Days Opinion For The Week Of May 27, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Eric from Days

We felt sorry for Eric when he told Nicole and EJ Jude was their son. His pretending to be strong while he told them made it even worse. You could tell in his eyes that he wanted to break down while he was talking to them. We liked how Nicole and Holly took the time to acknowledge that he was losing his son in the process.

We’re surprised Rafe would be willing to comfort Eric over losing Jude. Rafe and Eric weren’t friends after Eric had an affair with Nicole while Rafe was with her so it was a shock that he would comfort Eric. It shows that Rafe is a forgiving person. He’s better than we are because we aren’t sure if we would comfort someone who was with our spouse.

Is Bonnie a new character on the show? Of course, we were kidding when we said that. It’s been so long since she has been on the show. She was shown as if she hadn’t been gone for months. The writers made it seem like she was out of town even though there was no reason for her to be gone. What was the point of bringing her back to the show if she’s going to disappear again? Was she shown just so we know that Bonnie still lives in Salem?

It’s understandable that Nicole wants Sloan to pay for kidnapping her baby, but she comes off hypocritical considering what she did. Nicole did the same thing to Sami when she kidnapped Sidney, yet she expects Sloan to be fully punished for what she did. Was Nicole really in a position to want Sloan to pay when she never paid for what she did to Sami? We give Sloan credit for reminding Nicole that she wasn’t innocent when it concerns kidnapping babies.

The writers deserve a thumbs up and down for remembering the history of the show. When Eric talked to John about losing Jude, John reminded him how he felt when he found out Eric and Sami weren’t his children. John said he was glad he stayed in their lives. We congratulate the writers for getting the history right. The problem is they forgot to have John mention Carrie. He thought he was her father too. Just because Carrie isn’t on the show anymore doesn’t mean the writers should have forgotten about her. Besides, Sami isn’t on the show, but they knew to acknowledge her.


Nicole from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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