Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Julie stared blankly when Chad arrived at the house. She confessed that she couldn’t go to bed because it was lonely without her Doug. Julie was feeling depressed because of losing Doug. She blamed herself for not seeing what was happening with Doug. He never complained about how he felt. She blamed herself for losing Doug. Chad told her that she was a great wife. Doug was a lucky man because he had her. Chad understood how she felt and told her that it was part of the grieving process to feel responsible. He felt that way when Abby died. Julie understood that, but she didn’t know who to be anymore. He assured her that she would figure it out Julie shifted gears and talked to him about grieving Abby again. Chad said he didn’t have to worry about that anymore since Cat was in Canada while her mother was in custody. He wasn’t sure when he would see her again, but he noticed a different side to her. Chad realized that she was trying to save her mother’s life. Cat wasn’t forgiven yet, but he understood her better than before. His comment made Julie wonder if he had feelings for Cat. Chad assured her that nothing would ever happen with Cat. Cat approached Marlena in the town square. She apologized for her behavior. Marlena understood how Clyde operated. Cat appreciated it and wanted to talk to John about what happened with her mother. Marlena invited her to sit with her and let her know that John wasn’t in Salem. Cat explained everything that happened to her mother. Victor sent John to Greece to save her mother from Konstantin. He helped fake her death so she could get away from him. John saved her life. Marlena was grateful to hear the story.
Holly wanted to know why Doug didn’t go to the police about what happened to him. He admitted that he stole the Horton necklace to repay his debt. Unfortunately, he didn’t have enough money. Holly was upset, but Doug said he cared about Julie. He couldn’t tell Julie the truth about what he did. Doug didn’t want her to tell Holly the truth either. Xander complained about the letter that Philip had from Victor. He told Sarah that Philip didn’t want to go along with his plan to go after DiMera Enterprises. Xander was willing to do something underhanded to get the company. Sarah wasn’t thrilled about his plan either because she wanted him to be there for her and Victoria. He assured her that his family was the most important thing to him. Stephanie was shocked to hear Philip admit the letter from Victor was fake. After Philip got off the phone, she confronted him about his call. Philip admitted that Vivian forged the letter from Victor. Stephanie called him a fraud and told him about what he could have done to her and Belle’s careers. Philip wanted to explain everything over dinner. She refused to go out with him and told him it was over between them. Philip wanted to understand why she wanted to end their relationship over what he did. She told him that what he did was a crime, and she refused to let him put her in danger again. He thought she wanted to end things because she wanted Alex. She didn’t care what he thought about that because she was done with him. Chad was in the town square and ran into Cat. Marlena reached out to Shane to let him know what Cat told her. Xander opened his laptop to think of ways to increase Titan’s profits. He was upset about Victor’s letter to Philip. Philip apologized to Stephanie on her voicemail. He hoped that she wouldn’t tell anyone about the forged letter. Stephanie ran into Sarah and told her that Philip didn’t have any business being co-CEO at Titan.
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