Days Transcript Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft music]

[sighs] Hey.


What’s that?

It’s just some snacks for Tate, you know, since airport food is so overpriced.

Yeah, tell me about it. I paid bucks for a candy bar when I dropped Eric off this morning.

Yeah. So where’s Tate?

He’s not here.

[sighs] All right. You all set for lacrosse camp?

Yeah, yeah. I am. I got it cleared with my brother. He thinks you and I are both going. So he told me to tell you, “Have a great time.”

Oh, I definitely will. And to make sure that you do too, here you go.

Your license?

Mm-hmm. Yeah, in case they check for ID at the camp.

Oh, okay, that’s great. We look nothing alike.

Yeah, but I doubt they’re gonna look too closely at it.

I-I should certainly hope not. Don’t you need this?

Nah. No, I told the DMV I lost it and ordered another one. But just please make sure no one sees you with that before you leave.


Hey! What’s going on? [pants] You guys up to no good? [tense music]

[sighs] Your son and his wife are going to pay for this, Father. And pay dearly. [ominous music]

[screaming] I assure you, Father, they are going to wish they were never born. [breathing heavily]

Who’s going to wish they were never born?


For God’s sakes, Gabi, why in the hell would you blow up EJ’s secret like that? Especially when you promised me you wouldn’t?

For the record, I never promised anything.

Okay, look, you gave me no warning you were gonna blurt it out in public, no less.

Stefan, I’m sorry you’re upset with me. But, my God, I just couldn’t keep something like that to myself.

Why the hell not?

Because of Eric. The man has a right to know the truth. [mysterious music]

Eric. Hey.


I-I just tried calling you.

I-I know. What are you doing here?

I had to come. I had to stop you from getting on that plane.

I don’t understand.

He’s yours, Eric. You are Jude’s father.

What? What are you talking about? That’s impossible.

No, no, it’s not. It’s not impossible. All those tests, all that time. He’s your son. He’s–he’s our son. [gentle music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I don’t understand. How could all those test results have been wrong?

Well, they could only be wrong if someone changed them, which Sloan did. I mean, somehow she got her hands on them and made it look like EJ was the father.

But how? I mean– are you sure about this? I mean, how do you even know about this?

It was Gabi. Gabi found out and decided that I needed to know. And you did too. [gentle music]

Ever since you told me about those test results and what EJ did, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I mean, EJ kept Eric from his son. And I thought, “My God, if the truth never came out, Eric would go his whole life without knowing his own son.” And after all that time of being kept away from my daughter, not knowing how she was doing or what she was feeling, wondering if she needed me, knowing I couldn’t be there for her… I couldn’t let another parent suffer that loss. I couldn’t let Eric suffer that loss. So I had no choice. I had to tell the truth.

Okay. That is a load of crap. You didn’t do this so that Eric would get his son back. You did this to stick it to EJ. [tense music]

Holly, my–my apologies. I didn’t hear you come in.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. But you sounded mad, like, really, really mad. And I hope you weren’t talking about me and Tate.

No, no, no, I-I-I wasn’t. It was, um–[sighs] I gather you didn’t see my press conference today?

Uh, the one about Gabi being set free?


No, I didn’t. I kind of figured I knew all the details already.

[laughs] If only.

Excuse me?

Well, Gabi had a little more to say than simply thanking me for her freedom.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. She thought the press conference was the perfect opportunity to reveal personal business of mine to everyone watching.

Mm, gotcha. So that explains why you’re so upset. That’s really messed up of her.

It is messed up, indeed. But I suppose I better tell you the truth, since you’ll hear it soon enough. [clears throat] Jude is not my son. He’s Eric’s.

What do you mean, Tate’s not here? Oh, my God, he had better not be with Holly.

No, no, stop, stop. Don’t–hey. Let’s try not to go to DEFCON just yet, all right? Listen, his stuff is packed. I’m sure he just went out for a last-minute errand.

What last-minute errand? To go see that little troublemaker Holly in a room at the Salem Inn?

Oh, for God’s sake, Theresa, come on.

God. I mean, where were you? You were supposed to be watching him, Brady.

Where was I? I told you, I was dropping my brother off at the airport. Listen, I need you to calm down. I really, really do. Because in a few hours, our son is gonna be on his way to New York. He’s gonna be , miles away from Holly Jonas. And there’s gonna be nothing to worry about, okay?

Okay, fine. Yeah, I’ll calm down.


[sighs] Well, while we’re waiting for our son, maybe you can explain something to me that’s totally unrelated then.

What would that be?

Why did you feel the need to fill Alex’s head with all these ideas that I’m only marrying him for his money?

Oh, Theresa, hold on, first of all, I was not filling his head with any ideas. It was a–we spoke casually about it that it could be something that may have happened. But no, honestly, why do you even care? It doesn’t matter ’cause Alex doesn’t think that anyway.

Why do I care? The father of my son tells my fiancé that I’m a gold digger? That is a very big deal to me.

Okay, all right. You’re right. I’m sorry. That was–that was actually very unkind of me to do that.

I mean, why–why are you doing this? Why are you setting out to hurt me?

Theresa, I don’t wanna hurt you. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just–

You just what?

I just–[groans] I was speculating, Theresa, all right, about what might have happened when the three of us were in Greece, okay? That’s the truth.

What do you think might’ve happened when we were–

I don’t think we should– you know what? I don’t want to do this.

Tell me.


Stop it, Brady. Tell me. What do you think might’ve happened when we were in Greece?

Okay, if you must know, I think there’s a chance that you may have gone through my grandfather’s briefcase, the one that your dad brought to the room.

Oh, my God, you– you–you thought I–

Yeah. I thought that you already knew that Alex was Victor’s heir when you slept with him.

Hey, Alex. Uh, this is my friend Aaron. Aaron, this is Alex, my mom’s boyfriend. Or I guess it’s fiancé now.

Yeah, yeah, it looks like it. Hi, Aaron, nice to meet you.

Hi, Alex. Alex “Kirasick,” billionaire playboy guy.

Yeah, Kiriakis, but yes. That is me. I know I don’t really look the part right now.

[clears throat]

No, no, yeah, no, you look–I mean, you– hey, billionaires, you know, you gotta stay fit too.

Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. We are merely mortals, like everybody else, Aaron. So yes, staying fit is a priority, for me, anyway. See, what I usually do is listen to a little podcast in the morning. But I couldn’t do that today because my earpods were charging.

Ah, wow, that sucks.

Yeah, well, not really, because I enjoy listening to the birds, do a little meditating. But it does suck for you guys.

I’m–I’m sorry, you said for us?

Yes, yes, because I couldn’t help overhearing your little chitchat. I know what you’re doing.

Wait, so–so all those months ago, the DNA tests, they got switched up? That’s insane.


I mean, my God, you spent all that time thinking your son was dead, and then–and then you finally get him back, and he’s not even your son? EJ, I’m really sorry.

Thank you, Holly. You’re very kind. But I’m afraid your sympathy is misplaced.

What do you mean?

Well, even before Gabi revealed the DNA results at the press conference today… I already knew the truth.

[sighs] When Stefan found the original test results that you are really Jude’s father, he held that over EJ’s head so that EJ would exonerate Gabi. And then when she found out the truth, she decided to do the right thing for once in her life. And she–she told the truth to everyone at EJ’s press conference.

The truth? That Jude is mine?

Yes, the truth. Jude, yeah. Come on.


Yes. That this little handsome man that you thought was yours for six months really is. [laughs] And when I look at him, I knew. I always thought of you because he has your smile. Yeah. Hey, buddy, you want to go see your daddy? Let’s go see your papa. Yeah. [laughs] I know. [gentle music]

That is absurd. You think that I would– I would snoop through Victor’s briefcase?

Theresa, it’s not that far-fetched if you think about it.

That is insulting, Brady. [sighs] I mean, the man had just died. And my father came, and he gave me the briefcase, the last of his personal effects, and you’re saying I was just what? Crass enough to just open the thing and just rummage through it?

So you’re saying you didn’t do it, right?

Yes, that is what I am saying.


I mean, I was grieving Victor’s death too, you know.

I find that hard to believe.

[sighs] Why is that so hard to believe? He was not only Tate’s grandfather, but I happened to love him. I happened to love him.

Theresa, yeah, right.



What? I mean, yes, he was hard on me. But he was hard on a lot of people. But he–he also had a soft spot for them, you know? Just like how he had a soft spot for me.

Fine, true. Fine. Even if I were to believe that you were grieving the man that still wouldn’t prevent you from going through his briefcase.

Well, I did not go through his briefcase, Brady.


I’m actually really hurt that you would just accuse me of, A, being a snoop, and now being a gold digger. I mean, I’m not like that anymore. I’ve matured. And I aspire to be a woman of integrity. God, I want my son to be proud of me.

Fine. It was only a theory, and I was obviously very wrong about that. I am sorry. Besides, if you were only after Alex’s money, you would have never agreed to sign the prenup.

Alex, please, you cannot tell my mother. You cannot. She would kill me.

Hmm. Relax, I’m not gonna say anything.

Wait, really?

Yes, really, dude, I get it. I had a fake ID once, you know? I had a few of them, actually.

Wait, um, a fake ID–

Hey, please, please, dude, just drop the innocent act. Really. I know what you’re doing. You’re gonna hook up your buddy here, you know, before you get shipped off for the summer.

Oh, oh, yeah. Yes, that is– that’s what I’m doing.

Good, well, you be responsible. All right, and whatever the hell you do, do not drink and drive.

No, no, I will never do that ever.

Okay, all right, well, I’m gonna run. Still got, like, I don’t know, two miles to go. Tate, have a good time at camp, buddy.

Hey, thank you.

All right.

Yeah, yeah.



Thank God.

No, dude, more like thank Alex. Do you understand the bullet that we just dodged? Do you get it?

Du– look, I’m not worried about camp taking a good look at this. What about TSA? If I’m gonna use your ticket–

No, you are not. Because I cashed mine in and I got you a ticket with your name on it.

Wow, okay. Thank you. Okay. This is perfect.

Yeah, just please make sure that you use the right ID.

[laughs] Yeah, no, I will, thanks.

All right, man. Couple hours, you’ll be in New York. And I’ll be free to spend my summer with Holly. Thank you.

Of course.

So you see, while I originally believed that Nicole was carrying my baby, by the time Eric brought him home to us, I knew I wasn’t the father.

And you kept that to yourself?

Which was terribly wrong of me, obviously.

Then–then why did you do it? [somber piano music]

Honestly–and I know this is going to sound heartless– but I wasn’t thinking of Eric at all. I was thinking of your mother. I was afraid that if she learned the truth, if she knew that Eric was the father, it would drive her right back into his arms. And I’m quite certain I’m right. Because as soon as she left here a little while ago with the baby… I think I know exactly where she went.


I can’t believe it. My son–



Jude is my son.

[laughs] – This is the final call for Flight to New York’s Kennedy Airport. Please proceed to Gate A.

[babbles] [both laugh] Doors will be closing shortly.

It looks like I’m not gonna be boarding that plane after all.

I guess Paris is gonna have to wait.

Yeah, I can’t take that job. I can’t–I can’t leave now.

No, I didn’t think you would. And now you have a chance to get reacquainted with your son.



I missed you so much.

Oh, I bet. And look at him, he’s missed you. And I know he has. I know he has because he’s cried so much. And EJ and I have had such a hard time comforting him because I just–I think– I think he knew that he was taken away from his daddy.

Yeah. Maybe he did know.

Because look at him. Look how happy he is in your arms.

[cries] Sloan tried to pass off this guy as the son we were about to adopt when… She knew?

She did know. And I think maybe she just felt less guilty knowing that you’d be raising your own son.

And letting you and EJ believe that your son was dead? I can’t imagine what he must be going through right now.

Oh, well, I wouldn’t feel so sorry for EJ. [unsettling music]

Stefan, you are way off base. I did not do this to stick it to EJ.

Ah. Please, Gabi, if this were about Eric, you would have told him privately. But you didn’t do that, did you? No, instead, you chose to expose EJ in the middle of a press conference, a press conference that he was giving to credit himself with your release. You made the choice to embarrass EJ in the most public way possible because you hate him for what he did to you.

Of course I hate him for what he did to me. The man sent me to prison. I lived in fear every day. I spent weeks in solitary, convinced I’d never see you or Arianna again. And if it were up to your brother, I wouldn’t have. He would have let me rot in that hellhole for the rest of my life if he could. So as far as I’m concerned, he got off easy. And yet, for some reason, you’re suddenly on his side.

No, no, no, no, I am not on his side. You know damn well I hate him as much as you do for what he did to you.

As well you should.


Stefan… your brother got what he deserved. End of story. Now can we just please go home and forget about this? [tense music]

No. Baby, we can’t.

God, you said that Tate would be back by now. I mean, he’s gonna miss his flight.

He’s not gonna miss his flight. It’s not for three hours. I’m sure he’s gonna be here any minute.

Yeah, just like how you were sure that he wasn’t seeing Holly? This is why our son feels like he can get away with murder because you never pay attention.

Well, that’s really unfair. Thank you.

Okay, I’m done waiting for our son. I’m gonna go track him down.


Oh, my–

Hi, Mom.


Tate, where were you?

Would you just chill? I was just saying goodbye to Aaron.

God, well, you could have left a note or something. I was sure you were gonna miss your flight.

That’s crazy. Flight’s not for another three hours. And the airport’s minutes away.

Yeah, but there could have been a lot of traffic. So, listen, why don’t you grab your stuff and I’ll drive you, okay?

No, no, it’s okay.

No, what are you– what are you talking about? I’m gonna take you to the airport.

No, I’m fine. Honestly, I know you just got back from taking Uncle Eric to the airport. And I’m not making you make a second trip. That’s crazy.

[laughs] But– no, don’t be ridiculous. I want to see you off.

No, that’s okay. I’m good. Besides, Aaron offered to give me a ride.

Hold on. Aaron, who you just said goodbye to?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he, um– he–he’s got an errand to run after I saw him. And so he’s gonna be passing by here on his way back. And, uh, so he offered to pick me up if I needed a ride.

No, you don’t need a ride.

Is this about his driving? ‘Cause he’s a good driver. I mean, he’s–he’s good. Like, he slows at yellow lights.

This is not about his driving, Tate. This is about the fact that you have proven your father and I cannot trust you. So we are taking you to the airport. [tense music]

I can only imagine what you think of me.

I’m actually– I’m pretty shook right now. I don’t–I don’t know. I think I’m just confused. I don’t really know how to feel, you know?

Oh, I understand.

I mean, Eric, he used to be my stepfather. And he was always so great to me. And I know he was really devastated when he lost Jude. So–so yeah, I’m happy he has him back.

Well, there’s no need to clarify your point any further. It’s clear that you think Eric is the good guy here, which makes me, obviously, the villain.

EJ, you just admitted to doing a horrible thing. You not only hurt Eric, you also lied to my mom. And you’re supposed to be the one guy she trusts the most. So can you really blame me for hating what you did to both of them? But…

But what?

If I’m being completely honest, I totally get why you did it.

Do you?

Yeah, I know what it’s like to be that desperate, where you feel like lying’s the only choice you have.

Well, Aaron agreed to go to lacrosse camp in my place so my parents won’t wonder where I am when I don’t show up.

Mm. That’s brilliant.

So now all we have to do is find someplace local where I can stay hidden and you can come visit me all summer.

Thank you for saying that, Holly. Thank you.

Well, I gotta go. Um, I’ll see you later.


EJ knew the truth all that time? Even after I brought Jude back to you?

He did.

And he let me believe that he was his?

I think the only reason EJ couldn’t bring himself to tell us the truth was not because he wanted to be a father again. I think he thought that if the truth came out, if you and I knew that Jude was our son… [somber music]

We would– we would get back together. – Final boarding call for Flight . Please proceed to Gate A. [indistinct chatter]

Let’s get outta here.

Gabi, you are my wife. And I love you. But right now, I am furious with you.

Yeah, well, I’m furious with you too. How can you side with EJ over me?

For the last time, I am not on EJ’s side.

Sure seems that way.

Look, I know you feel that EJ got what he deserved. And maybe he did. But I’m the one who has to deal with the fallout now.

Oh, please, as if EJ’s ever been shy about going after me.

Okay, but I’m the one who gave him my word. I promised him my silence in exchange for your freedom. I thought that we could just breathe a sigh of relief that you were out of prison, and maybe for once, just once, the DiMera family could live in peace. But no, because thanks to you blowing up that press conference, I now have to prepare for an all-out war. [sighs] You fired the shot heard round the world. And now I get to deal with the consequences. [dark music]

Hey, Aaron. Where’s Tate?

Oh, he went home to get his “luggage.” But he gave me my ticket and his ID. So, you know, now till the end of summer, I am officially Tate Black.

That’s cool. I just wish he’d hurry up and get back here, though.

I’m sure he’ll be back any minute.

Hey, relax. ‘Kay? Nothing’s gonna mess this up for you guys.

Mom, you really–you don’t have to take me, really.

Your father and I are gonna see you off, no arguments.

It could be worse. Your mom could try to commandeer the plane.

Yeah, or I could threaten to come to camp with you. [laughs] Go on, get your stuff. [phone ringing] We’ll be waiting in the car. Hi, Alex.

Hey, Theresa, listen, I’m sorry to bug you. But I really need you to come back to the house. I got a messenger coming here any minute to drop off the prenup, and we have to get it signed.

Oh, God, can it wait? I’m just about to take Tate to the airport.

I’m sorry, I know, it just really needs to get done. I promised the lawyers I’d have it back to them by the end of business today.

[sighs] Okay, I’ll be right there. Damn it. I have to go back to the house.

Right now?

[sighs] Oh, well, don’t seem so disappointed. Look, Tate, honey, I know that this is not the summer that you had in mind, and if you’re mad at me, I get it. But I’m just– I’m just looking out for your best interests. And I hope that one day, you will see that, okay? I love you.

I love you too, Mom.

Oh, come here. [soft music]



I see you’ve been reunited with your son.

Yeah, I have, and I understand I have you to thank for that.

Yeah. Who knew even I could do the right thing, the honorable thing? I owed you one. Especially after I withheld my bone marrow from Rachel to get my immunity deal. I definitely owed you one.

Gabi, I’m grateful to you. You did the right thing, like you said.

Yeah, I’m glad I did it. I’m happy for you, Eric. And I’m kind of proud of myself too. If only my husband weren’t furious with me. [sighs] [liquid pouring] [stopper clinks loudly] [somber music]

Please, Nicole, please don’t go. We need to talk.

I don’t have anything left to say, EJ.

Oh, come on. We’ve weathered worse storms than this.

That’s what you think this is? A storm? Oh, my God, EJ, this is a nightmare, one of your doing. [sobs]

But I love you.

You love me? [crying] Those are empty words, EJ, and ones I don’t want to hear ever again. [keys clinking]

Where are you going?

None of your business. Not anymore. Oh, God. [sobs]

[breathes shakily] [sighs]

I don’t suppose you’d, uh, pour one of those for me now, would you?

Sure. And would you like a drop of arsenic in it as well? Or should I simply stab you in the back? Then we’d be even.

Okay, EJ, I–

You know– [sighs] I’ve always been aware that trusting any member of my family would be a risky enterprise. Still, I overrode my instincts and made a deal with you. I let that despicable Melinda Trask walk so your wife could go free. And what did I ask in return? Your silence. You simply had to do nothing. And you couldn’t even manage that.

Okay, EJ, I don’t expect this to mean much because the damage has already been done.


But this was not some elaborate scheme that Gabi and I cooked up. I had every intention on taking your secret to the grave. Gabi had other ideas.

Mm. Mm. I see. [clears throat] Well, the damage is done. Thanks to your wife, I’ve lost my wife forever. [approaching footsteps] [tense music]

[sighs] Hi.


Hi, so, uh, where are the papers?

Uh, they should be here any minute. Baby, I’m sorry I interrupted your goodbye with Tate.

That’s okay. I got to say bye to him, and I think he’s glad that I didn’t end up driving him to the airport. He hasn’t really been happy with me these days.

Well, I’m sure he’ll come around sooner than later. I actually ran into him in the park earlier.

You did, today?

Yeah. Yes, he was with his friend Aaron?

That’s weird. He didn’t tell me that he ran into you.

Hmm. Well, I’m sure he had his mind on some other things.

Yeah, I’m sure he does.

Okay, you got my ID. You’re checked in for the flight.

Yes, and I’ve checked a bag. Literally don’t worry. As soon as I get on that plane, as far as the world is concerned, Tate Black is spending his summer at lacrosse camp. Which means you guys are free to do, uh, whatever it is you’re gonna do.

I can’t thank you enough, Aaron.

Of course.

Thanks, Aaron, you’re the best.

[exhales] All right, I’ll see you guys in three months.

All right, have fun. [laughs] [gentle music] So where do you want to spend the rest of the summer?

What do you mean, EJ knew?

It’s simple. Stefan found the DNA results for little Jude in the living room safe. And EJ was the one who put them there.

EJ… Is this true? You knew? [camera shutter clicks] [unsettling music]

I will, uh, leave you two alone. [melancholic music]

Nicole, thank God you– thank God you came back. Now we can finally talk.

[knocking on door, door clicks open]



Hey. Wait, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you on a plane to Paris?

Well, I thought you’d like to meet your nephew. [gentle music]

Nicole, please. I know you’re angry. But I can explain.

No, I-I don’t want to hear it. I only came back here to… To pack my things and… [cries] To give you these.

I want a divorce.

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