I mean, could they be, uh, surprised to see him? Or angry, or happy, or… worst of all, what if they’re terrified?

Traci: Have you considered that what you find out might be worse than what you already know?

Alan: I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore when it comes to Martin. I suppose, uh… what I’m really trying to find out is if there’s anyone out there I need to apologize to for not dealing with this earlier.

Traci: No! There is no apology necessary. You are not your brother. Alan, it looks to me like you need to forgive yourself.

Victoria: I am so glad you guys are home. I’ve missed you so much. Here you go. So for now, you’re gonna have to put up with some– A lot of family time because we are long overdue. So, why don’t we make a list of things that we wanna do first?

Katie: How about swimming?

Victoria: Yes, of course. We’re gonna swim.

Johnny: Ooh, and I wanna go riding. Rocket had better remember me.

Victoria: Yeah, well, all you have to do is give him an apple and he’ll remember exactly who you are. All right, so swimming, riding. Um, Claire has made a list of movies that she thinks you guys will love, so I was thinking we could do a family movie night up at the main house, in the screening room.

Katie: Uh, I just remembered, I, um, promised a couple of friends I’d call as soon as I got back. You guys go on without me.

Victoria: No. No, no, Katie. It’s family time. We’re gonna do everything together as a family.

Katie: Do I have to?

Victoria: Sweetie… please, would you at least try to give your new sister a chance?

Katie: What’s the point? I don’t know her and one movie night isn’t gonna just suddenly make her my sister.

Victoria: That’s why I want you to spend some time getting to know each other.

Katie: But does she have to live here? Isn’t she a nanny for the Abbotts? Couldn’t she live with them? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Victor: Well, son, to be honest with you, it warms my heart to hear you say that you couldn’t have wished for better parents. Now, this goes both ways, because both your mother and I are very proud of the man you’ve become.

Nikki: Every parent should be so lucky.

Nick: Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.

Victor: Yep. Okay. Down to business. Have you talked to Victoria about coming back to Newman Enterprises with you?

Nick: I didn’t think I needed to, since Vic agreed to go back to work at Newman Media with Mom.

Victor: We discussed that. It’s not what I want.

Nikki: So, you’re saying that what I want is not important?

Audra: I was hoping to find you.

Kyle: Should’ve figured you’d track me down.

Audra: Well, you know how persistent I can be. You left the meeting at the ranch without telling us your decision.

Kyle: Oh, you mean working together at Glissade? Even after the scam we tried to pull on each other over the exact same thing?

Audra: It was fun at the time, even if you won’t admit it. We had competing agendas. It happens.

Kyle: Sorry, Audra. Working together requires trust.

Audra: Why don’t we start with mutual tolerance and work from there?

Kyle: Mm-mm. No. It’s not happening. Not with you.

Audra: Okay, so why didn’t you just come out and tell us you already decided to decline the offer?

Kyle: I was being polite. But only for Victor’s sake.

Audra: And for my sake?

Kyle: Ah, I think you already know my answer: no way in hell.

Traci: I understand that you want answers, but is this going to give you the peace of mind you’re looking for?

Alan: Martin was so sick and I just could not accept how bad it was.

Traci: He didn’t let you find him. That’s hardly your fault.

Alan: No, Traci, I should’ve kept looking for him. You know, he was my responsibility and maybe I could’ve helped him.

Traci: Maybe not. Alan, you’ve got to stop torturing yourself about this. [ Alan sighs ]

Alan: There’s just so much I don’t know about his life. You know, what happened to Martin? Why was he impersonating me? What was his end game? I just–

Traci: Unfortunately, you may never know.

Alan: What he put Ashley through? I hate that. And what about my patients? [ Alan sighs ] I mean… he was my brother. My twin. There was a time when we shared everything.

Traci: I know. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine the kind of pain you’re going through. All I can offer you is this: you can share it with me if that would help. Let me help you put that burden down. It’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done, all the support and kindness you’ve shown my family.

Audra: I guess I deserve that. Yeah, I tried to warn Victor you’d be a hard sell.

Kyle: No. Mm-mm. “Hard sell” makes it sound like it’s a negotiation. I am not interested.

Audra: You’d turn down a chance like this out of spite? Or is it ego? Can we get beyond our issues for the greater good?

Kyle: Does Victor know about our history? Have you warned him that we have been down this same road before and it didn’t end well? You know, come to think of it, what makes him think the two of us should even team up?

Audra: Look, I didn’t fill Victor in on the details of our failed relationship because the man always knows everything. And what he doesn’t know clearly doesn’t matter. Maybe he respects what we both bring to the table. Maybe he thinks we can keep each other in line. I’m not over-analyzing it because I know a good opportunity when I see it.

Kyle: Ah. That’s what this is all about. It’s just money and a power grab.

Audra: Just money and a power grab? You know, only someone born into both would make it sound so petty. I’ve made some mistakes in the past, okay? I realize that now. And trying to manipulate you was one I truly regret, but working with me at Glissade is a solid, lucrative opportunity. Finally, we’ll both get what we want.

Kyle: You think we’ll get everything we want?

Audra: Our own company to run however we see fit. No one else to answer to. Won’t you even consider it?

Victor: Of course what you want matters a great deal to me. We just disagree on this one.

Nikki: So, you are insisting on replacing me with Adam at Newman Media.

Victor: Temporarily, until you get better. [ Nikki exhales ]

Nikki: Why does it have to be Adam? That is a huge red flag.

Victor: Why does everything having to do with Adam is a red flag?

Nikki: You know, you always give him the benefit of the doubt. You don’t wanna do that for me, even though I have told you I am more than ready to come back to work. In fact, I need to come back.

Victor: Why are we fighting about this?

Nikki: Because Newman Media is my domain and you are telling me I don’t have any say in who runs it. It– it makes no sense!

Nick: Dad, I agree with Mom on this one.

Victor: I don’t get either of you. You just told us how grateful you were for all the lessons we have taught you. Now, you question my decision regarding business?

Nikki: He expressed gratitude for both of his parents. That’s why he hasn’t tried to convince Victoria to work with him because clearly he values my opinion.

Alan: You are so kind, Traci. And not in a superficial way. I mean, really, truly, deeply kind, understanding. [ Alan sighs ] I’ll be honest with you, I– I don’t know if I can forgive myself or Martin.

Traci: Alan, Martin’s mental illness made him dangerous, as did his unwillingness to get help. And none of that is your fault.

Alan: Yeah, I– I’m sure this topic is as disturbing to you as it is to me, so… Look, I hear you, and… don’t worry, I– I will get there with time. [ Traci chuckles ]

Traci: You think that’s gonna work? Telling me what I need to hear so I’ll stop? Oh. You don’t know me very well, but I’m a little more persistent than that, Alan. Alan, you can’t go back and change history. All you can do is change how you feel about it now. To lose someone who was with you your whole life, that’s hard enough. But to be there to witness it? I–

Alan: Yeah. I still keep going over it in my head. It doesn’t feel real in some ways, but… terribly real in others.

Traci: And you haven’t even started the process of grieving. It is a process.

Alan: You’re right. I mean, how many times have I said that to my patients, huh?

Traci: Well, I hope they listen better than you do. [ both laughing ]

Alan: Do you have a– You must have a psychology degree hidden in your resume there somewhere, right?

Traci: No, no, but I– Oh, thank you.

Alan: Thank you so much.

Traci: Merci. Bon. Um, I– I have been through a few things, and, actually, I’ve created a few characters that were psychologists and all of the research I did, I should have a degree.

Alan: I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your writing. You’re a published novelist. I mean, what an amazing career you have.

Traci: Oh, it’s mostly just, you know, chasing the turn of a phrase or staying up all night so you don’t lose a thread.

Alan: Please don’t be so modest. Here I am with a beautiful woman with all these amazing stories in her head and I’m going on and on about my disturbed brother.

Traci: Maybe you need to talk about it.

Alan: No. No. I think I need to process that later. What I need is to hear about you. [ Traci chuckles ]

Victor: We shouldn’t be concerned about taking sides. The only sides we should worry about is Newman Enterprises. Don’t you agree?

Nikki: Yes, I do.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: But putting Adam in my position is not what’s best. I mean, you may like to think about it as a short-term solution while I can finish my treatment, but you know that nothing ever goes that easily with Adam. And Nicholas knows that better than anybody, don’t you?

Nick: I agree with you both. But Dad, if Mom feels this strongly about going back to work, shouldn’t you support her? I mean, you put her in charge of Newman Media for a reason. Clearly, she can do the work.

Victor: It is not what I want. Simple as that. End of discussion.

Nikki: Hey, wait. No. It’s not the end– Victor! [ Nikki sighs ]

Audra: Do you wanna be courted, Kyle? Fine. I can’t think of anyone who’s better qualified to run an up-and-coming cosmetics company than a former Jabot CEO.

Kyle: Okay. What’s really going on here, Audra? What are you up to?

Audra: Why do I have to be up to something?

Kyle: Aren’t you always?

Audra: Despite our differences, you’re an incredibly talented executive. And Victor dropped the hint that you might not be all that happy working under the thumbs of your mother and father.

Kyle: Did he, now?

Audra: He implied that you might be open to any opportunity.

Kyle: That doesn’t always mean it’s a good thing, you know? Sometimes, change can mean going from bad to worse.

Audra: Only if you let it. The two of us could dominate. We would be in complete control at Glissade.

Kyle: Yeah, with Victor calling the ultimate shots. That’s not exactly my idea of complete control.

Audra: Okay, mine either. But Victor promised to be a silent partner. And he expressed great faith in you. You know, from someone with his immense power and reputation, that says a lot. And most importantly, that is not a man you wanna say no to.

Kyle: No, I wouldn’t be turning down working with him. I would be turning down working with you. That’s two very different things.

Audra: Do you really wanna hold on to that grudge? Seriously? I am making you an honest, lucrative offer that, quite frankly, you’d be crazy to refuse.

Kyle: Okay, so what am I supposed to do? Erase all the double dealings you tried to pull on me?

Audra: That we pulled on each other.

Kyle: Which is why it would never work.

Audra: Until it does. Tell me what I have to do to change your mind. There must be something.

Diane: Well, well, well. Isn’t this interesting, the two of you with your heads together? What’s this all about? to throw Claire out of her home.

Katie: It’s not her home and it’s not ours either. We had a house and it’s gone. [ Victoria sighs ]

Victoria: I’m sorry. I know. I know how awful it is when you lose the things that make a place your home. I understand that, and it makes me really sad to think that the last time we were all there together, that that’s never gonna happen again, but we have each other and we’re lucky for that.

Katie: But why does she have to live here too?

Johnny: Come on, Katie. Just cut Claire some slack. [ knocking at door ]

Victoria: Hi, Daddy.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. You’ve grown so tall. My goodness. Come here, sweetheart. There you go. How nice to see both of you. Your grandmother and I have missed you.

Johnny: We missed you too.

Victor: Yes. How does it feel being back at the ranch?

Johnny: It’s good.

Victor: Yeah?

Katie: I miss my home.

Victor: I know you do. Having someone’s home burn down, that’s a very difficult issue to deal with. You know, we had the main house burn down as well. Nikki and I had to rebuild, and then we made a new life here, right? So, let’s sit down. So, tell me, Johnny and Katie, how does it feel to have a new sister?

Johnny: She seems nice.

Victor: Doesn’t she? Claire’s a very sweet girl. You know, she has always wanted a family of her own and she’s always wanted a sister like you to love.

Katie: Really?

Victor: Yeah. Imagine, she grew up without any family. She had no love, you know? Imagine of all the people around you that love you. She grew up without any of that. That’s sad. Your grandfather. I grew up, no family, in an orphanage. It makes you very lonely. So now, Claire is here, we must all do everything we can to embrace her and to love her, okay? To make her part of the family.

Nikki: Your father can be so infuriating at times.

Nick: Yeah. I never noticed.

Nikki: Newman Media is my jurisdiction. Why does he keep fighting me on this?

Nick: Yeah, Dad wants Adam there. It just doesn’t sit right.

Nikki: God, of all people. But your father has always had a soft spot for Adam.

Nick: You know, I wonder if Dad isn’t buying it that things are going so well with me and Adam. Like, if he’s wondering if there’s some tension beneath the surface.

Nikki: Why would you say that? That makes me think that it’s actually the case.

Traci: Oh, I can assure you, being a writer is wonderful in theory, but, um, it is not very exciting in real life.

Alan: Mm.

Traci: Are you sure you don’t wanna circle back and talk a little more about your brother and you?

Alan: No. I wanna hear about you, Traci. And I want you to start from the beginning. I want to hear about the young Traci growing up in the glamorous world of the Abbott dynasty. [ both laughing ]

Traci: Well, it wasn’t exactly a dynasty back then. It was just our family. Ah… and I guess maybe there was a little glamor from time to time.

Alan: Ah! Like?

Traci: Well… [clears throat ] …when I was young, I used to sing. I had a dear friend who was an up-and-coming rock star and we had some pretty big concerts.

Alan: Wow, you sing. I– Well, of course, I should’ve known you sing. You– your speaking voice is like music. [ both laughing ] Who’s the rock star? Is he famous?

Traci: Well, yeah, you know, he is really famous now. Do you know Danny Romalotti?

Alan: Oh, my God. I am impressed. Wow. See, I knew there was more to know about you, Traci. You’re an accomplished writer and a famous singer.

Traci: Oh, my gosh. Past tense. And famous is really pushing it.

Alan: Still pretty cool.

Traci: I was really sheltered by my overprotective big brother and sister, so this was a really freeing time in my life.

Alan: Now, you’re the glue that holds them together. [ Traci sighs ]

Traci: When my mother walked out on us, it was my father who was the rock. He made sure that we stayed a tight-knit family unit. And yes, he built this amazing company, a true legacy, but… it was his boundless love for the three of us that really made him a giant.

Alan: You adored him.

Traci: Always. All of us did. And then when Daddy wasn’t around anymore, we became kind of the Three Musketeers. We always have each other’s back, no matter what.

Alan: That’s the way siblings should be.

Traci: Uh, now, I– I’m a little worried that I’ve let my sister down.

Alan: What do you mean? It’s ridiculous. You’ve been by her side for the whole time.

Traci: No, I mean when we were kids. Um, I’ve been thinking about what you said, that maybe she’s experienced some childhood trauma and I didn’t realize it. Something… that has haunted Ashley her whole life, And now, it’s haunting me.

Diane: Last I checked, the two of you wanted nothing more to do with each other.

Audra: Yeah, I mean, it was pure coincidence. I saw Kyle here and I approached him.

Diane: Mm, of course you did.

Audra: I’ve recently had some very good fortune and decided now is a great time to make amends.

Diane: What, so you wanna kiss and make up with my son?

Audra: I made some mistakes in the past, mostly centered around Tucker McCall and now that he’s no longer part of my universe, I wanted to reach out, apologize to anyone I hurt or offended during my Tucker era.

Diane: So, is that sincere regret or were you just burned one time too many?

Audra: I wasn’t the one singed this go around. Tucker’s the past and I’m looking forward to the future now. I’m starting fresh.

Diane: Hm. Well, take it from me, I’ve been there. There is no starting fresh where Tucker’s concerned. The only way to get past Tucker McCall is to flourish and succeed in spite of him.

Audra: I know it’s not easy to change people’s perceptions and I’ve got my work cut out for me, but I am highly motivated to prove that I am not who I was.

Diane: Are you motivated or desperate?

Audra: Well, I have to go. Please keep an open mind about what we talked about. Nice to see you, Diane.

Diane: Mm-hmm. Okay, what is going on? And what exactly does she want you to keep an open mind about? neither one of us is very good at taking a night off from ruminating about our siblings.

Traci: I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring things down.

Alan: No, not at all. I mean, there’s no point in denying that we have been through a very harrowing experience.

Traci: Thank you. My family teases me about being an optimist, but honestly, I’m a worrier, too. And I have been worried.

Alan: Well, I’m sorry to make you worry. And I just want you to know, I– I cannot be sure that the alters emerged during Ashley’s childhood. Now, in the vast majority of DID cases, it does occur from ongoing childhood trauma, but she could be one of those rare cases where it occurred later in life.

Traci: And we won’t know until Ashley does herself.

Alan: Exactly. That’s right. I guess in the meantime, we have to, uh, stop torturing ourselves with what ifs and guilt, right?

Traci: Well, easier said than done.

Alan: We just have to remind ourselves that it is gonna get better.

Traci: We should have a little support group.

Alan: Ha! I used to lead those, but I’ve never been in one.

Traci: It’s okay. I will keep my eyes on you. And if you get a little bossy, I will remind you of your status.

Alan: Well then, certainly, I don’t wanna overstep and get kicked out of the group.

Traci: Oh, no, I think you’ll be fine. You just nod a lot and keep saying, “How does that make you feel?”

Alan: Ouch. A little on the nose there. I thank you for the advice, but I have been told that I’m a fairly good listener.

Traci: Well, I would hope so, considering your profession.

Alan: We’re– we’re gonna get through this. I have faith in us.

Traci: We are. If Ashley is brave enough to face what’s to come, so am I.

Alan: Ashley’s very lucky to have a sister like you.

Traci: No, I feel like I’m the lucky one.

Alan: Hm. Uh, maybe we should have another glass of wine, huh? Or perhaps I could convince you to sing a rock and roll song.

Traci: Oh, no. Don’t make me regret telling you this. How about this? Yes, to the wine and raincheck to the song.

Alan: All right.

Nick: Honestly, we’ve never been in a better place. Now, maybe part of that is because I really feel for what he’s going through with Connor, but Mom, he’s never once shirked his duties at Newman because of it.

Nikki: Hm. Could that be what this is about? I mean, we’re all concerned about Connor. Maybe your father gave Adam this opportunity as a distraction.

Nick: It doesn’t make sense. This is what Dad has always wanted, for me and Adam to work together at Newman, united. We’re doing it. It’s working and now, he wants to break it up?

Nikki: Do you think that he just doesn’t wanna tell me he’s been unhappy with my work?

Nick: No way, Mom. By any objective measure, you have been amazing at Newman media. This is just who Dad is. He is not one to hold back when he’s displeased with something. It doesn’t matter who he hurts.

Nikki: So then, what is it? Why is he so determined to make all these drastic changes?

Victoria: You two be careful. No diving. Thank you, Dad. Thank you. I… I really, really appreciate what you said to Katie.

Victor: Katie probably has difficulty adjusting to the new environment, you know?

Victoria: Now that she’s met Claire and sees that she’s gonna be living with us, I think she’s just having a hard time processing it all.

Victor: Well, give her some time. She’ll realize soon enough that she has a wonderful big sister.

Victoria: I hope so.

Victor: Yeah.

Victoria: After everything that Jordan has put us through, I just want my family to live in peace.

Victor: Sweetheart, I think it’ll all work out in time, it really will.

Victoria: Oh, what about at Newman?

Victor: About Newman. Oh. Wanna talk about that?

Victoria: Yeah, I do. I just wanna understand why you don’t want Mom back at Newman Media right now.

Victor: What’s so difficult to understand about that? Your mother needs time to recover, that’s all.

Victoria: Yes, but she feels like that maybe going back to work would help her with that.

Victor: But what if she falls off the damn wagon again? Then what? I won’t take that chance.

Victoria: Okay, fine, but why Adam?

Victor: But why not Adam? He knows the company. He can step right in.

Victoria: But Mom and I could do the same thing.

Victor: Sweetheart, do I need to remind you what your mother just went through, the ordeal she just endured? She almost died, for heaven’s sake. Once she’s 100%, she’ll be back in the job and then Adam will be out. But listen, the most important question I want you to answer… are you willing to go back to Newman Enterprises? I want you to.

Victoria: Okay. Daddy, I will give it some serious thought. the same place at the same time. Don’t make a thing of it.

Diane: Yeah, but all that talk about her being rid of Tucker, are you sure she’s not looking for something more from you?

Kyle: That was your takeaway, that Audra’s hitting on me?

Diane: Well, she’s trouble and you should know that better than anyone. I don’t– I don’t trust her and neither should you.

Kyle: Sorry, Mom. You don’t get to dictate who I spend my time with. I am an adult. I can do that for myself. And you need to stop putting me in my place.

Diane: You’re not even trying to hide how you feel about me anymore, are you?

Kyle: What are you talking about?

Diane: My God, the disdain you have for me is written all over your face.

Kyle: You’re my mom. I love you. It doesn’t mean you get to run my life.

Diane: Yeah, and as your mother, I have tried everything I can think of to move beyond all this animosity you have towards me.

Kyle: This is all you, just making up conflict out of thin air.

Diane: I tried ignoring it. I’ve tried calling you out on it. I’ve tried speaking to you as a loving mother. I’ve even tried to talk to you as your superior at the office, but nothing seems to get through to you.

Kyle: Mom, you are blowing a few disagreements way out of proportion.

Diane: No. I don’t think so. And I think we need to revisit this whole work dynamic when your father gets home from Paris.

Kyle: Revisit how?

Diane: Maybe the best way to get you to do your job and stop constantly critiquing and meddling in mine is by laying down an ultimatum.

Kyle: Really?

Diane: Hm.

Kyle: Like what?

Diane: Like get in line or you’ll be fired.

Nick: Mom, I don’t know what Dad’s ulterior motives are, but I’m certain he’s got them.

Nikki: Yeah, that’s what worries me.

Nick: So, maybe the smart thing for us to do is we let Dad have this one. We take a step back because you know he’s just gonna grind us down until he gets what he wants.

Nikki: What do you mean, just give up?

Nick: I’m not saying that, but…. Dad is hyper protective of you. We know that, especially right now. If he thinks you need more time, there isn’t anything anyone’s gonna do to change his mind.

Nikki: So, I brought this on myself.

Nick: That is not what this is about, Mom. It’s not. It makes sense. Dad wants you to focus on your recovery. And if we’re being honest, Adam’s probably the smartest choice to step back into Newman media.

Nikki: I don’t care about his history there. I am the CEO of Newman Media and I wanna get back into my office. Can’t your father see that? Or is his true agenda more important to him?

Nick: You’re just gonna drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what Dad is up to because it’s not like he’s gonna come out and admit it, that he’s got some other plans.

Nikki: Oh, he’s the most stubborn man I’ve ever known.

Nick: Yes, he is. But would it be the worst thing in the world for you to just take more time to get fully healthy? You could focus your time and your energy into something else, like your charity work.

Nikki: I wouldn’t be able to focus knowing that once Adam is there, he’ll never wanna leave.

Kyle: And you think that’s something you can do on your own? Fire me, just like that? Do you really think you can get Dad to sign off on that?

Diane: I’m the co-CEO of Jabot and I am your boss, whether you can accept that or not. Kyle, you’ve been removed from the company before. It’s not unrealistic that that could happen again.

Kyle: You’re serious, aren’t you?

Diane: Yes. Your father has been more than patient with you on this, and he was hoping that the two of us could work it out, and he was hoping he wouldn’t have to get involved, but the time for patience is over.

Kyle: You think I’ve committed a fireable offense?

Diane: You had warnings, Kyle, many of them, but you refuse to change your behavior. It’s relentless insubordination.

Kyle: For doing my job.

Diane: No, for doing mine. Because you are unprofessional and because you question my authority at every turn. And because you have put a huge deal in jeopardy. You know what? I have put up with it, hoping that you would change, and you haven’t, so I think we both need to make some decisions.

Victor: Oh, hello. I gather you just told your mother you were looking for greener pastures.

Kyle: My mother doesn’t know about your job offer.

Victor: But I certainly hope, Kyle, that you’re still considering it, because I’d hate for you to waste your talent at your present place of employment.

Kyle: I agree. It would be a shame. Maybe… it is time for me to think about a change. [ Traci laughing ]

Traci: Okay. So, I found myself in this very picturesque little village in the Normandy coast.

Alan: Oh, my favorite place in the world.

Traci: Is that right?

Alan: Yes.

Traci: Mine, too.

Alan: Sorry. Please go on.

Traci: Okay, so we met this fisherman and he was selling mussels by the kilo. And we were staying in a little chateau, doing our own cooking. One of my friends, fabulous cook, said he would make us moules frites. We didn’t know how many were in a kilo, so we ordered 50.

Alan: Uh-oh. I see where this is going.

Traci: We were eating moules for a week.

Alan: Oh. How long did it take you to eat mussels again?

Traci: Let’s see, that was about 20 years ago. I haven’t faced one since. [ both chuckling ] Alan, thank you so much for seeing me home. You really didn’t have to.

Alan: Oh, of course I did. Gave me more time to try to convince you to sing for me.

Traci: Stop. Maybe next time.

Alan: All right, I’m gonna hold you to it, all right? So, Traci, I just want you to– I want you to know how much it means to me that you decided to stay here in Paris.

Traci: Thank you. It means a lot to me, too.

Alan: Thank you. Good night.

Traci: Good night.

Nick: I don’t want you to worry about that. We will get Adam out of Newman Media when the time comes.

Nikki: And how are we gonna do that?

Nick: I’ll handle it. I’ll come up with something. But in the meantime, think about all the great things you can be doing with your charities. You should be focusing on that right now.

Nikki: Yeah, after everything that’s happened the last few months, I have been neglecting my other interests.

Nick: I know it’s not what you want to hear, Mom, but this really is the best thing for you. Just let Dad move the chess pieces around and play whatever game he wants. [ Nikki sighs ]

Nikki: If I weren’t putting my sobriety first, I would keep fighting him on this, but you and I both know that he won’t rest until he gets his way.

Nick: Yeah. So, you’ll go along with Dad’s plan?

Nikki: I suppose. For now. While we wait to see which pieces topple next.

Victor: Cheers, Kyle.

Kyle: Cheers.

Victor: I’m happy to know that you’re ready for change. You have the kind of expertise that Audra needs to drive Glissade into a cosmetics powerhouse.

Kyle: Well, hold on, I… haven’t said I’m ready to commit just yet.

Victor: What’s the hesitation?

Kyle: I have some serious concerns about working with Audra Charles. The way she… bounced back and forth with Tucker, it just makes me question her dedication and loyalty to Glissade.

Victor: Huh. But you don’t trust her?

Kyle: Audra Charles is a professional backstabber. I’ve been the victim of her schemes on more than one occasion.

Victor: Really? I’ll be damned.

Kyle: Look, I know this is an important investment for you.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: So, here’s what I’m thinking. I could agree to come on as Glissade’s CEO, but only as a sole CEO.

Victor: I see.

Kyle: I mean, what do you need Audra for when you have me?

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Y&R Transcript Friday, June 21, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane

Sharon: That’s right. Yes, please just move every meeting on today’s schedule to tomorrow. I will be unavailable for the rest of the day. Yeah, no matter who it is. That’s right. Thank you. Okay. Bye-bye.

Nick: Boss lady’s laying it down.

Sharon: Something gives me the idea that you’re taking the day off, too.

Nick: It’s not every day our baby girl comes back home.

Sharon: Can’t wait to see Faith. It’s been so long. I have to say, I’m kind of surprised. I mean in the best possible way. To just call out of the blue and want to come home before going to Europe with her girlfriends? I mean, it’s a shock, but I’m– Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful.

Nick: If we play our cards right, maybe she’ll change her mind about going to Europe for the summer.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: Yeah, she’s not gonna do that, is she?

Sharon: She has her father’s ,::, sense of adventure. And his sweet tooth, too.

Nick: Oh, yeah, I got all of Faith’s favorite goodies and snacks from when she was a little girl.

Sharon: Where’d all the years go?

Nick: I don’t know. But I can tell you this, this ice cream is gonna melt unless we get it in the freezer.

Sharon: Okay.

Sharon: Does everything look okay? I wish I had more time to prepare.

Nick: Sharon, it’s perfect. It looks like home. There she is!

Sharon: Finally! Oh, my gosh. I have missed you so much.

Faith: Oh, I’ve missed you, too.

Nick: Okay, I’m showing a lot of restraint, but I’m over it. Come here, come here, come here.

Faith: Dad?

Nick: Okay, I’m sorry. I’ve just missed you so much. It’s so great to see you. Let me get your suitcase.

Sharon: Come in, sweetie. Oh, my gosh. It is so nice to have you back home.

Nick: What is in here? Do you have, like, a brick collection?

Faith: Nope. Left all my heavy baggage at school.

Sharon: Are you okay?

Faith: Yeah. And you are going to love what’s in that thing. I got presents for you both. And Mariah and Tessa. And Aria. So many for Aria.

Nick: You know, we could have picked you up from the airport.

Faith: It may sound silly, but after everything that happened with Cameron, taking a rideshare alone, it was part of proving to myself that I’m okay again. That I’m me.

Nick: Okay. Well, you know you’re good, right? You’re safe. And I love you so much.

Faith: I know. I felt that as soon as I walked through the door and saw you.

Sharon: Then, why do you still seem a little on edge? Oh, sweetie. Oh, my gosh.

Nick: Here you go.

Sharon: Do you want to talk about it?

Faith: No. Why are men such jerks?

Nick: Uh, so this is about Moses? What’d he do?

Faith: He broke up with me.

Sharon: When? Why?

Faith: He said that we should date other people. That we got together too young. That experiencing different relationships is a part of the college experience. Becoming an adult. He made it sound like he was doing it for both of us.

Nick: Faith, I’m so sorry.

Sharon: It’s never easy, getting your heart broken. But the pain will go away eventually, and you’ll remember the good times.

Nick: And the next time that you fall in love?

Faith: Next time? No. I am never falling in love again.

Nick: It’s time to bring in some reinforcements.

Faith: Perfect.

Nick: I guess these comfort foods were a good call after all.

Sharon: Thank you. I should never doubt your wisdom.

Nick: No, you shouldn’t.

Faith: How do you do that?

Nick: Do what?

Faith: Still get along? You’ve broken up and gotten back together and broken up and gotten back together a zillion times.

Nick: I mean, not like a zillion.

Faith: And you’re still friends. And it’s great, but how can you stand to even be in the same room after all the hell you put each other through?

Nick: Yeah, there was a… Was a lot of hell, but there was also a lot of love, Faith.

Sharon: And it helps that your dad is one of the best people I know. He’s funny, sometimes.

Nick: Hey!

Sharon: Well, he’s thoughtful and caring and he’s the best father in the world and back in the day, he was a total romantic.

Faith: Dad, romantic?

Sharon: Oh, you have no idea.

Nick: Must be our lucky day.

Sharon: Or maybe luck had nothing to do with it and you planned the whole thing, didn’t you?

Nick: Are you complaining?

Sharon: Nope. I am not complaining. Not at all.

Nick: We have all the food and drink we’ll need. Plus, a little stove and a grill. So, we’ll be playing Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Crusoe in style. So, what do you think?

Sharon: What do you think I think? All right, Mr. Crusoe, I want to start by checking out that reef, so go get your suit on.

Nick: Who needs a bathing suit?

Sharon: I beg your pardon?

Nick: Need I remind you that we are literally the only two people on this entire island. So… You know what I’m saying?

Sharon: Uh-huh.

Nick: I’ll see you out there.

Sharon: Wait for me.

Mariah: Hey!

Nick: Hey!

Mariah: Is my little sister here? Are we still waiting?

Nick: She’s here!

Mariah: Hi!

Faith: Hi!

Mariah: Good to see you! Oh, my gosh!

Tessa: So good to see you.

Faith: I’m getting that a lot.

Sharon: Yeah.

Faith: You didn’t bring Aria?

Mariah: Oh, no. Um, she was still napping.

Tessa: So, we just left her with the sitter.

Mariah: Are we interrupting?

Faith: No, you’re just in time. Mom and Dad were about to tell me their whole love story.

Nick: We are?

Sharon: I’m pretty sure you already know it.

Mariah: I mean, I’ve heard part of it.

Tessa: I mean, I know even less.

Faith: And I want to hear it all. The good and the bad.

Nick: I don’t think we have enough snacks for that.

Faith: Oh, we do.

Mariah: Yeah. So, come on, let’s hear it.

Sharon: We were so young, driving around in that old pickup of yours, listening to the radio like the rest of the world didn’t exist.

Nick: Yeah. First time I ever saw you, that was it. I was done.

Sharon: It’s been a wonderful evening, Nick. I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed myself more.

Nick: We didn’t do anything special.

Sharon: I guess that’s part of it. Just spending time with a guy I like so much. Spending time with you. Just talking about anything and everything. Mostly just being close to you. I haven’t been this happy in so long. Thanks to you, Nicholas Newman. I wonder why we work so well together.

Nick: Chemistry. You bring the best out in me.

Sharon: You do the same for me. You came on a little strong.

Nick: A little? I’m surprised you gave me a second chance.

Sharon: I guess I knew even then.

Nick: Knew what?

Sharon: What kind of guy you really are.

Faith: Love at first sight. It couldn’t have been that easy.

Nick: No, it wasn’t easy. Your mom was dating this creep named Matt Clark.

Sharon: And then, you started dating my friend, Amy. Obviously, I came to my senses and I broke up with Matt to be with your dad. Unfortunately, Matt did not take that too well.

Tessa: How bad did it get?

Sharon: It was terrible.

Faith: Did you beat him up?

Nick: Yeah, there was some of that.

Matt: Come on, man. Come on.

Mariah: That sounds pretty intense.

Faith: What happened next?

Nick: Matt just wouldn’t let it go, so it, uh, got ugly.

Sharon: Please, stay with me. Don’t go, okay?

Nick: Sharon, no. Matt Clark will pay for what he did to you. I have to go.

Sharon: No, Nick, it’s over. It’s over. I’m all right.

Nick: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay, think. Think. Think. Fingerprints? Get them off. Here’s your magazine.

Larry: This ain’t no skin rag, boy.

Nick: Oh, guess you’re gonna have to read.

Larry: Won’t be nearly as interesting as this. “I love you. I will never stop loving you with all my heart. Sharon.” Just must be one knockout, this Sharon, huh? One hot, little babe. There is nothing fun about prison. But eventually the charges were dropped because my ex, Amy, came forward and confessed to the shooting.

Faith: Thank God. Imagine if she hadn’t and you two hadn’t gotten back together again.

Sharon: Matt wasn’t our only obstacle. There was also your grandmother.

Nick: What is it specifically that you do not like about Sharon?

Nikki: Well, I thought she was brash. She was very pushy. I thought she was extremely aggressive.

Nick: Why? Because she came out here to meet you?

Nikki: Partly.

Nick: And someone who isn’t after me for my money wouldn’t do that.

Nikki: A proper young lady would wait to be invited.

Nikki: Well, I guess you and I just have different ideas on what a proper young lady is.

Mariah: Wow. Nikki goes hard.

Tessa: When did Noah come along?

Mariah: Yeah, I mean, I bet Noah’s birth made Nikki and Victor accept you. They love their grandkids.

Nick: I really don’t know how things could get any better.

Sharon: Well, they can, Nicholas. Our life together can become even more special, more perfect. And it’s going to.

Nick: What are you talking about?

Sharon: The most wonderful thing has happened. I’m pregnant. I’m going to have your baby. Your son, Nicholas. Your son.

Nick: It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re my boy. Noah’s birth was life-changing.

Sharon: There were more changes to come.

Nick: Why is it that you’re so hung up on Cassie that you don’t have time for me anymore? Why is she such an obsession with you?

Sharon: Because she’s mine, Nick.

Nick: What the hell does that mean?

Sharon: It means that Cassie isn’t Grace’s cousin. Cassie’s my child. The one that I had to give up when I was .

Nick: But you’re saying–

Sharon: Yes. Cassie’s my daughter. And I understand why you thought that I was taking time away from us, but now you know that Cassie really is part of our family.

Nick: Now, you hold on. We agreed no more children right now. And now you expect me to make time for a child that isn’t even mine?

Sharon: Nicholas, please. Please. Give this a chance. Give us a chance.

Nick: I admit I had some issues at first.

Sharon: But eventually, he came to love Cassie as his own.

Nick: This is really awesome, sweetheart.

Cassie: You can have it.

Nick: Thank you.

Cassie: No, thank you. I never had a family before and now, I do.

Nick: You betcha you do. Come here.

Sharon: If only we had also found Mariah at the same time. What a gift it would have been to have my daughters growing up together as sisters.

Faith: That would have been amazing.

Mariah: Well, I’m– I’m genuinely happy that Cassie got a better deal. She’s lucky to have Sharon and Nick as parents.

Nick: We were the lucky ones to have her in our life.

Faith: So, you got married. You’ve got kids. Were you living the dream?

Nick: Working for my dad had its challenges.

Victor: My boy, I’ve looked forward to this since the day you were born. My son joining me in my business.

Nick: I know you wondered if I’d ever make it.

Victor: Well, there were moments when I had my doubts, but that’ but that’s all behind us now.

Sharon: He is your father and he deserves your respect.

Nick: I do respect him. That doesn’t give him the right to try and run my life. And why can’t he understand that I will not let the coffee house interfere with my job at Newman Enterprises? Have I ever once dropped the ball at work?

Sharon: No, it seems like you’ve worked harder.

Nick: You’re damn right, I have. His asking me to get rid of Crimson Lights is being totally unreasonable and I’m not gonna do it. There was a lot going on.

Sharon: Too much.

Nick: I cheated on your mom.

Mariah: Way to drop that bomb, Nick.

Sharon: I cheated too.

Faith: You guys!

Sharon: I slept with Diego once and you shacked up with Grace Turner how many times?

Nick: It’s ancient history, Sharon. I see you’ve already moved on to the next guy.

Sharon: You know, this has nothing to do with David.

Nick: Oh, David? That’s his name? No wonder you were so quick to shove that divorce down my throat.

Sharon: You know damn well why I want a divorce. Because I’m sick of watching our children suffer while you sit around deciding whether or not you’re gonna forgive me.

Nick: Yeah, and you’ve already moved on to the next guy.

Sharon: God, you are obsessed!

Nick: Yeah, you’re right, I am, because I can’t get it out of my head.

Sharon: What?

Nick: You and Diego going at it. You call me a hypocrite? You portray yourself as a sweet, innocent housewife, when all the while, you’re looking for the next guy to jump in the sack with.

Sharon: You really think that little of me? After all these years, after everything we’ve been through? Is that who you think I am?

Nick: Actions speak louder than words.

Sharon: You’re right. Actions do speak louder than words. Loud and clear. You sign those divorce papers, Nick. You hear me? You get them signed. Put an end to this farce of a marriage.

Nick: That was, uh, a tough time for us. But the hardest blow was losing Cassie. It gutted us.

Victoria: Honey, there’s nothing left for you here anymore.

Nick: I just want to sit a while.

Victoria: All right. All right, I’ll sit with you then.

Nick: Alone.

Victoria: I don’t think you should be by yourself.

Nick: You don’t? Then, why don’t you tell me who I should be with? Because right now, I don’t have a clue, so you tell me. I couldn’t handle my grief, so I, uh, I acted out. But, I hurt a lot of people. Your mom, most of all. You think I’m strange, don’t you? For telling you that Cassie talks to me.

Phyllis: Mm-mm. No, I don’t.

Nick: I don’t know why I told you that. I’ve never told anyone.

Phyllis: Well, I’m glad you felt comfortable to share it with me.

Nick: It felt good to have someone to talk to about it.

Phyllis: I’m glad you’re talking to me.

Nick: And this is going to make all my problems go away?

Phyllis: I don’t know if it’s going to do that. It’s just sort of acknowledging what you went through this year and what we’ve been through together. So, you should open it.

Nick: Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil. It’s beautiful. Thank you.

Sharon: I saw Phyllis buy this exact outfit.

Nick: It’s news to me.

Sharon: No, it isn’t. She bought it for you.

Nick: Why would she do that?

Sharon: Tell me, Nick. Was she wearing this when you two had sex in this hotel room? Or how about when you were in the stables? Or perhaps it was that cheap motel room that you stayed in during the snowstorm? Then, it could have been any number of occasions. How many others were there, Nick? Tell me! How long has this affair with Phyllis been going on? I wish that Cassie hadn’t died. I wish that we could have turned to each other when she did. But we didn’t. You couldn’t. I wish that we hadn’t changed. But we both have. We’re not the same people that we were a year ago. We’ve been fighting to hang on to something.

Nick: Yeah, we have.

Sharon: And?

Nick: Maybe we shouldn’t anymore. We both tried to move on. But then…

Sharon: The cabin?

Nick: Yeah, and not just once.

Sharon: The first time was how you came into existence, Faith.

Nick: I found a letter that your mom had written me, but she never sent it. She was telling me that she will always love me. I realized I felt the same way. The second time, there… Moments pass, but sometimes, the feelings don’t.

Sharon: Do you think if Cassie hadn’t died, that we would still be together?

Nick: Yes.

Sharon: I do too.

Faith: Wow.

Mariah: Big wow.

Faith: But it’s not like you guys went straight into some kind of instant happily ever after.

Nick: You’re a tough case. But, you’re right. Um, it wasn’t, uh, it wasn’t always easy, but the happy part was finding out that your mom was pregnant.

Sharon: There were a lot of other complications after you were born.

Faith: I know this part. Adam kidnapped me and gave me to Ashley Abbott.

Nick: But we got you back, our baby girl.

Sharon: Just like Cassie predicted.

Tessa: Cassie predicted Faith?

Nick: We have cherished every moment with you, every one of them. You’re such an amazing daughter. You really are one of a kind.

Cassie: You’ll have another little girl someday.

Sharon: Cassie, honey. We have our little girl.

Cassie: One day, you’ll… You’ll have another one. I know it. One day.

Tessa: Oh, my God. Your twin, babe.

Sharon: Having our precious little girl in our family again, in our lives, it was a wonderful time.

Faith: Until you and Dad decided to fight over custody of me.

Sharon: Well…

Nick: Yeah, um… we’re sorry we put you through that.

Sharon: We both thought that we were in the right and it turns out we only ended up hurting you.

Faith: But even after all of the fights and all the other relationships, the love was still there. You still wanted to get married again.

Sharon: I really believed that we could get it right.

Mariah: That is a wedding, almost wedding, that I will never forget.

Nick: Do not listen to him.

Sharon: Don’t touch me! Even when we were at our angriest, your father said, because we love each other, anything’s possible. And he was right.

Tessa: Oh, um, Aria’s awake and the sitter needs to get going.

Mariah: Yeah, I’m so sorry to cut this short, but um, this was a very fascinating trip down memory lane. Um, I love you guys and we’ll spend some time together soon, yeah?

Faith: Tell Aria I’ll be over for cuddles.

Mariah: Yeah, I will. I love you.

Sharon: I love you.

Mariah: Bye, guys.

Nick: Bye.

Tessa: Bye.

Nick: Was that, uh, too much information?

Faith: I’m glad I know everything.

Sharon: You sure?

Faith: I understand now how things were. How maybe even the bad times, the mistakes made your relationship even stronger.

Nick: Life’s messy, Faith, and so is love, and you’re finding that out right now for yourself, but what I think keeps people grounded is family. It brings you back to center, no matter how far you’ve drifted. And who knows, maybe someday Moses will realize that you’re his center.

Faith: Is Mom yours?

Nick: I will always have love in my heart for your mother. Even after all the heartache that we’ve caused each other, I think we’ve found the right balance. And that’s all tied to you and Noah. You are our center.

Sharon: Perfectly put.

Nick: Right? Yeah, okay. So, now that that’s settled… you still love us?

Faith: Even more.

Nick: Mom? Dad? Victoria, how did you get here?

Victoria: You’ll never guess. By airplane.

Nick: No, when did you get back?

Victoria: Very recently.

Nick: Have Mom and Dad seen you?

Victoria: No. No, not yet.

Nick: Wow. Wow, it’s great to see you.

Victoria: What are you doing here?

Nick: Did you really think I was gonna let you go through this alone? You look beautiful. Mom, I know you’re gonna make it through this.

Nikki: You think so, huh?

Nick: You’re tough. You always have been tough. Anyway, I’m here now. Maybe I can help. No, I know I can help, Mom.

Nikki: It has been pretty lonely around here for me lately. Suddenly, I’m very, very glad to have my son back home.

Victor: Take a little more time. Take a little more time. Take a little more time. Mean it. Good. Good. Good. Good. Every time you go into the ring sparring with someone, it’s like walking through fire. Everyone is scared, okay? It’s a question of how you overcome that fear. But the look in your eyes tells me that you will overcome that fear. You’re Victor Newman’s son.

Victor: How time flies. Anyway. You be cool, okay?

Nick: I’m always cool. Have I told you lately how much I love you?

Nikki: Honey, I love you, too.

Nick: I know you do. Everything is gonna be great.

Victor: You make me proud to be a grandfather. When I see you with your kids, it makes me happy. It makes me proud. Come here.

Nikki: Nicholas.

Nick: Mom.

Nikki: I’m so glad you’re here. Mm. Did Faith get home safely?

Nick: Yeah, getting settled in as we speak.

Victor: Well, don’t let me keep you from her. Why don’t we get down to business?

Nick: All right. But first, there’s something I would like to say to you both.

Nikki: Please don’t tell me there’s bad news.

Nick: No, Mom. It’s, uh… It’s nothing like that. It’s nothing bad. I just wanted you both to know how much I love being your son, how indebted I am to this life you’ve given me.

Nikki: Oh. What a wonderful thing for you to say, but where is this coming from?

Nick: Sharon and I were talking to Faith, and she wanted to know about our history. You know, the past, our relationship, all of it, so we told her. You know, the good and the bad and it occurred to me that it’d been quite a while since I’d taken a hard look at some of the things I’ve done and the mistakes I made and… you know, the people I hurt. I’d like to think that I made some of those things right and, uh… done better, tried harder. And who knows, maybe even grown some wisdom. But it’s because of you two, you know, the lessons that you taught me. I couldn’t have asked for better role models.

Victor: My boy, we couldn’t have asked for a better son.

Nick: Thanks, Dad.

Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless…

Lily: The constant infighting has been stopping Chancellor-Winters from growing and I think that Billy and I have come up with a scenario that will stop the constant fighting and conflict.

Mamie: Now this, I’d like to hear.

Victor: Well, I certainly hope, Kyle, that you’re still considering it because I hate for you to waste your talent at your present place of employment.

Kyle: Maybe… it is time for me to think about a change.

Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 21, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

This is a special stand-alone episode celebrating the 30th anniversary of Joshua Morrow playing the role of Nick Newman on the show.

Faith returns home to see her family before going on a trip to Europe with her friends. Faith is upset because Moses broke up with her because he thinks that they got together too young and they should see other people. Faith tells Nick and Sharon she won’t fall in love again. Faith asks Nick and Sharon their entire love story both the good and the bad parts of their relationship.

Mariah and Tessa arrive to see Faith and stay to hear the love story.

The audience is shown clips of Sharon and Nick’s relationship.

The episode ends with Nick at the Newman Ranch looking at a picture of Victoria and having memories of times with his sister. Nick also remembers important times with his mom and dad and he thanks Victor and Nikki for everything they taught him and he tells them he is proud to be their son.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, June 20, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Kyle: Claire?

Claire: Hi.

Kyle: Hey, I’m surprised to see you here. Figured you’d be big sistering today.

Claire: That was the plan.

Kyle: Oh, what happened?

Claire: Somebody needed a break.

Kyle: I’m guessing that somebody wasn’t you? Things didn’t go well with Johnny and Katie, did they?

Claire: Johnny seemed fine with me being there. He even laughed at one of my jokes. That was a highlight.

Kyle: And Katie?

Claire: Not so much.

Victoria: Here, son. Katie?

Katie: What? [ Victoria sighs ]

Victoria: It’s okay to be upset and confused. I know it’s a lot to take in. Get a new house, a new sister. None of it feels familiar, I get that.

Katie: I’m fine.

Victoria: Honey.

Katie: I just miss my room, that’s all. All my stuff got burned in the fire.

Victoria: I know. I’m really sorry about that.

Katie: It wasn’t your fault. Anyway, I’ll get over it.

Victoria: You don’t have to just get over it. I mean, it’s something that we should talk about as a family.

Katie: I guess so.

Victoria: Maybe we ought to talk about Claire, too.

Katie: No, we don’t.

Victoria: I think that we should. I mean, you weren’t very nice to her earlier. She was so looking forward to meeting you guys.

Katie: Then, I’ll apologize if that’s what everybody wants.

Victoria: It’s not about that, all right? [ Victoria sighs ] You were so kind to her when we first learned the news about who she was and that meant so much to her. It meant a lot to me as well.

Katie: What do you want me to say, Mom? I’ll try harder.

Victoria: Katie, look, none of us expected this to happen, but it has. Claire’s your family. She’s your sister. Look, just remember this. I mean, she probably feels as awkward and out of place as you and Johnny do.

Katie: The kids at school say she’s crazy and dangerous. Is she?

Billy: Forgive me, but I’m going to assume that this is a good sign.

Lily: What is?

Billy: The fact that you wanted to meet me outside of the office. So, do you have good news for me?

Lily: As a matter of fact, I do.

Devon: Hey, hey, Mr. Newman.

Victor: How’s my man?

Devon: How are you?

Victor: How are you doing, Devon?

Devon: It’s good to see you.

Victor: Yeah.

Devon: What’s, uh, what’s with that smile on your face?

Victor: Well, I just came from a soccer game, and believe it or not, my grandson scored the winning goal with a header.

Devon: That’s fantastic. Wow.

Victor: I mean, boom. You know, just like Ronaldo.

Devon: Just like Ronaldo.

Victor: Yeah.

Devon: Spoken like a true proud grandfather. I can’t wait until Dominic gets into sports, man.

Victor: Oh, he’ll get there sooner than you think.

Devon: Believe me, I know. Time is flying by. But it’s good to see you, though. It really is.

Victor: If you have a minute, why don’t you sit down? Let’s talk.

Devon: Sure.

Victor: Yeah.

Nate: So, Tucker faked a heart attack?

Audra: You know, if I weren’t so mad at him, it would have been funny. But in the end, it was really just kind of pathetic. Desperate. He knew I had the board in my pocket and that he was only delaying the inevitable.

Nate: So, you won.

Audra: As simple as that.

Nate: I’m impressed.

Audra: Thank you. I admit, there were moments along the way when I had a lot of doubts, but I always kept my eye on the prize. And in the end, I got it.

Nate: Hm. So, what happens next?

Audra: I make Glissade a massive success.

Nate: Agreed. But this is Tucker McCall we’re talking about here. Revenge and retaliation are his forte. And Tucker does not like to lose. And you know he knows how to play dirty.

Audra: I’m not afraid of Tucker.

Nate: I can see that. But that doesn’t mean he can’t cause trouble.

Audra: You weren’t there, Nate. You didn’t see him. Tucker was shocked. I wouldn’t be surprised if he stayed in Paris permanently, muttering to himself how he used to be a big shot.

Nate: I don’t know. Tucker’s never struck me as the type to wallow too long.

Audra: Yes, but his circumstances have changed and he knows it. No matter how he tries to spin it, losing Glissade to me was a very public defeat. It will cripple him in the business world, so no, I don’t think Tucker has any more moves left. And even if he does, I know all his tricks. I have seen them up close and they don’t impress me anymore.

Nate: Good to know. Just making sure.

Audra: You know, maybe now he’ll realize why everyone he claims to care about is walking away from him for good. He’s the one pushing everyone out of his life. Ashley, Devon, and finally, me.

Nate: What if he did make those changes in his life?

Audra: Then, he’d be making them for someone else.

Nate: And not for you.

Audra: Tucker made the mistake of thinking this was part of our dance. That business conflict was a version of seduction. But those feelings didn’t just die. They were erased. All trace is gone.

Victor: So, I understand Abby is happy in her personal life?

Devon: Oh, yeah?

Victor: And that she enjoys her role on the Chancellor Board of Directors?

Devon: She does indeed, yes.

Victor: How’s everything going in the company?

Devon: They’re going well. They’re going really well. Our numbers are up.

Victor: Great to hear that.

Devon: Thank you.

Victor: Have you spoken to Tucker McCall lately?

Devon: I have not. No. We’re not on the best of terms. I don’t know if you’re aware of that.

Victor: So you haven’t heard?

Devon: Haven’t heard what?

Victor: Well, apparently he suffered an enormous business setback while in Paris.

Devon: Oh.

Victor: I have a feeling he’s so humiliated, he may go into hiding.

Devon: What do you mean by hiding?

Victor: I have a feeling he’s reluctant to come back to Genoa City because a lot of people are dancing on his grave.

Devon: Huh. Well, I sure didn’t know anything about this.

Victor: But you know, if he does come back, then he will try to weasel himself back into your company. You must know that.

Devon: No, no, no. There’s– there’s no chance of that happening. I already have one weasel to deal with.

Billy: What is this good news you want to share?

Lily: Well first, I have some other business to discuss with you.

Billy: Ah. Okay, go ahead.

Lily: Uh, Daniel and I have come to an agreement and we’re not going to move forward with the arbitration.

Billy: Really?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Did he drop the lawsuit?

Lily: It was mutual. We came to a compromise. So, we’ll keep the Princess Louisa game and in exchange, we’ll finance a college fund for Lucy.

Billy: Lily, that’s amazing. That’s extremely generous of you.

Lily: Well, I mean, it didn’t seem right to keep fighting over it.

Billy: Even though you probably would have won the case.

Lily: Won what though? I mean, you told me, you know, I was reacting emotionally. And I was. I was hurt and angry, but I’m over it now. So, we all win a little something and we can move on.

Billy: You’re a class act.

Lily: Well, I’m trying to be now.

Billy: You are. I mean, you took the high road and that’s a lesson that I could learn.

Lily: So, how is Jill doing? Have you talked to her? [ Billy sighs ]

Billy: You know, she’ll never admit how hard this has been. She keeps talking about how the treatment’s taking too long, you know, but I don’t know. I can– I can see the toll that it’s taking. She’s having a hard time walking. She’s got shortness of breath. She’s tired all the time and that drives her nuts.

Lily: Well, yeah, I mean, she’s used to attacking life at a hundred miles an hour, so I’m sure it’s frustrating for her.

Billy: You know it. But, you know, Snapper seems optimistic. He keeps saying that the treatment is working and you know what kind of a warrior she is, so if anyone’s going to beat this, I’m putting my money on my mom.

Lily: God, I really wish I could call her. She doesn’t know that I know still, right?

Billy: No, she doesn’t. And I don’t want to cause her more stress when she finds out that her big-mouthed son started yapping about something that she does not want to share.

Lily: Well, I won’t expose you. I promise.

Billy: Thank you. I appreciate that. So, back to business.

Lily: Well, I have thought a lot about your proposal.

Billy: And just to be clear, we’re talking about you and me taking over Chancellor-Winters and running it together.

Lily: Yes, we are.

Billy: Okay, so have all this thought led you to a conclusion? Ready to pull the trigger?

Victoria: Katie, do you remember what Claire told you about her Aunt Jordan?

Katie: Which part? She kind of went on.

Victoria: Claire spent her whole childhood, her whole life up until now, being manipulated and controlled by that terrible woman. But Claire’s not crazy. She’s not dangerous.

Katie: She was in the mental hospital for being fine?

Victoria: But then the doctors decided to release her because it was the right thing to do. And now the rest of the family’s gotten to know what a good and loving and kind person she is.

Katie: Maybe she’s faking it. Maybe she’ll murder us all in our sleep.

Victoria: Where are you getting this? Please, Claire’s trying so hard to make amends. Would you please give her a chance?

Johnny: Come on. She’s trying, right?

Katie: I don’t care. You can’t make me like her. She’s not a member of my family, so just stop pushing her on me.

Kyle: The kids just got home, right?

Claire: Earlier this morning.

Kyle: So, they’re adjusting to summer break. Living in a new house. Give Katie some time. She’ll come around.

Claire: I wasn’t saying I’m giving up. Not by a long shot.

Kyle: Hm.

Claire: I just know if I try to force it, it’s going to push her away further. Which is why I came here, where hopefully my presence can’t annoy anyone.

Kyle: Oh, I know it’s disappointing.

Claire: I sort of expected it.

Kyle: Still.

Claire: I guess I did kind of have this fantasy of us all being together. Being a big sister and teaching her things. Also learning things from her, because God knows Katie has more experience in the normal real world than I do.

Kyle: And you will do all of those things.

Claire: I hope so.

Kyle: I know so. I mean, look at the list of people you’ve already won over. All of the Newmans, which is a feat in itself, and even Summer’s coming around.

Claire: A little.

Kyle: Hm. She will. And Katie will, too. Look, you’re funny, smart, genuine. You’re optimistic about living the real world, and you’re cheerful without it being fake. And you know a lot about caterpillars, so let’s face it, Claire. You’re kind of hard not to like.

Lily: Well, even though I have hated how you have butted heads with Devon, your vision and drive for the company is contagious. And it makes me feel like maybe I should be thinking bigger.

Billy: The answer to that question is already yes.

Lily: Exactly. And, you know, I mean, when I really think about it, is it a tribute to Jill and my dad if we just keep the company running in place? I mean, it’s so hard to get anything done around the office, let alone have it advanc in any meaningful way, and you’ve made me see that.

Billy: I hope I also helped you see that we’re the only ones that can fix it.

Lily: Well, as crazy as it sounds, yes, you did. And taking the company to new heights with you definitely sounds appealing.

Billy: So, we’re going to do this?

Lily: Yeah, we’re going to do it.

Billy: Well, that means we need some very expensive champagne because we’re going to celebrate.

Lily: Well, hold on, hold on. Before we start celebrating, there is a catch.

Audra: Tucker did a number on me. I let my guard down for a minute and allowed myself the fantasy that I could fall in love again. But I learned a tough and painful lesson. Trust no one with your heart, ever.

Nate: That’d be a shame, in my opinion.

Audra: Why? I’m more than okay with it.

Nate: Yes. But to let someone like Tucker McCall close the door on the possibilities of love and happiness in your life to me is a waste. Here’s to, uh, hoping you change your mind.

Audra: I wouldn’t count on that happening anytime soon.

Nate: I’m not saying anytime soon, but someday.

Audra: Hm. Have anyone specific in mind? [ Nate chuckles ]

Nate: I’m not even, um, close to there yet.

Audra: Good. Because I have an empire to build and I don’t need any more distractions in my life. [ phone pings ]

Nate: Something important?

Audra: Could be.

Nate: I’m guessing it’s not from Tucker or any other future love interest.

Audra: Very funny, Nate.

Nate: So, who was it?

Audra: It was a business meeting.

Nate: From someone pretty high up in the chain, from the looks of it.

Audra: Maybe.

Nate: Hm. So, let me guess. Is it from this mystery investor you’ve told me so little about?

Audra: Thank you. I’ve gotta run.

Nate: Yes, yes, your big investor awaits you.

Audra: Be nice, Nate.

Nate: I am being nice. It’s just that we spent the last hour or so going over every detail about this coup to take down Tucker, but you left out a key part.

Audra: Because that part is confidential.

Nate: Mm. Must be a pretty big fish.

Audra: Sorry, no clues. But I will tell you this. Glissade is not in competition with Chancellor-Winters. So, you have nothing to worry about.

Nate: Wow. Well, thank you for the heads up.

Audra: You are welcome.

Nate: Although, I am seeing a red flag here, even if you’re not.

Audra: What do you mean? What red flag?

Nate: Whoever this investor is paid an awful lot of money for what’s basically a startup that isn’t even turning a profit yet.

Audra: Because they believe in Glissade and believe in my leadership.

Nate: That’s– that’s fine and dandy, I’m happy to hear it. I just want you to keep in mind that Tucker may not be the only person you have to look out for. This money person, whoever he or she is, is going to want to know what you plan to do with their investment. And they just may have ideas of their own.

Billy: I should have known this wouldn’t be easy. You’ve always been a tough negotiator.

Lily: This is not a negotiation. It’s a compromise.

Billy: Okay. I’m listening.

Lily: Well, look, what’s important to me is that I do not want Devon or Nate to feel hurt or denigrate them in any way. And I feel like with your scenario, that’s inevitable.

Billy: Okay, but we can’t all run the company, Lily. We can’t all be bosses.

Lily: No, I agree. But Devon’s my brother. And I love him very much. I don’t want him to feel marginalized. That’s way more important to me than any business deal.

Billy: No, I mean, I understand that, but I– I mean, I don’t really know what to say to that. You know the conflict and the tension that is going on in the office right now. Devon and I, unfortunately, will never be on the same page, so it’s not going to work.

Lily: I agree. So, here’s my deal. And just so you know, this is the only way I can move forward. We divide Chancellor-Winters.

Billy: You want to undo the merger?

Lily: Yes. We let Devon take Winters and he can either run it solo or with Nate, and you and I run Chancellor. [ Billy scoffs ]

Billy: I mean, I gotta say, out of all the possible options running through my head, that was not one of them.

Lily: What do you mean? This was your initial proposal.

Billy: Oh, I know that. And you fought me on it. You didn’t want to break this company up at any cost.

Lily: I know, I know. I held on to that idea for way too long. But I had to face the reality of what we are, and not what I wanted us to become. So, if you agree, Devon takes back Winters and you and I run Chancellor. Or should I say, Abbott-Chancellor.

Claire: We’re always talking about me and my problems. We never talk about you.

Kyle: Well, my life is pretty boring these days.

Claire: I doubt that very much.

Kyle: I go to work, hang out with Harrison, watch a little TV, maybe have a drink, eat dinner, you know, wash, rinse, repeat.

Claire: That sounds pretty wonderful, actually. Quiet, normal life.

Kyle: Yeah, yeah, I can see that. But maybe it’s too quiet and normal.

Claire: You don’t talk about your work much.

Kyle: There’s not much to talk about. It’s fine. It’s okay.

Claire: I noticed that there was some tension between you and your mother a while ago. Was that a work situation?

Kyle: Yes, and I don’t want to bore you with it. It’s just– It’s one of those family things.

Claire: You wouldn’t be boring me at all, Kyle.

Kyle: Okay. Okay. I’ll give you the short version. A little while ago, my mom came back into our lives after many years where we had no contact with her at all.

Claire: She just disappeared?

Kyle: Actually, we thought she was dead. It’s another long, long story. Um, so anyway, she comes back, and it’s difficult to mend fences, you know? There’s a lot of hurt feelings and anger on my dad’s part. And mine. Eventually, we all work it out and she and my dad fall back in love and remarry. It’s happily ever after, right? Only then, my dad appoints her co-CEO of Jabot, my old job, in spite of her having no experience at that level. And now I report to my mom and so things are a little awkward.

Claire: I can imagine.

Kyle: Actually, no. Awkward is too easy of a word, Claire. Brutal is more like it. I’m just better at this than she is, Claire. And I know that sounds arrogant, but it’s true. And every time I do something or suggest something before she thinks about it, she thinks I’m undermining her, when all I’m trying to do is fix her mistakes.

Claire: What does your father say about it?

Kyle: He tells me that I need to smooth it over or he just tries to ignore it and what I don’t understand is that they both can’t see this is holding me back. It’s keeping me in my place. Claire, I earned that job. And my dad snatched it away from me and gave it to my mom like– like some sort of wedding present. [ Claire sighs ] Yeah, that’s– that’s really short version of it. That’s probably more than you signed up for, huh?

Claire: If you’re that unhappy, maybe… have you thought about going somewhere else?

Kyle: I have, but Jabot was my family’s legacy. It’s pretty hard to walk away from.

Claire: Nothing has to be permanent. Sounds like working together is making everyone unhappy. Can’t imagine this has been easy on your parents either.

Kyle: Yeah, I guess not. And maybe you’re right. Maybe it is time I take a look at what else is out there. It’d be refreshing to work somewhere where my talents are actually valued.

Victor: Send her in. Thank you.

Audra: Hello.

Victor: Hello, Audra. Nice to see you.

Audra: Ah, the same to you.

Victor: Thank you. I’m very glad this momentary glitch in our plans has been resolved. Once the lawyers have done their legal work, you can assume the reigns of Glissade.

Audra: And I am looking forward to it.

Victor: Good. You know, I wish I’d seen the look on Tucker McCall’s face when he realized that you had beaten him.

Audra: Well, I’d be happy to describe it to you.

Victor: Oh, yeah? Have a seat.

Audra: Thank you.

Victor: Yeah.

Audra: He looked stunned.

Victor: Really?

Audra: Destroyed.

Victor: I bet.

Audra: All the color drained from his face.

Victor: Oh, boy.

Audra: As though someone had opened a vein and the life poured out of him. You know, he never thought it could happen to him. Or that I would be the one to do it.

Victor: Well, I expect great things from you once you run the company.

Audra: I will deliver. I promise you that. I am curious about one thing, though.

Victor: Oh, what’s that?

Audra: You wanting to remain anonymous.

Victor: Yeah.

Audra: I understood why in the beginning, but now that it’s all over, I would expect you to want to declare your victory over Tucker and make your identity known. It makes me wonder if this isn’t just a business deal. That there’s something else you’re after with this acquisition?

Victor: My so-called motivation should be of no concern to you.

Audra: Oh, Victor, I didn’t mean to–

Victor: And kindly do not ever second-guess my intentions, all right?

Audra: Understood.

Victor: I want you to turn Glissade into a powerhouse.

Audra: That’s the plan. I’ve actually put together some ideas about how we can rejuvenate the company starting day one.

Victor: Before you make any changes, I would like to add someone to your leadership team. Namely, Kyle Abbott.

Audra: You want me to–

Victor: I know the two of you have had history. Is that a problem?

Audra: No, not for me.

Victor: Good. All right.

Audra: But Kyle already has a big job at Jabot. He’s the COO at his family’s company, so it’s hard to imagine him leaving that to come over here.

Victor: Well, situations change, don’t they?

Audra: All right. Well, if that’s the case, I’m sure I can find a division for Kyle to manage.

Victor: I do not want Kyle to run a division. I want him to become your co-CEO. [ phone rings ]

Claire: It’s my mom. Everything okay?

Victoria: Yeah, everything’s good. The kids are getting settled in their room.

Claire: That’s great.

Victoria: Um, listen, I’m sorry about how things got tense with Katie earlier. I mean, she’s a– she’s a good kid. It’ll get better, I promise.

Claire: I don’t blame her. I don’t know how I would react if I were in her situation.

Victoria: Yeah, it’s just that I don’t want you to feel like you have to avoid being at the house. I think that, you know, Katie just needs a little time to get to know you and to see how special you are.

Claire: Thank you, Mom.

Victoria: So, when will you be home?

Claire: I’m on my way.

Victoria: Good. I love you.

Claire: You too.

Kyle: Let me guess. You have to go.

Claire: Baby steps with the siblings.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Claire: I enjoyed our conversation.

Kyle: I did, too.

Claire: And I’m sorry if I overstepped when I suggested you should leave your job if you’re unhappy. I know it’s not as simple as that.

Kyle: Family never is.

Claire: Beginning to learn that myself. Anyway, bye.

Kyle: Bye.

Billy: Excuse me. Uh, two glasses of your finest champagne, please. And when I say finest, I mean it. We’re celebrating. Thank you, sir. This is great. Okay, so tell me. Is Devon going to give you pushback here?

Lily: Well, I already floated the idea by him and he seemed intrigued.

Billy: All right, but he assumes that you’re going to join him at Winters. He might not be as enthusiastic when he finds out that you’re partnering with me.

Lily: Well, I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Frankly, I’m actually more worried about how Jill’s going to respond.

Billy: Why do you say that?

Lily: Well, she was against it when I wanted to take the company public. And she didn’t like the idea when Mamie brought it up to divide the company.

Billy: Yeah, but that… I mean, that was all about rekindling their ancient feud. It had nothing to do with the breakup. Trust me, that was all about Mamie.

Lily: So, you’re not concerned?

Billy: Not in the least. She gave me the power. So, this is my call.

Lily: So, this is really happening.

Billy: You better believe it.

Lily: Thank you.

Billy: Thank you. To spectacular new beginnings.

Lily: To new beginnings.

Lily: So, when do we break the news?

Billy: I think that we hold off until everything is in place. I’ll talk to Jill, you talk to Devon, and I– I realize that is not going to be easy for you.

Lily: Well, I’m hoping in the end, it’ll be easier than you expect.

Johnny: All done.

Victoria: You’re all settled in?

Johnny: Yeah.

Victoria: Good.

Johnny: I like my room. It’s cool.

Victoria: What about your sister?

Johnny: No, she’s not cool. Joke.

Victoria: Did she talk to you?

Johnny: Don’t be mad at her.

Victoria: No, Johnny, I’m not mad at her. I’m just a little bit surprised by her reaction to Claire.

Johnny: It might not even be about that.

Victoria: What do you mean?

Johnny: There was this boy at school who she kind of liked and he invited her to a movie night, but then the next week he invited someone else. It was a whole thing.

Victoria: Oh. Well, when did this happen? Why didn’t she tell me about it?

Johnny: You think I’d tell you about every girl I hang out with?

Victoria: Well, you can. I mean, you guys can talk to me about anything if you wanted to.

Johnny: Yeah, I know, but Katie, she just, she thinks she can do everything on her own. She pretends she’s all tough.

Victoria: I know. I remember what I was like at that age. Nobody could tell me anything.

Johnny: Did they have TV back then or was it just radio?

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Yeah, they had television and they had cars and telephones.

Johnny: But I bet you couldn’t put the phone in your pocket.

Victoria: No, we couldn’t. They were actually attached to the wall of all places.

Johnny: No video?

Victoria: Nope. If we wanted to see someone, we actually had to be with them.

Johnny: Tough time for introverts.

Victoria: Yeah. [ Victoria laughs ] Hi.

Claire: What’s so funny?

Victoria: Oh, nothing. Johnny was just reminding me of how ancient I am.

Johnny: It was just a joke. Hey, Claire.

Claire: Hi, Johnny. Where’s Katie?

Johnny: Upstairs, not talking. I was just telling my mom not to take anything personal with her. She can be a pain sometimes, but it never lasts long.

Audra: I’m not saying Kyle isn’t highly qualified. He is, but I am more than perfectly capable of running the company on my own.

Victor: Yes, well, that was the original plan.

Audra: And I still think it’s the best one.

Victor: This is in no way a reflection of what I think of your abilities and your skills. Had I doubted those, I would not have bought the damn company. You know, this is not merely a suggestion.

Audra: What is it, then?

Victor: A non-negotiable directive. Your work at Glissade is contingent upon you agreeing to work with Kyle. Is that clear? Hello, Kyle. Thank you for coming.

Kyle: Victor.

Victor: Yeah.

Kyle: May I ask why you invited me here?

Victor: Well, now there’s nothing for you to be suspicious about. There’s been a development. In fact, some good news. Don’t you agree, Audra?

Billy: Hi, Mom. How you doing?

Jill: Oh, like I’m ready to run a marathon. How about you?

Billy: Okay, seriously, how’s– how’s your treatment going?

Jill: It’s going.

Billy: Okay, well, Snapper says it’s helping.

Jill: Yeah, it is, I suppose. Anyway, what is the news at Chancellor-Winters?

Billy: It’s fantastic news. And I really think you’re going to be happy about it.

Jill: It sounds like you’re trying to sell me something. What is it?

Devon: Hey.

Nate: What’s up? It sounded urgent.

Devon: So, I just got back from seeing Lily and Billy have a very cozy lunch together. And it looked like they were celebrating something.

Nate: Could mean Lily’s moving forward with her plan.

Devon: It could, yeah.

Nate: What, you don’t think that’s what’s going on?

Devon: I just got a very different vibe from seeing them.

Nate: Oh, come on, you can’t read anything to a vibe.

Devon: All right, well, then, I don’t know, then, maybe this is me questioning my instincts and wondering if I’ve got everything wrong.

Victor: Kyle, kindly take a seat.

Kyle: All right. I’m listening. What is this wonderful news?

Victor: So, with my off-the-record assistance, Audra is now in charge of Tucker McCall’s cosmetics business, Glissade.

Kyle: What does this have to do with me?

Victor: Well, it so happens that she needs someone to run the business with her. And you came to mind.

Kyle: Are– are you serious?

Victor: Remember, you and I had a discussion at the bar when you informed me that you weren’t quite happy with your job at Jabot. It wasn’t challenging enough. Well… co-running Glissade with Audra would be quite a challenge. You interested?

Billy: I just finished a meeting with Lily. We’re going to undo the merger.

Jill: No, Billy.

Billy: Just hear me out for a second.

Jill: No, that’s not the way I wanted it all and I’ve already explained my reasons.

Billy: Would you change your mind if Lily decided to come and work for our side?

Jill: That will never happen.

Billy: Well, it just did. Devon is going to run Winters, and Lily and I will partner together and we will be running Chancellor.

Jill: Wait, what?

Billy: It’s all coming together, Mom. Your original plan. And this time, we’ll be equal partners. Chancellor will become Abbott-Chancellor. And your legacy is secure.

Nate: Wait a minute. You don’t think Lily’s reneging on her plan to trick Billy, do you?

Devon: I’m just telling you what I saw and what I felt. That’s it.

Nate: And your instincts?

Devon: I’m starting to worry that she might really be buying into the idea of running the whole Chancellor empire with him.

Nate: Or is it possible that knowing who your sister is and how she operates, that maybe she has Billy on the hook and is slowly reeling him in?

Devon: You think I’m being paranoid?

Nate: Maybe a little.

Devon: You might be right. I think it just got to me seeing them together.

Nate: Your sister knows what she’s doing.

Devon: I still think we need to keep our guard up, though. I’m going to Paris with Abby to check on her mom and I would like for you to keep an eye on Billy while I’m gone.

Lily: Oh, you don’t have to worry about Billy. I have him right where I want him. But can you rethink your trip to Paris? Because this whole thing is going to explode.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Katie has a rough time accepting Claire into the family because the kids at school think Claire is crazy and dangerous. Katie tells Victoria that Claire isn’t a part of her family and she can’t force her to like Claire. Claire talks to Kyle about her problem with Katie and he advises her to give Katie some time to get used to her. Kyle talks to Claire about his problems at work and she thinks he should look for another job.

Victor wants to meet with Kyle and offers him the job as Co-CEO running Glissade with Audra.

Billy falls into Lily’s trap and agrees to undo the Chancellor-Winters merger. Lily tells Billy she will run Abbott-Chancellor with him. Billy has a video call with Jill who doesn’t believe Lily wants to undo the merger.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Abby: My phone rings in the middle of the night and it’s my mom telling me that she’s checking herself into a psychiatric clinic in France to treat her dissociative identity disorder. And no one bothered to tell me about it? This is the first that I’ve heard of it?

Billy: I– I didn’t know about this hospital. I knew nothing about that until Jack actually called me as he was boarding a plane to go visit her.

Abby: I am her daughter.

Billy: I know, Abby. I’m sorry. It must’ve been brutal to find out about your mother, about what’s been going on with her in this way.

Abby: I mean I– I can’t believe she’s been struggling like this and I had no idea. I mean, I should’ve been there for her. I need to be with her now.

Billy: Is she seeing visitors at this point?

Abby: Of course, she told me not to come, but I don’t care. I’m leaving as soon as I can.

Billy: Yeah, I understand that. You just wanna be with her.

Abby: As much as I hate that my mom didn’t share any of this with me, what really infuriates me is that my family didn’t bother to tell me about it. And that includes you.

Claire: Okay, I put flowers in the bedrooms and… Oh, I stocked the kitchen with their favorite snacks and breakfast options.

Victoria: How did you even know what to get?

Claire: I may have asked a cook up at the main house.

Victoria: Look, you are their big sister. You’re not their nanny. So you don’t have to take care of them. That’s my job. Although, I’m sure they’re gonna resist any mothering attempts on my part anyway.

Claire: Right. ‘Cause Johnny’s entered the teen years. And Katie’s only 11, but she probably acts older because she copies her older brother.

Victoria: You’ve been reading up on your adolescent development, haven’t you?

Claire: I just wanna be prepared.

Victoria: Well, then you should know that Katie considers herself a teenager already, and, uh, we all just have to go along with that.

Claire: Got it. No hovering.

Victoria: Hey, you know what? It’s gonna be okay.

Claire: I just want them to feel welcome in their new home and not mind that some strange new sister is a part of it.

Daniel: Hey.

Heather: Hi. Hi, hi. Um, don’t you want a coffee?

Daniel: Uh, I better not. I’m already too on edge.

Heather: Okay, well, you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about. You have creative passion and justice on your side. And please do not forget, we are in the right.

Daniel: Yeah, well, you know, I appreciate the pep talk, but I really don’t see this as black and white, you know, battle of good versus evil.

Heather: Well, it’s an arbitration, but that doesn’t mean we’re not gonna fight.

Daniel: It’s a suit that I filed against Chancellor-Winters. A place that gave me a break when I needed one. Badly.

Heather: Is that what’s got you bothered? Or is this about facing Lily today?

Devon: So, do our chances look good?

Deirdre: The arbitrator is known to side with big business.

Nate: Pair that with the ironclad contract Daniel signed, and I’d say we’re in excellent shape.

Deirdre: Not to be overly confident, but they don’t stand a chance.

Devon: Hm, well, that’s exactly what we wanna hear. Right? Right, Lily?

Billy: You’re right. We did keep that from you. And that was a choice.

Abby: How could you?

Billy: Look, we knew something was going on with your mom, okay? But we didn’t wanna worry you until we had a better understanding of what that was. On top of that, your mom asked us not to say anything.

Abby: Yeah. There always seems to be some convenient excuse why no one in my family tells me anything. Not just the Abbotts, the Newmans too. It’s actually quite amazing how often that happens.

Billy: I don’t think that’s exactly fair.

Abby: No, fair– fair would be treating me like the adult that I am. Not someone that can’t handle upsetting news. Like a fragile little child.

Billy: You’re not that, and we know that.

Abby: Then why didn’t it occur to anyone that I would wanna be there for my mom? That maybe I could be helpful to her?

Billy: It just wasn’t our call to make, Abby.

Abby: Oh, please, that’s not an excuse, okay? Apparently, my mom has been dealing with blackouts and fending off alternate personalities for months now. But yet it was too soon to fill me in? No, maybe you’re the ones who let this go too far. Maybe if I had been involved, maybe I would’ve fought to get her the help that she needed before it had gotten this bad.

Billy: I get it. I do. And I’m not trying to pass the blame here, but Jack and Traci, they were in the thick of this with– with your mom, okay? And it’s… They were holding on to the information.

Abby: And that must have been hard for them, having to navigate all of this on their own. But think about my mom and how terrified she must have been, not knowing what was going on.

Billy: Let’s not make this worse about… Worrying about how it all went down, okay?

Abby: Oh, my God.

Billy: What?

Abby: Oh, my God. Um… I just realized that, um… Tucker warned me that my mom was in trouble, and I thought he was just insinuating himself back into her life, trying to be the center of attention, but… Tucker knew what was going on with my mom before I did.

Victoria: I know that you’re nervous to meet your siblings. It’s totally understandable. But, I mean, don’t forget, you’ve had video calls with them.

Claire: Yeah, they’ve seen me on a screen, but in person, it’s different. They’re coming back to a whole new home, one that I’ve been living in before them. How’s that gonna make them feel?

Victoria: That is true, but the ranch itself is like a second home to them. And they are gonna feel welcome because of all of the things on that list of yours and the special little touches that you’ve put around the house to make them feel happier to be back.

Claire: I’ve been living in their space and monopolizing your time. It’s huge to them. A new home and a new sister that they never knew they had?

Victoria: But, Claire, you’re a part of this family now. They’re not gonna see you as an intruder. I promise you that. Let’s not forget, you’re amazing with kids, okay? They’re gonna adore you.

Claire: If you think so.

Victoria: I know so.

Heather: You can’t look at this as an attack against Lily. This is simply about asking for what’s rightfully yours.

Daniel: Not according to the contract I signed.

Heather: You were terminated for personal reasons. And when you made a very reasonable request to hang on to an important piece of intellectual property, the decision to deny you was punitive and that mitigates any contractual agreement. The arbitrator will see that.

Daniel: Because you’re a great lawyer.

Heather: Fighting for what you deserve.

Daniel: This– this is more than a legal argument. I mean, it means so much more to– to all of us. You know, we’re not just advocating for my right to a game. We’re defending our affair.

Heather: Well, hopefully it doesn’t come to that.

Daniel: And if it does?

Heather: Then, I am ready for whatever their lawyer throws at us.

Daniel: I don’t know if I am. I’m gonna have to go there, I’m gonna have to see Lily and say that I deserve all of these things, when– I mean, let’s face it. I cheated on her.

Heather: Okay, I’m gonna do my best to make sure they don’t put you on the spot. Let me take their fire. I am– I’m good at this. This is what I do. Okay, and this isn’t just a job. I really, I believe in you, Daniel. I believe what you are fighting for.

Daniel: Of course. You know, and I trust you to handle this the right way. I just– I hate that it’s come to this.

Heather: Yeah, well, there’s no turning back now.

Daniel: Maybe there is.

Devon: You’ve been a little quiet.

Lily: Well, I don’t really feel like celebrating our upper hand at the moment.

Devon: I know this is probably gonna be difficult for you to have to relive your breakup with Daniel through the whole thing, but Nate and I are here to support you.

Nate: And given how much we have in our favor here, maybe the arbitration will go quickly.

Deirdre: That’s my goal.

Devon: Which would be great. That way we can put it behind us and hopefully avoid any more public damage.

Lily: Yeah, totally painless.

Devon: Nobody says it’s gonna be painless, but what can we do to help you feel better about it?

Lily: Uh, we’ll see you at the office, Deirdre.

Deirdre: Thanks.

Lily: I was up all night thinking about it, and I don’t think that arbitration is the answer.

Heather: I– I don’t know what you expect me to do at this late date. Besides, they– they’re the ones who pushed us to this position.

Daniel: I know. I– I told you that Lily said she would consider the possibility of a compromise.

Heather: Right, with absolutely no indication from the lawyer at Chancellor-Winters about wanting to cut a deal whatsoever. I mean, she’s been the one who fast-tracked this. I personally thought it would’ve taken weeks, if not months.

Daniel: I don’t know if I can move forward with it.

Heather: You have cold feet. That’s– that’s what’s going on. It’s normal because you have to face Lily, but you gotta trust me, Daniel. I am going to make this as painless as possible.

Daniel: This is– this is more than just a case of last-minute jitters. Look, I have been over this in my head. I– I thought that getting Princess Louisa ˯ back was gonna bring me some kind of sense of relief and satisfaction, but she netted the game. It’s just, after everything that’s happened, it’s tainted to me now.

Heather: Please don’t say that. You made it for our daughter.

Daniel: I did. And it still represents all of the love I have for her and for our family, but it is also– it has become a pawn in this battle that I’m fighting with Lily because I hurt her. And she retaliated. I mean, that’s why we’re here now. And now, every time I think of the game, that’s what I’m gonna think of.

Heather: Daniel, I love you, but you can’t let this conflict color things like that.

Daniel: Listen, the game has served its purpose. It brought Lucy y ba to me. It brought you back to me. And that is more than I could’ve ever hoped for. But now it also represents the pain that I caused Lily.

Heather: I don’t know what you’re saying, so… what do you wanna do?

Daniel: Let it go. We move on from this. I mean, I can feed on the happiness that we found to create something new.

Lily: I wanna offer Daniel a compromise in addition to his severance package.

Devon: What kind of compromise?

Lily: I wanna let him keep Princess Louisa.

Nate: But we’re hours away from going to arbitration. And you heard our lawyer. She says it’s a slam dunk. We get to keep our IP and refute their wrongful termination claim.

Lily: Yeah, I know. I know.

Devon: So, why would we give them a deal?

Lily: Look, I– I told you I was having a change of heart, you know, and I wanted to consider a compromise.

Devon: No, I know, but like he just said, this is really last minute. And this whole thing has been about keeping a hold of the crown jewel of OmegaSphere, and now you just wanna let it go.

Nate: You heard Deidre. She firmly believes Daniel has no claim to it.

Lily: No, I know, and– and she’s right. The contract says that. But, look, I’ve had time to calm down, and I know that I was reacting emotionally when I fired Daniel and Heather. And I was just so focused on winning and so angry that I ignored what you both and Billy said when you were trying to talk me out of it.

Devon: Yeah, but I backed you up on it and–

Lily: No, I know, and I– I appreciate that. I do. But you were right, you know? I’m gonna be painted as vindictive in the press, and we just– We don’t need any more drama. You know, we have bigger battles to fight. Look, this is what I wanna do. I wanna put my energy where it’s needed most. So, do you both agree?

Claire: Last thing on my list. I got them gifts.

Victoria: Oh, you didn’t need to do that, Claire.

Claire: Well, they’re only little, and they might actually be too silly. Can I get your opinion?

Victoria: Yeah, of course.

Claire: So, for Johnny, I got him a red earbud case. He can never seem to find his when we’re gonna do a call, and I know he likes the color ’cause it’s all over his dorm.

Victoria: Yes, red is his absolute favorite color, and you’re right, he’s always losing those things. It’s like the perfect gift.

Claire: Great, and then I got a soccer ball charm for Katie’s bracelet. I noticed it in a photo. I hope she still wears it.

Victoria: Oh, she does, on special occasions, yeah. My mother bought that for her when she was born. It’s really thoughtful of you.

Claire: Great, then I will go wrap them.

Victoria: Okay. [ knock on door ] Coming.

Cole: Hey there.

Abby: Tucker told me I should check in on my mom, but I– I thought that he was just butting in. I thought he was trying to make it seem like he knew my mom better than me.

Billy: He did insert himself into the situation. One of the nights at the Abbott house, he showed up unannounced. I actually tried to kick him out.

Abby: And were you successful?

Billy: Well, eventually he left, but that was the first time that we heard from Tucker that your mom referred to herself in third person.

Abby: Oh. And you didn’t bother to do anything about it?

Billy: Abby, we tried. We tried hard, trust me, but she fought us on it. It’s a little tough to explain, but she had a counterargument for every concern that we had. We were overreacting and she was totally in control. And it didn’t help that the biggest concern was coming from Tucker on the heels of Ashley’s accusations about the way that he treated her in Paris, so don’t feel bad about blowing him off because we all did.

Abby: This whole time, we were blaming Tucker for what was going on with my mom, but in reality, he wasn’t at fault.

Billy: No, no, no. I wouldn’t go that far at all. That guy does not get a free pass. I mean, he played plenty of mind games with your mom. I mean, he left their marriage because she wouldn’t walk away from her family. As far as I’m concerned, your mother’s pain and suffering, most of that is because of Tucker.

Cole: Is this a bad time? Are the kids here yet?

Victoria: No, their plane hasn’t landed yet, so come in.

Cole: Oh, okay, all right. So, uh, hm, I figured Claire would be here to greet them.

Victoria: Yeah, she’s upstairs wrapping a couple of gifts for them. Between you and me, she seems pretty nervous.

Cole: And how about you?

Victoria: Well… when Claire said that she was worried about Johnny and Katie, thinking that she was interloping, I denied it, but between you and me, um… I don’t know. I’m not certain how this is all gonna go.

Cole: Hm. So, that’s a pretty huge change.

Victoria: Yes, it is. It’s– it’s a huge change, and kids can be so unpredictable at this age.

Cole: And maybe territorial?

Victoria: It might be a little threatening. You know, that Claire has been living here, helping to get our new home set up while the kids have been away at boarding school. Maybe I’ve been giving her more attention than I’ve been giving them.

Cole: Even if they feel that way, it’s not true. And they’re gonna realize that. You know, from everything that I’ve heard about them, Johnny and Katie were raised with unconditional love. And it’s that love that they carry with them every day. And they’re gonna be reminded of that the second they see their mom’s face.

Victoria: How do you do that? How do you just calm me down like that? And I don’t know what you do or what you say, but it works every single time.

Cole: I don’t even think about it. I just call it like I see it. Because I believe in you.

Abby: What really gets me is that when I think back on the past few months, there have been several times when I felt like my mom wasn’t acting like herself.

Billy: How so?

Abby: Well, she was distracted, dismissive of me. And then, she came in here with Alan and she was acting very flirtatious. I thought, “Well, hey, maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe she’s finally moved on, and she’s interested in someone other than Tucker.” But when I think about it, that was– It was very out of character.

Billy: I had a few run-ins with her myself where she seemed off. Look, we tried to do everything we could. We actually had a little mini intervention as well.

Abby: And you didn’t include me?

Billy: It was impromptu. It really was. It was the night that I kicked Tucker out of the house. And she agreed to go get some help, and the next day Traci brought her there, and then she ended up bolting. She said that this attention wasn’t necessary and that she was totally fine.

Abby: Well, if I were there, I wouldn’t have let her leave.

Billy: I’m really sorry, Abby. I personally apologize for how this was handled. But what’s done is done, okay? So, let’s focus on the good news. Your mom is doing better. She’s accepted her diagnosis. She’s in a safe place, surrounded by doctors that really know how to help her deal with this.

Abby: Yeah. My mom is tough. But what she’s going through is terrifying, not just for her, but for the people who love her. So, I need to make up for lost time and I’m gonna be there for her. I’m gonna fly to Paris. I’m gonna leave as soon as I can, just to be nearby for when she’s ready to see me.

Billy: I think she would love that.

Abby: Well, I’m not so sure about that. She told me not to worry that she’s got this, but I don’t know. I’m not giving her a choice. [ cell phone buzzes ]

Billy: Sorry. My notifications are set to let me know when Johnny and Katie’s flight is about to land.

Abby: Oh, yes. I’m sure you and my sister are very excited to have them home for the summer.

Billy: I can’t wait. I miss them like crazy and I just hope that this reunion is drama-free. I’m taking them to the Tack House and they’re gonna meet Claire for the first time.

Abby: Oh, wow, that’s a big family moment.

Billy: Yeah, it is.

Abby: You’re facing things on all fronts.

Billy: Yeah, you have no idea. Wish me luck, okay?

Abby: Yes.

Billy: Bye.

Devon: Well, listen, I mean, I can clearly see how much this means to you. I think we’re on the same page.

Nate: I agree. How you deal with Daniel should be your decision.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: I am surprised, though, that you’d wanna let those two off the hook like that.

Lily: No, this isn’t about Daniel and Heather. This is for the good of the company. It’s just time to move on.

Nate: Look, I don’t want to fight you on this, but I do wanna reiterate that OmegaSphere is strong. All of our games are performing well, especially Princess Louisa.

Lily: Yeah, which is why I think we can afford to do this. The developer we hired to replace Daniel has a ton of ideas for new games, so I don’t think that losing Princess Louisa˯ will be debilitating. And look, we already have enough conflict at Chancellor-Winters. We don’t need any more. I just wanna solve this battle once and for all so we can finally move on. ,li, stwe, llOk: ay I hear everything that you’re saying, but we just gotta make sure it’s what you really want. ‘Cause, you know, the second that we release the game to Daniel, we can’t get it back.

Lily: I know, and I’m sure.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: Look, I mean, Princess Louisa˯ brought Daniel back into my life, and he broke my heart, and this is a painful reminder of that.

Devon: Okay, then we let it go.

Lily: Thank you. And I do believe that the platform we built is stronger than one game.

Nate: That’s true, and it’s still in the early stages, in the scheme of things. Um, we can grow it even more.

Lily: Yeah, and that’s all that matters, is keeping our asset and our company strong. [ cell phone buzzes ] It’s Daniel. He wants to meet one-on-one, says it’s important.

Devon: There’s no reason to meet him now, right? Especially not in person.

Lily: Well, no, I mean, I want this done, so if I can solve this with him directly, then great.

Nate: Well, why not let one of us come with you?

Lily: Uh, thank you, but, um, I’ve got this. Bye. I’ll see you later.

Devon: See ya. [ Nate sighs ]

Devon: Well, uh, that is not how I thought today was gonna go at all.

Nate: You and me both, but, um, it’s what she wants.

Devon: Does she seem off to you at all?

Nate: I know she’s been keyed up about the arbitration.

Devon: No, I think that there’s more to it than that.

Nate: Like what?

Devon: I think it’s Billy.

Nate: Billy’s been pretty quiet lately, in spite of Jill handing him the reins.

Devon: Well, that’s another reason why I’m suspicious, but… Billy went to Lily and tried to convince her that they should join forces and team up together and basically push me into a secondary role.

Nate: What? Are you telling me we have to worry about Lily turning against her own family?

Daniel: You came. I wasn’t sure if you would.

Lily: Well, I hope it wasn’t a mistake and that you didn’t call me here to fight.

Devon: No, I don’t think Lily would betray us at all, but I do think that this Billy situation is weighing on her.

Nate: Okay, um, so when did this go down, and what exactly did he propose?

Devon: So, apparently, before Jill handed him all of her power, he went to Lily and tried to convince her that they’re the right team to run things.

Nate: And how did she react?

Devon: Well, she said no. But then when she finally told me, we realized that we could maybe use it to our advantage.

Nate: Okay, how so?

Devon: By convincing Billy that they are a team and then make him think that it’s a good idea to actually split the companies up, so that way he can go and run Chancellor the way he wants, and then eventually Lily would ditch him and come and join us at our family’s company.

Nate: Okay, so where do things stand?

Devon: Everything’s stalled. It’s clear that this Daniel situation has been weighing on Lily, so maybe she thinks that we need to settle it before we move forward with that.

Claire: Is there any word? I saw that their flight landed.

Victoria: Are you tracking their flight?

Claire: Maybe.

Victoria: Billy’s probably at the airport right now.

Claire: Did I hear Dad?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, yeah, he stopped by, but he didn’t wanna intrude on the reunion, so he said he’d hear about it later.

Claire: Maybe I shouldn’t give them these right now. Is it kind of weird? Like, “Hey, I’m the sister you didn’t know you had. Here’s a charm and some earbuds, so hey, we’re cool, right?”

Victoria: I think maybe you’re overthinking it a little, and I love you for it.

Claire: The wait is killing me.

Victoria: All right, well, let me check in with Billy and then maybe– [ knock on door ]

Billy: Knock, knock. Look who I found loitering around the baggage carousel.

Johnny: Because Katie packed like a million bags.

Katie: Oh, and you’re too cool to pack more than a backpack?

Victoria: Excuse me. Hugs, please. Come here. Hi. It’s so good to see you. Come here, you’re not too big for a hug, are you? Kids, um… I would like for you to meet your sister, Claire.

Claire: I’m really happy to meet you both.

Johnny: You’re tall. You look shorter on video.

Claire: Isn’t it funny how that happens? You’re taller than I thought you’d be, too. Or maybe you just grew a few inches since last time we spoke.

Billy: I’m pretty sure he grew an inch on the drive over here.

Johnny: So, what’s it like in a mental hospital, really?

Victoria: Johnny.

Billy: Johnny. Easy, you don’t have to break the ice that way.

Claire: It’s okay. I prepared for questions. You guys have a right to know. I really want us to get off on the right foot, and that means total honesty. So, what was it like in a mental hospital? Um… Well, the food stinks, and spending pretty much every hour of the day in one room, I– I don’t recommend it. But the doctors there were great, and they helped me deal with a lot of things that have happened in my life, including being taken from my parents as a baby.

Johnny: We know about that part. You were raised by your crazy aunt, so what was that like?

Victoria: Johnny, honestly…

Claire: You play video games.

Johnny: Yeah.

Claire: I guess you could say I was kind of like an agent of doom for her. Or that’s what she wanted me to be, like her accomplice. Helping her to seek vengeance for the wrongs that she thought had been done to her. Only I was just a kid, and I– I didn’t understand that. I thought plotting how to seek vengeance was a game that all kids played.

Johnny: It sounds fun.

Claire: And in the hospital, the doctors helped me understand my childhood wasn’t normal at all. And it’s not a kid’s job to figure that out.

Victoria: And that you were not responsible for your aunt’s actions.

Claire: Right. And I’m free of her now. And Mom has been great. And so have you two. I’m really looking forward to spending some time with normal people for once in my life.

Johnny: Well, I’m not sure we’re normal. Especially this one.

Claire: I don’t know. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth.

Victoria: Katie? Do you wanna say hello to Claire?

Katie: Can I go to my room and unpack?

Billy: Yeah, I can get your bags out of the car if you want.

Victoria: Go ahead. That’s fine. I think you’re really gonna love your room. Claire and I redecorated Aria’s nursery for you.

Katie: Great. A baby’s room. Still can’t believe we have to live here now. That our house burned to the ground with all our stuff. All because of Claire’s crazy aunt.

Daniel: Fighting is the last thing I wanna do. I swear.

Lily: Good. I was actually gonna call you when you texted me. There’s something important I wanted to discuss with you.

Daniel: Me first. Please.

Lily: Um, sure.

Daniel: I’m calling off the lawsuit. I don’t wanna take back Princess Louisa.

Lily: You what?

Daniel: There’s too many negative associations with it. Chancellor-Winters. You can keep it. You can have it free and clear.

Lily: Uh, um… I don’t know what to say.

Daniel: How about whatever you came here to tell me?

Lily: Well, I was gonna tell you the same thing. That I don’t wanna fight anymore and you can keep the game.

Daniel: I don’t understand.

Lily: Well, it’s the same reason for me. There’s just too many painful memories.

Daniel: Uh, well, I didn’t see this coming.

Lily: Yeah. Me either. Okay, um, I mean, where does this leave us? Because if you don’t want the game and I don’t want it, then what happens to Princess Louisa?

Abby: Hey. Do you have a minute?

Devon: Hey. I have all the minutes for you, pretty lady. How you doing? Heard anything from your mom?

Abby: No, no. Not since last night. I just– I can’t get over this.

Devon: I know, it’s a lot.

Abby: When I talked to her, she sounded like my mom. She was so calm and confident, assuring me that she was okay and not to worry.

Devon: Well, that’s a good thing, right?

Abby: Yeah, but what if it wasn’t her? What if I was talking to one of her alternate personalities? I went so long without seeing the signs. Maybe I don’t even know my mom anymore.

Devon: You can’t think like that, okay? You have to stay positive. You have to know that she’s getting the help that she needs and she’s being looked after.

Abby: Yeah. Well, my Uncle Jack and Aunt Traci are in Paris, and they told me not to come, that they have it covered, but I have to go. I have to be with her. I have to look her in the eye and see if she’s okay.

Devon: Okay. Well, then do it. Let’s go. Let’s go together.

Audra: Hey there.

Nate: Uh-huh. I should be mad at you for blowing off our dinner plans and disappearing to Paris.

Audra: Oh, don’t be. I can explain.

Nate: Mm-hmm. Well, you look awfully happy.

Audra: Ecstatic.

Nate: I gotta admit, I’m curious and a little scared to ask, do I wanna know what went down in the City of Lights? etty pleased with yourself.

Audra: That’s because I finally beat Tucker.

Nate: Really? So, the student has become the master.

Audra: Funny, that’s what he said. In his snide way. But I was never his inferior. I just let him think that until I was ready to make my move. Because the truth is, I am better than Tucker on his best day.

Nate: I never doubted it. So how did you triumph this time?

Audra: You’re looking at the new CEO of Glissade.

Nate: Wow. I– I knew you were up to something, but, um, that is quite the coup. How’d you pull it off?

Audra: Well, I convinced our board to vote to oust him, thanks to an anonymous investor who tripled their stake in the company.

Nate: That couldn’t have been cheap, Audra. So, who’s this, uh, who’s this investor with these deep pockets?

Audra: I am not at liberty to say. That’s what anonymous means. And it was a stipulation of the deal.

Nate: Sounds like trouble.

Audra: No, not at all. It was perfect. And I am ready to celebrate, if you care to join me.

Nate: Yes, I would love to.

Audra: There’s just one question.

Nate: What’s that?

Audra: Can you keep up?

Victoria: What happened to our house wasn’t Claire’s fault.

Claire: But it must feel that way. If it weren’t for my aunt, you’d be back in your old house right now, in your old room, with all your favorite things. I’m so sorry. You’ve lost so much. I understand how sad that must make you feel.

Katie: You don’t know me. How could you understand?

Billy: Honey, Katie, come here, please. Katie.

Claire: No. Let her go.

Victoria: I’m sorry. She shouldn’t have been so rude.

Johnny: If I’d done that, you’d ground me.

Victoria: Please, Johnny. You’re the older brother here.

Johnny: I thought she was the older sister.

Claire: Don’t push her. Just give her some time. I knew this wasn’t gonna be easy for any of us.

Lily: Okay, well, if neither of us wants the game, now what?

Daniel: It’s hard to imagine Princess Louisa ˯ being finished, taken off the platform.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, it’s been an anchor for OmegaSphere. And so much more. Maybe we keep the game? Leave it as is?

Daniel: You mean let it become a library game?

Lily: Yeah, an instant classic. And we market the nostalgia factor.

Daniel: So, no sequels?

Lily: No, and no changing the material.

Daniel: I like that idea.

Lily: And in exchange, Chancellor-Winters can open up a college tuition trust fund for Lucy.

Daniel: That is very generous.

Lily: Well, I mean, without her, there would be no Princess Louisa.

Daniel: Wouldn’t exist without you either.

Lily: Or you. So, do we have a deal?

Daniel: I think it sounds more than fair.

Lily: Look at that. A little communication, a little compromise. I’m really sorry. I know it’s my fault. I let my emotions get the best of me. I dug my heels in.

Daniel: I totally understand why. And I am so sorry for everything that happened.

Lily: Well, let’s end on a high note, okay? No more apologies. No more talking about it.

Daniel: Fair enough. I’ll let, um… I’ll let my lawyer know.

Lily: I will too.

Daniel: So, it’s done.

Lily: It’s done. Slightly happier ending than what we had before.

Daniel: You know, I wish you all the happiness and success in the world. You deserve it. And so much more.

Lily: Thank you. [ cell phone buzzes ]

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Claire meets Johnny and Katie for the first time in person, because up to now, she had only talked to them through video calls. Claire answers Johnny’s questions about her time in the psychiatric ward of the hospital as well as growing up with her Aunt Jordan.

Katie is upset that their house burned down, and all their things are gone because of Claire’s Aunt Jordan.

Abby is upset that nobody in the Abbott family bothered to tell her about Ashley’s DID or called her to participate in the intervention for Ashley. Abby is tired of her entire family treating her like a child instead of an adult. Billy tells her everything Jack and Traci did to make sure Ashley got treatment.

Abby talked to her mother on the phone last night, but she and Devon decide to go to Paris and wait until Ashley is ready to see her.

Daniel and Lily come to an agreement that Chancellor-Winters can keep the Princess Louisa game and market it as a classic game. Lily tells Daniel that the sales from the game will be put into a college fund for Lucy.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Victoria: Hi, Mom.

Nikki: Good morning.

Victoria: Good morning.

Nikki: So, how did it go?

Victoria: How did what go?

Nikki: Your date with Cole.

Victoria: Oh, that.

Nikki: Ah, don’t give me, “Oh, that.” I know you were looking forward to it and judging from the smile on your face, things must’ve gone very well.

Victoria: Yes, it was nice. We had a lovely time.

Nikki: Good. I’m happy for both of you.

Victoria: Don’t make more of it than that. We’re taking it one slow step at a time. It’s very sweet of you to ask, Mom, but if that’s all you wanted to know, you could’ve called. So, what’s on your mind?

Nikki: Your father, of course.

Adam: I got your message. I’m here. But I don’t have a lot of time.

Victor: Why’s that?

Adam: Connor’s in a positive phase of his treatment. He wants to see us. So, Chelsea and I, we’re gonna take the jet and we’re gonna head east. Nick already approved the trip.

Victor: Of course. Now, are you gonna really see him this time?

Adam: That’s the hope. But after the last few false starts, we’re not taking anything for granted. What is it you need to talk to me about?

Victor: Son, I think after our last conversation, you should know what it is about.

Adam: Newman Media.

Victor: Yeah. I wanna know if you’re willing to take over the reins.

Jack: Alan went home to get some sleep. Maybe you should do the same thing.

Traci: Oh, I will, in a few minutes.

Jack: You said that a few hours ago.

Traci: I know. I– I just need a little more time to process all of this, you know? Martin is dead and Ashley’s in a hospital and I have no idea how hard this is on Alan.

Jack: He seemed pretty stoic to me.

Traci: Well, yeah, on the outside, but he’s mourning the loss of his brother.

Jack: Mourning a man who tried to kill him, who terrified our sister.

Traci: Okay, I don’t have a lot of compassion for Martin either, but, Jack, he was ill. And he’s still Alan’s brother.

Jack: I know. I know. I have a hard time thinking of him as anything other than a monster who tormented Ashley.

Traci: And we thought this whole time it was Tucker.

Jack: Oh, Tucker had a role here. I’m not letting him off the hook.

Traci: Okay, I’m not forgiving his other behavior, but if he hadn’t been there for Ashley last night when she needed him–

Jack: You know what? I don’t even wanna think about that.

Traci: And Jack, that’s all I’m thinking of. What could’ve happened to our sister?

Jack: It didn’t happen. Thank God, she’s fine. She’s where she belongs. She’s getting the help she needs. And she wouldn’t be there if you hadn’t been here for her. She needed your love and your strength.

Traci: I don’t feel very strong right now.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey, come here, come here.

Traci: I’m sorry.

Jack: Don’t you apologize. You have been a rock for everyone involved in this. If you wanna cry, you let it out.

Traci: No, no, I can’t start crying. If I do, I don’t think I’ll ever stop.

Jack: Cry all you want. I’m here for you. Just like you’ve been here for Ashley.

Traci: Oh…

Jack: It’s okay. It’s okay.

Tucker: Get out of here, Audra. If I’m gonna die… I don’t wanna take my last breath looking at you.

Dawn: I have to insist that you leave. Now.

Audra: Yeah, sure.

Dawn: Ms. Charles, will I need to call security?

Audra: Dawn, you can call whoever you want, but not until I tell your boss I’m not buying his little death scene. You know, I am amazed I ever respected you.

Audra: Aw, don’t strain yourself, Tucker. Since, clearly, you are in great pain. And if it’s too much, don’t feel the need to hang on. I promise you everyone will be fine without you. You really can let go.

Tucker: Is this how you wanna say goodbye, Audra? You’re mocking me.

Audra: I already said goodbye. You just refused to accept the memo.

Tucker: What are you still doing here, then?

Audra: Just wanna see how far you push this pretense. Or maybe you’re not really faking cardiac arrest. Is this a panic attack, Tucker? Is your heart pounding and your lungs seizing at the terror of public humiliation?

Tucker: You’re gonna– you’re gonna regret this, Audra, for the rest of your life, but even still, I forgive you.

Audra: Oh, yeah, you do that. You may have delayed the board vote, but you can’t postpone it forever. You lost. It’s over. And next time, try not looking so healthy when you’re dying.

Doctor: No, no, Monsieur, you must lie down, rest.

Tucker: No, no, no, no. Très magnifique.

Doctor: Okay.

Tucker: You’re an amazing doctor. Here, let me compensate you. Bonjour. Très bon. All right. I bought us a little time, but not much before that vote.

Dawn: Are you sure you’re all right, Mr. McCall?

Tucker: I am not gonna be unless we can delay that vote.

Dawn: Uh, yes, Sir.

Tucker: Okay, so, I need dirt. I mean, serious dirt on at least two of the Glissade board members. Uh, contact my operatives. Get them to dig up something damning enough to get the board members to vote with me out of fear, okay? Audra’s taking the gloves off. Time for me to do the same.

Dawn: I’ll get right on it.

Tucker: And find out where the hell Jack Abbott is.

Traci: Thank you.

Jack: You okay?

Traci: Yeah, I’m so okay when you’re here.

Jack: Free hugs available when needed.

Traci: I will take you up on it.

Jack: Well, I hope you do.

Traci: It’s just that this is all so strange. Everything turned upside down in just an instant.

Jack: Yep, Ashley’s in the hospital.

Traci: Yes, and I know she’s getting the care she needs. Alan says that’s where she’s supposed to be, but it’s another psychiatric hospital.

Jack: I know.

Traci: Oh, Jack, it doesn’t matter how lovely the facility is and caring, the staff– She’s gonna think back to the last time she needed to have 24-hour treatment like this. We don’t even know how long she’s gonna be there and what this treatment is gonna bring up.

Jack: Every step of the way, she will be surrounded by professionals.

Traci: Yes, but is that enough? It’s not her family.

Jack: Our sister’s a very strong woman who is determined to get well.

Traci: I know. I know. But everyone has their limits. I mean, even the strongest person can only take so much. Ashley has had enough trauma for many lifetimes. And– and what she’s gonna face ahead, it frightens me.

Jack: Okay, I understand your concern. She’s where she needs to be right now. Unless you don’t think so.

Traci: No, I don’t know. Look, it’s just this. Something Alan said, it– it– I cannot let it go.

Jack: What was that?

Traci: That– that this breakdown, the alters, all of it could have something to do with a trauma she experienced in her childhood. So, I’m racking my brain trying to figure out what that might have been. Jack, do you have any idea? Because we grew up in the same house. Did something horrible happen to her and we missed it?

Adam: Newman Media is not my priority right now. Connor is.

Victor: Son, I understand that. I really do. And he should be. Nevertheless, I’d like your agreement to step in as CEO.

Adam: This– this is going to require a much bigger discussion.

Victor: In what way?

Adam: You told me that you were gonna use the company as a weapon against someone.

Victor: Is there a problem with that?

Adam: I’m not keen on the idea of you using me as your stalking horse for some new unexplained war without knowing who the enemy is.

Victor: You’ll find out soon enough who the enemy is.

Adam: Honestly, any other time, I would be all in. You know I’m up for a challenge. You’ve been great with Connor and I wanna show you how much I appreciate that. But my life is already unpredictable. When Connor’s gonna need us, how his progress is going, how much support Chelsea’s gonna need. I can’t sign up for something without knowing what I’m getting into and I can’t get tied up in some messy thing when Connor needs my time and attention. So, my answer’s no. [ knock on door ]

Tucker: Entrez-vous? What did you find out?

Dawn: Jack Abbott is in Paris. He flew in early this morning.

Tucker: I knew it. I knew it. Quick little trip to check on his sister before joining Audra to sell me and Glissade down the river. Now, what about dirt on the board members?

Dawn: Nothing yet, but they’re working on it.

Tucker: Tell them to keep working. Meanwhile, I think I better pay Mr. Abbott a quick little visit.

Jack: Oh, believe me, it bothers me too. That I might have stood by with no idea while Ashley dealt with some unspeakable trauma and I was the oldest. I was supposed to be looking out for the two of you.

Traci: No, Jack. Daddy was there too. And he loved us so much.

Jack: Yeah, we all knew that. We were happy enough. Including Ashley.

Traci: Yes. I mean, we didn’t have a perfect childhood, but who has a perfect childhood? I mean, Daddy and Dina fought a lot, and– and Dina’s affairs… Well, they brought a lot of turmoil to the family, but no one more than Ashley.

Jack: Let me ask you something. Do you think Ashley knew about Brent sooner than we realized?

Traci: I don’t know, but maybe.

Jack: Dad never knew that he was not Ashley’s biological father. Is it possible, as a kid, she found out and she just kept it buried until Brent showed up in town and told her the truth about himself and Mom?

Traci: That is the first time she had a breakdown.

Jack: I know. That’s why I’m asking this.

Traci: And we’re still just guessing. I– I– It could have been something completely unrelated to Mother or Brent or any of that. It could be something that Ashley is absolutely unaware of because she has stuffed it down so deep inside.

Jack: But if Alan’s theory about Ashley’s alters and when they came into existence is right, it explains a lot about what happened over the years when she’d lost touch with reality.

Traci: And then were those alters affecting her and we just didn’t realize it?

Jack: Or is it something that just started to happen and not something she’s been carrying around in her psyche for years?

Traci: We’re asking all of these questions and we’re not the ones dealing with this directly. Can you even imagine what Ashley is thinking? Oh, poor thing.

Jack: Wait, wait. You know better than anybody else, Ashley would hate that we were feeling sorry for her.

Traci: No, this is not pity. Jack, this is love. This is love. Ashley deserves much better than this. And she had to face whatever horrible thing she went through with Martin. It’s just too much.

Jack: She’s come back from the edge before. She has. She will this time, too. But maybe this time, this time she can get to the source of all of this. Silence those demons. Get them out of her life for good.

Traci: Oh, yes. Please, God.

Audra: Ugh.

Audra: It will be over soon, Victor. I’m not giving up until I’m in charge of Glissade.

Nikki: I don’t know whether to be hurt or angry at your father for trying to replace me at Newman Media.

Victoria: Uh, I think a little of both seems fair enough.

Nikki: And he knows how I feel about Adam. I don’t care how well he may be working with Nicholas right now, I will never trust him.

Victoria: We share that opinion.

Nikki: Your father has to know it will be next to impossible to get Adam out when I’m ready to return.

Victoria: Well, Dad seems to have conveniently ignored that fact, but he has to know that it’s true.

Nikki: Yeah, doesn’t seem to bother him, though, does it? That– that’s even more maddening. Plus, he is pushing Adam for a quick answer.

Victoria: That’s what I don’t understand. What’s the big hurry?

Nikki: I don’t know. But I need to stop this from happening and I need to do it now. So, your father will have to give up his idea of putting Adam in Newman Media, and he will if you agree to step in. [ knock on door ]

Traci: Oh, hello. I had a feeling you might show up. Please, come in.

Tucker: Merci.

Traci: You have earned a much warmer welcome than the last time I saw you. So, how is Ashley? Is she on her way to the clinic?

Traci: She’s there. She’s settling in and she’s getting the care she needs. And before you ask, there are no visitors allowed. Even family, very limited.

Tucker: I wasn’t gonna ask, but I’m glad to hear she’s better. She came to see me earlier and I was very pleased to see that there was a definite change back to herself. Although, I couldn’t help but worry that one of her alters was gonna emerge and sabotage the whole thing.

Traci: I know, but they didn’t show up. She followed through. And even understanding exactly what she’s gonna have to face, she’s where she needs to be.

Tucker: I’m glad to hear. Despite what everyone else thinks.

Traci: Tucker, I know you genuinely care for my sister.

Tucker: Really?

Traci: Yes. Uh, I– I may have been a little vocal about your motives, um, but that was at a time when I was just trying to protect my sister. And– and a time when we thought you were who we had to protect her from. Tucker, I was wrong. We all were wrong and I am deeply sorry. You have more than proved yourself.

Tucker: Ah, I don’t know about that, but thank you. That really means a lot to me.

Traci: And now, I think it might be time to let her go.

Tucker: Hm.

Victoria: Mom.

Nikki: I know you’re ambivalent about going back to work, but I’m running out of options. I need to focus on my sobriety. How can I do that when I know that Adam will be running Newman Media? It stresses me out just to think about it. I can’t imagine having to deal with it day after day.

Victoria: It would be galling, and I feel the same way. But there’s something that you’re not taking into consideration.

Nikki: What?

Victoria: Dad, if– if he’s willing to risk upsetting all of us, he must have some other agenda in the works. And whatever that is, clearly he needs Adam to be a part of it.

Nikki: Well, we know that Adam is capable of anything, so maybe that’s what your father is counting on.

Victoria: It’s how Dad operates, so even if I were to step in for you, there’s no guarantee that Dad will go along with it. He specifically wants Adam.

Nikki: I have another idea.

Victoria: Oh, no. I’m almost afraid to ask.

Nikki: Your father may not agree to me taking the reins, or you taking them, but he can’t say no to both of us.

Victoria: What are you getting at?

Nikki: How’s this? I will tell him that I am ready to return to work as long as you are by my side.

Victor: Son, let me make clear that I’m not asking you to do anything underhanded.

Adam: No, of course not. You want me over anyone else because of my charm.

Victor: Your inimitable charm?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Victor: I’m asking you as the head of many Newman Media outlets to kind of say negative things about another company.

Adam: So, you want Newman Media to pump out propaganda against an enemy?

Victor: Not propaganda. It has to be based on objective facts.

Adam: Against another company, but you won’t tell me who the entity is or the people that are involved.

Victor: You’ll find out in time.

Adam: And I’m telling you, the time is now if you want me involved. Okay, if this is the opening volley of a war, I need to know what I’m walking into.

Victor: Rest assured, this will not reflect negatively on you.

Adam: Of course, it would. You could put Nick or Victoria in that role. But clearly it’s not that simple, is it? You need someone with killer instincts and dubious ethics. So, I go to the top of the list, huh?

Victor: You’re getting the drift. Son, there was a time when you would’ve jumped enthusiastically at a chance to be put back in charge of Newman Media. What the hell happened?

Adam: I know. You’re right. I would’ve been all over this. But my circumstances have changed. My son, he needs my full attention. And I’m not about to jump into something without you telling me why or who.

Victor: So, we are back to that.

Adam: Look, there’s an easy solution for this. Just tell me who you’re going after and I might consider it. [ cell phone buzzes ]

Victor: I’m gonna have to take this.

Adam: Yeah, and I have to get to the airport. So, we can talk more about this when I get back, if you’re ready to tell me the truth.

Victor: Why haven’t I heard from you?

Audra: There’s been a snag.

Victor: Well then, fix it.

Traci: Tucker, I know that your intentions are good, where Ashley is concerned, but she needs some time to heal. So please, let that be time without you. At least for now. It’s the greatest gift you could give her.

Tucker: Yeah, that’s the plan. Just wanted to make sure she was doing okay.

Traci: Yeah, she is. And I know she wants you to be happy and well. I know the two of you had something really special and it didn’t go the way that either one of you hoped, but for now, the slate is clean.

Tucker: Yes. And I’m always gonna be fond of Ashley. But, uh, actually came for a different purpose.

Traci: You did?

Tucker: Yes, I need to talk to Jack. Is he around?

Traci: How do you even know Jack’s in Paris?

Tucker: He is though, isn’t he?

Traci: Well, he is on a business call in the guest room right this minute, so I will tell him that you stopped by.

Tucker: No, I need to speak to him immediately.

Jack: Speak to me about what?

Victoria: You and me running Newman Media is not gonna solve our problems, Mom.

Nikki: Yes, it will. It will force your father into giving up his plan of putting Adam in charge.

Victoria: But at what cost? Multitasking, it has its limits. And you and I, we both know that from painful experience. Having it all, doing it all. I mean, yeah, it– it’s great. It’s a very empowering concept, but I just wanna concentrate on my family. I wanna help Claire get on with her life and you need to concentrate on your sobriety.

Nikki: Well, yes, of course. I mean, that’s my number one priority.

Victoria: But jumping back into the pressure cooker of work? Every day, every day, there’s gonna be a crisis. Not to mention Dad constantly trying to bring Adam in and push you out.

Nikki: If we were both there, that wouldn’t happen.

Victoria: But Mom, I told you, I’m torn. Yes, I wanna help you. I really do. And yes, the thought of Adam in charge, it turns my stomach.

Nikki: So, what? Are you– you afraid that I’m gonna start drinking again?

Victoria: I just don’t wanna see you undo all of the progress that you’ve made. Just for another one of Dad’s secret plans, whatever it may be, we’re always the ones who end up paying.

Nikki: Victoria, I need to be productive. It’s good for my sense of self and my confidence. And it just kills me to think that Adam could be undoing everything that I’ve worked so hard to do there. It breaks my heart.

Victoria: Mom…

Nikki: I know you don’t wanna do something like this right now, I understand, and I know what an incredible favor this is, but I don’t know what else to do. I can’t keep relying on Lauren. She has her own company to run. And it wouldn’t take that much of your time. I would be doing most of the work. And you could do as much or as little as you want.

Victoria: You know, when we began this conversation, I had no intention of going along with your plan.

Nikki: But now you’re starting to see that it makes sense.

Victoria: I wouldn’t say that. I was gonna compliment you on your otherworldly powers of persuasion. But the answer is still no.

Nikki: But you’re thinking about it?

Victoria: The answer is no, Mom.

Nikki: Well, it’s too bad I’m your mother and I know exactly how your brain works.

Victoria: Well, that’s an unfair advantage.

Nikki: This is an ideal situation. We can keep Adam at bay and remind your father how well we work together. Now, think about that. I mean, imagine us running that company. Imagine what mother and daughter could accomplish together.

Victor: So, what’s the problem? According to you, everything was set to completely blindside that SOB. What happened?

Audra: Tucker found out what we were up to.

Victor: How?

Audra: I don’t know, Victor. Tucker has his ways.

Victor: Does he know I’m involved?

Audra: I don’t think so. He would’ve said something if he did.

Victor: So, where are we now?

Audra: Tucker couldn’t outvote us, but he was able to stall things for the moment.

Victor: Oh, what do you mean, stall things?

Audra: Well, he pretended to collapse with some medical emergency before the board could vote.

Victor: You’re sure he was faking it?

Audra: If Tucker McCall was actually preparing to take his last breath, I would know it. I know him. It was just a dodge. And it will be temporary. I guarantee that.

Victor: Well, let’s find out what the SOB is up to before we run the victory lap, okay? Get back to me.

Jack: What do you want, McCall?

Tucker: Uh, may we speak privately, please?

Jack: No, you can say what you have to say here. I don’t keep secrets from my family.

Traci: Uh, actually, is this conversation about Ashley?

Tucker: No, it isn’t.

Traci: Okay, then I have some shopping to do. I’m gonna go ahead and pick up some things and get them to Ashley at the clinic. Um, you two discuss whatever it is.

Jack: You don’t have to leave. This won’t be a lengthy discussion.

Tucker: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Traci: Um, Tucker, it might be a good idea to not erase some of those goodwill points you’ve built up.

Tucker: I’ll keep that in mind, thank you. Bonjour. So, Jack, you enjoying Paris?

Jack: How about you save the small talk and tell me why you’re here?

Tucker: I think you know.

Jack: I have no idea, unless it’s to ruin the rest of my day.

Tucker: Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out?

Jack: Look, I am very tired. I don’t have time for your riddles. Tell me what you came to say and leave, please.

Tucker: It’s just so curious who this mystery investor is who’s trying to push me out of my own company.

Nikki: I want you to do this with me, honey. But if you can’t, I’ll just have to figure out some other way.

Victoria: So, there’s no talking you out of it?

Nikki: No. I have to stop Adam from getting that position. And I will.

Victoria: No matter what it costs you? Because it could cost you a lot.

Nikki: No matter what.

Victoria: God, you’re so stubborn.

Nikki: What did you think? You only inherited that from your father?

Victoria: All right. All right, I’ll step in. Temporarily.

Nikki: Oh, oh, thank you. Thank you so much.

Victoria: You’re welcome. Even though there was a small amount of emotional blackmail involved there. But I don’t wanna see Adam in charge either, so if you’re sure this is the only way–

Nikki: I am. But blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer to think of it as my otherworldly powers of persuasion.

Victoria: You know me really well, don’t you? You know exactly what buttons to push. For better or for worse.

Nikki: And you will do the same thing someday for your children, if necessary. Now, I’m gonna go tell your father this news.

Victoria: Hold on. We’re a team, okay? So, if we’re gonna break this news to Dad, we’re gonna do it together.

Jack: What are you talking about? Mystery investor? Investor in what?

Tucker: Must we do this, Jack? We both know what. You’re coming after Glissade. So, you turned Audra against me. Now, you’re throwing your money into having me booted out.

Jack: That’s where you think I’m focusing my time and energy? On you?

Tucker: I just came to tell you, you might as well go home because it ain’t gonna work.

Jack: Oh, darn. Man, I

Tucker: Okay, yeah. Deny it all you want.

Jack: I don’t need to deny it. It’s absolutely preposterous. Why would I come after Glissade? I own one of the most successful cosmetics businesses in the world. Why would I go after a second-rate competitor? Why would I spend my time and money on that?

Tucker: Maybe because you always want the best for me.

Jack: Oh, I do. I really do. But the truth is, I don’t give a damn about you or your company.

Tucker: No, no, no. It’s– it’s the ultimate payback for breaking Ashley’s heart, right? Oh, uh, did she mention I was– I was there last night?

Jack: I’m aware that you were there last night, yes.

Tucker: But you still gotta to have your pound of flesh, right?

Jack: Oh, you really are delusional. This isn’t about payback. No, that’s your territory. I don’t operate that way anymore.

Tucker: I think you’d make an exception for me. ‘Cause this whole– this whole gambit has revenge written all over it.

Jack: And what, I’m your only enemy? Seems to me there’s a dozen people out there who’d like to give you a good shot.

Tucker: You’re the only one in Paris currently.

Jack: Except Audra, apparently.

Tucker: Yes, and Audra would need a generous benefactor to get her what she wants.

Jack: Well, dumping you was probably a first good step for her.

Tucker: It’s just so– It’s so wonderfully convenient that you just happen to be in Paris when Audra is convening a board meeting to have me voted out. It’s just– It’s a little on the–

Jack: I am here because my sister was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. I don’t know where you get your information. I don’t really give a damn what you think about anything. I will tell you this, you have absolutely nothing to do with why I am here. Now, get out of here and take your ridiculous accusations with you.

Victor: Oh, my goodness, my two favorite women. Won’t you join me for breakfast?

Nikki: I have come to a decision regarding Newman Media.

Victor: You have come to a decision?

Nikki: Well, I know you assumed it would be up to you.

Victor: What do you mean I assumed it was up to me? Of course, it’s up to me. It’s my damn company. And this is what will happen. Adam will take over temporarily, all right? Until you are well enough to come back to work.

Nikki: Well, luckily I am strong enough now. I can return immediately.

Victor: It’s not gonna happen.

Victoria: And I’m going to work with her, Dad.

Victor: Really? Are you now?

Victoria: Yes, I am. Mom realizes that she needs to focus on her treatment. That’s her number one priority, but she also knows that she needs a purpose. Somewhere to focus her talent and her– her mind. And to me that seems just as important as rest.

Nikki: So, you see, all of your problems are solved. Victoria will help ease me back into the company. Adam can stay where he and Nicholas have been working together so well and you have peace of mind. What could be better than that?

Victor: Hm.

Victor: Well, I am very disappointed.

Victoria: Really? But why? This seems to check all of the boxes.

Victor: You know why.

Victoria: No, Dad. I’m afraid that I don’t.

Victor: Sweetheart, you’re about to join Newman Media with your mother. That’s what you want to do. I’ve asked you to join Newman Enterprises for a long time. And you refused to.

Victoria: Not the same circumstances at all.

Victor: To me, it is.

Victoria: I’m doing this for Mom. For the time being, to support her. Because clearly she realizes that it’s important for her to return to her job. And to keep Adam away from it.

Victor: Now, we’re getting to the bottom of the problem. It’s Adam.

Nikki: I’ve made no secret that I don’t want him there.

Victoria: And I agree with her. So, I will return from my break in a limited capacity for a limited amount of time.

Victor: Well, I hate to disappoint both of you. This is not gonna happen. Because I don’t want it.

Victor: You’re an ally. Not a pawn. You’re a strong ally.

Adam: What does that mean, exactly?

Victor: That means I need Newman Media to destroy an enemy. And I need someone in charge of Newman Media who is as ruthless as I am.

Dawn: I have some news, Mr. McCall.

Tucker: What?

Dawn: So far, they haven’t been able to find any kompromat on any of the board members.

Tucker: Are they actually looking? Anyone who has risen to where these people are in the world has to have some skeletons in their closet.

Dawn: Two divorces, one well publicized bankruptcy for tax purposes and some false information on a resume. Again, already known and publicized.

Tucker: What? Did they just do a basic internet search? Or are they actually trying?

Dawn: I’m so sorry. [ knock on door ]

Dawn: It’s her. What do you want me to do?

Tucker: Let her in.

Audra: Well, well, well. Look who’s feeling better.

Tucker: It’s over.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Audra figures out that Tucker is faking his heart attack to buy some time so he can stop the takeover of Glissade. Tucker finds out Jack is in Paris to check on Ashley and also take over Glissade. Tucker talks to Jack who tells him he isn’t in Paris to take over Glissade. Tucker’s assistant Dawn tells him that the detectives have been unable to find any information with which to blackmail any of the Glissade board. Tucker tells Audra she has won, she has Glissade.

Nikki has a long talk with Victoria and persuades her to be her second-in-command at Newman Media so she can concentrate on her sobriety.

Victor talks to Adam who tells him that he has to turn down being CEO of Newman Media because he has to concentrate on Connor and helping his son deal with his OCD. Adam tells Victor he will consider helping him if he tells him the name of the company with which he wants to go to war.

Nikki and Victoria talk to Victor about both of them running Newman Media but he tells them he doesn’t want them to do that because he wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, June 17, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: Hey. Thanks for getting here so quickly. Um, I spoke with Connor’s social worker.

Adam: I hope that big smile that you’re wearing means there’s good news for a change?

Chelsea: It finally happened, Adam. Connor had a breakthrough yesterday.

Adam: Oh, my God. Thank God.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: What happened?

Chelsea: Oh, the breakthrough involved his fear of contamination. This exposure treatment must be working.

Adam: Okay, well, I mean, what happened specifically?

Chelsea: Well, you know, he’s learning to fight his anxieties involving food. Well, he was able to eat some specific foods that he’s been afraid of. So, it’s, yeah.

Adam: That’s great.

Sharon: I– I don’t mean to interrupt. Was that good news that I just overheard about Connor? He’s making progress?

Chelsea: Yeah, yeah, he is. And they’re evaluating different medicine levels to find the right dosage, and it seems they found it. So it’s working, and it’s great. So, the therapy mixed with the right meds, something’s clicking.

Adam: Yeah, well, whatever it is, I’m just happy that– that something is helping.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sharon: I’m just so pleased for Connor and for both of you.

Adam: Yeah, but maybe it’s too good. You know, I just– I don’t want to get my hopes up and jinx it.

Chelsea: Now is not the time to be superstitious. We’ve got to take our wins as we get them.

Adam: I know, you’re right. Now is the time to be optimistic, and we can and we will get there.

Alan: Hope you don’t mind me stopping by.

Traci: No, of course not.

Alan: I thought you’d like to know how Ashley’s first evening at the clinic went.

Traci: Actually, your timing is perfect. I was just about to call you.

Jack: Hey, Alan.

Alan: Jack, good to see you. When did you get in?

Jack: I took the Jabot jet so I could be here for Ashley’s first few days in this clinic.

Alan: Well, excellent. She’ll be delighted to know you’re here.

Traci: Actually, Alan was about to tell me how things went.

Jack: How have things been going? How is our sister doing?

Dawn: Thanks for your time, Philippe. I’ve just heard so many nasty rumors going around about Mr. McCall. I wondered if you’d heard them, too. I’m not sure how seriously to take them or if it’s all just gamesmanship. So, no word of a takeover as far as you know. I see. Well, I guess we’ll see what happens at the meeting today. See you then.

Tucker: It sounds like you couldn’t get him to confirm or deny.

Dawn: No, but I got the feeling he was being very careful not to tip anything.

Tucker: So, I guess he didn’t buy that you turned on me.

Dawn: I guess not.

Tucker: None of the CEOs from the companies I acquired are returning my emails. No one’s returning my calls. The board, every member conveniently unavailable. This is not– this is not a good sign.

Dawn: So, you think Ms. Charles is telling the truth? You think there’s a hostile takeover afoot?

Tucker: It’s not looking good. Um, let’s get this meeting pushed, okay? You get on that. We have to buy ourselves some time. I am not gonna let Audra get away with this.

Dawn: There’s been a request to push the meeting back to later this afternoon and possibly tomorrow, so I’m checking everyone’s availability. No? Okay, well, I’ll let you know if anything changes. Thanks.

Tucker: No one’s budging.

Dawn: Everyone I’ve talked to so far seems to have prior commitments.

Tucker: Sure. It’s because they’re all in this against me. Oh, man, this is out of control. Oh, damn, Audra.

Dawn: Wait, where are you going?

Tucker: There’s only one thing left to do. Keep trying. Don’t stop. Let me know about any progress, okay?

Tucker: Everything I’ve done to counter the moves you’ve been making, I’ve gotten no pleasure from it. And I realized, I was doing all of it in spite of what I was really feeling, what I really want… which is to be with you. So, I’m here saying that I will do whatever it takes to fix us. The first step being making sure you know that– that Ashley and I are finally, truly finished.

Audra: So, I assume there’s a step two?

Tucker: To tell you that Glissade is yours. You want it that badly, you can have it.

Audra: Poor Tucker. You thought I needed your handouts. [ knock on door ] Go away, Tucker. There’s nothing left to say.

Tucker: Will you just do this one thing for me. Have a conversation with me.

Audra: I regret every minute I ever wasted on you. I won’t waste anymore.

Tucker: Audra, don’t go through with this.

Adam: Look, I’m– I’m trying to stay positive. I really am.

Sharon: And it can be tough at times, but you know what? Just put good energy out there. It can only help.

Chelsea: But you’re having a hard time, aren’t you?

Adam: I– I can’t help questioning if we made the right decision. What if sending Connor to that facility wasn’t the right move? His setbacks and his hurdles have been way more intense than I ever imagined they would be.

Sharon: That is to be expected. You know, this is new territory for all three of you. And most parents can’t help but have those same fears and doubts. And not just at the beginning, but like through the whole process.

Adam: But then isn’t that a bad sign? Okay, maybe this protocol that we’re all just going along with is not the best.

Chelsea: Adam, we just got some good news. Why don’t you let that sink in for a minute?

Sharon: There will be ups and downs, but when you get to the end and you get that result, you will be so glad. And so will Connor.

Chelsea: Yeah. Connor wants to see us for the first time in a very long time. That’s the best news we’ve gotten in forever. Adam, Connor wants to see us. Isn’t that great?

Adam: Look, every time we go, we get turned down. It’s selfish, but I don’t want to get my hopes up to get disappointed again. I don’t think that I can take another time going and not getting the chance to see our son.

Traci: So, Alan, how was Ashley when you left her?

Alan: Well, under the circumstances, I’d say she’s doing quite well. She’s very determined. No doubts, no hesitation, which is so important at this stage. And, uh, well, my colleagues really went all out to make sure her transition to the clinic was as smooth as possible.

Jack: Oh, good. I know this whole thing has been pretty tough on her.

Alan: Yeah, that first night is always the toughest. But, again, this place is warm, welcoming. It’s incredibly well-designed. She’ll receive nothing but kindness and understanding there, I promise.

Traci: Well, good. I just hate to think of her alone in a strange place, you know?

Alan: Well, I was there until the nurses kicked me out. But when I left, she was her usual strong, determined, brave self. Tough as ever, so.

Traci: We will never be able to thank you enough for all that you’ve done for our sister.

Jack: We will be forever grateful. You got Ashley the professional help she desperately needs.

Alan: Well, honestly, I feel guilty about the whole thing, so… I mean, if it wasn’t for me, Martin never would have gotten to her, and he’s the one who pushed her over the edge.

Jack: Wait, you’re not to blame for the actions of your obviously disturbed brother.

Alan: Well, that’s just it. I mean, I knew how dangerous he could be when he was off his medication, and I– I should have done more to find him, to keep tabs on him.

Traci: Alan, you had private investigators looking for him for years. What more could you have done?

Jack: You are not responsible for everything that happened. As a matter of fact, you’ve more than made up for it with the love and care and support you have given Ashley.

Tucker: What more do you want, Audra? I’m offering you the company to run any way you wish. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted, to be your own boss? Not answer to anyone?

Audra: Don’t pretend like you know what I want, when obviously–

Tucker: Well, I know you don’t want to answer to me, and you don’t want to answer to some mysterious investor who’s going to be breathing down your neck the whole time. I’m giving it to you. Please. Free and clear.

Audra: Right. Just like that.

Tucker: Yes. Just like that.

Audra: Well, too little too late.

Tucker: Why? Why won’t you just let me give it to you? Just take the win quietly, without humiliating me. Without crippling me in the business world. Don’t you owe me at least that much, after all the years we’ve been through and everything that we’ve meant to each other?

Audra: Are you serious right now? I’m the one who owes you? I’m not the reason it’s all come to this. You put everyone else before me. And now, you’re surprised I’m no longer interested in third place?

Tucker: I thought we hashed that out. We don’t have time to argue over this.

Audra: Finally, something we can agree on. I have a meeting to prepare for, and so do you.

Tucker: Yes, and you could cancel it, if you would take my offer. At least– at least postpone it so we can… I can’t believe it. Just because I wouldn’t turn my back on my son, really? Is that really what this is all about? Is that my great crime here?

Audra: Look, that’s not real emotion. You’re not hurt or indignant or confused. You’re just stalling for time, and I’m not interested.

Tucker: Audra. Here I am. I’m in Paris with you. Granted, it’s not the circumstances that– that we dreamed of, but here I am. I’m not with Ashley. I’m not with Devon. I’m here with you. And I am putting you first.

Audra: Maybe it’s not about being first or last. It’s that I don’t care anymore.

Tucker: I thought I knew you. I never thought you could be this vindictive. I never thought you could be this cruel.

Sharon: Well, I should get back to my work. I’ll let you two talk.

Adam: Guess I have an uncanny way of killing a good mood.

Chelsea: You didn’t kill anything, Adam. You’re having normal human emotions that anyone would have in this situation. You don’t think I feel the same? You don’t think I have fears? Another rejection would be almost unbearable.

Adam: Well, maybe third time’s the charm.

Chelsea: Maybe it is. But if it’s not, I mean, if something goes wrong, whatever it may be, we have to keep the faith. We have to lean on each other and know that we’ll get through it.

Adam: I know. It’s a process.

Chelsea: It’s testing our endurance, but it is a journey we will have to go through together as a family.

Adam: And I just have to keep my head down and I have to get to the other side of this until we’re through it. Now is not the time to give up.

Chelsea: No, it’s not. Now is the time to embrace hope that’s gonna carry us over the next hill and then the hill after that. I have an idea. Why don’t we call Connor? We can see for ourselves how he’s doing, see if it looks like he really wants us to come for a visit.

Adam: I like that. Why don’t we text him and see if he’s up for a video chat?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: We can do it from my place.

Chelsea: Okay. Let’s go. Bye, Sharon. We’re gonna, um, call Connor, check in with him before we leave.

Sharon: Oh, good for you two.

Chelsea: Um, and thank you, by the way.

Sharon: For what?

Chelsea: Just, you know, for being kind.

Sharon: I’m happy to help anyone I can through their journey. I know that I was very grateful to have all the support that I had when I was on mine. And when this is in the past, then, um, you will help someone else. Because ultimately, we all have to lean on each other. It’s the only way to get to the other side.

Audra: You’re still pleading your case, Tucker, and it’s getting tedious. You think if you find the right words and emotions, you’re gonna get what you want, but this is what I want, and it’s happening.

Tucker: Please just postpone it so we can work out a deal.

Audra: There is nothing to work out. The financing is in place. The deal is already done. Technically, you’ve already lost the company.

Tucker: You have the power to stop it, right? You could put the brakes on and turn it around. But you just– You refuse to do that. What’s happened to you?

Audra: What are you so worried about? You’re gonna be more than compensated. The investor has agreed to pay well over market value.

Tucker: Who is this investor? Because when I bought the company, there was not a soul interested in it. What changed all of a sudden?

Audra: The fact is, it’s over. And there’s nothing you can do about it now.

Tucker: Oh, my God. Of course. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. I know exactly who your investor is.

Traci: How long will Ashley have to be at the clinic?

Alan: Well, uh, it’s kind of hard to predict. Her condition is complex. It really depends on how she responds to the treatment program.

Traci: And how will that go? I mean, what will the program be like?

Alan: The doctors will be focused on any trauma that Ashley’s undergone, especially this most recent event.

Traci: The situation with Martin here in Paris?

Alan: Yes. Somehow, he, uh, got her to confuse whatever happened with him with the fight with Tucker, and that clearly led to the emergence or release of these alters.

Traci: I just can’t even imagine what she went through that horrible night.

Jack: Along with all of the other difficult experiences.

Alan: Those experiences have led Ashley to where she is today, and she’s gonna have to process them.

Jack: So then that’s the only way to treat these alternate personalities?

Alan: Yes. The ones that we’re aware of. And the ones we aren’t.

Alan: In most DID cases, the alters emerge in early childhood, and usually as a result of severe trauma or ongoing trauma. The mind can create alters in order to dissociate so that they can survive.

Traci: So, they have been there for years and we just didn’t know?

Jack: Wait, this doesn’t make any sense. You’re saying Ashley was dealing with multiple personalities while we were growing up? I mean, I would’ve noticed that. Traci might have been too young, but this isn’t something I would forget.

Alan: Alters can go unnoticed in childhood. I mean, they may have emerged and was not noticed by anyone, including Ashley. Just thought of normal play-acting. You know, and a lot of kids do create invisible friends to play with.

Traci: So, they were there the whole time, and we just didn’t know?

Alan: Alters can go dormant for long periods of time and then be reactivated by extreme stress, like what happened here in Paris with Ashley. But also there could’ve been some other trauma that happened after her childhood and before this last event.

Traci: And since Ashley has a history of mental illness… But we– we didn’t recognize anything like this until now.

Jack: Can I ask something? If this has been going on so long, how do doctors know it hasn’t just gone dormant again, waiting to be triggered by whatever?

Alan: The key is to get at the root of the problem. To find out what initially happened.

Jack: And Ashley will have to relive all that again. God.

Traci: I can’t stand that she’s gonna have to suffer more than she already has.

Jack: What doesn’t make sense is that something so traumatic could’ve happened to Ashley while we were growing up and we don’t know anything about it?

Traci: Something so traumatic that it triggered the creation of these alters to protect her.

Adam: All right, it is all set and ready to go.

Chelsea: Connor responded to our text almost immediately.

Adam: Yeah, he did seem excited that we wanted to video chat.

Chelsea: Yeah, I’m sure we’ll be hearing from him soon.

Adam: Oh, and there he is.

Connor: Mom, Dad, did you hear?

Chelsea: Hear what? I’m just looking at your gorgeous smile.

Connor: No, Mom, I mean about what I ate today.

Adam: No, tell us about it. What’s going on?

Connor: I did it. I had soup.

Adam: And that’s good?

Connor: I didn’t worry if there was anything not right in it. Okay, maybe I did worry, but I got over it.

Chelsea: Oh, Connor, that is so wonderful.

Connor: There’s a ton more stuff to get over, but this is a big deal.

Adam: Congratulations, son. You have had a fantastic breakthrough.

Connor: It may not seem like much to you because it’s not like I wanted to tell you about me getting worried about my food getting spoiled and stuff, but this is really good.

Chelsea: It is a big deal, Connor. And we are so proud of you.

Sharon: No, I do not have that information for you, and as I told you earlier, I will let you know as soon as I get it. Calling me every five minutes isn’t gonna make it happen any faster.

Nick: Sharon?

Sharon: Hi, Nick.

Nick: Hey. What’s, uh, what’s going on? Something wrong?

Tucker: I don’t know why I didn’t see it before now. Your mysterious benefactor isn’t some random billionaire who you met and charmed. It’s someone with a deep, intense personal agenda, isn’t it? Someone who’s out to get me.

Audra: Yeah, I can’t tell if you’re paranoid or just self-important.

Tucker: Jack Abbott. Right? Still out for revenge?

Audra: Oh, think whatever you want. I am done.

Tucker: You might as well tell me, ’cause I’m gonna find out at the meeting anyway. There’s still a chance to turn things around in my favor. I might even get some compassion from Jack if I can’t get any from you.

Audra: Good luck with that, because the investor, whoever he or she may be, won’t be at the meeting anyway, so you’re not gonna have a chance to turn things around in your favor.

Tucker: Jack will be at the meeting. He will never pass up a chance to rub it in my face.

Audra: Just give it a rest, Tucker. I’m never gonna tell you who bought your company right out from under you. That was a stipulation of the deal, and I have every intention of honoring it.

Tucker: Sorry, honor?

Audra: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: You have no honor. You honor nothing.

Audra: Oh, thank you.

Tucker: Not our business relationship, and not our personal relationship. Nothing.

Audra: Well, I’m afraid your time is officially and finally up. On your business, on our relationship, and on this conversation.

Tucker: One last chance. Reconsider. Take my offer.

Audra: No, Tucker. How did I ever mistake your entitlement for confidence? Huh? Enough already. Just take the loss and move on.

Tucker: You’re really gonna go through with it? Well, I promise you, you’re gonna pay.

Alan: Look, the good news is that whatever Ashley went through in her childhood or otherwise, the team at the clinic is gonna get to the bottom of it. They are top flight. They’re very good at this sort of thing.

Traci: I– I know that you keep saying that her doctors are caring and skilled. I’m sure they are, but I’m just worried that this intense treatment is gonna put her over the edge again.

Alan: Well, Ashley’s gonna get treatment in a very safe and controlled environment and those doctors are gonna know what tools she needs to cope with whatever comes up.

Jack: You really think she’s gonna be okay there?

Alan: You have my word. Ashley’s got a long way to go, but she’s prepared to go the distance.

Jack: Yeah, that sounds like our sister.

Alan: I think Ashley understands that this is her one and only option for a full recovery. And knowing Ashley, no matter how hard it is or how long it takes, she’s gonna beat this.

Jack: Alan, we can’t thank you enough. I don’t know where Ashley would be right now if you had not come to her rescue.

Traci: Yeah.

Alan: Please, I’m just glad I could be of service in some way. Anyway. Traci, uh, what are your plans? Do you think you might want to stay in Paris? I think Ashley would love to have you here for some kind of support.

Jack: I agree. The more support she has around her, the better.

Traci: Well then, there’s no place I would rather be. You couldn’t drag me away if you tried.

Connor: Sorry about last time, when I wasn’t ready. But I am now unless you guys are too busy.

Adam: If you are sure you’re up for it, then so are we. We’re never too busy to see our son.

Chelsea: That’s right, and I’ve taken a leave of absence from work, so I will be there for you whenever you need.

Connor: That’s not right.

Chelsea: No, Connor, it’s what I want. I want my schedule to be clear.

Connor: But I don’t want your life to be turned upside down because of me.

Chelsea: Connor, sweetie, don’t you know you are my life? And I’ve already spoken to Summer about it, and Marchetti is gonna be fine.

Adam: And hey, how cool is this? Sally has agreed to step in for your mom, so you don’t have to worry about that at all. Everyone’s happy to make it happen, and your mom’s gonna be near you as long as you’d like.

Connor: Are you sure, Mom? You’re not just saying that so I won’t get upset, are you?

Chelsea: Connor, everything has been worked out, and it is all gonna be fine. And your dad and I can hop on a plane tonight and see you if you want.

Adam: That is, if you’re sure you’re up for it, and you really wanna see us.

Connor: I can’t wait.

Dawn: Good, you’re back. Everyone’s on the call. They’re just waiting for you.

Tucker: Okay, did you find out anything? Who the anonymous investor is?

Dawn: What are you gonna do? The meeting’s about to start. Are there any options left?

Tucker: Go ahead and start the video. Okay. [ Tucker sighs ]

Audra: Hello, everyone. It looks like we’re all here. So glad this meeting could finally come together. Thank you so much for making yourselves available for this very important vote on the transfer of power.

Tucker: Oh. [ Tucker exhales ] Oh.

Audra: What’s going on?

Tucker: Thank you. Uh, I apologize. I was just feeling a little lightheaded. Please proceed.

Audra: Yes, let’s get back to the business at hand. As I was saying, we’re all here today to complete one big item on the agenda.

Tucker: Uh, I’m sorry– I have to get some air. Sorry. I’m having trouble breathing. Uh… God. [ glass shatters ]

Audra: What the hell? Is this even for real?

Sharon: I’m, uh, I’m fine. Why do you ask?

Nick: I don’t know who was on the other end of that call, but you were pretty tough on them. I mean, it’s not like you.

Sharon: Um, I guess I am a little short-tempered this morning.

Nick: Any idea why? [ Sharon sighs ]

Sharon: I think I’m just tired. And I’m tired because I haven’t been sleeping well.

Nick: Also doesn’t sound like you.

Sharon: Yeah, I’ve been having this trouble since my doctor put me on new bipolar medication. I guess it’s just taking my body a little while to adjust.

Nick: Was your medication messing with you? I mean, why make a change after all this time?

Sharon: Well, I had my physical done and my blood sugar came out a little bit high, so my doctor didn’t want to take any chances and he switched it. It’s nothing drastic. This is from the same family of meds. It’s just supposed to have fewer side effects. You know, it can take time to settle into a new med. You know what? I’m gonna call them back and apologize.

Nick: Don’t. Don’t do that. Listen, there’s nothing wrong with being grouchy once in a while.

Sharon: Well, let’s hope that’ll be the end of it.

Nick: And I’m glad you’re staying on top of your medication, you know, and you’re so open to talk about it.

Sharon: Being on meds or having bipolar disorder is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just like any other diagnosis. No stigma. There’s no reason to hide it. It’s just something I have to stay on top of.

Nick: Well, between you and my mom, I get new lessons every day on how to deal with life’s challenges with strength and courage. You’re two of the most impressive people I have ever met. What’s that look?

Sharon: You should know by now, Nick, that Nikki and I, we’re survivors. We do what we have to do. We fight to stay alive for the sake of ourselves, and more so, the sake of our loved ones.

Nick: Well, I think you’re both awesome, so…

Sharon: Look, will you help me out with this project I’m trying to push through at Cassidy? I think the budget needs a little tightening, and, I don’t know, the marketing could be a little bit more targeted.

Nick: Well, hand it over. Let the master take a look.

Sharon: Please.

Chelsea: Ah, he looks so good! And he was smiling. He– he was excited to see us.

Adam: He was so proud of himself. You could see it.

Chelsea: Yeah, explaining about the soup.

Adam: Uh-huh, and he’s admitted that he has kept things from us.

Chelsea: Yeah, but he– he was sharing with us, which means he trusts us. You know, he has faith that we understand.

Adam: And he’s letting go of a lot of his fears.

Chelsea: He’s making progress, Adam, which means he will continue to make progress. This is so good! It’s so good!

Adam: Our son is doing it, and he’s finally starting to find his way back. Huh?

Chelsea: Well, um, I should get going. I will, uh, get packing so we can leave soon.

Adam: I’ll make the arrangements. First, I’m gonna see if the Newman jet’s available, but if not, I’ll charter a plane. And we should be ready to go in a couple of hours, okay?

Chelsea: Okay. Okay, great. Promise me something, Adam.

Adam: Okay. Right now, I feel like I could promise anything.

Chelsea: Something really good just happened. Something we’ve been waiting for a really long time. Promise me you’ll hold on to that, no matter what happens when we get there. Even if he’s not as excited to see us as he was just now. It’s okay. He’s making progress. That’s all that matters. Got it?

Adam: I got it.

Audra: What’s happened? How is he?

Dawn: I’ve called for a medic. I’m just trying to keep him comfortable until someone gets here. And of course, we’ve postponed the board meeting until we know what’s wrong with Mr. McCall.

Audra: I can tell you for a fact that there is nothing wrong with Mr. McCall. This is just his desperate last-ditch effort to stall the meeting, just like he wanted.

Tucker: I wish it were fake. I can’t breathe. My shoulders hurt and now it’s my back.

Audra: I don’t believe you.

Alan: Well, I hope that means you’ll also be staying, Jack. I know Ashley could use both of you here for support in case she needs it.

Traci: Well, I selfishly would love for you to be here.

Jack: I plan to stay as long as I can. Listen, I came straight from the airport. I haven’t even checked into my hotel or anything. I’m gonna do that, make a couple of phone calls, and then maybe the three of us could get together for lunch.

Traci: Great. Great.

Alan: Excellent.

Jack: Okay. I will text you as soon as I’m on my way.

Traci: Okay.

Jack: I love you.

Alan: Well, now that lunch is planned and you’re planning to stay in Paris, perhaps I could take you to dinner tonight.

Traci: I would be delighted.

Adam: Hey, Nick. Uh, something has come up. Connor has made some progress and he wants to see us.

Nick: Oh, man, that is great.

Adam: Yeah, Chelsea and I, we want to leave immediately. Do you know if the Newman jet is available?

Nick: No, it’s yours. Uh, take it. I am just so glad that Connor is starting to show the progress that you’ve been hoping for. Um, hey, give him a hug for me, all right?

Adam: I will. And Nick, thank you. Your support right now means everything.

Nick: Adam, you know you’ve got it.

Adam: Have you heard anything else about Dad’s plans with Newman Enterprises and Newman Media? Has Victoria agreed to come back?

Nick: Everything’s, you know, still up in the air, but I don’t want you to worry about that. I want you to just focus on Connor. He needs you right now.

Adam: Will do. Got it. Uh, I’ll talk to you soon. [ cell phone buzzes ]

Audra: Doctor, I am so glad you’re here. But before you see the patient, I should just warn you, he’s faking.

Doctor: Oh?

Audra: He’s just trying to pull a fast one on his board of directors. This is just a stall tactic.

Doctor: And why would he do that?

Audra: Well, because he’s crazy. Uh, but, you know, he wants to do anything to save his company. But it’s not gonna work. You can’t forestall the inevitable. At least not for long.

Dawn: If you don’t mind, Miss Charles, you need to leave and let the doctor examine Mr. McCall. You being here is just causing him even more stress.

Audra: Oh, am I? Well, you can’t get rid of me that easily, Dawn. I’m gonna stand right here and have a front-row seat when the doctor exposes this fraudulent liar.

Tucker: Get out, Audra. If I’m gonna take my last breath, I don’t want to be looking at you.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, June 14, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Billy: Hey.

Lily: Billy, I can’t go for a drink, okay? I’m so busy, I have so much to do.

Billy: Does that include staring off into space?

Lily: What?

Billy: I was watching you for a second or two.

Lily: Okay, well, don’T.

Billy: Okay, well, does it change your mind if I bring you gifts? I brought happy hour to you. Come on, let me buy you a drink.

Tucker: You secretly gathered the capital to buy glissade, and you have convinced the board to go along with the buyout.

Audra: Yep, and it went as well as I hoped.

Tucker: Where is this coming from? Have you– you not heard a word that I have said to you? I have never stopped loving you. I– I have– I have made peace with ashley, finally. I have shut that door, and I’m here, and I’m– and I’m ready to move on with you. And we can have the life, the future that we want.

Audra: Look, I will have the future that I want, and the best part is that it doesn’t include you.

Tucker: But, what we have it doesn’t just go away.

Audra: No, it doesn’t, tucker. It gets chipped at by a man who is so selfish that after a while, there’s nothing left but ashes.

Tucker: You don’t really mean that.

Audra: Do you have any idea how many times you burned me? How long it took for me to realize that there was never any room in this relationship for anything other than what you wanted.

Tucker: And I don’t know what to say. I’m ready to commit to you completely, right here and right now.

Audra: I think you really believe that. The problem is, it sounds a lot like the promise you made last time and the time before that and the time before that.

Tucker: I get you’re angry at me, but…

Audra: I’m not angry. Now you’re making me angry. This is business.

Tucker: Please listen to me. I love you. I want a life with you. That’s all I want. You are all I want.

Audra: You know, right now in this moment, I think you, uh… it might be true, I don’t know. But tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, there’s gonna be some shiny new object that’s gonna be more important. And they have my sincere sympathies.

Tucker: Audra.

Audra: This is what losing feels like. And it’s only gonna get worse.

Jack: I will always be there for you. You can call me any time, day or night. Yeah. We’ll talk soon.

Diane: I don’t suppose you care to share who that was?

Jack: That was traci.

Diane: Oh. Oh, well, how is traci and ashley? Are they okay?

Jack: I assume from that tone, you thought I was talking to nikki.

Diane: Well, I would try to deny it, but it seems kind of silly at this point. Yes, I thought you were.

Jack: Well, if I haven’t made my intentions clear, let me repeat them. I am not going to be nikki’s sponsor, but I am going to continue to talk to my friend going forward, as I always have, whether you and victor like it or not.

Kyle: Hey, victor.

Victor: Hey, kyle. Why don’t you join me for a drink?

Kyle: I would, but I’m just grabbing some takeout. I need to get back to harrison.

Victor: How’s harrison doing after that terrible ordeal?

Kyle: He’s great, actually.

Victor: Really?

Kyle: They say kids are resilient, and he’s proven that over and over again.

Victor: Wow. Very nice to hear. You know, I gotta tell you, I’ve lived a little longer than you have, but the parent-child relationship is arguably the most important thing in life, you know? Don’t ever forget it.

Kyle: Agreed.

Victor: Yeah.

Kyle: Now, if you’ll excuse me.

Victor: If you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss something with you. Hi. I use febreze fade defy plug.

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

Lily: Have you always had this skill?

Billy: That sounds like a setup.

Lily: Where you just ignore subtle hints to go away?

Billy: I’m fully capable of ignoring not-so-subtle hints, too. So this is from the office kitchen, so it’s about as good as it gets.

Lily: Okay, billy, I do not have time for this. I don’T.

Billy: Salt and vinegar chips. These are your favorite.

Lily: You are ruthlessly charming. You know that?

Billy: I hope it’s working.

Lily: What, that you’re gonna entice me with potato chips, and I’m gonna help you make chancellor-winters into your image? No, I don’t think so.

Billy: I’m hoping to convince you that what I am after is actually right for chancellor- winters, and maybe even you.

Lily: I’m not gonna be sweet-talked with snacks, billy.

Billy: Okay, well, cards on the table, there’s gonna be a little sweet-talk and a little bit of pressure, but nothing you can’t handle.

Lily: Exactly. So why bother?

Billy: Because I know you know that my proposals are the right way to go.

Lily: Just one.

Tucker: This isn’t you, audra.

Audra: It is. I have the money, I have the votes. Glissade will be mine by the end of the day tomorrow.

Tucker: I just don’t believe that you would do such a thing.

Audra: Look, I don’t care whether you do or you don’T. In fact, don’T. Hold out hope. Hang on to your delusions. The shock of it all will be that much worse.

Tucker: So you say you found some angel investor to back you and your buyout.

Audra: I wouldn’t call them an angel.

Tucker: Who is this?

Diane: I’m sorry, jack. I just assumed that you were speaking with nikki. And I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. Of course I understand how important your friendship is with her, and I would never do anything to get in the way of that.

Jack: I really wanna believe that.

Diane: Well, believe it.

Jack: As long as nikki doesn’t call too often or doesn’t wanna get together with a frequency that you deem inappropriate or wants to go to meetings so that we can be mutually supportive.

Diane: Jack, I respect your relationship.

Jack: I hope you do.

[ Diane sighs ]

Diane: So, um, what did traci say? Any updates on ashley?

Jack: Ashley is settling in at the new clinic with alan’s help.

Diane: That’s good. Um, are you going to get dessert?

Jack: No, I think I’ll just have some coffee.

Diane: Okay. You know, I asked kyle to join us, but, um, he turned me down again.

Jack: Maybe he had plans.

Diane: No, the only plans kyle has these days is to either avoid me or irritate me by– by going behind my back at work.

Jack: This is still going on. How is it you haven’t resolved your issues with him to this point?

Diane: I’ve tried many times, but kyle refuses to meet me even halfway. You know what? I am starting to think that he doesn’t wanna resolve the conflict at all.

Kyle: Yes, victor? What would you like to discuss?

Victor: You know, kyle, last time that I visited your home, I was very happy to see claire and harrison getting along so well. How’s she doing as a nanny?

Kyle: Oh, claire’s a natural.

Victor: Yeah?

Kyle: She’s engaged, energetic, always one step ahead of harrison’s needs. He adores her.

Victor: How nice.

Kyle: Couldn’t ask for a better match.

Victor: Wonderful. And how’s summer dealing with it all?

Kyle: She sees how happy harrison is.

Victor: Uh-huh. Good. That’s really very important for me to know that claire’s at a place where she feels comfortable, you know?

Kyle: That’s very generous of you. And you’re not the only one looking out for her.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Kyle: Cole asked me to join him for a beer one of these days.

Victor: Really? Huh.

Kyle: Yeah, it took me by surprise because I barely know him, but claire assumes it’s just her father being protective.

Victor: Well, it’s what parents do. Yeah. Talking about parents, how’s your own family doing?

Kyle: We put the fun in dysfunctional.

Victor: Really?

Kyle: Hmm.

Victor: And your job at jabot, I understand you still have to answer to your mother, although she’s just learning the job.

Kyle: Hmm. More fun.

Victor: Yeah? Well, as you perhaps remember, I always told you that you’re wasting your time at jabot. You’re much too capable, kyle. And I just get the sense that you’re not quite happy with your present job.

Kyle: Well…

Victor: Perhaps it’s time to consider a change.

Kyle: What did you have in mind? Sfx: [Birds chirping]

Jack: This tension between you and kyle isn’t just felt at work. The two of you can’t be in the same room at home.

Diane: You’ve noticed.

Jack: Yeah, it’s hard not to.

Diane: Do you wanna talk to him?

Jack: I have talked to him. He continues to downplay the tension, says he’s on your side, he wants to help in any way he can.

Diane: And he also admitted to you that he resents me for having his job. I’m not making this up, jack. The only help kyle is offering me is to help me out of the position that he wants for himself.

Jack: As I’ve said before, it is up to the two of you to find a way to work through this.

Diane: How? How? When he undermines me at every turn, and he speaks down to me. You know, it’s almost like he’s trying to break me, force me to quit.

Jack: Think maybe you’re being a little dramatic.

Diane: All right, let’s talk about the jasper foley deal.

Jack: What about it?

Diane: It was mine. I saw the benefit of licensing his products, so I reached out, I made the deal, and then guess what? Kyle went behind my back and negotiated his own deal.

Jack: Are you sure it wasn’t just some misunderstanding?

Diane: No, it wasn’t a misunderstanding. Kyle contacted foley before the meeting I had scheduled with him. And then kyle tells me that foley thought I didn’t have the chops, which wasn’t true.

Jack: That is troubling, but the deal closed?

Diane: Yes, it did. Under the best terms possible because of the deal that I had made. And in spite of kyle’s interference, it’s like he continually goes to great lengths to show me up even after he’s been called out for it. I’m not wrong about this, jack. If there’s one thing I can tell, it’s when someone’s out to get me.

Lily: So have you talked to jill about how she’s doing?

Billy: Yeah, I mean, we were in contact, or we have been in contact every day, but we fell off the last few, so I had a conversation with snapper. He said that she is going through treatment and that it’s been difficult, but she’s doing well, so.

Lily: Good. That’s good.

Billy: Yeah.

Lily: And I’m guessinthat she doesn’t know that I know about her heart problem?

Billy: She does not know. But that is not because I haven’t had the opportunity to tell her. It’s because I decided not to tell her.

Lily: Why?

Billy: Because she swore me to secrecy, and she would be very unhappy if she knows that I betrayed her, even if it was to you. And I don’t wanna add any more stress on top of what she’s going through.

Lily: Well, maybe you shouldn’t have broken your promise then.

Billy: I told you because I know how much you care about her, and I’m hoping that you can understand why I am so intent on adding abbott to the chancellor-winter’s name.

Lily: And I still can’t tell devon about jill’s condition?

Billy: I’m afraid not.

Lily: I don’t like keeping secrets from my brother.

Billy: I understand that, but it’s just the way it’s gotta be right now.

Lily: Or until you can use it to get what you want.

Billy: Do you have another way of honoring my mother’s legacy and her contribution to this company other than adding the abbott name?

Lily: Yeah, be honest with devon. I mean, what is wrong with total transparency?

Billy: Lily, this is what my mother wants right now, okay? I’m not gonna argue with her.

Lily: Devon can be discreet.

Billy: Just trust me right now. The timing is not right.

Lily: Uh, sorry, what does timing have to do with it? I mean, your best chance of convincing devon and the board is to just tell everyone what’s going on, especially since devon and nate already shot the idea down.

Billy: Okay, well, nate doesn’t have any voting power, and there’s nobody that hates change more than devon, okay? And I know–

Lily: Okay, that’s not fair, billy.

Billy: The proposal that I am going after right now, adding my mother’s name to this company, it’s– it’s valid. It’s the right thing to do. It takes nothing away from you and devon. And I think you can understand how important it is for me to make this happen.

Audra: Why would I tell you who the investor is when it will be so much more fun for you to be surprised?

Tucker: But I am offering you, glissade. Why would you work for someone else when you can own it outright, scot-free?

Audra: I will be working with someone else, not for them. And there’s no such thing as scot-free with you. There’s always a catch. Even when you swear up and down, there isn’T. So I am fine with enlisting a little help to take control of glissade without any magnanimous gestures on your part.

Tucker: You’re actually enjoying this, aren’t you?

Audra: I’m loving it.

Tucker: It’s not gonna work.

Audra: It already is. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Accept it, tucker. Recognize that you have failed in every way possible. You know, I am gonna live my life on my terms. Mine, not yours. And taking glissade away from you is the perfect compensation for every bit of hell you ever put me through.

Tucker: Audra.

Audra: Don’t embarrass yourself.

Tucker: I get what you’re doing. Congratulations, you’ve done it. Consider me chastened thoroughly. Consider me put in my place. Can we move on now?

Audra: I am tired of repeating myself. I told you exactly what it is that I wanted, for you to lose and for me to win, and now I have.

“The darkness of bipolar

depression made me feel like

Lily: Okay, let’s just say for argument’s sake that we add abbott to the name. Then what?

Billy: Phase two is you and i take over.

Lily: Oh, okay, so here we’re at the ego part.

Billy: No, it’s not ego. It’s for the company’s benefit. And look, I don’t even wanna bring up his name, but victor newman, the power monger he is, he’s right about one thing. You need strong leadership at the top, a definitive voice. You and I together, we are that singular vision.

Lily: Oh, my god. I mean, you say that with no self-awareness and no shame at all.

Billy: Self-awareness, absolutely. Shame, no. Why would I have shame when it’s the right thing to do?

Lily: And it’s selfish.

Billy: Why do you say that?

Lily: Jill brought you in unilaterally to fill in for me, and then you decide that you wanna stay, and now you wanna push devon to some secondary role. I mean, you’re hijacking his company, his position. It’s like, do you not see what’s wrong with that?

Billy: No, not really.

Lily: I mean, you basically say that you wanna honor jill’s legacy by adding her name, honoring her contributions and all of her work, and then in the very next breath, you wanna cut devon out. I mean, what about his contributions and his work? Like, do you not see the hypocrisy, or do you just not care?

Tucker: Please take a step back and think about what you’re saying and doing.

Audra: I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m winning. And you lost. Twice. Glissade and me.

[ Tucker sighs ]

Tucker: Okay. Okay, you wanna walk away from me, then… breaks my heart, but okay. I’m not gonna let you walk away with glissade.

Audra: That’s what you’re not understanding. I already have.

Tucker: Well, I– I talked to the board. They made it clear to me that they’re remaining loyal to me.

Audra: And it’s not at all possible that they told you what you wanted to hear and said what I wanted them to say? Is it not possible that after years of watching you in action, I’ve been one step ahead of you all this time?

Victor: Let me put it this way, kyle. There’s always an opportunity for energetic, bright, young executives at newman.

Kyle: You know how much respect I have for newman enterprises. I’ve worked there more than once, and we’ve parted ways on less than stellar terms.

Victor: Well, that’s all water under the bridge. So let me ask you something. Are you fulfilled? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment at the present job you’re doing?

Kyle: And if I don’t?

Victor: Well, do you?

Kyle: Why do I get the feeling there’s more to this conversation than classic victor newman advice?

Victor: Well, kyle, as I said, there’s always room for someone like you at my company, okay? So let’s keep this dialogue open.

Nikki: Good evening.

Jack: Hi. Good to see you.

Diane: Nikki.

Nikki: Diane. I owe you an apology.

Diane: For what?

Nikki: The last time I saw you, when I came by to see jack, I had just gotten out of rehab. I was racing for the door. But I should’ve taken a moment to tell you how sorry I am to have put you through that night of hell. Not knowing where jack was, learning about the overdose, how he almost died, trying to help me. I’m just so sorry about all of it.

Diane: Well, I appreciate you saying that.

Jack: Ooh, I’ve been waiting for this call. Uh, I will be back.

Diane: By all means.

Nikki: Oh. Um, I– I think my takeout is ready, so…

Diane: Uh, nikki, wait. I think there’s more for us to say.

Nikki: Do you?

Diane: Yes. Join me.

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Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Diane: I hope I didn’t make that seem too ominous. I won’t bite, I promise.

Nikki: I think I have a feeling where this is going.

Diane: Do you?

Nikki: I appreciate you accepting my apology in front of jack. But you haven’t entirely forgiven me, have you?

Diane: Nikki, I don’t wanna argue.

Nikki: Well, I don’t either, but we can certainly have an honest conversation.

Diane: All right, I’m all for honesty. You first. What’s on your mind?

Nikki: I know you were upset when I asked jack to continue as my sponsor.

Diane: He told you that?

Nikki: No, he did not. But it wasn’t hard to read between the lines.

Diane: All right, there was a conversation, but can you blame me?

Nikki: Jack almost died because of me, and it must’ve been so hard for you to come so close to losing him and realizing how far he would go for a friend, a friend that you would prefer he spend as little time with as possible. So I can only imagine the friction that that caused, and I am so sorry if it put your marriage into a precarious place. I hope there won’t be any lingering effects.

Diane: It’s really thoughtful of you to be concerned about my marriage, but jack and I are as solid as ever. I just hope that what happened that night doesn’t have any lingering effects on your marriage.

Billy: The problems that this company are having are because of devon, okay? It’s not my fault that he’s so bullheaded that it only has to be his way, and it makes it impossible for anyone else to work together.

Lily: Yeah, and your solution is just to cut him out?

Billy: I’m not cutting him out, it’s just, you know, we need to manage him.

Lily: That is very arrogant.

Billy: It’s good business. Devon’s left me no choice.

Lily: No, you always have a choice, and it’s not just your decision to make.

Billy: No, I fully understand that, but I believe I can convince the board with your help.

Lily: No, I– i do not like it.

Billy: Devon is still gonna be here, okay? It’s just gonna be in a different capacity.

Lily: I understand wanting to add jill’s name to honor her legacy, but the rest of it feels like a power grab.

Billy: Why do you see it that way? Because I wanna take this company to the– to the top? To where I know that it belongs? Lily, you and me together, we can show the world the innovation and excitement that abbott chancellor-winters is capable of generating.

Lily: Yeah, and you can make a point to jack and your family that screw-up billy is now a force to be reckoned with, right?

Billy: Tell me honestly, do you really think I’m that shallow and needy? Or are you just making excuses because you’re too afraid to take the leap with me? Too afraid to alienate devon and your family to go after something you know you deserve?

Tucker: So how did you pull off a move on this scale?

Audra: Let me break it down for you. Before, during, and after the acquisition of glissade and all the other companies, I was the one on the ground, doing the work, negotiating the deals, overseeing every detail. The board and staff know that i can get things done because they’ve actually seen me do it. But you– you, you’re nothing but a name cc’d on emails.

Tucker: The plan was always for you to– to head the company yourself, so of course I let you run the show.

Audra: You let me? You needed me, tucker. You needed someone to hide behind, someone legitimate because your name is toxic, and you’re never gonna be able to escape that.

Tucker: You’ve made some sketchy moves yourself.

Audra: I own it. I know what I want. And I commit 100% at all times to getting it. You– you don’t know how to commit to anything, tucker. And it’s not just me. I finally figured out that you always seem to want what’s just out of reach. Ashley, devon. You keep chasing after them, making promises, begging them to give you another chance. And then when they actually do, you do what you always do. You lie. You change your mind. You let them down. Because nothing and no one will ever be as important as your fragile little ego.

If you have chronic

kidney disease you can reduce

Nikki: Victor and i are just fine.

Diane: Hmm, glad to hear it.

Nikki: Why would you think otherwise?

Diane: Ah, because I ran into victor the other day. And not surprising, the subject of jack being your sponsor came up. You know, for once, victor and I actually agree on something. It was a bad idea, and it was risky from the beginning, and it never should’ve happened.

Nikki: I wouldn’t expect you to understand how much jack’s support meant to me. He helped me a great deal.

Diane: Except he had to almost kill himself to get you to see the wisdom of going to rehab. But, hey, you went. Good for you. It’s not like anyone actually had to die, right?

Nikki: Oh, there is the anger that I was expecting.

Diane: Well, your husband seemed just as angry when we spoke, which is why I am so concerned about your marriage.

Nikki: Again, victor and i are happier than ever. And since you and jack are doing so well, why don’t we just enjoy our happy marriages and avoid a family feud?

Diane: That’s a great idea. All jack and I want is peace. You know, it’s kind of funny. This whole thing has made us even stronger. And look at you. You are thriving in your sobriety. I wish you nothing but the best going forward.

Nikki: How very kind of you.

Diane: And good luck finding a new sponsor. I know it’ll be hard for you to replace jack, but if I could make a suggestion…

Nikki: As if I could stop you?

Diane: Perhaps you could try leaning on your own husband. If you and victor are happier than ever, then you shouldn’t feel the need to constantly seek out an old friend who feels obligated to pick up the phone every single time you call.

Nikki: My friendship with jack is not subject to your approval or disapproval. I’m sure even you can understand that.

Diane: Oh, of course. But if a line were to be crossed, we would have a problem.

Jack: Everything good here?

Diane: It certainly is.

Nikki: Couldn’t be better. And, uh, now my order is ready. Have a good evening.

Jack: See ya. What did I miss?

Diane: Nothing.

Jack: Really?

Diane: Yeah. Uh, you know, I could use a nightcap. How about you?

Jack: Actually, I’ve made other plans tonight. I have to leave town.

Tucker: You break my heart.

Audra: That would require you to have one.

Diane: It’s such short notice.

Jack: You can’t object to me going to paris to check on ashley and traci.

Diane: Well, of course not. I would expect nothing less than for you to be there for your sisters after everything you’ve been through.

Jack: This family comes together whenever there’s a crisis. Hey, I’m sorry we missed having dinner with you tonight.

Kyle: Yeah, claire left her wallet here, so I ran by the tack house. I got some takeout and came home to hang with harrison. We just finished reading a story.

Diane: Claire? So those are the big plans you had where you couldn’t have dinner with us?

Kyle: Some people consider spending time with their child a very important plan. Certainly more important than spending yet another meal with people I see at the office every day.

Diane: That’s not what I meant, and you know it. Is it really that hard to spend time with me?

Kyle: Ease up, mom. There’ll be other nights. There will be other dinners.

Diane: Yes, and always this tension. Kyle, we need to find a way to work through this. So, I didn’t think I needed swiffer.

Kyle: I really don’t feel like starting up this argument right now.

Diane: I’m not starting anything because it never ends.

Kyle: Because if we don’t see eye to eye on some issues at work, we’re not going to agree on every decision at jabot. It’s business 101.

Diane: Okay, I’m not bringing this up because of conflict at jabot, but because we’re family, and we have to find a way to work together so that we don’t bring this tension home and poison our lives.

Kyle: Mom, you’re the one who dragged it through the front door. I was perfectly happy reading to my son.

Jack: I have asked you and your mother several times to handle this, and yet here we are.

Kyle: Because she doesn’t understand I’m trying to help her, cover for her when she’s in over her head.

Diane: Oh!

Jack: I would ask that you show your mother, my co-ceo, a little respect.

Kyle: It goes both ways, dad.

Jack: Did you go around diane’s back for this jasper foley deal?

Kyle: Really? So, so what? You’re gonna put me in timeout because I colored outside the lines? It’s business.

Jack: It was your mother’s deal.

Kyle: And it’s up to her to finalize it. As my superior, it’s in her hands at this point.

Diane: As a matter of fact, it has been finalized. By me. So why don’t you stop sabotaging me and stop it with the snide comments and just tell us how you really feel?

Jack: Your mother’s right. Just a few weeks ago, you admitted that you were jealous of her for the position you felt you deserved. Well, if you can’t get past it, we need to talk about this and find out where we go from here.

Kyle: Hmm, so it’s all me. That’s it. It’s like you want me to be the bad guy.

Diane: Kyle.

Jack: Kyle, if we just sit…

Lily: This is not about fear, billy. This is about doing what’s best for the company, which means doing what’s best for my family. And devon and I worked really hard to get past it after our last debacle. And I’m not gonna do that again.

Billy: Lily, I fully understand your loyalty to devon. I understand how much you love him, but it’s holding you back. It’s holding this company back. Look, just remember, okay, for a second, how good we were at chance com. We killed it, okay? And we can do that again, but on a bigger scale. Our savvy, our edge, we can take chancellor-winters to a new height. You say you wanna do what’s right for this company. How can you not be excited about that?

Lily: Wow. This is really just another high for you, isn’t it? Except this time, you’re gambling with the future of my family’s company.

Billy: No, that’s not at all what this is about.

Lily: Are you sure about that?

Billy: Are you asking me if I’m excited about the potential of us? Yes, 100% I am. But it has nothing to do with gambling. It’s about recognizing that now is our time. You and me together with this company, lily. So what do I have to do to convince you that this is our shot?

Dawn: I got here as fast as I could. What’s happened?

Tucker: Audra made an end run and may have actually scored this time.

Dawn: What did she do?

Tucker: She claims to have the board in her back pocket and an anonymous investor ready to buy up all of glissade.

Dawn: Is that really possible?

Tucker: You spoke to the board, correct? And they’re all on our side.

Dawn: They are.

Tucker: She claims to have convinced them to lie.

Dawn: What are you gonna do?

Tucker: Uh… I need you on the inside. So call each member of the board. Tell them you talked to audra. That she got to you. She convinced you to join her and betray me. And see if you can find out if there’s any truth to her claims.

Dawn: I’ll get right on it.

Tucker: Also, see if you can find out who’s willing to spend a fortune to steal glissade out from under me.

[ Cell phone buzzes ]

Audra: Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Everything is set for tomorrow morning. Tucker is guaranteed to be the lone vote against the sale. I trust everything is set on your end? The funds are lined up? Good. If everything goes according to plan and I see no reason why it won’t, glissade will be ours.

Victor: You’ve done a wonderful job, you know. And I’m looking forward to a very, very productive partnership with you at the head of glissade. And together I think we will be a formidable team. We’ll create a cosmetics company that will crush whoever comes our way. All right?

Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless.

Victoria: Kids, um, I would like for you to meet your sister, claire.

Daniel: You came. I wasn’t sure if you would.

Lily: Well, I hope it wasn’t a mistake.

Faith: You’re just in time. Mom and dad are about to tell me their whole love story.

Nick: We are?

Tucker: I’m having trouble breathing.

Audra: What the hell?

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Victor wants Victoria to go back to work but she doesn’t want to go back to work yet because she wants to concentrate on her family.

Victor wants to put Adam back at Newman Media. Adam, Nick, and Victoria think that this is a bad idea because all the changes would destabilize the company.

Nikki wants Victoria to take her place at Newman Media until she returns in a few months. Nick thinks that his mom’s idea is much better for the company.

Nikki wonders if Victor is trying to punish her because she relied on Jack as her sponsor.

Michael tells Cole to do what Victor asked him to do until he can figure out what Victor is planning to do.

Cole asks Victoria to go out to dinner with him.

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