Days Transcript Thursday, June 20, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft dramatic music]

[Marlena gasps]


Hi, Mom.

Pinch me. I’m dreaming.

Oh, I’m here. [Marlena laughs] Really here. I was just in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d stop by.

It is so good to see you.

You too. I just saw Uncle Steve. He’s aching to get out of here.

I know he is. I check on him all the time.


He’s doing well. He’ll be out soon.


By the way, I saw a notice in “The Spectator.” You’re applying for a– what is it called?

A publication divorce. It was EJ’s idea.

EJ’s idea?

Yeah. EJ’s representing me in my divorce to Sloan. And I share a mutual desire to stick it to Sloan, my soon-to-be ex-wife.

Well, I’m sure EJ has no shortage of ways to stick it to people.


But I’ll remind you that he and Nicole are raising Jude. I mean, are you wanting to spend that much time working with him? Won’t that be, I don’t know, maybe a little uncomfortable?

Well, it all went down as precisely as planned.

So Trask is out and you’re in?

Mm-hmm. And that Price was backed into a corner.

Must have been the momentum behind that petition.

The city council was poised to schedule a recall election.

Got to give the people what they want.

As long as it was what I wanted too. As a man behind the curtain of the concerned citizens of Salem, rescinding that petition was a matter of a simple quid pro quo on her part.

Mm. So what do I call you now, Mr. District Attorney?

How about the one who’s reopening the Li Chen murder case?

[laughs] You better do a hell of a lot more than reopen her case, my man, the DA. My wife gets her conviction overturned and walks out of Statesville or Nicole finds out that Eric Brady is her baby daddy. [dramatic music]

Thank you, Dr. Green, for seeing Jude. And I’m sorry for wasting your time.

You–ah, you didn’t. Not at all.

Yeah, yeah, I did. I totally overreacted with his temperature. [chuckles]

You reacted as any mother would.

I don’t know about that. I mean, it has been a while since I cared for a baby. I mean, I do have a daughter, Holly. She is finishing up her junior year at Salem High.

Holly? Holly Jonas?

Yeah, that’s my girl.

My younger brother, Aaron, is in her class.

Oh, uh, yeah.

In fact, Holly asked him to prom.


But later rescinded the invitation.

Right. That’s not actually Holly’s fault, that’s my fault. [soft dramatic music]

[phone ringing]

Hey, I just got home.

Countdown is on. I’m going to see you later tonight, right?

Tate, is this really going to work? I don’t even want to think about how much longer I’ll be grounded if we get caught.

Look, we should be good as long as you can sneak out of your place without being seen. As soon as I get to prom with Sophia and Aaron, I will figure out some excuse to leave.

And what about your parents?

You mean the chaperones? Forget them. Hey, nothing’s going to stop us from having the perfect prom night. Promise. [suspenseful music]

Hey. [chuckles] I got your text. What’s so important? [Theresa sighs] [suspenseful music]

This morning, Alex told me that he loves me.

And I said it back.

Congratulations. And you felt the need to call me over here to tell me this why?

Because it’s a lie. I don’t love Alex. I love you. [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

You what? You what? After–after all that–

Brady, I–I’m only with Alex because he’s Victor’s heir. And you know, I’ve… I’ve finally come to realize I need to stop following the money and I just need to listen to where my heart is guiding me. And oh, God, it’s so scary and it’s risky as hell, but it’s the only way.

Theresa, I look at you– I look at you and all I see is Lucy holding that football. You know what I mean?

I know. I know. I know I’ve jerked you around. And I know… I know it’s a lot to ask, but… if you would just give me another chance. [Brady whispers indistinctly] [soft dramatic music]

[moans] Oh, my God. [whispering] I can’t believe it. Oh, my God, it’s like– it’s like a dream come true.

I know, except… except it isn’t and you need to wake up.


You need to wake up! [tense dramatic note]

Huh? What the–

Um, hi. Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you, but you were way out. I was ready to get a foghorn to–

What? I– I was asleep?

[chuckling] Yeah, you were sleeping.

And–and–and– and you’re here because? [soft dramatic music]

I’m here because I got your message. You said it was, uh, important. So what do you want? [Theresa sighs softly]

[sighs] God, it’s like my mom and your parents are in a contest. Who can do the worst job at raising us?

It’s crazy to think that my mom thinks that you area bad influence on me when she’s a total hot mess herself.

I know, and it’s like all the other bad influencers have made her their queen. Anyway, so where are we meeting up tonight?

Someplace special.

What? You’re not going to tell me?

I will text you the address when I’m getting ready to leave the dance.

OK. But Tate, I do feel bad about Sophia. You know she’s, like, so into you.

It’s because I’m irresistible.

Uh, nuh-uh, buddy. It’s because I let her think that you and I aren’t together anymore. Do you know how much I hate lying to my best friend?

Come on, it’s practically a high school rite of passage. It’s like physics.

Not funny.

Look, you didn’t have a choice, right? You said that Sophia tells her mom everything, and her mom would blab to your mom.

No, I know. And then my mom would lock me up and throw away the key.

So you don’t want Holly going to prom with my brother?

Uh–Aaron has nothing to do with this. I’m sure he is lovely. It’s just–[sighs] Long story short, Holly’s grounded and part of her punishment is that she can’t go to prom.

Got it.



So did Aaron find another date?

No. But he’s going with some friends, last I heard.

Ah, good. I’ve managed to ruin everyone’s night.

Hey, don’t beat yourself up. It’s not easy being the authority figure to teenagers. Believe me, I know.

Teenagers? [chuckles] OK, you’re barely old enough to be–

My siblings. I’m in charge of my younger siblings.


Now, I used to be the cool older brother who also happened to be a doctor. But now, I rank somewhere below the assistant principal for dress code violations. [suspenseful music]

Right. Actually, you know, um, I do have a pretty good idea that could win you some brownie points. And perhaps me as well. Mm-hmm. [clicks tongue]

I’m getting a tad weary of all the threats, brother of mine.

You have the power to end that, Mr. DA.

Clearing Gabi will take time. I’ve got to petition the judge to declare that my office is no longer confident with her conviction, file a motion for the new evidence to become public. It’s a lot.

OK, well, might I suggest that you set down the drink and get thee to the courthouse?

The courts are closed today for Juneteenth. And I’m not done with my drink.

Mm. [tense music] Well, then tomorrow. Well, I want Gabi out of prison, EJ. And yes, tomorrow. Or I’m going to tell Nicole.

Tell Nicole what?

As hard as it was handing Jude over to EJ, I can’t hold anything against him. I mean, he’s the boy’s father.

I understand. Nobody could blame you for feeling… resentful or uncomfortable around him.

Mom, Jada and I only working temporary until the divorce goes through. [somber music]

What about Nicole? You’re working with her, and that isn’t going to be temporary.

It’s only– yeah, but why should that be a problem?

[sighs] Really?

You and Nicole have a history of things happening when you work closely together. Come on, you first fell in love when you were doing the photo shoot for Titan. And then a while after that, you know, she was assisting you at the church.

And then you worked together at Basic Black, and that was a reunion for you. So I’m just– I’m just wondering if, you know, being this close to her right now isn’t perhaps playing with fire.

You know what? Forget it. I honestly don’t care what you’re keeping from my mom. She’s overbearing, she’s controlling, she’s a real nightmare sometimes. [Stefan chuckles softly]

I’m going to give you two a moment. [EJ sighs]

[clears throat] Holly, about what you heard about–

EJ, I told you I don’t care. OK?

What’s going on? I thought you were getting along better with your mother.

I am, but that’s only because she’s been so focused on Jude and not hovering over me all the time. But here I am, months later, and I’m still grounded. I can’t even go to prom tonight.

Ah, so that’s why you’re extra cranky.

It’s not fair, EJ.

Look at it from her perspective. The last big party you attended, you overdosed. You almost died, sweetheart. [Holly sighs]

OK, yeah, but this is just a high school dance. It’s not a drug-fueled orgy. Anyway, the prom’s not the real issue.

OK, what is it?

It’s the fact that I’m sick of being told what I can and can’t do all the time. So you know what? Maybe do me a favor and just warn her that I’m in a bad mood tonight, so there is a reason my door is closed. And I have a final exam to study for tonight.

No, you don’t. You are going to prom.

Wait, what?


But I thought you said that–

No, I know what I said. But I changed my mind. [suspenseful music]

Sorry. I’m just–[clears throat] Um, we need to, uh, talk about the prom. [Theresa clears throat] I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.

All right. If this is about the chaperoning, I haven’t opened the email yet, but it can’t be too complicated, so.

No, we need to make sure that we’re on the same page about our son. I do not want Tate near Holly Jonas tonight.

Theresa, I understand. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about because Tate’s actually been distancing himself from her lately.

Brady, are you serious– you have a lot to catch up on. You know why? Because I just caught the two of them yesterday together in this very room, in fact. And you know what? They were looking quite cozy. [suspenseful music] They were just talking, but still.

They were just talking. Oh. I’m sure you let them know exactly how you feel about it, right?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did. And they came up with their excuses. Naturally, they just said it’s such a coincidence that they would just turn up here at the same time. But are you buying that? Yeah, no, neither am I. Didn’t think so. You and I need to watch our son like a hawk tonight. [soft upbeat music playing]

Dude, thank you for meeting me. I know you’re super busy.

Oh, yeah. No, I just spent the last hours decorating the gym for prom. Which, by the way, thank you so much for helping. I don’t know how I would have done that without you.

[chuckling] I’m sorry, dude. I got caught up planning my night out with Holly.

For hours?

Look, we need to coordinate about later. You’re still good keeping Sophia company after I skip out, right?

hours I have been hanging up balloons and streamers. Do you know the one thing that would compel me to do such terrible, terrible labor? That is the one chance to hang out with the goddess, otherwise known as Sophia Choi. [Tate laughs] And maybe, just maybe she, uh, will notice me.

Of course, she’s going to notice you. Dude, you got mad rizz, man.

Oh, yeah. Well, now everyone knows she’s interested in your rizz and not mine.

Doesn’t matter. I’m into Holly. And in case it slipped your mind, the only reason she’s not my date is because our parents won’t let us see each other. Otherwise, I never would have said yes to Sophia when she asked me to the dance. [tense music]

Well, you also hit Sophia in the face with a football. So I guess after that, you kind of owe her.

Yeah, I still feel really bad about that actually. And I feel bad about tonight, man. Damn it, it was so perfect before. I would take Sophia, you would take Holly. And then at least she and I would get to spend some time together. That all got trashed when her mom decided that she couldn’t go to the prom. And then, oh, my parents decided to be chaperones. That was the cherry on top.

Man, I can’t believe they still won’t come around about Holly.

[sputters] They won’t. In fact, I had another huge fight about her with my mom.

That sucks, dude. I’m sorry.

It’s OK. But I’m not going to let that stop me from seeing her later. [soft upbeat music playing]

Hey, guys. How are my two dates?

Great. Hyped.


[chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, no, it’s going to be a blast.

We’re all still meeting at your place for pics, right?

Yes. Yeah, we are. Uh, in fact, I should probably go, get changed. I will see you two there?

[suspenseful music]

Could you maybe lighten up on this a little bit? All right? I hear Tate’s taking this girl named Sophia to the prom, which means he’s probably moving on from Holly.

Please, you didn’t hear the way that he was defending her. I wouldn’t be surprised if Holly was trying to win Tate back. She’s probably making her big move tonight.

[chuckling] Her big move tonight? Come on. Really? Are we being a little melodramatic about this?

Brady, have you seriously forgotten high school?

All right, there’s a point. And I see your point, I see your point. But you have nothing to worry about because Holly, I heard, is grounded. She’s not going. She’s grounded.

Maybe. Not for long. I can bet you anything she’s probably begging Nicole to go to prom, and Nicole might cave. Seriously. [Brady groans softly] Oh, my God! Look at the time. You need to go home.


You need to get dressed. And I’ll meet you there for pictures.

Yeah. Well, I had all the time in the world until you brought me over here to complain about Holly Jonas. And by the way, in the future, we can just cover all this with a phone call. [somber tense music]

Oh, my God, Theresa, come on, what were you thinking? Telling Brady how you feel? It’s too much of a risk. It’s too much to lose.

Mom, honestly, the history is not going to repeat itself with Nicole. She doesn’t have feelings for me anymore.

And what about your feelings?

They’re irrelevant. She and EJ are married.

That doesn’t mean that–

Mom, she has a family. They have a son now.

Yeah. You didn’t answer my question.

Mom, can we just please stop? Don’t ask any more questions.

Sure. Yes. I’m sorry.

Thank you.

I didn’t mean to upset you.

I’m sorry. It’s–it’s OK. [somber music]

Tell you what… why don’t I make it up to you? Why don’t I have you come by tonight? And I will order us some supper. John’s out of town and Brady is chaperoning Kate’s prom. [Eric chuckles] Oh, my gosh, my heart.

Oh, my God.

We just have some time to ourselves. How about that?

On one condition.

Just one? Sure, what is it?

Don’t bring up Nicole.

Nicole who?

Thank you.

Look, I know I told you that you couldn’t go to prom. But I’ve been feeling really bad about it for a while now.

Well, you’ve hidden it pretty well.

Holly. [Holly sighs] OK. As you know, I’ve been pretty worried about you since you overdosed.

It’s a dance, not a drug-fueled orgy. [softly] Sorry.

Thank you, EJ. I know that, which is why I want her to go.

OK. Well, thank you, Mom. I appreciate that and all, but, uh– Um–


I don’t know. I think I’m just going to stay in and study tonight.

Why would you do that?

Because for one thing, I don’t have a dress.

OK. I’m sure if you go in that overstuffed closet of yours, you will find something.

Maybe. But I don’t have a date.

[clears throat] Well, uh, you could go with that boy, Aaron Green?

Mom, I’m sure he has another date by now.

Ah. I happen to know that he does not. Seriously, his brother told me, Mark Green. He’s the doctor who treated Jude for the slight fever he had today.

Fever? And I’m just hearing about this for the first time.

Honey, it’s–it’s nothing. Jude is fine. But honey, I mean there’s still time. Mark gave me Aaron’s number, so we could call him now. [suspenseful music]

[soft upbeat music playing]

Thanks for letting me tag along, by the way, you and Tate.

It’s fine.

You know, when you tell people you’re helping set up, they give you, like, this look, you know? Uh, you’re in charge of balloons. Everybody thinks you’re, like, the loser that didn’t have a date, so… thank you for saving me from a fate worse than death.

Yeah. Yeah, sure. Whatever.

[phone ringing]

I don’t recognize that number. Uh, just give me one second. [clears throat] Hello.

Hi, Aaron. It’s Holly Jonas’s mom, Nicole. I–I–I hope you don’t mind. I got your number from your brother, Mark.

Uh, sure.

So Holly had a question for you. Hang on a second. [suspenseful music]

Aaron, hi.


So it turns out I can go to prom after all. Any chance you still want to go with me?

[sputters] Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yeah.

Great. Well, we can meet at mine, if that’s cool with you.

Yeah. Uh, great. I’ll see you soon.

He said yes?

Yeah. [Nicole squeals excitedly] [EJ chuckles]

So glad it worked out. Oh, my gosh, you are going to have so much fun tonight. [laughter] [Holly groans softly]

But Holly’s grounded. So why is she asking you to prom if she can’t go? [soft upbeat music playing]

Uh, her mom must have said she can go.

Wow. You must be excited, then, because now you two can have, like, a proper date.

Well, I mean, it’s not really like a date. It’s not a date. We’re–we’re friends. Um, but the four of us should still hang out at the dance for sure.

Right, the four of us. [sighs] Well, I’m so glad Holly can come. It’s going to be a night to remember, right? [suspenseful music]

Come on, Tate, pick up. [phone line trilling]

[phone ringing]

What’s up?

So it’s official. The universe hates us. My mom, all of a sudden, decided it was OK for me to go to prom tonight.


Yeah, I know. And she just made me call Aaron and ask him to be my date. It was, like, so awkward. She was standing there, so I didn’t really have any choice.

OK, listen, just, uh… this could still work out. Why don’t we just–we’ll go back to the original plan. You know, the four of us.

But what about your parents? They signed up to chaperone, so you know they’ll be watching us. We won’t even be able to dance together.

Forget them. I–I’ll figure something out.

Like what?

Something. I promise. I–I’ll see you at the dance.

Who was that?

Mm, I am so happy you had a change of heart about Holly and the prom. [smooches] She’s made such an effort to show she can be responsible and she’s earned our trust.

Yeah. I think so too.

Mm-hmm. You know, I am a little surprised that she wasn’t more excited.

Trust me, she wants nothing more than to be at that dance. And I am very, very proud of you for allowing her to go.


Very proud.

Thank you.


So proud. [smooching] [door opens]

Oh-ho-ho! Ooh! Celebrating hubby’s new job?

Suddenly, everything old is new again.

What are you talking about?

You didn’t tell her?

I was about to, Stefan. [clears throat] So it turns out, after a brief pause, I’m back where I belong. I’m DA once more.

Are you serious? I thought you wanted to run for mayor.

I was, but Paulina had a change of heart. Once the conflict of interest with DiMera Enterprises vanished, so did her reasons for keeping me out. So here I am. [Stefan chuckles] [Nicole chuckles]

Wow, Melinda can’t be happy about that.

Well, I, for one, am ecstatic.

OK, well, it’s nice to see your brother supporting you.

Oh, it’s more than that. Elvis Junior has agreed to reopen Gabi’s case.


Mm. I guess everyone around here is having a change of heart, huh?

Uh, that was Aaron actually. Good news.

Oh, yeah? What?

Yeah. Nicole is letting Holly go to the dance, so he’s taking her. And Sophia and I are going to meet them there.

Wow, how about that? [both chuckle] You know, Tate, you’re not supposed to be hanging around Holly.

Dad, Dad, I know–

You know this.

There’s nothing going on between us, but Sophia and Holly are friends and they’re going to want to party together. [Brady groans] So please be cool for their sake.

Yeah, I am cool. But your mom–

Dad, come on.

Your mom’s gonna–

Come on.

OK, all right. OK, OK, OK. But just know the two of us are going to be– we’re going to be watching you…


Like a hawk.

I know. I get the memo. Thank you. I need to finish getting ready.

All right.

But thank you.

And this… is going to make your mother’s head explode.

Oh, I’m glad I got here before the kids left. I promised John that I would get a lot of pictures of everybody.

Mm, mm.

Oh. [knock at door]

That would be my partner in crime for the night. [Eric sighs]



Um, come in.

Your boutonniĆØre, sir.

Oh, thank you. Oh.

As promised.

Ooh, thank you.

Hmm. Now that stands out.

All right, all right. Listen, don’t even start with me because this is going to go perfectly with Theresa’s corsage.




How about that?


Ready? [soft dramatic notes]

It’s nice.

Wow, That is some–[clears throat] That is obnoxious. You weren’t kidding, were you? [laughter] I swear if you say that this matches my personality, I will make you wear it.

I did not say anything. Out loud, anyway.

Uh, so where’s Tate?

Uh, he’s getting dressed, but, um, I need to warn you.

About what?

I don’t want you to freak out, OK? But, um… it seems you can predict the future, Theresa.


Nicole decided to let Holly go to the prom. [suspenseful music]

Dr. Green.

It’s Mark. And this is my younger brother, Aaron.

Nice to meet you both.



I’ve met your son, actually.

Johnny? Have you really?

And his lovely wife, Chanel. [EJ chuckles]

And even though it was last-minute, I’m still glad you could go with Holly, Aaron. And it’s a good thing I ran into your brother. [softly] Mm-hmm. [soft dramatic music]

Sorry, this is the best I could do on short notice.

Oh, my goodness. Honey, you look so beautiful. Aw. [chuckles]

Oh, my, look at you. Aren’t you just adorable, Sophia? I love this dress.

Thank you. [sighs] I love yours too. You look fabulous.

OK, this one, everybody, I approve heartily. [chuckles] I mean, leagues above the other girls that Tate has dated in the past.

Wait, just because she liked your dress?

I’m not that shallow. But yes. [laughter]

Oh, my God. Look at you. You look so handsome.

Oh, Mom, come on.

No, I have to agree with your mother. You do. [Theresa sighs]

And look at Sophia. Doesn’t she look so lovely?

Absolutely. You look amazing, Sophia.

Thank you. Did Aaron tell you the news about Holly?

Yeah. He called before. He’s pretty stoked.

Looks like Holly and Aaron get to share a prom night together after all. [suspenseful music] Such a surprise. I am so happy for them.

[softly] You could have made up an excuse.

[chuckles] And you could have dropped a clearer hint. Yeah, I got confused and thought it was part of the plan. You know I’d rather be with Sophia.

Whatever. We’ll figure something out. I mean, at least this way, I don’t have to find a reason to sneak out of my house.

Yeah. [takes deep breath]

OK, so are you two ready to take pictures? [quirky suspenseful music] [both chuckle] both: Totally.

I should apologize about going off about Holly last night. I really hope you can forgive me.

It’s OK, Mom. Forget it. [Theresa sighs] It’s fine.

Aw. I’m just so happy to experience this prom moment with you. You and Sophia, you make such a cute couple.

Mom, don’t.

What? Don’t what?

Oh, just get ahead of yourself.

OK. All right. I get it. [chuckles] I’m sorry.

Well, I think it’s picture time. So why don’t you do the honors? It will be so much better that way. [Eric and Sophia chuckle]

I’d be honored to. Hey. Why don’t you two stand by the fireplace?


All right. This is going to be quick. And everyone will get a turn. Don’t worry. Ready? [all chuckle] [upbeat music] Oh, look at that.

Oh, these are good. [all chuckle]

OK. Holly, Aaron, big smiles now, come on. Act like you like each other. It’s prom night. OK, good.

Think I got them.

[chuckles] All right.

All right. It is time to get going. [Tate groans]

I’m sorry, this thing keeps falling.

Here, here, here. Let me help.

Thank you. [suspenseful music]

Hey, Brady.

Ms. Donovan.


Can I talk to you for a minute?

Yes, of course. Is everything all right?

I think there’s something you should know.

Wow. Funny. Tate is smiling in all of these pictures.

Why is that funny?

Well, because I can see in his eyes that’s not what’s in his heart.

You think he’s still hung up on Holly?

Well, I don’t know. I guess my grandson’s love life is none of my business. Same as my son’s love life. Now, what other non-taboo subject shall we tackle, hmm?

[Nicole sighs]

I really hope this is a new beginning for me and Holly.

I’m sure it will be. Mwah.

Didn’t my baby look gorgeous tonight?

Mm-hmm. Just like her mother.

Aw. [EJ chuckles] [notification chimes] Oh. Mm. I’m dinging.

Oh, who is texting you?

That would be me. I just forwarded you the pictures from earlier.

Oh, my goodness! These are great.

EJ, I also, uh, sent them to you. [EJ sighs] [tense music]

[EJ sighs]

Oh, my gosh. Stefan, you are the best. Is this everything?

You know, I think that it is. But if I come across anything that I think you should see, I’ll send it right to you.

All right. [chuckles] Cute. [sighs] Aw. [softly] Yes.

[upbeat music playing]

Wow, this all looks so amazing. Aaron did a great job.

Yeah. You know, but some people around here don’t give him enough credit, but Aaron’s actually– he’s a really, really great guy.

Mm. I hope Holly knows that. Selfies?

[Tate chuckles]

What is this?

Peace sign. Prom.

[chuckling] OK.

Uh… Holly, I heard the good news. Really glad that you could make it.

Uh, thank you.

I’m glad too. [chuckles]

Look at you.

Hey there.

Hey. What’s everyone doing out here? You know all the action is in there, in the gym. So Tate, why don’t you get your lovely date some punch?

See you guys in there?

[Theresa sighs]

I hope you guys have fun tonight.

Thank you, Ms. Donovan.

Mm. And you know what? Do yourself a favor and keep your distance from my son. Or as a chaperone, I will eject you from the prom.


I believe I made myself very clear.

Y-yeah. OK. [Aaron chuckles softly] [Theresa chuckles]

Was that really necessary?

Yes, that was absolutely necessary. You know why? Our son and Holly are up to something.

– * Baby, unlock the door * * Our love is the key * * Show me the way to your heart * * My one to you is now on me * * Show me the way to your heart * * Baby, I’m ready, I’m ready, oh * * Show me the way to your heart * * Show me the way, show the way *

* Show me the way, show me the way * * Show me the way * * Show me the way to your heart, baby * * Yeah * * Show me the way, show me the way * * Show me the way *

* Love is here *

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Days Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Wow. This place looks great.

Festive, huh?

[laughs] And you– I mean, you just look so beautiful, as–as always.

[laughs] Happy Anniversary, Abraham. And Happy Juneteenth. [laughs] Oh. Oh. And those are two of the good reasons why we are throwing this party today. But how am I gonna say goodbye to my baby girl?

You know, you raised your baby girl to be a strong woman, and now she’s going to have a happy change. She’s moving with her husband to– to have this great new adventure.

Yeah. Mm. [knocking on door] With a baby of her own on the way.

I think that’s your– I think that’s your daughter and her husband. [both laugh]

Oh, come in. Come in. It’s open. Ah–


[chuckles] [light ambient music]





Is this your attempt to compensate for the years we missed growing up together?

Not sure what you mean.

You’ve been following me from room to room like an annoying child desperate for someone’s attention.

Oh, I think you’re projecting, brother, because the only one who should be desperate around here is you.


Make it a double. So you want to tell me how it went? You getting down on your hands and knees and begging Paulina Price for your job back.

[laughs] I don’t beg. I simply made the case to Mayor Price that it would be in our best interest to reinstate me as Salem’s district attorney.


It’ll happen.

Well, you better hope it’ll happen and soon, ’cause if it doesn’t, I’m gonna show everybody these DNA results that say little Jude’s daddy is Eric Brady. And we both know that when that happens, Nicole’s gonna dump your sorry ass, and the three of them are gonna live as one big happy family.

What’s going on here? [intriguing music]

This is it.

Well, what do you suppose Clyde put in that safety deposit box?

I don’t know. Could be nothing. Could be proof that Abby’s really alive.

Well, we’re about to find out.

[clears throat]

[clears throat]

Good afternoon. I’m Theodore J. Mooney, vice president of this bank.

How do you do, Mr. Mooney? I’m Julie Williams.

Chad DiMera.

Pleasure to meet you both.

Yeah, I appreciate you coming in on a holiday.

Yes, we’re just going to see what’s in the box, and then we’ll be out of your hair.

Of course. Our bank is always happy to help the DiMera family.

Now I’ll just need you to provide the combination so we can open the box.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

The combination?


Yeah, I’m afraid we don’t have that.

I’m sorry, I was under the impression this was your safe deposit box.

No, it’s not. It’s a– we were given permission by the owner to access the contents.

And who would that be?

Clyde Weston.

I’m afraid that is not the name of the owner of this box.

Well, it’s the name of the man that told us about the box.

Uh, well, that may be, but this box is registered to a Rebecca Goldman.

Who in the sam hill is Rebecca Goldman?

Clyde’s girlfriend, the dirty cop. Uh, she’s in custody right now.

Miss Goldman’s location is irrelevant, I’m afraid. I can’t open this box if you don’t have the code. [mysterious music]

Nothing’s going on– nothing out of the ordinary, anyway. Your uncle and I were just discussing DiMera business.

You mean like the fact that, uh, Aunt Kristen is the new CEO?

Among other things. I was actually just ribbing your father about some additional developments, but, uh, he wasn’t in the mood to joke about the possibility of losing something that doesn’t really belong to him, which doesn’t have to happen, by the way.

What does that even mean?

You know, I think I’m gonna go say hi to little Jude, get in as much hang time with him as I can while I still have the chance. Toodle-oo.

That was weird.

Actually I’m getting used to it, your uncle rambling on somewhat incoherently, that is. I think it might be time for another factory reset. [chuckles]

Well, either way, I’m sorry that he was teasing you about losing the CEO position to Kristen. I know how much that job meant to you.

I’ll survive. And how are you doing? Chanel mentioned that she had a doctor’s appointment yesterday.

Yeah, yeah, we did. Um, it was great. We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat.

[laughs] How exciting.


A new life beginning.

Yeah, yeah. It, uh–it honestly brought us both to tears.

[chuckles] Understandable. Oh, Nicole wanted me to remind you and Chanel that she has stacked an entire shelf in the library of pregnancy books that you are more than welcome to borrow.

Well, uh, thank her for us, but I don’t know if we’re gonna get a chance to read all of them– at least not here.

What are you talking about?

Dad, I, uh– I’ve got some news.

Oh, I cannot believe you are all here! [laughter]

We had no idea you guys were coming.

Yeah, well, see, that’s the whole point. We had to surprise you guys for your anniversary and for Juneteenth.

Oh, bless your–bless your sweet little hearts. Oh. [both laugh]

So what’s that all about?

Uh, I’ll tell you about that later.



Oh, my little angels. [laughs]

So what’d you do with Alana? Did you leave her back in D.C. all alone?

Of course not. She’ll be here soon. She just wanted to stop by the bakery to check out our sister.

Lani, it is so good to see you.

Ah, sister, I have missed you so much.

Oh, I have missed you more. Uh, where’s Eli? Where’s the twins?

They’re here. They’re here. Eli just–he took Jules and Carver over to Mom and Dad’s to surprise them for their anniversary.

Oh, well, I’m sure that that is just lifting their spirits. It has been such a strange time.

I know. And, sis, I saw you were in tears before, why?

Oh, well, because I have decided to close the bakery.

What? I mean, it can’t be because business is bad, right? I mean, every time I talk to someone from here they’re complaining about how long your lines are, that you’re always running out of their favorites.

No, no, no. Business is good, really good. It’s just, uh–well, Johnny and I are leaving Salem.

Lani went all the way to the bakery to talk to her sister? Why wouldn’t she look for her sister here first?

Well, she just figured that she’d be working during this time of the day. And…


She knows that there is some friction between you two.

Oh, well, well, I guess I should be glad that those two talk, even if it is about me and behind my back.

Lani and I both know that you did what you had to do to protect your daughter. Okay? If anything was to happen to Jules or Carver, there is nothing that Lani wouldn’t do.

Oh, so Lani understands? Oh, I’m glad. Oh. And now Chanel does too. I mean, she and I, we patched things up.

Well, I’m glad to hear that.

Mm-hmm. That is good news, yes. The bad news is that I’m still losing my baby.

You and Johnny are leaving town? Why?

Well, Johnny received an offer that he couldn’t refuse, or let’s just say an offer that I made him realize that he couldn’t refuse. He is going to be first AD on a film with his favorite director.


[laughs] Yeah.

Chanel, that is great.

I know. I know, but the thing is that the film shoots in LA. And so we have to leave, like, pretty much immediately.

Mm. Well, then I am especially glad that Eli and I decided to come up today.

Why? ‘Cause if you would have come tomorrow, you would have had to help us pack?

No, so we could see you before you go. [both laugh]

Well, I mean, you can always come and visit us in LA.

Yeah, well, I’m sure you guys are gonna have a lot going on, and it is easier for us to get our whole tribe here to Salem than it is to go across the country.

Mm-hmm. All right.


Well, I’m really happy that you’re here now ’cause I needed the support.

And you’ve got it. And, sis, I know that this is a good thing, but it can also be a very stressful time. And that stress is not good for your little one. How’s that going?

Oh, it’s going, uh, pretty well. Thank you.

Any updates?

Well, um, we just heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time and it was like a steady beating drum.

Aww. That’s great. Oh, that makes me so happy to hear.

And then, as far as the possible exposure to the radiation, um, we– we still–we won’t know for a little while.

And you and Mama?

I forgave her. You know, it’s hard to stay mad at somebody who’s always coming at you with just love.

And she has so much of it.

Uh-huh. [chuckles] And also, I just– I couldn’t leave town with things not being good between us.

Yeah. Still, it is–it is going to be really hard for Mama to let you go.

Yeah, I’m sure. And she’s not the only one it’s gonna be hard for. I mean, I’m sure that Johnny’s father is going to hate the idea of us leaving Salem.

You’re moving to Los Angeles?

[laughs] Yeah. And, uh, I’m gonna be working with Peyton Russo, who’s, like, one of my all-time favorite directors, so.

You say that as if I should know this man’s name, or is Peyton a woman’s name?

Uh, no, this Peyton is a he. Um, he’s directed a few amazing independent films before moving into the mainstream stuff and he’s about to direct his second superhero movie.

Oh, well, if I wanted to see men in tights, I’d go to the ballet, not the cinema.



Uh, look, Dad, I know you never really approved of my dream of becoming a filmmaker, so I’m not expecting your blessing here.

Yet you shall have it. We both know that there was a time where I felt your place was at DiMera, that it was my wish that you would follow in my footsteps at the company. But you made it clear that that wasn’t your path.

Well, after the way you’ve been treated, can you really blame me?

[laughs] My point is, I’ve come to admire your conviction. You looked me in the eyes, and you told me that you wanted to be your own man. You rejected my ambitions for you and followed your own dreams, and I respect that.

Whoa. [chuckles] I did not see that one coming.

I just want you to be happy, Johnny. You’re my son, my eldest son now, and you will find, as a parent, that it goes by much quicker than you ever would imagine.

Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure it does.

And, Johnny, the time that you spend with the people that you love, it is very precious, so you make sure that every second with them counts. Or be prepared to live with regret.

Mr. Mooney, we have come all the way from Salem. And since you are the vice president of this institution, I’m sure you can find a way to open the safety deposit box for Mr. DiMera, even if we don’t have the combination.

As much as I would like to accommodate your request, Ms. Williams, this is a rule I cannot make exception to. And the point is moot, actually, since I don’t have the code or access to it. That would have to come from the box’s owner.

It’s fine. Uh, could you give us a minute please?

Of course. [enigmatic music]

What are we gonna do? We don’t have the combination.

Yeah, well, we’re gonna have to get it.

Well, you said that woman, that Goldman woman, she’s in jail.

She is. [phone beeps] I’m gonna call Rafe. [line trilling] Rafe, it’s Chad DiMera. I need your help.

Stefan, I’m glad I ran into you.

Why is that?

There’s something I need to talk to you about. I understand that you and Rafe were hoping that Clyde would, you know, clear Gabi’s name by confirming that Gil Carter is the one that actually killed Li Shin.

Yeah, that was the hope, but, uh, ultimately, Clyde refused to help.

Well, he didn’t refuse from what I understand. He just wanted something in return, like his charges reduced.

So Rafe’s filled you in.

Yeah, he has. And, uh, I may have a way to get Clyde Weston to tell us what he knows.


But I need your help to do it.

What kind of help?

Well, I mean, you’re really good at negotiating and making deals, so I thought maybe–

[laughs] Okay, I’m flattered that you think so, but I’m not entirely sure what kind of deal you think I could be making with Clyde Weston. I’m neither a cop nor a judge.

That’s not what I had in mind.

Then what?

We shut down his drug operation. And you, you tell him that you want to help him get started up again.


Rafe, thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you.

Is that it? That’s it?

That’s it. Uh, Rafe talked to his former detective and convinced her to cooperate.

Oh, wonderful, wonderful. Ah. Mr. Mooney, you’re back.

I am, and I’m afraid, if you don’t have the code, I’m going to have to return this box to our vault.

Here it is.

Oh, well, I’ll give you some privacy then.

Thank you so much. [clears throat]


[laughs] Do it. [keypad beeping] [mysterious music]

Look, I don’t think this is a good idea.

Why not?

[laughs] I think a more appropriate question is, why is a cop asking me to engage in illegal activity with a murderer?

Well, I thought it was obvious– so you can get that murderer on your side and he can release your wife.

On my side. You–you really think Clyde trusts me?

He will if you persuade him that you really need the money. I mean, you know the business. You were already helping him move drugs through the Bistro.

Not by choice. And the cops already busted that operation. You really think Clyde is that stupid to run the same play again?

He’s not stupid, but he is greedy and he especially will be now.

Still, isn’t he being transferred back to Statesville?

Soon, but if he wants to keep things working on the outside, he’s gonna need someone who’s already up to speed.

Ah, and what does Rafe think about all this?

Well, Rafe doesn’t know yet, but I don’t see why he would have any problems with it.

Mm, well, maybe he doesn’t, but I do. Look, I want my wife out of prison more than anything, especially now that I’ve found out that she’s been transferred to solitary confinement for getting into a fight with another inmate. But I also want her alive. And even with both of them in a supermax, Clyde still found a way to hurt Gabi. So if I turn on him again, there’s no telling what he may do. I’m not willing to take that risk.

Even if that means that this is your only chance to get Gabi released?

Yeah, except, uh, maybe it’s not.

What? What do you mean? What else do you have in mind? [suspenseful music]

Chanel and Johnny are leaving Salem?

Moving to LA, , miles away. Damn. Why couldn’t this director shoot his movie in Chicago, right?

[laughs] Well, Chicago’s not exactly Hollywood.

Good enough for Oprah.

Let me guess. Someone thinks Johnny’s film should be shot in Chicago?

Oh! Lani. Oh, my darling girl! Oh!

Hi, Mama. I missed you so much.


And you too, Dad.

[laughs] Oh, sweetheart!

Eli, I’ve missed you, guys.

Same here, same here.

And where are my adorable little niece and nephew?

They’re taking a nap in the back, but when they wake up, they’re gonna be excited to see you.

Happy Anniversary, you two.

Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming.

Of course.

Yes. Yes, thank you. Oh, oh. And I just–oh. [laughs] I’m just so glad to see you. I’m thrilled to see you and Eli and the twins. [laughs] Oh, I have missed you all so much.

Oh, Mama, we missed you too. And you had us worried. I hear that you’re getting some trouble from some “concerned citizens.”

Ugh, the Concerned Citizens of Salem, CCS. They brought a petition to the city council to have me recalled as mayor.

Well, look, let’s not dwell on politics. Today is about family.

Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm. [knocking on door]

Oh, and speaking of family, that has got to be my husband.

Hey! Happy Anniversary. And Happy Juneteenth.

Well, thank you. Thank you, Johnny.

You got it, yeah. And, dude, Lani, Eli, Chanel texted me and said you guys were here. I’m so happy to see you.

So good to see you, and congratulations on the job and the little baby.

Thank you. Thank you very much. And where are the little ones?

Oh, they’re taking a nap.

Now, Johnny DiMera, some present that you’re giving me, moving my daughter and unborn grandchild halfway around the world.

You know that California is not that far away.

He’s right, and we’re gonna have one hell of a guest room.

You damn well better.

Look, thank you guys for– for throwing this party for us, seriously. It means a lot.

Well, how can I not give my baby and her hubby and my grandbaby a big send-off? Like Abe said, this is–this is a day to celebrate family, and I am very grateful to have mine all under one roof, even if it is just for today.

Well, I am– [clears throat] I’m actually glad to hear you say that because I’m hoping you won’t mind that I actually asked someone from my family to join us.

Oh, who would that be?

Well, I was talking to my dad earlier, uh, telling him about Chanel’s and my move to LA. And then I told him that I was coming here, to this party, and he asked if he could come.

Ah. Uh, and you couldn’t tell him no? Understand.

He’s parking the car now.

Actually, I’m here. Is there any room at your table for me, Madame Mayor? [gentle music]

Look, if I had a plan to get Gabi out of prison, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you about yours, now would I?

But you just said that–

The point is, I’m not willing to do what you’re asking, Detective. I have no interest getting involved with Clyde Weston again.

Okay, I don’t understand. You and I both know that Trask is holding Gil’s black book hostage, and without that to clear Gabi’s name, we need something from Clyde.

Okay. I get that. I do. But I am not willing to get involved with Weston again.

All right. Listen, Stefan, I know how much you miss your wife and how desperate you are to get her out of prison, which makes me think that you do have something planned and you just don’t want to tell me about it.


Look at our kids. They make such a great team, don’t they?

Yes, yes, they do.

Mm. And bless your daughter’s loyal heart. She’s giving up a lot to help my son chase his dreams.

Mm, I’m glad you appreciate that.

And Johnny does too. And I think it’s so lovely that we can put aside our differences and all come together as a family to help send them off.

By ourdifferences, you mean my pending recall?

That is what I mean, yes. Oh, and to give you an update, those concerned citizens are getting rather restless.

It’s funny how those concerned citizens only became concerned after you lost your job.

Mm, and tell me, EJ, would they be just as concerned about a disgraced DA reclaiming his office?

Oh, I was hardly disgraced. You fired me because of a conflict of interest, which no longer exists, by the way, because I’m no longer in charge of my family business.

Oh, no? Well, why is that?

Those idiots on the board put my sister Kristen in charge of the company. Ergo, you now have a perfectly legitimate reason to reinstate me into my former position.

Perfectly legitimate, otherwise known as blackmail.

Mm, oh, I’d like to think of it as quid pro quo.

I would like to tell you where you can stick your quid.

And your quo.

Is everything okay?

Okay. Let’s see what it is. [enigmatic music]

It’s just an empty room.


Could that be Abigail?

Is it?

I don’t know. [mysterious music]

I can’t see her face.

Yeah, I know. Neither can I.

Play it again.

Some other way of getting Gabi out– [chuckles] And what would that be? Because like you just said, without that black book that Melinda Trask is holding, there’s no way of getting Gabi out of prison.

There’s no legal way.


But come on. You’re a DiMera. You’re not gonna let a little thing like the law stop you. You’re gonna bust her out of prison, aren’t you?

I would be lying if I said that that thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but I decided against it.

Well, I’m glad to hear it.


But you have something planned.


I am sure of it.

Even if I was planning something, don’t you think the less you know, the better?

Maybe. So you don’t want any help from the cops?

[snickers] The cops? You know, the last time I got help from the cops, my wife ended up in prison for a crime she didn’t commit. So thanks, but no thanks. [tense music]

Oh. Abe and Paulina were just giving me a hard time about Johnny taking Chanel to California, but the way I see it, my son is chasing his dreams. Chanel supports that, and so do I. And to lessen the sting a little bit, I want you all to know that the DiMera jet will be at your disposal to fly to Los Angeles whenever you wish.

That’s very generous of you.

I know. We’re family now.

All right. Uh, well, Paulina, look, I didn’t mean to intrude, I just wanted to say goodbye.

What? You and Lani just got here.

No. Lani, she’s gonna stay. I’m gonna take the twins to go see Julie. Y’all know what would happen if we didn’t stop by.

Ah, yes, I do.

All right. I’m gonna go get them now.


And soon we’ll be sharing a grandchild. So in the interest of, shall we say, family harmony, I think it’s best that we dispense with this ugly business, don’t you? Well, are you going to call Melinda Trask and give her her walking papers so I can tear up this recall petition? Or am I going to have to use what we DiMeras call tough love to get my way?

Eli! Eli. It’s so wonderful to see ya.

Same here. I missed you so much.

Oh, honey. I missed you too and Lani and the twins–


And uh– I see we’re studying the family picture gallery.

Yeah, I’m shocked they’re all still there. You didn’t lose a single one in the fire, huh?

We lost every single one. Amazingly, Jack scanned them all once upon a time somewhere, and we have digital copies of everything.

Oh, thank God for that.

Yeah. Honey bun, what are you doing here?

Well, we came to Salem to celebrate Juneteenth.

Of course.

And of course to celebrate–

Abe and Paulina’s wedding anniversary.


You brought my great-grandbabies, I hope.

Of course I did. They’re, uh, in the kitchen with Doug, and he is showing ’em where you hide the chocolate chip cookies.

We do not hide chocolate chip cookies in this house. They’re open for everyone to have right beside Grandma Alice’s donuts.

Great. Well, there goes their appetite for dinner.


So I heard you were in Chicago.

Yeah. Uh, Doug must have told you.

He did.

Mm-hmm. Well, I had some… some serious issues to deal with.

Well, I hope you dealt with it successfully?

Honestly, I have no idea. [intriguing music] [siren wails]

Hey, Chad, what can I do for you?

I need to see Clyde, uh, right now.

Well, you just missed him. Prison transport just picked him up about minutes ago.

Okay, when’s he gonna be there?

I’m not sure, but it’s a supermax prison, and he’s not allowed any visitors. Sorry.

[approaching footsteps]

Ah. Just in time. I think I’m gonna call Nicole tell her the truth about little Jude– you know, that Eric Brady is her baby daddy. Shall I, uh, put it on speaker?

That won’t be necessary. [phone beeps] Oh. That’s probably the news you’ve been waiting for. I’ve been reinstated as Salem’s district attorney.

Oh-ho-ho! Congratulations. And I assume your first order of business will be–

Will be to reopen Gabriella’s case so that justice may be done.

I’m very sorry, Miss Trask, but, you know, you serve at the pleasure of the mayor, which happens to be yours truly.

Mama, we’re about to blow out the candles.

I know I talked you into the position, but I’m afraid there is just no way you’re gonna talk me into taking it back. Now, my decision is final. Uh–you know, I’m sure we can find another place for you down at city hall. I have a spot to head up the sanitation. So, um, how does that sound? Hell–hello? Melinda? Ugh. Oh! [laughs] Oh, I’m here, I’m here.



Mm. Uh-oh.

Okay. Oh. Happy Anniversary! Happy Juneteenth! Bon voyage. [laughs] Uh, don’t you think that’s enough candles? I mean, you’re gonna set off the alarm. I’ll have to deal with the fire marshal.

No more city visits today, all right?


It was my last chance to bake for you guys, so I got a little carried away.

Oh, well, I could have just ordered another cake or three.

You think it would have been as good as mine?


No way.

Not a chance, uh-uh.

Okay, I’ll make it unanimous, but, you know, Juneteenth cake with a candle, that’s a bit untraditional.

Well, then, let’s make it a new tradition.

Well, you know, I agree with my wife. I think that we should do something else to honor this day.


I think I know of a– of a poem…



That will be perfect for this occasion.

“We Rose.”

All right. That’s it, yes, yes. So who would like to read it?

Well, no, no. I think it’s all on you, Abraham. It’s all you. [soft music]

[chuckles] “We Rose” by Kristina Kay. “From Africa’s heart, we rose, “Already a people, “Our faces ebony, our bodies lean, “We rose, “Skills of art, life, beauty, and family, “Crushed by forces we knew nothing of, “We rose, “Survive we must, “We did, “We rose, “We rose to be you, we rose to be me, “And above everything expected, we rose, “To become the knowledge we never knew, “We rose, “Dream, we did, Act, we must.”

Hmm. Well, uh–okay.


All right.

Not bad. [laughter]

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Days Transcript Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[jazzy music]

[phone rings]

Dr. Evans.

Dr. Evans, it’s Leo Stark.

Leo? Is everything all right?

I don’t know. See, I had this dream last night, and let me tell you, it was wild. I’m in bed with both of the Kelce brothers, you know, the football players, and there’s this Taylor Swift song playing, and then–

Leo, I gave you my card to make appointments, not to interpret your dreams.

Isn’t that what shrinks do?

During sessions, yes. Leo, in the future, please don’t use this number unless it’s an actual emergency.

[knock at door]

I’ve got somebody here. I’ve got to go. I will see you at your next session.

But, Dr. Evans, wait.

[line clicks and beeps]

Hello. [groans]

I’m sorry about that. Please, take a seat.

Thank you. [sighs]

Are you all right? John and Brady both told me about the– well, the mess with Konstantin.

Yeah, yeah, it was pretty intense. Luckily everybody’s safe. I just don’t really want to talk about that today, though.

All right. What do you want to talk about?

Well, I’m not sure if Brady happened to have filled you in about Theresa and me.


OK. Yeah, this might take a while.

[dramatic music]

[sighs] Stop looking at me like that. [sighs] Yes, I know what I did to Brady wasn’t fair. And in a perfect world, we would– we would be together, but… how many times has that ended in disaster?

So I’ve decided to take the safer bet, and I’m going with your heir.


[sighs] Yes, I know that Alex isn’t really your son, but after what Xander did to me, that son of a bitch deserves to get screwed.

Is that a fact?

[sighs] Ah. Sarah.

Hey, Mom.

Ooh. What’s going on? What time is it?

It’s morning.

I slept all night?

Mm-hmm. Yeah, the sedative I gave you really knocked you out.



Why did I–

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Konstantin… he admitted that he had Victor’s plane sabotaged.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. And you were in shock, and you needed rest.

That awful man, I knew he was a liar. I knew he was a con man. Please, would you please tell me he’s locked in prison?

No…he’s not.


Konstantin is dead, Mom.

What? What happened?

I happened.

You son of a bitch. Abby’s dead. Doesn’t make any rational sense that she would still be alive.

Not everything in this world makes sense.

Do you think it could be true?

Well, Clyde said it was true that Abigail was alive. I know you. You’re not gonna give up hope until you’re sure she isn’t out there somewhere.

I just pray we get the answers we need today.

Chad…[clears throat] I’m afraid it can’t happen today.

[soft orchestration]
announcer: Like sands
through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[dramatic music]

You killed Konstantin?

With the gun he intended for John to use to kill you. I think there’s a certain poetic justice in that, don’t you?

You’re– you’re sure that he’s really gone?

No, he’s dead, Mom. Xander had no choice but to shoot him. Konstantin was gonna kill Theresa.

You said Xander deserved to be screwed.

Did I?

You did. You–were you talking about him being screwed by the cops?

The cops?

For shooting Konstantin.

[gasps] Oh, yeah, exactly.

Listen. OK. You can’t really want him to go down for killing the man who was attempting to strangle you, right?

Well, the DA said that they’re not gonna press charges, so really, what does it matter what I think?

But it matters what old Vic thinks?

I don’t know. I got to go, so see you around.

See you around.


You get the feeling she’s hiding something?

What do you mean we can’t go today? We–the DiMera jet’s fueled up, ready to go. We got the safe deposit box information from Clyde.

[claps] Today is Juneteenth, federal holiday. Bank’s closed.

No, no, no. I called ahead. The manager’s gonna meet us there even though the branch is closed. We’re good.

Oh. What a clever DiMera you are. I don’t think I could have waited one more day to see what’s in that box.


[sighs] It’s been almost impossible to keep this all a secret from Jennifer and Jack.


Did someone say my name?

Jack, you’re here!

So it seems.

Oh, oh, honey.


Well, we’re so glad to see you.

It’s so wonderful to see you, Julie. And, Chad…



How you doing, Jack?

Oh, I’m good. I’m better.

We weren’t expecting you.

Well, I’m sorry I just let myself in. I thought everybody would be at the Juneteenth celebration.

Don’t have to apologize. This is your home. It will always be your home.

Doug’s actually getting the kids ready to go to the park.

But you’re not going?

I’m just not really in a festive mood today.

Yeah. I hear you. I mean… the anniversaries don’t get much easier, do they?

No, they don’t.


How are you and Jennifer doing?

Well, we got through yesterday. But last night, I couldn’t sleep. Just : a.m., hopped in the car, started driving. And… I just wanted to feel closer to Abigail, that’s all.

We understand. We’re glad you’re here, darling.

I also thought I’d have a chat with Rafe, see what the police are doing to make sure that her killer is locked up for good.


Right, well, he’s– Clyde’s actually gonna be facing a number of new charges now that he’s captured.

Oh. I also heard that they’ve upped the charge to murder one now that he’s finally admitted that Abigail’s death was premeditated. So did he–did he say anything more when he confessed?

[dramatic music]

Nothing important, no.

What was that?

What was what?


That, that–that look. Are you keeping something from me?

[scoffs] Why would you ask that?

I don’t know. Call it reporter’s instinct.

Also, I happened to walk in and overheard you saying something about a secret that… was almost impossible to keep from Jennifer myself.

Oh. Secret? [chuckles]

Something about a box that you can’t wait to open.

I don’t understand. Why did Xander need to save Theresa from Konstantin? [phone ringing]



It’s the hospital. I’m so sorry. I have to take it.



What happened with Theresa, Xander?

Konstantin took Theresa hostage at gunpoint after he shot Steve.

Oh, God.

No, it’s OK.

Oh, God.

Theresa’s fine. So is Steve. Alex and Brady caught up with Konstantin outside of the mausoleum.


But they couldn’t get a clean shot. And then when Theresa tried to fight back, Konstantin started strangling her.



So I– I grabbed a gun and shot him.

Well, it sounds like you didn’t have any choice.

No, Maggie. I had a choice.

I took your advice. I told Theresa that I was still seeing Kristen.

How did she react?

Not well. She said that if she and I weren’t gonna be exclusive, then she was going to try and rekindle things with Brady.

I see.

Yeah, and then Kristen broke things off with me. And when I told Theresa that Kristen and I were through, she pretty much dropped Brady like a hot potato.



But then Brady and I talked it through. And he said that it was probably for the best, that apparently him and Theresa had been pretty toxic. And then after I saw her in danger like that… that fear of almost losing her… I just realized how much she means to me.

And now I am fully committed. [chuckles]

Why do you think you weren’t fully committed before?

I don’t know. I guess maybe part of me felt like I couldn’t trust her, not completely, because of her past…

Because of my money.

Oh. And now?

Ooh, Dr. Evans has a cancellation today? Yes, yes, sign me up. OK, thanks so much. I’ll see you then.

Hey, Theresa Donovan.

New Year’s Eve. You were wearing a cape.

I was wearing a fabulous cape. Lady Whistleblower, aka Leo Stark, aka Matthew Cooper.

Right. Leo/Matty. Ho-ho, I have heard plenty about you.

Likewise. Care to join me?

For what?

Company. I’m also hoping I can get an exclusive interview.

About what?

The news of the day, that’s what. Why don’t you tell me, what is your special connection with Konstantin Meleounis?

A box?

I know.

A box.

[laughs] I know.


It’s this. This is the time capsule that Grandma and Grandpa put together in, what, , I think. We found it behind the mantel after the fire. I’ve been trying everything to get it open. No luck.

Well, that’s hardly a secret. Jennifer told me all about it.

Oh, she did?


Oh, gosh. Thomas and Charlotte wanted it to be a surprise. Oh, aren’t they gonna be happy to see you?

Oh, not as happy as I am to see them.

Go say hi. They’re upstairs.

All right, I will. Jeez, it’s just so great to see the two of you.

Same here, same here.

All right. [tense music]

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy. That was close.

How are we gonna explain going to Chicago? I can’t wait another day.


Excuse me. The only connection that I have to Konstantin is that that psycho tried to kill me.

See, that’s just it.

What’s just it?

Well, there has to be a reason that of all the people at the wedding that he did know, you’re the one he chose to take hostage.

[sighs] Well, maybe that’s just because I was the one standing closest to him.

Maybe. I also heard his last words were something about an enemy in our midst.

OK, look, Konstantin is dead, OK? And that was a super awful, traumatic experience, and that’s all I have to say about it.

OK, well, that wasn’t as juicy as I’d hoped, but hey, maybe… you want to talk about a sexier topic.


The sexiest of all, Alex Kiriakis.

What about him?

Well, he happens to be the most eligible bachelor in the state, super hot, super rich. I’m assuming he just didn’t fall out of the sky into your lap… or vice versa.

What are you saying?

[chuckles] I just think that Lady Whistleblower’s readers would love to hear your tips on how to score a ticket to the Kiriakis fortune.

Theresa and I had an honest discussion about it, about my sense that she was hiding something from me.

And what did she say?

She said she wasn’t. [chuckles]

Do you believe her? [dramatic music]

[sighs] Look, I know you’ve had a terrible history with Theresa yourself, and Brady warned me about her too. I guess that’s– that’s been in the back of my head this whole time.

Alex… trust is a vital component to any relationship. So if you’re thinking about getting serious with Theresa–

No, no, we already are serious.

And to be honest with you, after staring death in the face yesterday, it just made me realize it’s time to count my blessings. It is time for me to settle down with somebody I love.

And I think Theresa could be… the one.

[sighs] When Konstantin was… strangling Theresa, all I saw was the man who had just confessed to bringing down that plane, to murdering Uncle Victor. It was rage, Maggie. He tried to kill you. He kidnapped Victoria.

But he had just dropped his gun. And I had Brady and Alex right there. We– we could have taken him down and… held him there until the police arrived.

I didn’t have to shoot him, and I certainly didn’t have to shoot to kill. But I did.

It sounds like– are you feeling guilty about it?

No. I’m glad the bastard’s dead.

Hey, you been up to see your mom?

Yes. I was just up there.

Good. How’s she doing?

She’s doing much better. Just broke the news that Konstantin is dead.

Wow. Imagine, all those weeks, we were so worried about him pulling the wool over her eyes, and she was, all that time, plotting his downfall.

Yeah. You know, sometimes I forget that my mom is a certified badass.

[chuckling] Oh. Amen, sister. [laughter] Well, now that their sham of a wedding is over, I’m sure it’ll cheer her up to know that it’s full steam ahead with your wedding.

I mean, it certainly cheers me up.

Yeah. Well, I hope so. Oh, speaking of which, did you ever hear back from Xander’s mom?

No. [sighs] No, she never responded to my voicemail. [phone ringing]

Sorry. If my resident calls me one more time, I’m gonna absolutely lose my mind. Oh, my God.

Hmm? [suspenseful music] It’s Xander’s mother.

We really need to go soon. [dramatic music]




Jack, are you all right?

Yeah, I’m OK. I’m just– Thomas, he–


He said you told him that Abigail was alive.

Jack, I–

Alive in all our hearts, I know. I know. I know. It’s just that I– she just–she feels so present to me right now, right now, right here in this house.

I feel the same way as you do.

We all do.

Well, I’m gonna go see Rafe. And I’ll let you know what he says.

Thank you.

All right. OK.

Hey. Good to see you, Jack.

It’s good to see you. Oh.


Good to see you.


All right.

I really hate lying to him.

Oh, so do I. But by the end of today, we’ll know one way or the other.

Let’s go.

You are doing excellent work.

Yeah. [chuckles] Really? You approve of my choices?

Oh. I approve of you getting in touch with your feelings, and I approve of the way that you are communicating.

Thank you. I am trying.

You’re doing more than trying. You’ve been expressing your– your thoughts, your feelings, and your needs. And I get the sense that you’re doing the same thing with your– your partner.

Yeah. [chuckles] Could I maybe just ask you one thing?

Of course.

[sighs] You’ve known Theresa for a long time. I mean, she was your daughter-in-law.


Do you think I should trust her?

You know, what I think really is irrelevant.

And it would be inappropriate of me to say anything at all.


The important thing is that you have to decide whether or not you can trust her.

Are you somehow suggesting that I made Alex fall for me?

I didn’t say that. Are you saying that?

No. And just for your information, he and I started dating before anyone even knew that he was Victor’s son.

Well, it’s not like he was working as a barista.

Yeah, well, there’s a difference between being rich and being Kiriakis heir rich.

True. And there’s a difference between being hot and being sizzling hot, which that dude certainly is, so it’s no surprise that you would want to, you know, jump his bones. Not to mention you are quite easy on the eyes yourself.

Although I’m certain you would look better as a brunette or at least if you toned down some of this blonde brassiness. Oh, maybe some lowlights.

Are you seriously giving me hair advice right now?

Well, I did work at a salon in the aughts, The Best Little Hairhouse in Horseheads. Horseheads is a town in upstate New York. Got its name from a bunch of severed horseheads. Anyway, I liked that job, but the clientele was bitchy and kind of shallow. Oh, and the fumes from the hair dye gave me vertigo. But I digress.

Yeah, you do.

OK, wait, wait, wait. So are you willing to say on record that this thing between you and Alex K. is a real love connection and has nothing to do with his oodles of money?

Why is that so hard to believe?


Love is love, right? You know, word on the street is that you and Mr. Dimitri Von whatever-his-name-is were the real deal. Was that about money?

Not for me, it wasn’t.


For me, it was true love.

What happened?

Well, for– OK, time-out, time-out. I’m the one doing the interviewing.

I never agreed to be interviewed.

OK, fine. Not like I’m judging you either way.

As a matter of fact, your… scrappiness, your feistiness, that daredevil-y look in your eye, you remind me of a friend who moved away recently.

Oh. Classic beauty, was she?

Inside and out, though she had a better accent, better hair. Same attitude, though.

And that’s a good thing?

Yeah, yeah, it is. See, I miss her something terrible. And being with you is… [sighs] Kind of comforting.



I so wish I could say the same.

OK. [phone beeps] Oh.

What is that?

That means it’s time for my shrink appointment. Got to get in touch with the feely-feels. Catch you later, T.

[sighs] [phone ringing]

[sighs] Hello. Yes, this is Sarah Horton. Hi. I’m so glad that you called. I assume you got my voicemail. OK.

Oh, OK. Yeah. Well, I’m sorry to hear that. OK. Mm-hmm. All right. Goodbye.

Oh, my God, honey. What was that about? Doesn’t she want to come to your wedding? Doesn’t she want to even meet her granddaughter?

I don’t know. The woman who called wasn’t Xander’s mom.

I’m sorry, Maggie. I know you– you did care about Konstantin once upon a time.

No, no, no. I never despised anyone more than that man. I am so glad that he’s rotting in hell. My only regret… is that I’m not the one that pulled the trigger.

[knock at door]

Knock, knock.

Oh. [laughs]

You don’t have to say “knock, knock” and knock on the door at the same time.

Oh, good point. OK, well, I made an appointment, so here I am.

Ooh. We are making progress now.

[laughs] Also, I’ve been considering what is and isn’t an emergency. Sexual dreams, not an emergency, unless, of course, you wake up from those dreams with a compulsion to do something stupid and/or humiliating, which has been the case for me in the past. But I think I’m learning a little self-control in my dotage.

You’re not in your dotage.

[laughs] Well, not exactly knee-high to a grasshopper anymore either. Anyway, our last conversation made me realize something, Dr. Evans, and… that is that I am pathologically lonely and I hate it. I have a million acquaintances, platonic and otherwise, but… I have kept everything superficial with everyone. [dramatic music] Well, except for the best friend I’ve ever had, but… talking about her is much too painful. And if I told you how I betrayed her for Dimitri, I think you would hate me.

You–you think of Dimitri as your true love?

Only that wasn’t real either, obviously, since he broke up with me in a poorly written, schmaltzy letter, no less. Maybe I deserve it.

No one deserves to be alone.

[sighs] How do I get past this feeling, this feeling that nobody is ever going to love the real me?

At the risk of sounding trite, you have to begin by loving yourself. That comes before anybody loves you or you love anybody else.

[chuckles] Did you get that from RuPaul?


Well, it’s kind of the whole message of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”

Oh. Oh, RuPaul. Oh. No, I’ve never seen that show, but I–but I do enjoy him.

Ah! Well, we are going to have to remedy that immediately, as long as we skip over the Jackie Cox season, ugh. Anyway, are you saying that you think you could help me, Dr. Evans, learn to love myself at least a little bit?

If that wasn’t Xander’s mom, then who was it?

She didn’t say, just that she’s had the number for years.

[scoffs] How long has it been since Xander talked to his mom?

It’s been a long time. [sighs]

OK. Wow. Does he have any other way of contacting her? Social media? Snail mail? Carrier pigeon?

[chuckles] No. Xander said that he doesn’t know where she is or what she’s been up to.

Oh, honey, then I guess she’s not coming to the wedding.

I guess not.

Mm, God help me for what I just said.

Oh, Maggie. I’d be more worried if you didn’t feel that way about Konstantin after what he did to you and Victor.

Please tell me that you’re not gonna have to face any charges for the shooting.

No. Trask accepted that I was defending Theresa’s life, so… I got away with it.

Mm. None of us got away with this unscathed.

I know. And your beloved Victor is still gone.

Xander… I want to thank you for your devotion to your uncle, my husband. He always didn’t treat you very kindly.

But, you know, I– I don’t think he would have been as hard on you if you hadn’t reminded him so much of himself.

Do you really think so?

You see, he didn’t have the opportunity to raise Bo, and he was ill for most of Philip’s childhood. So he decided to compensate for those lost years with Alex by making him his heir.

But, Xander, you…

You were the one who never– you never left, and he knew that. [sighs] So in many ways, you were closer to him than his own sons.

Hi, beautiful.

Hey, handsome. [light music] How was seeing Marlena?


Should my ears have been burning?

[chuckles] I may have mentioned you or our relationship once or twice, yeah.

I’m sure Marlena already got the negative spin from Brady.

No, no, no. Brady’s fine. I talked to him last night.

You did? He is?

Yeah. He said that things worked out probably the best way they could have, considering that the two of you have never really been good for each other.

Right. Yeah. Of course he would say that. [clears throat]

So what did Marlena have to say about the whole situation? Did she warn you to stay away from me? [chuckles]


I mean, given that I almost killed her husband, I wouldn’t expect her to be impartial.

No. Actually, she told me that I needed to be honest with myself and how I feel and…to say what is.

What is?

Yeah. So, Theresa, I just want to say…

I love you.

[light music]

Did you just say–

I love you? I believe I did.

[sighs] Do you really mean that?

Yes, Theresa, I mean– I mean it, yes. We’re not just sleeping together. We’re not just living together. We’ve been through a lot together.

[sighs] But you were just with Kristen and– I’m sorry, I know that the appropriate response would just be to say it back to you.

No, there’s no pressure. You don’t have to. I know you were just with Brady, so…

I want to say it back.



[sighs] I love you too, Alex. I really do.

Hey. How’s my mom?

Oh, she’s getting dressed. She’ll be down soon.

How does she seem?

She’s remarkably strong. I’m just glad this nightmare is over for– for all of us.

Yeah, me too.

Something wrong?

Yeah, actually. That number that you gave me for your mom belongs to someone else.


So unless you have some other way of getting ahold of her…

It’s all right. You know I had mixed feelings about seeing her again anyway. Maybe this is for the best.

Yeah, maybe. [dramatic music]

Sarah, darling.

As long as I’m marrying you, the love of my life…

The day will be perfect. And Maggie’s always been more of a mother to me than my mum ever was.

[somber music]

[sighs] Konstantin is dead, Victor.

You can finally rest in peace, my love.

Leo, I can definitely help you. We discussed that last time you were here. But you have to be willing to– to put in consistent work over a period of time.

Oh, I will, definitely. Just out of curiosity, how much time are we talking? A month? A century?

Look, there are just no guarantees here, no timelines. But I should remind you that your mother spent your entire life telling you that you were unlovable. So we have to stop hearing her voice. We have to undo those words. And we have to make you understand and believe that you are eminently lovable. [dramatic music]

I want to say that to her face, tell her that I am not only lovable. I am eminently lovable, damn it. [chuckles]

You are.

Thank you.

[sighs] So when can I see you again?

Well– oh, my secretary has my schedule. I’ll get it. I’ll be right back. Excuse me.

[exhales heavily] [line rings]

Hi, I was wanting to visit one of your prisoners. It’s my mother. What are Statesville’s visiting hours?

[light country music]


Jack. Oh, my God. I didn’t know you were in town.

It is so good to see you.

Oh, same. Oh, same.


Oh. I heard they captured Clyde. Must be a relief.

It is. It is.

[sighs] Let’s hope that son of a bitch never gets out again.

Rafe said that he will be in solitary for the rest of his life. So he will never have the opportunity to snuff out another life the way he did to Abigail.

Oh, Jack.

This is it.

Well, what do you suppose Clyde stashed in the safety deposit box?

I don’t know. Could be nothing, or could be proof that Abby’s alive. [footsteps tapping]

Oh. We’re about to find out.

[tense music]

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Days Transcript Monday, June 17, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[somber music]

Dad, is it true?

Is what true?

It’s all over social media. They said Konstantin confessed to killing Great-Granddad?

Yeah. Tate, yeah. I’m sorry you had to find out that way. I was going to tell you when I came home.

OK. Is Mom OK? I mean, they said that he took her hostage before he was shot.

Yes, it was scary. She’s fine though. She’s shaken up, but she’s going to be all right.

[sighs] OK. Where is she at? I want to go see her.

Now is probably not a good time.

What? Why would now not be a good time?

Because, Tate, at this time, I think she has company.

How you feeling?

I’m just a little sore.

Yeah. That’s understandable.

It turns out that bodies aren’t really meant to be dragged around an estate held at gunpoint.

Mm. What hurts? Hm. Is it better? [sultry music]

You know, actually, um, I think it also hurts here just a little bit.

A little bit?


Right here?

Mm-hmm. [sighs] Now that I think about it, I think it’s, um, all over my body kind of soreness. So you should just keep going. I’ll let you know when you miss a spot.

[scoffs] Oh, I swear. These people need to get some action. Oh, they’re so bottled up. Oh, get a life, all of you. Mm. Oh. Oh.


Paulina what?

You are not back on that Concerned Citizens of Salem page, are you? You know, I told you to ignore them.

I am doing something much more constructive than just ignoring them. I’m fighting back.

Oh, how are you going to do that?

I’m writing an op-ed for “The Spectator.”

You sure that’s a good idea?

No, I refuse to lie back and let EJ and his minions run me out of office. Well, let’s see if they just got the guts to print it. It’s the least they can do after all that bad press I’ve been getting from that rag lately.

Huh. [keyboard clacking rapidly]

Hey. Hey.

Oh, hey.

Is it bring your kid to work week again?

Well, I had to finish up an article, and I just couldn’t stand to tear myself away from him, so…

Oh, I know the feeling. Hey, big guy.

I–I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have brought him here if I knew you were going to be here. I thought you had finished up already.

No, it’s fine. You know, in fact, it was hard in the beginning, but now I’m OK, really. I missed him a lot. [soft music]

[sighs] Oh, man. So after all that, EJ isn’t even Jude’s father. [suspenseful music]

Stefan, you and I need to talk.

Funny you should say that, EJ. I was just thinking the same thing.

I just ran into Kristen. She just told me that the board made her the permanent CEO of DiMera.


Did you have a hand in this? I know you two have been thick as thieves lately.

No, no, Kristen did this all on her own.

Hmm. What’s with all the money? Are you sure that’s not a big fat thank you from our sister for a job well done?

No, Kristen did give that to me, but it was more of a parting gift.

What’s that mean?

It means that, yes, she did keep that money in the safe in case of emergency. And she did give it to me along with a list of contacts I needed for a job I had to get done. But funny story, turns out I grabbed the wrong envelope. And I think this belongs to you. [dramatic music] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

What is that?

You don’t recognize it? I mean, I assumed that you were the one who put this in the safe, although I can’t begin to fathom why you would be so careless with a secret this big.

What secret?

Oh, EJ. Don’t play dumb.

What the hell are you blathering on about? I don’t know what’s in that envelope, so why don’t you just spell it out for me?

OK. I’ll say it. These are DNA results. And they say that you are not the father of Nicole’s baby, which must mean that Eric Brady is. [tense music]

He looks like he’s gotten bigger since the last time I saw him.

Yeah, I think he’s gained at least pounds since his last appointment. And I am certain that he is going to be crawling in the next few days.

[laughs] I don’t doubt that. He always has that look on his face like he has places to go.

Or trouble to get into.

[laughs] Exactly.


Hey, listen. I’ll let you get back to work. I’m sure you have to get out of here.

Oh, do you have any work you need to do?

Actually, I need something written up so I can get it posted in tomorrow’s paper.

Oh. Was there anything I can help with?

Well, yeah, if you could.

All right. Well, is it a listing? Are you trying to get rid of stuff?

I’m trying to get rid of my wife.


Company, is that code for something?

Yeah, it’s code. Henderson told me that Theresa’s been in Alex’s room for a couple hours. [tense music]

Oh. I’m guessing that you’re not OK with this.

Tate, Tate, Tate. Your mother made her choice, and I’ve accepted it.

Choice? What choice? Wait, are you– between you and Alex?

Uh-uh. Son, I’m not going to talk to you about this, OK?

Oh, my God. Is that why you didn’t come home last night? You were with Mom?

Tate, I’m pretty sure I said I didn’t want to talk about it with you.

Oh, my God. And now she’s with Alex. Is she leading you on? Is that what’s happening?

Tate, Tate. Son, I don’t– buddy, I don’t want to talk to you about this, OK? I’m going to repeat what I said. Your mother made her choice. I’ve accepted it.


You feeling better?

Yeah, much better. Thank you, Alex.

Mm. My pleasure, literally.

No. You mean, thank you for making me feel safe.

I’m sorry about what happened to you today. You must have been terrified.

Yeah, there was some– there was a moment there where… my life flashed before my eyes and… I could see all my mistakes and regrets. And then you came, and you rescued me.

Oh, technically, Xander was the one who saved you.

Oh, God. I don’t want to even give him one ounce of credit. He didn’t care about me. He just wanted Konstantin dead.


And I knew you were there to protect me.

I’m not going to lie. I got a little scared. [tense music] When you started fighting back and Konstantin started losing it, Theresa, I thought he was going to kill you with his bare hands.

Yeah, I know. Definitely felt that way.

It was just so raw, personal.


Yeah, just what he said before he went completely berserk, that you had been a thorn in his side since he got to town. What could he have meant by that?

Who knows what that bastard meant? The guy was unhinged. I just don’t think he liked me.

Mm. He hardly knew you.

I tend to evoke strong feelings, especially in men.


OK, well, still. It’s just the way he said that. That you were a thorn in his side.

[sighs] Well, do you remember on Thanksgiving when I stood up to him when I first met him? He accused me of going after your money. I really let him have it.

I do remember that. Yeah. Maybe that was it. The guy knows how to hold a grudge.

I just don’t want to talk about that horrible person ever again. I just don’t want to. I’m starving.

Yeah. Can’t imagine what you did to work up that appetite.

Oh, come on. Seriously, I haven’t eaten all day.

OK, fine. Do you want me to grab something from the kitchen?

Don’t hate me, but I’m craving a burger and fries from the pub.

Oh. Pub burger it is.

We can order delivery.

No, it’s faster if I go get it. I’ll be right back.



So if Mom is occupied upstairs with Alex, then what are you doing here?

I was just– I was going to go see Maggie, but she’s on a sedative that Sarah gave her. So I thought I’d make myself useful and clean up a little bit.

Right, but they have staff that does that.

Yes, they do, but sometimes, son, you have to clean up your own messes.

Well, yeah, I guess, but– I don’t know. Isn’t it like torture knowing Mom’s up there with Alex, like–

Yeah, now that you’ve mentioned it a couple times, it’s not very pleasant.


You know what? I have a great idea. Why don’t we get the heck out of here, go to the pub, and get something to eat?


Yeah? All right.

Let’s do it. I just want to leave Mom a note so she knows I was here.

You could text her. That would work just fine.

It would, except I– I don’t know– forgot my phone, so…

Forgot your phone?


I will save us a table then.

Thanks, Dad.

See you there.

Sweet. [melancholy music]


Holly. [soft music]

Mm. Ooh. And set.

[chuckles] You know, I am so proud of you for not backing down.

Oh. You sure I’m not just pouring gasoline onto the fire?

Well, you’re not exactly dousing the fire. [chuckles] But your patience and your strength, that’s what the public loves about you. It’s what I love about you.


Mwah. [chuckles]

OK, then. No regrets.

No regrets, no regrets. But I do think that it’s a good time for you to just take the night off and relax.

Oh. Well, I appreciate that, Abraham, but I’m not sure if that’s possible. I’m just– [inhales sharply] Ooh, I’m riled up.

Well, you know what? I think that I can help you with that.

Oh. [sniffs] Oh, this is the good stuff–


–that we bought on our winery tour.


I thought we were saving it for a special occasion.

We are. Have you forgotten that it’s our wedding anniversary tomorrow?

Wait. Tomorrow is June ?

It sure is.

Oh. Oh. Between everything going on with Chanel and the recall, oh, I just– I completely forgot. I’m so sorry.

Well, don’t be sorry about that. I mean, we’re still together. So why don’t we just– yeah, just ignore the rest of the world and enjoy our company.

Oh. [chuckling] Abraham Carver.


You do come up with the best ideas.

Yeah. [gentle music] [laughter]

So you want to divorce Sloan?


But since she’s fled town–

I can’t serve her papers.

Right. So you’re going to do this thing called a publication divorce.

I am. I just need to have it posted for the next three weeks in the newspaper.

And if she doesn’t respond?

Then I can have the court enter judgment in my favor.

That’s a smart idea.

Yeah. I wish I could take credit. My lawyer told me about it.

Oh. Who are you using? Belle?

No, EJ. [tense music]

So you found this in the safe?

Mm. I mean, yes. As I mentioned, I was looking for a different envelope, and that one kind of just fell into my lap. Makes me wonder why you put it in there, why you even kept it in the first place.

[sighs] I forgot it was in there.


What’s in it?

Just everything we need to know about our baby’s genetic makeup all in one document.

You got them to print you out another one?

Yeah, after I lost the last copy.


But if our baby gets sick, this could prove to be helpful.

True, but there’s another reason to protect this slightly precious document, is it names me as the father of our child. And given that I absolutely adore the mother of our child, it makes me ecstatically happy.

Me too.

Mmm, good.

[chuckles] both: Mm.

I never even got a chance to look at it before Nicole put it in the safe.


We had genetic testing on Jude done for peace of mind.

Oh. And you thought I named you as the father.

The issue of paternity had been settled.

Yeah, it makes sense why you would then put it somewhere where anyone in the family could find it. Although… when I told you that I had found it, you seemed pretty upset at yourself for having forgotten that you put it in there. But quite frankly, you didn’t seem at all surprised or devastated to find out that Jude isn’t your flesh and blood, which makes me think, EJ, this isn’t news to you at all. [dramatic music]

The reason it isn’t news to me is that it isn’t news at all. It’s completely fabricated.

So you’re saying the results are fake?

Someone must have planted it as a cruel joke.

OK. You know what then? We will have another test run. I’ll tell you what, I will call Nicole and have her meet us at the hospital.

Don’t. Don’t.

[chuckles] It’s just as I thought. Hey, look at me. How long have you known the truth, EJ?

Why is this any of your damn business?

You know, I have no idea how you even found this out, but I completely understand why you would keep it from Nicole because… we both know that she would dump your sorry ass the second she found out she had a child with the man she truly loves.

Shut your damn mouth.

Gladly, for a price.

[chuckling] Oh. So we’re back to this again, huh?



Yes. It seems that, EJ, you and I are in a constant state of tug of war. It turns out I got all the leverage this time.

So you hired EJ as your lawyer because you figure he was motivated to stick it to Sloan?


I mean, I don’t get it. Is it because she stole his son and hit him over the head with a flower pot?

You know he’s thin-skinned.

Yes, that is EJ all right. Wow. After all these years, you two actually have something in common.

Actually, the main reason why EJ and I never really got along is because of what we already have in common.

Oh, right. Good point. [sighs]

Mmm. No one looked more handsome in a suit.

Oh. You know, you were just radiant in that wedding dress.

Mm. I did have a glow about me.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Brighter than the sun itself. [chuckles]

Oh, that’s because I was so in love with the groom.


Still am, by the way.

Mm. I am so happy that I got all those– all those precious memories came back to me.


And to have those– those wonderful moments back with each other. [both chuckling]

Oh. Can’t say that that day ended well. Mm, Lani turning herself in for shooting TR.

Yeah, no, that didn’t go the way we wanted it to go.

Mm-mm. But I am so proud of her. Oh, and I thank the Lord that she finished her sentence and she’s back home with her wonderful husband and those precious babies.

Yeah. We have so much to celebrate, so much. I mean, not just our anniversary, but also Juneteenth. [melancholy music]

That’ll always be a special day in our family. But unfortunately this year, it’s not all going to be sunshine and roses.


Alex. I didn’t expect to see you here.

No? Why not? You don’t think the good old Brady pub is upscale enough for me now?

No, I was at the mansion, and I heard that you were holed up in your room with Theresa.

We were together, yeah.


But then we got hungry, and I offered to forage for sustenance.

Very good. Well, don’t let me keep your girlfriend waiting.

Brady, hang on a sec.


Maybe you and I should clear the air about Theresa.

It’s really good to see you.

Yeah, you too. I didn’t know you were going to be here today.

Yeah. I came to check on my mom.

I heard what happened. Is she OK?

Yeah. She’s fine. Thank you. Did you come to see your grandma?

Did you get to talk to her?

I didn’t, but my dad said she’s upstairs resting. Sarah gave her something to help her sleep.

Oh. Well, that’s good. [melancholy music]


It kind of feels like forever since we hung out last.

Yeah. I know. I’m supposed to meet my dad at the pub.

Oh. If you must go.

No. No. I would much rather stay here with you.

Cool. [laughs]

Cool. So… prom, that’s tomorrow.

Yeah, and I’m kind of still grounded. But it doesn’t matter because your parents are chaperoning. So don’t think we’d be able to hang out anyways.

Yeah, well, I’m actually working on a way for us to be together tomorrow.



Tell me all about it. Wait, not yet. [romantic music]

What’s going on here? [tense music]

Damn it, Tate. I thought your father and I made it very clear you are not to see her anymore.

Yeah, you made it really clear.

And yet here you are together.

Mom, relax. We just ran into each other.

Look, I just came to see my grandma. I had no idea Tate was going to be here, so…

Yeah, and I’m just here to see you.

Came in and we said hello. That’s all.

Oh, great. So now you can say goodbye.

Mom, come on. You don’t have to be rude to her.

Rude? Do I need to remind you that this one let you rot in juvie for something that you didn’t do?

What are you talking about? She apologized for that.

You know what? Yeah, I should probably leave. Bye, Tate.


[mockingly] Bye.

I mean, seriously, what is your problem?

My problem is that she is not good for you. She’s hurt you once already. She’s going to hurt you again.

Oh, really? Oh, wow. OK, you mean the same way that you hurt Dad?

Look, Brady, I know things have been a little weird since I walked in on you and Theresa in bed.

Yeah, especially since she set the whole thing up, Alex. And I should have known that she was using me.

I’m sorry that happened. And actually, it’s partly my fault.

Which part?

Theresa trying to get back at me for sending her mixed signals.

You’re referring to hooking up with Kristen, right?

[clears throat] Yeah. Yeah, commitment hasn’t really been my strong suit in the past. But Kristen and I are completely over now, Brady, I’m telling you. And I have realized that Theresa is the woman I want to be with.

[sighs] Well, Alex, that’s good. Because apparently, she feels the same way.

What about you? Are you cool with that?

Well, if we’re going to get your divorce notice in before the end of the day, we better get it up in the system.

Yeah. Great. Thank you.

OK, so do you know what your post is supposed to say?

Yeah. You know what? I’ll send it to you right now. EJ prepared a template.

Oh, yeah. OK. [phone beeping] Oh.


Jeez, that’s so formal. I don’t know. Maybe we can make it a little fun?



[chuckles] You mean like an illustration?

No, no. Maybe you, you know, can express how you really feel. For instance, like, Dear Sloan Petersen, you suck. Sincerely, Eric Brady.

No. That’s not going to work.

All right, all right. How about this?

Do I even want to know?

You know, just trying to give it a little pizzazz. [chuckles]

You can’t write that for the newspaper.

Why, too obscene?

No comment.

[chuckles] Well, it’s kind of true, right? [both chuckling]


All right. Let me try one more thing. How about this? Dear you miserable lying slut–

No. No.

Nobody in Salem likes you.

No, no, no, no. Delete that right now before HR sees that. What are you trying to do, get canceled, Nicole?

Oh, you can’t cancel me.


Once a priest, always a priest. [keyboard clacking] [chuckles]

What exactly do you want from me this time?

Isn’t that obvious? [dramatic music] I want Gabi out of prison.

[scoffs] You remember that I’m no longer the DA thanks to you.

[chuckles] I remember.

Mm. Then how the hell am I supposed to get her conviction overturned? And I assume you’ve already exhausted any and all leads.

Oh, I admit I was banking on the fact that Clyde would confirm Gil Carter as Li’s killer, but it turns out that’s a no go.

Hmm. Well, you can always bust her out of prison.


You actually considered it?

What do you think all the cash and the list of contacts was for? But now that these DNA results have fallen into my hands, turns out there’s a better option than Gabi and me living the rest of our lives on the run.

Again, for the cheap seats, I no longer have the power to free your wife. Paulina Price fired me and gave the job to Melinda Trask.

So get your job back.

Just like that?

Mm. You got something better to do?

[sighs] Paulina Price doesn’t exactly like me right now. So how the hell do you think I’m going to change her mind?

Oh. I got faith in you, little man. You are highly motivated right now to get this done. I mean, how else are you going to hold on to Nicole and Jude, huh? [chuckles]

[sighs] Alex… [laughs] When have you ever cared about how I feel?

Oh. Brady, come on. I know. I know we’ve butted heads once or twice.

Once or twice.

More than that. OK, more than that. But at the end of the day, we are family, man. We work together.

Look, man. I was reluctant to get involved with Theresa again in the first place, OK? When we try to do it, it just never seems to work out for us, you know?


[sighs] In a way, maybe you did me a favor.


Yeah. I think I wish you nothing but good luck.

You really mean that?

Yeah, why not? [chuckles] [soft music]

Fair enough. Thank you.

Thank you.

Seriously. You are the best. [door clicks]

[sighs] [door slams]

Brady, hey.

Hey. How are you, man?

I’m good. I’m glad I ran into you. I heard about Konstantin. Is it true? Is he responsible for Victor’s death?

Yeah. Yeah, he was. He sabotaged my grandfather’s plane, and he was planning on killing Maggie as well.

What? That’s unbelievable. How is she?

[sighs] Maggie’s pretty shaken up, but, I mean, you know her. She’s OK. She’s going to be all right. She’s strong.

Yeah, she is. What about Theresa? She was taken hostage?

[scoffs] You don’t have to worry about your cousin. Eric, if there is one person in the world that is just good at getting out of sticky situations and landing on their feet, it’s Theresa.

Yep, Dad told me everything, how you made him think that you were just going to get back together with him, and then you just dumped him for Alex.

What? It wasn’t like that. I didn’t mean to hurt him.

OK, but you did.

He told you that?

Yes, he told me that. He tried to act like it didn’t bother him, but you know him. He’s bad at hiding his feelings. I mean, seriously, what did you think was going to happen here? Huh?

I don’t know. I feel awful about that.

No, you don’t. Stop. Just stop. Don’t pretend like you care about Dad. You don’t.


You don’t give a damn about anybody but yourself.

No, that is not true.

OK. All right.

I care about you, Tate. And today, my God, today was a crazy day. I could have died.


And when something like that happens–

Just stop, Mom. I don’t want to hear it. You’re using this as an excuse, and it’s just crazy. Go. Go hang out with your little stupid boyfriend or whatever. I mean, seriously.



Tate! [somber music] I’m fine, by the way. You know, kidnapped and held at gunpoint, almost died. I’m good, though. Thanks for your concern. [sighs]

We have one more celebration tomorrow, if you want to call it that. I offered to throw Chanel and Johnny a going away party.

They’re leaving so soon?

Well, Johnny has to get to California to start his new job next week. I hope it’s OK that I scheduled the party on our special day.

Of course it’s OK. It’s a day about family.

Ah, yeah. Abe, I just hope, I just hope I can just hold it together. I’m going to miss my little girl so much. Mm.

Well, you know the toughest thing about being a parent is learning to let go. Mwah. [gentle music]

I’ve started a recall campaign against Paulina. Once she’s removed from office, I can throw my hat in the ring as mayor.


Me. And once I’m elected, I can appoint a DA who’ll free your wife.

Mm. I don’t like it. It’ll take too long. I want Gabi out immediately.

You’re being unreasonable, Stefan.

And you are wasting your time arguing with me. And you better make a move soon because this envelope’s getting real heavy in my hand.

Listen to me, you arrogant son of–

Oh, oh. Hey, hey. Yeah. Easy with the language around our little angel.

Yeah, EJ, you wouldn’t want to expose your son to anything unpleasant.

OK. What are you two arguing about this time?

Nothing important. How was work?

It was good. I ran into Eric.


He told me you were representing him in his divorce from Sloan. That’s an interesting twist.

Hm. Yeah, your husband is full of surprises, aren’t you, EJ? [baby whimpering]

Honey, I’m going to take Jude upstairs and put him to sleep. Do you want to join me?

I would love to, darling, but I have a very important errand to run. But I won’t be long.

OK. [baby blabbing]

I’ll see you soon, little one. Daddy loves you.

Talk to you soon, Elvis.

Love you too.

Love you.

Mwah. [baby babbling]

[sighs] What was that all about? [dramatic music] [gentle guitar music]

Hey. Who are you looking for?

Pretty much anybody who could be a rat in this town. I’m especially on the lookout for Lady Whistleblower.

I mean, Leo seems like he’s on our side now.

Yeah, I guess so, unlike my mother. I’m so sorry about the way she’s acting. It’s completely out of line.

No, it’s OK. I mean, I get why she doesn’t like me.

I don’t care what she or my dad thinks. They can try to keep us apart, but it’s not going to work.

You said you have a plan?

I do.

I have a way for us to be together tomorrow night at the prom.

Oh, my God. Tell me everything. [dramatic music]

All right. I asked for the fries to be well done. I know that’s how you like them.

What’s that?

The fries. Extra crispy like you like them.

Oh, right. [sighs]

Where were you just now when I walked in?

What do you mean?

I don’t know. You just seem distracted.

Oh. Tate. I ran into Tate. And we got in a fight. And he stormed off.

Mm. What was the fight about?

Nothing for you to worry about.

Eric, I’m really sorry about Jude.

Thanks, man.

How are you holding up?

Not good. [chuckles] I’m missing every second.

It’s got to be brutal.

Yeah. You know, I got to see him earlier. Nicole, she brought him by the office.



Hey, are you OK working there? I mean, really? I mean, it can’t be easy.

No, it’s fine. Nicole’s not going to bring him to the office all the time, you know.

No, but– Eric, I wasn’t just talking about Jude.

Do you have any idea where EJ rushed off to?

I’m not sure, but it must have something to do with the bad news he got earlier.

What bad news?

Well, it turns out Kristen got the CEO job over him.

Seriously? Why would the board make that decision?

Why would the board make any decision?

He must be so upset.

Yeah, he’s pretty angry. But hey, I bet he’s out there right now making arguments because there is nothing EJ won’t do to protect his family.

Oh, you know what?


Tomorrow is a big day. So why don’t we go to bed?

Mm. We can at least finish our wine. Can’t let the good stuff go to waste.

[chuckles] All right, one more glass. [chuckling] [knocking] You expecting somebody?

At this hour? No. Hmm. [gasps]

Hello, Paulina.

EJ. What are you doing here?

I’ll get straight to the point. I’ve had some time to think about what Abe said earlier. And I’ve decided that the Concerned Citizens of Salem will withdraw our petition to recall you as mayor.

Wow. This is good news. So you finally saw the light.

However, in exchange for my gesture of goodwill, I’ll need something in return.

[suspenseful music]

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Days Opinions For The Week Of June 10, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Maggie from Days

Weā€™re sure it was no surprise to anyone, but Maggie and Konstantin didnā€™t get married. Maggie and company let Konstantin know that they were on to him and his schemes. Konstantin revealed why he wanted to get revenge against Victor. Victor suddenly left him out of his will. He admitted that he had Victor killed. It felt underwhelming because Konstantin is too new of a character for us to care about. We did notice that no one saw how scared Theresa looked when Konstantin was getting grilled about his accomplice. Theresa didnā€™t hide the fact that she was afraid of being busted. During the revelation Konstantin managed to shoot Steve before he left the mansion with Theresa as his hostage. Thereā€™s rarely a dull moment at a Salem wedding.

The writers left the audience hanging by not revealing that Xander is Victorā€™s son. Konstantin managed to die without us finding out Xanderā€™s true paternity. What was the point of having Xander be Victorā€™s son if he wasnā€™t going to find out? They may as well have let Alex be Victorā€™s son. We were happy that Konstantinā€™s story is over, but it could have ended with Xander finding out the truth.

Marlena must not have done a good job of de-programming John since he was still affected by the pawn card. He kept hearing Konstantin tell him to shoot Steve, but he was supposed to be immune to the pawn card. Itā€™s funny how the pawn card didnā€™t work when Konstantin gave him orders, but once he died, the card work. Does the card have a selective hold over John? Itā€™s something how all it took to break John out of the trance was a phone ringing. Speaking of the pawn card, you would think someone would have burned the card so John wouldnā€™t be under the spell. Was it that hard to get rid of the card?

Kayla was upset that Steve kept her in the dark about what happened at the wedding. She wanted him to warn her that he was going to be in danger. We understand that she was concerned about him, but if he told her what was going on, what would she have done? Knowing what happened wouldnā€™t have changed the outcome. She practically ordered him to tell her whatā€™s going on like she is his mother.

Weā€™re surprised that Chanel defended Paulina to EJ. It wasnā€™t that long ago when Chanel blamed Paulina for risking her babyā€™s life. Once EJ wanted Paulina to pay for what she did, Chanel suddenly did a 180. If Chanel didnā€™t blame Paulina for what she did, why was she giving her such a hard time? Guess Chanelā€™s the only one that can say bad things about Paulina.

Marlena doesnā€™t have any loyalty towards Eric. Why would she agree to be his psychiatrist after what he did to Eric? We know Marlena is the only psychiatrist in Salem, but she could have recommended someone else to listen to him. Roman didnā€™t want Leo in the pub because of what he did to Eric, yet Marlena was willing to be his psychiatrist.

Why was it so hard for Chad to believe that Abby was alive? With everything that has happened in Salem, Chad shouldnā€™t have been shocked that Abby could be alive. People in Salem come back to life all the time, so Chad didnā€™t need to question if Clyde told him the truth. The only thing he should have focused on was where she was. We know Chad had to have dramatic scenes of questioning Clydeā€™s word, but it didnā€™t make sense when itā€™s Salem the town where everyone comes back to life.


Chad from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 10, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Konstantin from Days


-Sarah showed up at the mansion out of the blue when she was supposed to be at the hospital.

-No one at the Kiriakis mansion notice how nervous Theresa was when they asked Konstantin who helped him kidnap Victoria.

-Konstantinā€™s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Theresaā€™s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Maggie cried without any tears.

-Alex managed not to hear Konstantin talking about him to Theresa when he walked by them.


-Jada could be heard talking to Kayla while Marlena was shown.

-John had blood on his hand that wasnā€™t there in Mondayā€™s episode.

-The blood on Johnā€™s hand disappeared.

-Sarah didnā€™t have blood on her hands after helping Steve.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Steve while John was shown.


-Leo could be heard reading out loud while Johnny was shown.

-Johnny could be heard talking to Marlena while Leo was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Roman while Marlena was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Chanel while Eric was shown.

-Eric didnā€™t hear EJ say he was Judeā€™s father even though the door was open.

-Dr. Greene could be heard talking to Chanel and Johnny while EJ was shown.


-Roman could be heard talking to Kate while Chanel was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to himself while Lucas was shown.

-Chadā€™s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Stefan could be heard talking on the phone while Clyde was shown.


-It was daytime in Thursdayā€™s episode but nighttime in this episode.

-Abe could be heard talking on the phone while Chanel was shown.

-The music playing in Chadā€™s scene could be heard while Kristen was shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Kristen while Abe was shown.


Stefan from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Friday, June 14, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[dogs barking in distance]

I mean, this is almost too good to be true, right?Ā Ā  I mean, all this good news?Ā Ā  First, we find out that our unborn childĀ Ā  is healthy and strong, which is by far the best news of all.

Yes, definitely.

And I get to pursue my dream of becoming a filmmaker.Ā Ā  And I’m lucky enough to have my beautiful wifeĀ Ā  and best friend by my side.Ā Ā Well, I am so excited.Ā Ā  And I am so, so proud of you.Ā Ā So where do you think we should look for a new place?Ā Ā  I know my college roommate and his fiancĆ©,Ā Ā  they live by the beach, but I also know that-Ā  I guess you’d call ’em the more artsy crowd- Okay, okay, Johnny.Ā Ā  Hold on, hold on. All right?Ā Ā  Before we, you know, set sail into the sunsetĀ Ā  there is just one, uh, rather significant hurdleĀ Ā  that we have to face, or should I say I have to face?Ā And what is that?Ā I have to figure out how I am goingĀ  to break the news to my mom.Ā  [intriguing music]I can’t believe the governor would have the hubris to do something like that. You know he shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Paulina?Ā  Paulina, are you there?

Yeah.Ā  I’m here, I’m here.Ā  I just–I just, uh- Abraham, I found the websiteĀ  for the so-called Concerned Citizens of Salem.Ā  Oh, they photoshopped all these pictures of meĀ  where I’m–I’m glowing.Ā  And my head, it’s- it’s in the shape of a damn avocado.Ā  Oh, Abraham, these trolls are gonna go and get me recalled.Ā  I could lose my job, Abe.

I’m not gonna let that happen.Ā  In fact, I am going to put a stopĀ  to this insanity tonight.Ā And how on earth are you gonna do that?Ā Well, I’ll tell you when I get home.Ā  In the meantime, get offline immediately.Ā [gasps]Ā  You’re a wise man, Abraham.Ā  I love you.

Love you too. I’ll see you when I get home.


Oh, EJ.Ā  Thank you for agreeing to meet me.

No worries.Ā  Uh, may I ask what this is about?Ā Yes, well, I thought we could discussĀ  this organization called Concerned Citizens of Salem.Ā  They’re planning to recall Paulina.Ā Are they?Ā Yes.Ā  They seem hell-bent on ousting her.Ā  And, um, something interesting came up when we looked intoĀ  this so-called Concerned Citizens organization.

Oh.Ā  And, uh, what did you find?Ā Well, it seems that the primaryĀ  so-called concerned citizen is you.

Rafe is gone already?Ā Yeah, yeah. He can’t do anything.Ā  Said he’s unwilling to make a deal with Weston.Ā  So I’ll tell you what.Ā  I’m willing to shelve this whole ideaĀ  of busting Gabi out of prison for nowĀ  if you help me find more evidence.Ā Sorry, change of plans.Ā  I’m not gonna be helping you anymore.Ā You’re not gonna–Ā  what the hell are you talking about?Ā  You do realize that unless you help me clear Gabi,Ā  I’m not backing you as CEO at DiMera?

[laughs] You see, mon frĆØre, that’s the thing.Ā  I don’t need your backing anymoreĀ  because I already have the job.Ā  [laughs]Ā  [ominous music] [office phone ringing]

[cell phone ringing]Ā Hey, Julie.

Darling, I’ve been so concernedĀ  ever since you went to the station.Ā  Did you see Clyde? Did he- did he say anything more about Abigail?

Uh, yeah, he actually did.

Well, tell me, what was it?

He told me to check out a safe deposit boxĀ  at a bank in Chicago.Ā  Inside of it is supposedly proof that Abby’s alive.Ā  [intriguing music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[sighs]Ā  Oh.Ā  Abraham is right.Ā  Who cares what those idiots think–those internet trolls,Ā  goblins, whatever.Ā  Oh.Ā  Who am I kidding?Ā  I care.Ā  Oh. Oh.Ā  Ooh. [knocking on door]Ā  Oh. Oh! [laughing]Ā  What a lovely surprise.Ā  Oh, what are you doing here, baby girl?Ā Can I come in?Ā Of course, of course.Ā  Oh. Can I get you anything?Ā Oh, no. I’m fine.Ā  I just wanted to let you knowĀ  that Johnny and I saw the doctor today.Ā Ah. Well, uh, is everything all right?Ā  Is the baby okay?Ā We’re still waiting on the resultsĀ  from some of the exams, but they went really well.Ā  And Dr. Greene saysĀ  that the baby’s heartbeat is really strong.Ā [gasps] Oh, praise the Lord.Ā  Oh. Whew.Ā  Oh, that’s wonderful news.Ā Yeah. Yeah, it is.Ā  And, um, I have some other newsĀ  that you may not think is quite so wonderful.Ā You’re the one spearheading this movement,Ā  aren’t you,Ā  to recall Paulina?Ā I respect you enormously, Abe,Ā  so I’m gonna tell you the truth.Ā  Yes, I am the one leading the charge on this issue.Ā  I created the Concerned Citizens of SalemĀ  to remove your wife from office.Ā I see.Ā Is there anything else?Ā Yeah, there is, actually.Ā  I want you to stop this nonsense now.Ā  [tense music]I’m sorry. I-I-I don’t understand.Ā  Last I checked, EJ was still acting CEO.Ā Mm. Oh dear. [laughs]Ā  I guess you haven’t checked your spam folder.Ā  See, the board, um, they met in private.Ā  And after exchanging in a few pleasantries,Ā  stock tips, et cetera,Ā  they decided to offer me the job.Ā Really?Mm-hmm.Ā Without my support?Ā The board felt it was high timeĀ  that another woman was at the helm.Ā Hmm.Ā And I think it also helpedĀ  that I sent them a presentation deckĀ  regarding my vision of the company.Ā  And apparently they were very impressed.Ā Good for you.Mm.Ā  Can you imagine strolling through the airportĀ  and, you know, you stop off to get some candy,Ā  a bottle of water, and there I amĀ  on the cover of “Forbes Magazine”–Ā  headlined “The CEO in Stilettos”?Ā Just because you’re CEOĀ  doesn’t mean you can’t still help me with Gabi.Ā  In fact, you can now use DiMera resourcesĀ  to help me find new evidence.Ā Sorry, Stefan.Ā  I can’t do that.Ā  [knocking on door]Hey, Grandma.Ā Hi, honey.Ā  So how’s everything?Ā Uh, everything is okay.Ā  In fact, it’s better than okay,Ā  which is why I wanted to come and thank youĀ  for your advice earlier.Ā Oh.Ā  You spoke to Chanel?I did, yeah.Ā  I, uh–I told her about the job in LA.Ā And what did she say?Ā Uh, at first she was, you know,Ā  a little upset that I kept it from her,Ā  but, um, yeah,Ā  once she got past that, she was actually really supportive.Ā Oh, honey, that’s wonderful.Ā  So did you–Ā I did. Yes, I accepted the job offer.Ā You’re moving to Los Angeles?Ā I know, I know it seems very sudden.Ā Yeah, well, when we last spoke,Ā  you did mention that you needed some space.Ā  I just didn’t think you meant , miles of it.Ā No, Mama, it has nothing to do with that.Ā  Johnny was offered a job, a dream job, in California.Ā Oh, well.Ā  Well, what about-what about Sweet Bits?Ā  I mean, Chanel, baby–Ā  I mean, you–you know, you can’t forgetĀ  that you do have your own career to think of.Ā Yes, and I am thinking of it, and so is Johnny,Ā  which is why I will be starting a Sweet Bits in LA.

Well, that’s, you know, easier said than done,Ā  starting a business.Ā  Chanel, have you thought this through?Ā  I mean, it seems a little impulsive.Ā Mm, who do you think I get that from?Ā What’s that supposed to mean?Ā It means that you’re the oneĀ  who has a habit of acting without thinking.Ā I’m sorry, Abraham, I can’t do that.Ā  It’s nothing personal. I’m just- I’m just trying to do the right thing here.Ā By attacking my wife?Ā  Tarnishing her good name?Ā  She made one- one impulsive decision.Ā  And aside from that,Ā  she has been an outstanding mayor.Ā Ooh, I’ll have to disagree with you there.Ā  Now, I’m not questioning her intellect or her stamina.Ā  It’s her judgment that gives me pause.Ā Why?Ā  Because she fired you as DA?Ā  That’s what this is all about, isn’t it?Ā  Retribution.Ā Nothing to do with that.Ā  Now, I’ll admit initially I wasn’t happyĀ  that I’d been sacked, but who would be?Ā  But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.Ā What do you mean?Ā Well, now that I’ve learned that Jude isĀ  in fact my son,Ā  I’ve had much more time to spend with him,Ā  be a hands-on dad.Ā  Not to mention, I can now devote more attentionĀ  to my role as acting CEO of DiMera.Ā  Although, between you and me,Ā  it won’t be long before that role is officiallyĀ  and permanently mine.Ā [laughs] So I get it.Ā  You finally get everything you want–the corner office,Ā  the assistant who follows you around…Ā  [clicking tongue] Like a little Chihuahua.Ā  You get lunch dates in Brussels with Bezos.Ā  You get all that, and all of a suddenĀ  you lose the desire to help your brother in need.Ā Stefan, I am not the monster.Ā  I am sympathetic to you, to Gabi,Ā  and I would help if I could.Ā  But Shin, he would kick me to the curbĀ  if he found out that I was trying to free the womanĀ  that murdered his beloved son.Ā But she didn’t!I believe you too.Ā  But Shin doesn’t,Ā  and I cannot risk alienating him.Ā  So I am so sorry, little brother,Ā  but my hands are tied.Ā Well, if Clyde said there’s a safety deposit box somewhereĀ  in a bank in Chicago and that has information about Abigail,Ā  what are we doing here?Ā  We’re going to Chicago.Ā At this hour? The banks are closed.Ā Of course.Ā  We’re going tomorrow morning.Ā What do you mean, we?Ā You can’t go alone, darling.Ā  It could be a trap, it could be an ambush.Ā Yeah, which is why I don’t want you involved.Ā  This could be dangerous.Ā You think I’ve never faced a dangerous situationĀ  before in my life?Ā Yeah, not like this.Yes, exactly like this.Ā  I haven’t spent all my years pouring teaĀ  and babysitting, sweetheart.Ā  And my grandmother Alice saved Bo and Hope,Ā  helped them escape from criminals years ago.Ā  Now, if she can do that, I can go to a bankĀ  in Chicago with you in broad daylight.Ā [laughs] All right, but listen.Ā  All right, Clyde could be playing mind games, all right?Ā  This could just be one giant wild goose chase.Ā Still, we have to go.Ā Yeah, we do.Ā  I mean, even if there’s a one in a million chanceĀ  that Abigail is still alive,Ā  we gotta-we gotta take that shot.Ā Daddy?Ā  [intriguing music]

Hey, buddy.Ā  What–what’s up?Ā I couldn’t sleep.Ā Oh.Ā  Did you count sheep?Ā No? How about hippos?Ā No hippos either.Ā  I heard your voice, and I wanted to come see you.Ā Oh, well, hey, man, I’m really glad you did.Ā  I missed you so much.Ā I missed you too.Ā  How was your trip?

It was really good. Yeah.

What kind of stuff did you do?Ā You know, how ’bout–how ’bout I tell you and CharlotteĀ  about it all in the morning okay? I promise.Ā  You gotta go back up and go to bed.Ā Okay.Ā  Can I ask you a question?Ā Sure.Ā Why did you say Mommy is alive?Ā  [enigmatic music]

Mm. I am so–Ā  ooh, I’m so proud of you.Ā Thank you. Thank you.Ā And now that you’ve signed…Ā Yes.Ā Tell me about the movie.[laughs]Ā  Well, I can’t say too much yet,Ā  but I can promise you it has absolutely nothingĀ  to do with devil possession.Ā Oh.[chuckles]Ā I’m gonna miss you teasing me.Ā Well, I can always tease you over a video call, right?Ā No, but it’s–Ā  it’s not the same as in person.Ā No.Ā And as happy as I am for youĀ  and for your wife and your family,Ā  I am gonna miss having you here with me in Salem.Ā I don’t think Paulina’s gonna like it very much either.Ā  I doubt that she will handle the news as well as you have.

I’m sorry. I-I really am.Ā  I didn’t mean to question your judgment.Ā  I’m just so sad to see you leave.Ā I know.Ā  But, Mama, it’s only gonna be a plane ride away.Ā  And it’s not like we haven’t lived apart before.Ā True, true.Ā  But, I mean, well,Ā  maybe you won’t miss me so much as you did in the past.Ā Oh, Mama, why would you say that?Ā Because, well, even though we, you know,Ā  we got close again when you moved to Salem,Ā  all that’s changed because of what I did.Ā  I’ve ruined everything, didn’t I?Ā  [melancholic music]

You have a lot on your plate, EJ.Ā You could say that again.Ā Then why not drop this recall business?Ā  Rescind the petition.Ā No, it’s too late for that.Ā  The petition is already in the hands of the city council.Ā Then you could disavow it.Ā [clicks tongue] I’m afraid I can’t do that.Ā  The people of Salem have spoken.Ā  And I can’t let them down over some personal disagreement.Ā You don’t give a damn about the people of Salem, EJ.Ā  The only thing you’re interested in is stroking yourĀ  ego.Ā [inhales deeply]Ā  With all due respect, Abraham,Ā  I think that is a terribly unfair assessment.Ā Well, I think it’s right on the money.Ā  If your sister Lexie was sittingĀ  where I’m sitting right now…Ā  well–EJ,Ā  Lexie may be gone,Ā  but you and I, we’re still family.Ā  So let me ask you on a personal levelĀ  to stop this attack on Paulina.Ā  [tense music]

What the hell am I supposed to do now, huh?Ā Well, maybe you don’t have to do anything.Ā Oh.Ā  You know what? You’re right.Ā  Because maybe if I just close my eyesĀ  and think happy thoughts,Ā  Gabi’ll walk through her prison barsĀ  and out of the prison gates!Ā I meant maybe Clyde will give up some informationĀ  that proves that his little associate murdered Li.Ā Except he’s not gonna do thatĀ  without getting something major in return.Ā  Rafe has already made it clear he is not making a deal,Ā  not with Weston!Ā Yeah, well, there’s always the Melinda angle.Ā No, no, no, no, no.Ā  I have made that abundantly clear to you.Ā  I am not going to sleep with the DA.Ā  You see this?Mm. Yeah, I do.Ā  It’s already lost its shine.Ā Okay, I resent that.Ā  There is nothing more important to me in this lifeĀ  than my marriage to Gabi.Ā All right, Stefan.Ā  I am sorry that you are going through this,Ā  but this is the best I’ve got.

There’s only one other choice.

And that is?

Go back to plan B, busting Gabi out of prison.Ā [scoffs]Ā We have been over this. Breaking Gabi outta prisonĀ  is a terrible idea.Ā  [sighs]Ā  Look, I have spent more of my life on the runĀ  than I care to imagine.Ā  And trust me, it is no way to live.

Mm.Ā  My wife is locked in prisonĀ  for a crime that she didn’t commit, thinkingĀ  that we are gonna spend the rest of our lives apart.Ā  That is no way to live.Ā  Look at me.Ā  I need my wife to be free.Ā  I will do anything and everything I canĀ  to make sure that happens, even if that meansĀ  I am a fugitive for the rest of my life.

Well…Ā  I guess all I can do is offer you my guidance.

Wow. All you can do, really?Ā  That seems to lie somewhere in between thoughts and prayersĀ  and liking a post on Facebook.Ā Quit your bitching. My God.Ā  Just listen to me, all right?Ā  [sighs]Ā  Now, you said that you had someone workingĀ  on getting Gabi out, correct?Ā Mm-hmm.Ā A’ight.Ā  And now you need to focus on what happens after.Ā What the hell does that even mean?Ā It means I have a grab-and-go kitĀ  in the safe in case of emergencies.Ā Okay, well, given your history,Ā  I guess that tracks.Ā Among other things,Ā  there is a lot of money in there.Ā  It’s yours for the taking.Ā  More importantly, there is a manila envelopeĀ  with a contact sheet.Ā  Now, it has names and numbersĀ  of individuals who will help you- the both of you disappear without a trace.Ā  [mysterious music] Just consider it a parting giftĀ  for you and your beloved, hmm?

Wow. I…Ā  Thank you.Ā  It means the world to me.Ā I wanted to go with Chanel, you know,Ā  to provide some moral support.Ā  But she thought she’d better talk to her mom,Ā  just the two of ’em.Ā Oh.Ā  Are things still strained between the two of them?Ā They are, yes.Ā  Um…Ā  look, Chanel and I, we understandĀ  that Paulina was concerned for her daughter’s safety.Ā  On the other hand, it was a completely reckless decisionĀ  to leave the hospital knowing that her conditionĀ  could put other people in danger.Ā I understand.Ā  But as a mother, I–Ā  I also understand the desire to protect your child.Ā Yeah, well, the irony is,Ā  she not only put her own child’s life at risk,Ā  but also her unborn grandchild’s.Ā Yeah.Ā  Very sad.Ā  And I hope the two of them find their way back together.Ā Mama, you didn’t ruin everything.Ā Sure I did.Ā  And I just hate the idea of you leavingĀ  and things between us going so unresolved.Ā  And I worry, Chanel, that the distanceĀ  will only drive us further apart.Ā No, no, no, no. That is not gonna happen.Ā But you don’t know that.Ā  And, Chanel, my girl, I just–Ā  I’m just so, so sorry.Ā  And I know, I know, I know I keep saying that.Ā  And I know–but, you know, words can’t change the factĀ  that I put other people’s health in jeopardy,Ā  including yours and Johnny’s and that of that precious childĀ  that you’re carrying.Ā  Oh, if I could just turn back time,Ā  I just should’ve made a different choice,Ā  believe me, I would.Ā And what, Mama? Huh?[sighs]Ā If you hadn’t come to my rescue, then, yeah,Ā  you know, maybe I would have been found and saved.Ā  But, well, maybe not.Ā [sniffles]I could be dead right now,Ā  which means that my baby would be too.Ā Yeah. Huh.Ā  Well, I suppose that that–Ā  well, that makes some sense.

So why not look at it from that angle?Ā  Huh?Ā  Is it possible that maybeĀ  you made the right choice after all?Ā Do you really mean that?Ā Well, the doctor did say that at this stageĀ  my baby is, uh- is looking–looking healthy.Ā  And, um, well, while it’s still a little too earlyĀ  to know for sure that nothing is wrong,Ā  I have a really good feeling.Ā  And–so I think that it is timeĀ  that you just stop beating yourself up.Ā  And I also think that it’s time that I forgive you.Ā Really?Ā Really.[gasps]Ā  Oh, my precious girl!Ā  Oh, my darling girl.Ā  [sobs]Ā  [sweet music]I don’t–I don’t- I didn’t say Mommy is alive.Ā Yes, you did.Ā  I heard you.Ā I-I-I think I know what Daddy meant.Ā  Even though we know Abigail is in heaven, sweetheart,Ā  she’s part of our lives every single day.Ā  Because her memory is alive in our hearts.

Yeah. That’s what I said.Ā  Does that make sense?

Yeah, I guess so.

Okay. Well, let’s get back to bed.Ā  I’ll go tuck you in. Come on.Ā  [softly] Thank you.

A little bedtime reading and he’s sound asleep.Ā He is a wonderful boy, but inquisitive.Ā Yeah, gets that from his mother.Ā  I can’t believe it’s the anniversary of her death.Ā Oh, honey.I know, it’s been two years.Ā I can’t believe that.Ā I know.Ā  I miss her so much,Ā  every minute of every day.Ā  And, you know, if I’m honest, just that little sparkĀ  of hope that she might be alive has,Ā  you know, grown into this giant flame.Ā  And I don’t know what I’m gonna doĀ  if this all turns out not to be true, Julie.Ā Okay, okay.Ā  I think I’ve reached my sentimentality quotaĀ  for the day. [laughs]Ā Well, I haven’t, so I just need you to know that this…Ā  I am eternally grateful to you, Kristen.Ā As well as you should be.Ā  Well, I am off to the officeĀ  to start kicking ass and taking names.Ā  [laughs]Ā So I guess this is goodbye.Ā I guess it is, yeah.Ā  I–I’m gonna miss having a ally in this house.Ā We haven’t always been allies.Ā Yeah.Ā  You’re right about that.Ā  I remember when I first met you.Ā [laughs]Yeah.Ā  I was running from the law, and I came to this house,Ā  and, uh, I needed a place to hide.Ā  And you didn’t know me from Adam,Ā  and you still took me in because I was family.Ā Until I eventually sold you out to Sami.Ā [laughs] Yeah.Ā  Double-crossing, backstabbing, it is the DiMera way.Ā [chuckles]Ā Well, it’s nice to have you on my side again.Ā You can thank EJ for that.Ā Oh, yeah.Ā  Speaking of our charming brother,Ā  he is gonna have a conniption when he finds outĀ  who is replacing him at the company.Ā  I imagine I’ll be hearing a lotĀ  of new British expletives. [laughs]Ā I’m sorry I’m gonna miss that.Ā Oh, he is gonna be absolutely dreadfulĀ  for a while, angry and vindictive.Ā  But I think in the end, when the dust clears, he’ll–Ā  he’ll get that it was all for the best.Ā  [gentle music]

Now I wouldn’t characterize this as an attack on Paulina.Ā  I see this as the taxpaying citizens of Salem,Ā  myself included, holding a public servant accountable.Ā  So I’m sorry, Abraham, I can not honor your request.Ā I should have known that appealing to your senseĀ  of family loyalty wouldn’t work.Ā  Let me leave you–Ā  let me leave you with this one thing, EJ–Ā  for you to try to get rid of an outstanding mayorĀ  and human being out of spite…Ā  Shows exactly what kind of man you are.

So Dr. Greene reassured you?

He did. Yeah, yeah.Ā  He said that, uh, the baby’s heartbeat is very strong.Ā [sighs]Ā  I’m so happy for everybody.Ā Yeah, yeah. It’s great.Ā  Um…Ā  you know, I gotta say, Grandma, if I’m being honest,Ā  when we first found out there might be problems,Ā  you know, that–that our baby could be bornĀ  with certain abnormalities,Ā  I wasn’t sure if we should go through with the pregnancy.Ā  But after today, I know that we made the right decision.Ā I’m so glad to hear that.Ā  And I am so excited about having a new grandbaby.Ā Well, he or she is going to be very luckyĀ  to have the best great-grandma anyone could ever ask for.Ā Thanks. That’s very sweet.Ā  And I will be here for you and for ChanelĀ  and for this new baby.

Thank you.

I love you so much.

I love you too. Come here.Ā Oh. Oh, honey.Ā  Mm. Mm.Ā Oh, honey, oh.Ā  You–you just have no idea how much this means to meĀ  that you don’t-you don’t hate me anymore.

What? Hate you?

Mm-hmm.Ā I could never hate you.


Yeah, I was just, you know, upset.Ā  But what you did, well, I know that you did it out of love.

Oh. I did, I did, yes.Ā  Oh, good grief, I haven’t been this emotional since I- ooh, since I sat in the front rowĀ  of an Aretha Franklin concert.Ā  [both laugh]Ā  Oh, the Queen of Soul.Oh, yeah.Ā  I remember that. You were a mess.Ā  [chuckles]

Oh, well.Ā  You know, honey, well, now that you, you know,Ā  found it in your heart to forgive me,Ā  I suppose that that, you know,Ā  it doesn’t affect your decision to move across the country?Ā I was never leaving because of you, Mama.Ā Oh, okay. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure.Ā  I understand that, of course, and I, you know,Ā  I’m not gonna put any pressure on you to stay.Ā  You know, you got your own life,Ā  you know, and I want that.Ā  I want that for you, yes.Ā  But–well, please, well, you know,Ā  you got to–can ask you one favor?

Yeah, of course. What is it?

Well, before you and Johnny hop on that plane, um,Ā  could you- you got to let your mama throw you a going-away party.Ā  You know, no, no, no, nothing crazy,Ā  just a gathering of all the people in Salem who love you,Ā  you know, so you can–you can always remember where home is.Ā Mama, I can never forget that because my heart,Ā  well, a part of it will always be right here with you.Ā  [gentle music]

[cries]Ā I swear I could throttle Clyde WestonĀ  with my bare handsĀ  for what he’s put you through emotionally.Ā  It’s so cruel.Ā Well, it’ll all be over soon.Ā [sighs]Ā Tomorrow we will go to Chicago.Ā  We will walk into that bankĀ  and we will open that safety deposit box.Ā  And we will know, without a shadow of a doubt,Ā  if our Abby is still alive.Ā  [tense music]

Hey, there you are.Ā Here I am.Ā  Mm.Ā  So did you break the news to your grandpa Roman?Ā I did, yes, right after I told my grandma Marlena.Ā  And they both handled it really well.Ā Yeah?Ā They weren’t necessarily happy to see us leaving,Ā  but they were, you know, supportive.Ā  How’d it go with your mom?Ā Uh, it went way better than I imagined.Ā  We talked things through.Ā  And, Johnny, we are–we’re in a really good place now.Ā That’s great. She, uh–what,Ā  she didn’t try to convince you to stay or–Ā Oh, well, you know she did.Ā  I mean, obviously, she’s sad that we’re leaving.Ā  But she understands that it is what’s best for us.Ā Yeah.Ā  [light ambient music]

[door clicks open, keys jingling]

Well, I’m home.Ā  Something wrong?Ā  You’re not back on that- that damn website, are you?Ā No, no, no, no, no, no, no.Ā  It’s nothing like that, no.Ā  [sighs]Ā  Chanel dropped by.Ā  And she and I, Abe, we had this amazing talk.Ā  We made a breakthrough.Ā  She forgave me.Ā  [both laugh]Ā That is wonderful.Ā  I am so happy for you.Ā And, wait, and that’s not all.Ā  Abe, she told me she and Johnny are moving to Los Angeles.Ā What? Why?

Johnny got a great job offer out there to work on a movie.Ā Oh, wow.Ā  I see, I see.Ā  Well, you know what?Ā  We can–we can always go out there to visit.Ā  And they’ll be back here, I’m sure.Ā Yeah, yeah, yeah.Ā  And the important thing to remember is that she- she doesn’t hate me anymore, yeah.Ā [laughs]

Anyway, yeah.Ā  We’re back to being close again.

That is definitely the important thing.

Yeah.Ā  So, oh, so you want to tell me what you were up to tonight?Ā  [enigmatic music]I was, uh…Ā  I was trying to get EJ to back off.Ā Oh.Ā We met.Ā  We talked for a while.


Sorry, Paulina.Ā  EJ refuses to-to stop the recall.

Oh, that vindictiveĀ  silver spoon in the mouth,Ā  son of a- [inhales deeply] Whoo.Ā  But, you know–ooh, you know, I-I hope–no, no.Ā  I know karma is gonna bite that man rightĀ  in the derriere.

Ah. EJ.Ā  I’m glad I ran into you.Ā  Listen, I know that you must be upsetĀ  that things didn’t go your way.Ā  And I hope that there’s no hard feelings.Ā  After all, we are familyĀ  and, uh, we should, uh, support one another.Ā What in God’s name are you nattering on about?Ā Oh.Ā  Mr. Shin didn’t call you?Ā About what?Ā Oh dear.Ā  Well, it appears that I’m the oneĀ  who’s gonna break the news.Ā  [laughs]Ā  Well… [clears throat]Ā  Apparently you’re gonna need to update your rĆ©sumĆ©.

[safe clicks]Bingo.Ā  Okay.Ā  Let’s do this.Ā  Let’s see what you got here.Ā  [suspenseful music]

These are not contacts.Ā  [laughing] Oh, my God.Ā  These are DNA results.Ā  Turns out, EJ, you are not Jude’s father.Ā  [laughs]

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Days Transcript Thursday, June 13, 2024

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Transcript provided by Thane


Ā [crickets chirping]

Wait.Ā Ā  You want to leave Salem and go where?

OK.Ā Ā  You know how I’ve been sending out my rĆ©sumĆ© for film jobs?

Yeah.Ā Ā Well, I wasn’t expecting to hear anything back-Ā  you know, my rĆ©sumĆ© being what it is.Ā Ā  And I certainly wasn’t expectingĀ Ā  to be offered a first AD job on a Peyton Russo movie.Ā Ā What?Yeah.Ā Ā Peyton Russo?Ā Ā  That’s only, like, your favorite director.Ā Ā Yeah, one of my favorites, yeah.Ā Ā Oh my god.Ā Ā  That’s amazing.Ā Ā Yeah.Ā Ā That’s, like, your dream job.Ā Ā The only catch is I have to giveĀ Ā  them an answer by tomorrow, and the job is in LA.Ā Whoa.Ā  Uh, I see.Ā  Hmm.Ā  They didn’t give you much time to think about it, did they?Ā Actually, I’ve known about it for a couple of weeks.Ā What?Ā  And you’re just telling me now?Ā  [tense music]

Ah, there she is.

Yep.Ā  Here I am.Ā I got great news.Ā  Got a new tenant for that vacant room upstairs.Ā Oh. Who?Ā Eric.Ā  He was just here.Ā  He agreed that he needs to move outĀ  of that apartment he shared with Sloan and, uh, Jude.

That’s really good.Ā  It is.Ā  I know that you were still worried.Ā Yeah.Ā  And I know you’re still worried about Lucas.Ā  Any word?Ā My god.Ā  I mean, I just don’t get it, because he contacted me.Ā  He said he was with Harris out in the hinterlands,Ā  searching for Clyde- [sighs] and then nothing, dead silence, which isĀ  a really bad choice of words.

Hey, look.Ā  I’m sure he is just-You’re sure he’s what, having brunchĀ  with a-with an escaped felon?Ā  [sighs] I-he told me not to worry, OK?Ā  He said it was fine.Ā  But I can’t help thinking that somethingĀ  terrible has happened and I might never see him again.

Or he could walk through that door right now.

Oh my- [exhales]

Oh, thank God!Ā  Oh, Chad.

Hi, Julie.Ā  It’s good to see you.Ā I’m so glad you’re back home.Ā The kids asleep?Ā Yeah.Ā  Yeah, I just put them down.Ā  They have been asking about where you are nonstop.Ā  I said you were on an adventure.


I think Thomas could tell I was worried, and-anyway,Ā  he’ll be so happy to see you.

OK.Ā  I’m going to go check on them.

No, wait.Ā  Please, tell me what happened.Ā  Did you find Clyde?Ā Uh, yeah.Ā  Uh, the police did.Ā  And, um-and I- I did have a chance to talk to him.

Well, did he admit to targetingĀ  Abigail that horrible night?Ā  [tense music]Ā Abigail is alive.

Chad?Ā  What did he say?

Clyde.Ā  Been a long time.

Not long enough.

Mm.Ā  Well, there’s something we agree on.Ā  So- the FBI’s field office in HelenaĀ  has decided that Salem PD is goingĀ  to get the first crack at you.Ā [scoffs] Lucky me.Ā [chuckles]Ā  Actually, you’ve run out of luckĀ  because, uh, state-well, it’s adding a whole hostĀ  of new charges, like, um, drug dealing,Ā  attempted murder, breaking out of Statesville.Ā  And then once we’ve figured all that out,Ā  we’re going to send you off to solitary confinementĀ  in supermax, where you can finish up your alreadyĀ  exhaustively long sentence.Ā  But first, I got a few questions for you,Ā  starting with, um, what do you know about Li Shin’s murder?

I want this done ASAP, do you hear me?Ā  No.Ā  Like, now!Ā  [phone beeps]Ā What was that all about?Ā  Food delivery service, uh, screw up your order again?Ā It’s a little more serious than that.Ā Oh.Ā  OK.Ā It’s all happening, Kristen.Ā  I’m busting Gabi out of prison.

[chuckles]Ā  [soft orchestration]Ā  announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,Ā  so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the job right away.Ā But-but what, I’m supposed to be gladĀ  that you’re telling me now?Ā No, that’s not it. I just–Ā What? What?Ā  What was your plan up until right this second?Ā  Were you just going to wait until you got on a flightĀ  to LA and then tell me then?Ā [sighs]Ā Or-or were you going to turn the jobĀ  down and not tell me at all?Ā Yeah, maybe.Ā John Roman DiMera, do you thinkĀ  you know what’s best for me?Ā  For us?Ā No!Ā  That’s not it at all, OK?Ā  There was just already so much going on, right?Ā  With-with the baby, and everything with your mom,Ā  all right?Ā  I just-I didn’t want to add to your stress.Ā No.Ā  I’m sorry, Johnny, but that is a load of crap,Ā  and you know it.

Oh my god.Ā  [laughs] Oh, I was so worried about you.Ā  You never answered my phone calls.Ā Well, I was on a plane, you know.Ā  And I was a little busy trying to captureĀ  Clyde Weston and his henchwoman,Ā  who’s in police custody, by the way, so…Ā OK.Ā  Well, that’s great.Ā  I mean, that is just wonderful news.Ā  I just wish that you had let me know, you know, with a messageĀ  or a text or something, because I kept on picturingĀ  you dead in a ditch.Ā I’m sorry you had to picture that, Mom,Ā  but I had no choice.Ā  The FBI wouldn’t let us do anything.Ā  We had to keep everything on the DLĀ  until Clyde was back here being processed in Salem.Ā OK.Ā  Well, come on, though.Ā  It’s not like you were going to announce it on social mediaĀ  or anything like that.Ā  I mean, I’m your mother.Ā  I think I deserve to know.Ā Kate, he’s safe now.Ā Yeah, there it is. The voice of reason.Ā  My man. Thanks.Ā OK. All right.Ā  You’re right.Ā  I’m going to just stay totally positive with thisĀ  because the truth is, you helpedĀ  Harris capture Clyde, which you said you were going to do.Ā  So per the terms of the deal they offered you,Ā  you’re now a free man, right?Ā [sighs]Ā Li Shin?Ā  Li Shin.Ā  No, that’s not ringing any bells.Ā Oh, come on, Clyde.Ā  You know damn well who Li is.Ā  Gabi’s ex.Ā  She was convicted for his murder.Ā  Come on.Ā  Acting like this is news to you.Ā  You had the goons break my sister’s leg in prison.Ā  Yeah.Ā  Then you threatened her to within an inch of her life,Ā  so you could persuade Stefan to do your damn bidding.Ā Well, that’s quite a tale you’ve spun forĀ  yourself, Commissioner.Ā  What I heard is that she slipped in the shower.Ā  That’s how she broke her leg.Ā  And damn if I haven’t told those guardsĀ  times,Ā  fix those slippery tiles.Ā  I can picture it now–Ā  you know, your sister in the shower.

Shut the hell up, Clyde.Ā So why did she do it anyway, kill her ex?

She didn’t.Ā  She had no motive.Ā  She’s innocent.Ā [laughs] Come on, man.Ā  The last thing your sister is, is innocent.Ā Oh, come on, Clyde.Ā  You know she didn’t do it.

You know Gabi didn’t kill Li.Ā  But I’ll bet you know who did.

[laughs] So you’re going to orchestrateĀ  a prison break for Gabi, huh?Ā That’s what I wanted you to help meĀ  with in the first place, as you well know.Ā  But you thought it would be easier to proveĀ  that Gabi is innocent.Yeah.Ā  Well, it should have been.OK.Ā  As you also well know, DA Trask thinks that little black bookĀ  that we found, that we thought would beĀ  enough evidence to exonerate Gabi-well,Ā  she thinks that it isn’t.Ā  And Rafe could string me along forever.Ā  So I said, you know what? To hell with it all.Ā OK. Hold on, hold on.Ā  I thought Rafe said if-if Clyde Weston was captured,Ā  that he might be able to corroborateĀ  that his man Gil killed Li.Ā Yeah.Ā  Well, you know what?Ā  That’s a pipe dream, Kristen.Ā  Because even if Clyde is caught,Ā  which is a big if, and even if he knows something about Li’sĀ  murder, another big if, what makes you think he wouldĀ  lift a finger to help me?Ā  If he’s captured, I’m the reason he gets convicted.Ā  So why all of a sudden would he decideĀ  to have a change of heart and help Gabi get out of prison?Ā So what, then?Ā  You’re just going to tunnel her out?Ā Figuratively speaking, yeah.Ā Yeah?Ā  And when is this great escape supposed to take place, hmm?Ā It’s already in the works.Ā  My guy says it could be done imminently.Ā  And then Gabi and I will ride off into the sunset,Ā  never to be seen or heard from again.Ā Huh.Ā  Yeah, right.Ā  No, Stefan, I am afraid I can’t let this happen.Ā  [tense music]

Chad, what did Clyde say?Ā OK.Ā  So I accused him of going to the mansionĀ  that night with the sole purpose of killing Abigail.Ā  He didn’t deny it.Ā Oh.Ā  [sighs] Well, we suspected it.Ā  Now we know.There’s more.Ā More?Ā So he may have gone to the mansion that nightĀ  to kill Abigail.Ā  But then in the end–Ā But then what?

Julie–Ā  he said that Abigail is still alive.

I am your wife, Johnny.Ā  We are supposed to be a team.Ā  How could you even think about turning down your dream jobĀ  without talking to me first?Ā Because I’m an idiot, OK?Ā  All right? I’m sorry.Ā  I’m sorry.Ā  I should have told you sooner.Ā  My grandma said the same thing.Ā You told your grandma before telling me?Ā  How many other people know?Ā OK.Ā  Look, Chanel, I’m sorry, OK?Ā  I’m sorry.Ā  I didn’t expect to get this job offer,Ā  a job offer that would require us to move , miles away.Ā  I mean, sure, when it first came in,Ā  I was, like, ecstatic, you know?Ā  I couldn’t believe it.Ā  But then-I panicked.Ā  Salem is our home, you know?Ā  It’s where your bakery is.Ā  It’s where our families are.Ā  We’ve built our lives in Salem.Ā  We’re happy here.Ā  And you are happy here, and that’s all I really want.Ā  I just want to make you happy.Ā  That’s my most important job.

That’s-that’s really sweet, Johnny.Ā  But if you wanted to turn the job down,Ā  you would have done it already.Ā [sighs] Yeah.Ā  And part of me does want to turn it down.Ā But?Ā Part of me doesn’t.Ā  I’m obviously conflicted, which is why youĀ  need to make this decision.

Um, you know what?Ā  I, uh, got some stuff to take care of in the office.Ā  I’ll be back.Ā Why do I get the feeling Roman wouldn’t be too happyĀ  if my sentence was shortened?Ā Oh, if?Ā  If?Ā  Is Harris flaking on you?Ā I don’t know, Mom.Ā  I don’t know where I stand.Ā Why is that?Ā Because Harris is busy.Ā  He’s busy processing Clyde.Ā  He hasn’t told me anything.Ā  I haven’t talked to him since, you know,Ā  this whole thing ended.Ā  Chad-Chad had to fly me home.Ā What was Chad doing there?Ā A long story.Ā  Anyway, I don’t know what’s going to happen with me.Ā  I have no idea.Ā  The more time goes by, I just can only assume the worst.Ā Oh my god.Ā  I don’t know why the hell I ever trusted Harris.Ā Just keep it down.Ā  Keep it down, OK?Ā  We’re in the middle of the pub.Ā  Technically I am still a fugitive, so…Ā OK. You’re right.Ā  You’re right.Ā  We should really get going.Ā  Let’s get you right back into hiding, OK?Ā Clyde said what?Ā That, uh-that Abigail is still alive.Ā Oh, God!Ā Look, I had a gun to his head.Ā  So, you know, he may have said anything to prevent meĀ  from shooting him. I don’t know.Ā You assume it’s a lie?Ā Well, Lucas thinks so, yeah.Ā Well, what the hell do you think?Ā I don’t-I, um–Ā  you know, I think that it probably is.Ā  I do.Ā  Oh, but, Julie, there’s a small part of me that–Ā  that hopes that, um–Ā  that it’s true.Ā  Yeah.Ā Darling.Ā Yeah.Ā [sighs]Ā I didn’t even know your sister’s ex.Ā  How should I know who killed him?Ā Well, Li’s blood was found on your little black book.Ā [chuckles] Well, surely you’re notĀ  accusing me of murder.Ā  I was incarcerated in November, as I’m sure you recall.Ā Oh, right.Ā  Yeah.Ā  But your associate Gil, his bloody fingerprintĀ  was also found on that little black book,Ā  which was hidden at the Bistro,Ā  where he ran your drug operation.Ā Yeah.Ā  But you see, Gil is dead.Ā  Ava Vitali killed him.Ā  Are you not keeping up on the crimesĀ  committed in your jurisdiction, Commissioner?Ā Oh, I am well aware of them.Ā  Thank you.Ā  But since I can’t talk to a dead man,Ā  I figured I’d go right to the top–Ā  to the boss.Ā  So what did Gil tell you about the nightĀ  Li was murdered, hmm?Ā  Any chance that, uh, you could corroborate his guilt?Ā [sighs] Well,Ā  let’s just say I could.Ā  What’s in it for me?Ā  [tense music]

What the hell do you mean, Kristen?Ā  You can’t let me do this?Ā  Gabi is my wife.Ā  I don’t need your permission to help rescue her.Ā Stefan, you and I had an agreement.Ā  I will help you clear Gabi’s name.Ā  You back me up as CEO of DiMera.Ā I backed you, and I am still backing you.Ā OK.Ā  What are you going to do?Ā  You’re going to continue as a fugitive from the law?

I have been planting seeds for months.Ā  It’s practically a done deal.Ā Oh, you know what?Ā  Practically doesn’t work for me.Ā  You waited a long time to pull the trigger on freeing Gabi.Ā  What’s a few more weeks?Ā  You don’t want EJ in the job, do you?Ā Of course not.Ā  But if Clyde is captured, he will go back to makingĀ  Gabi’s life a living hell.Ā  And now that I’ve turned on him, I can’t take that risk.Ā OK.Ā  Well, you might just have to.Ā  Because after everything I have done for Gabi,Ā  I can’t risk you not coming through for me.Ā  So we are at a stalemate here, brother.Ā Not how I see it.Ā [chuckles] All right.Ā  Well, then how about this?Ā  [clears throat] If you insist on going throughĀ  with this idiotic jailbreak plan, I’m going to goĀ  tell your wife that you slept with Ava Vitali.Ā  [tense music]

You want me to make the decision for youĀ  on your job offer?Ā  Johnny, I just got through telling you we’re a team.Ā Yeah, but I’d be uprooting youĀ  from your life for my dream.Ā [sighs]Ā I mean, what if you’re miserable because of me?Ā What, so I’m supposed to crush your dreams?Ā  What if you’re miserable because of me?Ā  [gentle music]Ā  Look, Johnny.Ā  I can bake cookies anywhere, OK?Ā  They have flour and milk and chocolate chips in CaliforniaĀ  too, I assume.Ā  And I mean, Sweet Bits LA, it sounds kind of nice,Ā  don’t you think?Ā Yeah, but–Ā But nothing, OK?Ā  And you know, getting a little further away from MamaĀ  might not be such a bad thing.Ā  So I say if you want the job, I think you should take it.Ā Yeah.Ā  The problem is, I don’t know if I want to take itĀ  for reasons I can’t quite articulate.Ā OK.Ā  Well, try.Ā You know, my-my whole life,Ā  I wanted to be the next Fellini,Ā  which sounds grandiose,Ā  I know.Ā  And it totally is, because I mean,Ā  what have I actually ever done, you know?Ā  A couple of SuperĀ  movies when I was a kid, some demo reels.Ā OK.Ā  So what?Ā  Every great director started out as a dorky kidĀ  with a little camera.Ā Yeah, I know.Ā  But when I actually tried to put something togetherĀ  as an adult, my grandma’s life story, I mean,Ā  the whole project went to hell, literally.Ā Well, you know, maybe that’s what sets you apart.Ā  I mean, how many directors can sayĀ  that the actual devil interferedĀ  with the production?Ā Yeah, I don’t know.Ā  It-it honestly felt more like a sign, you know,Ā  like I was dabbling in somethingĀ  I wasn’t supposed to be.Ā Oh, come on, Johnny.Ā And what if I can’t cut it?Ā  You know, Hollywood is cutthroat.Ā  What if I’m just some spoiled rich kidĀ  with some inflated notion of himself,Ā  completely delusional and pathetic?Ā Where is all this self-doubt coming from?Ā I don’t know.Ā  It’s just-how’d all this happen so fast, you know?Ā  What if I’m not ready?Ā  And now I have you and the baby to think about.Ā  And it’s just, failing on my own, that’s one thing.Ā  But I cannot drag you across the countryĀ  and fail all three of us.

I’m not going back to the monastery.Ā OK.Ā  Well, you just said that–Ā You know what?Ā  Clyde’s going to supermax.Ā  He’s not going to Statesville.Ā  So I’ll be safe if I have to go back to, you know–Ā What, to-to prison?Ā  Because at least the monastery isn’t–Ā It’s not what, prison?Ā  It’s pretty much the same thing, Mom.Ā  I can’t stand that place, all right?Ā  Just an old building with a bunch of guys in old uniforms.Ā  And I’m not going to do it. They cut my hair.Ā  Forget it.Ā  It’s the same thing as being stuck in Statesville.

Oh, really?Ā  How many murderers do you think are in the monastery, Lucas?Ā I don’t know.Ā  Brother Solomon, he seemed to be pretty shifty, that guy.

So you know, I am absolutely not laughing at that.

I have one year left on my sentence.Ā  I might as well go back to Statesville,Ā  like I was supposed to in the first place,Ā  and just do my time, you know?Ā  Might as well pay full price for what I did to Sami.Ā [sighs]Ā The thing is, is Abby- Abby came back to me once before, you know?Ā  And then there’s Stefan.Ā  I mean, his heart is beating in your chest,Ā  and-and yet he’s alive and well, walking around.

Well, do you think it’s possible Dr. RolfĀ  saved Abigail?Ā I don’t know.Ā  I don’t know what to think, OK?Ā  I just know that I can’t sit around here and wonder,Ā  you know, what if?Ā  It’s going to-it’s going to drive me crazy.Ā  [sighs] I need to go to the station,Ā  and I need to talk to Clyde.Ā  And I need to figure out if there’s more.

Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

OK.Ā  But I need you to do me a favor.Ā  Please don’t bring this up to Jack or Jennifer, OK?Ā  I don’t want to get their hopes up if it’s-if it’s nothing,Ā  you know?Of course.Ā  I won’t say a word, darling.Ā  I won’t.Ā OK.Ā Oh my god.Ā  [exhales]Ā You do remember cheating on your wife, don’t you?Ā That was one time.Ā  And I was very drunk.Oh.Ā  Oh, drunk, OK.Ā  Well, I guess it’s no big deal, then.Ā  I’m sure that Gabi will be very forgivingĀ  when she finds out that, uh,Ā  you and Ava had been tying one on.Ā  [tense music]Ā Damn it, Kristen.Ā  You said you would keep my secret.Ā Well, yeah.Ā  But that was then, and this is now.Ā  And peacetime promises, well, they can be tenuous at best.Ā Mm.Ā  So are you declaring war?Ā With you?Ā  Mm.Ā  No, of course not.Ā  I’m at war with EJ.Ā  Yeah, a cold war that is simmering to a boil.Ā  So you need to decide which side you are on.Ā  And let me just say this.Ā  If, um, Gabi does find out what happened between youĀ  and the ex-mafia princess, I am sure that she’dĀ  prefer a Statesville cot to your marital bed.Ā  So I think you really need to rethink your plan, brother.

I mean, you know I can’t make chargesĀ  like these just go away after everything you’ve done.Ā Then why should I help you?Oh.Ā  So you do know something.Ā I didn’t say that–Ā  not explicitly.Ā  [tense music]Ā  Tell me, why isn’t a bloody fingerprint on the bookĀ  enough to overturn Gabi’s conviction?Ā That’s a good question.Ā Well, that’s a damn shame.Ā  Let’s just say Gil did tell me something.Ā  Now, just to be clear, there wouldĀ  have to be something in it for me in order for meĀ  to testify to that.Ā  And just so you know, I would graciouslyĀ  accept anything you could do for me, evenĀ  outside the confines of the law.

Oh, you’re a real piece of work.Ā Oh, give me a break.Ā  You covered up Stefano DiMera’s murder for Hope Brady.Ā  You’re telling me you wouldn’t do the same thingĀ  for your own flesh and blood?Ā  Hmm?Ā  What kind of a brother are you?

You hang tight.Ā  I’ll be back.

Think about what I said.

[chuckles]Ā  Yeah.

You are not going to fail, Johnny.Ā  You are so talented.Ā You don’t know that.No?Ā  OK.Ā  Well, tell me this.Ā  Um, do you think that I am a good baker?

Of course.

OK.Ā  Well, how do you know?Ā  You don’t know anything about baking.

No, but I’m an expert eater.

Mm.Ā I’ve been doing it my whole life.Ā OK.Ā  And I know movies.Ā  I’ve been watching them my whole life.Ā  And I’ve read stuff that you’ve written, and I’ve- I’ve watched things that you’ve directed.Ā  And Johnny, you are a rock star.Ā  And if things don’t work out, then at least you know youĀ  gave it your best shot, right?Ā Yeah, I guess.

Yeah.Ā  And if for some reason this job doesn’t work out,Ā  then we can always come back to Salem.Ā  Yeah?Ā  Whatever you decide, I’m with you.Ā  And I also heard that Chris PrattĀ  was in that, um, Russo movie.Ā  So if that is the one that you are working on, then whew,Ā  I am going to be fangirling all day long.

OK. All right.Ā  Well, thank you for the warning.Ā And there’s-there’s also, what, Malibu,Ā  Rodeo Drive, endless summer.Ā  What’s not to love about LA?Ā  Not to mention all those movie theaters with old-ass moviesĀ  and long, eight-hour cuts that nobody’s ever seen of moviesĀ  nobody’s ever heard of- and even longer Q&As afterwards.

You know me too well.

And I will happily follow you to the ends of the Earth,Ā  because your dreams are our dreams now.Ā  [gentle music]

Mm.Ā  So what’s it going to be, Stefan?Ā  Are you going to rethink your master plan,Ā  or do I have to give Gabi the bad news?Ā What about Gabi?Ā Uh, we were just discussing how we were going to tell herĀ  that we’ve hit a dead end as far as tryingĀ  to get her out of Statesville.Ā Well, that’s actually why I’m here.Ā  I have some news on that front.Ā  [tense music]Ā Where’s Lucas?Ā Well, he went to say goodbye to Julie.Ā Goodbye?Ā Yes.Ā  Because he hasn’t heard from Harris,Ā  so he’s assuming that he will beĀ  going back to Statesville to serve outĀ  the rest of his sentence.Ā I am sorry to hear that.Ā Really?Ā Oh, Lucas.Ā  You have been in my prayers every single day.Ā Thank you. Thank you, Julie.Ā  I appreciate it.Ā What’s happened?Ā  I mean, you were out before on some special dispensationĀ  in disguise, but this time you’re not.Ā  Does that mean that you’re free and clear now?Ā I’m not too sure about that.Ā Oh, gosh.Ā  Well, then it must be a risk coming to see me.Ā It was.Ā  It was.Ā  But there’s no way I’m going back to prisonĀ  without saying goodbye to you first.Ā [clicks tongue]Ā [laughs] Well, look at who’s here.Ā  The commissioner sent you in to have a little chat with me?Ā  [tense music]

[sighs] You and I never finished our conversation.

You need to start talking.

Or else what?

Thank you for believing in me, Chanel.Ā Of course.Ā  This baby and I are here for you %, no matter what.Ā Right back at you.Ā And, Johnny, I’m sorry that I got a little bit salty before.Ā No.Ā  No, that’s OK.Ā  You were, uh-you were right to be upset.Ā  I don’t know why I didn’t tell you about the jobĀ  offer sooner.

So-what are you thinking now?

[sighs]Ā Kate, why would you ask me if I am really sorry LucasĀ  is going back to prison?Ā  He’s my stepson.Ā  I want what’s best for him.Ā  I supported him through this whole damn thing, Kate.

I know.Ā  You did.Ā  And you went above and beyond,Ā  and I’m grateful to you for that.Ā  But, Roman, honestly, in your heart of hearts, I- I believe that you want Lucas to serve out his termĀ  for what he did to Sami.Ā Kate, we have been through this, all right?Ā  I told you, I think Lucas learned his lesson.Ā  I don’t think he’ll make those mistakes again.Ā Well, God knows that’s true.

Bottom line is, Harris Michaels promised results.Ā  Lucas did his part, and I think it would be wrongĀ  if Harris left him out to dry.

Chad gave me the impression that youĀ  helped the police find Clyde.Ā  Does that have something to do withĀ  your special dispensation?Ā I probably shouldn’t say too much, you know?

OK, OK. I understand.Ā  Please, tell me, what do you thinkĀ  of what-what Clyde said about Abigail,Ā  about Abigail being alive?Ā  Chad shared that with me.Ā  I’m not going to say anything to anybody but you.Ā  He also said that you didn’t think it was possible.Ā  Now, did you just say that, I’m wondering, because you didn’tĀ  want to get his hopes up?Ā  What do you really think?Ā  Do you think it’s true she could be alive?Ā Julie, I wish-I wish it was true.Ā  I just-I don’t know.Ā  I mean, I don’t know how it’s possible.Ā  Do you?


So Clyde’s not speaking.Ā  [phone rings]Ā  Shocking.

Um, if you’ll excuse me.


Don’t give up hope, all right?Ā  Listen.Ā  Listen to me.Ā  We have Clyde in custody.Ā  I’m convinced that he knows something.Ā OK.Ā  So whatever it is, whatever he wants, it’s-it’s got to beĀ  worth getting Gabi back home.

This reminds me of aĀ  little yapping dog runningĀ  in circles around a predator.Ā How could it be possible that my wife is still alive, Clyde?Ā  Because that nightĀ  I found her in our bedĀ  bleeding out,Ā  barely able to whisper my name.

You know, when I close my eyes, I can see her.

Her face is pale.Ā  She’s so cold.Ā  And I can feel her slipping away.

When I was at the hospital, I was covered in her blood.Ā  But still, I cling to hope.

But then Kayla comes walking out.Ā  She tells me that my wife is dead, that there’sĀ  nothing she could do–Ā  not her, not Rolf, no one.

So she took me back to go see her body.

Do you want to know what I did, Clyde?

I held her.

I touched her.

I kissed her.Ā  And I said goodbye to the love of my lifeĀ  and the mother of my children.Ā  But then you drop a bomb on me.

If she is alive,Ā  how is that possible, Clyde?

Please tell me, hmm?Ā  How is that possible?Ā  [inhales sharply]

Thank you, Mr. Russo.Ā  Yeah, Peyton.Ā  Peyton, of course, yes.Ā  Uh, I will.Ā  I will.Ā  Yeah, I’m very excited, yes.Ā  OK.Ā  Uh, I can’t wait.Ā  I will, um-I’ll see you soon.Ā  [phone beeps]Ā  No big deal.Ā  Just my new friend, Peyton Russo.

Ah!Ā  Oh my god, Johnny!Ā  This is amazing.Ā  Oh!Ā  I am so proud of you.Ā His lawyer needs to call my agent, which I don’t have.

OK.Ā  Well, soon you’re going to be beating them off with sticks.

Pinch me.

[chuckles] Well, actually, I had something else in mind.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah.Ā  It occurs to me that we just had our first major fightĀ  as a married couple.Ā Mm-hmm.Ā And so we’d better get home fast so we can make up.

Mm, works for me.


Aunt Marie, I’m just so worried about Maggie.Ā  Well, I told her.Ā  I told her not to trust that guy, but she wouldn’t listen.Ā  [sighs] Yeah, the whole family could use some good news.Ā  How true.Ā  No.Ā  No, I haven’t.Ā  And I cannot understand how my grandparents could have putĀ  together this time capsule and neverĀ  said a word about it to a single member of the family.Ā  Yeah.Ā  Well, let alone what’s inside.Ā  [chuckles] No.Ā  No, I’m determined.Ā  Yes, I’m going to find out what’s in the time capsuleĀ  if it’s the last thing I do.Ā  [laughs]Ā [sighs] Well, I said my goodbyes to Julie.Ā  So if you guys have an out-of-the-way placeĀ  for me to stay while I wait to hear from Harris,Ā  I’d appreciate it.Ā You don’t have to do that.Ā  I pulled some strings with my ISA pals, tracked him down.Ā  So I get to be the one to officially tell you both,Ā  Harris just finalized the terms of your deal.Ā  So, Lucas, for you being part of the captureĀ  of the fugitive Clyde Weston, the remainder of your sentenceĀ  has been officially commuted.

Oh my god.Ā  So that means–

Lucas, you’re a free man.

Oh, yes!

Oh my god.

Yes, yes, yes!Ā  Finally.Ā [laughs] Oh.Ā  Oh.Ā Look, Stefan.Ā  I’m sorry, but my hands are tied here.Ā Really?Ā  So that’s it?Ā  You’re just going to pack it in?Ā  You’re not going to move heaven and Earth to help your sister?Ā Look, I cannot do this, OK?Ā  I cannot give up anything to Clyde Weston, OK?Ā  I would be sacrificing the safety of everyoneĀ  in this town and beyond.Ā  But maybe if you had an idea- [suspenseful music]Ā What does that mean?

It means that maybe if you had an idea of how youĀ  could move heaven and Earth–

So you’re saying if, um, I chose to go the,Ā  uh, DiMera route, you’d be willing to look the other way?

I’ve got to get back to the station.Ā All right.All right.

Hey.Ā  Rafe’s already gone?Ā Yeah.Ā  Yeah, there’s nothing he can do.Ā  He’s-he’s not willing to, um, accept any sort of dealĀ  as far as Clyde is concerned.Ā  So I’ll tell you what.Ā  I will shelve my idea to get Gabi out of prisonĀ  for now if you help me get more evidence.Ā Yeah, sorry.Ā  There’s been, uh, a change of plans.Ā  I won’t be helping you anymore.

Uh, would you mind, uh,Ā  backing up a little, please?Ā  Thanks.Ā  I-kind of liked it better whenĀ  you were playing a strong guy.Ā  This is just sad, you know.Ā  Uh, takes all the fun out of it.

Answer me, please.Ā  [somber music]

Before I do, you have to show me that youĀ  can do something for meĀ  to, um, better my current situation.Ā And how am I supposed to do that?Ā [chuckles] Chad, you’re a DiMera.Ā  You’ll figure something out.


OK.Ā  But how the hell am I even supposed to believe you?Ā  I’m not doing anything for you.Ā  I can’t trust a word that you say.

Then why are you here?

OK.Ā  Tell me this, then.Ā  If Abigail is still alive, why wouldĀ  you go down for her murder?


[sighs]Ā  It’s only a fool that goes for the quick return.Ā  A wise man plays the long game with an ace up his sleeveĀ  knowing the exact time he should play it.

OK. Well, now’s the time, then,Ā  to show me your cards.Ā  I’ve shown you mine.

All right.Ā  Then listen up, because I’m about to giveĀ  you something big.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Ā  [soft music]

Well, I was going to ask how are you doing,Ā Ā  but your face gave it away.

That obvious, huh?

God, I’m sorry, son.Ā Ā  Any word from the police on the search for Sloan?

No.Ā Ā  She’s in the winds, and she took offĀ Ā  from the DiMera mansion.Ā Ā God, the thought of her up to her room and freeĀ Ā  after what she did to you and Nicole.Ā Ā Yeah, she didn’t hit me in the back of the headĀ Ā  like she did EJ.Oh, yeah.Ā Ā  Man, he’s got to be out for blood.Ā Ā  I still can’t-still can’t believeĀ Ā  that she got to jump on him like that.

Several weeks after Mayor Price left the hospitalĀ Ā  while undergoing radiation treatment, questions remainĀ  about the health of those she exposedĀ  on her ill-timed joyride. [gasps]Ā  And now some members of the publicĀ  are beginning to ask questions about her fitness for office.Ā  Questions indeed, Jude.Ā  Well, your father knows the answer.Ā  Paulina Price needs to step down as mayor,Ā  or better yet, be forcibly removed.Ā  [baby cooing]

Is that a fact?

[clears throat]

Oh.Ā  Oh.Ā  Ooh.Ā Paulina?Ā  What–what is it?Ā Oh, Abe.Ā  Oh, I–Ā  oh, I had a terrible nightmare.Ā  Oh.

Sweetheart, do you want to talk about it?Ā Was the radiation.Ā  It turned me into this -foot-tall woman,Ā  and I was just rampaging through the streets of Salem.Ā  People were just running away and screamingĀ  like I was this horrible monster.Ā  And I tore the roof off of Sweet BitsĀ  and poured Chanel’s whole inventory down my gullet.

Oh, my.

And the worst part of it,Ā  that wasn’t the first time I had the dream.

Well, how many times have you had it?Ā Oh, just about every night since I left the hospital.Ā  And now it’s happening in the daytime too.Ā Well, big problems call for big solutions.Ā  This sounds like a job for Dr. Marlena Evans.

[birds chirping]

John, I can barely hear you.Ā  Yeah, I–is your flight on time?Ā  T–oh–oh, good.Ā  Oh, good.Ā  OK, there it is.Ā  Well, I can hardly wait to see you.Ā  Yeah, I know.Ā  Honey, call me when you land.Ā  OK. Love you.Ā  Bye.Ā  [ominous music]




Hey. Do you have a second?

For you, anything.Ā  Come on in. What a nice surprise.Ā What’s with the card?Ā Oh, nothing at all.Ā  Tell me, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?

I am meeting Chanel here for an appointment.Ā Oh.Ā  Everything all right with the baby?

Yeah. So far so good.Ā  I actually wanted to stop by and talk to youĀ  about something, maybe get some of your advice.

OK.Ā  About what?Ā Oh, just my whole future.Ā  [chuckles]

Paying Price for Radioactive Ride?Ā  I have to say, the writing has gotten a lot sharper lately,Ā  even without Lady Whistleblower.Ā  Perhaps her eloquence has spurred theseĀ  so-called journalists to up their shame game.

Excuse me, can I ask you a favor?

I’m sorry, I don’t do favor- of course. How can I help?Ā  [soft orchestration]Ā  announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,Ā  so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So what is this favor you need?Ā  Anything you want within reason.Ā  I mean, there are certain thingsĀ  I won’t do with a stranger.Ā  But in your case, I might be willing to make an exception.Ā Oh, that’s very generous.Ā  Are you going to drink that?Ā My water?Ā Sorry, I know, odd request.Ā  But I just got done with a runĀ  and I forgot my water bottle.Ā Not like you could hide one in those little shorts,Ā  I suppose.Ā Right.Ā  You know what?Ā  Never mind.Ā  I’m just going to grab one from the bakery.Ā No. No. Don’t. Go ahead. Take it.Ā You sure?Yes. Drink up.Ā  I haven’t even touched you-it.Ā Thank you.Ā  Oops. [both laugh]Ā Oops.Ā Oh, thanks again.Ā Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.Ā  OK, this is going to seem kind of random,Ā  but I was just wondering,Ā  would you want to go out sometime?

So I mean, this producer basically offered meĀ  a job at his company.Ā  Only, if I take it–Ā You’d have to move to Los Angeles.Ā Yeah. Like, now.Ā Wow.Ā  I–I didn’t even know you were considering this.Ā Yeah, that’s the thing. Chanel doesn’t know either.

You haven’t told her?Ā Not yet.Ā May I ask why?Ā It–it’s just–Ā  that would be asking Chanel to leave her business,Ā  OK, her family, her home.Ā  It just doesn’t seem like a fair thing to ask somebody.Ā Are you considering turning down the jobĀ  without even discussing it with her?Ā Look, as great as this whole thing sounds, it’s just, I–Ā  I don’t want Chanel to feel like I’m asking herĀ  to make this sacrifice for me.Ā  And–and with the baby on the way and all the health issuesĀ  she’s–she’s just dealt with, it’s just–Ā  it’s a–it’s a lot.Ā Mm-hmm.Ā  How do you think she’s going to feelĀ  if she finds out you turned down the jobĀ  and never mentioned it?

But maybe–maybe she wouldn’t think of it as a sacrifice.Ā  Maybe–maybe she might even wantĀ  to make a sacrifice like that.Ā Yeah.Ā  Yeah, you’re right. You’re right.Ā  I’m going to talk to her.Ā Good.Ā  Soon?Ā Yes, soon, OK?Ā  But–but you still haven’t told meĀ  what–what you think.Ā You mean about the job?Ā Yeah.Ā  You think I should consider it?Ā Well, yes, I think you should consider the job, absolutely.Ā  Now, selfishly, I–Ā  I’d like to keep you right here in Salem.Ā Yeah.Ā And especially after what happened with Jude.

Yeah.Ā  It was shocking to see EJ just lying there after SloanĀ  hit him in the back of the head.Ā Yeah, under normal circumstances,Ā  that would be a welcome sight.Ā Not this time.Ā No, I still can’t believe it.Ā  That Sloan just helped herself to EJ and Nicole’s baby.Ā  I mean, how do you come up with something that insane?Ā Desperate people do desperate things.Ā Yeah. Again, son, I’m so sorry.Ā  I–I know how much you love that little guy.Ā Dad, he was my son.Ā  And I lost him.Ā  Dad, I’ve never felt pain like this.Ā Hello, Chanel.Ā  I was just reading some of the day’s news to my son.Ā Yeah, and getting a huge kick out of it.Ā  Apparently, you feel the same way about my momĀ  as “The Spectator” does.Ā It’s true.Ā  I want your mother out as Salem’s mayor,Ā  but only because I am outraged on your behalf.Ā My behalf?Ā You’re my daughter-in-law.Ā  And Paulina recklessly exposed you and my unborn grandchildĀ  to dangerous levels of radiation.Ā  Aren’t you furious yourself?Ā OK, well, I’m not exactly happy about it.Ā  But at the same time, I don’t completelyĀ  blame my mother for it.Ā Who else would you blame?Ā She didn’t even know that I was pregnant.Ā  And when she left the hospital, she did it becauseĀ  she was trying to save my life.Ā  My mother would never do anythingĀ  to intentionally harm me, or my baby,Ā  or put us in danger.Ā While I admire your mother’s resolve,Ā  I believe it showed a serious lack of judgment.Ā  And her dangerous actions need to be answered for.Ā She needs to answer for what she did to meĀ  or for what she did to you?Ā Me.Ā She fired you as DA.Ā  So is this really about protecting your grandchildĀ  or is this about you trying to get payback?

Look, just so you know,Ā  I’m not in the habit of asking out strangers,Ā  at least not recently.Ā  See, I was in this long term relationship that ended and–Ā I’m sorry to hear that.Oh, thanks.Ā  Anyway, now I find myself picking up the pieces.Ā  You know, putting myself back out there,Ā  single and ready to twinkle.Ā  And here you are, thirsty… [chuckles]Ā  For water. So, dinner?Ā Look, you seem like a really nice guy,Ā  and you saved me from heat stroke.Ā  But I’m not gay.Ā Really?Ā  Are you sure?Ā Last time I checked.Ā Huh.Ā  Wow, I’m–I’m usually–Ā  I’m usually really good at sussing these things out.Ā  Are you really sure?Ā I’m really sure.Ā  And I’m also really flattered–Ā I know. I know.Ā  Not that there’s anything wrong with it.Ā  Your father’s gay. Your best friend is gay.Ā  I’ve heard it all before.Ā Thank you, again, for the water.Ā  Maybe I’ll see you around?Ā Yeah, maybe.

I’m really sorry about Jude, Grandma.Ā  I know how much you loved him.Ā Thanks.Ā  It really is Eric I’m most worried about.Ā Yeah.Ā  Yeah, I mean, I saw my dad and Nicole go through,Ā  you know, pretty much the same thing.Ā It’s not the same thing.Ā  They thought their baby was dead.Ā And now Eric has to watch him grow up with someone elseĀ  as his father.Ā  Oh, wow. I feel awful for him.Ā  I feel awful for the whole family.Ā  But at the same time, I–Ā  I’m–I’m happy for my dad and Nicole.Ā  Is that wrong to say?Ā No, that’s not wrong.Ā  And honey, Jude is exactly where he is meant to be.Ā  I’m just so sorry that Eric has to pay the price for it.Ā Yeah.Ā  Well, speaking of babies,Ā  I’m going to be late for my appointment.Ā I’m so glad you stopped by.Ā Me too.Ā And I hope everything goes well for the three of you.Ā Thanks.Ā Johnny?Ā Ah, yes, I will tell Chanel about the job, I promise.Ā That’s my boy.OK.Ā  Thank you.Ā My door is always open to you, you know that.

both: Muah.Well, see you.Ā Yes.

All right, there you go.Ā Oh.Ā  You know I’m always happy to talk to Marlena,Ā  but I’ll pass for now.Ā So you don’t want me to schedule something?Ā I mean, you don’t exactly have to be Dr. FreudĀ  or even Dr. Evans to figure out why I’m dreaming aboutĀ  destroying the whole town.Ā You’re feeling guilty.Ā Heck yes I’m feeling guilty.Ā  I exposed my pregnant daughter to radiation,Ā  and Julie and Johnny too.Ā Well, you didn’t want to do that.Ā Tell that to them.Ā You know, after their tests, including Chanel and the baby,Ā  it–it came back fine.Ā For now.Ā  But that doesn’t stop me from worrying.Ā  Oh, what–what if it takes time to show up?Ā  And what if-what if it gets worseĀ  and there’s something really wrong?Ā Kayla didn’t say that she was worried about that, did she?Ā No, but there’s always a possibility.Ā  I radiated my daughter.Ā  And on top of that, Chanel and I aren’t in the best placeĀ  right now.Ā Well, you two have been through rough patches before.

We have.Ā  But if it turns out that something happenedĀ  to her and her baby because of me,Ā  I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself.Ā What happened between your mother and meĀ  was just business.Ā And you didn’t take it personally?Ā My only concern is you and the child.Ā Well, me and the baby are doing just fine.Ā Are you sure?Ā Johnny and I have a follow-up appointment today,Ā  and according to my latest test results, everything is fine.Ā  And the radiation hasn’t affected the baby.Ā Well, I certainly hope that’s true.Ā  Because if there is any cause for concern,Ā  there are still options at this stage.Ā Yes, I am well aware of the options, OK?Ā  But I am having this baby.Ā  It is what Johnny and I both want.Ā Well, I’m glad to hear that.Ā Are you?Ā Of course.Ā  I couldn’t be more excited with this addition to the family.Ā  And this little guy cannot wait to become an uncle.Ā  Eh?Ā Uncle Jude, huh? [laughs]Ā Yes, well, that’s the name Eric gave him.Ā Are you thinking about changing it?Ā It’s certainly within my rights.

Do you have a problem with that?Ā No. No, no, no, of course not.Ā  You are his father, so yeah.Ā  I just–I feel terrible for Eric.Ā  He must be devastated.Ā Yes, well, it was a hard time for everyone.Ā  But thankfully, this little guyĀ  is right where he belongs, with Nicole and me,Ā  his real parents.

[sighs] Damn it, son.Ā  Just…Ā  it just kills me to see you hurting like this.

Hardest part is, Dad,Ā  it didn’t feel real.Ā  You know, when I see Jude and–Ā  and Nicole and EJ in their arms, I just–Ā  in my heart, he’s still my son.Ā Listen to me. You know what?Ā  We’re going to figure a way to get past this, to heal,Ā  same way we always do, as a family.Ā [sniffles]

Thanks, Dad. I appreciate that.Ā  Tell you what. I’m going to–Ā  I’m going to go to the back, grab some food,Ā  and go home, OK?Ā Yeah. You know what?Ā  You over there in that apartment by yourself,Ā  that can’t be making things easier.Ā [sighs] You’re not wrong there.Ā OK.Ā  Come back here.Ā  Start over. Give yourself a break.Ā  Might do you some good until you figure things out.

[sighs]Ā  You know, you’re probably right.Ā Yeah?Ā Yeah.OK.Ā  Great.Yeah.Ā All right.Ā  Do you want me to help you move your stuff?Ā You know what, I’m going to let you know.Ā  There’s a stop I need to make first.Ā OK.You gave me a good idea.Ā All right.

[dramatic music]Ā Dr. Evans, thank God you’re here.Ā Leo, what’s going on?Ā I need your help, desperately.

Need a refill?Ā Oh, no, thank you.Ā  I’m feeling better.Ā Well, good. Good. [phone rings]Ā  Oh.Ā  Abe Carver.Ā  Hey. [laughs]Ā  Hello, Reuben.Ā  How you doing?Ā  [soft tense music]Ā  No. No, I–I–Ā  I hadn’t heard.Ā  Oh.Ā  All right. Reuben, thanks for the call.Ā  I appreciate the heads-up.Ā What was that about?

Oh, it was–it was nothing for you to worry about.

Abraham, you know I can tellĀ  when you’re hiding something from me.Ā  Out with it. Come on now.Ā Everything-everything’s fine.Ā  Everything’s fine.Ā  That was my friend, Reuben.Ā The one on the city council?Ā That’s right.Ā  He–well, he called to give me a warning.

Warn you?Ā  About what?

It seems that there’s a- there’s been a petition filed to recall you as mayor.

Hey.Hey.Ā Sorry. Am I late?Ā Just a little.Ā OK. Well, I’m sorry.Ā  I–I stopped by to say hello to my grandmother.Ā Oh, it’s–it’s fine. They just brought me in here.Ā  I actually got a little delayed myself.Ā Oh, by what?Ā I had an interesting chat with your father.Ā Good interesting or bad interesting?Ā Let’s just say we kind of got into it about the baby,Ā  and about my mom, and he is less than happyĀ  with her right now.Ā Is that all?Ā Oh, yeah, and he also wanted to talk to me aboutĀ  our options.

You mean about the baby? [scoffs]Ā  Damn it. Why does he do this?Ā  OK. I am–Ā  I am sorry.Ā It doesn’t matter, OK?Ā No, it does matter, and I’m going to talk to him.Ā What?Ā  You don’t think I can take care of myself?Ā Oh, no, believe me.Ā  I know that you can take care of yourself.Ā  It’s just that sometimes where there’s DiMeras concerned,Ā  reinforcement is useful.

OK. And you are probably right.Ā  But just don’t worry about it, OK?Ā  Just–it doesn’t matter.Ā If you say so.Ā Mm-hmm.Ā  And how is it that we’re late, and Kayla still isn’t here?Ā Uh, you know, she’s probably just with another patient.Ā  But hey, while we have a minute,Ā  there was something that I wanted to talk to you about.

I hope I wasn’t too defensive with ChanelĀ  about being your father.Ā  [baby cooing]Ā  But I just want the world to know that you are mineĀ  now and forever.Ā  However, there is such a thing as protesting too much.Ā  [baby cooing]Ā  But I have nothing to prove.Ā  With Sloan gone and Melinda Trask sworn to secrecy,Ā  no one will ever know the truth about your paternity,Ā  especially Nicole.Ā  Because if she or Eric found out,Ā  I would certainly lose you.Ā  And I would surely lose Nicole to Eric.

If you’re here to see Nicole, she’s still at work.Ā I know, I saw her earlier.Ā And I just put the baby to sleep,Ā  and I don’t want to wake him, so…Ā I understand. I won’t be long.Ā  I just–I need to talk to you.Ā About what?Ā I need a lawyer, EJ, to help me get a divorce from Sloan.Ā  [soft dramatic music]Ā And of all the lawyers you know in the world,Ā  you come to me.Ā  What about your sister, Belle, or Justin?Ā Justin is dealing with a family matter.Ā  Belle and Shawn are working on their marriage.Ā There’s always a Google search.Ā Yeah, and I could get some random attorney.Ā  But some random attorneyĀ  will not hate Sloan the way I doĀ  or the way you do.Ā With good reason.Ā Yeah.Ā  Sloan stole your son.Ā  I assume you’d want to get back at her as much as I do.

I see.

Am I wrong?Ā No, you’re not.Ā Then you’ll take my case?Ā I will.Ā  It seems our situation has made us strange bedfellows.Ā My only question is, do we have to wait to find SloanĀ  before we file proceedings?

No, actually. There’s a way around that.

So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?

Well, there is something I was discussing…Ā  [clears throat] With my grandmother.Ā Hello there, Ms. DiMera.Ā  Sorry to keep you waiting.Oh, that’s OK.Ā I see you’re here for a follow-upĀ  after radiation exposure?Ā  And you’re also nine weeks pregnant.Ā  Is that correct?

I’m sorry, I thought we were seeing Dr. Johnson today?

She got called away on an emergency,Ā  so I’ll be stepping in for her.Ā  I’m Dr. Greene, three E’s.Ā Oh, Greene.Ā  Any relation to Felicity Greene?Ā Yeah, she’s my sister.Ā Oh, my God, I love her.Ā  She comes into the bakery all the time,Ā  and she’s like practically my apprentice.

Of course.Ā  Chanel, I should have realized.Ā  Felicity talks about you all the time.Ā She’s awesome.Ā Well, she loves spending time with you.Ā  She says it’s like the most fun she ever has.Ā Oh, that is a mutual feeling, and I- your sister, she’s just so great.Ā Yeah, well, I think so too.Ā And I’m Johnny. I’m her husband.Ā Nice to meet you, Johnny.Ā  Well, Chanel, let’s see how you and your baby are doing.

Leo, what kind of help do you need?Ā Mental health help, of course.Ā  My brain needs major fixing.Ā  But then so does my heart.Ā Well, cardiology is one floor up.Ā  And as far as your brain, you can make an appointment.Ā No, no, no. Dr. Evans, this cannot wait.Ā  Please, everybody says you are the greatest shrinkĀ  in all of Salem.Ā  Not that I know of any others, but my point is,Ā  I can pay cash.Ā  And clearly, you’re not with a patient right now.Ā Normally, this always goes through insurance.Ā  And I am going through a number of case files.Ā OK. I know. I know.Ā  You–you don’t like me because of what happenedĀ  with your grandson, Will.Ā  But if anyone had a reason to hold a grudge,Ā  it was yours truly.Ā  That guy rolled me up in a dusty old rugĀ  and left me for dead.Ā  Honestly, I would think that you might want to make amendsĀ  on behalf of your family.Ā So you’re not going to go awayĀ  until I agree to help you?Ā Probably not.Ā  Look, I am a mess, OK?Ā  That’s why I’m here.Ā  Earlier today…Ā  oh, I can’t even get the words out.Ā  I hit on a straight man.Ā  Look, I know, I tend to flirt pretty, you know,Ā  indiscriminately, somewhat compulsively actually,Ā  but that’s just because I’m wildly insecureĀ  and constantly trying to get people to see that I’m–Ā  I’m–I’m adorable and worthy of love.Ā Wow, that is psychologically astute.Ā Well, I read a lot of self-help booksĀ  and listen to mental health podcastsĀ  pretty much around the clock.Ā  My favorite is “Kooky Conundrums,”Ā  but I also like “Bonkers Banter.”Ā  But this–this-this is different.Ā  And it’s all because of this–this letter.Ā  It is driving me crazy.Ā  Oh.Ā  All right, I’ll give you the CliffsNotes version.Ā  The love of my life broke up with me–Ā  by snail mail, no less.Ā  Handwritten, but I mean, come on, how th century is that?Ā  Hey, who even keeps stamps anymore?Ā  Who even has a pen?Ā So this is all about a breakup?Ā Well, no, it’s not-it’s not just a breakup.Ā  I really opened myself up to Dimitri.Ā  I thought he was the one.Ā  Now I know it was all just a lie.Ā  Dr. Evans, I don’t understand.Ā  I’m funny. I’m handsome.Ā  I’m tall.Ā  OK, I’m on the shorter side, but I have a nice physique.Ā  I’m very smart.Ā  Although my math SATs, that was embarrassing.Ā  But look, my point is, I have a lot going for me, right?Ā Yes, you do.Ā  [soft music]

Well, then, why am I so unlovable?


Leo, what makes you think you’re unlovable?

Let’s see.Ā  My entire childhood.Ā Your parents?Ā No, we’re not going there.Ā This is therapy. We have to go there.Ā Oh, OK. Um…Ā  Well, the last time I went to see my mother in Statesville,Ā  she offered me a cigarette and then berated meĀ  for not being a smoker.Ā  Then she told me I was a worthless human beingĀ  who she was embarrassed to call her son.Ā Diana Colville is a very disturbed woman.Ā  And if that’s the woman that raised you,Ā  then I can understand that you haveĀ  a certain lack of self-esteem.Ā [scoffs] Lack of self-esteem?Ā  Dr. Evans, have you met me?Ā  I am one of the most, if not the mostĀ  fabulous person I know.Ā  I love me some Leo. [laughs]

You just said that you were wildly insecure.Ā I did?Uh-huh.

Well, I–Ā  maybe I’m insecure about what other people think about me,Ā  not what I think about myself, if that makes any sense.Ā  Like, I’m worried I’m going to make a bad impression.

Mm.Ā  I guess I’m feeling confused because you just declaredĀ  that you are fabulous, and- and in kind of a, you know, a bragging sort of way.Ā  And that sounds to me like a defense mechanism.Ā Defense mechanism.Yeah.Ā Yeah, I read about that in my favorite self-help bookĀ  “Stop Kvetching and Get A Life.”Ā I haven’t read that.It’s out of print.Ā  I got it on eBay.Oh.Ā So are you saying thatĀ  I’m not as fabulous as I think I am?Ā I’m saying that I thinkĀ  you don’t think you’re as fabulous as you say you are.Ā Oh.Ā  Oh.Ā It’s only–only a thought.Ā Wow.Ā  You are good, doc.Don’t call me doc.Ā Right. OK. Dr. Evans.Ā  I have to admit, I find you somewhat intimidating,Ā  but also very self-assured and drop dead gorgeous.Ā  And you have incredible posture.Ā  Also, I think it’s safe to sayĀ  you are a world-class shrink with a very big heartĀ  and a great sense of humor.Ā Leo, I think you have a very big heart.Ā  And I think you’re very funny.Ā [laughs] Really?Ā  You think I’m funny?Ā I think you are hilarious.Ā [laughs] Well, thank you.Ā  That is–that is very flattering.Ā  I’m also torturedĀ  and miserable, like, % of the time.Ā  [somber music]Ā  Do you think there’s any help for me?

Wait, publication divorce. I’ve never heard of that.Ā It’s a means to securing a divorceĀ  where one of the parties can’t be located.Ā  We simply put a notice in “The Spectator” once a week.Ā  If after a few weeks Sloan doesn’t respond,Ā  we can go ahead with the legal proceedings.Ā That’s all there is to it, just a notice in the paper?Ā We’ll have to make sure you have put inĀ  a good faith effort to find herĀ  using whatever is within your means.Ā  But since the police already put out an APB,Ā  I say that’ll cover our bases.Ā So a few weeks?Mm-hmm.Ā  In a few weeks, we’ll go to court,Ā  and your marriage will be over.

Didn’t realize it would be this simple.Ā  Thank you.

Oh, don’t thank me yet.Ā  You haven’t seen my bill.


I’ll be in touch after I start the paperwork.

I appreciate that.Ā  Wasn’t sure you would take this on.

Well, we all deserve a fresh start, don’t we?

We sure do.

[door slams]Ā They’re trying to recall me as mayor?Ā  [scoffs] Oh, God.Ā  How–how far has this gotten?Ā Well, the petition has already reachedĀ  the threshold of signaturesĀ  to present it to the city council.

Oh, well, who exactly are these sneaky ratsĀ  presenting this petition?

Well, according to Reuben, they’re an organizationĀ  that calls themselves the CCS.Ā What in the hell is the CCS?Ā Concerned Citizens of Salem.Ā Oh, really?Mm-hmm.Ā And who exactly are these concerned citizens?

I haven’t figured that out yet.

Well, I say we find out, right now.

[upbeat music playing]Ā Welcome home, son.

Hello, neighbor.Ā  Hey, listen, thank you.Ā  Thank you for the advice earlier.Ā Sure. Sure.Ā  Did your idea work out?

Yeah, it did.Ā  I took your advice and I did somethingĀ  to help me get past Sloan, you know?


Oh, this will also help me move on.

OK.Ā  So- so you feeling better now?Ā I saw Jude earlier.Ā  Just every time I see him, it’s like- I feel like I’m losing him all over again.

[sighs]Ā Leo, it is my deeply-held beliefĀ  that everybody can be helped.

And does that mean that you would be willing to help me?Ā Heaven help me, I will.Ā Why heaven help you?Ā Because I’m afraid I’d- I’d get distracted by laughing at your funny storiesĀ  and your adorable take on things.

[laughs] OK.Ā  Well, I promise I will be as unfunnyĀ  as I’m capable of being.Ā  This–this is the best news ever.

There is one caveat.Ā  If I’m willing to help you,Ā  you have to be willing to do the work.Ā Oh, I hate work.Ā You’ll have to get over that part.Ā  Because if you don’t put the work in on this,Ā  you won’t make any progress.Ā  That means you’ll be wasting your time,Ā  and you’ll be wasting my time.Ā  And I do not like people wasting my time.Ā I’ll bet in this crazy town, you’ve got a line of nutsĀ  around the block waiting for your services.Ā We don’t say crazy, or nuts.Ā What about mashugana?Or that.Ā Got it. OK, let’s do this.Ā Take my card, make an appointment.Ā Oh, I will, lots of them.Ā  You and I are going to make such a great team.Ā  You’re going to crack this nut wide open.Ā I’m looking forward.Ā Dr. Evans, thank you. [laughs]

[exhales]Ā Thank you, Norm.Ā  Let–let me know what you find out.Ā No, thank you, Cynthia.Ā  Yeah. Well, I do appreciate the info.Ā  And I’ll wait for your call.Ā  Yeah.Ā Any luck?Ā No, not yet.Ā  Not yet, but we should have some information soonĀ  about the CCS.Ā Oh.Ā  [phone beeps][sighs]Ā  Oh, that certainly was soon.Ā Oh.Ā  What is it?Ā Well, I now know the source of the petition.Ā I should have known.Ā  [groans]Ā I think Master DiMera would be more comfortableĀ  in his crib, wouldn’t he?Ā  [phone ringing]Ā  Hello, Rita, what is it?Ā  You know me, I love good news.

The petition to recall Paulina PriceĀ  is going to the council as we speak?Ā  Excellent.

OK, from my exam and consideringĀ  you’re not experiencing any symptoms,Ā  I’d say everything looks good.Ā You sure?Ā Like I said, we’ll see what the tests say.Ā  But the heartbeat sounded nice and strong.Ā OK. Well, that’s great news, right?Ā  Thank you so much, Dr. Greene.Ā Of course.Ā  Nice to meet you both.Ā  And I’ll tell Felicity you say hi.

Oh, please do.Ā I know you’ll be following up with Dr. Johnson.Ā  But in the meantime, if you need anything, any questions,Ā  feel free to give me a call any time.

Your name is Mark Greene?

It is.

You mean the guy from “ER”? Goose from “Top Gun”?

Didn’t think you were old enough to know that show, huh?

Yeah, we binged it over the holidays.

Well, then yes, like Dr. Mark Greene on “ER.”Ā  Why do you think I got into medicine?

Well, it’s a good thing your name wasn’t Michael Myers.Ā  [laughter]Take care, you guys.Ā You too.Thank you.Ā OK, so…Ā  sounds like everything’s still good.

Yeah, sounds like.


[laughs]Ā  So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?

Oh… [clears throat]Ā  Right.Ā  How would you feel about leaving Salem?

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Days Transcript Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Ā [crow cawing]

[sighs] Marlena, there you are.Ā Ā  I’m so glad I found you.Ā Ā  I checked your office, but–

Oh, I assume you’re here about Everett.Ā Ā [sighs] I’m wondering how he’s doing.Ā Ā  Have you heard from him?Ā Ā Well, actually, I was just with him.Ā Ā Oh, so great.Ā Ā  That means the intervention worked.Ā Ā  At least it got him here, anyway.Ā Ā  How is he?Ā Ā  [dramatic music]Ā Ā  [country music playing]Ā Ā You know, it was so strange to seeĀ Ā  Everett morph into Bobby right before my eyes.Ā Ā  To be perfectly honest, I have never seen that in real life,Ā Ā  only on TV.Ā Ā Yeah, listen, I get it,Ā Ā  but DID is a real mental illness.Ā Ā  In fact, our niece Abigail suffered from it,Ā Ā  and so did my sister Kimberly.Mm.Ā She even wrote a book,Ā  “Becoming One: My Journey to Wholeness.”Ā Hmm.Ā  I may need to read that.Ā Well, it’s out of print now, but I’m sure I have a copyĀ  that I could loan you.Ā Thank you. I’d really appreciate that.


You know, I really want to understandĀ  what Bobby is going through.Ā You sound like you still care about him.Ā I do.Ā  I mean, our marriage did end badly,Ā  but we shared a life together,Ā  and he meant a lot to me at one time.Ā I’m sure.Ā And I guess I’ll come to find outĀ  how much I meant to him.Ā  [phone ringing]Ā  Oh, sorry. One moment.

It’s OK. Go ahead.Ā It’s the station.Mm-hmm.Ā Detective Hunter.Ā  I’m on my way.Ā  I am so sorry. I have to go.Ā  There’s been a shooting at the Kiriakis estate.Ā What?Yeah.Ā My God, Steve is there.Ā  [tense music]Ā John, did you hear me?Ā  I need help putting up Steve’s legs, please.

John.Ā You OK over there, buddy?Ā Just securing your gun.Ā  Wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.


What the hell were you thinking?Ā  You could have shot Theresa.

But I didn’t, did I?Ā  I hit my target.Ā Yeah, you’re lucky you hit your target.Ā I’m luckier.Ā I’ve always been an excellent marksman.Ā Yeah, yeah, I got the scar to prove it.Ā  Weren’t you the guy that accidentally shot MarlenaĀ  at her wedding when you were trying to hit my brother Eric?

[sighs] You have one off day, and it’s all anyone remembers.Ā  So am I to take this to mean that you would haveĀ  preferred it if I just let KonstantinĀ  strangle Theresa to death in front of us?Ā  Yours is the only opinion that matters,Ā  unless you disagree with me too.Ā [sighs]Ā  I can’t believe you shot him.Ā We had it under control.

Did not look that way to me.Ā  You all know I did exactly what needed to be done.Ā  Konstantin Meleounis was a homicidal maniacĀ  whose intention was to kill MaggieĀ  and steal my uncle’s fortune,Ā  and now…Ā  he is out of our lives for good.Ā  So you can all line up to give your thanks anytime.

[soft orchestration]Ā  announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,Ā  so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I can’t really give you any details right now.

Doctor-patient confidentiality.Ā  I totally understand.Ā  I was just hoping if you could tell meĀ  if Everett is OK or not.Ā Well, actually, I can’t tell youĀ  because I don’t know.Ā  I haven’t seen Everett.Ā  [dramatic music]Ā Oh.Ā  So Bobby has followed through on his threat?Ā Bobby is the dominant one right now.Ā  He’s stonewalling me and the other doctors,Ā  and he’s not letting Everett out.

Is that because he’s still trying to protect him?Ā  From dealing with whatever traumaĀ  caused his illness, I mean.Ā Yeah, that would be a logical scenario.Ā But how long can he keep him at bay?Ā  Doesn’t Everett have to reemerge at some point?Ā Yeah.Ā  I can’t answer that.Ā Why can’t you?

Oh, my God.Ā  Are you saying that Everett might be gone…Ā  forever?

Hey, John, I still need help with SteveĀ  when you’re done with that gun.Ā  [tense music]Ā Almost there.

[phone ringing]Ā [breathes sharply]Ā Stay still.[groans]

All right, all done.Ā That’s Kayla.Ā All right.That’s Kayla’s ringtone.Ā Yeah.Ā If I answer…Ā  not my usual energetic self…Ā  she’s gonna worry.Ā OK, no, I–Please.Ā I got you. I got you. I got you.Ā  All right.Ā  Hey, John, can you help me with Steve?Ā Yeah, sure.Thank you.

Kayla, it’s Sarah.Ā Sarah, why are you answering Steve’s phone?Ā  Is he all right? I heard there was a shooting.Ā Yeah, there was.Ā  I need to tell you that Steve was injured, but he’s fine.Ā  He’s stable.Ā Oh, my God. Tell me what happened.Ā No, I-[siren wailing]Ā  The paramedics just got here.Ā  He will tell you everything.Ā  Just meet him at the hospital.Ā OK, OK, I’m on my way.Ā  Oh, that was Sarah.Ā  Steve’s been hurt, but she said he’s stable.Ā OK, well, I have to get to the Kiriakis estate,Ā  so I’ll take you.Ā  Come on.No, no, no, no.Ā  The ambulance is almost there.Ā  I would miss him maybe. I can’t do that.Ā OK, well, then I’ll drop you off at the hospital.Ā  I have the patrol car. I can turn on the lights.Ā All right. OK, yeah.Ā  Thanks.Ā Brady, are you–are you sure there’s no pulse?Ā  Are you sure he’s really dead?Ā Theresa, you don’t have to worry.Ā  He’s–he’s a goner.Ā [sighs]Ā  I can’t stop thinking about his last words.Ā Yeah.Ā  What was it he said again?Ā  There’s still an enemy in your midst.Ā  [dramatic music]Ā Was he just being melodramatic?Ā  What do you think he meant by that?Ā Well, someone…Ā  helped him kidnap your kid.Ā Yeah, right.Ā  That’s exactly what he meant.Ā [sighs]Ā  Wish I could get that guy alone in the alley.Ā The punk in the hoodie.Ā  Who the hell was that?


[sighs]Look, Stephanie,Ā  you must not give up hope.Ā  We’ve only just begun to work with Everett,Ā  and we have a lot of avenues to go down.Ā Right. No, I understand.Ā  I just–Ā You just what?Ā I feel so guilty.Ā Why would you feel guilty?Ā Well, because when I first found outĀ  about Everett’s double life, I was–Ā  I was so angry with him.Ā  And now that I know none of it was his fault,Ā  all I want to do is help him.Ā You have helped him.Ā  Jada has too.Ā  You did the intervention.Ā I’m–I’m-I’m beginning to thinkĀ  that we made things worse.Ā Why would you think that?

Well, you said it before.Ā  Bobby could just keep in control for good.Ā [sighs]Ā  Listen.Ā  When your cousin Abigail went through this,Ā  things got very bleak for her, and- and then at one point, I don’t know,Ā  the personalities integratedĀ  and she was back to being herself again.Ā Right, well, Abigail had Chad by her side.Ā  Everett has no one.Ā That’s not true.Ā  He’s got you. [elevator bell dings]Ā  He’s got Jada.Ā Hey, Doc.John, what in the world-Our plan to bring down KonstantinĀ  didn’t go as we had hoped here.Ā  Things got a little bit sideways.Ā  Honey, your father was a part of this,Ā  and I’m afraid that he was injured.Ā What? Oh, my God. What-No, no, he wasn’t- he was shot in the side.Ā  No major organs were hit.Ā  Sarah was right there for immediate attention.Ā  I rode with him in the ambulance,Ā  and he made bad dad jokes the whole way here.Ā Where is he now?Ā He’s in four, trauma room four.Ā  [tense music]

[sighs]Ā Oh, my God.Whoa, whoa, whoa.Ā Are you all right?No, no, it’s nothing, baby.Ā Well, it certainly doesn’t look like nothing.Ā  What happened? Who shot you?Ā You know–Papa, Papa!Ā Oh, baby girl.Ā [sighs]It’s OK.Ā  It’s OK, baby girl.

Xander, baby, it’s me.Ā  Where are you?Ā  Did you–did you find Theresa?Ā  Is she OK?Ā  Sorry, I really thought that you would call by now.

Steve’s been transported.Ā  John went with him.Ā  I just–I want to hear your voiceĀ  and know that you’re all right.Ā  I checked on Victoria, and luckily she’s fast asleep,Ā  but I know that she’s gonna want to see her daddyĀ  when she wakes up.Ā  [sighs]Ā [sighs]Ā Well, we should probably let everyone knowĀ  that Theresa’s OK.Ā [sighs]Ā  No reason to stay here any longer,Ā  and sending this lavvy heid to his rewardĀ  has given me a bit of an appetite.Ā  Hope no one finished all the crab rangoon.Ā  [sighs] Sarah called me.Ā  She must be worried. I better go.Ā I’m afraid I need everyone to stick around for a moment,Ā  especially if that’s what I think it is.

All right, who’s gonna start?Ā [sighs]Ā Xander killed him.Ā Way to throw me under the bus, cuz.Ā Is that the murder weapon?Ā Yes, but that’s a bit harsh, calling it murder.Ā Let’s have it.

Tell me everything from the beginning.

Someone?Ā  Anyone?Ā OK, hey,Ā  here’s the story.Ā  Maggie told Konstantin that she would marry himĀ  in order for him to stay in the country,Ā  but that was before she knew his true intentions.Ā  The fact is, this is a very bad man.Ā  He was going to kill Maggie.Ā  He also sabotaged my grandfather’s plane.

You’re telling me that Meleounis killed Victor?Ā That’s what he admitted to, yeah.Ā All the guests can attest to his confession.Ā And then he attempted to escapeĀ  by using Theresa as a hostage.Ā He opened fire on our way out,Ā  and he shot my Uncle Steve.Ā I managed to catch up with them over here.Ā  So did Brady with his dad’s gun,Ā  which is right there.Ā Yeah, let’s just…Ā  cut to the chase, shall we?Ā  Sarah’s waiting.Ā  There was a standoff when I arrived.Ā  I sized up the situation, grabbed the gun off Brady,Ā  used it to shoot Konstantin,Ā  who had just confessed to killing my uncleĀ  and kidnapping my child.Ā  And when I pulled the trigger,Ā  he was strangling her, so I had to shoot.Ā Except…Ā  moments before Xander shot the gun,Ā  he showed little or no regard for Theresa’s safety.Ā Brady is right.Ā  I tried to point out the factĀ  that he was putting Theresa’s life in danger,Ā  and his exact words were, “I don’t care.”

You ungrateful twits!Ā  I just saved Theresa’s life, and instead of being grateful,Ā  you’re trying to get me arrested?Ā We’re trying to set the record straight.Ā Theresa, will you please tell Detective HunterĀ  what really happened?Ā  [tense music]Ā It’s true.Ā  He–Konstantin did choke me.Ā Thank you.Ā But it’s also true that XanderĀ  refused to put down the gunĀ  even though Konstantin doubled downĀ  on his threat to kill me.Ā I was all you had.Ā  These two were busy trying to proveĀ  who could be more useless,Ā  and Konstantin was bluffing anyway.Ā You don’t know that. [phone beeps]Ā Yes, I did.No, you don’t.Ā Yes, I did!No, you don’t!Ā OK, enough.Ā It’s my father.Ā  I’m gonna let him know that Theresa’s OK.Ā Yeah, be sure to tell him it’s all thanks to me, yeah?

Brady says that Theresa’s safe.Ā Good.Ā  And did Konstantin get away?Ā He’s dead.Ā  Xander shot him.Ā Oh.Ā  Well, I–I can’t say that I’m upset about that.Ā  I mean, he was the one that brought down Victor’s plane.Ā Yeah, and Maggie would have been the next victimĀ  if he had gotten his way.Ā It’s just all so ghastly.Ā  At least he can’t hurt anybody anymore,Ā  and his reign of terror is now over.Ā  [mysterious music]Ā Not quite, Doc.

[sighs]Ā So Maggie’s groom,Ā  he’s the one who shot you?Ā Konstantin, yeah.Ā  He knew the jig was up,Ā  so he started firing wildly, trying to get away.Ā Yet you’re the only one who got hit.Ā I was too slow.Ā  Maybe I shouldn’t have skipped that second cup of coffeeĀ  this morning.Ā Well, you always suspected that he had ulterior motives.Ā Yeah, and I hate to say this,Ā  but he was planning to kill MaggieĀ  so that he could inherit her half of Victor’s fortune.Ā Oh, my God.Ā  Is she OK?Ā Yeah, physically, she’s fine.Ā  Emotionally, I don’t-I don’t know.Ā You know, can we just wait a second?Ā  Can you just back it up and tell me what happened?Ā [sighs]Ā  [dramatic music]Ā  It was pretty bad,Ā  worse than any of us thought.Ā  Not only was Konstantin willing to kill MaggieĀ  so he could get her money,Ā  but he confessed to sabotaging Victor’s plane in Greece.Ā  He’s the reason Victor’s dead.Ā Oh, dear God.Ā  Poor Maggie.Ā Does Alex know?Ā Yeah, he was–he was thereĀ  when Konstantin confessed to it.Ā Where is Konstantin now? [phone beeps]Ā Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.Ā [sighs]Ā Oh, it’s a text from Jada.Ā  She said, “Don’t worry. Theresa’s OK.”Ā Oh, that’s good. Good.Ā Why wouldn’t she be?Ā  What happened to her?

I was getting to that.Ā  When everything blew up, Konstantin took her hostage.Ā What?Ā Yeah, we–we–we thoughtĀ  we had everything under control,Ā  but unfortunately,Ā  our plan just went off the rails.Ā And what plan was that?

I think I’ve got everything I need.Ā  Coroner’s on the way.

Can we go back to the house now?Ā I sure would like some distance from…Ā  that dead body.Ā It’s fine. You can go.Ā About damn time.Ā I meant the others.Ā  I need you to come with me to the station.Ā Why?

You killed a man.

Were you not listening?Ā  It was totally justified.Ā Oh, you could have just shot him in the arm, the leg.Ā I panicked.Ā Whatever the case, I need you to come with me.Ā  I got to take an official statement from you.Ā  Let’s go.Ā [sighs]Ā  Thanks for backing me up.

Stephanie, would you mind givingĀ  your father and me a moment?[sighs]Ā Whatever’s going on here, can’t it wait?Ā You know, Little Sweetness,Ā  I think I owe your mom an explanation.Ā  So…Ā  hey, maybe you can go down to the cafeteriaĀ  and get me one of those double fudge brownies,Ā  the one with nuts?Ā Sure.Ā OK.Ā Mom, please go easy on him.Ā I make no promises.Ā Here you go.Ā Oh.In case things get dicey.Ā Yeah, well, I don’t think this is gonnaĀ  do me any good because, you know,Ā  all those nurses out there, they’re in your mom’s pocket.Ā Oh.If I press this button,Ā  I’m just asking for more trouble.Ā Well, guess you’re on your own, then.Ā Yeah.[chuckles]Ā Thanks, baby girl.Ā  [sighs]Ā  Now, listen.[sighs]Ā You knew there was something I was keeping from youĀ  concerning Maggie.Ā Which I was not happy about, as you well know.Ā  And you also promised that everything would work out.Ā  You didn’t say that people’s lives would be at stake.Ā Wasn’t supposed to go down like this.Ā Oh, what, gunshotsĀ  and my niece being taken hostage?Ā  Well, I should hope not.Ā  So why don’t you tell me,Ā  how was it supposed to go down?Ā  [dramatic music]Ā Konstantin…Ā  held up this card and ordered me to shoot Steve,Ā  but it didn’t have any effect on me.Ā  I was able to resist his suggestion completely.Ā Then our deep programming is working.Ā Well, yes and no…Ā  [tense music]Ā  Because after all the chaos, there was a moment when I–

I looked over and I saw this card on the floor,Ā  and I was–Ā  I was drawn to it, and all I could hearĀ  was Konstantin’s ordersĀ  pounding in my ears all over again.

And then I picked up Steve’s gun.

And?I pointed it at him.Ā [gasps]Ā Sarah was busy. She was tending to his wound.Ā  She really needed me.Ā  But that damn voice, it was fighting me for control.Ā Dear God.Ā But luckily Kayla called Steve,Ā  and there must have been somethingĀ  about the ringing of that phoneĀ  that just snapped me out of it.Ā  But what if it hadn’t?

Well, you weren’t completely blacked out.Ā  John, you never would hurt Steve.Ā  But we do have to work on getting you outĀ  from under Konstantin’s spell.Ā Oh, Doc, you know that I trust you %,Ā  but what if it’s not enough?Ā  What if–Ā  what if I’m still just a ticking time bomb?

Hey, are you sure you’re OK?Yeah.Ā I can take you to the hospital,Ā  maybe get you checked out if you want.Ā No, no.Ā  Honestly, I’m fine.Ā  My neck’s just a little sore.

Yeah.Ā  Lift your hair.Ā [sighs]Ā It’s cold. Ready?Ā Ah.Ā Is that better?Ā Yeah.Ā  [both sigh]Ā  I’m surprised you’re being so nice to meĀ  after this morning.

Oh, yeah.Ā  You’re talking about when you practicallyĀ  kicked me out of bedĀ  just to make room for Alex about a minute later, right?Ā  Yeah.

Brady, I know I was insensitive.Ā  I’m so sorry if I hurt you.Ā Theresa, thank you, but…Ā  [dramatic music]Ā  You’re the mother of my boy,Ā  and although you make me crazy- you really do sometimes- I’m still gonna care about you.

[sighs] Maggie’s still sleeping,Ā  but I told Bonnie and my–Ā  Justin what happened.Ā  Did I miss anything?Ā No, Brady was just getting me all settled.Ā Nice.Ā  Well, now that I’m back here…Ā  [groans] I can take over.Ā [sighs]Ā In other words, beat it.

OK, I’ll get this typed up for you to sign.Ā And then I can go, right?Ā These things take time.Ā  I still have to run all of this by the DA.Ā  [door clicks open]Ā Baby, hey, I just got your message.Ā  I came as soon as I could.Ā I’ll let you two catch up.Ā Hey, where’s Victoria?Ā She’s with Bonnie.Mm.Ā Is it true?Ā  Did you shoot Konstantin?Ā Yeah, and the bastard’s dead.Ā  Don’t have to worry about that dirtbag anymore, Sarah.Ā The police aren’t gonna press charges, are they?Ā Well, that remains to be seen.Ā  [sighs]Ā  There’s a question as to whether I shot KonstantinĀ  to protect Theresa or out of…Ā  revenge.

Well…Ā  which was it?

[dramatic music]Ā When I arrived on the scene,Ā  there wasn’t any time to think.Ā  There was so much tension and chaos.Ā  And when Konstantin started strangling Theresa,Ā  I just…reacted.Ā  I mean, honestly, I can’t even tell youĀ  what was going through my head at the time.Ā  But I can tell you this now:Ā  I’m not at all sorry that I shot the bastard.Ā  After what he did to Victoria, to Maggie, to Uncle Vic,Ā  he got what he deserved.

I just wish you didn’t have to be the oneĀ  to pull the trigger.Ā Well, I’ll face any consequencesĀ  that come my way.Ā  I do have one regret, though.Ā What is it?Ā Well, Konstantin kicked the bucketĀ  before he could tell me who helped himĀ  kidnap Victoria that day.Ā  Whoever that was, they need to pay as well.

Alex, Brady was-he was just–Ā No, no, it’s all right.Ā  It’s OK.Ā  Alex, I know you’re in a committed relationshipĀ  with Theresa, but she’s not your personal property.

No, she is not my property.Ā  But I am her boyfriend,Ā  and I do know how to take care of her.


You want me to go?Ā [sighs]

I think that-I think it might be best.Ā OK.Ā  OK.Ā  Feel better, OK?

[clears throat]

Look, I didn’t mean to be a jerk about it.Ā  I just want Brady to know where you and I stand.Ā OK.Ā  And I–I’m actually glad that we’re–Ā  we’re alone now ’cause I didn’t get a chanceĀ  to thank you…Ā  for coming to my rescue.Ā  Thank you.

I would not admit this to Xander,Ā  but I think he did…Ā  us all a favor by ridding the worldĀ  of Konstantin Meleounis.Ā  In some ways, I wish I was the one who killed him…Ā  and not just for what he did by taking you hostageĀ  but for what he did to my father.Ā He was an evil man.

Down at the mausoleum…Ā  [scoffs]Ā  He said how Victor was never really a father to me.

He–he only meant–Ā No, I know what he meant. I know what he meant.Ā  He was just stating the obvious.Ā  Victor refused to claim me as his own for all these years,Ā  and instead he let me believe Justin was my real dad.


I’m so sorry.

It’s OK.Ā  I forgive him.Ā  I mean, after all, he did try to make up for it in the end.Ā  He left me half his fortune.Ā [sighs]Ā And as his son,Ā  I’m gonna do my very best to make him proud.

So the plan was to frame Konstantin for embezzling?Ā Yeah, and no one was supposed to get hurt.Ā Oh, come on, you had to have knownĀ  that this guy wasn’t gonna go easily,Ā  especially if he was just technically innocent.Ā Well…Ā  I think the monkey wrench was that–that confession,Ā  because it shocked everyone.Ā  He took advantage of that.Ā So you and John put Maggie in danger.Ā She was already in danger.Ā  And for what it’s worth, it was her idea.Ā OK, OK, OK, you know what?Ā  I just wish you would have given me the heads-upĀ  to know that you were walking into a high-risk situation.Ā You mean like a Bat-Signal type of thing?Ā [sighs]Ā  ‘Cause you just left me in the dark again.Ā So no Bat-Signal?Ā You know, just an FYI that your charmsĀ  don’t always work out for you the way you think they do, OK?Ā Baby, I just didn’t want you involved.Ā But you said that John told Marlena.Ā Well, that was his choice.Ā [sighs]And I’m sorry.Ā  I’m sorry that you’re upset, but I just feltĀ  it was better to keep you out of it.Ā We just had that argument,Ā  how you make decisions for us without consulting me,Ā  like when you were gonna go to Montana to catch ClydeĀ  or when you and John broke him out of Statesville.Ā  We are supposed to be partners,Ā  but you don’t treat me like a partner.Ā  And you know what?Ā  That has got to change,Ā  because I cannot tolerate being kept in the darkĀ  about what’s going on with you, no matter what the hell it is.Ā  Do you understand me?

John, I know this is so frustrating for you, but…Ā  with a little bit more therapy,Ā  I’m sure we can free youĀ  from the residual effects of the brainwashing.Ā  But you have to-you have to stopĀ  being so hard on yourself.Ā How do you do that?Ā  You tell me, Doc.

How can I not feel overwhelming guiltĀ  for killing that innocent young woman,Ā  especially after tonight, when everything that happenedĀ  was a result of that,Ā  the death of Konstantin’s daughter?

No, you can’t look at it that way.Ā Doc, there is no other way to look at it.

And I have realized…Ā  that there is only one thing that I can do…Ā  and that is, I need to leave Salem.

[dramatic music]

Can I get you something to eat?

No, I’m not really hungry.Ā  I think I just want to go upstairsĀ  and take a really long nap.Ā Yeah.Ā  I’m gonna go with you.Ā  But do you think maybe instead of going to your room,Ā  maybe you could stay with meĀ  in mine now?Ā  If you want.

I want that very much.

Come on.


And Dr. Evans said that they haven’tĀ  been able to reach Everett?

No, not yet.

Oh, that doesn’t sound good.Ā And I have even worse news.Ā  I just spoke with one of his doctors,Ā  and they’ve decided to move him to BayviewĀ  because they haven’t been making progress here.

Oh.Ā  Well, I hope that Bobby- Everett gets the help that he needs.

Me too.


Anyway, I should probably get these to my dad.Ā Oh, it was a nightmare at the Kiriakis house.Ā  Is he gonna be OK?Ā Well, physically, yeah, thank God.Ā  But mentally, I don’t know what kind of shape he’ll be inĀ  once my mom gets through with him.



You’re right, Sweetness.Ā  I do have to try harder to be more open with you.

I am just so tired of all the secrecy.

Well, you know, baby,Ā  you know, we’ve been down this road before.Ā  Your job, my job,Ā  sometimes things just need to stay on the down low.Ā  That’s–I mean, those are just the rules.Ā No, no, this is- they are not alike.Ā  Are you kidding me?Ā  Doctor-patient confidentiality doesn’t put our life in danger,Ā  doesn’t lead you to almost getting yourself killed.Ā [sighs] I wasn’t killed,Ā  and I’m happy about that.Ā Oh.Aren’t you happy, baby?Ā  Come on.Ā [scoffs]Ā  Let me get a closer look at your wound.

I think we have to take this shirt off.Ā OK.Ā  Come on.


John…Ā  you can’t run away from your problem.Ā That’s not my intention.Ā But you just said that you–

Just hear me out, please, sweetheart.Ā  I think what I really need to do is,Ā  I need to go to Greece.Ā  I need to try…Ā  to find Catharina’s grave site, and I need to pay my respects.

All right.Ā  I’ll go with you.Ā Oh, sweetheart, I appreciate that, but…Ā  I really feel that this is–Ā  this is something I just need to do alone.

Are you sure?Ā I’m sure.[gasps]Ā I know that I won’t be able to put this nightmare behind meĀ  unless I can–Ā  I can find a way to just tryĀ  to set things right with Catharina.

I understand.Ā  Before you go, we should doĀ  at least one more round of deprogramming.

[sighs]Ā  Most definitely.Ā  Honey, I’m so grateful for you,Ā  for your strength and your wisdom,Ā  but mostly I’m- I’m grateful that you’re mine and I love you and you love me.Ā  You’re my everything.

Mm.Ā  I feel the same way.

[unsettling music]

What a relief that Trask decided not to press charges.Ā Right.Ā  I mean, she must have realizedĀ  she’d be stepping into, like, a buzz saw of bad PR.Ā  I’m a bloody hero, damn it.

You really are.

What a day.

Seriously.Ā  I’m gonna-I’m gonna check on Victoria,Ā  and then I’m gonna see if my mom’s upĀ  and tell her what happened.Ā I’ll be up in a minute.Ā  Did you hear all that, Uncle Vic?Ā  [dramatic music]Ā  Legally I’m in the clear,Ā  but you and I both know why I shot Konstantin.Ā  I did it for you, old man.

I hope now…Ā  you can rest in peace.

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Days Transcript Monday, June 10, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


You weren’t expecting to see this ever again, were you?

Maggie, I can explain.

No, don’t even try.Ā Ā  I don’t want to hear another lie out of your lying mouth.Ā Ā  [tense music]Ā Ā  You came into my homeĀ Ā  when I was grieving the man that I love.Ā Ā  What, you thought you’d take advantage of that grief?Ā Ā  You knew I needed someone to lean on,Ā Ā  someone who understoodĀ Ā  how I felt about my husband.Ā Ā  So you pretended to be his friend…Ā Ā 

Ā Ā  To know him like I did, to love him like I did.Ā Ā  And, what, you hoped that I would fall for you?Ā Ā 

Ā Ā  You let me cry on your shoulder.Ā Ā  You pretended to be my protectorĀ Ā  when my beautiful baby granddaughter was taken.Ā Ā 

Ā The kidnapping–Ā  you arranged that too, didn’t you?Ā That’s absurd.Ā I’ll be damned.Ā  You had Xander and Sarah’s baby kidnappedĀ  so Maggie would continue to let you live in her home,Ā  away from all those phantom Greek enemiesĀ  who were after you.Ā You sick bastard.Ā  You’d better hope–


You’d better hope the cops get here before I kill you.

Ā Dear God,Ā  that hooded person that took Victoria,Ā  that wasn’t one of your Greek enemies.Ā  That was your accomplice.

Who the hell was it, Konstantin?

What does it matter who it was?Ā  He’s already admitted responsibility for the crime.

You’re all a bunch of damn hypocrites!Ā  We all know that Victor was no saint, huh?Ā  He didn’t give a damn that my little girl was killedĀ  because of his need to punish me, huh?Ā  Well, I may not have got my revenge on you,Ā  but I did get my revengeĀ  on your dearly beloved late husband.Ā What are you saying?

It was me who was responsible for his death.Ā  I am the one who sabotaged his plane,Ā  sent him to a watery grave.

What’s going on?Ā That’s not true!Ā  It can’t be!Ā [laughs] You don’t think I am capableĀ  of finding someone to tamper with that plane, huh?Ā Oh, I think you’re capable.Ā  John told me that you ordered him to kill meĀ  the minute we were pronounced husband and wife.


But I refuse to believeĀ  that a man as strong and as vital as VictorĀ  could be taken away from usĀ  by someone as insubstantial and as small-minded as you.Ā Small?Ā  The old man is dead, is he not?Ā Can’t you see what you’re doing to her?Ā  What the hell’s wrong with you?

You want to hurt me, don’t you?Ā  You want to twist the knife.Ā  Well, trust me.Ā  You can’t hurt me any more than I already am.Ā  You see, I’m the one who opened the doorĀ  and let you into our house.Ā  I laid out the welcome mat to my husband’s killer.Ā  I betrayed his memory, and I have to live with that.

You’ve said your piece, Konstantin.Ā  Now I’m gonna say mine.Ā  I offered to marry you so you could stay in this country.Ā  I thought that somehow I could make amends for all the wrongsĀ  that you had suffered at Victor’s hands.Ā  I felt compassion for you.

Is that why you have set me up to be arrestedĀ  for a crime I did not commit?Ā As opposed to the crimes you actually did commit?Ā And plan to commit?

You never had any intention of marrying me.

She doesn’t need to defend herself to you.

That’s where you’re wrong.

I did intend to marry you…Ā  until John and Steve told me that everything you said to meĀ  from the time you stepped foot into this houseĀ  was a lie.

And that’s when the veil fell from my eyes…

And I realizedĀ  that we had to do something to deal with you.Ā  We had to do whatever we couldĀ  to get you out of our lives once and for all.Ā And we’re taking you into custody right now.Ā Let’s go.Ā No, wait.

Konstantin was the last person to see Victor alive.

I need for you to tell meĀ  everything about my husbandĀ  on his final daysĀ  in front of the people who loved him the most.Ā  We need to know the truth.Ā  We deserve that much.

[soft orchestration]Ā  announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,Ā  so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[intriguing music]Ā Careful what you wish for, Maggie.Ā Answer her.Ā  Make it fast.Ā Your daughter, Catharina, died decades ago.Ā  You had years to exact the revenge on Victor.Ā  Start with that.Ā  Why now?Ā  Why after all this time?Ā This time around, it was not about revenge,Ā  not at first.Ā What the hell is that supposed to mean?Ā I gave Victor one final opportunity at redemptionĀ  at a time when I thought he would be most receptive.

So…Ā  how is your son Bo?Ā  It must be very painful for you to see himĀ  in such a debilitating state and to feel so helpless, huh?

[laughs] What?Ā  You didn’t like it?Ā [groans] Indigestion.Ā Ah, my apologies.Ā  [sighs]Ā  I have had to skimp on ingredients lately, huh?Ā  Business has been so dreadful.Ā And you asked me here to rescue you once more.Ā [laughs]Ā  You know, you must be very wearyĀ  of my perpetual requests for help,Ā  even though my father lent you the moneyĀ  that sent you on your way to becomeĀ  the wealthiest man in the world.Ā Your father, not you.Ā Ah, yes, but still…Ā  think of what you took from me, Victor:Ā  my child, my wife, my–Ā  my whole heart.Ā It was a terrible accident that I regret deeply.Ā So you’ve said.Ā  But man to man, father to father,Ā  words without actions are meaningless, no?Ā  So can you not showĀ  just how much you truly regret it, hmm?

Fine.Ā  It’s your lucky day.

I knew you would do the right thing.Ā Hmm. That’s debatable.Ā  But after my visit with Bo,Ā  I instructed my lawyer to destroy my old will.Ā  I’ll be making a new one when I return home,Ā  and I’ll include you in the new draft.Ā Your generosity knows no bounds, Victor.Ā  But at our age,Ā  leaving things to chance might be ill-advised.Ā  So why not draft a new will right now, hmm?Ā Very well.

He would not help me then and there.Ā  Oh, no. Huh?Ā  Only when he was dead would I get a single cent.Ā  He forced my hand!

I have a job for you.

You crashed his planeĀ  only because you couldn’t wait for the money?Ā  His promise to you wasn’t enough?Ā Clearly not, because he broke that promise, huh?Ā  He had no intention of leaving me any money, huh?Ā  He just said so at the moment just to get me off his back.Ā  He scammed me, huh?Ā  He changed his will again before he got on that plane,Ā  and he removed my name from it.

There it is.Ā Hey. What are you doing?Ā  Give me that.What the hell?Ā  I’m supposed to be in this will.Ā  Victor left me nothing?

If only I’d gotten to see his faceĀ  when he knew it was over, huh?Ā  Horrified, terrified,Ā  looking out that tiny, little windowĀ  at every inch of disappearing skyĀ  and the fast-approaching oceanĀ  and knowing what it meant, huh?Ā  [laughs]Konstantin, I’m warning you.Ā Swirling down and down, spiraling down–Ā That’s enough!Ā  That’s enough.Ā I wonder what his last thoughts were, huh?Ā  Were they of you, his true love,Ā  or of his money, his real love?Ā You don’t know what’s in his heart!Ā  [tense music]Ā  Victor and I, we meant everything to each other–Ā  everything.Ā [laughs]Ā  Don’t make me laugh, Maggie.Ā  That was a delusion and still is.Ā That’s it! Shut up!Maggie!Ā Shut up!Ā [gasps]Ā You know, Maggie didĀ  everything in her power to help you.Ā  How could you treat her like this, huh?Ā Listen, an hour ago, she tried to frame me.Ā  This is not as one-sided as you all seem to think, huh?Ā One-sided?Ā  You murdered my father.Ā Oh, you seem so sure of that.Ā We all heard you.Ā  Enough with the games.Ā That’s right. Enough talking.Ā  It’s time to get you into a cage where you belong.Ā And thanks to your detailed confession,Ā  you’re gonna be booked for murderĀ  instead of embezzlement.Ā Since when did you get deputized by the Salem PD?Ā ISA.Ā  You’re in trouble with everybody, pal.Ā  [dramatic music]

How could I have been such a foolĀ  to let that evil man into Victor’s home?Ā Mom, please, you did nothing wrong.Ā Well, everyone warned me, but I wouldn’t listen.Ā Take some deep breaths, please.Ā I’m really fine. I’m fine.Ā You collapsed.Ā  You’re having an adrenaline crash.Ā I can’t imagine how much stress you’ve been under,Ā  and then Konstantin just added to itĀ  when he told us what he did to Victor.Ā I was taken in by his charms, his gifts,Ā  his photos, his stories about the old days.Ā I was taken in too, Mom.Ā Not like I was.Ā No, I just–I saw that he made you smile again,Ā  and that meant a lot to me.Ā Well, for me,Ā  it was all about my connection to Victor,Ā  the history that I never knew.Ā  I wanted so badly to hear about all of that that I–Ā  I just–I was willing to overlookĀ  the red flags and all the warnings and–Ā Maggie, Maggie.Ā  You were his victim.Ā I hate that word.Ā But it’s true, Mom.Ā Think of it this way.Ā  Think about how brave you were,Ā  how you worked with John and SteveĀ  to lay this trap for him.Ā Yeah, how long were you planning that?Ā And why didn’t you tell us?Yeah.Ā We decided that the fewer people that were in on it,Ā  the better because then that way,Ā  you wouldn’t have to put on a faƧade.Ā What, and pretend he wasn’t a slimy creep?Ā  Honey, I been putting on that faƧade for months.

You know, I didn’t think I would feel this way.Ā  I thought that I would feel more powerfulĀ  when I exposed his lies.Ā Mom.Ā What?Ā You almost lost your life today.Ā  I don’t think that’s even sunk in for youĀ  because it’s only sinking in for me right now.Ā But my poor Victor, he did lose his life.Ā  And to think that I welcomed that killer into our home.Ā  How could I have been so gullible, so stupid?Ā Maggie, you’re neither.Ā  You’re the kindest, most generous person I know,Ā  and the only reason that con man took advantage of youĀ  is because you always see the best in everyone.Ā In this case, to a fault.Ā  [sighs] OK, I’m going back downstairs.Ā  I’m gonna see that that murderer gets hauled away,Ā  and I’m gonna–oh.Ā Whoa, jeez.Mom, Mom, Mom.

Oh, my God.



Oh.Ā You have to rest.Ā [exhales heavily] No, I’m–I’m–I’m–I’m OK.Ā  I’m OK. I’m OK.Ā  I’m OK.Ā  I’m–I’m–I’m all right.Ā No, I know, but maybe-maybe I could give youĀ  a light sedativeĀ  ’cause you’re so worked up right now.

No, no, no, no, not while he’s free.

It’s not a concern, Maggie.Ā  John and Steve have it all under control.Ā  Here you go.Thank you.Ā What?Ā Yeah, Mom,Ā  after everything that has gone on,Ā  if anything happens to you, I- please, can I just give you something?Ā  Just something light might help.Ā  Will you do it for me?Ā [sighs]Ā  OK. Fine.OK.Ā I called the policeĀ  while I was getting this out of the car.Ā  Unfortunately there’s been an accident tying up accessĀ  to this part of the town, but we can all relaxĀ  because very soon, Konstantin will be officially in custody.

Give me those hands.Ā  Hold still![coughing]Ā Knock it off.Ā Water. Give me some water, please.Ā Theresa, don’t.Hey, hey, hey!Ā [yelps]Theresa, no!Ā [gasping]Ā Drop it, you bastard. Drop it.Ā  Drop it, you bastard.Ā You’re not getting out of here.Ā  I promise you that.Ā I’m not going anywhere with you, huh?Ā  I’m getting out of here,Ā  and I’m taking my hostage with me.Ā  [gunshots]Ā No, no, no, no. No, no.Ā  [tense music]Ā  [gunshot]What was that?Ā Nobody move.Ā Oh, my God.Ā  Xander.Ā [gasping]Ā  [gunshot] [yelps]Ā  Oh, my God.Ā  Uncle Steve.Be quiet!Ā [groans]Here, here, buddy.Ā  Let me see. Let me see. Let me see.Ā [groans]Ā  [breathing shallowly]Ā It’s all right.

I’m going after them.Ā I got you. I got you.Ā  Give me something to stop the bleeding.Ā  Here.Ā  Let me put the pressure on here.Ā  All right, I got you. I got you, man.Ā  I got you.[groans]Ā You’re gonna be OK, buddy.Ā  You’re gonna be OK. You’re gonna be OK.Ā [groans]Ā  So it’s just a flesh wound, right?Ā A flesh wound would look life-threateningĀ  compared to this.Ā  Stop trolling for sympathy.[laughs]Ā Get Sarah on the double.I’m on my way.Ā All right, this isn’t your first rodeo, partner.Ā  You know the drill.Ā  Breathe easy, and hang in there.Ā Hey, Dad.Here we go.Ā Dad, what do you want me to do?Ā Catch up with Alex.Ā  He went unarmed.Ā  Good luck.Right.Ā Go.[groaning]Ā  Oh, God. How the hell did I get hit?Ā Beats me. You used to be a lot quicker.Ā [gasping]Ā  I guess I started taking after you.Ā I hope you didn’t like this shirt much, pal.

I’d steal one of yours, but they’re all so damned ugly.Ā [laughs] Yeah.[coughs]Ā No, no, no, no. Breathe.Ā  There you go.Ā  There you go. There you go.Ā  Hang in there. Come on.

Oh, Xander, oh, my God, baby.Ā  We heard gunshots. Are you OK?Ā Yes.Ā  Steve was grazed, but he’s gonna be all right.

What about Konstantin?

Yeah, don’t worry about him.Ā  He’s being taken care of.Ā How? What does that mean?Ā It means he won’t be able to hurt you again or Victoria.Ā  My promise to you.Ā And Steve?Ā That’s why I’m here.Ā  We’re gonna need your help until the medics get here.


Wait a minute. How bad is he really?

No, Mom, it’s OK. I’ve got it.Ā  It’s gonna be fine.But I-No, don’t you worry.Ā  Justin and I will keep an eye on Maggie and little Victoria.Ā  You just go take care of Steve.Thank you.Ā We got it.

You sick son of a bitch.Ā  You shot my Uncle Steve.

Next time, I’ll shoot John too.

There isn’t gonna be a next time.Ā  If I would have known that I was plotting and schemingĀ  with a murderer, I-Wouldn’t have gone for the big cash prize, huh?Ā No.Ā  No, I wouldn’t have.Ā  My God, you are pure evil.Ā Need I remind you it was your ideaĀ  to alter the will in Victor’s briefcase, huh,Ā  changing Victor’s heir from Xander to Alex?Ā  You.Ā  All I did was find a forger.Ā Don’t be so modest.Ā  You’ve been running the show ever since.Ā You are going to help me escape, Theresa,Ā  because you certainly don’t want them to find outĀ  what you did, especially not your cash cow,Ā  Alex, the faux heir.

Alex.Ā Let her go right now.Ā  Are you OK?Ā Ah, the cavalry,Ā  though it’s possible you’ve forgottenĀ  which one of us is armed.Ā I could take you out in a heartbeat, you old man.Ā About the time it takes for me to pull this trigger.Ā Alex, don’t test him.Ā  Don’t test him.Ā  Just tell me, is Steve OK?Ā He’s gonna be OK,Ā  unlike my father.Ā [laughs]Ā  Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?Ā  You are very much mistaken.Ā  [tense music]Ā How am I mistaken?Ā  You already admitted–Ā About killing Victor? Yes.Ā  Yes, he is still very much dead,Ā  fortunately for the rest of us.Ā Then what the hell are you talking about?Ā  How am I mistaken?Ā Oh.Ā  This is hard, huh?Ā  What is the best way to convey this, huh,Ā  with words?Ā  I suppose blunt is best, huh?

Victor isn’t your father.

[grunts]Easy. Easy.Ā [groans]Easy.Ā You think Maggie’s gonna bill me for…Ā  staining her carpet?Ā It’s a write-off, man.[groans]Ā  Yeah, like this operation.Ā  I guess we needed a backup plan…Ā Ah, don’t worry about it.For our backup plan.Ā Brady and Alex are gonna track him down.Ā  He’s not getting away with this.Ā Well, you catch up with them.No.Ā No, dude…No way.Ā Go. Go.Ā You are my partner.Ā  You have been with me since the very beginning,Ā  and this is where I’m staying.

OK.Ā  Thanks.Ā  [grunts]Damn it all.Ā  That bullet was meant for me.Ā Oh, no, no, no, don’t go down that road now, partner.Ā Come on. You know that I’m right.Ā Come on.You know I’m right.Ā I know you’re full of it.Ā Can’t argue with me this time.Ā  Not this time.Ā  Hold on. Hold on.



If…Ā  you know as much about me as you claim you do,Ā  you know that I won’t hesitateĀ  to put a bullet through a man’s eye.Ā Or a woman’s either.

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

You came at me, and Catharina got in the way.

Came at y–when?Ā  Who’s Catharina?

Tell me.Ā  Hands where I can see ’em.

I need you to see something and tell me what it means,Ā  and I will go away.

Alex, don’t listen to him.Ā  Don’t listen to him.Ā  Just because Victor didn’t acknowledge you as his sonĀ  when he was alive, that doesn’t make him any less your father.Ā If you would let me finish–Ā Tell it to the cops, Konstantin.Ā You might think you have the advantage,Ā  but I am the one with the hostage, huh?

Now drop that gun,Ā  or young TateĀ  grows up without a mother’s touch.

[gasping]Ā I mean it.

[dramatic music]Ā He’s lost a lot of blood.Ā  Where’s the paramedics?Ā There’s been a delay,Ā  but they will be here soon.Ā  Sorry, Steve.[groans]Ā  I hope you take my insurance.Ā [chuckles]Ā  This one’s on the house.Ā Oh, cool.Ā  Hey, maybe you could take a look at my kneeĀ  when you’re done with this thing.Ā  It’s been bugging me lately.Ā OK, a little less conversation.Ā  Let me see what I need to do, all right?Ā Tell me, how bad-how bad is it?Ā You’re gonna be fine.Ā  You’re gonna be totally fine.Ā  Great job stemming the blood, John.Ā  I’m gonna–I’m gonna take over applying the pressure now, OK?Ā [groaning]Ā Steve, you OK?Ā Am I OK?Ā Yeah, I know, but are you still there with me?Ā I mean–OK.Ā  Here, just let me–Ā Don’t push that guy quite that hard.Ā OK.Ā  Just keep pressure…

Pawn, I command you to take out your weapon.Ā  Now shoot Steve Johnson.

OK.Thank you.Ā I know. OK.

There we go.Ā How’s Steve?Ā Well, you heard Xander.Ā  He’s going to be fine.Ā You know, I remember the day that–Ā  that we learned that-that Victor’s body was found.Ā  You were here with me then too.Ā Oh, Maggie, just like you’re always here for us.Ā I feel like I’ve lost him all over again.Ā  [stifled sob]Ā  Oh, God.Ā  I–I tried.Ā  I really tried to do the right thing.Ā You did do the right thing.Ā  Maggie, you stood up to that man.Ā  You were brave.Ā  Victor would be very proud of you.Ā I miss him.Ā  I miss him so much.Oh.Ā We all do.Ā Oh, honey, please, please, please.Ā  [shushing]Ā  Just close your eyes.Ā  Try to get some sleep.Ā  Just relax.Ā  [shushing]Ā  [sober music]


Justin, poor woman.

My God, what didn’t that crazed man doĀ  to try to destroy our family?Ā [sighs]Ā  At least it’s all out in the open now.Ā Is it?Ā Why? What do you mean?

Konstantin obviously had an accompliceĀ  when he kidnapped little Victoria.

That kind of slipped my mind.

And it had to be someone on his payroll.

Yeah, but wouldn’t things be safeĀ  now that Konstantin might be behind bars?Ā  I mean, if I were the accomplice,Ā  I’d be on the fastest boat to Panama right now.Ā Yeah, probably is.Ā Oh, Justin. [sighs]Ā  I can’t imagine how difficult this has been for you.

Certainly has been disorienting- and not just, you know, the horrific events of today.Ā  I mean, my whole world has just been turned upside downĀ  since the day Victor died.Ā I know, baby.Ā It’s still so hard to absorb that he fatheredĀ  a child with AngelicaĀ  and neither one of them said anything to me.

He wasn’t the man I thought he was,Ā  and neither am I.

What? Of course you’re the same man.Ā  You–Justin, you are the same wonderful man.Ā Alex is not my son,Ā  and my relationship with him will never be the same.Ā  My relationship with Uncle Vic has changed, too,Ā  and obviously I can’t do anything about that.Ā Well, you still have time with Alex.Ā  Justin, he is your son.Ā  He is your son in every way that counts,Ā  and you know that.

I know he’s the son I raised, the son I love.Ā  Nothing will ever change that–Ā  not in my mind, not in my heart.

But how he sees me now…

Our future has changed…Ā  forever.

[tense music]Ā OK.Ā  I am not going to say it again.Ā  Drop that gun.Ā  Put it on the ground and kick it over here,Ā  or I will shoot.Ā  And at this range, she is dead.

I don’t have a clean shot.Ā We can’t chance it.Ā Drop it!

Don’t drop it.Ā Xander, what are you doing?Ā Give it to me.Ā  You’re dealing with me now.Ā For the last time,Ā  put that gun down.Ā Just do what he says, Xander.Ā Or, what, he’ll kill Theresa?Ā Yeah, you heard him.Ā I don’t care.Ā  This man killed Victor.Ā  He tried to kill Maggie.Ā  He kidnapped my child.Ā  And you’re worried about some collateral damage?Ā  Who helped you that day with Victoria?Ā [gasps]


I will tell you who my accomplice isĀ  but only–oh!Ā  [grunting]Ā Let her go.Little bitch!Ā  Bitch, you’ve been a thorn in my sideĀ  ever since I came to this town!Ā  You bitch! I’m gonna kill you.Ā  Kill you. [gunshot]Ā [gasps]Ā  [panting]

[dramatic music]Ā I pray Steve’s going to be OK.Ā Oh, God, me too.Ā  I mean, Konstantin was determinedĀ  to make sure that both he and John bit the big one.Ā Not to mention the fact that he was planningĀ  to kill Maggie after the wedding.

Poor woman.Ā  I can only imagine how hurt she must be.Ā  I mean, first she loses her husband,Ā  and then that con man just waltzes in hereĀ  and not only takes advantage of herĀ  but plans to murder her to steal her inheritance?Ā I’m sure it’s gonna be a whileĀ  before she can recover from all this.Ā Yeah, well, we’re gonna help her.Ā  We’re gonna make sure she knows how much she is lovedĀ  and how much she is respected.Ā  You know…Ā  maybe I can fix her up with my dentist.Ā  I mean, he’s a widower,Ā  and he’s very smart, very sweet, very cute.Ā Bonnie, Bonnie,Ā  I don’t think Maggie’s in any conditionĀ  to be fixed up with anybody right now.Ā  She’s a little fragile.Ā  I think she needs some time to recoverĀ  from the shock of all this…

Yeah, yeah.

Like I said.

I get it. OK.Ā  You’re probably right.Ā  Speaking of shock, crazy how KonstantinĀ  was trying to brainwash John with that creepy card.Ā  Dude, it was so sci-fi.Ā  [both laugh]Right?Ā  I mean, thank God John and MarlenaĀ  figured out what the bastard was up toĀ  and Marlena was able to help himĀ  fight the mind control.

I’m telling you, that woman is a miracle worker.

Yeah, she is indeed.

[sighs, chuckles]Ā  What could be going on?Ā  Shouldn’t we have heard somethingĀ  about Konstantin by now?Ā I’m sure we’ll hear something soon.Ā  I just pray everyone’s OK.

[scoffs] Everyone except Konstantin.Ā  Maybe we should go check.Ā  I mean, she’s sleeping.Ā Yeah, Maggie will probably want to know what’s going onĀ  when she wakes up.

Exactly.Ā  Come on, let’s go find out…Ā Let’s go.What’s happening.

[tense music]

What is that warning about Greeks bearing gifts?

[laughs] I assure you, this is no Trojan horse.Ā  Please, open it.

Thank you.

Oh, my goodness.Ā  A photo album.Ā It belonged to my parents.Ā Oh.Ā  It’s beautiful.Ā  [gasps] All these pictures.Ā  Oh.Ā  Is that Victor?

It most certainly is.

[laughs] Oh.Ā  I’ve never seen a photo of him at this age.Ā  He was so young and handsome.Ā  [chuckles]Ā There are many pictures of him in there.Ā  Our families were very close.Ā Mm.Ā  He had such style.Ā  [laughs]Ā  And that twinkle in his eye.Ā  I want to thank you for letting me see this.Ā  I appreciate it.Ā It is yours to keep.Ā  I hope it brings you comfort for days and years to come.Ā It’s such a special gift.Ā  How can I ever repay you?Ā Do you know Victor loaned me moneyĀ  when I started my restaurant?Ā I didn’t know that.Ā And when I tried to repay him,Ā  he wouldn’t accept a penny.Ā  He wouldn’t even take the free meals I offeredĀ  when he visited.Ā  So let’s consider it even.Ā  Besides, I would consider your smileĀ  payment enough.

[dramatic music]

Is he dead?

His pulse is thready, but it’s still there.

You–you think this is over.Ā  [laughs]Ā  But you are all so stupid.

There is still an enemy in your midst.Ā  [exhales sharply]

An enemy?Ā  Who’s he talking about?

He’s gone.

Thank God.Ā  It’s over.

[intriguing music]Ā John, can you–can you help me elevate Steve’s legs?

John?Ā  What are you doing?Ā Now shoot Steve Johnson,Ā  and turn the gun on yourself.Ā Almost there.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 3, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Roman from Days


-Nicole could be heard talking to Sloan while Leo was shown.

-Sloan didn’t have a bruise on her face from when Nicole hit her.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Kristen while Rafe was shown.

-Roman’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Leo could be heard talking to EJ while Kate was shown.

-Sloan cried without any tears.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Stefan while Nicole.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Melinda while Sloan was shown.

-Sloan’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-The music playing in the Montana scenes could be heard while Roman and Kate were shown.

-Snake could be heard talking to Harris while Goldman was shown screaming.

-Goldman could be heard screaming while Snake was shown.

-Harris could be heard talking to Snake while Ava was shown.


-EJ could be heard closing a door while Nicole was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Nicole while Melinda was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Clyde while Rafe was shown.

-Harris could be heard talking to Ava while EJ was shown.

-Stefanā€™s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Nicole cried without any tears.


-The music playing in the Montana scene could be heard while Kristen was shown.

-It was still daytime when Chad was about to kill Clyde in Wednesdayā€™s episode, but it was nighttime in this episode.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Julie while Chad was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Konstantin while Julie was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Julie while Brady and Theresa were shown kissing.


-Why was Sarah so concerned about meeting Xanderā€™s mother? Sarah and Xander were married before, but she didnā€™t want to meet his mother. Now she suddenly wants to meet her.

-What were the odds that Sarah didnā€™t request the day off for Maggieā€™s wedding? Why would she choose to go to work instead of going to Maggieā€™s wedding?

-Maggie could be heard talking to Sarah and Bonnie while Justin was shown.


Ava from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Friday, June 7, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[dramatic music]

[groans] Mm. Hey.


Whoa, whoa.


So against my better judgment, this happened, didn’t it?


Any regrets?

Surprisingly, no.

Me neither.

What about Alex?



This will show him. [laughs]

This will sh– this will show him? Is that what this was about, so you could show him?


You serious?



We talked– we talked about this. Last night, we talked about how Alex doesn’t want to be exclusive and he doesn’t want a commitment with me…


And he’s still fooling around with Kristen.

Yeah, no, I remember talking about all that. I do.

And we also talked about our connection.

Oh, yeah.

Our connection, Brady, yours and mine. Remember? And how we have this chemistry that’s… Been there for a really long time? I know you feel the same.

[sighs] You know what I feel right now? I feel used.


I feel used.

Come on, don’t go all emo on me now, Brady.

Emo, what– [knock at door]

Theresa, you in there? [intriguing music]

Yeah, I am. Come on in.

Hey, I was wondering if we could…


So since this wedding was scheduled for lunchtime, I assume there will be some sort of buffet?

Not sure.

Hmm, any chance the groom was involved in the catering?

I don’t think so.

Shame, could really go for some of that hot, flaming Greek cheese.


Excuse me?

That’s what it’s called, the cheese dish. And as much as I’d like to go over the menu for the reception, I’m a little busy helping Maggie with an important favor– the wedding. [dramatic music]

What sort of favor?

Oh, Maggie, if that isn’t bridal hair, I don’t know what it is. Did I not tell you that Jean-Kevin was a miracle worker?

You did, about times. [laughter]

Oh, Maggie, you’re gonna make a beautiful bride.

Oh, oh, thank you, Bonnie. Thank you. Oh.

Bonnie, we really, really appreciate you treating us to a day at the salon, but… you know that this is just a marriage of convenience, right? Mom’s only marrying Konstantin so he can stay in the country. So you don’t have to make a huge deal of it.

Well, can I help it if I’m a hopeless romantic? I mean, weddings, even if I know they’re a big mistake and that they’re never gonna work out, they always make me cry. [chuckles]

Oh, wait a minute. Well, you know what? I got to go.

What? No, no, no.

Got to go.

We got to pick up the bridal cape.

Well, I’m sure the two of you can do it for me.



Wait, but–

Thank you.

You sure–


Bye. Bye?

What the hell?

Talk about a runaway bride. [chuckles, sighs]

I appreciate the update, Ava.

Yeah, we’ll all sleep a lot better knowing that Weston is locked up again. Uh-huh. Well, keep me posted. All right. [phone rings] Hey, buddy.

Hey, partner.

Are you on your way to the non-wedding?

Yeah, I am, but the groom asked to meet with me first.

Where are you?

I’m on the Kiriakis grounds out by the mausoleum.

Did he give you any idea why he wants to see you?

Nope, he did not, but I’m sure it has to do with his next move, which involves The Pawn. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out the details.

All right.

Oh, there you are. So why did you want to meet?

To show you this. [tense music]

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your success on stealing back that prenup Maggie asked me to sign. And now I have a very… important job for you to do.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[intriguing music]

So what’s this favor Maggie asked?

She asked me to officiate at her wedding.

And you agreed?

Of course.

Why the hell would you do that, Justin?

You can’t honestly tell me that you are in favor of this marriage.

We both know that this is a marriage in name only. Maggie is only trying to help Konstantin stay in the country.

That’s all the more reason not to do this, Justin. The man’s scum. I mean, he swooped in on Maggie when she was vulnerable, when she was still in the throes of grieving Uncle Victor. And now he’s, what, tricking her into marriage?

Maggie knows how to take care of herself. Now, look, I wrote the prenup myself, OK? It is ironclad. So no matter whatever happens today, nothing will change on that front. Konstantin will not get one dime of Maggie’s money.

Do you think a piece of paper is gonna stop this guy? In the short time he’s been in Salem, he’s– he’s managed to worm his way into Uncle Victor’s house, and now he’s talked Maggie into becoming his wife. I mean, I’m damn sure he’s got a bunch of other tricks up his sleeve. [tense music]

And what do you want me to do with this?

It is an easy task. I need you to kill my wife.

Wow, Maggie. Did you run all the way over here?

I couldn’t wait to tell you. Everything is all set.

So you’ve initiated the transfer of funds from the Titan account?

I have indeed.

So the trap is set. [intriguing music] Are you sure you’re up for this, Maggie?

Yes, I’m–I’m sure. That man has lied to me from the moment he stepped foot into my house, thinking he could take my money. Now he’s the one that’s gonna pay.


This can wait. I’ll come back later.

No, no, don’t. Just give me minutes. Well, actually, I don’t know. I might actually need an hour.

Yeah, you know what? Actually– actually, there’s somewhere that I’d rather be– anywhere else, actually. [dramatic music]

[clears throat] [inhales sharply] So…

What’d you– what’d you want to talk about?

Here. Listen.

Oh, thank you.

I know that this is not a fairy-tale wedding for Maggie and Konstantin, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy all the bells and whistles, you know.

I suppose.

Oh, please, come on, the wedding. I mean, the flowers, the music, the vows, it’s all so beautiful. And, honey, you are next. This is gonna be a whole new beginning for you and Xander and this little angel there. [light music]

And speaking of my wedding…

I would love it if you came. I know that you and Xander don’t have the greatest history, but–

No, no, just don’t– not another word. Really, that’s all forgotten. And honestly, I was– I was secretly rooting for you guys ever since I saw you in Chicago with that baby bump. Oh!

Yes, yeah, when you– you tried to convince me to tell Xander that Victoria was actually his.

I tried very hard, and you wouldn’t listen. But, honey, the truth came out, and now you three– Xander, you, and the baby– can be as one as a family. And I’ll tell you something. I would be honored to be there the day you make it legal.

That would really mean a lot to us. It really would. [chuckles]

Oh, honey. Who else is on the guest list?

We’re just gonna keep it small, I think, just family, which I– I hope includes Xander’s mom.

This wedding cannot happen, mate.

It’s not up to us, Xander. Maggie has made up her mind.

Then change yours. Just tell her that you decided you can’t officiate. If there’s no one here to marry them–

I’m not going to do that. This is what Maggie wants, and I am not going to disappoint her. [footsteps tapping]

Is there coffee?

Yeah, there’s coffee. What are you doing here?

I’m here for the wedding, Xander. I assume that’s why you’re here too. By the way, why the hell does everyone have to get married in this house?

Someone’s in a mood.

You know, it’s like it’s the great white little chapel of Salem or something.

I’m guessing it has something to do with Theresa. Am I right? [intriguing music]

So talk to me. What’s up?

Maybe we should talk some other time.

No, no. Come on! You’re not upset ’cause you found me in bed with Brady, are you? Hmm? ‘Cause you were doing that with Kristen.

No, actually, I’m not seeing Kristen anymore.

What? Really? What, did she– she broke it off?

No, she just made me see what I really wanted.

And what’s that?

To be with you– only with you.

Come on. You’re just teasing.

I’m not teasing you. I’m dead serious. In fact, I am kind of crazy about you.



Then why did you keep pushing me away and just keeping me at arm’s length?

I don’t know, but Kristen was asking me that same question. I don’t really have an answer for it. But maybe I do.

What? Tell me, please.

I just have this feeling that you’re–

What? That I’m what?

You’re keeping something from me.

You want me to kill your wife?

After the wedding. As soon as my bride-to-be and I have been pronounced man and wife, you are to lead her outside and make certain that death doth us do part. [tense music]

After the wedding?

See, I will be a groom and a widower on the same day, and I will only have Maggie’s millions to console me.

So you are clear, Pawn, on what you are to do?

I’m clear.

Hmm. Xander has a mom, huh? I mean, it makes sense. I mean, it’s not like he was spawned from a set of bagpipes, right? [laughter]

Nope, nope. He–[chuckles] He definitely came into the world like we all do.

Well, so what did he say she’s like?

Not much, honestly. [clears throat] That she’s a– she’s an alcoholic, a very difficult woman, and she and Xander don’t get along at all.

And he wants her at your wedding?

Well– well, no, no, not technically. It was my idea. I just–he reluctantly agreed to it, but I don’t know. I think it would be nice to have her in our lives and, you know, for Victoria to get to know her other grandmother. And who knows? Maybe my mom could help her with her addiction.

Hmm. Mm.




Sounds like you had to twist your groom’s big, strong arm.

Wait, no. Xander needed a little bit of persuading, just, like, a little bit. Nothing–OK.


He just wants to do what’s best for our daughter. So he– he gave me her phone number. [light music]

What did she say when you called?

Well, I haven’t– I haven’t yet. I– I don’t know. I’m quite–I’m– I’m quite nervous about it.

What do I say? Like, hi, I’m Sarah Horton. I’m your son Xander’s fiancĆ©e– oh, and also the mother of your grandchild. You know, like, what if she– what if she’s very cold and distant? Or worse, what if she blows up at me? I mean, Xander said that she’s quite a tough woman.



I’ll tell you one thing– just some old advice. I’m not scared about it.



Don’t you–Bonnie, stop it.

No, shh, it’s ringing.

I really should be the one that’s calling.

Shh. [line rings]

Well, don’t keep us in suspense. What did Theresa do this time?

I’m gonna get ready for the wedding.

Wish I could tell him not to bother.

Xander, can you try and be just a bit positive about this?

Positive? What is there to be positive about, Justin? Maggie falling victim to the manipulations of a two-bit Zorba? She deserves so much better.

Gentlemen, what a lovely day for a wedding, is it not? Has anyone seen my lovely bride?

Your lovely bride whom you’ve been conning since the moment you first laid eyes on her? That lovely bride?

Maggie and I are very excited about our upcoming nuptials.

If Maggie is excited, it’s because you’ve brainwashed her into thinking you care about her. Everyone else can see right through you, mate, with the possible exception of your lovely bride. Isn’t that right, Justin? You want to jump in here?


Jump in and say what? Do you think I care about what any of you think of me, huh?

Well, you’re gonna hear it anyway.

[scoffs] You’re not fit to dust her figurines, Meleounis. And you sure as hell are a big step down from my Uncle Victor.

Oh, you think I’m not as good as Victor Kiriakis?

Not even close.

You know, Xander, you are like a blind man in a cavern, huh? You don’t realize how in the dark you are. [tense music]

Hey, buddy.


Just in time for our toast.

Yeah? What are we– what are we drinking to?

To exposing Konstantin for the fraud that he is.

Well, now, I will drink to that. [laughter] So I’m assuming that the two of you have got some news.

Yes, we do. We have that snake right where we want him.

Now we can expose him and have him arrested before the wedding actually takes place.

Oh, I’m glad to hear that, because that snake just summoned me to the mausoleum on the Kiriakis grounds, and he ordered The Pawn to kill Maggie as soon as she became his bride.

Oh, God.

Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, Maggie, but this really doesn’t come as a shock to any of us, does it?

No, no, it’s not a shock. It’s just that there was a part of me that was hoping that– that he wasn’t capable of doing something so awful.

Hmm, well, I taped our conversation, but I don’t know if there’s gonna be enough to use against him, so I’m thinking we just need to continue on with our plan here. Now, you’re gonna be safe. Doc has successfully deprogrammed me. Besides, we’re not gonna let you anywhere near that guy, not for a second.

No. That son of a bitch will never see it coming when we lower the boom.

OK, I’ll drink to that. [glasses clink]

I don’t understand. Why would I be keeping something from you?

[scoffs] I don’t know, Theresa. It’s just a feeling I have.

And this feeling is what? It’s just people talking around town, telling you that I’m a liar and a schemer?

I don’t think of you like that at all. In fact, I’m not influenced by what anybody would say about you or anybody else, for that matter. I’m sorry if it sounds like I don’t trust you.

Well, it does feel that way.


I swear, I’m not keeping anything from you.

OK. OK, I believe you.

What about Brady?

What about Brady?

Well, obviously something just went down when I walked in here, so…

Maybe it’s not my place to ask, but… are you gonna keep seeing him?

Why don’t you just mind your own business and worry about your own wedding?

No, no, no, but your wedding is my business, my dear, because after you become Alexander’s wife, you will generously share Victor’s fortune with me.

Yeah, thanks to the devil’s bargain I was stupid enough to make with you.

It was your idea to make it look like Alex’s name was on the letter instead of Xander’s, huh?

No, no. [chuckles] No, I was just doing that to upset you because I wanted to get back at you for what you were doing with Kristen.

Ah. Yeah. It worked. Obviously it upset me to see the two of you together… like that.

I’m sorry.

[scoffs] There’s no need to be. I was an idiot for getting involved with Kristen the way I did, and… I understand why you would try and get back at me.

Thank you. I’m really glad you understand.


[clears throat] And… now for some more honesty, if you’re ready for it.


Alex… I want to be with you too– only you.

OK. Well, now that we have both admitted how each of us feel…


Do you think maybe, you know, this would be a commitment that we make to each other? I don’t know, is “commitment” too strong of a word?

No, I think it works.

OK, good. Me too. Now that that’s established, will you do the honor of joining me as my date and the woman to whom I’m committed to Maggie’s wedding?

I would love that. [chuckles]


Just give me a bit to get ready?

Yeah. I’ll see you downstairs.

Mm-hmm. Brush your teeth.


[breathes deeply]

Do you want to be the Kiriakis heiress? This is what you have to do.

[knock at door]

Hi. I saw Alex leave, so I figured it’d be OK to come in.

Yeah, sure.

So was he upset to find out that you don’t want to be exclusive with him?

Actually… I do want that.

Wow, I mean, that was one hell of a , Theresa.

Yeah, well… [dramatic music] I thought about it a bit more, and… open relationship’s just not my thing. Like you pointed out, I’m not really good at sharing, so I hope you understand.

Sure, sure. But didn’t– [chuckles] Didn’t you tell me that Alex was seeing Kristen?

No, that’s over.

Oh, that’s–wow. That was quick, right? Predictable, I guess.

Yeah, well, they’re not really a match made in heaven.

No, no. To put it mildly, no. But I guess that means that this– I mean, you and I are, I mean– it’s over? Not that it–[chuckles] Not that it even began, because of what happened. It’s just, we weren’t thinking clearly, right? I mean, hey, I know I wasn’t thinking clearly. And it shouldn’t– I mean, come on, it shouldn’t have happened. It shouldn’t have happened. It did, but it shouldn’t have. I blame myself. Oops, I succumbed to your charms.

We both succumbed– both of us, Brady.

Look, like you said, I think– I think it’s best that we just keep things simple, for Tate’s sake.

Yeah, I recall saying that.

So are we cool or–

Yeah. Yeah, we’re cool. Now that you’ve used me to get exactly what you want, we’re cool.

Brady. Brady, don’t–

No, hey, I blame myself. I told you. I told you I blame myself for making the same mistake that I swore I’d never make again!

I’m sorry. I’ll see you at the wedding, OK?

Oh. [sighs] It’s OK. Just keep your eye on the prize, girl. Just keep your eye on the prize. You had no choice. You had to let him go. You had no choice.

Hello. This is Bonnie Kiriakis, and I’m– Oh.


Voicemail, one of those computer-generated voices. I have to wait for the beep. Oh, there–hello. Yes, this is Bonnie Kiriakis, and I’m actually married to your son’s first cousin Justin, which makes us– I’m not sure what that makes us but–

Just give it to me.

Oh, OK.

Hi. Hi. Sorry. [chuckles] Sorry. That was my–my friend. She was helping me get– well…[sighs] I was– well, I was…[chuckles] Just quite nervous about calling you. Hi. Sorry. My name is Sarah Horton. I–I’m engaged to your son Xander, and also, I’m the mother of… your grandchild, who’s just a beautiful little girl named Victoria whom we’d love for you to meet here in Salem. Well, Xander and I are getting married soon, and we would– we would really love it if you came to the wedding. OK.

Oh. Oh, no, don’t, don’t, don’t. [inhales deeply] Breathe. [tense music]

What do you mean I’m in the dark?

What the hell is it you think I don’t know?

That Victor detested you, his own flesh and blood, and he treated you like dirt.

You shut the hell up about my uncle.

He thought of you as nothing more than as a glorified gardener.

That is not true.

Really? Then why didn’t he even mention you in his will, huh? Huh? Why are you defending a man who thought you so– so worthless that he didn’t even leave you a single penny?

[light string music]

Hey, buddy.

Dad, Steve, didn’t I– didn’t I see you arriving with Maggie outside?

Yeah, actually, we ran into her when she was making sure everything was set up for the big event.

So we gave her a ride home. [chuckles]

Hey, Xander. Xander. Ooh, ooh. [chuckles] Hello. Anybody home? [chuckles]

Oh, Bonnie, hey.

Hey, hey. You were deep in thought. Everything OK?

Yeah, everything’s fine. Where’s Sarah? I know you were together at the salon all morning.

Oh, yeah, yeah, we were, and we were on our way over here, but her phone rang, and it was the hospital, and there was some sort of emergency, so she had to rush over there. Life of a doctor, right? [chuckles]

Always on call.

Yeah, on her mother’s wedding day too. So sad. But she wanted me to tell you that she would be here as soon as she possibly could. And she asked me to bring little Victoria, which, of course, I did. But she was sound asleep, so I put her in the porta-crib.

Thanks, Bonnie.

No problem. And I don’t think Sarah would mind me telling you this, but… we called your mother. [chuckles]

Did you speak to her?

Ugh, no such luck. I actually called because Sarah, she didn’t have the nerve to take the plunge, and got her voicemail. And I was leaving a message, and I was rambling on, as I usually do. So Sarah grabbed the phone, and she left the sweetest message. She told your mother that she would hope that she would attend your wedding.

I see.

[clears throat] Sarah also mentioned that you and your mother don’t exactly get along, that, well, she’s a bit of a boozer and kind of difficult. And I know it’s none of my business, but just for my two cents’ worth, I agree with Sarah. I think your daughter deserves to spend some time with her other grandmother.

Yeah, well, we’ll see if my mum actually calls back.

Well, I know Sarah’s hoping she will, but I’m guessing you’re hoping otherwise?

Sarah thinks it’s very important for my mum to be at our wedding, so… I’m not standing in the way. But if it were up to me, I’d be fine if I never saw that woman again. [tense music] [light string music]

OK, can we please take a seat and get started here?

You think Konstantin is ready for what we have planned?

Well, he has shown us his Pawn card, and he has no idea that we’ve already stacked the deck against him.

Family and friends, thank you for coming. We are gathered here today to unite this couple in marriage. So without further ado, do you, Margaret Horton Kiriakis, take this man, Konstantin Meleounis, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part?

I do.

And do you, Konstantin Meleounis, take this woman, Margaret Horton Kiriakis, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?

I do.

May I have the rings? [phone beeps]


I’m so sorry. I must have forgotten to silence it. Oh, wait. This isn’t right. [tense music]

Justin, what is it? Is everything OK?

Perhaps you could finish this after you marry us.

No, I just received an alert from one of Titan’s accountants. Apparently a large sum of money is missing from Victor’s charitable trust.

[gasps] Well, how is that possible?

There were several withdrawals made these past few days.

Do you know anything about this?

Of course not.

But, Konstantin, don’t you have to authorize every transaction?

Yes, he does. Konstantin, you had to know that this money was being moved.

But I didn’t.

Good God, man. It’s not enough for you to crawl out from under some rock and slime your way into my uncle’s house? You had to steal his money too?

Maggie, are you sure there isn’t anyone else who could have authorized these withdrawals?

I’m sure. I just–I don’t understand.

I’ll call the police. Maybe they can help get us some answers.

The police? I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I am being framed.

Framed? By who?

By this man.


You have made no secret of hating me.

Now, that’s true, but I don’t work at Titan anymore. I couldn’t have done this.

It was someone. [panting] It was him, Mr. Johnson.

Really? You’re blaming me now?

Why not? You had no qualms about hurting me. You and John killed my daughter! Maggie, you’ve got to believe me. I did not do this. You know what kind of man I am.

Well, apparently I was wrong about that, because the evidence is very clear. You embezzled funds from my family’s company, and you’re going to prison for it.

Oh, my–

Oh, my God! You are in on this too, aren’t you? And you as well!

I see. You are all conspiring against me. Well, you will all pay for it. Pawn! I command you to take out your weapon.

[gasps] Oh!

Now shoot Steve Johnson, and turn the gun on yourself.

They deserve it for killing my daughter!

Shoot! Shoot, Pawn! Kill them! Kill them all!

I’m not your Pawn anymore, and the only person I’m gonna kill is you if you do anything stupid. And you should know that if I killed Maggie as you just ordered me, you still would have wound up with nothing because the original prenup…

Is right here.


You weren’t expecting to see this ever again, were you?

Maggie, I can explain.

No, don’t even try. I don’t want to hear another lie out of your lying mouth. [tense music] You came into my home when I was grieving the man that I love. What, you thought you’d take advantage of that grief? You knew I needed someone to lean on, someone who understood how I felt about my husband. So you pretended to be his friend…

To know him like I did, to love him like I did. And, what, you hoped that I would fall for you?

You let me cry on your shoulder. You pretended to be my protector when my beautiful baby granddaughter was taken.

The kidnapping– you arranged that too, didn’t you?

That’s absurd.

I’ll be damned. You had Xander and Sarah’s baby kidnapped so Maggie would continue to let you live in her home, away from all those phantom Greek enemies who were after you.

You sick bastard. You’d better hope–


You’d better hope the cops get here before I kill you.

Dear God, that hooded person that took Victoria, that wasn’t one of your Greek enemies. That was your accomplice.

Who the hell was it, Konstantin?

What does it matter who it was? He’s already admitted responsibility for the crime.

You’re all a bunch of damn hypocrites! We all know that Victor was no saint, huh? He didn’t give a damn that my little girl was killed because of his need to punish me, huh? Well, I may not have got my revenge on you, but I did get my revenge on your dearly beloved late husband.

What are you saying?

It was me who was responsible for his death. I am the one who sabotaged his plane, sent him to a watery grave.

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Days Transcript Thursday, June 6, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


I can’t believe it, Julie. The house is all brand new, and yet–I don’t know. You made it still seem like the same Horton family home.

Well, that was my inspiration. Of course, I had a lot of good ideas from the workmen. They gave me a lot of wonderful support.

Oh, come on. It was all you. This is beautiful.

Well, it’s a tribute to my grandparents, really.

Yeah, well, I know you did that. And what about any luck opening their time capsule?

I wish. I have absolutely no idea where the key is.

Okay, well, then maybe the both of us can brainstorm over dinner and try to figure it out.

It’ll be a challenge, I warn you. Maggie… there’s something else I need to talk to you about.

Okay, what is it?

Well, you know when you told me you were going to marry Konstantin, I supported you because I respect you and I respected your decision?

Yeah, you did.

Well, since then, I’ve given it a lot more thought. And I think it is a mistake. I think it’s a terrible mistake, Maggie. Do not marry that man. [mysterious music] [ominous music]

Oh. Uh, sorry. I didn’t think anyone was in here.

I was just having a drink. I may have despised the man, but Victor did keep a well-stocked bar. [chuckles]

Cool. Okay, you enjoy.

No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Before you go, I would like to have, um, a word with you. And now that you are safely ensconced in the Kiriakis mansion, I would like to know your plan for getting the Kiriakis heir up the aisle.

[laughs] Wow. I thought you had to work late tonight.

I did. I just couldn’t wait to come over here and do this. [both moan] Mm. You know, I spent all day going over all the minutia for a potential merger with some of Titan’s subsidiaries. I just couldn’t stop thinking about this merger.

Ah, you know what, Alex?

Hmm? What?

We, uh, merged twice this morning.

I know, but that was hours ago. I can’t help it if I have a crazy sweet tooth. And with you, I’m like a kid in a candy store.

[laughs] All right, I’m afraid, kid, that this candy store…


Yeah, it’s closed.


Come on, Chad. Just think this through.

I have been thinking this through for a very long time. After what you said about my wife, I will absolutely end you right here, right now. You will never have the chance to put another family through the pain you put us through.

Chad, no!

An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.

Oh, and now you’re scared? Tell me something. How do you think Abigail felt?

I wouldn’t know.

What do you–what do you mean, you wouldn’t know?

I wouldn’t know, because I didn’t kill her. Abigail is still alive. [suspenseful music]

What did you say?

Do you need me to speak more clearly? Your dearly departed wife is actually alive and well here in the land of the living.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Did you hear what I said? Abigail is alive. So why don’t you put that gun down?

No! No, you are lying. You are lying. You would say anything to stop me from putting this bullet between your beady little eyes.

Chad, you don’t want to do this.

No, this is exactly what I want to do.

Just give me a gun. We’ll take this son of a–

I need him to say it!

Say what?

The truth. That you murdered my wife in cold blood to stop her from exposing the drug operation. I need you to look me in the eyes and I need you to say it, or I will end you.

Go ahead and kill me if you want. If you do, you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering why you blew the only chance you’ll ever have of getting the love of your life back.

Julie, I appreciate your concern about my marriage to Konstantin. But, you know, it’s just one out of convenience. As I explained it to you. I mean, his visa is expiring. Then this way, he can stay in the country.

Yes. Yes, you explained it to me. The reason I’ve changed my mind is because of the story he told you. Oh, how years ago, Victor sent Steve and John off to Greece on some sort of a mission. And unfortunately, on that mission, Konstantin’s daughter was killed.

So why would that make me want to not marry him?

Well, isn’t it obvious? He must have hated Victor’s guts. You don’t get over something like that, the death of your only child.

No, it was a terrible tragedy, of course. And Konstantin is not over his daughter’s death. He’ll never be over it. But he found in his heart a way to be forgiving.

Oh, how lovely. I don’t believe it. I think he just showed up on your doorstep with an ulterior motive and all this gushing about how he was buddy-buddy with Victor is so much balderdash.

Oh, come on. What ulterior motive would he have had?

Well, you’re not gonna like the sound of it. I think he came to Salem, wormed his way into your house and into your heart to get revenge on an old enemy. And I’m afraid he’s gonna use you to do it.

Why don’t you just mind your own business and worry about your own wedding?

No, no, no. But your wedding is my business, my dear. Because after you become Alexander’s wife, you will generously share Victor’s fortune with me.

Thanks to the devil’s bargain I was stupid enough to make with you.

It was your idea to make it look like Alex’s name was on the letter instead of Xander’s, huh? But we all know that ideas are a dime a dozen. Execution is where the rubber hits the road.

Oh, wow, my aren’t you the Greek philosopher?

Despite your tedious sarcasm, I would expect you would show me some gratitude given the fact that I was the one that found the forger to alter Victor’s letter.

Well, doesn’t exactly seem to be paying off, does it?

Which is why you need to get hitched sooner rather than later. Otherwise, there was no point to divert the true heir’s money. [tense music]

I thought the candy store was open /.

Mm, well, I am changing the hours.

Is this about Theresa? Because she knows all about us. I actually just left a session with Dr. Evans, and she got me to realize that I need to be open and honest.

Oh, yes. I’m not much of a fan of Marlena’s. Um, but that is really good advice, which I am going to take as well.

Good. So you’re gonna be honest with yourself about wanting me right now.

No. [laughs] No, what I’m gonna be honest with you about is that as fun and as energetic as you are, Alex, I’m just not that into you.

Julie, I can see why you would think Konstantin is out for revenge.

Well, why don’t you think it?

Well, because Konstantin and I, we’ve discussed this. He and Victor made amends.

Amends? Amends is something you make when you’ve broken your friend’s favorite china plate. Mediterranean man of a certain age does not make amends with the person who is responsible for the death of his child.

Julie, I’m sorry you feel that way.

I just don’t understand how you can fall for such a tall tale. I mean, you’re too smart to be so gullible. And something’s off. [unsettling music]

Julie, please. Can I ask you to just trust me that I know what I’m doing?

There’s a plan? Okay. Okay. There’s a plan. So tell me all about it. [sighs] You asked me to trust you and now you don’t trust me?

I think the less you know, the better.

Well, you know I’ll never go for that.

Well, how’s Chad and the kids? Are they gonna be joining us for dinner?

No. No, actually, Chad is out of town.

On business?

No, he– [sighs] He’s trying to track down Clyde Weston.

Clyde? Why?

He has come to believe that the killing of Abigail was a premeditated act.

You think I murdered Abigail? But if I didn’t, you’d be murdering an innocent man.

You? Innocent?

You don’t believe me, go ahead and shoot. But I don’t think you will. Last time you had the chance, you wussed out.

Shut up, Clyde, or I’ll shoot you myself. Chad, you got two kids. Abigail would want you to be there for them. You pull that trigger and that’s not gonna happen. You’ve lost so much already. Do not let this guy take anything else from you.

I’m gonna let you live because I need to– I need to find out how Abigail could possibly be alive. And where she is.

We’ll take him in and we’ll get you some answers. [tense music]

You two wanna tell me what you were talking about just now?

Oh, Konstantin was just telling me about all the virtues of Victor’s liquor inventory.

[laughs] Oh. Really? That’s funny, ’cause I swear I heard somebody say something about diverting the true heir’s funds?

Oh, no.

Or his money?

That–that–that was me, because I misspoke, Brady. I meant to divide to the true heirs their money.


My English sometimes, it’s–

It’s the Greek, you know? And we were just saying how Victor’s kind of screwed everybody out of the inheritance. You know, now that the will is going through probate, she’s gonna be able– Maggie will be able to share–

Yeah, she’s going to share because she is so generous. And we are all so lucky to have Maggie in our lives.


True. both: I don’t like that guy.

I know, right? I feel like he doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him.

No, he doesn’t. Besides Maggie.


[sighs] So you have plans with Alex tonight?

[scoffs] Nope.

Oh. Trouble in paradise?

Well, if you have to know, he intends to keep seeing Kristen. So that means that we’re in an open relationship. [stirring music]

Where is this coming from? I thought we had a good thing going.

Oh, we did. Did. And let me just save the blow to your ego by confirming that what we had was really wonderful, especially the physical part.

Well, then what’s the problem?

[laughs] Well, I thought I would be happy being friends with benefits.

But something changed your mind?

Mm. Mm-hmm. I spoke to my brother earlier, Stefan. And I realized that casual sex has and can have some serious consequences.

What kind of serious consequences? Because it seems pretty harmless to me. We’ve been completely honest with each other, right? So I don’t see the downside to continuing this little arrangement.

Maybe that’s because you’re in denial.

Denial of what?

Hmm, that you have feelings for Theresa, that you are in love with her.

Come on. I’m in love with Theresa?

No, you come on. Have you forgotten why we started this in the first place? It was to make Theresa and Brady jealous.

That’s right, and then it became something else.

Mm. Or maybe not. Last night, you were, oh, you were talking in your sleep about Theresa.

No, I– I was not.

Yes, you actually were talking to Theresa.

What did I say?

Oh, some very romantic things. Yeah, along the lines of, um, “I love you. I want you in my heart. And I want you to be with me, forever.”

I said that in my sleep?

Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? Since we’re being open and honest, I think you need to be honest with yourself about the woman that you’re whispering sweet nothings to in your dreams.

But we got a good thing going. It’s nice. It’s fun.

Mm-hmm. And now it’s over. Because I am in love with Brady. And, Alex, the only reason that you wanted candy from me is to distract you from being sweet on Theresa.

Yeah, I knew there was something going on with Alex and Kristen, but I didn’t think it was anything serious at all.

Oh, yeah. I’m sure it’s not. I’m sure it’s just a fling or whatever.

It’s obviously bothering you a little bit, huh?

No. I’m cool with it.

No, you’re not.

Yes, I am.

No, you’re not. I know you’re not cool with it, because you don’t like sharing. That I know about you. You probably want Alex all to yourself. Yes or no?

Okay, yeah, it’s not really great for my ego that I feel like I’m not enough for him. Or for any man, for that matter. Yes, you’re right. I don’t like sharing.

Have you told him that?

No, I’m not gonna tell him that, Brady. I’ve got more pride than that. I’m not gonna pressure anyone to be with me.

Are you sure about that one?

Okay, yes, I… I know I’ve done that with you. In the past. But I’m breaking my pattern now since that hasn’t really served me well.

How mature.

Yes. Yes, it is very mature. And you know what? [sighs] Alex wants to keep seeing Kristen, then why do I have to feel guilty if I want to be with another man?

You definitely don’t have to.

Yeah. If he doesn’t intend to be exclusive, then why should I? [stirring music]

Dear God. So Chad went after Clyde?

Could not be stopped, evidently.

You know, I can understand his need for revenge. But doesn’t he realize what a dangerous man that he is?

How can you say that and not realize how dangerous it is for you to be marrying Konstantin when he must have loathed Victor?

Julie, I told you that I–

Yeah, you got a plan. Won’t tell me what the plan is. Well, maybe I’ve got a plan too. Maybe it’s a better plan. Here’s my plan. You don’t marry Konstantin. You call off the wedding before it’s too late.

And why would she do that? [sinister music]

You know, this really is terrible.

Then why do you keep eating it?

‘Cause I can’t help myself. I stress eat.


And because you ate the last bag of flaming hot cheese puffs.

Yeah. That was a mistake. I’m gonna regret that in the morning. Ooh. My stomach.

Chad. What happened with Clyde? Is Harris okay? What–

Harris is good. Harris is fine. Uh, he has Clyde. He’s waiting for the FBI to take him into custody.

Thank goodness. All right, I’m–I’m–I’m gonna go. I’m gonna check for myself.

Yeah, go. Check it out. Be safe out there.


What’s going on, man? You all right? You, uh, want to talk or something?

Clyde said something about Abigail.

What’d he say? What, he admitted that he targeted her?

Yeah, he did, but he said something else. [mysterious music]

He said that Abigail’s alive.

I think you may be right. I’m using you as a distraction from my feelings for Theresa.

Ah, Marlena’s got nothing on me. I’m gonna send you the bill.

All right.


You know, Theresa told me she wanted to marry me. I pushed her away. I told her we needed to sleep in separate rooms.

I mean, that’s probably a good thing. Otherwise she would have heard you moaning about, “I love you, and I need you and”–

Can you–can you please, please, please stop that? Just stop.



I’ll stop.

Thank you.

I’m sorry.

Mm. All right, so why– why do you think you’ve kept Theresa at arm’s length?



I can’t help feeling there’s a reason why I shouldn’t trust her.

Oh, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, what are you doing? What are you doing?

Kissing you, you big dummy.

I know that’s what you’re doing, but where’d that– Theresa, where’d that come from?

I don’t know, it’s just– it’s an impulse, you know? It was just an impulse. I mean, why– why do Kristen and Alex get to have all the fun? And for the record, you were kissing me back.

Yeah, you caught me off guard. You–that’s not fair.

Yeah, but still, you liked it. It was fun, wasn’t it?

I need a second to process this, okay?



What’s to process?


What? What’s to process? It was sweet. It was–it was exciting. It was–it was fun. You know what?


If I’m being honest here… if I’m being really honest, I want you, Brady. And if you’re gonna be honest with me, you’re gonna admit that you want me too. Right?

Forgive me for intruding on your private conversation, but the door was open. Did you realize that no one in Salem actually locks their doors?

Well, it’s a friendly town. We don’t expect to have unwelcome intruders.

[chuckles] Of course not. This woman is saving my life by marrying me. And I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. Until death doth us do part.

I’m just having a hard time believing you’re gonna have such a rosy future since her late husband was responsible for the death of your daughter.

Clyde told you that Abigail was still alive?

He did.

How is that possible?

I don’t–I don’t– I don’t know, Lucas. All right, I was in shock. I didn’t really have time to get into details.

Well, why would he say that?

Probably because I had a gun to his head.

Right, there you go. He was trying to save his own skin.

Right, so he was just– he would have said anything, right? You know, if he thought it would make me spare his life?

Yeah, yeah. Hell yeah, he would have.

Yeah. But what if he wasn’t lying, Lucas? What if Abigail really is still alive?

So what is it about Theresa that you feel you can’t trust? Other than the fact that she’s totally untrustworthy. Okay, I’m sorry. It’s just a joke.

Yeah, that’s not funny. I don’t know why I have all these doubts. I just can’t help feeling that she’s not being straight with me. There’s been so many times where it feels like she was on the verge of saying something to me. Something that would upset me. And it’s like she was about to, like–

Mm. About to what? Hmm? Confess?



Like she was about to confess. And every time she started to say what she was intending to say, she would just change her mind. She’d shut down. And then I’d, like, start to catch her in a little white lie. And she’d try to make an explanation for it, which didn’t make any sense at all, which only makes me think, like–

Maybe that there’s a bigger lie that she’s keeping from you?


Alex. If you love her, if you really love her, then you owe it to yourself to find out what she apparently is afraid to tell you. And, you know what, maybe that, that the two of you, it could take you to a whole other level.

Right. Yeah, maybe it could. Thank you for listening. Helping me figure this whole thing out. As a friend.

We were friends with benefits, you know.

Mm. Yeah.

We just focused on the benefits part. So I figured I owe you some friendly advice.

Well, thank you. It was a lot of fun, though.

It was. [laughs] And I really, really hope this works out for you. Oh. You are such a sweet guy. You are.


Even though you don’t want anyone to know it.

Okay, well, I’ve also seen a sweet side to you. And I know whatever that it is that you feel for Brady is real. I hope he turns around.

Mm. He will. [gentle music]

[Kristen sighs]

Theresa, don’t. Come on. We’ve never been good with boundaries. This is crossing ’em big-time. This is a bad idea.

Why? Why is it, though? I mean, come on, we’re consenting adults. And it’s so obvious that we still have this connection.

No, the only connection that we’re supposed to focus on right now and that matters is our son, all right? And, hey, we’ve been doing a good job lately, right? We’ve been getting along. We’ve been co-parenting really well. And given our track record, that’s, like, a minor miracle, okay?

Yes, it is. I agree.

It is. So all I’m saying is, we’re on a roll here, so let’s not blow it, okay? At least out of respect for our boy. Right? ‘Cause he doesn’t wanna deal with his parents’ drama right now, especially given all the drama he’s had to deal with us in the past.

This time, there is no drama.

[laughs] No drama? Come on, I know you, I know me, and I definitely know us.



Okay, yes, we’re Tate’s parents. But, by God, we just–we used to be so much more than that. And from the way you just kissed me now, it’s–

Ooh. No, you kissed me. You kissed me.

Okay, fine. From the way that that kiss felt, I– what if I promise– no. What if I swear on a stack of bibles that there will be no more drama, at least not from me anyway and I will behave with the utmost dignity and self-respect and respect for you and there will be no more clinginess and pressure and demands and we can just celebrate in this connection that you and I have? And we can just have this great old, like, lovely time.

Lovely time together. Yeah, you are– you are really aiming high on this one, you know that.

Why not? I know you’re not seeing anyone. So I bet you are really lonely. And I bet you would like to have some companionship. Maybe some affection. Maybe some warmth.


You’re okay.

I am.

Good. And where’s Clyde?

I handed him over to the FBI. I was just interviewing the manager of the campground to get more details on Clyde’s stay here.

So he’s going back to Statesville?


And you’re still upset with me. [mysterious music] Look, I know you’re not happy that I was gonna kill Clyde.

Yeah. I’m not real happy.

Look, I’m not saying I was right. But I’m not gonna apologize for doing what I needed to do to keep my son safe. Look, Clyde has been threatening him. He’s been threatening Tripp, and he’s been holding it over my head for months. All right, it finally got to me. And I admit, I went too far.

You definitely did.

Okay, but I didn’t shoot him. And you caught him. All right, so let’s just– let’s put this behind us, okay? Come on, Harris, please. Will you please try and understand why I did what I did so we can get past this?

You know, Julie, I don’t think my personal relationship is any of your concern.

No, no, no, Maggie. Do not be so hard on your friend. I understand her desire to protect you. It is something we share. And it is a fair question. I explained to Maggie several months ago that Victor and I–

Yes, you made amends.

Exactly. And the truth is, upon reflection, I realized that it was wrong of me to blame Victor for my daughter’s death. I have come to understand that it was a horrendous mistake. [foreboding music] You see, Julie, my daughter, Catharina, was one of the kindest people I have ever known. She would never want me to fill my heart with hardness.

And then, like I told you, I lost a daughter and a son. So I know something about your pain.

Yes. That is another thing that binds us, Maggie. And I must say, dear woman, that I am so grateful that you proposed to me. Oh, on that note, I have some news.


I just found out that my visa is officially expiring. So if I am to stay in this country, we have no choice but to get married tomorrow.

You wanna get married tomorrow?

Maggie, think this through!

Julie, please.

Maggie, I know you wanted to plan something special. But it is not really necessary, is it? After all, the only reason we are getting married is so that I can get my visa. And to do that, all we need to do is be pronounced man and wife by this time tomorrow.

[laughs] By this time tomorrow, it’ll all be behind us. [ominous music]

[conspiratorial music]

[exhales] Ah, Brady. I am gonna do whatever it takes to win you back. And this time, I’m not gonna let you go.

Theresa! [light string music] That’s funny. Henderson said she was here. [suspenseful music]

[both panting]

[sighs] Look, I get that you did what you felt you had to do.

There’s a but coming.

You know, I gotta get back to the FBI field office.

Okay, I’ll come with you.

No, no. They’re not gonna want any civilians there. Look, I just want to make sure that Clyde is processed and he gets put away so he never hurts anybody ever again.

Of course.

I guess, um, we’ll talk more about this when we get back to Salem.

Okay. [wistful music]

Chad, I know you want to believe that there’s still hope that Abigail’s alive. I feel the same way, but you gotta consider the source.

I know.

He’s messing with your head. You know, he’s pushing your buttons. He’s just trying to make you suffer.

Well, he succeeded. He said that if I killed him, I would spend the rest of my life wondering if he was telling the truth.

You know, if he’s right, if Abigail is still alive, why didn’t he say anything earlier, huh?

I don’t–I don’t– I don’t–I don’t know, Lucas! I don’t know!

Listen to me–

It doesn’t make sense. Okay? I get it.

Chad, you were the one who found her. You found her. You saw her. You saw what he did to her.

I know.

Listen, man, I loved her too. I did. And as much as we don’t want to admit it, as much we don’t want to admit it, it was so–it–

I-I know. Come here.

I’m sorry, man. I am. I’m sorry, okay?

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Days Transcript Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[siren wailing]

Hey, I’m heading out. Do you need anything before I go?

No, no, I’m good. Have a good day.


Oh, Kayla, you forgot your glasses.

Ah. Oh, look at that.


Does that mean–

Yes, Xander and I are engaged.

Wow. Well, I’m really happy for you. That is a beautiful ring.

Thank you. Yeah, actually, I just wanted a ring tattoo, but I think my mom will murder me if I get another tattoo. She’s not a fan.

Yeah, I’m not either, actually. And I hear they’re–they’re kind of hard to get off.

Well, why would I want to remove my tattoo?

Isn’t it obvious? Your boss thinks I’m gonna screw things up between us again. [dramatic music]

[knock at door]


Look, I’m sorry to barge in like this, all right? But I–you know–I need to know what’s going on, you know? I can’t stop thinking about it, and–so there’s got to be something new, Steve.

No, only what I told you over the phone, OK? Harris is making progress, and we–

Stop. Just–just–just level with me.

Chad, listen to me, buddy.

Don’t. Don’t, Steve. Look, that son of a bitch burned down my house while my kids were sleeping, you understand? He murdered my wife, which we now know was a targeted hit, OK? You’re hiding something from me. And I’m not leaving here until you tell me everything.

[exhales forcefully]

Thank you.

I can’t believe that Stark had the gall to come in here after what he did, that little weasel.

Well, I doubt that little weasel is ever gonna walk in here again.

Yeah, well, he damn well better not. I mean, my God, all he had to do was come forward a couple months ago. He could have spared my son a whole lot of heartbreak.

He could have spared you a lot of heartache as well.

Yeah, well, what I feel doesn’t compare to what Eric’s going through. He had everything he wanted. He had family. He had fatherhood. And then it’s just all ripped away. [light music playing] [sighs] Look, I know you can relate to this all too well– I mean, the pain of feeling helpless, you know, when your kid is suffering.

Yeah, yeah, I can. You know, the last time I visited Lucas at the monastery, Roman, he was so miserable. He’s so lonely.

Have you talked to him lately?

No, actually–no, actually, I haven’t, you know? I’m trying to limit my contact with him so I won’t accidentally put him in danger.

Oh, come on, what’s one phone call? I can’t believe that would jeopardize his safety. And if it eases your mind…

Well, I mean, maybe one short phone call, right? I mean, I could just– I need to check on him to make sure he’s not getting into any more trouble, right? Right.


Ugh, what is this, huh? Sawdust? Cardboard? Ugh. Cannot believe you went to all the trouble to special order this… what, birdcage liner?

Lucky for us, your craving for gluten-free bread led us right to you. [tense music]

And now you’re gonna lead us right to Clyde.

Are you ready to give up his location?

Help! Help me!

Shut up.



Not so rough, man. What’s your problem?

You ran from me, that’s the problem. You care to explain?

I saw that out-of-state badge. You don’t have jurisdiction here. You can’t arrest me.

This isn’t an arrest.

I want information.

About what?

Well, I don’t see any good cops around, so maybe we can either skip to the bad cop part, or you can tell me everything you know about Clyde Weston.

I’m waiting.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Man, I’ve never heard of this Clyde guy, honest.

[sighs] Snake, we do not have time for games. Clyde’s whole drug operation is about to go belly up. [tense music] I saw that. That got your attention. Good. So here’s the deal, Snake. You have a very small window of opportunity, OK? You can either save yourself and talk, or you can be honorable like the crook you are and go down with the ship.

What’s it gonna be?

Help! Somebody help me, please! [breathing heavily]

Yeah, calm down, because the next time you pull a stunt like that, the only help you’re gonna need is in purgatory.

Look, you might as well cooperate, OK? The ISA has already cracked the code on Clyde’s little black book, and the DEA and the FBI have a full list of all his associates. You know what they’re doing? They’re rounding them up as we speak.

How many of Clyde’s associates are as loyal as you? My guess? Zero. So now it’s just gonna be a race to turn state’s evidence to save their asses, and I am your finish line, pal. I can make the deal. If you want in on the deal, you better start talking now.

Look, I’m not saying I know this Clyde dude you’re talking about, but if he’s anything like what you’re saying, he probably doesn’t take too kindly to snitches.

Ratting on someone like that is a death sentence. You’d have to be a fool to turn on him.

As I’m sure you know, Goldman, Clyde’s buddies won’t hesitate to give up his location to save their own skin. There’s no point in protecting him anymore. He’s screwed.

So why don’t you just tell us where he’s hiding? And maybe, maybe we can cut you a deal with the authorities. What do you say?


Well, I guess Montana is as good a place as any to get rid of a body.

Since you’re not talking, I see no reason not to blow you away right now.

Xander what I said just now, you know, I didn’t mean to insinuate anything at all, really.

It’s OK, Kayla, truly.

No, no, I mean, I’m sorry. It was a clumsy comment, and I– I really wish the best for both of you. I hope it works out this time.

I’m sure that translates to “congratulations, you two.”

Absolutely. I wish the best for both of you.

Thank you, Kayla.


And for the record, I’ve learned my lesson and then some. No more lies. No more get-rich-quick schemes. All that matters to me now is being a good husband and father, having the love and respect of this woman right here. [dramatic music]

OK, so Ava Vitali and Harris tracked down Clyde to Ennis, Montana?

That’s right, and they’re working off a very solid lead. It shouldn’t be long before we get him.

OK, well, what about backup?

Harris is solid. He’s trained for this.

OK, look, I get Harris is RoboCop or whatever, but we can’t take any chances with Clyde, OK? We can’t let him slip through our fingers again.

No, we can’t, and we won’t.

OK, so what are we waiting for? Let’s go to Montana.

Actually, I’m kind of glad you’re refusing to cooperate. [tense music] I mean, sure, we want to get Clyde, but…

You know, ever since you nearly killed my son, I’ve just been itching, itching to get revenge.

Step away, Lucas. You’re in the splatter zone.

You can’t be serious right now.

If you don’t have the stomach for it, you can wait outside.

Wait, wait, wait a minute. Wait, wait.


I cannot let you do this.

Get out of here.


What do you care if she lives or dies?

I am trying to earn a one-way ticket out of Statesville. If you do this, then I’ll be an accessory to murder. Please, it kind of defeats the whole purpose, right? So let’s just–let’s just put Goldman’s gun down, OK? Shall we? Put it down. Nobody has to die today.

You know, I’ve had this conversation with many, many, many a henchman. The bandage is always hard to rip off.

But I’m gonna tell you, Snake, it is the only way to go. Tear that sucker right off. You make the deal. Clyde goes to jail. He’s in some deep, dark hole, and you’re free, out of his reach.

You spin a good story, but you’re still a cop. And my name’s Snake, not Rat.

[chuckles] I don’t think rat’s on the menu in federal prison, is it?

Maybe not, but pig is.

All right. [clears throat] Time’s up. You had a chance to save your sorry ass. Now I guess we’re gonna do this the hard way.

OK, great. Thank you very much. All right, DiMera jet is ready to go. I’ll drive.

Chad, no, wait.

What do you mean wait? There’s no time to wait, all right? It’s do or die. We got to go.

This is do or die, that’s right. You know how I know that? Because this is what I do. But you, you have two young children to think about.

What do you think I’m doing this for? You know, I’m thinking about how my children could have died in that fire because of him, OK? I’m thinking about how my children don’t have a mother that tucks them in at night anymore because of him. And most of all, I’m thinking about eliminating the single greatest threat to my kids’ future.

Chad, I understand all that, I do, but you are not trained for this kind of thing.

Steven, I’m a father, OK? What more credentials do I need? [tense music] Look, I was on that ship, remember?


OK? I helped rescue Kate– you, me, and Harris.


Right? Let’s get the band back together again, OK? One last time. All right, we’re missing showtime, though, so we got to go, Steve.

Chad, I–I don’t deny that you helped out in Greece. You did. But this is serious. This is serious business.

OK, I get it. But you know what? Let me let me put it this way, all right? I’m the one with the private jet that’s gonna get us to Montana in no time, yeah? So I’m gonna be on that plane with or without you.


OK, let’s do it.


I’m–I’m sorry for yelling.


Whoa. Oh, where are you two off to?

How’s Lucas?

Well, he’s not there. [intriguing music]


Yeah. The monk told me that he left the monastery yesterday.

Did they say where he went?

No, they don’t have any idea where he went, but they did say he was picked up with a man with blue eyes and a tattoo on his arm.


Oh, my God, what is he going to do with my son now?

All right, did you try to call Lucas on his burner phone?

Yeah, no answer, so I left a very levelheaded message. My phone call to Harris, not so much. [sighs] Where do you think our favorite tenant has disappeared to?

Well, all Ava told me was, she and Harris were leaving town for a couple days.

Oh, so they’re going after Clyde.

Yeah, I just wish they’d leave that guy to the feds.

God, I wish they would just leave Lucas out of it. I’m telling you one thing. Roman, if anything happens to Lucas, I am gonna take them both out on my own. [tense music] [sighs]

You know, gluten-free bread isn’t bad. It’s not. I almost went gluten-free once. I had a stomach thing. It was an intestinal problem. Doctor decided against it. It’s a long story, but you know what?



Searched Goldman’s car.


And look what I found. [laughter] Right in the glove box, hidden very well. Now, there’s bound to be something in here that’s gonna lead us to Clyde.

[phone beeps] Not exactly Fort Knox.

Oh, nice, nice.

[laughs] Oh, you missed a bunch of texts here from Clyde. He’s not real happy. [laughs] “Where are you? “Our happy camper days are over. We got to pull up stakes and get out of here now.” [laughs] Oh, and here’s my favorite one. [chuckles] “Look at your phone.”

Sounds like somebody knows the walls are closing in on him. That might mean we’re running out of time, so we got to find him before he bails on us.

“Our happy camper days are over.”

You know, that is a– an odd way to phrase something, isn’t it? Hmm. Must have been camping somewhere together. Yeah? Oh, is that it? You and your lover boy, were you camping? Were you snuggling in a sleeping bag under the stars?

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Do you remember when we were driving here and I got carsick and I was hanging out the window and I was throwing up all over the side of the car?


I actually saw a sign that said the Happy Camper Campground. I saw it with my own eyes.

Is that what he saw? Is that where you were? Oh, yes, it was. [laughs] That’s where Clyde is.

Well, we got to get to him before he decides to split on us.

Yeah, well, that is not a problem. [phone keyboard tapping] “On my way. Don’t leave without me.” And… [phone beeps] Send.


If you harm me in any way, I’m gonna sue you so bad–

Oh, you’re gonna sue me? Don’t worry, Snake. I got something else in mind, OK? Say, “Rat.” [phone beeps]

Hey, hey, hey, that’s an invasion of privacy.

Oh, man, these nude– nude pics? Come on, man.

Damn you. Get out of my phone.

Calm down. I’m just looking at your location history. [dramatic music] And there it is. You made several trips to the Happy Camper Campground. Like clockwork, twice a week.

Thank you. [sighs, clears throat] Your nudes are safe. I got what I needed.

Are you sure that my mom didn’t mind babysitting Victoria? I know that she’s busy with her own wedding plans.

Actually, she seemed thrilled to be taking a break. And you’ll be relieved to know that I managed to avoid the subject of the swine that she’s engaged to and how I think marrying him is a terrible idea.

I am very relieved. [laughs] And I’m very proud of you for your restraint. I mean, we know it’s not a real marriage. She’s just doing it to help out Konstantin.

Yeah, but that’s a terrible idea too. I mean, just having that swine living in the same city as us, let alone in Maggie’s house, I mean, I just hate it, Sarah.

Yes, honey, I know. You have made that abundantly clear over and over and over.

OK, fine, we’ll table the discussion for now. I’m just so grateful and lucky to be marrying for love, marrying the woman of my dreams, no less.

Mm, I feel very lucky too.

And since you brought it up, there–there is something I wanted to go over with you about our wedding.

All ears.

OK, it’s about the guest list, and I’m not sure how you’d feel about it, and my mom said I should run it by you first.

Baby, I feel like I know where this is going, and I’m sorry, but… I don’t want Rex Brady at my wedding.

[chuckles] Neither do I. I don’t want to invite Rex, Dopey. I want to invite your mother. [tense music]

Sarah, I was sure that I made it clear to you that I have no relationship with my mother at all. I haven’t talked to her in years.

No, I–I know that, but I just thought that maybe this might be a good opportunity for you to reconnect. I mean, she has a granddaughter now. Maybe she’d like to get to know her.

I don’t think you’re listening to me, Sarah.

I know that family is messy and that you two have had your issues, but… I mean, there had to have been good times.

Well, I’m sure there were some– there could have been some good times whenever she laid the bottle down.

Well, see–

But she never did, Sarah, because she’s a drunk and a mean one at that. [dramatic music]

Xander, I know what it’s like to be the child of an alcoholic.

I mean, obviously my mom has gotten her drinking under control.

It’s not the same, Sarah. My mum’s an unrepentant alcoholic. And trust me, even when she’s sober, she’s no Maggie Horton.

She can’t be that bad. You haven’t seen each other in years. Maybe she’s changed.

She hasn’t, trust me. The woman is incapable of change. She’s–she has no desire to become sober. She has no– she never had a soul-searching moment in her life. She’s quite pleased with herself, actually.

Well, I guess she’s a lost cause. I guess it’s unwise to give anyone with a checkered past a second chance, which does call into question some of my very recent decisions.

Clever girl.

Who, me?

Look, even if I did agree to maybe think about giving my mum a second chance, I have no idea where we’d even send the invitation. She always had a tendency to move around a lot. Or should I say, she tends to flee?

I’m very happy to track her down, but you really just– only if you’re OK with it.

You can’t just leave me here.

Don’t worry, I saw some rats over there by the dumpster. You’re not gonna starve. And I’ll have the cops check on you once they got Clyde into custody.

Where the hell are you going?

To find our happy camper.

Katie, Katie, come on. Let’s try to calm down.

Oh, don’t tell me to calm down. [sighs] Look, Roman, my son’s missing, OK? Something terrible could have happened to him.

Katie, first of all, we don’t know that Lucas is in any danger. And if something is wrong, he can take care of himself. Katie, he survived two years in prison, didn’t he?

Yes, he did. He did. And this might sound terrible, but I really wish he had stayed in prison because his sentence was going to be up in a year.

Yeah, but if he and Harris catch Clyde, he could be home soon. He could walk right through that door a free man.

[sighs] He could also come home in a body bag.

I should get over to the campground.

Well, I can’t let you go after Weston alone.

OK, I’m–I’m just gonna make sure he doesn’t leave, all right?

I think we should call Harris.

OK, I will. I will, from the car. I promise I’m not gonna make a move without him.

I think we’ve made enough moves without him.

OK, you know, I don’t have time to bicker with you, OK? So just shut up and help me, all right?

Help you do what?

I’ll show you. [tense music]

So are either one of you gonna tell me what’s going on here?

[sighs] Harris and Ava are hunting Weston in Montana. Chad and I are going to join them.

And you were just gonna leave without telling me?

I was gonna text you on the way.

Are you kidding me?

All right, look, maybe the two of you should have this conversation in private. I’m gonna I’m gonna go to the– make sure everything’s ready for takeoff.

I’ll meet you at the airfield.


Close the door.

Yeah, sorry.

Damn it, you do not need to do this.

Yes, I do Kayla. I do.


I’m responsible for breaking Weston out of prison. He nearly killed Tripp. I need to make him pay for that.

You need to let Harris and Ava handle it.

No, I can’t. I thought I could, but I can’t. I can’t just sit on my hands and watch from the sidelines. You know I can’t do that. That’s not who I am.

Well, maybe it’s time for you to change.

Listen, I admit there are plenty of things that need to change about me, but when it comes to protecting my family, I’ll never change.

But we are not in danger, so you don’t need to risk your life.

As long as Weston is still out there, we’re all in danger.

OK, OK, let’s just say that that’s true. Why does it always have to be you? Why do you always have to be the one that goes after the bad guys? Why are you the one that has to put your life on the line? [dramatic music]

Because when I see a threat, I have to take action.

It’s just who I am. That’s–you know that about me. You used to love that about me.

Yeah, I–I– I love how incredibly brave you are and that you’ll always protect your family and always make us feel safe.

However, there have been times when you have achieved the opposite.

Baby, please listen.

You know it. You know it. I did not feel safe when you made the unilateral decision to abandon your family in Africa. I did not feel safe when we lost all those years together.

But I was protecting you then and our kids.

OK, great, you protected us. At what cost? I can’t do it again. I am–I’m not doing it again. I cannot lose you. [groans]

You won’t.

You cannot promise that.

[sighs] OK, you’re right, I should have consulted you first. But I have to do this. I have to do this.


[sighs] Because I believe that Ava intends to kill Weston, and I have to be there.

Why do you have to be there? To stop her or help or commit murder?

[tense music]

What the hell took you so long? We have got to get out of here before the feds show up. I ain’t going back to prison.

You got that right, Clyde. You’re going straight to hell.

Ooh-whee, your boyfriend is getting pretty testy you’re not back yet. Maybe I should stall. [phone keyboard tapping] Oh, I’m stalling. There we go. [clears throat] So how did you and Clyde hook up in the first place?

Did you start your love affair when he got to prison, or were you guys pen pals? Or maybe you’re the “in love in lockup” type, which is fine, you know. I’m not judging you at all.

You know, my mom dated Clyde.


Yeah. She dated a lot of people, but amongst all her exes, Clyde wasn’t even the worst. No, the worst was her first husband. He was a real son of a– [phone beeps]

Oh, it’s my mom. What’s she doing? Wait a minute. How many calls did I miss? Why are you texting? [sighs] This isn’t gonna be pleasant.

All right, if… you are really against inviting your mum, then I understand, and I will drop it. But I just think it might be nice for Victoria to get to know her paternal grandmother.

You know I’ll do anything for our daughter. All right, I’ll agree but only for Victoria’s sake.

[squeals] Thank you. I–I actually think that this will be good for all of us, not just Victoria.

Yeah, well, if I were you, I’d lower my expectations, OK?

I will do just that. Now, do you have any suggestions on where I should start with tracking her down?

[exhales heavily] Well, last time I talked to her– sorry, the last time she screamed at me, she was living somewhere outside of London. So maybe–I don’t know– just call up all the local drunk tanks.


OK. I can give you the last number I had for her, but I doubt it still works.

Oh, yes, please. Can I have it now?

Yeah, I’ll text it to you.

OK. [dramatic music]

You know, I’m not convinced this is the best idea, but I do appreciate the gesture. I know your heart’s in the right place about it.

Thank you for understanding.

I do. However, I reserve the right, if this turns out to be an enormous disaster, to say I told you so.

[breathes deeply]

All right, saved into my contacts, Xander’s mum.

Your first clue as to her whereabouts, Ms. Holmes. Happy hunting.

Thank you very much. I just hope I can track her down before our wedding. After mom and Konstantin, you and I are up next.

Mm, can’t wait.

[squeals] [dramatic music]

Mm. See you at home.


I’m not gonna lie. I’ve been thinking maybe I should just let Ava wipe Weston off the face of the planet because if anyone deserves to die, it’s him.

That is not how justice works.

Well, you know what? I’m ashamed of it, but maybe sometimes I don’t want justice.

My God, what are you saying?

I’m saying you have to let me go.

No, if your intention is that you are going to go and–and– and kill Weston, no! You need to keep out of it. You–you just need to stay right here. Do you understand me? And you need to do that for me.

I’m begging you.

[sighs] OK, baby. I’ll stay.


Guess I’ll just have to see how it plays out.


Sorry. [phone beeps] Oh.

[scoffs] Well, what do you know?


Chad. He couldn’t wait. He left without me.



I’ve left him a ton of messages, and I haven’t heard a thing. [phone rings] [light music playing] Oh, it’s him. [sighs] Lucas, where the hell are you?

I’m at the monastery. I just went to catch a movie with a couple monks.

Oh, just save it. I know that you’re with Harris.


Yeah, oh.

Look, Harris was hot on Clyde’s heels, and I just–

Damn it, Lucas, you’re supposed to be in hiding. You’re supposed to be working on your early release.

I am. And you know what? If it’ll make you feel any better, I think we found Clyde.

How is that going to make me feel any better? Clyde is the danger. Now you’re closer to him.

Relax, Mom. Everything is going according to plan. Everything’s gonna be fine, trust me.

[tense music]

Ava. How the hell did you find me? Where’s Becca?

She’s tied up at the moment. Now put the bag down slowly and kick it away.

Do it now.

So you’re the reason everything’s going to hell? Let me guess. You sold me out to the feds, didn’t you? You and that ex-Navy SEAL boyfriend of yours.

You shouldn’t have messed with my family, Clyde. That was a big mistake. And now you’re gonna pay.

Nah, you’re the one who’s gonna pay, ’cause even from behind bars, I can reach out and touch you and your family, no problem. You’ll never be safe again.

Oh, I’ll be safe again… when you’re in hell. Give my best to the devil, will you?

Hold on there, sweetheart. You know if you kill me now, you’re going straight to prison. You got to know that.

OK, this is not my first rodeo, Clyde. The gun is untraceable. And if I want, no one will ever be able to find your body… or what’s left of it.

OK, let’s talk about this, then.

I got nothing to say to you, Clyde. You tried to kill my son, and now I am gonna kill you. End of story.

Ava, stop. Ava.

What the hell are you doing?

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Days Transcript Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[scoffing] I’m under arrest? What the hell?

I just spoke with Eric. That got your attention, didn’t it? You lied to me, Melinda. You lied to me about the kidnapping of Nicole’s baby and Jude’s so-called adoption when the truth is you were into this up to your neck! [tense music]

OK, what I’ve been thinking is there must be a part of this baby switch story that isn’t public knowledge.

Meaning what?

Meaning why did you pay me off to not tell people, not even your own wife, that you had a kid? Doesn’t make any sense. And why wouldn’t you want your own son back the minute you found out the truth about him?

I wouldn’t expect a plebeian like yourself to understand my reasoning. [Leo scoffs] Especially one as inebriated as you were.

[scoffs] Well, I’m stone cold sober now. And all those new zeros are still sitting in my new bank account. [inhales deeply] So there must be a method to your mishegoss that even a journalistically-savvy fellow like myself isn’t quite cluing into. [suspenseful music] So what is it, Daddy DiMera? Why did you make me rich? Well, given inflation, interest rates, back taxes I owe, student loans, more like comfortably getting by–wait. What was the question again?


Oh, yeah. Why did you pay me all that money just to keep you from your own son?

Oh, now we’re really getting down to brass tacks, aren’t we? All this endless drivel about how you’re risking your freedom and you can’t live with yourself and you had to come here and explain and apologize, it’s just another lie. You don’t want to live on the run. And you think I’m stupid enough to buy your BS so you can avoid it? But lucky for you, you don’t have to disappear. That’s what Statesville is for. And I’m sure they will be thrilled to welcome you for an extended stay.

[scoffs] You hypocrite.

Oh, really? Call me what you want, but I’m calling the cops! [tense music]

What the hell are you doing here?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[sighs] So what does this place have? Hot dogs? Chicken wings? Can I at least get a glass of wine?

We’re here to talk, Kristen.

What, we couldn’t have talked in the mansion in one of the rooms?

No, not with EJ there doting over his new bundle of joy.

All right, so what is going on? What is so urgent that you had to subject me to this low-class little Eatery?

Well, I went and paid a visit to my old friend, Melinda Trask. And since she has slithered her way back into the DA’s office, I thought that maybe, just maybe, she would be able to help me reopen Gabi’s case.


Not so much. Totally screwed me. [soft dramatic music]

[scoffs] Up to my neck, huh? Is that formal police jargon? Because the last time I checked, that wasn’t grounds for an arrest.

OK, then how about this? You told me that you weren’t directly involved in giving Sloan and Eric Nicole’s baby, but Eric just told me that you were the one that handed him off to them. Burning question is ow did you get little Jude in the first place?

OK, whatever legal action I took on behalf of my client, Ms. Petersen, obviously falls under client-attorney privilege, which I assume you’re familiar with that term.

How about you enlighten me on the way downtown, where you will be booked for kidnapping? [tense music]

Hmm, since when do you care where money in your pocket came from or why it’s there?

[inhales deeply] Well, let’s just say I’ve heard stories about suitcases full of cash that mysteriously find their way into your possession. Lady Whistleblower knows all.

Fine, here’s the truth.

I’ll be the judge of that.

Do you want to hear it or not?

Better make it good. I have a very low boredom point.

Well, I don’t think you’ll be bored by this since it’s, well, quite poignant.

I’ll also be the judge of that.

I didn’t want Nicole to learn that there was a possibility that this baby was our son before we were absolutely certain. After everything she suffered, the last thing I wanted was to get her hopes up only to have them cruelly dashed yet again. That is why I paid you off, so I could have more time to make sure that when this baby was returned to Nicole’s arms, she would never have to give him up again. Poignant enough for you? [intense music]

Can somebody please answer me and tell me what she’s doing here?

She showed up out of nowhere, wanting to make some kind of truce and I told her to go to hell. And I also told her that I’m going to call the cops, which I’m going to do right now.

No, stop. [phone beeps] [phone line trilling]

Rafe, it’s Nicole. Sloan Petersen is at my house. You need to get here right away and arrest her. [somber music] [Roman exhales deeply]

[chuckles] Jude, Roman, Brady. [laughs] It does have a nice ring to it, yeah, yeah.

Would you like to hold your namesake?

Oh, you bet I would, yes. Nothing would make me happier.


[Eric sighs]

[chuckling] Oh, my God. Oh. Hey, Jude. You know what? Getting to think I was never going to meet this little guy and they had me a little worried, you know? Because, you know, when Rex told me he didn’t want me to meet Victoria, turns out she wasn’t his kid. But that is not the case with Jude. I know he is your baby and my grandson, right, Jude? [sighs]

And I thought bartenders were supposed to be good listeners.


I have been calling your name for two whole minutes.

Oh, Kate, I’m so sorry. I guess my head is elsewhere.

Where is it?

Well, EJ was just in here picking up lunch.

He had baby Jude with him, that sweet little guy who was my grandson.

So it was all for Nicole’s benefit? That’s why you paid me off?

Do you doubt my love for my wife? [suspenseful music]

Well, I’m kind of doubting your love for your son. ‘Cause even if you were trying to protect Nicole, why not just ask me to keep the truth to myself?

Oh, well, the answer to that is quite simple. You have a tendency to blurt, and so I thought it was wise to offer you a financial incentive to keep quiet. And don’t worry, I won’t be asking for that incentive to, uh, come back to me. Consider it a token of goodwill, OK?

Yeah. You’re just bursting at the seams with goodwill, aren’t you?


Surprised you’re not one of those Salvation Army bell ringers. [EJ laughs] [Leo chuckles]

You know what? I might just sign up for that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take my son to go and see my wife.

Don’t you dare move an inch.

I just left Rafe a voicemail. He should be here as soon as he hears it.

Yeah, and you’re going to finally pay for what you did to her and to me.

I am already paying for what I’ve done! There is no punishment that could be worse than losing you, Eric. [dramatic music] Or that little boy that made us a family. You once said to me that your faith in God is still informing everything that you do and how important forgiveness was. Listen to me. You quoted a passage from the Bible. I committed it to memory. “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them. If they repent, forgive them.” You even went on further to explain how forgiveness is a matter of the heart, how… it’s the practice of seeing the other person for what they are.

So you basically handed Trask a smoking gun?

Right. She gave me this whole song and dance about how it’s not enough evidence, about how we need even more evidence to reopen the case.

More evidence than Li’s blood on Gil Carter’s book?

And what do they want? A signed confession from Gil from beyond the grave?

Damn. Why is this woman fighting this? I mean, she dated Li, right?


I mean, you’d think that she would want justice for him.

You have the right to remain silent.

I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

You have the right to an attorney.

I am warning you.

You are a criminal, Ms. Trask! You are complicit in the kidnapping of a newborn baby, which is not only illegal, but caused a great deal of misery. And for that, you will be punished.

Even if it’s at your sister’s expense?

I understand that it is impossible for you both to forgive me now. I–I can’t even forgive myself. I think the only thing that’s really getting me through, at least somewhat, is knowing that I did what I did out of love.

Out of love? [somber music] Out of love, you let me fall in love with the child that doesn’t even belong to me?

I did. I–I hoped– [scoffs] Foolishly, in retrospect, that no one would ever find that out.

Yeah, it was foolish! It was cruel! It was deluded.

But you don’t understand. That’s–that’s not the whole story. [suspenseful music]

Why is Trask playing hardball? And how do we get that wretched woman to reopen Gabi’s case?

Well, Kristen, since this is not just about me getting Gabi out of prison, but it’s also about you securing that CEO position you so highly coveted–

Oh, right, right, yeah. I’m thinking. I’m thinking. [suspenseful music] [Kristen sighs]

Yes. I got it.

That was fast.

Well–[clears throat] This isn’t about getting more evidence, which will be tricky. [chuckles] Obviously, damn near impossible at this point.

OK, so if this isn’t about getting more evidence, then what?

Well, didn’t Melinda have a, uh… crush on you once upon a time?

[chuckles] Yeah. So?

Mm. So you… rekindle that, uh, attraction with her.

What exactly are you saying?

What I am saying– [chuckles] Oh, my God. What I am saying is that you get Melinda to think that you are a man with needs since your wife is unavailable.

Oh, my God. [sighs] You want me to seduce Melinda Trask?

Ah, by George, he’s got it. [suspenseful music]

What does stealing Nicole’s baby have to do with my sister?

Oh, come on, Commissioner. Isn’t it rather obvious? As I tried to tell you yesterday, Stefan DiMera came to see me. And he directed me toward some evidence pertaining to the murder of Li Shin: Gil Carter’s book with Li’s blood on it.

Yeah, I’ve seen it. It’s compelling evidence.


Yeah, which I’m hoping to use to clear my sister.

Well, that it could if you could get your hands on it.

What do you mean, that’s not the whole story?

What the hell does that mean, Sloan, half right?

It means that Jude is Nicole’s baby. But not yours.

Not mine?

He’s Eric’s. Eric is the biological father.

There’s more to it. There’s more than you know– [door closes]

Nicole, are you in there? I got some takeout, Brady burgers and– Eric. Sloan, what the hell?

Well, she came here to apologize. And now she’s telling Eric that there’s more to the story.

And your hand?

[sighs] It’s a little sore because I punched her in the jaw.

Oh, my God. Well, whatever the rest of the story is, I don’t want to hear it. What I do want is this woman out of my house and in a prison cell, so I am going to escort you to the station, Ms. Petersen.

I’m going to come with.

No, Eric, you will not! I am that little boy’s father. So I’m going to make sure that the lying bitch who kidnapped my son is taken to the authorities immediately. You go get some ice for Nicole’s hand, and I will take care of this.

Wait, Eric! I’m sorry, and I love you.

Bye, Sloan. [tense music]

[sighs] Look, I’m sorry. I know how painful that had to be to see Jude, little baby Jude. [soft dramatic music]

Mostly, I am in pain for my son. He was in earlier.

How is he? Never mind. Don’t answer. He has to be going through hell, right?

Well, you know Eric. He’s trying to stay stoic, you know? But I think he’s channeling his grief into this search for Sloan. [Roman sighs] Damn it, Kate, I knew that woman was bad news from the minute she told me she didn’t like my chowder.

Oh, well, that is a Brady litmus test.

Never fails. I only hope that Sloan and anybody else who was involved in hurting my son gets what’s coming to them. [door opens]

Oh, I am famished. What do I want? What do I want? Can you tell me about today’s specials?

Knuckle sandwich. How would that be?

Hmm. I’m assuming you mean pork knuckles, AKA Schweinshaxe, which I actually had once on a trip to Bavaria with my German cousin, Wolfgang. Third cousin, actually, but we were quite close. Um, I found it to be a little fatty and a little bit chewy, so I think I will go with an oldie but goodie… Brady’s famous chowder. What? Are we out of chowder today?

For you, we’re out of everything.

Excuse me?

I’m refusing you service, Leo.

Why? Is it because of the way I’m dressed? I know my pants are a little loud, but–

I wouldn’t serve you if you were wearing white tie and tails.

What? [scoffs]

We know, Leo.

Yeah, we know. My son told me everything.

Everything, as in–

Yeah, everything as in. Everything like you blackmailing Sloan to support your shopping sprees while all along knowing that the child that they were raising was Nicole’s. And to profit out of the misery of other people, my God, how pathetic is that, Leo? How damn pathetic is that? So that is why you are not welcome in this pub. [tense music] [door slams]

Damn it, Sloan! You told Eric and Nicole there was more to this story? Please tell me you weren’t about to blurt out the truth about that baby, that Eric’s the father.

You know, he deserves to know.

We had an ironclad deal, Sloan. I pay you a lot of money and you disappear forever. If you open your big mouth and tell anyone about that child’s paternity, I swear to God, I’m going to make your life a living hell!

But what good is money, EJ, whenever every knock at the door, every phone call could be the police? I wanted insurance. I thought maybe I could talk to Nicole and she would–

If you talk to her, what? She would say, “Oh, you know, no harm, no foul. “I know you kidnapped my son “and made me think he was dead for six months. “But now that he’s back in my arms, everything’s fine. Hey, can we be friends? Can I braid your hair?” [Sloan sighs]

I just thought if I talked to her face to face that she would understand why I did what I had to do. And I don’t know, she– [scoffs] She’d call off the dogs, you know? Tell the cops to back off.

Mm. And how did that go?

She punched me in the face and called the cops.

You’re lucky she didn’t kill you with her bare hands. Now you are going to do what you were supposed to do in the first place. Take the money and go. You are going to disappear forever. Do you understand me?

That was pretty intense with Sloan. I’m sorry.

This can’t be easy for you either. But I’ll be fine. Really. Once I know she’s paid for what she did to me.

Yeah, her and her friend, Melinda Trask. [suspenseful music]

Melinda? What are you talking about?

I ran into Rafe. Apparently, she tried to pass off some lie about what she did with Jude.

What lie?

She claimed that she really wasn’t involved. But I set him straight.

What do you mean, if I could get my hands on the book? You just said that you and Stefan went over. You have it.

Exactly, I have the book and no one else knows where it is.

Oh, my God, you’re saying–

I’m just trying to do what’s right for everybody that’s involved.

By blackmailing the police commissioner and hiding evidence? You think that’s right?

I’m just holding on to the book for safekeeping. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to it now, would we?

So this is your brilliant solution? I bed Melinda Trask and all of a sudden, the little black book becomes sufficient enough evidence after all?

Well, she did have a thing for you. And you will be highly motivated to make her happy.

OK, Kristen… [Kristen laughs] Have you forgotten why I’m doing this in the first place? That I need to get Gabi, my wife, the love of my life, out of prison?


Huh, what?

Oh, well, all that passion for your wife, the love of your life, didn’t stop you from sleeping with Ava Vitali now, did it? Oh, I’m just saying. [suspenseful music]

[tense music]

You look a bit shocked, brother.

Why wouldn’t I be? You come at me with some crazy accusation–

Oh, come on. You know well that this is the truth. [chuckles] I mean, it’s not crazy that you slept with Ava. I mean, she’s a very attractive woman. It’d be crazy if you did not sleep with her, I mean, given the fact that the two of you were in such close proximity for a while there. [suspenseful music]

How did you know?

I know all, brother. [silverware rattles on table]

How did you know?

Well, you’re more discreet. Ava, not so much.

Oh, damn it.

Listen, in her defense, she literally just spilled it out.


I mean, I spoke with her about Li’s murder and hoping that she could help clear Gabi. And she literally just spilled it. About the two of you doing the dirty. [clicks tongue and chuckles] To put it delicately. [laughs] Oh, brother, come on. Looks like you’re wracked with so much guilt.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, you’re human.

[takes deep breath] I’m going to make this abundantly clear. If you ever tell anyone about this–

Come on. I mean, who am I going to tell? [chuckles] You should be worried about Ava blurting to someone else. Because I’m sure if Gabi finds out, I’m guessing that there’s going to be hell to pay.

[Stefan sniffles]

So you expect me to let you off the hook in this horrifying kidnapping scheme? In exchange for protecting evidence that could potentially free my sister?

I don’t see what the problem is. After all, Sloan is the actual perpetrator of this crime.

But she didn’t act alone.

Well, who’s to say? I mean, even if I did happen to know something about it, and that’s a big if, the most you can do is charge me as an accessory. Besides, all is as it should be, isn’t it? Nicole’s beautiful, bouncing baby boy is back in the arms of his loving mother. And all is right in the world. So if you want your sister to have a chance at freedom with the help of that little black book, you will tell everyone, unequivocally and emphatically, that I was never anywhere near that baby.

Looks like he’s down for his afternoon nap.

He used to take a morning one too. [somber music] And now just one, actually. [Nicole chuckles] His bedtime is :.

Yeah, OK.

I used to rock him to sleep. [chuckling] You know, now, he self-soothes, as they say

You noticed. You know, Holly used to do the same thing. You know, Eric, if– if this is hard for you, being around Jude–

[sighs] Yeah, actually, it is. If it’s all right… maybe I should just catch up with EJ and make sure Sloan is taken care of.

Yeah. Yeah, you should do that.

All you should really worry about right now is making up for lost time.

With your son. [Nicole sighs]

[Nicole sighs] [door closes]

That is a very serious and insulting accusation, Mr. Roman Brady, to even suggest that I would stoop to blackmailing someone for my own personal gain.

Well, that is usually how blackmail works, Leo.

That is true, and that is one of the reasons I am so opposed to it. In fact, it’s one of the things I am most opposed to, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, and that “Grease” sequel, my God. But I will also have you know I have contributed to anti-blackmail causes. I joined a march against blackmail a few years ago. And I even have a “blackmail is a fungus against society” T-shirt to prove it. With the sleeves cut off.

Yeah, I bet.

And with that, I will be on my way.

You’re guilty. You’re not going to get away with this, Leo.

Get away with what? That baby was taken from his parents, which I had zip to do with. And then that baby was returned to his parents, which I also had zip to do with. But obviously, that is a very happy ending. And I will have you know, I did some research. , babies a year are switched in hospitals. Quite a staggering number. And unlike the happy ending of this baby switch story, most of those babies are never unswitched. How, again, did you hear that I was blackmailing your soon-to-be ex-daughter-in-law?

I told you I heard it from my son, and Eric heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.

And by horse, I assume you mean that lying liar of a baby thief who would probably say I stole the baby myself if she thought she could get away with it?

Did you?

Did I what?

Did you steal that baby? [Leo sighs]

Stop threatening me, Leo.

Well asking nicely hasn’t done the trick, has it? [suspenseful music] [sighs] Look, I know how much you love that kid. When you thought I had kidnapped him, you almost spilled everything to the cops. You risked prison to let them know I may have had a motive for kidnapping him. Thankfully for both of us, it didn’t come to that. But since I know how far you are willing to go for the sake of Jude, I know you’re willing to pay me whatever it takes to keep my mouth shut. Am I right? Of course not! What would I do with a baby? Besides dress it in some cute outfits and try to be a better parent to it than my mother was to me, which is a very low bar, because that woman was a narcissistic lunatic who wished I’d never been born? Look, we cannot believe a word that Sloan Petersen says. Obviously, she would do anything to protect herself. [door opens]

EJ? [tense music] EJ. Oh, my God, what happened? [Stefan sighs]

Listen up, sis. I love my wife. [soft suspenseful music] And my only concern right now is getting her out of prison.

Right, that’s why I was suggesting that you–

Enough. I’m not going to repeat this. We’re never going to talk about this again. But what happened with Ava– what happened with that woman was a mistake. And I’m never going to do it again with anyone. Gabi is my wife, my soul mate, and I love her with my whole heart, my whole being.


I will never betray her again.

So what you’re saying is that you won’t sleep with Melinda?

No, I will not. So we’re going to have to come up with another way to get Gabi out of prison.

[Kristen sighs]

Aw, don’t look so glum, chum. You are getting everything that you want. I mean, I assume that you truly hate your sister being stuck in that prison.

All right, stop talking about my sister. [tense music] And I never said I wasn’t arresting you.

Oh, oh, you still want to do this?

OK, fine, go ahead. Arrest me. I will go quietly, commissioner. But I just hope that Gabi doesn’t mind that you were so concerned with bringing me to justice that you couldn’t get any for her.

[Rafe sighs]

Give me the evidence when I need it?

Yep, I will, along with a little immunity for myself. That is the deal, Commish.

All right, I know what the deal is. [Melinda laughs] [tense music] So you better keep your word. My sister continues to serve time for a murder that she didn’t commit. I am going to find a way to lock you up in that jail. And I’m going to throw away the key.

Look, we both know that Sloan Petersen, AKA the baby thief with a heart of stone, would think nothing about sullying the good name of Lady Whistleblower. And without anyone to corroborate her claims, obviously, this is just a scurrilous rumor. Yes? No? You two are wonderful conversationalists, I have to say.

Leo, we don’t converse with you because you generally don’t make a hell of a lot of sense. So not responding to your BS is pretty much my default.

Mm, mine too. But I got to say, you little creep, you better hope they don’t find Sloan. Because she will definitely drag you down with her.

First of all, the name-calling, it’s uncalled for. And second, I will not be dragged down by the likes of Sloan Petersen or anyone else for that matter. But if I do happen to fall down, in the words of the wise Confucius, “our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Another favorite quote, this one attributable to none other than yours truly, which I am making up on the spot, so bear with me– [Leo sighs] “Be kind to Lady W for, despite her transgressions, “which were the result of having had, “as I mentioned earlier, a horrible mother, “who made me feel unseen, unheard, “altogether invisible… “much like the character in the song ‘Cellophane Man’ “from ‘Chicago The Musical,’ well, despite all that, “the lady does mean well and in fact, has a heart as big as all outdoors.” [somber music]

[door closes]

Oh, my precious boy. [somber music]

Ever since you were born, my heart ached for you. [sighs] Missing you so much. And I dreamt about you almost every night. And in that dream– [chuckles softly] you would look at me with those big beautiful eyes. And it was–it was like I knew somehow as…

Somehow, I had this sense that you weren’t gone.

Nicole. Oh, my God.

I’m sorry, EJ. I’m–I’m so sorry.

[Nicole sighs]

[Nicole sighs]

Because… well, because… you were very much alive… in my heart and in my soul. [sniffles] Oh, my precious boy, I am so glad to have you back. [sighs] [sniffles]

[tense music] And Mommy is going to make sure that Sloan pays for taking you away from me. [EJ groaning]

What happened? Where’s Sloan?

I was taking her to the car, and then she– she hit me over the head with that. I think she got away.

Maybe I can still catch her.

I think she went that way.

Hey, you’re going to be OK?

I’m fine. Go, go, go. [groans]

Thank you.

Don’t thank me. Just get the hell out of here, and don’t ever darken my doorstep again.

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Days Transcript Monday, June 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


[scoffing] I’m under arrest? What the hell?

I just spoke with Eric. That got your attention, didn’t it? You lied to me, Melinda. You lied to me about the kidnapping of Nicole’s baby and Jude’s so-called adoption when the truth is you were into this up to your neck!

[tense music]

OK, what I’ve been thinking is there must be a part of this baby switch story that isn’t public knowledge.

Meaning what?

Meaning why did you pay me off to not tell people, not even your own wife, that you had a kid? Doesn’t make any sense. And why wouldn’t you want your own son back the minute you found out the truth about him?

I wouldn’t expect a plebeian like yourself to understand my reasoning.

[Leo scoffs] Especially one as inebriated as you were.

[scoffs] Well, I’m stone cold sober now. And all those new zeros are still sitting in my new bank account.

[inhales deeply] So there must be a method to your mishegoss that even a journalistically-savvy fellow like myself isn’t quite cluing into.

[suspenseful music] So what is it, Daddy DiMera? Why did you make me rich? Well, given inflation, interest rates, back taxes I owe, student loans, more like comfortably getting by–wait. What was the question again?


Oh, yeah. Why did you pay me all that money just to keep you from your own son?

Oh, now we’re really getting down to brass tacks, aren’t we? All this endless drivel about how you’re risking your freedom and you can’t live with yourself and you had to come here and explain and apologize, it’s just another lie. You don’t want to live on the run. And you think I’m stupid enough to buy your BS so you can avoid it? But lucky for you, you don’t have to disappear. That’s what Statesville is for. And I’m sure they will be thrilled to welcome you for an extended stay.

[scoffs] You hypocrite.

Oh, really? Call me what you want, but I’m calling the cops!

[tense music]

+- What the hell are you doing here?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[sighs] So what does this place have? Hot dogs? Chicken wings? Can I at least get a glass of wine?

We’re here to talk, Kristen.

What, we couldn’t have talked in the mansion in one of the rooms?

No, not with EJ there doting over his new bundle of joy.

All right, so what is going on? What is so urgent that you had to subject me to this low-class little Eatery?

Well, I went and paid a visit to my old friend, Melinda Trask. And since she has slithered her way back into the DA’s office, I thought that maybe, just maybe, she would be able to help me reopen Gabi’s case.


Not so much. Totally screwed me.

[soft dramatic music]

[scoffs] Up to my neck, huh? Is that formal police jargon? Because the last time I checked, that wasn’t grounds for an arrest.

OK, then how about this? You told me that you weren’t directly involved in giving Sloan and Eric Nicole’s baby, but Eric just told me that you were the one that handed him off to them. Burning question is ow did you get little Jude in the first place?

OK, whatever legal action I took on behalf of my client, Ms. Petersen, obviously falls under client-attorney privilege, which I assume you’re familiar with that term.

How about you enlighten me on the way downtown, where you will be booked for kidnapping?

[tense music]

Hmm, since when do you care where money in your pocket came from or why it’s there?

[inhales deeply] Well, let’s just say I’ve heard stories about suitcases full of cash that mysteriously find their way into your possession. Lady Whistleblower knows all.

Fine, here’s the truth.

I’ll be the judge of that.

Do you want to hear it or not?

Better make it good. I have a very low boredom point.

Well, I don’t think you’ll be bored by this since it’s, well, quite poignant.

I’ll also be the judge of that.

I didn’t want Nicole to learn that there was a possibility that this baby was our son before we were absolutely certain. After everything she suffered, the last thing I wanted was to get her hopes up only to have them cruelly dashed yet again. That is why I paid you off, so I could have more time to make sure that when this baby was returned to Nicole’s arms, she would never have to give him up again. Poignant enough for you?

[intense music]

Can somebody please answer me and tell me what she’s doing here?

She showed up out of nowhere, wanting to make some kind of truce and I told her to go to hell. And I also told her that I’m going to call the cops, which I’m going to do right now.

No, stop.

[phone beeps]

[phone line trilling]

Rafe, it’s Nicole. Sloan Petersen is at my house. You need to get here right away and arrest her.

[somber music]

[Roman exhales deeply]

[chuckles] Jude, Roman, Brady.

[laughs] It does have a nice ring to it, yeah, yeah.

Would you like to hold your namesake?

Oh, you bet I would, yes. Nothing would make me happier.


[Eric sighs]

[chuckling] Oh, my God. Oh. Hey, Jude. You know what? Getting to think I was never going to meet this little guy and they had me a little worried, you know? Because, you know, when Rex told me he didn’t want me to meet Victoria, turns out she wasn’t his kid. But that is not the case with Jude. I know he is your baby and my grandson, right, Jude?


And I thought bartenders were supposed to be good listeners.


I have been calling your name for two whole minutes.

Oh, Kate, I’m so sorry. I guess my head is elsewhere.

Where is it?

Well, EJ was just in here picking up lunch.

He had baby Jude with him, that sweet little guy who was my grandson.

So it was all for Nicole’s benefit? That’s why you paid me off?

Do you doubt my love for my wife?

[suspenseful music]

Well, I’m kind of doubting your love for your son. ‘Cause even if you were trying to protect Nicole, why not just ask me to keep the truth to myself?

Oh, well, the answer to that is quite simple. You have a tendency to blurt, and so I thought it was wise to offer you a financial incentive to keep quiet. And don’t worry, I won’t be asking for that incentive to, uh, come back to me. Consider it a token of goodwill, OK?

Yeah. You’re just bursting at the seams with goodwill, aren’t you?


Surprised you’re not one of those Salvation Army bell ringers.

[EJ laughs]

[Leo chuckles]

You know what? I might just sign up for that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take my son to go and see my wife.

Don’t you dare move an inch.

I just left Rafe a voicemail. He should be here as soon as he hears it.

Yeah, and you’re going to finally pay for what you did to her and to me.

I am already paying for what I’ve done! There is no punishment that could be worse than losing you, Eric.

[dramatic music] Or that little boy that made us a family. You once said to me that your faith in God is still informing everything that you do and how important forgiveness was. Listen to me. You quoted a passage from the Bible. I committed it to memory. “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them. If they repent, forgive them.” You even went on further to explain how forgiveness is a matter of the heart, how… it’s the practice of seeing the other person for what they are.

So you basically handed Trask a smoking gun?

Right. She gave me this whole song and dance about how it’s not enough evidence, about how we need even more evidence to reopen the case.

More evidence than Li’s blood on Gil Carter’s book?

And what do they want? A signed confession from Gil from beyond the grave?

Damn. Why is this woman fighting this? I mean, she dated Li, right?


I mean, you’d think that she would want justice for him.

You have the right to remain silent.

I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

You have the right to an attorney.

I am warning you.

You are a criminal, Ms. Trask! You are complicit in the kidnapping of a newborn baby, which is not only illegal, but caused a great deal of misery. And for that, you will be punished.

Even if it’s at your sister’s expense?

I understand that it is impossible for you both to forgive me now. I–I can’t even forgive myself. I think the only thing that’s really getting me through, at least somewhat, is knowing that I did what I did out of love.

Out of love?

[somber music] Out of love, you let me fall in love with the child that doesn’t even belong to me?

I did. I–I hoped–

[scoffs] Foolishly, in retrospect, that no one would ever find that out.

Yeah, it was foolish! It was cruel! It was deluded.

But you don’t understand. That’s–that’s not the whole story.

[suspenseful music]

Why is Trask playing hardball? And how do we get that wretched woman to reopen Gabi’s case?

Well, Kristen, since this is not just about me getting Gabi out of prison, but it’s also about you securing that CEO position you so highly coveted–

Oh, right, right, yeah. I’m thinking. I’m thinking.

[suspenseful music]

[Kristen sighs]

Yes. I got it.

That was fast.


[clears throat] This isn’t about getting more evidence, which will be tricky.

[chuckles] Obviously, damn near impossible at this point.

OK, so if this isn’t about getting more evidence, then what?

Well, didn’t Melinda have a, uh… crush on you once upon a time?

[chuckles] Yeah. So?

Mm. So you… rekindle that, uh, attraction with her.

What exactly are you saying?

What I am saying–

[chuckles] Oh, my God. What I am saying is that you get Melinda to think that you are a man with needs since your wife is unavailable.

Oh, my God.

[sighs] You want me to seduce Melinda Trask?

Ah, by George, he’s got it.

[suspenseful music]

What does stealing Nicole’s baby have to do with my sister?

Oh, come on, Commissioner. Isn’t it rather obvious? As I tried to tell you yesterday, Stefan DiMera came to see me. And he directed me toward some evidence pertaining to the murder of Li Shin: Gil Carter’s book with Li’s blood on it.

Yeah, I’ve seen it. It’s compelling evidence.


Yeah, which I’m hoping to use to clear my sister.

Well, that it could if you could get your hands on it.

What do you mean, that’s not the whole story?

What the hell does that mean, Sloan, half right?

It means that Jude is Nicole’s baby. But not yours.

Not mine?

He’s Eric’s. Eric is the biological father.

There’s more to it. There’s more than you know–

[door closes]

Nicole, are you in there? I got some takeout, Brady burgers and– Eric. Sloan, what the hell?

Well, she came here to apologize. And now she’s telling Eric that there’s more to the story.

And your hand?

[sighs] It’s a little sore because I punched her in the jaw.

Oh, my God. Well, whatever the rest of the story is, I don’t want to hear it. What I do want is this woman out of my house and in a prison cell, so I am going to escort you to the station, Ms. Petersen.

I’m going to come with.

No, Eric, you will not! I am that little boy’s father. So I’m going to make sure that the lying bitch who kidnapped my son is taken to the authorities immediately. You go get some ice for Nicole’s hand, and I will take care of this.

Wait, Eric! I’m sorry, and I love you.

Bye, Sloan.

[tense music]

[sighs] Look, I’m sorry. I know how painful that had to be to see Jude, little baby Jude.

[soft dramatic music]

Mostly, I am in pain for my son. He was in earlier.

How is he? Never mind. Don’t answer. He has to be going through hell, right?

Well, you know Eric. He’s trying to stay stoic, you know? But I think he’s channeling his grief into this search for Sloan.

[Roman sighs] Damn it, Kate, I knew that woman was bad news from the minute she told me she didn’t like my chowder.

Oh, well, that is a Brady litmus test.

Never fails. I only hope that Sloan and anybody else who was involved in hurting my son gets what’s coming to them.

[door opens]

Oh, I am famished. What do I want? What do I want? Can you tell me about today’s specials?

Knuckle sandwich. How would that be?

Hmm. I’m assuming you mean pork knuckles, AKA Schweinshaxe, which I actually had once on a trip to Bavaria with my German cousin, Wolfgang. Third cousin, actually, but we were quite close. Um, I found it to be a little fatty and a little bit chewy, so I think I will go with an oldie but goodie… Brady’s famous chowder. What? Are we out of chowder today?

For you, we’re out of everything.

Excuse me?

I’m refusing you service, Leo.

Why? Is it because of the way I’m dressed? I know my pants are a little loud, but–

I wouldn’t serve you if you were wearing white tie and tails.



We know, Leo.

Yeah, we know. My son told me everything.

Everything, as in–

Yeah, everything as in. Everything like you blackmailing Sloan to support your shopping sprees while all along knowing that the child that they were raising was Nicole’s. And to profit out of the misery of other people, my God, how pathetic is that, Leo? How damn pathetic is that? So that is why you are not welcome in this pub.

[tense music]

[door slams]

Damn it, Sloan! You told Eric and Nicole there was more to this story? Please tell me you weren’t about to blurt out the truth about that baby, that Eric’s the father.

You know, he deserves to know.

We had an ironclad deal, Sloan. I pay you a lot of money and you disappear forever. If you open your big mouth and tell anyone about that child’s paternity, I swear to God, I’m going to make your life a living hell!

But what good is money, EJ, whenever every knock at the door, every phone call could be the police? I wanted insurance. I thought maybe I could talk to Nicole and she would–

If you talk to her, what? She would say, “Oh, you know, no harm, no foul. “I know you kidnapped my son “and made me think he was dead for six months. “But now that he’s back in my arms, everything’s fine. Hey, can we be friends? Can I braid your hair?”

[Sloan sighs]

I just thought if I talked to her face to face that she would understand why I did what I had to do. And I don’t know, she–

[scoffs] She’d call off the dogs, you know? Tell the cops to back off.

Mm. And how did that go?

She punched me in the face and called the cops.

You’re lucky she didn’t kill you with her bare hands. Now you are going to do what you were supposed to do in the first place. Take the money and go. You are going to disappear forever. Do you understand me?

That was pretty intense with Sloan. I’m sorry.

This can’t be easy for you either. But I’ll be fine. Really. Once I know she’s paid for what she did to me.

Yeah, her and her friend, Melinda Trask.

[suspenseful music]

Melinda? What are you talking about?

I ran into Rafe. Apparently, she tried to pass off some lie about what she did with Jude.

What lie?

She claimed that she really wasn’t involved. But I set him straight.

What do you mean, if I could get my hands on the book? You just said that you and Stefan went over. You have it.

Exactly, I have the book and no one else knows where it is.

Oh, my God, you’re saying–

I’m just trying to do what’s right for everybody that’s involved.

By blackmailing the police commissioner and hiding evidence? You think that’s right?

I’m just holding on to the book for safekeeping. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to it now, would we?

So this is your brilliant solution? I bed Melinda Trask and all of a sudden, the little black book becomes sufficient enough evidence after all?

Well, she did have a thing for you. And you will be highly motivated to make her happy.

OK, Kristen…

[Kristen laughs] Have you forgotten why I’m doing this in the first place? That I need to get Gabi, my wife, the love of my life, out of prison?


Huh, what?

Oh, well, all that passion for your wife, the love of your life, didn’t stop you from sleeping with Ava Vitali now, did it? Oh, I’m just saying.

[suspenseful music]

[tense music]

You look a bit shocked, brother.

Why wouldn’t I be? You come at me with some crazy accusation–

Oh, come on. You know well that this is the truth.

[chuckles] I mean, it’s not crazy that you slept with Ava. I mean, she’s a very attractive woman. It’d be crazy if you did not sleep with her, I mean, given the fact that the two of you were in such close proximity for a while there.

[suspenseful music]

How did you know?

I know all, brother.

[silverware rattles on table]

How did you know?

Well, you’re more discreet. Ava, not so much.

Oh, damn it.

Listen, in her defense, she literally just spilled it out.


I mean, I spoke with her about Li’s murder and hoping that she could help clear Gabi. And she literally just spilled it. About the two of you doing the dirty.

[clicks tongue and chuckles] To put it delicately.

[laughs] Oh, brother, come on. Looks like you’re wracked with so much guilt.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, you’re human.

[takes deep breath] I’m going to make this abundantly clear. If you ever tell anyone about this–

Come on. I mean, who am I going to tell?

[chuckles] You should be worried about Ava blurting to someone else. Because I’m sure if Gabi finds out, I’m guessing that there’s going to be hell to pay.

[Stefan sniffles]

So you expect me to let you off the hook in this horrifying kidnapping scheme? In exchange for protecting evidence that could potentially free my sister?

I don’t see what the problem is. After all, Sloan is the actual perpetrator of this crime.

But she didn’t act alone.

Well, who’s to say? I mean, even if I did happen to know something about it, and that’s a big if, the most you can do is charge me as an accessory. Besides, all is as it should be, isn’t it? Nicole’s beautiful, bouncing baby boy is back in the arms of his loving mother. And all is right in the world. So if you want your sister to have a chance at freedom with the help of that little black book, you will tell everyone, unequivocally and emphatically, that I was never anywhere near that baby.

Looks like he’s down for his afternoon nap.

He used to take a morning one too.

[somber music] And now just one, actually.

[Nicole chuckles] His bedtime is :.

Yeah, OK.

I used to rock him to sleep.

[chuckling] You know, now, he self-soothes, as they say

You noticed. You know, Holly used to do the same thing. You know, Eric, if– if this is hard for you, being around Jude–

[sighs] Yeah, actually, it is. If it’s all right… maybe I should just catch up with EJ and make sure Sloan is taken care of.

Yeah. Yeah, you should do that.

All you should really worry about right now is making up for lost time.

With your son.

[Nicole sighs]

[Nicole sighs]

[door closes]

That is a very serious and insulting accusation, Mr. Roman Brady, to even suggest that I would stoop to blackmailing someone for my own personal gain.

Well, that is usually how blackmail works, Leo.

That is true, and that is one of the reasons I am so opposed to it. In fact, it’s one of the things I am most opposed to, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, and that “Grease” sequel, my God. But I will also have you know I have contributed to anti-blackmail causes. I joined a march against blackmail a few years ago. And I even have a “blackmail is a fungus against society” T-shirt to prove it. With the sleeves cut off.

Yeah, I bet.

And with that, I will be on my way.

You’re guilty. You’re not going to get away with this, Leo.

Get away with what? That baby was taken from his parents, which I had zip to do with. And then that baby was returned to his parents, which I also had zip to do with. But obviously, that is a very happy ending. And I will have you know, I did some research. , babies a year are switched in hospitals. Quite a staggering number. And unlike the happy ending of this baby switch story, most of those babies are never unswitched. How, again, did you hear that I was blackmailing your soon-to-be ex-daughter-in-law?

I told you I heard it from my son, and Eric heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.

And by horse, I assume you mean that lying liar of a baby thief who would probably say I stole the baby myself if she thought she could get away with it?

Did you?

Did I what?

Did you steal that baby?

[Leo sighs]

Stop threatening me, Leo.

Well asking nicely hasn’t done the trick, has it?

[suspenseful music]

[sighs] Look, I know how much you love that kid. When you thought I had kidnapped him, you almost spilled everything to the cops. You risked prison to let them know I may have had a motive for kidnapping him. Thankfully for both of us, it didn’t come to that. But since I know how far you are willing to go for the sake of Jude, I know you’re willing to pay me whatever it takes to keep my mouth shut. Am I right? Of course not! What would I do with a baby? Besides dress it in some cute outfits and try to be a better parent to it than my mother was to me, which is a very low bar, because that woman was a narcissistic lunatic who wished I’d never been born? Look, we cannot believe a word that Sloan Petersen says. Obviously, she would do anything to protect herself.

[door opens]


[tense music] EJ. Oh, my God, what happened?

[Stefan sighs]

Listen up, sis. I love my wife.

[soft suspenseful music] And my only concern right now is getting her out of prison.

Right, that’s why I was suggesting that you–

Enough. I’m not going to repeat this. We’re never going to talk about this again. But what happened with Ava– what happened with that woman was a mistake. And I’m never going to do it again with anyone. Gabi is my wife, my soul mate, and I love her with my whole heart, my whole being.


I will never betray her again.

So what you’re saying is that you won’t sleep with Melinda?

No, I will not. So we’re going to have to come up with another way to get Gabi out of prison.

[Kristen sighs]

Aw, don’t look so glum, chum. You are getting everything that you want. I mean, I assume that you truly hate your sister being stuck in that prison.

All right, stop talking about my sister.

[tense music] And I never said I wasn’t arresting you.

Oh, oh, you still want to do this?

OK, fine, go ahead. Arrest me. I will go quietly, commissioner. But I just hope that Gabi doesn’t mind that you were so concerned with bringing me to justice that you couldn’t get any for her.

[Rafe sighs]

Give me the evidence when I need it?

Yep, I will, along with a little immunity for myself. That is the deal, Commish.

All right, I know what the deal is.

[Melinda laughs]

[tense music] So you better keep your word. My sister continues to serve time for a murder that she didn’t commit. I am going to find a way to lock you up in that jail. And I’m going to throw away the key.

Look, we both know that Sloan Petersen, AKA the baby thief with a heart of stone, would think nothing about sullying the good name of Lady Whistleblower. And without anyone to corroborate her claims, obviously, this is just a scurrilous rumor. Yes? No? You two are wonderful conversationalists, I have to say.

Leo, we don’t converse with you because you generally don’t make a hell of a lot of sense. So not responding to your BS is pretty much my default.

Mm, mine too. But I got to say, you little creep, you better hope they don’t find Sloan. Because she will definitely drag you down with her.

First of all, the name-calling, it’s uncalled for. And second, I will not be dragged down by the likes of Sloan Petersen or anyone else for that matter. But if I do happen to fall down, in the words of the wise Confucius, “our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Another favorite quote, this one attributable to none other than yours truly, which I am making up on the spot, so bear with me–

[Leo sighs] “Be kind to Lady W for, despite her transgressions, “which were the result of having had, “as I mentioned earlier, a horrible mother, “who made me feel unseen, unheard, “altogether invisible… “much like the character in the song ‘Cellophane Man’ “from ‘Chicago The Musical,’ well, despite all that, “the lady does mean well and in fact, has a heart as big as all outdoors.”

[somber music]

[door closes]

Oh, my precious boy.

[somber music]

Ever since you were born, my heart ached for you.

[sighs] Missing you so much. And I dreamt about you almost every night. And in that dream–

[chuckles softly] you would look at me with those big beautiful eyes. And it was–it was like I knew somehow as…

Somehow, I had this sense that you weren’t gone.

Nicole. Oh, my God.

I’m sorry, EJ. I’m–I’m so sorry.

[Nicole sighs]

[Nicole sighs]

Because… well, because… you were very much alive… in my heart and in my soul.

[sniffles] Oh, my precious boy, I am so glad to have you back.



[tense music] And Mommy is going to make sure that Sloan pays for taking you away from me.

[EJ groaning]

What happened? Where’s Sloan?

I was taking her to the car, and then she– she hit me over the head with that. I think she got away.

Maybe I can still catch her.

I think she went that way.

Hey, you’re going to be OK?

I’m fine. Go, go, go.


Thank you.

Don’t thank me. Just get the hell out of here, and don’t ever darken my doorstep again.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 27, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

John from Days


-Rafe could be heard knocking on the door while Maggie, Xander, and Sarah were shown.

-The music playing in John, Steve, and Rafeā€™s scene could be heard while Ava was shown.

-John could be heard talking to Rafe while Maggie was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Eric while Harris and Ava were shown.

-Steveā€™s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Harris while John was shown.


-EJ could be heard talking to Nicole while Bonnie and Maggie were shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Melinda while Alex and Maggie were shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking on the phone while Stefan and Melinda were shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to EJ while Rafe was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Theresa while Stefan was shown.


-The music playing in Steve and Jadaā€™s scene could be heard while John and Marlena were shown.

-The music playing in Harris and Avaā€™s scene could be heard playing while Steve was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to Stephanie while Steve was shown.


-How do Theresa and Stefan know each other? They have no reason to know each other.

-Alex and Kristen could be heard moaning while Stefan was shown.

-Alex and Kristen could be heard talking while Theresa was shown.

-Ava could be heard arguing with Harris while EJ was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Stefan while Ava and Lucas were shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking to EJ while Marlena was shown.


-Melinda could be heard talking to Sloan while Eric was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Jude while Rafe and Melinda were shown.

-Nicole didnā€™t hear EJ telling Jude that his paternity was their secret even though she heard the end of the conversation.

-Jada could be heard calling out Bobbyā€™s name while Stephanie was shown.

-Melindaā€™s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


Melinda from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinion For The Week Of May 27, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Eric from Days

We felt sorry for Eric when he told Nicole and EJ Jude was their son. His pretending to be strong while he told them made it even worse. You could tell in his eyes that he wanted to break down while he was talking to them. We liked how Nicole and Holly took the time to acknowledge that he was losing his son in the process.

Weā€™re surprised Rafe would be willing to comfort Eric over losing Jude. Rafe and Eric werenā€™t friends after Eric had an affair with Nicole while Rafe was with her so it was a shock that he would comfort Eric. It shows that Rafe is a forgiving person. Heā€™s better than we are because we arenā€™t sure if we would comfort someone who was with our spouse.

Is Bonnie a new character on the show? Of course, we were kidding when we said that. Itā€™s been so long since she has been on the show. She was shown as if she hadnā€™t been gone for months. The writers made it seem like she was out of town even though there was no reason for her to be gone. What was the point of bringing her back to the show if sheā€™s going to disappear again? Was she shown just so we know that Bonnie still lives in Salem?

Itā€™s understandable that Nicole wants Sloan to pay for kidnapping her baby, but she comes off hypocritical considering what she did. Nicole did the same thing to Sami when she kidnapped Sidney, yet she expects Sloan to be fully punished for what she did. Was Nicole really in a position to want Sloan to pay when she never paid for what she did to Sami? We give Sloan credit for reminding Nicole that she wasnā€™t innocent when it concerns kidnapping babies.

The writers deserve a thumbs up and down for remembering the history of the show. When Eric talked to John about losing Jude, John reminded him how he felt when he found out Eric and Sami werenā€™t his children. John said he was glad he stayed in their lives. We congratulate the writers for getting the history right. The problem is they forgot to have John mention Carrie. He thought he was her father too. Just because Carrie isnā€™t on the show anymore doesnā€™t mean the writers should have forgotten about her. Besides, Sami isnā€™t on the show, but they knew to acknowledge her.


Nicole from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Friday, May 31, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Some Salemites ready to go nuclear on radioactive mayor? Lame play on words. Cliched, hackneyed, ugh. No offense, Everett, but the quality of the writing for The Spectator has really gone downhill the last couple of months. That is about to change, starting today. Lady Whistleblower will see to that. Gird your loins, Salem.

I think you better gird yours instead, Stark.

Sloane, you have got to stop calling. No contact, get it? Burner phone or no burner phone? Yeah, Wraith came by yesterday asking questions. But thank God for both of us, that poor sap is as clueless as ever. I gotta go. Yeah, just file a motion and tell the judge you can complain to me if he doesn’t like it. I had forgotten what of a crybaby my ADAs can be.

Well, not everyone can be you. Ah, right? Heavy lies the crown. Yep. Sorry to interrupt. Oh, no, don’t be silly. I was just telling that ADA how much I’m looking forward to working with you again. Oh, I’ll bet you were. So, uh, what can I do for you? Well, uh, just following up from yesterday. Still have some questions about how Sloane Peterson ended up with Nicole DiMera’s baby.

I’m so sorry you had to endure all that, little one. Stefan and Kristen can’t go on and on like a couple of prized idiots, can’t they? But, we mustn’t let them ruin a beautiful day, so how about we go for a walk and talk about your new name? Yay! Something befitting the family you now proudly represent.

Because biology be damned. I’m your daddy now, not Eric Brady. And your mommy will never know otherwise. It’ll be our little secret.

What secret?

We will all get through it, Roman. I’m just, mostly I’m worried about Eric. Yeah, no, I don’t think, uh, Judah will be traumatized. He’s, he’s so young still.

Well, look, if you, if you need anything, just please call me, okay? Thanks, you too.

Come in. Oh, Stephanie, hi. Come on in. Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Evans. Do you have a minute? I do. Come sit.

Jada and I touched base about staging the intervention you’d suggested. I, um, I just wanted to check in before going to see Everett. I’m so glad you both agreed to it. So am I. We’re both on board. Anxious to start. We’re on board. Split personality. It’s so crazy. You know that when you talk to Everett, that’s a word you don’t want to use.

Right. Of course, I know that. Uh, I just, I’m a bit, I’m a bit overwhelmed. That’s understandable. But as you’ve said before, it’s important to get Everett the help that he needs. And the good news is, Jade is on her way over.


Are you here? The front desk said you were

Good morning.

Something wrong?

Oh, I had the most terrible dream last night. The dream that I lost you. Lost me? That can never happen. You are my wife. You are Mrs. Bobby Stein. Now and forever.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Oh my god, I am so

relieved. I thought we were over. Must have been some dream. It was. I dreamed that you had a split personality. Oh, is that right? So, which one of me was sexier? I’m serious. You kept calling yourself Everett and all this crazy stuff happened and it went on for months and months and it made absolutely no sense.

You know, I don’t even think I could explain it if I try. You don’t have to. You don’t have to. The dream is over. I’m here. Flesh and blood. A Bobby you love. And it goes without saying, there is no Everett. Everett? What the hell is going on here?

Look, it’s quite normal to feel Reluctant. Uncomfortable, if you’ve never been part of an intervention before. I admit, I am anxious. Yeah. And with Everett being so resistant, um, well, it’s going to take everything we have to help him go through this. Now, I know that, uh, I’ve told you I won’t be there as part of this.

I just think it’s much more important to, to have Him involved with people that he’s had a longstanding relationship with. Right. That makes sense. I’ll be close by. And if anything goes wrong, if you need me for anything, I can be there immediately. Sounds good. Thank you. Um, I also wanted to say, I’m so sorry.

Uncle Roman told me about what happened with Jude. Here. How is Eric doing? Never mind. Stupid question. I, I can’t imagine how heartbroken he must be. How much he must be missing that sweet little guy.

Oh, don’t mind us. We were having a father son chat. Oh, about? About what our son’s new name should be. What do you mean? You want to change his name? Eric and Sloan chose the name. Don’t you want to reserve that pleasure for ourselves? We are his parents, after all. I know. I mean, I kind of like Jude. Well, he’s used to it, anyway.

Okay. Nicole, he’s a baby. He’ll get used to his new name very quickly, I assure you. All right, I’ll sure add him in. You are his daddy. I am indeed. Now, our son and I were about to leave and go for a walk. I am determined to put my unexpected free time to good use bonding with my son here. And, I might be persuaded to pick up some delectables on the way back.

Any requests? That is so thoughtful. Um, surprise me. My favorite thing to do. Alright little man, let’s go. Choo, choo, choo. Say goodbye to mommy.

Have fun, you know? All right, let’s go.

Hello, Nicole.

Cheer, are you okay? Uh, yeah, definitely. I just, I had this weird dream that I’m trying to remember. You know how that can throw you off? Sorry, what are you doing here? I was hoping that we could talk. Okay, uh, hold that thought.

Hi, everyone. Steph, uh, Jada’s here too. Oh, okay. Hi, Jada. This is a surprise. Yeah. I’m sorry, am I, uh, am I supposed to believe that this is some sort of coincidence? No point, right? Okay, no games. We’re here because Dr. Evans suggested that we both talk to you. Oh my god. You gotta be kidding me. What, she just wants me to have more therapy, and more therapy, and more therapy?

Like, yes, there are gaps in my memory, but it’s because I was in a car accident. You know she doesn’t believe that’s the cause. I’m sorry, just exactly how much did she tell you about me? You’re not her patient anymore. So? And it is pretty obvious that something very serious is going on with you. Unless throwing punches in bars is normal for Everett Lynch.

No, it’s not. Alright, but please, I, I, I had a few drinks, alright? Like, it was one night. You insisted that you were Bobby Stein. You made a pass at me. What? No, I didn’t. Yes, you did. First thing the next morning. Look, I know this is really confusing for you. Not being able to remember. But it was like you were too Very different people yesterday.

And that is when Dr. Evans said, She thinks you were dissociating. She thinks you have DID. Marlena.

Good morning, AJ. Uh, meeting at house call? Oh. Something like that. Hmm.

Good morning, you little charmer. Oh my goodness, you look just

Sorry. Um, I’m used to him being my grandson. I’m the one who’s sorry, Marlena.

Rafe, I explained this to you yesterday. You did, yeah. But the thing is, the more I thought about it The less your explanation made sense. Excuse me? You’re the attorney. You’re the attorney who arranged for the adoption, right? So how the hell did you not know that it never went through? You don’t think that Sloan was motivated to keep me in the dark?

So the adoption agency never got in touch with you? You were never involved in the handoff in any way after Sloan took over? Even after starting off as attorney of record. Really? Look at you. So fresh. No, no, no. Don’t cry. That’s his quiet cry. It’s okay. Well, I’ll leave you two to bond with your son. Thank you so much.

It’s my pleasure to Okay. Getting my free time back made me happy. Just like it would in this moment. Are we done, Commissioner? Why, Eric Brady, you are the last person I’d expect to be commenting on my loins. Not that I’m complaining. It’s about time you and I had another chat. Great, your place or mine?

It’s about Sloan. She told me everything. Uh, about? About Jude. Who you knew all along was E. J. Nicole’s son. What you used to blackmail her. Wait, she told you that? Yeah, right before she skipped town. So did you help her? Leo, do you know where she went? Do I? No, no, I have no idea where Sloane could be. You, you sick, disgusting, I was told you fled Salem.

Keep your distance. Oh, keep my distance? Really? Well, how long were you waiting there? Were you waiting for EJ to leave? Subs I’m not worried about EJ. You’re not worried about EJ. Well, you should be. And you should also be worried about me because, so help me, Sloan, if you come ten feet near my baby, I will kill you.

Okay, listen. I’m not here to see Jude. I came to see you, Nicole. There is something that you have to hear.

TID. Dr. Evans thinks that I have multiple personality disorder. She thinks, she thinks that you may have developed this as some sort of coping mechanism when you were a child. Oh. Because of the abuse that you suffered. Oh, okay. Don’t you see how this could make so much sense?

Does it, does it make sense? Uh, no. The short answer is no. It does not make any sense. Think about it. Why does Jada only remember you as Bobby, when I only know you as Everett? And you don’t remember cheating on me with Stephanie, because you weren’t even conscious of it. And you don’t remember your childhood, because you did everything in your power to bury those memories.

Or, or, or there’s uh, there’s another explanation. You know? One that makes actual sense. This does make sense. You have an alter ego. And he exists to protect you. Oh, okay. Thank you so much, Jada, for your armchair diagnosis. But I don’t need any protection. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Okay. I get that this can feel scary.

Overwhelming. But you’re keeping your past buried. Shh, shh, shh. Dr. Evans is confident. Shut up! Everett doesn’t need to know any of that. And I’m gonna make sure he never does.

You don’t have to apologize to me. We’re all victims here. And I know how much you both suffered and I’m so glad that you have been reunited with your son. Thank you, Marlena. I want to assure you that, um, he had an enormous amount of love the first six months of his life. I don’t doubt that for a minute.

I know you’re very good to your own children, and, um, that gives me comfort. And I know that you and Nicole will be amazing and loving parents to I love you. I will always love you. Marlena. I just wanted to say that you’ve been very gracious about all this. Thank you. Of course. Give my best to Nicole.

Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me? You’re right, because I have nothing else better to do. Look, Melinda, I’ve got a job to do. Yesterday you said that you and I have to be on the same side, and I agree. You catch the criminals, I put them behind bars. But it is no wonder that your case clearance rate is so low.

Because you don’t start with motive first. I mean, truly, what would I have to gain by giving Nicole and EJ’s baby to Sloan? I mean, the risk alone to my career, my reputation, and the ever vengeful DiMeras. I mean, we’re talking madness. Now, you have known me a long time. Do I seem mad to you? Well, all right, I guess the detective in me just needed, uh, Tyler’s loose strings and a bow.

I’ll let you get back to work. Man, I’m


Wait, does Sloan have Jude? You poor thing, is that why you is where he belongs. When I learned the truth, I took him right to Nicole and EJ. Wow. How incredibly honorable of you. Yeah, but when the thing is, I got back to my place, there was no sign of Sloane. Well, that’s too bad. Look, if I knew where she was, I would tell you.

The hell you would! I would, Eric, I swear. Look, I can tell by the way you’re looking at me with your eyes all squinched up and your nostrils flaring that you think I’m this horrible, amoral creep. Because that’s exactly who you are. No, I am not. Look, I tried to do the right thing more than once. Yeah, right.

Look, at the, at the christening, I almost said something. Almost! Okay, look, I admit, I can be Leo the Cowardly Lion sometimes. But, I swear, Eric, on all that is holy. And no, I’m not a religious person, but I do have respect for the sacred that I have been trying, I really have, to be, to be brave and noble and honest.

You’ve got a noble bone in your body. That is very hurtful. You sat on a story. You kept from publishing it because you didn’t want to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Yes, well that very apt idiom was given rise to, uh, if my preternaturally retentive memory serves, by one of Aesop’s fables referring to an unprofitable action motivated by Exactly.

So money’s all dried up, and there is no more Sloane. She’s gone. And you’re gonna start dealing with me now.

I thought I could just turn my back and walk away. But I realized I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t face you. Oh, that’s the only reason that you couldn’t live with yourself? Not to mention all the other awful, unforgivable things that you’ve done? At least let me try to explain. Now you stole my baby and you made me believe that he was dead!

You know what, Sloan? You want to be accountable? Bend the ear of the police commissioner with all your pathetic excuses, okay? In fact, I will call him for you. But just wait, please. Don’t you I am so sorry. Profoundly sorry. I regret all the pain that you’ve suffered. I do. But you need to hear, and no, I didn’t plan it.

Oh, well, why didn’t you just tell me that in the first place? So taking my baby was what? Just an impulse, a knee jerk reaction? Dimitri showed up at my doorstep with your son. I had just had a miscarriage. The adoption, I had counted on it falling through. I had hit bottom. And then, all of a sudden, A baby showed up at my, my, in my home.

It, it felt like it was fate. Fate? Fate? I’ll show you fate.

Eric, listen to me, please. The day I figured out what happened, the very day that I learned Nicole’s baby was still alive, I went right to EJ and Nicole’s to try and tell them. They wouldn’t listen to me. So you went to Sloan instead? You took our money to keep your mouth shut? I had just lost Dimitri. I had nothing left.

I was desperate. Selfish son of a Police! Help! Help! Please! Hey, Eric! What’s going on here? Go. Get out of my sight. Hey. I’m sorry I lost my control. Obviously. Yeah, well, I can’t say I blame you. I just Thought he might help lead me to Sloan, but turns out to be worthless. Yeah. Look, uh, I’m sorry that we haven’t come up with anything solid yet, but we’re not giving up.

I know. I also know that’s not gonna change anything finding her. It’s not gonna make me a father again.

I deserved that. Oh, you deserve more than that.

You know what, Sloan? When you and I were pregnant at the same time, and I didn’t know who the father was, I thought, Okay, this is going to be a very interesting journey. And then you missed Harry. And my heart went out to you. Because I know that pain. I know it so well. I lost Two babies before Jude.

But when he was born, it was a miracle. Have you? When that doctor told me that they cremated my son before I could hold him one last time, do you have any idea, any sense of what that was like? Because you don’t! You don’t! And because of your lies, I’ve missed six months of my son’s life! And I am not the only one who’s suffered.

Your husband. You’re, you’re wonderful. Husband who’s only wanted a child his entire life. One wish, one wish, Sloan. And when he finally got that wish, the child he thought was his was ripped from his hands. And mine. Oh my god! I love that child with all of my heart. Stop! The child doesn’t want or need you anymore.

You are never gonna see him again. Ever!

You know, when I thought Jude was my son,

you made me out to be a lunatic. And when I stole him, when I stole him from the Horton Town Square that day because you negligently left him alone, you made me grovel for forgiveness. What kind of person sinks that low, Sloan? I don’t know. Maybe a person like you, Nicole. What kind of person? Didn’t you do the exact same thing?

Bobby? Jada. I am so glad you stopped by. You have no idea how much I missed you. Bobby, what are you doing? Ah, you’re my wife. Come on, baby. You’re my wife. We are divorced. Oh, no. No, we’re not. We’re not divorced. We’re not divorced. You signed the papers. Actually, I think it was Everett who signed the papers.

Yeah, that was Everett. I’m no lawyer, but I’m pretty sure that makes them invalid, right? Why would you want to be married to me? Why would I want to be married to you? Oh, come on. You know the answer to that. Because we were so, so, so good together. Good? Our marriage fell apart. And then you bought a ring for Stephanie.

Oh no, that was Everett. Everett bought the ring for Stephanie. Sorry, but uh, spoiled princess thing isn’t really my vibe. No offense. None taken. But what we had, that was special. Yeah. That was real. Are you serious?

Are you even real? You are just a part of someone’s psyche. Am I even real? I’m standing right in front of you. What kind of a question is that? What kind of a conversation is this? This conversation is pointless. Everett. Everett’s not here! You know what? I want you both to get out. I said get out. I SAID GET OUT!

I’m sorry, man. I know that nothing is gonna bring Jude back to you. It may not feel this way right now, but I do think bringing Sloane in will help. I’m sure leads are hard to come by. Yeah. Yeah, I just, um, questioned Linda Trask, which unfortunately was a dead end. I mean, it It’s crazy to me that she was not involved in the handoff of the baby, which she swears she wasn’t.

I don’t see any motive there. What did you just say? I said I don’t see any motive there. No, before that. That she wasn’t involved in the handoff of the baby. No, she said Sloan cut her out of the loop before it all happened. No, she didn’t. That wasn’t even close. Melinda’s the one who handed off Jude at the door.

What? God, why haven’t I even seen this sooner? Eric! I mean, I was just, I was overwhelmed. Eric, Eric, this is it! This is it. This means that Trask knew all along that she knew that Jude was Nicole’s baby.

I am never going to get any work done, am I? I just ran into Eric Brady, who told me that Sloan confessed everything that hit the Yellow Brick Road to Nowheresville. Not everything requires a Wizard of Oz. And not everything requires a snark, Elphaba. Elphaba? Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, played brilliantly by Margaret Hamilton.

Oh, for God’s sake! Look, Leo, I already heard all about it from Rafe when he came around asking questions. Well, he’s definitely gonna have questions for me. Everybody knows I blackmailed her. Your problem, not mine. Come on, you are the DA. When they come for me, I need to know you’re gonna have my back. Deep breath, Leo.

I just got Rafe to take his snooping around elsewhere. I am more than capable of getting him to pursue juicier avenues than you. Avenues? Honey, I am a full fledged boulevard and as juicy as they come, I’ve also been told I’m quite scrumptious. Right. I didn’t mean to insult you, Leo. The point I’m trying to make is to get you to calm down.

Because the only person that can truly prove that you were blackmailing Sloane is Sloane. And she is long gone.

You don’t think I’m caught up to speed on the Salem history, Nicole? Oh girls, you better get to work. Get out of my house. Oh no, Aaron told me all your gory details about what you did to his twin sister, Sammy. Yeah, obviously you were as desperate as I was. But maybe, maybe, you could extend the same grace that you were once extended.

And just let me What, get away with it? No, never, Sloane, never!

We’re not going anywhere, Everett. Jada and I are here for you. I said, I do not Get out!

Please get out. Oh,

here he is here. Fantastic, Dr. Evans. Come right in, please join the circus. Isn’t this fantastic? Let me guess, you’re to scoop me up and deposit me to the loony bin. You have a, you have an illness that needs treatment, Everett. Bobby? It’s Bobby. Okay, Bobby, the good news is you can be helped. Oh, thank you so much.

Thank you so much, but I’m fine. Everett’s not fine. Everett is fine! Everett is fine. I will make sure that Everett is fine.

There are ugly things from Everett’s past that the three of you cannot even begin to imagine. Things that he does not need to face again. So get it through your heads. He doesn’t want your help. He doesn’t need your help. He has me! So you admit that you’re keeping things from him. Your words. Why do you get to decide whatever it can or cannot handle?

Because I do. That’s why. I forget. Did I, did I ask you to leave? I think I did. Evan, I know you’re in there. And I believe that you do want to deal with your past. That’s how you can move forward. That’s why you went to Dr. Evans in the first place.

You know she’s right. Everett, I will be there for you every step of the way. Don’t listen to her. Don’t listen to her. Don’t listen to her. Don’t listen to her. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! My head.

Lay still. Lay still. You’re gonna be alright. I know what you wanna do to me. You’re Now you’re never gonna see Everett again. Never. Ever. Never. Your blood pressure is highly elevated. You need to get treatment. Now if you won’t do it for, for yourself, then do it for Everett. Please.


I’ll get you some water. This is, this is good news, right? Are you okay? He, he was so adamant. What if I never see the real Everett again?

Oh, for heaven’s sake, what now? You lied to me with the MDA. Oh, and you know this to be true because? I got proof. That you told me to go catch criminals, that’s exactly what I’m doing. You’re under arrest. Stand up. Hands behind your back.

My main man, Jude. Hey, hey, hey, keep your voice down, would you? He’s napping. We’re also changing his name. What? Jude is such a great name. We’re changing it. Alright, you don’t have to get snippy. Well, baby boy DeMiro, you cute little thing. I am so glad you are back where you belong. And I am so glad I ran into you and your snooty daddy.

Oh, are you? I am. See, now that the switcheroo is I thought that you and I could clarify the terms of our agreement. Obviously, I don’t have to keep my mouth shut about what I know anymore. But I do get to keep the cash, right? Think of it as free money? Nothing in this life is free, Leo. Spoken like a true cynic.

I can be cynical, too, when I put my usually Pollyanna, cockeyed, optimist mind to it. What the hell are you blathering on about? Well, I’ve been thinking. Always a dangerous endeavor, I know. But in this case, I think thinking is the way to go. And I think ending this conversation is the way to go. Are you sure you don’t want to hear what I have to say?

That might change your often condescending and insulting behavior toward me. It might even cause you to Suck up to me and lick my boots. What are you talking about? Speak English, would you, Leo? I’ve been thinking that there must be a part of this baby switch story that isn’t public knowledge. Meaning what?

Meaning, why would you pay me not to tell anyone, not even your own wife, that you had a kid? It doesn’t make any sense. And why wouldn’t you want that kid back as soon as you found out the truth about him?

Yes, now we really get down to brass tacks, huh? Wow, all this endless dribble about how you’re risking your, your freedom. And you can’t live with yourself and you have to come here to explain and to apologize. Well that’s just a big lie. Lie. Because you don’t want to live on the run. And you think I’m stupid enough to buy your BS so that you can avoid it?

But you know what? You’re lucky, honey. You don’t have to disappear. That’s what Statesville’s for. And they would be thrilled to welcome you for an extended stay, I’m sure. You hypocrite. You call me what you want. I’m calling the cops.

Previously on The Way Home When a new family member was born, they would add the name to the list. And when he died, they would write down the date, close the book, and move on. Wherever we end up, let’s promise to meet at the Roxy on this date. A certain wayward son, you decided not to show up. I needed to be held!

I needed to be kissed! I’ve been waiting for Jacob to walk 20 years and he’s not coming home. What if I could just talk to him? You’ll warn him somehow. Yeah.

I’m so sorry. Hi. Haven’t you been working long enough? Um.

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Days Transcript Thursday, May 30, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Teresa Donovan. As I live and breathe. Hello, Stefan.

It’s been a while. Welcome to the bistro. Oh, delighted to be here. So I take it you have everything you need? Indeed, I do. Your staff has been And just so you know, this is a celebratory mocktail. Okay, uh, uh, what are you celebrating? If it’s your birthday, I can have the waitstaff come out and sing you a song.

Nah, no, no, no, it’s not my birthday. I’m actually celebrating moving into the Kyriakos Mansion. Or Kyriakos Domicile, as I prefer to call it. It’s a little less pretentious that way, don’t you think? Uh, it is, it is a mansion, Theresa. It’s a mansion. Yeah, I know, it is pretty enormous, isn’t it? And Alex and I practically have a whole wing to ourselves.

Oh, you moved in with Alex, huh? Mm hmm. Yeah, we just left our crime department just a few days ago. You know, we had the servants unpack for us. So we’re all settled in. Lucky you. I know. Lucky me indeed. So Alex, tell me, oh, oh my god, did you, uh, wake up this morning and, uh, just come straight to my bed from Teresa’s?

Would it bother you if I said yes?

Maybe. Would it bother you less if I told you I got a present for you? It might help. Well then.

I stopped by the jewelry store. On my way over to you. While I was walking through the square. Oh my god, Alex. That is beautiful. I saw it in the window the other day, and uh, it made me think of you, so I went back and I bought it. That’s gorgeous. Yeah, I really like it. Uh huh. I love it. Let me just show you how much.

You’re up early. Did something happen?

Yeah, we just got a major break on Weston.

He’s being stoic, but I know that he’s heartbroken. Yeah.

You love that little boy, and you love being a father. God, I’m just, I’m so glad that you’re there for him, Roman. He really, he needs you right now. Hmm. Okay, I will check in with you. Thanks. Bye. This

is just heartbreaking. So heartbreaking. So you prefer to sleep during the day? Is that it, little one? Or perhaps you’re just still adjusting to your new home? New family? And is that why you were up every hour on the hour last night crying your little heart out? Well, don’t you worry. That’ll change as soon as you start to settle in with your mom and me.

You may have also noticed that I’m not using your name anymore. Well, that’s because I don’t want you to get used to it since we’re going to be giving you a new name. Once your mother and I settle on something more suitable. You see, Jude DeMirra doesn’t work for me. Not at all.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

How much do you want to bet that’s Maggie right now? I’m wondering why the hell I’m not in the office. And why are you not in the office? Isn’t that obvious? Okay, listen Alex, as much as I enjoy lying in bed with you all morning, if my brother Titan’s vulnerable. He’s sure to take advantage. He’s always watching.

Let him watch. He can’t touch Titan as long as I’m in charge. Well, my God, this woman’s extra persistent. Maggie, come on. Oh, damn, I’m late for an appointment. Okay, well, you know what? Then go. We’re just getting started. You gotta get to work.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Speaking of luck, you were certainly born with a proverbial silver spoon in your mouth, huh? Being a DiMera and all. Your point. Why would you choose to run this, oh, so very popular bistro? Because, Teresa, I never leave anything to chance. And, if you’ve been paying attention, you’d know that my inheritance has changed hands quite a few times.

That explains it, then. And yes, I admit, it has been a little Slow here. Slow? It’s empty. It’s early. Our lunch crowd hasn’t trickled in yet. And, in fairness, we did just lose our GM, and Ava had a knack for helping people feel welcome and at home. Me? I’m just the money guy. Right. Well, sounds like you need a new manager then.

One with all those people skills you just talked about. You’re probably right. Maybe I do.

So the ISA teamed up with Naval Intel and I just heard this from Andrew Donovan. They cracked the code in Clyde’s black book. That’s amazing. I know. Well, how, how did they do it so quickly? I don’t know. These guys are pros. Andrew said they found a list of dealers, their numbers, and that they’re forming a multi agency task force to track them all down.

Oh my god. That’s fantastic. Yeah. And the best part of this? Three of those dirtbags on the list are local. Andrew gave me their information. I’m telling you right now, one of those guys is going to lead me to Clyde.

Okay, so for the record I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but here take a look do you think

Yeah Looks pretty good. You know, I had to learn the hard way, though, at Bella, that SEOs for job searches are incredibly specialized. Yeah, well, DiMera’s marketing department usually would take care of that stuff for me, so Oh, God. Job searching. I’ve been doing that ever since I left Bella. It’s just so cold now, you know, with all the computers.

There’s like, nothing personal about it. Exactly, and that is not the way I operate. I’m a people person, believe it or not. I would like to put an emphasis on social connections. Camaraderie.

You wouldn’t happen to know somebody perfect for this job, would you?

Come here. Wow, what is this? Is this some new fetish of yours? Good morning, Kristen. Alex. Hey, Jay. Well, you have great timing, you two. There’s breakfast in the kitchen. And would either of you be interested in meeting my son? Uh Your son? I’m sorry. I actually am running late. Maybe some other time, though. I gotta, I gotta go.

I’ll see you guys. See ya. What? Ahem. Oh, yes, well, I thought I heard a baby crying last night. Figured I just imagined it. No, no, no, you were not imagining. There was certainly a lot of crying last night, poor little fellow. I think he’s still getting used to his living arrangements. Is it? Okay, let me, this is your, your son.

Do you have a minute to sit down? It’s a long story.

No way am I staying behind, Harris. No, you know what? You listen to me, okay? I am the one who helped you track down Clyde. I am the one who sent the email with those photos. And I sure as hell did not come all this way to sit on my ass. Okay, we don’t want to take the chance of tipping Clyde off. Okay, please remember who you are dealing with here.

I’m not an amateur. I know that, but the DEA, the FBI, we’re all going to be following the same leads. If we tip Clyde off, he’s going to panic and he’s going to get out of town. Yeah, and he’s going to be caught off guard, so he’s bound to make some mistakes. That’s true, and he will be running scared. And that’s when I’ll take him down.


was the last time this motel was remodeled? The 60s or something? Yeah, maybe not even that recently. Well, beats the monastery, I’ll tell you that. Although I don’t understand what Harris is doing, dragging me all the way out here in the middle of nowhere just to do nothing. Doesn’t make sense. He didn’t.

What do you mean he didn’t? Well, I just got a text from him. He’s got a new lead. Oh yeah? What? So apparently, Goldman is supposed to go to the post office today to pick up some package. Yeah. So he wants us to go there and stake it out in case she shows up with Clyde. Well, that’s odd. I don’t know, he was pretty adamant about us staying here, so Yeah, well, that was before we got the new information, okay?

Harris can’t be in two places at once, so We’re up. Get dressed. Okay, cool. Ahem. Well, no one comes to mind for the manager position, but what I think you could really use is a PR firm to help you get your reputation back on track. You know my cousin Stephanie, she is fantastic. She runs SJPR. I know Stephanie Johnson.

Ava and I brought her on to rep this place before things went south. But I’m gonna need somebody who is on site and I don’t think Stephanie would be interested in that. You could ask her. I could. But before I do, before Bella went south, did you have any part in the Brady family restaurant dynasty? Well, the Bradys are my family.

Right. Obviously. And I have spent my fair share of time at the pub, so I don’t know, does that make me part of the restaurant dynasty? Sure does. Huh. Okay, well then I guess I am. Why are you asking? Because I think this ad was written especially for you.

Sorry I’m late, Dr. Evans. Only by five minutes. Yeah, right. It’s a good thing that office sent out the reminder text. Got us slightly distracted. Yes, well, distractions happen. Yeah. You cancelled your last three appointments, though. That’s right. Uh, and that will never happen again, I swear to God. Things have just been very, very hectic at Titan recently, and it’s kind of hard to find the time, you know?

Yeah. Yeah. Is there something you want to talk to me about? I had something on my mind, yeah. Okay. I’m listening. Okay, well, um, as you know, originally when I came here, it was, um, to put my Playboy ways behind me. Right? Yeah. At that time, I was pursuing Stephanie. That didn’t work out, as you know. And because I thought she was the one, foolishly, in retrospect, I had a very hard time getting over it when she rejected me.

And Teresa showed up in my life, and we have been together. off and on since then. And right now we are pretty much on. Tate told me that she had moved back into the mansion, uh, and that, uh, the two of you are back together. Yeah. I mean, sort of. Sort of? I mean, we are living together, Teresa and I, yes. Um, but I’m also seeing Kristen DiMera.

So, let me get this straight. Sloan paid off some skeevy doctor to tell you and Nicole that your son was dead. And then she took the baby, which obviously is not dead, and she adopted him. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? No, it’s just pure evil. Good. I mean, I knew that woman was horrible, but to steal a child.

And then, out of the blue, she confesses the truth to Eric and vanishes from Seven without a trace. Oh my God. And how is Nicole taking this? Well, she’s obviously over the moon about the baby and would love to throttle Sloane. I don’t blame her. Where is Nicole anyway? Oh, she’s upstairs resting. The baby had a wakeful night.

Up every hour on the hour, in fact. The So the baby, your son Well, he’s napping right now, as you can see. And I think it’s gonna be quite a, quite a long one, seeing how he was up all night, as I said. But, as soon as he wakes up, you will get to meet your new nephew. Aww, I look forward to it. But, um, But what?

I’m just processing what you just told me. And, uh, I don’t know, it’s horrible as Sloan is. I just, I don’t, I don’t get it. But what’s to get? You know the whole story. Well, I don’t think I do, and I don’t think you do either. What’s that supposed to mean? Alright, well, I will, I know miracles happen. I got Rachel back when I thought she had died.

So the undead baby part, uh, I mean, that’s not what strains humility for me. Then what does, Diane? What are you talking about? Well, what I’m, what I’m talking about is, I mean, that Sloane, I mean, you think that she did this all by herself, this major deception? I don’t know. I mean, doesn’t that sound fishy to you?

So, you’re seeing Kristen and Teresa? Yeah. And to be honest, Dr. Evans, I actually really like it that way. Variety’s the spice of life, right?

Understood. Yeah, I didn’t expect you to approve that. Actually, I’m just more curious how this all affects you. Right. So, Kristen and Teresa, do they both know? Well, Kristen knows, yeah. She doesn’t care, you know. She actually told me she was in the middle of her driest spell of her life when I showed up. So, for her, I think it’s more, you know, just about being close to someone, uh, physically.

You mean the sex? Yeah, you could put it that, yeah, that, yeah. And Teresa? And Teresa, I think it’s mostly about the money.

You think she’s with you for your money? Nah, I mean, look, I know I’m a decently handsome guy, charming, good for a laugh, but, um, ultimately, I think it’s because I am rich, to be quite frank. Hmm. How does that feel to you? Not good for the ego, of course. You know, we all want somebody to be into us for who we are.

How fascinating of a person we are, right? But, you know, to be honest with you, Dr. Evans, I think nowadays, it’s about the money for a lot of women. For a lot of women? Yeah. Have you done a survey? No survey, but I am speaking from personal experience. And what have you learned? I have learned that since I have become the heir to the Kiriakis fortune, women are throwing themselves at me a lot more than usual.

And you’re just having to bat them away. That, pretty much. So, you and Teresa are now living together at the mansion. Yeah. Big step up from apartment living. Why did you ask her to move in? Um, because it makes sense. You know, she didn’t want to live alone in the apartment, and the Kiriakis mansion is huge.

She doesn’t have a job right now, so her not having to pay rent is a big help. Do you think that asking her to move in with you would suggest a certain level of commitment that you don’t feel?

Um, I guess I didn’t really, uh, I didn’t really think about that, but, um, I don’t think she’s expecting anything. Well, have you asked her? I mean, do you have any idea what she might be expecting? I guess I don’t know for sure. Well, don’t you owe it to her to find out? And, and also, let her know where you are.


Yeah. I guess I do.

Are you seriously offering me a job? I am. Well, thank you. I am truly flattered. But, I would have totally taken this opportunity if this was like a week ago. But, you know, I’m in a relationship now. You’re welcome. With Alex, Kiriakis, and this might not sound terribly feminist of me, but I get it, I get it.

You don’t need to work. Not now, anyway. So, uh, how do you plan on passing your time?

I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it since I just moved in with Alex, but, um Thinking maybe, learn to play the piano, maybe guitar lessons, or, I don’t know, maybe I could do some volunteer work, or travel. Sounds enriching. Yeah. It might be really tiresome though too, right? I mean, who knows, maybe being rich is like, really boring.

I don’t know, I just want to keep my time free. For now. Got it. But if I think of anyone, I’ll let you know. Thank you. Appreciate that. What? You don’t find it hard to believe that Sloane pulled this off all by herself? I mean, the, the baby switch, having your son declared dead, I mean, et cetera. I mean, this is a pretty complex scheme, EJ.

I am just telling you what she told me, and the police are searching everywhere for her. The Salem police. Ha ha ha. Don’t make me laugh. The Salem police and me, I’ve offered every demure resource in tracking down that horrible woman and bringing her to justice. So, is that the same? Resources to track down, uh, Clyde Weston.

I mean, how’s that going? Are you loosing your, uh Magic touch, little bro?

Shut up, Kristen. This is ridiculous. Don’t you think I look conspicuous? Like the guy dressed in full camo didn’t look conspicuous? No, he didn’t. He was blending in. That’s what camo does. You blend in when you have camo. Everybody’s dressed for deer season here. Deer hunting and cattle wrestling. Okay, alright, I get it.

I get it, okay? You are just like every man I’ve ever met. Deep down, you want to be a cowboy and you’re mad I didn’t get you the cowboy hat. Yeah, the cowboy hat would have been perfect. I would have blended in great. This makes me stick out like a sore thumb. I hate this stupid robe. Okay. The whole point of religious clothes is to make you look non threatening, okay?

We are going to have to talk to some people, right? We’re gonna have to ask them for help, for some information. They’re gonna be more likely to talk to a man of the cloth than a cowboy. Fine, if you say so. I do say so. I’m done talking about this, okay? I’m gonna go into the post office, and I’m gonna talk to the clerk.

See if she knows anything about Clyde and Goldman, alright? Alright, I guess that makes sense. They have been here a while, so Here’s to hoping someone has seen them. Fingers crossed. Alright, you stay out here, okay? Keep your eye out for Goldman, and if you see her, you text me, okay? I got it. Will do. Okay. Oh, and please, Lucas, don’t confront her, okay?

She’s probably armed, and we know she’s dangerous. Yes, I know. Last time I ran into her, she almost shot me and killed me. Confrontation with her is not on my list. Don’t worry about it. Okay, good. Keep your eye out, alright? Watch the door. Alright, go for it.

Hey, you got an extra smoke? You know how expensive these things are? What the hell up, dude? Having your way, dude. You’re Snake, right? Who the hell’s asking?

Thank you, Dr. Evans. Talking to you was really helpful, as always. I’m glad. Good luck with everything and say hello to Maggie for me. Thank you, I will. Although we’re not really speaking too much nowadays, I don’t think she’s very thrilled that Theresa and I are moving in. Good. Correction, she loves Teresa.

I’m sure she’s fine with her living there, but uh, me? Not so much lately. Well, I hope you’ll work things out. Yeah, for sure. Stranger things have happened, right? The thing is, it’s not even the fact that I’m just not getting along with Maggie. Now that she’s involved with this creep Constantine, it’s just making things even more awkward, you know?

Yeah, I understand how you feel. For the life of me, I can’t understand why she’s letting that guy stay there. You know, or why she’s so devoted to him. I mean, I get that she’s lonely, but it’s like everything this guy does exudes phoniness. And every word out of his mouth is just like I don’t know. Total BS.

I can’t say I’m a fan. I think Maggie’s his only fan, actually. Yeah, uh, keep an eye on her, would you please? I will. For sure. Well, I’ll see you soon. I would like to make an appointment for next week. I’d like that. I’ll keep it. Thanks.

Ah, EJ, what a week you have had. It’s, it’s been eventful. Well, at least, uh, you got the baby back. I mean, that’s gotta be a happy thing. Indeed it is. Oh, I am really sorry about, um, John. I admit I was blindsided by Mayor Price’s decision, but she will soon regret making an enemy of me. I’m sure she will. Um, oh, um, actually I heard of, uh, rumblings of a recall election, I’m assuming.

Thank you, Mayor. That’s your handiwork? Well, uh, are you thinking of replacing her? You never know. Hmm, well, actually, I mean, if being DA and DiMera CEO, I mean, that was considered a conflict of interest, uh, what makes you think that being there? Is any less so. That is simple, Kristen. You see, the mayor makes the rules.

I love to make rules.

Oh! My fault, I wasn’t watching my own. You. You.

Hey Roman, I’m just checking in. Oh, you saw him. He just left. How did he seem to you? Um, I’m so glad you were there. I bet that helped a lot. Yeah, no, I agree. He’s going to need his family more than ever now. Now

that he’s lost his son. Ah, still here. Well, since I no longer have to be in my place of employment, where else would I be? Huh. Have you heard about, uh, that thing? I have, yes. Have you had the pleasure of meeting our family’s newest addition? Well, I have. Before he nodded off. But, uh, he’s very sleepy this morning.

Yes, well, he was awake all night. I really do hope this, uh, baby miracle, uh, takes some of the sting off you’re getting. Indeed it does. I feel very blessed to have the cause of my son back where he belongs. Well, you know, I think we should let EJ, uh, have some time to bond with his baby. Well, that’s hard to do while he’s sleeping.

Well, I’m sure he’ll wake up soon. That will give you and I some time to get some air. Good idea. Bye. Bye.


Hey. Where are you coming from? You were up and at them before I even saw you this morning. Yeah, yeah, I had a session with Dr. Evans. How was breakfast? Interesting. You? Also interesting. How so? Well, um, After speaking with Dr. Evans, I realized some things. And I need to be up front. With everyone. Everyone? You.

I’m Kristen. What about Kristen? I’ve been seeing her.

Seeing her as, as in? Yeah, yeah.

I thought that was over, Alex. I thought that that was just an act to make me and Brady jealous. And it was, at the beginning. You know what, it’s okay. I just don’t even explain it. I don’t need to hear it. Um, I just, um. I just want to know, where does that leave us?

Theresa, I really do like living with you. I mean it. I just need you to understand that I’m not in a position to be pulling out a ring anytime soon. If you were expecting that. No. No, I was, I wasn’t expecting that. Okay. I mean, We’ve got a good thing here. You know, we’re just like having fun. We’re, we’re compatible.

It’s all good. Yeah, no, and I agree. I’m glad. It’s just after that whole first engagement ring debacle, you know, I, it hurt you and I don’t want to hurt you, Teresa. But I do need you to understand that, A, just because I’m asking you to move back in with me, I Doesn’t mean I’m ready for like a big commitment.

I know, I don’t, I didn’t, I didn’t think it did, I said that. Okay, good.

You know what’s really cool about this whole thing, for me? Is that I don’t need to follow the rules of a commitment. Because if I’m understanding correctly, you and I are in an open relationship, right? Since you’re obviously still involved with Kristen.

Yeah. Yeah. You understand, correctly. Good. I’m really glad we cleared that up then. Yeah.

Oh my God, I told you not to confront her. I didn’t confront her. She ran into me. I had no choice. She was going to blow my face off if I didn’t do something. So I did something. Yeah, I can see. So what happened to her eyes? Bear spray. I got the bear spray at the convenience store. Well, they said the bears come out of the woods to forage for food.

So, you know, I’m a little proud of that. Paranoid when it comes to wild animals. Like, I shot it with bear spray and it works on people too, doesn’t it? Hey!

You know, I’m really glad that you made me wear this because this is how I hit the bear spray. I can hide a lot of things in here. You never know when I have them. Yeah, I don’t want to know. It doesn’t matter. Did you find out anything about Clyde? I didn’t find a thing. Remember, we got who we want, don’t we?

We have our ex, Officer Goldman. We got you right where we want you. And you’re going to lead us straight to Clyde, aren’t you, Officer? You, uh, Oh yeah Police no kidding find you a mile away Uh, look, I just uh, I want to talk so maybe we just dropped this attitude. Maybe you should get out of my face

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Days Transcript Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Alrighty, what did you end up getting? Well, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

Do you think that Jude Or like This? Well, I think he’s gonna love it. And I also think that I just One upped you. You went upside down, Pete. Uh, best grandma in the galaxy. And that you are. Oh, darling. I think I’ll have some dinner. Grandchildren determine that. Yeah, well, speaking of that, Eric and Sue should have been here already with our newest grandchild.

You’re right. I wonder what’s going on. I’ll, uh, Maybe I’ll just be there if you call. Alright, let me see if I can get our table ready. Oh, perfect. Thank you, honey.

Okay, table for four and a half is waiting. We’re not going to need it.

What’s, uh, what’s going on? Eric just texted me. They’re not coming. Something is wrong.

Oh, yeah. Mm hmm. This is great. So thanks for meeting me here. Well, thanks for inviting me. It’s always great hanging out with you. You know, I gotta say, it feels really good to be back here at the good ol Brady Pub. You miss it, do you? The food, yes. I’ll tell you what I don’t miss. It’s a racket from every Tuesday night karaoke.

Oh, I bet. So are you off duty for the night? Uh, actually I’m not, so I’m gonna have to leave soon, so I only have time for a quick dinner, unfortunately. Ah, boo hoo. Yeah. You’re working late, huh? Yeah, you know, we’re shorthanded at the station. I mean, Harris came back for medical leave, but then when he came back, he immediately asked for more days off.

Is he okay? Yeah, I mean he’s physically cleared for duty, but I don’t know what’s going on in his head. And from what I’ve seen, he likes to play things pretty close to the vest. So he just asked Brave for a couple of extra days off? Yeah, unpaid leave. Did he say why he needed those days? He didn’t. And it’s safe to say that he’s not somewhere on a beach with an umbrella drink.

So I see you decided to spring for the Buffalo Bill room. Was the Roy Rogers room already booked? It’s, uh, trout season here in Montana. We were lucky to get this room. Oh. Hey. Hey, guys. Lucas. They’re, uh, bringing in a rollaway for me. Where do you want them to put it?


sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Now obviously you two lovebirds can have the big bed and I’ll just put my little tiny cot in this little tiny western room somewhere. What is this, trout season? Yeah, yeah, it is. So we’re lucky, apparently, that we’re not sleeping in the car. I just don’t want to cramp your style as well. This is not a romantic getaway.

Um, we’re here to catch Clyde. I just don’t want to be the third wheel. I hate that. Lucas, I brought you as a driver and a lookout. And I appreciate that. I do, and I’m going to do my part. I’m going to make sure that Clyde ends up in that, that cage right where he belongs, you know? So no one else gets hurt, you know, including you.

We lock Clyde back up, and you get your permanent release. Yeah, yeah, that would be nice, wouldn’t it? Except, uh, I will miss the make your own Sunday bar.

It’s an inside thing. Don’t worry about it. What’s the plan?

So even though you’re shorthanded at the station, Rafe still let Harris take those extra days off? Harris wasn’t going to take no for an answer, apparently. The man’s intense. He is ex Navy SEAL. Yeah.

You worried about something? Yeah, I’m always worried about something.

It’s Ava. She’s not around, and I’m assuming Harris is with her. Wherever Eva Vitale goes, trouble is sure to follow. Yeah, well, Harris is a big boy. He can take care of himself. Yeah, I guess he can.

You’re worried about something else too, aren’t you? You know me too well. I’ve known you all my life. I’m worried about my daughter. Okay, banana nut muffin and, uh, vanilla lattes. Hey, you remembered. Of course I did. Oh.

Sorry, once again. Hi Marlena. Chad, I’m trying to reach Eric and he’s not answering his phone. Is he at work today? No, I haven’t seen him. But he did send me a text earlier saying that a feature he was working on was on hold for a few days. I see. Um, I don’t know. It could be because of what happened with Everett at the bar.

So maybe he’s trying to keep his distance from the spectator for a little while. Did you hear what happened? I did. I did. Um, if you, uh, if you hear from him, would you ask him to please call me? Yeah, I will do. Take care, Marlena. You too.

Eric is not at work. Okay, maybe you can try slow.

What is it? What’s going on? Our number has been disconnected. Disconnected. Ah, that’s strange. That is strange, and it’s also alarming. I don’t like this, uh, uh, There’s something going on. Let’s find out what.

Hey, Eric, you in there, buddy? Where, where could he be? His car is downstairs, so is Sloan’s.

Eric, there you are. We’ve been so worried about you. Apparently for good reason. What’s happened, darling? Everything.

Stephanie told Kayla and me that Everett gave Eric Brady a black eye at the small bar. It was a misunderstanding. Really? He was arrested for assault. I’m sure the charges are gonna be dropped. You know what? I can, uh, I can get a hold of that police report. I can read it myself. But I have a feeling something else is going on here.

Isn’t that right, Jada? Steve, listen, given our history, um, I really hope that you can understand if I really just don’t want to get into Everett’s personal life and his business. I do understand, but the guy is dating my daughter. He were once married to him. So I need to know one thing. Is Everett Lynch a violent man?

Look, during the time that we were together, he never raised his hand to me. I don’t think he’ll hurt Stephanie. Not like that. Wow. Ah, there’s still something you’re not telling me. Listen, Stephanie knows what she’s getting into. You know, where are our burgers at? Gosh, you know, it looks like they’re shorthanded here too.


Oh! There you go. Thanks. So, we were able to track Clyde, or Goldman, or whoever downloaded the photos to a local library. Right. That’s why we’re here in the middle of nowhere in the woods, risking getting mauled by bears or eaten alive by mosquitoes. I get it. Yeah, that’s exactly why, and I think it’s worth the risk in my book.

I think it’s worth the risk too. But, if you, if you both know that Clyde is here, why didn’t you just call the FBI? Because I want to deal with that son of a bitch myself. I get it man, it’s personal for you. It’s personal for all of us.

Sloan took Nicole and EJ’s baby? Jude is their son? Not mine. Oh, darling, I’m so sorry. Sorry too, kid. Well, I imagine what you’re going through right now. So, Sloane’s on the run, huh? Yeah, she took off when I took Jude back to Nicole and EJ. I should have never left her alone. No, it wasn’t your fault. You were in shock.

I did the right thing, taking that little bitch. Boy back to his real parents. What can we do for you right now? I just want to be alone. Um,

don’t worry, I’m not gonna drink. No one thought you were. When’s the last time you ate? Since I found out. Okay, well. We’ll get you some supper.

I’m sorry about all the questions. I promise you I didn’t invite you to dinner to interrogate you about my daughter’s love life. You’re a concerned dad. That’s I get it. I am a concerned dad. But I have to be careful that that concern doesn’t cross the line into interference. Stephanie really hates that.

As you can imagine. Yeah. Stefan’s lucky. You know, I really wish that my dad was still here. Giving me grief about my life choices. I miss him every day. I miss my homeboy Marcus too. And he would be so proud of you. You know that, right? Yeah, you’ve told me that more than once. And I’m going to keep on telling you.

And hey, if you want me to step into that role, I can grill you about your, uh, boyfriends, people you date, and give you unsolicited advice. I’m good. I will say one thing on the record. Ray Fernandez is a good guy. He’s a great guy. Yeah, he is. And he’s not just my boyfriend. He’s also my boss. So I need to hurry up and eat this and get back to work soon.

Go ahead. Hey, your bun is different than mine. Yeah, it’s gluten free. Why eat it if it doesn’t taste good? This brand does. You know, I told Roman about it when I was living up here. It’s the one good thing that, um, Rebecca Goldman did when she was at the PD. What’s that? Oh, she just told me about this, like, niche bakery that she found online.

And they sell these buns. Goldman has celiac disease, so it’s the only bread that she can eat. Is that right?

So you think that Weston and his girlfriend are the ones who downloaded the photos? Yeah, I reached out to a librarian here in town, I texted her the photos of both of them, and she was very happy to cooperate. Well, did they give a positive ID? She thinks it’s Goldman. Did she say she saw Clyde? No, and it’s no surprise that Clyde’s laying low given his high profile escape from Statesville.

Oh. I guess that makes sense. So the librarian, the woman she saw, she said, came in and out of the library a lot in the past few weeks to use the computer. Yeah, and Rafe got a tip from the APB that he put out that Clyde was spotted here some time back. Well, did the local police follow up? They said it was a false lead.

Maybe it was. Or maybe it wasn’t. Or maybe Clyde’s got the local police in his pocket like he does everybody else. Yeah, wouldn’t surprise me. But you know what? Either way, we can handle this without their involvement. Yeah. This town isn’t very big. If Clyde and Goldman are here, we’ll find them. It’s really not like Eric to go AWOL.

I mean, Marlena sounded really worried. I’m sure he’s okay.

Everything okay? You keep checking your phone, you kind of seem like, uh, you know, a little, uh, out of space. Is that why you wanted to meet here and not the spectator? Yeah, it is, actually. I didn’t want Everett to walk in on us. Why? Because of what happened with Eric? Were you afraid he’s gonna slug me in the face?

No, no. I’m, um, I’m worried about him in general. He’s just so unpredictable right now. Well, I thought we made it pretty clear that we’re just friends. We did. But But? Seth, come on, let’s go. Hit me with it.

Marlena thinks that Everett has DID. Oh. And I don’t want to violate his privacy, and it feels wrong to speculate about his or anyone’s mental health, but He’s acting so out of character lately. Like Katie and Eric? Yes. And Jada said that he came on to her in the holding cell. He insisted that he wasn’t Everett Lynch, that he was Robert Stein.

He was a totally different person. And then it was like someone flipped a switch and he went right back to being Everett again. So Bobby Stein isn’t, isn’t a pseudonym, it’s a, it’s a distinct identity. Right. I wish I would’ve, I wish I would’ve seen it sooner. None of us did. No, but I, I should’ve. Yeah. I mean, I went through it with Abby.


I can’t, I’m not even hungry. Honey, you’ll feel better if you eat something. No, I doubt that. Mom, will you just do me a favor and tell the rest of the family? Of course I will. Come on Harry, come eat. Food’s a weapon. Look, you and Nicole are good friends. And I’m sure she’s gonna find a way so you can still be part of that little boy’s life.

I can’t. Nicole and EJ are together and Judith Judith’s her son. I need to stay away. I have to stay away.

I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have brought this up. No, no, no, it’s fine. You weren’t even here when she was sick. But my parents filled me in. It wasn’t like it was a family secret. I know that she suffered from the same illness that Marlena thinks Everett has and that she would people. Yeah, Gabby and Dr Laura.

I also knew she made a full recovery. She did. Y was, I was very proud of h from the illness from D. I It was, yeah. Which Kind of makes me second guess my, uh, my position. On what?

Look, Steph, I know you’re not one to run away from trouble. But, you know, if Everett has DID, it’s gonna be a rough ride.

Are you sure you’re up for that?

Everett? Excuse me.

Dr. Evans? Hi. We’ve been looking all over for you. Who’s we? Stephanie. Me. I’ve been around, you know. I’ve just been walking around. Are you okay? I’ll be fine. You haven’t, uh, answered your phone. I’ve left you several messages. Stephanie has too. Yeah, well, um, I’m sorry. I lost battery this morning. I didn’t have a charger.

So why? What is so important? I want to talk to you about what happened last night.

So you think that Weston and his girlfriend are still here? Yeah, the librarian believes she saw Goldman this afternoon and she was printing out a lot of pages. Right, images from the book. Right. So how are we going to figure out where they’re staying? That’s tough. Yeah. Yeah, well, it’s not likely they’re staying on one of the motels given the demand for lodging here.

Oh, you mean because of trout season? Right. I mean, they probably have a place out in the woods somewhere. Well, Clyde is a country boy, you know, he’s from the Ozarks. Probably have no problem staying in the woods for a while, but we’re city folk man that puts him at a distinct advantage Don’t you think but he does send his girlfriend for errands?

So most likely she’s gonna have to come to town for food and supplies. We follow her. She leads us to Clyde Then what we turn him over to the FBI, right? When you said we were looking for a more permanent solution to the Clyde Weston problem Did you mean what I think you meant?

He tried to kill my son. Our son. He needs to pay.

That’s the plan.

And now I’ve got to get back to work. You know, Rafe wants me to take a look at Harris caseload in case there’s something immediate that needs my attention while he’s gone, doing whatever he’s doing. Ah, ah, ah, ah. Put your wallet away. Your money’s no good when you’re eating with me. That’s a rule with all my kids.

Are you sure? You know, Roman chart is extra for the gluten free buns. I don’t care. Surrogate Papa pays. Okay, Papa Steve. Well, thank you, and it was so great talking with you. You too. We should do this more often. Yeah. And we have to set a date for that dinner with you and Rafe, huh? Oh, we do. We’ll do that soon, okay?

Definitely. Yeah. Well, tell Kayla I said hi and give her a big hug for me. I will. Okay. Now you give me a big hug. No, no, no. Bye. Oh, babe. Okay. Okay. Bye bye.


Alright, Ava. Harris. Thanks to Jada, I might have an idea how to find you.

We’ve gone over this, haven’t we? I went out with Stephanie and Leo to blow off some steam. We went to a bar, I had a few too many drinks, I blacked out, you know? Which is why you don’t remember punching Eric. I don’t.

Excuse me.

Eric, hi. Um, I owe you a huge apology. Look, I don’t remember exactly what happened last night, okay? I might have blacked out a little bit. But, from what I understand, I think, I, I, I owe you an apology. I assume that because I saw you and Sloane fighting, I, I misunderstood what you were doing, alright? I thought you were trying to hurt her.

Which, by all accounts, doesn’t make any sense, because apparently, you’re a great guy, and, and she’s your wife and you love her. So, anyway, I’m, I’m sorry. I want you to know I’m, I’m sorry. Eric? Eric? I got this. Okay. What, did, did I say something wrong? No, he’s not upset with you. I every right to be. Well, John will take care of her.

Right now I want to talk about you. Look, I know that you’re concerned about losing time. And I know that I’m not your therapist anymore, but I would like to help you with that. Would you let me?

Look, I know it must be very challenging dealing with someone who’s mentally ill. Yeah, you really have no idea until you live with it. Right. I get that. I have a history with Everett. I care about him. So How can I just turn my back on him? Especially knowing he’s not well. I mean, it just abandoned him because he’s got this terrible illness.

Wouldn’t it be the more honorable way to go to show him support? To help him get the help he needs? Sure, if he wants the help. He went to Marlena for therapy. Yeah, but then he decided he didn’t need it. From what you said. Look, I know from, I know from personal experience that there can be A ton of resistance when it comes to DID.

Everett may, may want help, sure. But for Bobby Stein? It might take a hell of a lot for him to admit that there is a problem.

Abigail was lucky you were there for her. Yeah, I wasn’t there for her enough. Why do you say that?

She’s not here, is she? Chad, you’ve gotta stop blaming yourself.

I’m gonna say to you again what I’ve said to you many times before. What Julian has said, what everyone who cares about you has said, Clyde Weston is the only one responsible for Abigail’s death. And I’ll be brought to hell.

So, pretty small cop. Well, I’m a small guy, so it’ll work. Beats my bunk at Statesville, or my bed at the monastery. That was the worst bed ever. I hated that. Anyway, um, while we wait for info on Clive, maybe we should, I don’t know, get something to eat or something? What do you think? Yeah, I think our options here are going to be pretty limited, you know?

And I think everyone goes to bed here early, so. Oh, great. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. Look what I got from the airport. Uh, this is elk jerky. This is really good. Come on. We can all share it. No, I don’t have anything. Portion. Come on, Harrison. No, I’m going to hold off on the elk jerky.

Um, saw a gas station at the edge of town. I think they had a convenience store. Oh, right. I saw the signs. They had guns. And, uh, ammo. And fireworks. And bait. Oh, guys, but I had bait for lunch. Oh, yeah. I’m sure they have something else that’s edible. Should we check it out? Yeah, we might as well. Alright, you know what?

Why don’t you guys go and I’ll just stay here and hold down the fort. Okay, just be careful. You be careful. Watch out for bears. I think the bears need to watch out for him. We’ll be fast.

Yeah, hello? Ava. Steve. How’d you find me? Well, that’s what I do for a living. I find people who don’t want to be found. So listen, you know, service at the pub has really slacked off since you decided to take a few days off to deal with personal business. Coincidentally, Harris, uh, took some time off to do the same thing.

You want to tell me what that was? Well, it’s called personal business because, well It’s personal. I know you’re both in Montana to look for Clyde Weston. And I’m coming out there to join you.

Look, I appreciate you offering to help, but, you know, Harris and I have got this. Uh, I’m not so sure about that. And as I said, I’m pretty good at finding people who don’t want to be found. So is Harris. Well, I think he would appreciate some assistance. You’re acting like you don’t trust me. Oh, it’s not an act, Ava.

You lie to me so much. And you just lied to John and me when you enlisted us to break Clyde Weston out of prison. I did what I needed to do to save my son. Our son. You’re not going to talk me out of this. I’m coming out there. Steve, this is a small town. You know that Clyde’s got eyes and ears everywhere.

You know, he’s probably got the local police already in his pocket. So if you and John show up here, that’s going to increase the chances of him being tipped off. That we are already on his trail. Come on. Look, I know. I know that you do not trust me, and I get that. It’s fine, alright? But you can trust Harris.

He’s just like you. He always does the right thing. Well, I have no problem trusting Harris. But, uh, you know, you have a tendency to get people to do things they wouldn’t have otherwise done. So let me do this. Okay? Let me do this for Tripp, for Wendy, for Abigail, for all the people that Clyde has hurt. Okay.

But you have to keep me in the loop, starting right now. Do you have any leads? Someone saw Goldman in town. Good. When? Today. Okay, so you find her, lead you straight to Weston. Yeah, that’s the plan. I think I can help with that. I found out that Rebecca Goldman only eats one brand of gluten free bread. Yeah, well, she’s going to have a hard time finding anything like that out here.

Well, that’s what I thought, but I found out that that company ships their product all over the world. You call the business? Yeah. They have a weekly shipment to a P. O. box in Ennis, Montana. And the first shipment went out to a Faith Silvers a week after Clyde Weston broke out of prison. Dammit, Steve, why did you wait so long to tell me?

When is the next shipment scheduled to arrive? Tomorrow. Okay. I’ll tell Harris. Ava, be careful. I don’t want to see Chip get his heart broken if something happens to his mother. I don’t want you coming home in a body bag. Yeah, well Don’t you worry, Steve.

You know that I can take care of myself. Okay. Goodbye for now. And you keep me in the loop. Yeah, I promise I will.

Don’t worry, Steve. The only person coming home from Montana in a body bag He’s Clyde. Hey babe, what’s up? How’d it go with dinner? You eatin something? I, I think we did good. Yeah, so they did have something at the convenience store, huh? Oh yeah, they had a great selection. Yeah, I hope you’re ready for slushies and flaming hot cheese puffs.

Oh wow, well, my mouth is just watering thinking about it. There you go. Digging it up. I’m sorry about that. The last thing I want is an apology from Everett. Hey, I get it. I get that. I’m just trying to wrap my head around the fact that Jude is Nicole’s baby. I know when

you were about this tall. I had to give you and Sammy back to Roman. So I sort of know what you’re You’re going through right now. And you two were just little squirts and I had you for years. No, but speaking for myself, By still staying in your life. By still loving you even though you weren’t mine. Over the, over the years that pain just kind of went away.

I’m glad you made that choice back then. I’m glad I could have you now. You can make that choice for Jude right now. No, I’m not sure about that. Why? What are you worried about? EJ won’t allow it? I mean, that’s part of it, mostly. It’s the last thing that I want to do is make Nicole’s life any harder. I appreciate you looking out for me, Dr.

Evans, but I think I’ve made myself very clear. I do not want your help. We’re worried about you, Everett. And Stephanie paid your bail. You haven’t even called her. I told you. My phone died. We both know that’s not true.

We also both know that there’s something that’s not right with you. And I think you’re afraid to talk to anybody that might confirm that. This conversation is over. Please stay away from me.

Dr. Evans, hello. I just ran into Everett, in the square. Did he say where he’s been? Uh, no, it’s pretty clear that he’s been avoiding people. He, he walked into the Salem Inn. How is he? Oh, well, he did apologize to Eric. Uh, but then I told him how concerned we all were about him, and he got really upset.

Agitated. So he’s still refusing help? Yeah, it seems that way. Look, I would like to meet with, uh, with you and, um, Stephanie and see if we can’t create an intervention. Whatever you think we can do to help Everett, I’m in.

Yeah, Everett’s lucky to have you in his corner. I know, uh, I know he doesn’t have much of a support system. He doesn’t. I feel kind of bad for being a jerk to him in the beginning. Maybe I should have taken the higher road. You apologized for that and he forgave you. Well, you know, if you’re going to be there for Everett, I want you to know that I will be there for you.

Thank you, Chad. It’s Jada. Everett’s okay. Well, that’s good news. Yeah, it is. She also texted that. Marlena wants to stage an intervention. Okay. Alright. Well, if you need any help, you let me know. I will. Thank you, Chad. Thank you for listening and um, for caring. Of course. Back at you. Bye.

Steve. Any leads on where Clyde is? I don’t know. I can’t tell you anything yet, Chad. Except that Harris Michaels is on the case. And I’m confident that he’s gonna bring Weston back. Dead? Or alive?

I don’t think I have to tell you which one I prefer.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


EJ’s personal effects, I take it. Surprised you left them in his office. My office. And, um, I was going to send them via messenger, but since you’re here, you can bring them to your brother. Save me on the delivery fee. Sure. Can I help you with something? I actually came by to offer my congratulations. Can’t say that felt entirely genuine.

Why wouldn’t it be? I helped push EJ out of office and I’m a big reason why you’re back in this job, Melinda. You’re also a demure, so I would be a fool to trust you. Look, I lost this job once before and I have no intention of letting it go again. And if you even think about doing to me what you did to your brother, you will find yourself a very dangerous enemy.

Oh, God. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were working. It’s alright. Hello, stranger. Well, hello, Maggie. Oh, it feels like it’s been forever. Where have you been? I’ve just been laying low. I mean, it’s been a little too hectic around here for my taste. I mean, you are a gracious human for opening your house to the Horton clan, but It was a lot.

Well, it was very lively. Those kids can be rambunctious. Well, the kids are great. It’s the oldsters you gotta watch out for. You’re in present company, excluded, obviously. Obviously. Peace and quiet at last. You and Constantine, me and Justin, we finally have a place to ourselves. Am I right? Oh my god. So, how’s our baby boy doing?

Well, besides being perfect, because he is perfect, you know that, right? I do indeed. Every time I walk into the room, I can hardly believe my eyes. Our precious son is alive. The answer to our prayers. And you knew it all along. I felt it in my heart the moment I set eyes on him.

I know I said it before, but I will forever be sorry that I didn’t believe you. Can you ever forgive me? Honey, of course I forgive you. How could you have known? I had a connection with him because I carried him inside of me. You can’t beat yourself up for not recognizing your son in the same way. It’s not your fault.

There’s only one person to blame for what happened. I’m sorry.

Sloane! Did the place look like this when you left? No.

Look who thinks we’re gone. What’s this?

It’s the um, The gift that I gave Sloane for Mother’s Day. A jute spur stone. Damn it, she took off. I can’t believe she just left. She’s gotta know that running is just gonna make her situation worse. I’ll find her.

Hey, it’s me. I’ve got to put out an APB on Sloane Peterson.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Alex. Theresa, I wasn’t expecting you so soon. I, I didn’t know we needed to make an appointment to walk into our own home, but Bonnie, good to see you. Oh, oh. back. Got you handsome. So you two women in, you haven’t heard, uh, not right till right this minute. , Alex, you didn’t tell Justin. You know, we didn’t get a chance to connect, but uh, it’s not like it’s a big surprise or anything.

Well, he sure has missed you those last couple months. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled that you’re gonna be under the same roof. Right, yeah. I am gonna be pretty busy for the foreseeable future. I got a lot of businesses going on, but You know, I’m sure we’ll connect soon. Sure, I’ll have him penciled in soon into his calendar.

Right. Yeah. Okay, so where are your things? Movers are on their way. We should probably let Henderson know, right? You are welcome to alert him yourself. He’ll probably get the staff to come, you know, help you if you need it. Great Thank you so much Maggie for your hospitality. Honestly, it means so much. Of course, dear I am so happy that you are going to be living here

Look Melinda, I don’t want to get off my wrong foot here. Oh, is that what’s happening here? My only interest is in proving that my wife is innocent. Your wife who was convicted of murder. A murder that she didn’t commit. Now, EJ had no interest in righting that wrong, but I am hoping that you’ll Look, I am just getting settled back into the job here.

I haven’t made any decisions on any cases as of yet. All I’m asking is that you follow the law. Just out of curiosity, why didn’t your brother help you? Because EJ had his own personal agenda. But I believe that you are an honorable public servant. Plus, this could curry some favor from the police commissioner.

Oh, you understand I do not work for Commissioner Hernandez. Yes, I, I do understand that, but Wouldn’t it be a great message to restart your tenure as DA by bringing justice to Lee’s real killer? Look, like I said, I haven’t had a chance to look at the files yet. Could you look it over now? I’m sure that you will see that the new evidence that Commissioner Hernandez found is compelling and overwhelming.

Okay, I think I remember seeing the file around here someplace. Um, Ah, Here it is. The Lee Shin murder case. So does that mean you’re reviewing? Let me know as soon as someone gets a lead on Sloane Peterson. Thank you. And I want updates every 30 minutes. Listen, this just doesn’t make sense. Her passport, her driver’s license are still here, and her keys, they’re right here.

Well, obviously she left in a hurry. Which leads me to believe that she left a clue behind listening. We have officers at the airport, the bus and train stations, the APB, it is statewide. I just want you to find her because I want this to be over with. Yeah, we will. You have any idea how much of a head start Sloan has?

When was the last time you saw her? I assume she just left after I took Jude to Nicole, so, maybe a couple hours. Okay, that’s good. Salem PD is going to use every resource that we have. I also want to explore a couple other avenues.

We are never going to get that time back that Sloan took from us. And all those days and nights that we were away from our little boy. And I, I know holding him is going to make things better, but I can’t stop thinking about what we lost and how we suffered. Jude will heal us, Nicole. It’ll just take time, okay?

Yeah. I know, but I can’t seem to let go of all the questions I have about the details of that night. Very confusing to say the least. You know, after the accident, I trusted Dimitri to take our baby to the hospital because saving him was all that mattered. But when we got there and no one knew what was going on I think we were just all in shock.

The doctor not only told us that our child had died, but that had been accidentally cremated. We couldn’t even say a proper goodbye. E. G., that was awful. I thought I lost everything.

I never thought my life would be whole again. And it is now.

Now as far as how it all went down, the scheming, the manipulation You heard Eric. He and Rafe are going to make sure that Sloan faces the consequences. What about that doctor? And Dimitri, they owe us answers too. I suppose, yes. You know, I’m sorry E. J., but I don’t think Sloane pulled this off by herself.

She had to have had help.

So? I have to say, this is some interesting reading. Interesting? Yeah, uh, most of the cases that cross my desk are deadly dry, but this one, it has it all. Twists, turns, cliffhangers. I’m so glad you’re entertained. Listen, I can assure you that every piece of evidence in that folder has been thoroughly investigated.

All of the witnesses vetted and the bloody fingerprint on that black book, Rafe ran it himself. The brother of the accused ran the test. Well, I went through the lab, obviously. Obviously, I can’t take anything as fact until my office has run its own independent investigation. Well, sure. But you have to admit, these facts in this folder, seem pretty convincing in Gabby’s favor.

Do I? I’m sorry, what does that even mean? It means that Gabby Hernandez was found guilty of a crime by a jury of her peers. And as much as you and her brother want to paint a certain picture of innocence, that doesn’t make it true. What the hell, Melinda? You’re gonna review this case? Or do I need to go over your head?

Not sure if Constantine told you or not, but our plan is to move into the East Wing. Oh, that’s where the Hortons were living. Yes, I’m aware. But now that they’re gone, I’m thinking that should be a good enough space to suit our needs. Well, the East Wing it is. Henderson is, uh, cleaning it out now. All right, well, I’ll alert him to set up our rooms.

Rooms? Hold on, I thought we were sharing a room. Baby, this is the East Wing. This is a massive space. You’re gonna have a room. I’m gonna have a room. We’re gonna share a room. No more cramped apartment living. You know, and you’re gonna have a giant walk in closet that you’ve always dreamed of. And I’m gonna get you a wardrobe befitting for the, um, Someone with the cariocas air.

Someone with Really? Well, we haven’t really defined ourselves yet. We’re not really in the labels these days. Come on. Let’s go. Let’s go. We’ll set up. Okay. Thanks again, Maggie. Good luck.

What in the holy hell was that? What do you think the deal is with those two? That is a very good question. There are so many lingering questions about what happened the night of the accident and perhaps there always will be. But when I look into our son’s eyes, none of it matters. Nothing except making sure that he has the most incredible life a kid could ask for.

We need to count our blessings and focus on being the best parents we can be. I know. I’m trying, EJ. It’s just, Every time I think of Sloan, I just want to take my hands and wrap them around her neck. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You’re right. You’re right. I, I, I cannot let my anger take over. Away this moment, you, my precious boy deserve a mommy who is present and loving and hopeful.

And we’ve wasted too much time not being a family. And I’m not going to waste any more time thinking about that. Horrible. Sorry to interrupt. Have you brought in Sloan? No. She’s gone. Without a trace.

Okay, just got off the phone with Justin. He was surprised to hear that Alex was moving back in. Okay, good surprise or bad surprise? Well, mostly good. I mean, he’s Mm hmm. Mm hmm. to be able to spend more time with Alex, but he voiced some concerns over, let’s see, how did he put it? Ah, yes. The corrosive nature of the Kyriakos fortune.

Mm hmm. Well, I share that opinion. See, I’m counting on Justin to be a good influence on Alex. Worked on me.

We’re back. Everything alright up there? Oh, my goodness, more than alright. I’m telling you, I’ve probably moved 50 times in my life. I have never had a personal maid unpack my things. Oh, you better get used to it. That’s our life now. Oh, okay. So, will you two be joining us for dinner? Absolutely, but I do want to check out the menu.

A cook is probably out in the garden now, and I’m sure he’ll be happy to go over the menu with you and offer any alternatives, if you’re not pleased. Great. Alright, well, I’m going to actually head down to the stable. I want to check a few things out. And maybe later we can go for a swim. Wow. Work on that breaststroke.

Oh, sounds good.

Wow, I could really get used to this. Yeah.

Let’s be clear about something, Mr. DiMera. I am not your brother, nor am I some toady from DiMera Enterprises. I am the District Attorney of Salem, and I will not be pushed around no matter what your last name is. I wasn’t trying to push you around. Oh, okay, so that wasn’t you who was threatening to go over my head, whatever the hell that means?

I was attempting to apply pressure. I am very anxious to bring my wife home. I understand. It must be terrible having her locked away. Away from you, away from her daughter. It is. But we can right that wrong together. Melinda, I know that you and I, well, our past hasn’t always been pleasant, right? But I need you to know that I hold you and this office in the utmost respect.

I appreciate that. I heard your press conference. You said that you were committed to making Salem a safer, more just place. Doesn’t that mean releasing innocent women from prison and getting killers off the streets? Stefan, I have no personal issue with reopening her case. As long as the facts, they, they check out.

But you and I both know that only a judge can make that decision. So you’d be willing to take it to court? The court is, is awfully backed up at the moment. Okay, all I’m asking is that you do your best. And I will wait as long as it takes. You’re not hearing me. You might be waiting forever.

You don’t know where Sun went. Not yet. I’m sorry. Just while I was bringing Jude to you, she obviously took off. You don’t have to apologize, Eric. You brought our son to us. I should have called police first. Well, you were just acting like a parent, and you did the right thing. She’s right. Jude is our priority, too.

Look, we all hope that Sloan faces the consequences, but That’s out of our hands. Uh, so what are you doing to, to find her? Well, we’ve put out an APB, but so far she’s eluded us. I mean, honestly, I don’t know what she was thinking to run like this. Well, obviously she was thinking that she didn’t want to face the consequences or me.

So instead of taking responsibility, she ran like a coward. Yeah. Why are you here, Riff? Excuse me? Why are you here wasting valuable time when you could be out there finding her and bringing her in? Well, actually, I have questions for you, that’s why.

I’m not sure how I could be of assistance. How would EJ know anything about where Sloan is? Well, Sloane took off without her passport, her driver’s license, even her credit cards. And, uh, her car is still there. She left with nothing? Nothing. Well, maybe she plans to go into hiding and change her identity. I mean, she’s changed her name before, right?

Right, yes. But last time, no one was looking for her. Do you think she actually has the resources to stay in hiding and start over? I don’t know. I wouldn’t suppose so. I can’t believe you were able to get this done so

fast. You hold in your hands everything you need to start a new life. Driver’s license, social security number, passport. There’s a number for a driver in there who will take you to Chicago and provide you with an airline ticket in your new name. And the money? The details of your offshore account are included.

You’ll discover that it has been generously funded to last you a lifetime. Well, I’ve, um, I’ve never been to the Amalfi Coast. Oh, you’re going to love it. Sand, sea, and sky. You’ll never want for anything. As long as you promise never to return to Salem. Or tell anyone that Eric is Jude’s biological father.

E. J. Based on my initial investigation, I tend to agree. Sloan was resourceful, but she wasn’t exactly flush with cash. No, she wasn’t. I don’t even know how she got this far. Right, exactly. Um, quite far, in fact, considering her resources were so limited. Yours, EJ, on the other hand, are not. What

the hell? Why would I have to wait forever until my wife’s case is reopened? Melinda, you are sitting on evidence that an innocent woman is in prison. Isn’t it your duty to see that justice is carried out? And I do want justice. But as long as we’re being honest here, I, I believe he already got it. My wife is not a killer.

Look, that’s debatable. But let’s start by talking through what we already know about the case. A motive. Everybody knows that Gabby hated Lee. He blackmailed her for months, forced her to stay in a loveless marriage. A lot of people had issues with Lee. But not Gil. The guy that you allege murdered Lee? He didn’t even know him.

He was a known criminal. So is your wife. You are wrong about this, Melinda. I suppose it’s, it’s possible. And look, I, I’m, I’m still open to the idea that things might possibly change, but from my professional opinion, what you have here, circumstantial evidence, bias witnesses, it is not enough to reopen this case.

Or free her. Goodbye, Mr. DeMiro. No, no, no. Listen to me, please. Look, look, look. Do me a favor. Close the door on your way out.

If there is anything you need, anything at all, you just let me know. I want you to, I don’t know, feel at home here. Thank you. Honestly, you’re so kind. I’m just so grateful that I, I can be somewhere where I don’t have to worry about Brenton Utilities. I’m just glad to help. I know about your struggles.

About Brady and Tate and your career. Um, I just hope you take this time to sort out your life. You know, to figure out, well, what you want to do next. Yeah, I hope so too. Your friend Alex seems to know exactly what he wants to do next. Well, now that he’s coming to all that money. Oh, yeah, he is. So focused and so confident and so rich.

You just be careful Teresa. Money has a way of changing people. Amen sister. And I’m going to speak with Alex. Why is something wrong? No, there’s nothing wrong at all. It’s just a family matter that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Excuse me. Have at it Maggie. Okay.


You remind me of someone. I get that a lot. No. You remind me of me. I mean, sure, there are a few differences. I mean, I’m a little bit curvier. You’re a few years younger, but How exactly do I remind you of you? Well, it’s no secret that the first time I waltzed into this house, I had my eye on the prize, too.

Cariacas Cash? Yep. I tried to marry Victor to get it. But with Justin, it’s a whole different story. Seems to me, you’re going for door number one. Are you accusing me of being a gold digger? Oh, hey. No judgements here, sweetheart. Believe me. It’s perfectly fine to fall in love with a man and his money. As long as you’re not trying to con him like that miserable creep Constantine.

Word to the wise, stay away from that piece of garbage. I heard. You knew. As far as I’m concerned, as long as you love Alex, as much as you love his money. Look at me. Yeah? Do a poll for it.

What do my resources have to do with Sloane’s escape? What are you asking, Rafe? I am just saying that the DiMeras have resources well beyond what Sloan could muster on her own. Beyond what Salem PD could access, honestly. I’m sure that’s true. I’m sorry, you’re thinking that someone helped Sloan disappear?

I mean, no offense, DiMera like. That’s why we’re here. Okay, I still don’t understand. Okay, EJ, you and Nicole would like Sloan brought back to Salem, right? Of course. Yes, we want her to get what she deserved for taking our son. Right, exactly. Okay, so, it might be helpful if you were to, let’s say, reach out to some of your, uh, Connections that could possibly have insight on Sloan’s disappearance.

I see. You want our help in tracking Sloan in case this goes beyond the scope of the law. Well, I didn’t say that. But if you were to come up with some answers. Of course. Whatever you need. I’ll make some calls. Great. Okay. Excellent. Uh, I’ve got to get back to the station. Do you need a ride? Yeah, sure. Okay.

Um, you, do you want to say hi?

I don’t want to wake him up. Another time then.

You alright, pal? Yeah. No. No, no.

I know, man. It’s hard. Judy’s where you’re supposed to be. My heart.

Yeah. I know. I felt that pain. Yeah, I did. I had to turn David over after I was raising him all those months. It just doesn’t feel right. Reheal. He feels like my son. Yeah. It’s gonna feel that way for a while. Will. Hey. I’ve been through. Okay. I just want you to know that I am here for you. Whatever you need, okay?

Appreciate that. Yeah. And you know, I hated it. I hated it because people told me this all the time. But it’s true. Whatever you are feeling right now, It will get better over time. I promise. You’re right,

EJ. I cannot give any more of this energy to Sloan. And like you said, she will get what she deserves. But right now, I We do need to focus on Jude. I am very glad to hear you say that because we have a lot of work to do, starting with rebuilding the nursery. I can’t believe we’re starting over. I’ve already placed some orders.

We’ll have enough for at least the first week. Thank you for doing that. Of course, anything to make Jude’s transition as smooth as possible. And speaking of which, we do need to talk about your job. Right. I haven’t really thought about it. I know, I know, but you need to be honest with yourself about what you want.

Yeah. I mean, I can’t really see myself leaving Jude right now. I had a feeling you were going to say that. I will call Chad and talk to him about maternity leave. Okay. I know you love your job, but you need to take advantage of this happy time. No, um, I, I will. It’s just What is it?

I feel so lucky right now. And also a little guilty. Guilty? Why? Because now I, I have everything. And Eric lost everything. And he’s wanted to be a father for so long, and he’s had so many disappointments, and now this child’s been ripped away from him, and I feel for him. I do. But this is our child. Our son.

Eric was misled and duped. Okay, the happiness that we are experiencing right now should have been ours all along.

Maggie. Oh, you’re just the person I wanted to see. Likewise, I just came back from the stables. They’re an absolute mess. I mean, even the horses are embarrassed. It needs a complete renovation. When was the last time you actually had somebody go there and like, do the, like an inspection of the conditions of the stables?

Well, I can’t say for sure. Neither can I. Luckily, I have an architect who can come up with a whole new plan. He’ll create the whole thing and, uh, build it from scratch. I mean, it’s not gonna be cheap, but I can get a Titan construction crew out there and start demo right away. There is gonna be no construction on the grounds until after the weddings.

Weddings? Like plural? That’s right. Mine and Sarah’s. Xander and Sarah are engaged. Isn’t it wonderful? Sure. It’s great. Glad you agree. Yeah. I do hope that Teresa and I will be invited to the wedding though. We are family after all. We know Victor would want everybody to get along. The MDA. Do you have a minute?

Commissioner, if you’re here to talk about your sister, I’ll tell you what I already told Stephan DiMera about her case. I’m not here to talk about my sister. Well, not yet anyway. I promise you, we will be having that discussion very soon. I am here to talk about the disappearance of Sloane Peterson.

You’re family, Alex. And I think we can find a way to coexist in the house. Because that’s what family does. Why do I sense a but coming on? But I just want to be clear about the boundaries. Your boundaries or my boundaries? Both. Oh. I’m not going to roll over. And I’m not going to acquiesce to your every wish.

Now that you’re the Kiriakou’s heir. I mean, you talk about what Victor wanted, I promise you, he wouldn’t want you disrespecting his wife or anyone he cared about. Now, is that a warning? Oh, no, no, no, no. I just have limits. Yeah. And I have ideas, Maggie. About the stables. About this house. About the staff.

About how to shake off decades of stale thinking. Luckily, I am the future of this family and I’m going to take this family into the modern world. I hope. And I’m not going to hold back just because it might hurt your feelings.

Oh, well, so that’s what you think. This is all about my feelings. What else would it be about? I can tell you just love being in karaoke. You relish all the trappings of the lifestyle and the title and the power, and I don’t blame you. I’ve gotten caught up in it myself, at one time or another. But there’s more to it than a name.

So you’re saying you don’t think I understand? What it means to be Victor Sloan. I think that along with the perks, you’re going to discover a great deal of responsibility and sacrifice that comes along with it. And unless you’re ready to embrace all of it, you’re just merely playing at the job of being an heir.

What do you mean Sloan disappeared? Uh, well, she left the apartment that she shared with Eric just a few hours ago, took nothing with her, and vanished.

Sloane, promise me, promise that you will not take that little boy if you go on the run. I, I know you love him, but you just can’t do that. Don’t, don’t worry. I mean, maybe I can outrun the FBI, but E. J. DiMera Exactly.

If I do what E. J. says, maybe I get something out of it. If I admit that Jude’s Nicole’s, if I make Eric believe the lie that EJ’s the father, Uh, EJ helps me disappear. And you’ll be safe. Why would she do that? Because she got caught. Caught? Wait, where is her son? She didn’t take Jude with her, did she? Well, that’s interesting that you mention him.

I don’t know. He’s the reason that she took off. I don’t understand, Commissioner. Are you saying to me that you know nothing about this baby switch? Did you say baby switch? Okay. Sloan confessed to Eric that the adoption that you were helping to arrange many months ago fell through. But instead of telling Eric the truth Sloan somehow faked the death of EJ and Nicole’s baby so she could take him and raise him with Eric.

What? No. No, no. Sloan? She would not do something like that. I don’t believe it. You helped to arrange this adoption. You You honestly expect me to believe you knew nothing about this? That it had fallen apart? Once the details were confirmed, Sloan, she took over. As far as I know, Jude was the baby that they adopted.

She didn’t claim that I knew something, did she? No, Eric didn’t say that she mentioned you. But I have so many questions about this whole thing. Well, I do hope that you find Sloan soon. So do I. And I hope that I can trust you to see this through. Of course. You’re the DA now, and we need to be on the same side.

I am on the side of justice, for all who deserve it.

Oh my. Hey, hey, hey, shh. Please don’t slam the door. Sorry if I’m a bit frustrated, but if you had just reopened Gabby’s case when I asked you to. What the hell is this? You guys babysitting? No. This is our son. You what? Jude is awesome. I, I, I, I don’t understand. Short version, Sloane Peterson stole our baby and tried to play him off as hers and Eric’s adopted child.

Um, how the hell would she do that? That’s a good question. And so what, now she just decides to bring him back? No, Eric learned the truth and he brought June to us.

I can’t believe it. I’m so happy for you. For both of you. Thank you, Stefan. Yes, thank you.

I saw how badly you suffered when you thought you’d lost your child. My God, nobody

has the right to break a family apart. And sometimes the universe just makes things right. It shows us that miracles do happen.

Do we go from here? What’s the one thing we should do?

We were holding in our hearts The thing we wanted to


Seems we’ve lost that love too much

Temporary beauty was our crutch

Happily embracing an emptiness we’re chasing Cause we need to believe The light of love is shining bright, Will it get us through the night? What’s our story now? Ooo, Ooo What’s our story now?

What’s our story?

Alrighty. What did you end up getting? Well, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

Do you think that Jude. We’re like This. Well, I think he’s gonna love it. And I also think that I just One upped you. You went upside down, Pete. Uh, best grandma in the galaxy. And that you are. Oh, darling. I think I’m happy.

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Days Transcript Monday, May 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Well, thank you so much for inviting me out for tea. We’re delighted you joined us, Marie. Well, I guess you noticed how quickly I got here after I got your text. I didn’t realize how much I needed to get away from the mansion. And Constantine? No, no, he and I are doing just fine. Although, you know, there are such things as too much togetherness.

Bop. I hope we never go that way. That’s never gonna happen, love. Oh my goodness. Does this mean? With a little assist from Victoria, I asked your daughter for a hand in marriage and she made me the happiest man on earth by it. I said yes. Oh! So you’re engaged. Oh, that’s wonderful! Ah! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!

Hey. Special delivery for Black Patch. Hey, dude. Thanks for coming, man. Well, I was glad to get your call. I was hoping to bring you guys on board with this whole Clyde thing. Hoping someone at the ISA can help decode that mess. Well, we know some pretty sharp code breakers over there. How are things going down at the station?

Well, you know, busy and, uh, with Harris out, we are, uh, we’re understaffed, as usual. And I’ll bet you a lot of those cases are linked to the drugs Clyde’s minions are pushing out on the streets right now. Oh yeah, yeah, the sooner we can crack that code. The sooner we can take him down and his whole operation.

Yeah, for sure, but to be honest, I’m more interested in what was on the outside of that book than what it says on the inside. What do you mean? What I mean is that it could be the key to securing my sister’s freedom and defining leash. Chen’s real killer.

Are you waiting for someone special or you just keep your door open for any old stranger? Only the handsome one. Oh, welcome home. Feels so good. I missed you. I missed you too. You know, I would have been home earlier, but I stuck around for the Memorial Day service at Arlington. That’s a pretty good reason.

Yeah. Was it emotional for you? I know that you’ve got friends who died while serving. Yeah. Yeah, you know, visiting the gravesites of people you lost, it’s always tough. But it always fills me with gratitude. Well, I’m grateful that you are still here. Thank you. I’m grateful for their sacrifices. I mean, they’re really fighting a good fight against the evil in the world, and we should always pay tribute to that.

Especially, Since today is the day, we have Clyde Weston in our sights. Time to rid the world of that evil bastard.

Eric, I don’t understand. How could you be our son? Yes, please explain. I’m still processing myself. Someone just confessed to me. Confessed what? None. None of your action. Dimitri never took your son to the hospital. How could that be? He brought him to the slum. That’s impossible. No, it’s just that Dimitri, he was on the run and he thought that slum could help somehow and He left the baby with her.

And I guess just given the timing What about the timing? We, our private adoption had just fallen through. So she kept your son. She told me and everyone else that he was our, our adopted child.

Oh my God. Now that we know the truth, Jude is your son. He belongs with his mommy

like Sands through the hour class. So are the days of our lives.

So, tell me everything, wedding plans, dates, yeah, we’re still trying to figure that out. We have talked about visiting Scotland for the honeymoon. I’ve always wanted to go, it just seems so romantic. Highlands and Castles, I want to show you all my favorite childhood horns the ones i’m allowed to go back to So, yes, we are we’re still talking about it.

Oh, that sounds wonderful And your ring is just very unique. Isn’t it beautiful? Yeah It’s very you Well, I sure hope so That’s gonna be with me forever and always Just like I know. Just like I know. So

Gil’s fingerprint was found in Lee’s blood on the outside of that book? Yeah, it was a bit smeared, but, uh Definitely a match. I ran it several times. So you’re convinced this guild dude is the one who killed Li Shen? Well, it sure seems like it to me. I mean, how else would he have come in contact with Li’s blood?

Yeah, well, hope you can prove it, Rafe. Can you imagine what your sister’s going through, wrongly accused of murder? Does she know about these prints? No, not yet. I’m not going to say anything until I’m sure that we can get the case reopened. Any progress on that? Yeah, we’re working on it. Well, it’s a damn good thing EJ is out as DA, huh?

Yeah. Especially given EJ’s feelings about Gabby. I mean, not that Melinda Trask is any fan of my family, but I know that she definitely cared about Lee, and I’m hoping she’s going to be motivated to find the truth about his killing. I hope so too, buddy. For your sake, and for Gabby’s.

You really did, you really did miss me, huh? Something about a man in a unicorn. I’m out of it. You’re gonna be, hey, you’re gonna make me lose focus. We have to stay on point right now. We have to. I know, I know, I know, I know. Aww. For Toothy! Believe me, I want to make up for lost time as much as you do. But the clock is ticking, okay?

And once Clyde is out of commission, we have all the time in the world to spend together. It’s all the more reason to just get rid of him, and make things right in the world. Yeah. I mean, who, who’d have thought, finding Clyde’s black book. Could help Gabby get off the hook for Lee’s murder. Yeah, well, a lot has happened since you left.

You know, EJ’s out as D. A. Yeah, no, I heard that. Yeah. So, have Stefan and Rafe convinced the new D. A. to reopen the case? Mm mm, not yet. But they are hell bent on, um, proving that Gil’s the one who murdered Lee. Okay, so what’s that theory? That Gil came over to Wendy’s house looking for me and found Lee instead.

They got into it somehow. Gil killed him and then days later when he came looking for me, well We know what happened then. God, you know, it’s just, Wendy is such a good soul. She’s so good, and she makes Tripp so happy, and I mean, how am I going to tell them that Lee might be dead because of me? I mean, her poor family, they just They finally got closure with Gabby’s conviction and now

all those wounds are going to be reopened all over again.

How could that be? The doctor said our baby was dead. Why, why would he say that? I can’t explain what happened at the hospital. Someone must have paid somebody off. Oh my gosh, I can’t, I can’t believe this is happening. Yeah, there’s just a lot to process. The only thing that matters right now is that Your son is in your arms.

I mean, is this really true? Imagine you’re going to want to run your own test to prove that it’s true. I don’t understand why Sloane, she would make up something so awful if it wasn’t. No, that wouldn’t make any sense, would it? All those months ago, when I held Jude for the first time, I always felt like he was my son.

I remember. And then you agreed to a DNA test, just to prove that it wasn’t true. But how? How? So, she said that the results were tampered with. Oh, by her. We’ll make sure all the necessary tests are performed. What’s the most important thing right now is that we all know the truth and our son is back home where he belongs.

Yeah. It’s incredible, E. J. Our son. And you knew all along.

Even when I had to let it all go. I always felt he was my boy. Yeah. I don’t know, I mean, I guess it’s just something to do with parent intuition. Yeah. When it’s your child, you, you just know deep in your soul.

Sweetheart. Yeah, I love you. I do with all my heart. I’ve always loved you.

Well, you both deserve a wonderful wedding. You fought long and hard to get to this place. And you’ve hit a few bumps in the road. Bumps? I don’t remember any bumps, honey. Do you remember any bumps? Nary a one. Nary a one, mom. That being said, and at the risk of dampening the incitement of your good news, I have a favor to ask.

Yeah, sure. What is it? I’d appreciate it if Constantine and I could get married first. That you would wait until our wedding to have your own. Um, before I agree, can I ask why? It’s okay, sweetheart. I know, I know there’s gonna be so many changes. Yes, there are. There’s gonna be so many changes and a new house and a new family and I’m so excited.

Oh my god. But you know what? We’re gonna take such good care of you, okay? Because you mean everything to us. Yeah. And we’re gonna be a family. Like we were always meant to be. Yeah. Yeah. I’m your mommy and this is your very silly daddy. Yeah. Yeah. He likes you. I brought all his essentials from my apartment.

I can bring the rest tomorrow. Oh, thanks. That won’t be necessary. We’ll purchase whatever we need for the nursery, fresh start and all. Here you go. Koi. I’m sorry. I just don’t know what else to say. What do you have to be sorry for, Eric? I mean, you’re a victim here too. This was all Sloan. I just don’t know why I didn’t see it.

Maybe I didn’t want to. That bitch stole my baby. Our baby. She needs to be arrested, EJ. And they need to put her away and never let her see the light of day again. Nicole. No, I want her to experience the same kind of pain and suffering and awful emptiness that we did all those months. There’ll be plenty of time for that.

She needs to be punished. And she will be. Sloane is obviously a depraved woman, but she can’t hurt us anymore. No, she doesn’t just get to confess and then go on her merry way. She is a criminal. She needs to suffer. And so help me, EJ, if I get my hands on her.

What’s going on? Why is Jude here?

What is taking so long? Yes, I know that Lynch was released on bail.

No, there is no other crime. I just want him located, and then I want that reported to me. You are wasting time debating this. Just do it! Thank you. Honey, you’re not gonna believe this, but your brother, he He didn’t die on the day he was born. What?

This isn’t my baby.

Our baby.

Jude is your little brother.


Mom, are you sure that everything is okay with you and Constantine? Has he done something to upset you because if he has no no, no, it’s nothing like that Okay, then why do you want us to wait to get married Because Because I want to be fully present when my beautiful daughter marries my handsome son in law and You wouldn’t be able to be fully present Earlier, because Uh, because I’d be thinking about my own plans.

It’d be all about me and not about the two of you. So, every choice that you made, I would be, uh, comparing it to my own. But you’re having a small civil ceremony, right? Just family and a few friends. Yeah, but it’s still a wedding, and with that comes, uh, complications. Not unlike the activity that’s going on at the mansion right now.

The Hortons are moving out and Alex and Teresa are moving in. Wait. Did you say Alex is moving in? Wow. Rafe seemed really stressed out, huh? Yeah. You know, I remember that feeling when I was on the force. All these open damn cases here and not enough hands on deck. Yeah. Seems like the Salem PD is always understaffed.

Especially when it comes to hanging on to good, clean cops. Yeah, well, and on top of all of that, he’s trying to clear his sister on a murder rap. It’s all the more reason. To hope that the ISA can decipher Clyde Weston’s black book. I’m just glad that Rafe trusted us enough to bring us in on it. So now he’s got two more good guys here that are going to work overtime to put an end to Clyde Weston.

Yeah, yeah.

What’s bugging you, man?

Let me ask you something. What kind of mission do you think this is?

What do you mean by that? I mean how far are we willing to go to get Clyde Weston out of our lives?

So are you asking me if I’m Willing to go outside the bounds of the law. No, man. I’m just thinking, uh, It’d be a good idea if I run point on Weston and you take the lead on Maggie and Constantine. You sure about that? Yeah. I think so. Well, why the shift? Is there something I don’t know or I need to know? I just need to keep a close eye on Ava.

I’m pretty sure she’s on Clyde’s tail. I am telling you, I agree with you. If Clyde gets captured, yeah, he is gonna sell all of us out. You, me, and John. So we need a way for that not to happen. A permanent solution to the Clyde situation.

I just have to make sure Ava doesn’t screw anything up.

Key. Sounds like a plan. But I gotta say this. You must have more patients than a hospital to put up with that crazy ex of yours. So you and your naval buddies weren’t able to decode Clyde’s black book, huh? No, not yet. But I do have the encrypted images for you to send to Clyde. And then? And then, once he opens them, we’ll get notified of his location.

So once you finish packing up, I’m gonna go check in with Rafe, okay? Hey, and when, uh, you need it back, we’re gonna send the files to Clyde, right? Yeah. And once Clyde opens the email, we’ll know exactly where to find that son of a bitch. How,

how can that be? He’s my brother? It’s a miracle, Holly. A true miracle. But how? Well, there’s been a terrible mistake. And Eric’s here to make it right. Your mother and I suffered so much grief when we lost our son, but when I look down at This little guy, it’s turned to pure joy.

I’m so happy for you, Mom. For all of us.

I should go. Eric, I’m confused. I thought you and Sloane adopted Jude, no? So do I. Turns out Sloane was lying to us. To all of us. Judah’s your mom and EJ’s son. Wait. Eric, so that means you’re losing your son?

Yeah. Hey, boss. Harris. Good to see you. How was your memorial day? It was, uh, It was meaningful. Thank you. No, glad to hear it. Uh, thank you again for your service. Thank you for yours. So, uh, did you get a chance to review my request for a couple more days of unpaid leave? Mm hmm. Yeah? Yeah. No can do, man. I’m drowning here.

Do you not see that? I mean, we need you. Okay, I I hear you and I hate to even be putting you in this position but I really need those few days and I’m gonna have to take them one way or another. Hmm. So you’re saying if I don’t give you the leave that you’re gonna quit? Well, I mean, I hope it doesn’t come to that.

I mean, why don’t you just tell me what’s going on? Does this have something to do with your Navy friends? The, the, uh, information they found in Clyde’s black book? No, they haven’t been able to crack the code yet. Okay. Okay. I took it over to John Black, see if maybe ISA can help out. That’s good, the more people working on this the better.

I’ll just, I’ll just coordinate with John. Okay, if you just told me what you’re doing. Look, I can’t, I can’t explain right now. I just, I just need, I just need a few days.

Please. Trust me.

Okay. Fine. Take the time you need. And then hopefully I will have your job waiting for you when you come back.

Thank you.

So, um, you and Ava, But you’re on good terms now? Good is too strong a word, man. No. I think I’m just getting better at accepting her for who she is. Predicting her erratic behavior. Oh, now there’s a skill set you can put on your resume. We have Ava Vitale Wrangler. Yeah, very funny. Well, I think what it is is we’re all on the same page now.

We all want the same thing. Clyde Weston out of our lives. Yeah, well, of course you know that we’re all at risk if he blows a whistle on us when he’s caught. You know I know that. And you also know that if he tells the world that we helped him escape, you and I could be behind bars when Maggie and Constantine’s situation comes to a head.

I didn’t think of that. So we would be leaving Maggie hanging out to dry when she needs us the most.

I can promise you, partner. I won’t let that happen.

You’re letting Alex move into the mansion. I didn’t have a choice. It’s his father’s home. And Victor left him half of the estate. So that technically includes the mansion.

But he’s moving in with Teresa. Hmm. I didn’t know that they were back together. I try not to pry to the nature of their relationship. But they’re, um, you know, they’re close together. On some level. Yeah, on the level that Teresa’s after his money. I don’t know. But they are close. And I feel that Trace really cares about him.

Oh, I’m sure she does. Honey. Mom has a soft spot for Teresa. Yeah, I’ll never understand it. Well, Teresa’s no angel. But I just think she wants to be loved, like we all do. Sure. And when you say loved, you mean Showered with the Kyriakos fortune. You’ve made your point, honey. Alright, I’m just I’m worried for you, Maggie.

If you were stressed having the Hortons there, imagine the chaos of having Hurricane Alex and Tornado Teresa there on a daily basis. Come on. Well, like I said, it’s his father’s home. That means it’s his legacy. And luckily, The house is big enough for all three of us. Three? I mean, don’t forget Bonnie and Justin, and of course your beloved Constance here.

What was it you were saying about too much togetherness? Eric,

I’m so sorry. I’ve been so caught up in my own shock and joy, I didn’t even think about what you were going through. It’s okay. This is not about me. No, but, but it is. I mean, Jude. Jude was your son. Well, you need to focus on your family.

Jude belongs with his mother.

Eric, I’m so sorry. I know how much you love him. Thank you. It means a lot.

I just want you to know that I love you. I’m not gonna fight for any custody or anything like that. Oh, Eric. I wasn’t worried about that. But I’m worried about you, and if there’s anything I can do Don’t be. Don’t be. I just All I want is you to be happy. But Eric Really, I appreciate Yeah, I can get on the thoughts, but there’s nothing you can do.

I need to go. I need to deal with Sloan. Good luck. Cause I know that’s not gonna be easy. Someone’s gonna pay for what you did, I promise. Here I come. I’m so sorry. Me too. More than you know. Let me walk you out. I want to thank you for doing the right thing.

Very quick. Wait.

Don’t you want to hold Jude before you go?

Alright. Hey, how’s the packing going? Hey, I am ready to go as soon as we know where we’re headed. Okay. Then it’s showtime. Do you have the email address that Clyde sent? Yeah, it’s right here. Okay. Here’s this. Yeah. You ready? Yeah. Send away. Now what? Now we just wait. But we gotta be ready

to hit the ground running. Did you tell Wilma that she needed more time off? Not yet. I didn’t really have a chance, you know, and I honestly, I’m a little nervous since he just hired me. I don’t want him to think I don’t care about the job. I get that. Rafe wasn’t happy about giving me more time either. So hopefully we can just get this done and our jobs will still be here when it’s over.

I still can’t believe you’re doing this for me. I mean, and now you’re putting your job at risk too.

I am doing this for you. And I’m doing it for Tripp, and I’m doing it for Wendy, and I’m doing it for me, and every person whose life Clyde has ruined or tried to ruin.

I took an oath to serve and protect. I take that very seriously. Even if it means breaking some rules. So I guess it’s just you and me against Clyde.

Actually, no. Um, there’s somebody else I’d like to loop in.

So Maggie’s all in on trapping Constantine. Oh, yeah. She’s got them all set up in a corner office at Titan there. Gave them full authority over all of Victor’s charitable funds. Wow. Gotta hand it to her. She is one brave woman. I’m pretty shrewd, too. So how’s the setup work? It’s pretty simple. Just move some money around and make it look like Cos Teen has embezzling Titan funds.

Well, let’s just hope we can get him busted before she has to go through with actually marrying him. Yeah, well, that’s the plan. He’s trying to nail down the timing here because that bastard has messed around with her life enough already. It seems like a revolving door at the mansion these days. Ever since, you know, we lost.

Victor, there always seems to be somebody coming in and out. That’s because you’re a generous person, Mom. Maybe a little too generous. Oh, look who’s up! As she wants everyone in the square to know it. I think our little princess needs her diaper changed. Oh, I’ll do it. No, no, no, no. Let Daddy do it. Yes! Glue that mummy in nine and a half smooth on time, yeah?

Thank you. My pleasure.

Well, I might be biased, but she is obviously the most beautiful baby in the world. You’re not biased. She is. You’re right, I’m not at all. Um, actually, I’m glad that it’s just you and me for a minute, because I wanted to talk to you about something, but I didn’t want to say it in front of Xander. Are you

sure it’s okay? Of course. I know how much Jude means to you. And how much you mean to each other.

Oh, I like that. Hey, sweet boy. Hey.

Hey. I’m gonna be grateful. For all the time we shared. And I will always love you.

More than you will know.

Thank you. Yeah. Come by and see him anytime, okay? Yeah, I think it’s best that, uh, You have time to bond with your son and all he is. With your brother. I love you. Take care. Your mommy. EJ.

Well, that will definitely make your wedding special. Not that your wedding wouldn’t be special anyway. Do you really like the idea? Oh, I do. I do. But I, I think you ought to run it by Xander first. I mean, it is his wedding, too. True. All right, I guess I’ll tell him. I hope he approves. Okay. Fingers crossed.

All right.

Alright, I’ll get these pages off to Andrew and some of the other big brains at the ISA. They’re cracking codes is what they do. Good. And we’ll have everything we need to find Weston and wipe him off the map. The man’s a menace. He’s hurt a lot of our friends and family. Yes, he has. Yes. Hey. Be careful. I know you want to take the lead on this western angle here, but it’s important that we finish this out as partners.

Scratch that, man. We’re more than partners. We’re more than friends. You’re You’re my brother, Steve.

I feel the same way about you, partner. And nobody, even Constantine, is ever gonna drive a wedge between you and me. I trust you with my life.

Right back at you brother.

Why isn’t Clyde downloading these messages? I guess he’s a little busy. Did you talk to Roman? Uh, no, he was busy too. So I left him a note, I let him know I needed to leave town on an emergency. Yeah, well I’m sure I’ll understand. Yeah. Is that it? Did he get a signal? Bingo. Clyde is at a public library in a town called Ennis in Montana.

Our book is the next flight out. You know, I have never been to Montana. I hear it is beautiful. Yeah, big sky country. Not sure we’re going to see a lot of it. So are you ready to put this mess behind you once and for all? Let’s do it. There’s one pit stop on the way.

All the same, Mom, he looks really happy to be in your arms. Yeah, he does, doesn’t he? Hey, honey, um, listen, I know things have been rough between us lately. No, you don’t have to do this right now. I just want to thank you for the text you sent me. It really meant a lot. I’m sorry. I hope you know I didn’t mean any of those horrible things I said.

Of course not, sweetheart. I love you. I love you. And I love you. Look at him. Look at him. Oh, look at your daddy. Oh, this is like a new beginning, huh? For all of us. It is. Yeah. For all four of us. Oh, he’s a mover and a shaker. He’s a mover and a shaker. Hey, man. Hey. Thank you for meeting me. Yeah, man. Glad you called.

Listen, I just I’m so sorry about all this. Everything that Sloan’s putting you through. Yeah. Me too. You think she’s home? She should be. Sloane! Is this the place like this

when you left? No. Where do you

think she’s gone? What’s this?

It’s a necklace that I gave her for Mother’s Day with Jude’s birthstone. Oh, boy. Damn it, she took off. Oh my god, I

knew it. I knew it. Yes, I did. I knew it. Yes. I can’t believe you, you’re here, you’re here, oh my god, yes I know, I know, I know, look at us, look at us.


EJ’s personal effects, I take it Surprised you left them in his office my office And uh, I was going to send them via messenger, but since you’re here you can bring them to your brother Save me on the delivery fee Sure. Can I help you with something? I actually came by to offer my congratulations. Can’t say that felt entirely genuine.

Why wouldn’t it be? I helped push EJ out of office and I’m the big reason why you’re back in this job, Melinda. You’re also a demure, so I would be a fool to trust you. Look, I lost this job once before, and I have no intention of letting it go again. And if you even think about doing to me what you did to your brother, you will find yourself a very dangerous enemy.

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were working. It’s all right. Hello, stranger. Hello, Maggie.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 20, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Melinda from Days


-Melinda could be heard talking to Paulina while Holly was shown.

-The music playing in Sloanā€™s scene could be heard in Nicole and Ericā€™s scene.

-Johnny called Roman ā€œUncleā€, but Roman is his grandfather.

-Eric could be heard talking to Sloan while Leo was shown.


-Sloan could be heard talking to EJ while Leo was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Roman while Chad was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Sloan while Chad was shown.

-When Eric answered his phone, he thought it was Sloan. Itā€™s likely that he has caller ID so he should know that it was Roman.


-The music playing in Alexā€™s scene could be heard while Chanel and Johnny were shown.

-Julie could be heard talking to herself while Theresa was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Chad and Julie were shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Theresa while Alex was shown.


-Melinda could be heard talking to Sloan while Eric was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking on the phone while EJ was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking on the phone while Stephanie was shown.

-Why would Stephanie defend Everett after he punched Eric? Eric is her cousin, yet she chose to defend the man who punched him in the face.


-Rafe could be heard talking to Marlena and Jada while Stephanie was shown.

-Sloan cried without any tears.

-Nicole could be heard using a laptop while Johnny was shown.

-Sloanā€™s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


Rafe from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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