Days Short Recap Friday, July 12, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Connie had breakfast with Li. She told him about her deal with Bobby. If he kept quiet about seeing her on the night of Li’s murder, she would kill his romantic rival. Li asked if she was going to kill Rafe the way she killed him. She said it wasn’t her fault because it was an act of passion. Connie thought about showing up at their apartment months after their date. He tried to get rid of her because he was having a bad day. Despite what he told her, she pushed herself in his apartment. She talked to him about her dates. Now that things didn’t work out with Melinda, she wondered if they could pick up where they left off. Connie told Li if he said yes to getting together, things would have worked out differently. Rafe asked Marlena if she thought Bobby knew who killed Li. Marlena said Bobby could be playing Jada, but didn’t think he was dangerous. She said people with mental illness was more likely a victim a crime than a perpetrator of one. Rafe didn’t want Jada alone with him. Jada questions Bobby about Li. Bobby flashed back to Connie’s visit. Bobby winced and held his head. After a few moments, he asked why she was calling him Bobby. He said he was Everett. When he didn’t know where he was, Jada went to get help.

Connie flashed back to telling Li that she was getting therapy. He accused her of stalking him. She said it was caring for him. He told her to leave. When she refused to leave, he threatened to call the police. She picked up a knife and stabbed him. Connie decided it wasn’t her fault and blamed Gabi for it. She thought Gabi was the reason why he rejected her. Connie thought Gabi needed to see what she did and decided to text Gabi from Li’s phone. When she was about to leave, someone knocked on the door. She hid when Gil came in looking for Ava. He was shocked to see Li on the floor. The black book fell on the floor. Jada went back to see Everett. Marlena showed up. She recognized Everett. Jada and Marlena told him how Bobby took over. Marlena was happy about his breakthrough but thought he needed to stay a few more days. Everett wanted to get better but he had a relationship and job to go back to. He said he wanted to be in control. Marlena said she didn’t think he was a threat to anyone and signed his release. Connie said she wanted Gabi to get caught standing over Li. She said she was afraid Gil was going to get caught. In the flashback, Gil leaned over and checked Li’s neck. He felt a weak pulse but didn’t want any trouble. Gil picked up his book from the floor and left. When the flashback was over, Connie said if Gil called an ambulance, Li might still be alive. She thought she would have gotten away with everything if it weren’t for Bobby. Everett thanked Marlena for what she did. When Marlena left, Everett thanked Jada. She asked if he remembered talking to her about Li. He was confused. Jada told him to focus on getting well before she left. When Jada left, Everett thought about Connie’s deal. Bobby smiled after the flashback. While at the Salem Inn, Bobby said agreed to keep Connie’s secret safe so she better live up to her end of the bargain. At the cemetery, Rafe talked to Paulina on the phone. Connie came up behind him and stabbed him.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ vowed to get revenge on Stefan and Gabi. Holly came in and wondered why he was upset. EJ told her that Gabi revealed that Jude was Eric’s son. Holly told him she was sorry. He told her he already knew about it. Stefan asked Gabi why she exposed Jude’s paternity. Gabi said she couldn’t let Eric suffer the way she did in prison being away from her child. Stefan said she wanted to stick it to EJ. Nicole told Eric that he is Jude’s father. She told him what Gabi said at the press conference. Eric was excited about the baby being his. Brady asked Theresa if she knew about Alex being Victor’s heir before she slept with him. Theresa acted as if she was insulted by the accusation. She said she wasn’t that person anymore and wanted to be someone her son was proud of. Brady apologized to her and thought she couldn’t be after money since she signed the prenup.

Stefan told Gabi she could have told Eric about Jude in private. He said she chose to humiliate EJ instead because she hated him for what he did to her. Gabi said she hated him because he sent her to prison where she lived in fear every day. She said she spent weeks in solitary and was afraid she would never him or Arianna again. If EJ had his way, she would have been left in prison to rot. She said EJ got what he deserved. When she wanted to go home and forget about what happened, Stefan said they couldn’t. EJ explained to Holly why he kept the secret about Jude’s paternity. He said he was afraid Eric and Nicole were going to reunite. Holly said she was happy that Eric had his son back but didn’t like what EJ did. She said she understood his desperation. EJ thanked her for understanding. Eric told Nicole he couldn’t take the job in Paris now. Nicole said she didn’t think he would. Eric said he couldn’t imagine what EJ was going through. Nicole told him not to feel sorry for EJ. Eric was furious at what EJ did. She said EJ was afraid they would reunite. Stefan told Gabi he loved her, but he was furious with her. He said he wasn’t on EJ’s side, but he promised to keep the secret in exchange for her freedom. Stefan said he thought they could live in peace, but now they had to prepare for a war. He walked away from her. Eric pushes Jude’s stroller past Gabi. He thanked her for telling the truth. She said she did the right thing even if Stefan was furious with her. Stefan showed up at the mansion while EJ was there. He told him he intended to keep his secret, but Gabi had other ideas. EJ told him the damage was done and he lost his wife forever. Nicole showed up. When Stefan left, Nicole told EJ she was there to get her things. She told him she wanted a divorce.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abby went to the Horton house looking for Chad because he wasn’t responding to her texts and calls. Julie told her that he went to Abby’s grave. Kayla hoped that seeing her body would put an end to the speculation that Abby was alive. Julie told her that Jack was upset about the exhumation but agreed to it after seeing Clyde’s video. Kayla declared her dead, but she saw enough miracles to think it was possible for Abby to be alive. Jack and Chad prepared to see Abby’s casket. The crew members opened it, and it was empty. Jack thought they opened the wrong coffin, but Chad insisted it was Abby’s. At the townhouse, Jada asked Marlena if she thought Bobby told the truth about Li’s murder. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to find a way to get back together with her. Marlena wasn’t sure either way. She hoped that Jada could get justice for Li. Connie visited Bobby at the hospital. He flashed back to seeing her in the park after stabbing Li. He wondered if they knew each other. She told him that she overheard Jada tell Rafe that her ex-husband had info about Li’s murder. Connie felt it was important for Li to get justice, so she wanted to know what info he had. Bobby said he couldn’t help her because the info was between him and Jada. Connie wondered if the information was about her.

Rafe went to the cemetery and was surprised to see Abby’s coffin empty. He vowed to make the person who desecrated her coffin pay for what they did. Chad and Jack told him what happened. Rafe wanted the men to take care of the crime scene. He wanted Chad and Jack to process everything, and he would keep in touch with them. Connie remembered someone being behind her at the park, but she didn’t see the person’s face. After listening to the police, she realized Bobby was behind her. Connie told him that she was innocent, but he remembered seeing the blood. He heard her talk about Li. He sarcastically said that was the only thing that tied her to the murder. Connie wanted him to stop talking to Jada about it. Bobby didn’t plan on stopping. Connie told him while he’s stuck at the hospital, Jada went home to Rafe every night. Julie told Kayla and Doug about Abby. Jack and Chad returned to the house. They told them that Abby’s coffin was empty. Everyone wondered if it was a hoax or if Abby really was alive. After everyone left, Doug and Julie got emotional. Julie talked about the little time Chad and Abby had together unlike her and Doug. She told him how much she loved him. Julie talked about their time together. Doug realized he had to change to make himself worthy of her. Julie said he brought out the best in her. He wanted her to kiss him and she gladly obliged. Jack and Chad were at the pub and looked at the grainy footage of the blonde. Chad wanted to find her. Jada and Rafe were at the cemetery and talked about Clyde digging up the coffin to move Abby’s body. They also thought Abby might not have been in there at all. Rafe wanted her to ask Bobby since he’s been helping her with cases. Jada didn’t like what he said, and he apologized to her. Jada told him that she was going to Bayview to see Bobby ID Li’s killer. She hoped Bobby wasn’t lying about what he said. Bobby told Connie that Jada would come around. Connie told him that he’s just a job to her. She made him an offer. If he stopped talking about her, she would take care of Rafe.

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Days Short Recap Monday, July 8, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bobby told Jada that Gil didn’t kill Li. He said he didn’t see the murder but saw who did it. Bobby said he took over when he and Everett moved to Salem. He said Everett didn’t remember but he did. The person’s name escaped him. He pretended to be tired when Jada kept questioning him. Bobby suggested they talked tomorrow. When Connie went in her apartment, she thought about killing Li. She said it was Gabi’s fault that she killed Li. When she wiped her tears, she heard a voice that said Gabi wasn’t the one who stabbed him. Connie was excited that Li was still alive. He said he was dead thanks to her. She thought about killing him but realized no one else knew she did it. Connie said what happened would stay between them. While she was talking, she brought up their date. She asked why he didn’t call her. He said he thought she was crazy. She told him she wasn’t crazy. Connie said she wanted to be close to him which was why she moved in his apartment. He thought it was sentimental. She vowed to get revenge on anyone who was responsible for his loss. When he death was avenged, they could live happily ever after. During the press conference, Gabi said Eric was Jude’s son. Rafe pulled Gabi aside and told her this wasn’t the place to say anything. Gabi said it was the place and was able to prove what she said. Stefan asked her not to say anything. When EJ tried to end the press conference, it didn’t do any good. Nicole wanted to know where Gabi got her information. Gabi said Stefan told her. EJ was upset.

Nicole wanted Stefan to give her answers but he couldn’t. Gabi asked if he was going to call her a liar in front of everyone. Stefan said Gabi told the truth. Gabi said Stefan saw the DNA test. Stefan apologized to EJ, but he didn’t want to hear it. Nicole apologized to EJ. Gabi said he already knew. Nicole asked EJ if it was true. The reporters continued to record Gabi’s statement. Gabi said Melinda used the truth to get an immunity deal. She said Stefan blackmailed EJ to get her released from prison. EJ called Gabi out for being ungrateful. When EJ was about to get her, Rafe stopped him. Nicole yelled at EJ before she walked away. When EJ was going after her, Rafe stopped him and told him he perpetrated a fraud and was an accessory after the fact. EJ told him to take it up with the D.A. At the mansion, EJ told Nicole he didn’t know about Jude at first. He said when Leo told him, he had another test done. After he got the results he was devastated at the idea of raising Eric’s child. He said he made a terrible choice, but he didn’t want to lose her. Nicole said he did lose her. When Nicole was packing Jude’s things, EJ tried to stop her from leaving. He said they have weathered worse storms. She said it was a nightmare of his own doing. He said he loved her. She said she never wanted to hear those words again. When he wanted to know where she was going, she told him it was none of his business. Rafe wanted Gabi and Stefan to give him answers. Stefan said they could talk later, but he needed to talk to Gabi. Gabi told Rafe they would go to the police station tomorrow. When Rafe left, Stefan asked Gabi how she could do this. While Eric was at the airport, he thought about giving Jude back to Nicole. Nicole called him but he ignored the call. She showed up at the airport and told him Jude was his son.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 10. 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie talked to Justin about her surprise that Theresa was willing to sign the prenup. She thought that Theresa could still be marrying Alex for his money. They also realized that she could be doing it for the right reasons. Bonnie left to meet with Sarah. Theresa brought up the prenup with Alex. He thought it was a great way to quiet the naysayers. She thought it was a little insulting. Alex wondered if she had second thoughts about signing the prenup. Maggie walked in the room with the prenup. Theresa told him that she was sure about signing it. Chad called Kayla and let her know that Paulina was allowing him to exhume Abby’s body. He thought there might be a snag since he didn’t hear anything else about it. Jack stormed in the room. Chad let Kayla know that he found the snag in the plan and hung up the phone. Jack heard what he was doing from a friend in the city. He demanded answers from Chad. Chad blurted out that Abby could be alive. Jack refused to believe that Abby was alive. Chad showed him the video Clyde gave him of an obscured blonde woman. Theresa noticed that the prenup stated that she would get nothing if she committed adultery. She wondered if Alex was concerned about him cheating on him. He wasn’t worried about it. She wondered what would happen if he cheated. Alex assured her that she wouldn’t have to worry about that. He thought neither of them would have to worry about that. They kissed and then she signed the papers.

Justin thought about holding Alex as a baby when Xander walked in the pub. They talked about Xander turning down Victor’s money. Xander knew Victor didn’t want him to have it or he would have given it to him. He knew that Justin was hurt the most by Victor’s will. Justin thought about the DNA test results from the past that proved he was Alex’s father, he couldn’t believe that Victor kept that secret from him all those years. Xander wondered if he thought Alex was his son. Justin thought Victor wouldn’t have left Alex half his estate if he wasn’t sure he was his son. He was disappointed that Victor lied to him for years. Justin had a lot of questions about what happened. Since Victor and Anjelica are dead, he wouldn’t be able to get his answers. Jack tried to hold back tears as he watched the video. Paulina called Chad to tell him that the crew was ready to go. It was too late for Jack to get an injunction, but Chad wouldn’t do it if he didn’t approve. He told Jack that he needed to have Abby’s body exhumed. Later, Chad and Jack went to the cemetery. Jack thought what they were doing was ghastly. One of the crew members told them that they were ready to begin.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Portia talks to Jordan because she wants to start a petition to recall Laura as mayor. Laura visits Heather in Pentonville and Heather tells Laura to stop trying to reopen her case because she wants to serve her time for her crimes.

Blaze and Kristina decide to do an interview to tell her fans her side of the story.

Brook Lynn decides to work from home so she be home to take care of Violet.

Chase decides to work at the police station three days a week so he can be there for Violet.

Felicia talks to Cody and tells him to give Mac time to forgive him and he will have the family that he has always wanted his whole life.

Maxie talks to Mac and tries to persuade him to forgive Cody because Cody has changed since he first came to town. Mac thinks Cody can’t be trusted and he has a hidden agenda. Cody arrives at Maxie’s house to return Felicia’s phone which she left at the stables on purpose so Cody would have to return it to her so he and Mac would talk to each other.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sasha makes Cody promise not to leave town without first talking to her if he decides to leave town.

Sasha tells Felicia and Maxie that she knew that Cody was Mac’s son and she switched Cody’s hair sample with hers when Felicia ran her own test, that is why the test Felicia ran come out negative.

Ava talks to Sonny’s pharmacist and tells him to switch Sonny’s bipolar medicine for placebos or she will tell Sonny that he has been giving him a quarter of the bipolar medicine his doctor prescribed.

Willow tossed and turned all night and Michael is worried something is off with her. Michael asks Drew if he has noticed anything off with Willow. Drew tells Michael that Willow is fine and he shouldn’t worry about her. Drew tells Willow that the kiss between them shouldn’t rain their friendship or make things awkward between them because they will be so busy they will soon forget about the kiss.

Jason can’t shake the feeling that there is something strange going on with Sonny’s medication although Carly tells him that she checked and Sonny is taking his medicine. Carly tells Sonny she will testify for him at Avery’s custody hearing.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Cody tells Mac he is his son and he tries to explain why he lied to him but Mac doesn’t listen because he is angry that Cody lied to him and his family.

Cody tells Maxie the truth and he explains that he lied at first because he wanted Leopold Taub’s money but, when he changed his mind about the money, he lied because he didn’t feel worthy to be a part of Mac’s family. Maxie makes Cody promise not to leave town until he gives Mac time to process how he feels about being a father.

Drew tells Willow that if they had met, before she met Michael, their relationship may have led to romance, but she loves Michael so nothing can happen between them. Drew and Willow agree that the kiss that just happened between them will never happen again and the kiss only happened because they were excited about the holiday and they had two drinks.

Curtis persuades Nina and Michael to put their past differences aside and work together to make Aurora Media a better company. Nina thanks Drew for building a bridge between her and Willow. Nina is happy because Willow told her she is glad that she and Michael put aside their differences.

Portia is angry with Laura because Laura is having Heather’s case reopened and she tells Laura she will do everything possible to make sure Heather stays in jail.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 12, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nate helps Audra relieve some stress by going to the park and getting her some tea to calm her nerves. Audra decides to have sex with Nate to get out of her head and have some fun.

Summer talks to Chelsea and Sally about starting a new line targeted at a younger demographic. The new fashion line would be called Marquetti and Summer wants Sally to be the lead designer for the new fashion line. Chelsea thinks it is a great idea, so Summer hires Sally to be the lead designer for the new fashion line. Sally tells Chelsea she always knew that her job as creative director would be temporary and she never would have taken her job from her if Summer was thinking about offering it to her. Sally thanks Chelsea for giving her this opportunity.

Chelsea feels so guilty about having comfort sex with Adam that she shed a few tears and Sally asks her to tell her what is wrong but she makes a quick getaway saying she has to go. Adam is conflicted about helping Victor ruin Jabot because he respects Jack, so he tells Victor he will sleep on it and give him a decision in the morning.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Katie continues to be upset about Claire being her sister. Katie starts sulking when she sees Claire in the park with Harrison and she decides not to go get ice cream with Victoria and Johnny. Harrison later gives Katie flowers to cheer her up because he wants to cheer her up and Katie changes her mind about getting ice cream with her family.

Adam and Chelsea continue to behave nervously around Billy and Sally because they feel guilty about having comfort sex in Baltimore. Adam and Chelsea don’t want to hurt Billy and Sally, so they agree never to tell them the truth about what happened in Baltimore.

Chelsea gets a call from Connor’s doctor who tells her Connor has had a breakthrough and he is out of in-patient treatment and back in outpatient treatment. Connor texts Adam and Chelsea and tells them he wants to video chat with them. Connor tells Adam and Chelsea that, while he was in in-patient treatment, he realized it was up to him to fight his OCD and he could do it because he has people who love him and he deserves to be happy.

Lily finally makes up her mind about what to do and tells Billy she will work with him at Abbott-Chancellor.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Kyle and Summer argue because Summer thinks Kyle is making a mistake moving Kyle out of the Abbott house where he is happy. Summer thinks Kyle can manage living in the same house with his parents for the sake of Harrison’s happiness.

Summer once again brings up changing the custody agreement, but Kyle once again reminds Summer she isn’t Harrison’s biological mother and she will lose a custody battle. Kyle tells Summer that Daniel advised him to put himself in her shoes.

Summer later tells Daniel to stay out of her arguments with Kyle and stop giving her and Kyle advice. Lucy goes by Sharon’s house looking for Faith and notices Sharon looking at pictures of Cassie. Sharon tells Lucy, Cassie was Mariah ‘s twin and she died in a car crash. Sharon later tells Daniel that she told Lucy about Cassie’s car accident, but she didn’t tell her about the role he played in her death.

Lucy later tells Heather she stopped by Sharon ‘s house and she told her about Cassie’s accident. Heather tells Lucy that Daniel has never gotten over what happened to Cassie.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

A guilt-ridden Adam and Chelsea share with Billy and Sally about Connor’s condition. Adam and Chelsea are both distracted because they can’t forget they cheated on Billy and Sally.

Jack tells Diane that he thinks Victor is the mystery investor for Glissade and he is using Kyle against him. Kyle goes to the Jabot offices to gloat about his new job to Diane. Diane tells Kyle that she and Jack love him even if he is making the wrong decisions right now.

Victoria asks Claire if she wants to change her last name to Newman.

Jack goes to Victor’s office to tell him that he will pay for using Kyle against him. Victor tells Jack he has been a bad father to Kyle and he is paying for it now.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Josslynn and Trina finally finish moving in to their apartment with the help of Dex and Gio.

Trina finds the art book that Spencer gave her and starts missing him. Gio tells Trina his mother died when he was eleven years-old and he misses her very much.

Drew tells Curtis he plans to announce he is running for Congress at the Quartermaine 4th of July picnic. Drew is
happy that his name is officially Quartermaine.

Blaze gets dropped from her record label because of the bad publicity and she is heartbroken. Brook Lynn is determined to make sure Blaze doesn’t give up on her dream of being a famous singer. Maxie tells Blaze that they will resume the advertising campaign with her in the fall once the bad publicity goes away but Blaze thanks its best to quit Deception.

Dante tries to persuade Sonny not to retaliate against Ava for Avery’s sake but he says Ava went after Kristina
and she has to pay.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

The Deception team decides to support Blaze by running an ad in Crimson magazine which says ” no one cancels love ” with the Deception logo at the bottom.

Lucy tells Scott that if he doesn’t drop Ava’s custody case, he won’t get any romance with her. Scott goes to Ava’s place and tells her he is dropping her case because she can’t win against Sonny unless Sonny has a very public life so miserable breakdown.

Sasha tells Blaze to not talk to the press or look at the internet and the scandal will go away. Sonny tells Alexis that he is going to make Ava’s life so miserable she will wish she was dead. Sonny tells Alexis Diane will make sure Avery will never lay eyes on Avery again. Carly tells Josslynn the details of then evidence the FBI has against her and that Jason became an FBI informant to keep her from going to prison. Josslynn agrees with Jason that Carly should not turn herself in to the FBI. Nina almost fires Adrain DeWitt from his position as editor of The Invader but Maxie persuades her not to do it because Mr. DeWitt will have to print what she wants in the paper and if he disobey her orders she will ruin his reputation by exposing the role he played in this scandal.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea agree that having sex was a mistake because they drank too much bourbon. Adam calls Sally and tells her if they don’t hear news about Connor tomorrow, he is going to go home because he needs to be with her. Chelsea calls Billy and tells him that she will head home tomorrow if there is no news about Connor. Chelsea tells Billy she misses him and needs to be with him.

Kyle assures Victor that he didn’t tell Jack or Diane about his job at Glissade. Kyle tells Victor that Diane thinks he is going to work for Newman Enterprises.

Summer tells Nick and Phyllis that Kyle is going to work at Glissade with Audra because she took over the company with the help of a secret investor.

Summer tells Nick and Phyllis she wants to go to court and get sole custody of Harrison because she feels that Kyle is making reckless decisions. Nick tells Summer she might not get custody of Harrison because she isn’t his biological mother. Nick tells Summer she would have to prove Kyle is a bad father or that Harrison wasn’t safe at home. Diane asks Summer talk to Kyle and keep him from moving out of the house. Summer didn’t know that Kyle was going to move out of the house. Summer tells Diane she never should have let things get this far with Kyle and she needs to fix the situation.

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Days Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Marlena went to see Bobby, but he only wanted to talk to Jada. She wanted to get him to open up about Everett’s past. He wanted to go back to reading his book. Marlena felt like they couldn’t keep going on like that. Bobby felt they could. She left his room. Jada let Rafe know that she saw Bobby. Rafe reminded her that he’s not real. She said he was real to her. He apologized for what he said. Jada told him that Bobby had information about a murder. Rafe thought Bobby was manipulating her, but she wanted to hear what he had to say. He thought Bobby could get violent and wanted her to stay away from him. Melinda met with Kristen at the square she ran into Connie. She remembered that Connie had an issue with her. Connie admitted that she was upset that Li was attracted to her. Kristen wasn’t sure why EJ wanted her to hire her. She wondered why Melinda wanted to work for DiMera Enterprises. Melinda could try to put her disdain for her aside and work with her, but Kristen didn’t think she could do it. EJ told Stefan that he wanted Gabi to announce at the press conference how he played a big role in her release. Stefan laughed and reminded him that he helped her because he blackmailed him. Gabi walked in while they were talking. EJ expected them both at his press conference. Stefan assured him they would be there. After EJ left, Gabi wanted the truth about her release from prison. She overheard him talking about EJ being blackmailed and wanted to know about it. Stefan told her that EJ wasn’t Jude’s father. Eric went to The Spectator to tell her that he got a job in Paris. He said he was leaving that day. She told him that she would miss him. He said he would miss her too. Eric thought it might be for the best since EJ didn’t want them to work together. Nicole let him know that EJ saw them kissing. Eric would react the same way EJ did. They hugged each other.

Jada assured Rafe that Bobby wouldn’t hurt her, but he thought it was a risk. She reminded him that it’s her job. Jada wondered if he would feel that way about a male cop. He reminded her that he’s not dating them. Rafe wanted to go with her. Jada told him that he wouldn’t talk if she didn’t go alone. She wanted to go alone. Rafe hated the idea, but he agreed to it. Kristen didn’t want to keep looking over her shoulder every time Melinda was around. Melinda assured her that wouldn’t happen. EJ arrived and joined them at the table. He offered his DiMera shares to make sure he hired Melinda. Kristen was skeptical, but she agreed to it. After Kirsten left, EJ reminded Melinda to keep her mouth shut about Jude’s paternity. Melinda swore Nicole wouldn’t hear the truth from her. Nicole wanted to know what they were talking about. EJ wanted to tell her that Kristen hired Melinda. After Melinda left, Nicole told EJ that Eric took a job in Paris. EJ thought that was for the best. Gabi wanted to tell Eric the truth. She hated being separated from Arianna. Gabi refused to let Eric go through the same thing. Stefan reminded her that EJ came through for them when they needed him. He didn’t think they needed another war with EJ. Gabi understood but didn’t want Eric to lose his child. Stefan understood, but he didn’t want to risk losing their happiness. Gabi agreed to do things his way. Jada went to Bobby to talk about the murder. He wanted to get released first. She thought he was playing games with her and turned to leave. Bobby stopped her from going. Rafe showed up at EJ’s press conference to support Gabi. Connie interrupted them to tell Gabi she was happy that she got released from prison. She knew Li wouldn’t want her to be punished for Li’s murder. Connie walked away. Rafe thought that was strange. Connie went to Li’s apartment and opened the door. She remembered stabbing him.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie and Justin were celebrating the holiday when she mentioned an engagement. He thought she was talking about Xander and Sarah. Alex approached them and said it was his engagement. Justin tensed up at the idea of him getting married. Alex knew Justin didn’t trust Theresa. Brady let Theresa know that he wanted to send Tate to lacrosse camp. It would put space between Tate and Holly. Tate called Holly to see if she still wanted to run away with him. She didn’t know how they would pull off running away together. He had a plan for them to get away. After she got off the phone with Tate, Holly saw Rachel staring at her. Rachel wanted to know what she was plotting with her brother. Holly told her they wanted to be together and asked her not to tell anyone. Rachel didn’t want to lie so she pulled out the phone to call Nicole, but Holly took it from her. Maggie went to see Xander. She offered him a check for his share of Victor’s estate. Maggie felt he deserved it because of the way he stepped up for the family. He appreciated the gesture, but he couldn’t accept it. Justin warned Alex to be careful when it concerned Theresa. Alex didn’t need his cousinly advice. He wanted to do what his father did and follow his gut. Justin reminded him that Victor didn’t like Theresa. Alex reminded him that Victor gave him half of his estate which meant that he trusted his instincts. Justin ordered him to make Thersa sign a prenup. Alex got defensive, but Justin wanted him to protect himself. He asked if he thought about it before. Alex flashed back to his conversation with Brady about Theresa going after him for his money. He assured Justin that he would be okay. Theresa walked in and wondered if they were talking about a prenup.

Tate looked at the lacrosse brochure when Aaron arrived at the pub. He wanted to go to a camp like that. Tate thought it was perfect because he could go in his place. No one knew what Tate looked like so he could go in his place. Tate thought colleges would come after him after going to the camp. Aaron liked the idea and accepted his offer. Holly bribed Rachel with perfume to keep her from talking about her and Tate. Brady showed up and wondered what they were talking about. He told Holly about Tate going to lacrosse camp. She pretended to be upset but said she understood. He thought they could talk about their relationship again in the fall. If they could prove themselves trustworthy, they could date in their senior year. Justin told Theresa about the prenup. Theresa told him that she loved Alex before she found out he was Victor’s son. Alex thought about Brady’s theory about Theresa. Theresa asked Alex if he trusted her. He said he did. She offered to sign the prenup to prove that she loves him. Justin asked if she wanted him to draw up the prenup. She told him to do it.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Paulina wanted Kayla to tell her Chanel’s miscarriage wasn’t her fault. Kayla was willing to do it, but she couldn’t tell her anything without Chanel’s permission. Chanel told Johnny that she had a dream about being at the baby shower. She said they were happy and then she woke up and realized they would never know if their baby was a boy or a girl. They would never hold their baby. Johnny consoled her. Marlena told Stephanie that Bobby was still in control of Everett. She said Bobby has been protecting Everett for most of his life which was why it was hard to break through. Marlena said someone who knew Everett might be able to help him. She said since they didn’t know his family Stephanie was their best bet to getting through to Everett. Stephanie agreed to help. Jada told Steve she had to book him on a felony. Steve asked if the deal Justin was working on for him fell through. Jada said a plea deal was still a possibility. Since he confessed to a crime, she had to book him. She said he could face up to five years in prison. Johnny got a call from the director. He found out the director replaced him. Johnny told Chanel the only place he wanted to be was beside her. Steve told Jada that Clyde double crossed him at the airfield after he broke him out of prison. He said Goldman knocked him out and then they left. While Steve was talking, Jada turned off the recorder and told him what he was saying wasn’t true. She thought Ava helped him, but Steve said she didn’t. Jada said two people were wearing hazmat suits got Clyde out. She asked if John was the other one. He said he wasn’t.

When Johnny wheeled Chanel into the hospital lobby, they ran into Paulina. Paulina said she loved her and would regret for the rest of her life. Chanel told Johnny that she wanted to go home. Kayla showed up. When Chanel gave Kayla consent to talk about the miscarriage she said the miscarriage wasn’t caused by the radiation exposure. Kayla said she had a partial molar pregnancy that happened at conception. She said the fetus wasn’t viable which meant she was going to lose the baby. Chanel hugged Paulina. She apologized for blaming Paulina. Paulina said she didn’t need to apologize. Kayla said she wanted to monitor her for a couple of months. Paulina said they were moving away. Chanel said they decided to stay in Salem. When Marlena and Stephanie went to Bobby’s room, he told them to leave. Stephanie tried to reach out to Everett, but Bobby told her to shut up. He said she abandoned Everett when things got tough. Bobby said he protects Everett from people like her. He insulted Stephanie. She said she wanted to hear from Everett and forced him to come out. Marlena said it wasn’t working so they should leave. She said Everett would never be free and safe until he confronted his issues. Bobby said Everett only made it this far because of him. He said if they kept pushing, no one would see Everett again.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve went to see Marlena. He let her know that he turned himself in for helping Clyde escape. Steve told her that he didn’t tell the police about John and Ava. He let her know that Jada didn’t buy that he did it alone so she might ask questions. Steve thought John would have been back from Greece by now. Marlena let him know that they haven’t talked since John left. She thought John didn’t want to come home. Marlena informed Steve that John tried to kill him before he left for Greece. He was shocked by what he heard. Stephanie went to the police station and insisted that Jada talk to Bobby. She thought Jada was the only one who could convince him to bring Everett out. Bobby hid his meds. He was happy with the way things were with Everett out of the way. Julie wanted Chad to stop looking at the video. He looked at the screen and wondered if the person was Abby. Chad wondered if she was out there somewhere. He felt like he should recognize his wife. Julie told him that Clyde wanted to drive him crazy. He thought about the night Kayla told him that Abby was gone. Chad wondered if Kayla could have missed something. Julie thought he should talk to Kayla. Marlena told Steve what happened when John tried to kill him. She felt like John was staying away because he didn’t want to hurt him. Steve thought he had to be the one to bring him home if he gets probation. He felt like everything that happened was his fault. Steve owed his life to John.

Bobby was reading when Jada showed up. He let her know that was reading the mystery she recommended. Bobby assumed Marlena or Stephanie urged her to visit him. Jada told him they were worried about him. She realized that he wasn’t responsible for the things she blamed him for. Bobby told her that he never stopped loving her and didn’t mean to hurt her. He wondered if they could get past what happened. She accepted his apology and said she cared about him. He got upset when he realized she was there for Everett. Jada reminded him that she was with Rafe now. She said Everett is host personality while Bobby is the alter ego. Bobby got offended by what she said. He told her about what he protected Everett from. She thought he should let Everett out to face the truth. Chad went to Kayla’s office. He showed her the footage of the mystery woman. She couldn’t tell if the woman was Abby or not. He wondered if it was possible that Abby could be alive. She thought it was possible. While Steve was at the penthouse, Justin called him to tell him that he had a suspended sentence and had to serve 100 hours of community service. Steve told Marlena the news, so he could go to Greece to get John. Marlena was grateful and knew John would be too. Jada thought Bobby should let Everett out and that he would always be part of him. Bobby told her that he could help solve a crime. If Everett came back, she’ll never know the truth. Jada wondered what crime he was talking about. He told her that it was a murder. Kayla talked to Chad about the people who have died and came back to life in Salem so it was possible that Abby could be alive. She said that there are drugs that could mimic death. Kayla said there was no autopsy done on Abby, but the funeral home would have embalmed her. There was one way to find out the truth. Later, Chad ran into Paulina to ask her to exhume Abby’s body.

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Days Short Recap Monday, July 1, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady called Kristen and asked if he could take her to see the fireworks. While they were talking, they got in an argument. When Brady got off the phone, Tate confronted him about saying his children meant everything to him. Tate wanted Brady to prove it by helping him with his mother and letting him see Holly. Holly talked to Eric and apologized for Jude. She talked to him about being grounded again. In her mind, it was no way to live. Eric said he wished he could do something. Holly asked him to talk to Nicole. Melinda told EJ that there was nothing keeping her from telling Nicole the truth since she has immunity. When Nicole walked in, she wanted to know what was going on. EJ told Nicole he gave Melinda immunity. Nicole tried to attack Melinda for kidnapping her son and lying to Eric. Melinda said there was something she could do to help Eric. Ava saw Kristen at the Bistro. She talked to Kristen about Harris leaving town. Ava said she thought he wasn’t leaving to help Hope. He was leaving because of her mistakes. Ava told Kristen that no one could find out that she slept with Stefan. Brady told Tate that Theresa overreacted about the prom, but he still lied to them. He gave Tate a brochure to a lacrosse camp in New York. It would give Theresa time to cool off. Brady told Tate that they could talk about him being able to see Holly in the fall. Tate refused to go to the camp.

Eric told Holly that he needed to give Nicole space. He said he was leaving Salem. Holly said he couldn’t leave. She said they would all miss him. Holly asked him to talk to Nicole about her and Tate. He said it wasn’t his place to give out parenting advice. The decision was up to Nicole and EJ. When Melinda was about to tell Nicole how she could help Eric, Stefan and Gabi came in. EJ pretended to be happy to see Gabi, but she didn’t believe him. He walked Melinda out so they could celebrate as a family. When EJ and Melinda were at the door, she yelled at him for stealing her job. He offered her another job. EJ let her know that if she opened her mouth about what he did she would never work again. EJ offered her a job as DiMera counsel. Melinda told him that Kristen killed her daughter. She said he wasn’t in a position to offer that job. EJ said Kristen would hire her out of guilt over Haley. He said she will have money and power. When Nicole came out, she wanted to know why Melinda was still there. Kristen told Ava her secret was safe with her. They toasted to Kristen’s new job. When Ava told her about her job at the pub, Kristen offered her a job at DiMera. Kristen said she needed an ally at work. She said EJ would hate it. Ava accepted the job. Brady told Tate he didn’t have a choice about the camp. Tate said Brady didn’t want to see him and Holly happy together or separately. Brady reminded him that they had two dates that ended badly. He told Tate that he put a down payment on the camp so he was going whether he liked it or not. Holly told Eric that EJ didn’t care about her as much as his other kids. She said it was only a matter of time when Nicole and EJ broke up. Holly said she wished Nicole stayed with him. She asked Eric not to leave Salem. He said he would pray that things got better. EJ told Nicole that he and Melinda were talking about an important case. Melinda said they resolved their problem before she left. Nicole asked EJ why he would give Melinda immunity. EJ said he didn’t have a choice because Rafe and Stefan were desperate to free Gabi who was innocent. Nicole said Melinda wasn’t innocent. She told him she wanted to be alone. Nicole thought about Eric telling her he was leaving town. While Eric was alone, he looked at his phone and saw a job offer in Paris.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Jack tells Victor that he should only come after him and stop using Kyle. Jack tells Victor to stay away from his family or there will be hell to pay.

Kyle tells Jack and Diane that if he gets his old job back, he will not move out of the house with Harrison. Jack refuses to give in to Kyle’s demands so Kyle tells them he is moving out of the house. Diane tells Jack she will try one more time to fix the relationship between her and Kyle because they are mother and son and they have come too far to lose their relationship.

Adam and Chelsea share memories of Connor while they drink bourbon but then Chelsea gets sad and cries because she doesn’t know if Connor will be home for Thanksgiving. Adam holds Chelsea and then they kiss. The kissing turns to comfort sex which they both regret once they realize what they have done.

Billy and Sally talk about what Connor is going through and how heartbreaking it is on Adam and Chelsea. Sally thinks that she and Billy should go surprise Adam and Chelsea in Maryland, but Billy doesn’t think they should do that because Chelsea told him that she and Adam needed to concentrate on Connor. Billy and Sally decide not to go to Maryland and just say goodnight after having coffee together.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Diane to start researching how to get sole custody of Avery because he doesn’t want Ava to raise her. Diane tells Sonny that Avery isn’t a baby anymore and she might hate him for taking her away from her mother. Sonny tells Diane that he would rather have Avery hate him than have her grow up and be like her mother.

The team at Deception finally pays attention to the alerts on their phones and reads the article on the Invader website and hears the recording of Natalia talking about Blaze and Kristina. Blaze is hurt by what her mother said on the recording and walks out of the room. Maxie tells Natalia that Deception’s relationship with Blaze will change but it isn’t because she is way. Natalia struggles to remember with whom she had the conversation that was recorded.

Kristina worries about Blaze and how hurt she must be by the recording. Blaze tells Kristina that this is all her fault because she didn’t tell her fans the truth about being gay. Blaze tells Kristina they should break up and Kristina thinks that this shouldn’t end their relationship. The Deception team tries to figure out the best way to handle this public relations crisis.

Alexis tells DeWitt she will sue him and the Invader unless he tells her the name of the person who gave him that recording. Sonny tells Diane that the person who gave that recording to the Invader hurt Kristina and when he finds out the identity of that person they have a target on their back. Alexis arrives at Ava’s hotel room to talk to her. Natalia tells Sonny that she finally remembered who she was talking to when she was recorded. Natalia tells Sonny the person who recorded her was Ava Jerome.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Audra and Nate have dinner and celebrate her new job at Glissade. Nate and Audra kiss after their date.

Chance tells Summer that Chancellor-Winters is going to split up and Billy wants him to be COO of the newly formed Abbott -Chancellor. Chance isn’t sure he wants to take the job because he is afraid that Billy has a hidden agenda.

Billy figures out that Lily has been conning him and she intends to kick him to the curb once the two companies split and return to work with Devon at Hamilton Winters. Lily tells Billy that she needs time to think and he should stop pressuring her.

Diane tells Jack about her conversation with Michael. She and Michael think that Victor wants to use Kyle to restart their old feud because he is angry about what happened with Nikki the night he persuaded her to go to rehab.

Kyle is so angry with Diane for firing him that he tells his parents that he and Harrison are moving out of the house and he will find his own place. Jack and Diane ask Kyle not to leave his family home over business differences between them. Kyle thinks things will get more tense between them soon so it is best he find his own place.

Jack sends Victor a text message asking if they can talk.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Michael invites Diane for a Chai latte and a talk and, while they are talking, Diane figures out Michael is trying to get information from her for Victor. Michael decides to tell Diane that Victor asked him to befriend her as a loyalty test for Victor. Michael also tells Diane Victor asked Cole to befriend Kyle and Michael. He suspects that Kyle’s new job may be connected to Newman Enterprises. Michael tells Diane that he thinks Victor is going after Jack, but he doesn’t know what Victor’s plan is yet. Michael thinks he will need to step in to save Victor from himself and he doesn’t want Diane to get caught in the crossfire of the latest war between Jack and Victor. Victor sees Michael and Diane talking and tells her that he knows Kyle has another job.

Kyle has a date with Claire and he tells her coffee Summer wants to revisit their custody arrangement because he doesn’t approve of his business relationship with Audra.

Kyle tells Audra he thinks Victor wants to use Glissade against Jack but, despite his doubts, he intends to make Glissade a success.

Jack tells Nikki Diane fired Kyle because he kept undermining her authority. Jack also tells Nikki he and Diane think Kyle has a new job. Diane tells Jack that Victor talked to her and he already knew Kyle left Jabot. Kyle comes home and Jack asks him what is going on between him and Victor.

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Days Short Recap Friday, June 28, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chanel told Johnny that she enjoyed having a life growing inside of her. It was a life they made together. Johnny offered to get her things from home. She told him not to let her mother in if she shows up. He agreed not to let her in the room. Abe comforted Paulina at the hospital. Johnny walked by them, so Abe offered his condolences. Paulina wanted to sit with Chanel, but Johnny told her that she didn’t want to see her. He wanted Paulina to respect Chanel’s wishes. Eric stopped by the paper to let Nicole know that he might be leaving Salem. He applied for jobs in other cities and hoped that he heard from one of them. Nicole wondered if he was leaving because it was too painful to be around Jude. He needed time away to accept that he’s not Jude’s father. EJ called Rafe and told him that he needed him to find Melinda for Gabi to be freed from prison. Rafe believed his guys could track her down. He didn’t think Melinda would give up Clyde’s book without an immunity deal. EJ ordered Rafe to find Melinda. He would deal with the rest. Gabi was happy to reunite with Stefan. She was happy to be out of solitary even though she kept getting beaten up. Gabi didn’t want to focus on that because they didn’t have much time together. Stefan told her they would have more time together because she was going free. She wanted to believe him, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. Stefan told her about the plan with EJ. She reminded him that EJ did everything in his power to put her in prison. Stefan assured her that EJ was on their side now. Gabi wondered what changed his mind.

Melinda walked into the interrogation room. Rafe demanded Clyde’s book in exchange for immunity. Melinda was suspicious. She wondered why EJ would agree to that. EJ sent Stefan an update when Johnny walked in the room. He told EJ about Chanel losing the baby. EJ was sympathetic towards him, but he got upset. Johnny reminded him that he never wanted them to have the baby. EJ was genuinely sorry and wanted what he wanted. They hugged each other. Paulina told Abe that Mark couldn’t confirm whether the baby died because of Chanel’s exposure to radiation. Abe told her not to blame herself. She knew that Chanel blamed her for it. Abe went to Chanel’s room to offer his condolences. He tried to plead Paulina’s case, but she lashed out at him. She didn’t want to talk about her mother. He agreed and held her. Nicole tried to calm Jude down, but she had trouble doing it. Eric told her what to do. Nicole knew that Jude would miss him. Eric told her that Jude has her now. She didn’t want him to move, but she understood why he was leaving. Stefan lied to Gabi about EJ helping them out of loyalty. Gabi knew there was more to it than that. Stefan read EJ’s text about Rafe being on the case. He assured her that she would be getting out of prison soon. Rafe told Melinda that Stefan convinced EJ to give her the immunity. Melinda was skeptical, but she agreed to give him the book. She would do it after the deal was finalized. Abe left Chanel’s room as Johnny returned. Chanel told him that Abe tried to defend Paulina. She knew he would always stand by Paulina’s side. Johnny said he would be by her side too. She told him they could make their flight so he could pursue his dream. His dream was being with her. Melinda arrived at the DiMera mansion to thank him for the immunity deal. Now there’s nothing he could do when she tells Nicole that he’s not Jude’s father. EJ wondered why she would do that. She said she would do it out of spite. Melinda told him that he took her job and destroy her life without a second thought. She’s going to do the same thing to him. Nicole walked in the room and wondered what was going on.

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