Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Thane
[soft tense music]
So you told Holly that Eric was responsible for her father’s death?
I hadn’t planned to. I was just talking about my dad and it just slipped out. Like, I honestly– I thought she knew, but she– she was completely blindsided.
Yeah, how’d she take it?
She was horrified, as you can imagine. She was just really angry that everyone lied to her. I tried to comfort her. She wouldn’t let me. She just wanted to be left alone. I feel awful, Grandpa.
Hey, you didn’t know it was news to her, so don’t be so hard on yourself. Besides, it was bound to come out at some point.
Come on, not like this.
Well, however it came out, it was bound to be hurtful to Holly. And so you know, Eric has just flown in from Paris to be with your father, so I think I need to give him a heads-up about this.
Eric, I didn’t know you were in town. [phone ringing]
I’m sorry about that. I just landed a few hours ago. [phone beeps]
Right. Well, I didn’t hear anything about it from my mom.
Well, she and your brother, they’re still in Paris. This was a last-minute decision. I’m here for Brady. I’m sure you heard.
Yeah, of course I heard. And now you’re here to stick up for him, which makes sense, especially after what you did. * *
What the hell just happened, Justin?
You heard EJ. He had no choice but to drop the charges. He couldn’t prove that you were responsible for Sarah’s hit and run.
Except that I know that I did it.
No, you don’t. You have no memory of the actual incident, OK? You told me yourself. Due to a lack of concrete evidence, you are a free man.
Justin, I turned myself in because I want to be accountable for my actions. OK, what am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to walk out that door and just pretend none of this happened? Is that the plan?
I’m not suggesting that.
What are you suggesting? I don’t like the fact that you–you just– just argued my case without consulting me. I don’t like that.
OK, Brady, I’m your lawyer, OK? It’s my job to do what’s best for my client. And that’s exactly what I did.
Well, I’m not happy about it, OK? And I guarantee you, Xander and Sarah aren’t gonna be, either.
It’s so strange to think that just a few short months ago, my mum and I were just completely estranged. I was so angry at her. I’m ashamed of the things I said in there.
Yeah, you were holding on to a lot of pain, Xander.
I was. But then Sarah knew exactly what to do. I’m so glad she did, because now Mum’s living with us and helping take care of us. I never would have imagined that I could rely on her like this.
I’m happy for you, and for Fiona, too. I know from experience how hard it is to overcome demons when you’re trying to put your life back together. You should be so proud of your mother.
Oh, I am. After everything we’ve been through, I never thought I’d have my mum back, and just when we need her the most.
Yeah. [suspenseful music] * *
God forgive me for what I’m about to do. * * [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * * [suspenseful music]
[sighs] Oh, my God. What am I thinking? What choice do you have? If Sarah remembers that I was the one driving the car that hit her, it will all be over. No. I can’t let that happen.
Thanks for listening, Maggie. And please know, I’m equally grateful to you. You are a splendid mum and grandmum, not to mention just a gem of a human being.
That’s very kind.
It’s very true. All right, I’m going to go check on that soup.
Well, if it isn’t my traitorous cousin. Just so you know, I’m gonna be at Brady’s arraignment tomorrow. It’d give me great satisfaction to see him get what he deserves.
Xander, I’m sorry to deprive you of that satisfaction, but there isn’t going to be an arraignment.
Has it been postponed?
No, DA DiMera has decided not to press charges. Brady is a free man.
Ava, hey.
Hey. You all right?
Oh, yeah. No. No, not really. I just need a little air before I went home.
Am I consorting with a wanted fugitive?
Hm. I’m really not in the mood for that.
Sorry, not funny, I know. I’m sorry, it’s just– um, I thought that you’d be in jail.
It should be. Apparently, confessing to a crime isn’t enough to get you there, where I belong.
Voicemail. You know, hopefully he will get back to me soon.
I’m sorry. I made such a mess out of everything.
It’s not your fault. Like I said, you didn’t know Holly was being kept in the dark about this. So let me ask you something. How did–how’d you find out?
A while back, I overheard my mom and Grandma Kimberly discussing it. I’ve never said anything because I thought it was one of those family secrets that everyone knows but no one talks about.
Hmm. I see.
So I had no idea that Holly’s mom never told her the truth. Just always assumed that she knew what Uncle Eric had done.
Holly, I understand you’re upset with Brady, and you have every right to be.
And yet you’re still here defending him.
I’m not defending him. I’m offering him support. He’s my brother.
But that’s not just it, is it? It’s that you can relate all too well to what he’s going through. After all, you’ve been in his shoes, haven’t you?
Whoa, what are you talking about?
I know what you did, Eric. I know you killed my father.
Holly, I– I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry. I wanted to be the one who told you.
Really? Really? ‘Cause you had years to do so, and you never said a word about it.
Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that tonight.
[scoffs softly] Right. Well, no need to. Someone already beat you to the punch.
Who was the one who told you. Was it EJ?
No. No, it wasn’t EJ. It was Tate. Because he thought I knew already, which I didn’t, obviously, because you and my mother and my entire family, you all just lied to me my entire life.
You know, my mom said that the drunk driver who killed my father was just some rando who died in the accident. And everyone just went along with her to protect you.
No, Holly, we were protecting you. You were a child. It was– it was complicated. Your mother thought you would have fewer questions about–
Please, save it. My mother is a manipulator, and I played right into her hands all these years. You know, over the years, I was so tempted to look it up online, but then I would just get her voice in my head insisting, “you don’t want to know the gory details, sweetheart, it’s traumatic enough as it is.” And I just believed her. I thought, what’s the point? The monster who had killed my father was dead too. But he wasn’t, was he? He was living right under my roof.
I’m worried about Holly. I’ve never seen her this upset. Maybe I shouldn’t have left her alone.
Give her some time. What she needs to do right now is just process what you told her. I’m sure she’s gonna reach out to you when she’s ready.
Yeah, I– I don’t know about that, Grandpa. She was really furious with me.
For what? For telling her the truth about what happened to her father when you thought she knew?
Yeah, but still. There’s a little bit more to it. We–when I made the slip about Uncle Eric, we were actually in the middle of a pretty big fight.
I see. OK. So what was this fight about? Not that I’m prying. * *
Holly doesn’t like that I’m defending my dad. Sarah is her aunt, and so she doesn’t get how I could possibly stand by him after what he’s done.
You know, it sounds to me like you had a good lawyer.
I wasn’t–I wasn’t trying to get off the hook. I actually wanted to pay for what I did.
OK. Even so. Look, Justin made a valid point. Otherwise, EJ never would have agreed to your release. Look, it– you cannot be held responsible legally.
Yeah, legally. No, no, but– but morally, come on. I’m wracked with guilt about what I did to Sarah. What makes it worse is that I’m– Ava, I’m getting away with it.
Yeah, but you didn’t do it on purpose.
But that doesn’t matter. Every bad decision that I made led up to that accident, going right back to the start of it, which was the night I fell off the wagon.
Well, then, actually, I– I’m partly responsible for that.
You? Why?
Well, I was– I was there with you. The night of the wedding, I was drinking. You know, I didn’t stop you.
You, you tried to talk me out of it.
Yeah, and then I gave up, and I joined you.
No, no, no, no. There was–there was nothing you were gonna say or do that was gonna stop me that night, Ava, OK? I was on a path to self-destruction. And neither of us knew that it was going to end up being a month-long bender, which would then result in me making the biggest mistake of my life.
Hey. What are you doing?
[shushes] While you were gone, Sarah fell asleep. I didn’t think I should disturb her, but I wanted to make sure she was comfortable.
[sighs] [grunts] What’s going on?
Hey, darling. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. There is actually a little bit of distressing news.
What is it?
Brady is no longer in police custody. DA isn’t pressing charges.
What? But I don’t understand. I thought it was an open-and-shut case.
[sighs] They don’t have another suspect, do they?
No. Apparently, Justin managed to convince EJ that, even with Brady’s confession, there isn’t enough evidence to prove that he actually committed the crime.
Well, that’s ridiculous. The man confessed.
Yeah, but he doesn’t actually remember hitting Sarah or anything that happened afterwards, you know? Now, it’s more imperative than ever that you positively ID Brady as the driver.
Baby, I’ve tried. It’s just–it’s still a blur.
I know, darling, but you did have that brief flash of memory. I know it’s painful, but maybe if you concentrate really hard, you’ll–you’ll recall the driver’s face.
Xander seemed pretty upset. I should probably sleep with one eye open tonight, huh?
Well, I’m sure he’ll calm down. Although it couldn’t hurt to start locking your door, though, just in case.
[chuckles] Good idea.
Justin, you know, like I said earlier, I’m still having a hard time believing that Brady hit Sarah and kept on driving. I mean, even though he has obviously convinced himself that he committed the crime, and he most likely did, I’m just–I’m so relieved that you were able to have the charges dropped.
I’m relieved I was able to do it, too. But even so, Brady is tortured about what he did, and I doubt that he’ll ever be able to forgive himself. In fact, he was quite adamant that he shouldn’t be released.
So starting that night, at the pub, you just– you just kept on drinking?
Yeah, right up until the– the moment I hit Sarah with my car.
Damn it. God, I just– I should have checked on you.
Why? I mean, like you said before, you’re not my sponsor. You’re not my mother. You’re not my– we’re not even friends. I don’t even– I don’t even know you, really.
True. But still, you know, I should have done more. I–I tried to, but, you know?
What–what do you mean?
It bothered me that you were still down here, drinking alone, so I was afraid you were gonna drive. Even though you said you weren’t going to, I decided to come down and check.
I don’t remember any of that.
Yeah, because I didn’t end up saying anything when I realized you weren’t gonna drive.
How’d you come to that conclusion?
Well, I heard you talking with that woman, and she–she had an accent.
Well, what do you remember, my love? [dramatic music]
I see the headlights coming at me, and I cannot make out the face of the driver.
I know it’s hard, babe, but you– you do have to keep trying. If you can ID Brady, then the DA can press charges and we can put him away for good. Unless… Sarah, would you be willing to just say that you remember seeing Brady’s face?
You want me to lie?
Well, it wouldn’t really be a lie, would it? I mean, the man confessed. We all know he did it. Even he knows.
I’m not gonna do that, Xander. I really don’t like that you asked me to.
I’m sorry. I–I don’t know why I did. I just– I’m just so desperate to– wait, no, I know.
You know what?
Well, Dr. Evans. She’s helped people access their memories using hypnosis. I mean, she’s an expert at that, right?
Well, yeah.
So we can go and see her, and she can hypnotize you and… that ought to help you remember, right?
You know, Tate, you can’t really blame Holly for the way she feels. And like you said, Sarah is her aunt. And given the fact that her father was taken away from her under similar circumstances, I’m sure she’s bound to have developed some very strong opinions about drunk drivers.
Yeah, I get that. But, like, what am I supposed to do, not stand by my own father? Yes, what he’s done, it’s–it’s– it’s terrible, and it’s wrong, and there’s no excusing it, but he’s in hell about it, which is why I can’t turn my back on him. No, not when he needs me the most.
Of course not. He’s your father and you love him, just like I love my son, no matter what. We’re all in this together, Tate. And besides, I’ve got a feeling there’s a hell of a lot more to this story.
What do you mean? Wait, Grandpa, do you think it’s possible that Dad’s innocent?
Your mother and I, we– we hated that we had to lie to you, Holly. But your father, he died before you were even born and–
And what? By the time I was old enough to know what happened, you were already living with my mother and eventually became my stepfather? You not only killed my dad, but you stole his life, too. You married his fiancée, and then you raised his daughter. And Eric, it just makes me sick to even look at you right now.
Holly, it wasn’t like that. It wasn’t planned. [sighs] You were a child, and you and your mother and I, we– we were a family. Your mother didn’t want to ruin that.
Oh, so this is her fault now? You’re just going to throw her under the bus again?
No. I didn’t want you to know either. I didn’t want you to know what I had done. I was– I loved you, Holly. I love you like my own daughter. I was afraid that if you knew the truth, that you– if you’d known what I had done, it would have ruined our relationship.
Yeah, well, you were right. It has because I truly hate you. * *
Holly, please.
God, you’re such a freaking hypocrite! You know that? You’re always spouting the virtues of telling the truth, and you’ve been lying to me, Eric, forever! To think I grew up idolizing you. Even when you and my mother weren’t together, I still came to you, for help, for advice, because I thought of you as my real dad. And I thought I was so lucky ’cause I thought you were just this amazing guy, but– but the truth is, I would still have my real father if it wasn’t for you. What the hell is wrong with my mother? How could she ever get past what you did?
She didn’t. It took years. She was as mad at me as you are right now, and rightfully so. But she eventually found a place in her heart to forgive me.
Yeah, well, don’t expect me to because I’m never, ever going to forgive you for what you did.
I’m not saying that your father is innocent. I’m just saying that he doesn’t remember anything about hitting Sarah. For all we know, there could be mitigating factors here that played into the accident.
Like what?
Well, honestly, I don’t– I don’t know. I just know that I would feel a hell of a lot better if I knew everything that happened that night. Now, in the meantime, don’t feel guilty about standing by your father. You love him no matter what, just like I do. And there is nothing he could do in this world that would ever make me stop loving him. And for the record, Tate, same goes for you, kiddo.
I do appreciate Brady wanting to take responsibility for what happened. And as a sponsor and someone who cares about him, I have compassion for him, as you know, but I–I don’t know. Knowing that he’s free now and– and that I might run into him or Sarah might run into him–
I’m so sorry, Maggie. I know this whole situation has to be so difficult for you.
It would be so much easier if I could just write him off. Cut him out of our lives forever. But I can’t. He’s family.
Xander certainly doesn’t see it that way. He wants Brady to go down for this.
Yeah, I know. Oh, Justin, it’s gonna be nearly impossible to keep this family from imploding! Oh, I can only imagine what Victor must think about all of this. Darling, I wish you were here.
You were eavesdropping on me?
Not on purpose.
No, no. Like I said, I just– I just wanted to check on you. But then I realized that you were going to walk back to the Salem Inn with that woman, so.
You didn’t tell anyone about this, did you?
No. Why would I? I just–I was– I was relieved that you weren’t gonna drive.
At least not that night.
Oh, Brady, I am so sorry. I just– I should have done more.
Ava, Ava, none of this is remotely your fault. But I’ll tell you what. If you’re feeling bad and you want to do me a favor, you can. Don’t tell anyone that you saw me with that woman.
OK, sure. No, I won’t say anything. Why, is she married or something?
[scoffs] Or something. She’s Xander’s mother.
Hypnosis? I thought that was just some kind of silly parlor trick.
Well, actually, there’s strong medical research that shows that hypnosis can be quite effective, at least when performed by a professional.
And Dr. Evans is one of the best. Apparently in Salem, she’s the best.
Yeah, that’s true. Yeah, she’s used it to help countless patients over the years.
Even if she can help trigger Sarah’s memories, I mean, would it hold up in a court of law?
Well, Marlena Evans is so respected, I think that would be all the evidence that EJ would need to put Brady away.
Except there’s one problem. Brady is Marlena’s stepson. I doubt she’s gonna help us put him behind bars.
Marlena is a woman of great integrity. I’m sure she would do the right thing.
Are you sure about that? I mean, after all, you did shoot the woman.
How’d you know about that? – I’d really like to know exactly what Xander did to you.
[sighs] Fiona, I don’t see why we need to dredge all this up. I really don’t.
I want to know, Brady.
[sighs] All right. For starters, he shot me.
He did what?
Yeah, he shot me. Well, he also shot my stepmother, and she almost died. Does that answer your question pretty well? * *
I should probably mention, there’s a chance that this isn’t over.
How so?
Well, EJ obviously wasn’t happy about dropping the charges, and he’s still determined to find a way to prosecute, which means he’ll have to come up with incontrovertible evidence.
Yeah, but that’s– wouldn’t that be difficult, especially since Brady’s car is still missing?
Yes, without a car or photographic evidence against Brady, he’ll have to find some other way to place him at the scene of the crime, like an eyewitness.
Which could end up being Sarah. [suspenseful music]
Did Sarah remember if she saw Brady that night?
No, but according to Xander, she had experienced a hazy flash of memory. Just moments before she was struck. Headlights racing toward her. She saw someone in the driver’s seat.
But obviously, she can’t remember who.
Mm-mm, no, not yet. But maybe she will, eventually.
Mum, how do you know that I shot Dr. Evans?
Well, after I arrived in town, I decided to do a little internet sleuthing to catch up on your life. And as it turns out, I missed quite a lot.
Right. Well, I can’t defend many of the things I did in the past, but I am a better man now because of my love for Sarah, which is why I’m willing to do whatever I can to make sure Brady pays for what he did to her. But yeah, to my mum’s point, maybe it would be better if you made the appointment with Dr. Evans, since she doesn’t really care for me, and she’ll do anything for you.
Shouldn’t Sarah really be focusing on her physical recovery? I mean, all this other stuff is just distraction.
Your mom’s right. Baby, let’s just let it go.
Let it go? You can’t be serious.
Look, I’m upset at what Brady did too, obviously, but prosecuting him isn’t going to help me walk again. And it was an accident.
Maybe hitting you was an accident, but leaving you to die on the side of the road, that was definitely a choice. He needs to be behind bars, darling. We still live in this city, your mum, my mum, our daughter. He’s a danger to everyone.
OK, yeah. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see Marlena too.
I didn’t realize that Xander’s mother was in town.
Yeah, she was, for– for his and Sarah’s first attempt at a wedding. But I swear to you, that night when we were at the pub, I did not know who the hell she was, or I definitely wouldn’t have–
So you slept with Xander’s mother?
For a variety of reasons, Fiona and I don’t want Xander to know that we are involved. I’m sorry, more specifically, that we were involved, OK?
Were you serious?
No. No, it was–it was– it was casual. It was– we had a little connection. But given the fact that I’m responsible for paralyzing her daughter-in-law, I think it’s best that Xander not know about it.
I won’t say a word.
Thank you. I’m gonna– I’m gonna head home. Bye.
Brady, Brady, I, um– look, like–like you said, we barely know each other– * * But listen, if you ever do need to talk, you know where to find me. * *
Ah, come on! He was out by a mile. Do you believe that?
Jeez. You know, I got a feeling I’m not doing a very good job taking your mind off things, am I?
I’m sorry, Grandpa, it’s just– I can’t stop worrying about Holly. I want to give her space, but–
You know what? It can’t hurt to check in with her just to let her know you’re thinking about her.
You really think so?
Yeah, I do. I’m sure that she will appreciate just knowing that you are there for her if she needs you.
I’m not– I’m not expecting your forgiveness, Holly. But I do want you to know how truly sorry I am. Your father, he was a good man. He was my friend. And I loved him.
Yea, well, that’s the thing, Eric. I never got the chance to love him, and that’s because of you. [emotional music] * * [emotional music] * *
Yeah, but there will be a day when she asks me about her father, his death, and that I was the reason for it. And then maybe one day she’ll hate me because of it.
Or she’ll understand that you– you’re a good man who made a terrible mistake.
Yeah, this is the way I pictured it, you know, being with Holly, just watching her grow up. It’s what Nicole wanted. And she seemed pretty happy, didn’t she?
She did. * *
Nicole, it’s me. I know–I know it’s late. And I didn’t realize how– I didn’t mean to wake you. Yeah, yeah, I saw Brady, but– but there’s something else that you need to know.
Grandma. Hey, I didn’t realize anyone was in here.
Honey, what’s wrong?
What’s wrong is I just found out who really killed my dad. * *
Oh. Oh, no. Oh, sweetheart. Oh, God.
All right, I just sent Holly a message saying that I’m here if she wants to talk. She still hasn’t read it, though.
She will. And I am sure that she’s gonna take you up on it when she is ready.
[sighs heavily] I hope so. [door opens] Dad. What are you doing here?
Does this mean that– * *
Justin convinced EJ that there wasn’t enough evidence against me, so he dropped the charges. [both chuckling]
Is the pub closed already?
Oh, yeah. Hey, Roman gave everyone the day off.
Oh, darn it. I was really craving one of his burgers.
Uh, well, I was just about to make myself one, and I can throw an extra patty on the grill, if you want.
Oh, that’d be great. If the register is closed for the day, I’m good for it.
Eh, it’s on the house.
Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you, Ava.
Yeah. Well, I heard you did something very kind for one of your clients today.
Yeah, yeah, but no one seems too happy about it, not even my client, not even Brady.
Why don’t I heat up the soup? I’m sure it must be cold by now.
Thank you, Fiona.
Darling. [sighs] I know your physical recovery is your top priority right now, but making sure that Brady is held accountable for what he did to you, that’s important too. And I’m hopeful that a hypnosis session with Dr. Evans is just what you need to unlock your memories of the hit and run. [tense music] * *
I’m sorry, Xander, but I can’t allow that to happen.
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