Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Julie sits alone in the living room of the Horton house in the dark until Chad comes in and turns on the lights. Chad asks what she was doing sitting in the dark. Julie says she just dozed off. Chad says it’s late and suggests she get upstairs to bed. Julie responds that she dreads going upstairs, so she puts it off as long as she can. Chad says he understands. Julie points out that Doug isn’t there, so it’s lonely.
Holly tells Doug III that she will put his shirt in the wash, but first she needs him to tell her the truth. She says she backed him up with Sarah but she wants the truth as to why he didn’t want her to call the police. He then informs her that he had a run-in with the police before coming to Salem which she questions. He explains that he was in a bar fight and ended up in jail for a few days, so he didn’t want to risk getting in trouble again. Holly asks how he could get in trouble when he was the victim of getting mugged, but something’s telling her there is more to the story.
Xander tells Sarah that he hated the idea of splitting Titan with Philip, but he was holding on to hope that it wouldn’t be so terrible. Xander tells her that today was a disaster and talks about how Philip dragged the other desk in to his office, so they are already having major problems on their first day. Xander complains that Philip is going to undermine his every decision. Sarah tells Xander that he will have to get used to it because of the judge’s ruling. Xander says it’s all because of that stupid letter.
At the Titan office, Philip talks on the phone to Kate and says that he and Xander are off to a rocky start because he squashed one of his big plans, but he controls 50% of the company so Xander will not prevail. Philip assures Kate that there is no way that Xander will find out the letter Victor supposedly wrote him was forgery, so he tells her not to worry about it right as Stephanie arrives to the office. Philip says that as of now, Xander has no clue that the letter isn’t real so as far as he and everyone else are concerned, his claim to Titan is completely legit. Stephanie is shocked as she overhears him and backs out of the room as Philip finishes the call. Stephanie then enters the office. Philip says he was just getting ready to pick her up. Stephanie says she was in the area so she figured she’d save him the trouble and asks if it was a long day. Philip talks about clashing with Xander already and wishing he didn’t have to work with him, but there’s nothing he can do since he only controls 50% of the company. Stephanie remarks that it’s better than zero percent which is what he deserves. Philip questions her, so Stephanie reveals that she heard him on the phone that he’s been lying to everyone including her.
Xander complains to Sarah that Philip is going to ruin everything. Sarah asks what else he did besides share the office. Xander talks about working on a plan that would make Victor proud but Philip nixed the whole thing without even considering it. Sarah asks what the plan was. Xander reveals it was to obliterate the DiMeras.
Chad tells Julie that they don’t have to rush her to bed and they can stay here to catch up. Julie feels he must be tired but Chad says he’s good. Julie says he’s so kind to her and she knows he understands. Chad remembers how hard it was after Abigail died, to go crawl in to an empty bed. Chad states that Julie shared her bed with Doug for 50 years. Julie talks about a friend in California and when her husband died, she said she felt the absence of his presence every hour of every day. Julie says that those words are haunting her now. Julie feels she should’ve done more for Doug and should’ve seen that he was failing but he never complained and was always cheerful. Julie feels she should’ve seen he wasn’t doing well and taken him to the doctor. Julie asks if she just didn’t want to see it or if she is responsible because she wasn’t paying attention, but now it’s too late. Chad assures her that she was an incredible wife and Doug was lucky to have her. Chad says this feeling of not doing enough is just part of the grieving process as he felt the same thing after Abigail died, like he should’ve been able to prevent it or loved her more in what turned out to be her final days. Julie cries that Doug is gone and she can’t seem to figure out who she is now. Chad promises that she will and encourages her to just be patient. Chad adds that a lot of people love her and need her. Julie thanks him for saying that and says she will remember that. Julie adds that she’s always concerned about Chad, especially with what he went through lately in thinking Abigail was alive and grieving for her all over again. Chad responds that they don’t have to worry about that anymore because Cat Greene left town, so she’s gone.
Cat approaches Marlena in the town square and reminds Marlena of who she is. Marlena remembers Cat was pretending to be Abigail when they first met. Cat apologizes for that deception and says she’s ashamed. Marlena understands that Clyde pressured her in to doing that and they all know what he’s capable of and what that can do to a person. Cat thanks her for saying that. Cat hoped Marlena had a minute as she wanted to talk to her about her husband.
Holly tells Doug III that she wants to hear the full story. He admits that he lied about getting mugged and that those guys were collecting money that he owed their boss. Holly asks why they beat him up. He says it’s because he came up a lot short and that was their way of showing him they aren’t happy about it. Holly realizes that’s the real reason he didn’t want her to call the police. He tells her that there’s another problem and asks if he can trust her for real. Holly assures that he can. Doug III then reveals he did something awful and illegal to get the money he did have.
Julie asks Chad about Cat leaving Salem. Chad explains that she took her brother and sister to Vancouver to see her mom and she’s going to try to take care of her family and do the right thing. Julie says it’s late for that now and asks about Cat’s mother being in the mental institution. Chad says she will likely be there for awhile, so he doesn’t know when or if Cat will be back. Julie hopes she never comes back.
Marlena questions Cat wanting to talk about John. Cat clarifies that she wants to talk to John and asks if they can set up a time. Marlena informs her that John is away for awhile and they’re not sure when he will be around, but suggests maybe she could talk to her. Cat isn’t sure if Marlena is aware of her mother. Marlena acknowledges her as Konstantin’s daughter. Cat reveals that she just got back from visiting her in Vancouver and Catharina told her what really happened all those years ago in Greece, so she felt like she should relay that to John. Marlena says she’d like to hear that story herself and invites Cat to join her table.
Sarah asks Xander how he was going to obliterate the DiMeras. Xander says it was a hostile takeover and he had it all planned out but Philip felt it would affect Stephanie. Sarah says she can’t blame him for being concerned because she knows what it’s like to be collateral damage of Kristen DiMera. Xander insists he would’ve found a way to protect Sarah and complains that Philip has a problem with the way he does business and doesn’t like his tactics. Sarah asks what tactics those are.
Stephanie informs Philip that she heard him telling Kate how he forged the letter from Victor. Philip admits it and informs her that it was technically Vivian who forged it. Philip explains that Vivian tracked him down in New York and convinced him to stake his claim on the company. Stephanie asks if she forced him to go along with her wicked little scheme. Philip argues that Vivian was right that he deserves to run Titan and he truly believes that’s what Victor would have wanted. Stephanie argues that Victor would’ve wrote the letter then, put him in his will, or found some other way but he didn’t. Stephanie declares that this means Titan belongs to Xander and that Philip is a total fraud. Philip thinks that’s a bit harsh. Philip argues that everyone knows he was Victor’s heir apparent. Stephanie says he still committed fraud upon a court. Stephanie can’t believe Belle helped him pull it off. Philip assures she had no idea the letter was fake. Stephanie says people will believe she knew and it could ruin Belle’s career and her career too.
Sarah asks Xander about his tactics. Xander admits that in order to get his hands on DiMera, he would have to bend the rules slightly and break the law a little. Xander argues that it’s nothing Kristen wouldn’t do and brings up Philip laundering Ava’s mob money through Titan before, but now he has a problem with how he does things. Sarah tells Xander that she doesn’t like it either.
Holly asks Doug III if he stole the money. He says sort of which she questions. Doug III brings up the diamond necklace from the time capsule. Holly thought Julie’s brother Steven stole it. Doug III reveals that’s what everyone thinks, but it was him who stole it.
Julie feels Chad is not as negative about Cat Greene as she is. Chad says he hates what she did but guesses he started to see her in a different light when they were in Vancouver. Chad says he saw the connection she had with her mother and it made it hard to ignore that she was just a girl trying to save her mother’s life. Chad acknowledges that Clyde put her in an impossible position. Julie still thinks she could’ve handled things differently. Chad states that Cat felt bad and thinks her remorse was genuine. Julie asks if he’s forgiven her. Chad wouldn’t say that, but he understands her actions a bit more. Chad admits they had a pretty good chat before she left and he told her that he was happy she would be able to reunite with her family. Julie questions if Chad is having feelings for Cat.
Cat explains to Marlena that Catharina recently learned that John had been blaming himself for her supposed death all those years ago, but John actually saved her from a terrible situation which Marlena asks about. Cat informs her that her grandmother Elizabeth was trapped in an abusive marriage to Konstantin and she was desperate to leave but knew he’d never let her go, so she reached out to Victor who sent John to Greece to fake Catharina’s death. Cat adds that once that happened, Elizabeth was able to leave Konstantin and secretly raise her daughter in the States, so thanks to John, they were both able to escape the horrible abusive situation. Marlena realizes that John was actually there to help. Cat confirms that John saved Catharina’s life and calls him a hero. Marlena calls this such important information and says that John will be so relieved to hear it. Cat says that he has her mom’s eternal gratitude. Marlena thanks Cat for sharing that story. Cat says she’s just relieved to be lifting someone’s spirits for a change.
Chad tells Julie that Cat has been through a lot and he does feel bad for her for what Clyde put her through, but he wouldn’t say they are friends as what she did was still terrible even if she was being blackmailed. Chad acknowledges that Cat hurt him badly and he will never forget that. Chad assures Julie that nothing is going to happen between he and Cat.
Holly questions Doug III stealing from Julie. He tells her how guilty he felt, especially since Julie has been so kind to him. He says he thought about giving the necklace back but he needed the money fast, so he had someone sell it. Holly points out that the necklace is gone for good and Julie thinks her brother is responsible. Doug III says he can’t come clean because he can’t live with Julie knowing that he screwed her over since he really cares about her and she cares about him because he reminds her of Doug. He declares that he can’t tell Julie the truth and he really hopes Holly doesn’t either.
Sarah tells Xander that doing something that might land him in prison is not okay with her as he needs to be here for her and Victoria. Xander assures that nothing is more important to him than they are and he wants them to be proud of him. Xander promises that from here on out, he’s devoting his life to earning her love and respect. Sarah promises that she will devote her life from here on out to keeping him in line. Xander calls her the expert at that as they kiss.
Stephanie asks Philip if it never occurred to him that if people found out about his fraud, they might think she was in on it and helping deceive the public in to believing that he was a poor victim deprived of his birth right. Philip argues that he was and if he overcame his demons sooner, Victor would have given him the company. Stephanie calls that speculation and says the will is solid which means Philip stole the company from Xander. Philip complains that Xander deserved it as he’s not an upstanding guy either. Stephanie argues that she never would’ve done PR for him if she knew he was pulling this scheme. Stephanie accuses Philip of using her. Philip asks if they can talk about this over dinner. Stephanie tells him there is no dinner and declares they are through, professionally and personally. Philip questions her seriously breaking things off over this. Stephanie questions him thinking it’s no big deal that he stole a company through a fraud. Stephanie calls it a felony and complains that he pulled her and Belle in to it. Stephanie calls him the same Philip who would go to any extremes for his family’s company and the same Philip who almost got her killed. Stephanie says she’ll be damned if she lets that happen again. Philip accuses her of just making up excuses because she never wanted their relationship to work in the first place since she still wants to be with Alex. Stephanie tells him to stop with that. Philip brings up Stephanie dreaming about Alex this morning and says if she’s going to end things between them, she could at least be honest about why. Stephanie says he’s the one who has a problem with honesty, not her. Stephanie tells him to believe whatever the hell he wants because she’s done here as she then storms out of the office.
Sarah tells Xander that her job at home is to keep him in line but says she wants to go back at work at the hospital since she is back on her feet. Sarah feels it’s time to start seeing patients. Xander calls that great news and he’s delighted that she’s feeling up to it. Sarah decides she will go talk to Kayla about it tonight. They kiss before Sarah goes.
Marlena asks Cat what her plan is and if she’s going back to Vancouver. Cat reveals she plans to stay in Salem and that her brother Aaron is going to stay with their mom in Vancouver, since he had enough credits to graduate early. Cat notes that she will stay in Salem to take care of their little sister Felicity which Marlena calls a big responsibility. Cat says she will figure it out and her first order of business is finding a job. Marlena informs Cat that her assistant is moving away so they are looking for her replacement and asks if that would interest her. Cat says that would be amazing and asks if she would really consider that. Marlena believes in second chances and says she’d have to run it by Kayla. Marlena tells Cat to call her office in the morning to set up an interview. Cat thanks her and says she has no idea how much this means to her.
Chad tells Julie that he’s supposed to be the one comforting her. Julie says comforting him comforts her. Chad gets a text from the Spectator that there’s an issue with tomorrow’s paper so he has to go. Julie says she will look after the kids and tells him to go. Chad tells Julie that after Abigail died, he found it helped when he talked to Marlena, so maybe she could do the same. Julie agrees to think about it as Chad then exits.
Doug III asks if Holly won’t rat him out. Holly says she promised not to say a word so she will stick to that. Doug III thanks her. Holly says she doesn’t approve of what he did but she gets that his life was in danger. He says it still is as he needs to find a way to pay back what he owes or else next time, those guys will do more than just beat him up. Doug III says he needs to find a job to pay them back as quick as he can, but it will take forever and he’s not dealing with patient people. Holly asks what if she gave him the money. He calls that such a kind offer but doesn’t think she understands how much he owes. Holly informs him that her Grandmother is super rich, so she could ask for a loan and come up with a reason. He says he can’t ask her to lie to her Grandma. Holly says he’s not asking, she’s offering. He questions why she would do that for him when they barely know each other. Holly says he’s been there for her through this drama with Tate and she likes him so she doesn’t want to see him die, so they have no other choice. Doug III says they have to agree that he will pay her back but it will take some time. They shake hands on the deal. Holly says now she will try to get the blood out of his shirt and exits the room.
Julie starts to go upstairs but stops and decides not tonight, so she heads back to the living room to sleep on the couch.
Cat finishes a call about Felicity and then runs in to Chad in the town square.
Marlena calls Shane and says she knows that John is deep undercover, but asks if he could get her in touch with John because there’s something really important that he needs to know.
Xander opens his laptop and says he’ll have to find another way to raise Titan’s profits with Philip’s approval. Xander looks to the portrait of Victor and says all of this is his fault as none of this would be happening if he hadn’t written that damn letter.
Philip calls Stephanie and leaves a message, saying he’s sorry about their fight and he understands why she doesn’t want to see him anymore, but asks her to call him back right away because he needs to know she won’t tell anyone about the letter being forged.
Stephanie goes to the hospital looking for Kayla but finds Sarah, who says that she was told that Kayla left. Sarah asks if Stephanie is alright. Stephanie says not really as she and Philip just got in a huge fight about Xander. Sarah knows Xander and Philip got into an argument but she was hoping they’d keep their worst instincts in check, but she doesn’t know if the co-CEO thing is a good idea. Stephanie responds that it’s not and calls it a fiasco because Philip has no business being CEO in the first place.
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