Opinion Article
We have to scratch our heads when we watch EJ on the show. What are the writers doing with his character? Do they want us to love him or hate him? He didn’t want Arnold (Fake Rafe) to be with Jada because of what he did to Sami when he was around the first time. It’s good that he didn’t want that to happen a second time. Thumbs up to EJ for wanting to do the right thing. With that said, he dragged Rafe to the tunnels at the DiMera mansion to clean up Arnold’s mess. He felt like Rafe got what he deserved because he wouldn’t leave the mansion when he wanted him to go. Rafe was dumbed down in that moment, but this rant is about EJ. Do the writers want us to be confused about him? He needs to make up his mind about what he wants to do. For example, he kept Rafe in the tunnels and gave him access to his phone. What type of villain would do something like that? He definitely should have taken his phone from him. Jada could have figured out what happened. We know that was wishful thinking, but she might have realized that Rafe was missing. EJ can’t have it both ways. He can’t turn a blind eye when Arnold pursues Jada and then warn him not to do anything with her.
It’s time to shift gears and rant about someone else. Joy had us yelling at the screen. Chanel confronted Joy about making out with Johnny. It should have been a classic moment, but it didn’t turn out that way. Joy had an attitude when Chanel confronted her. She should have humbled herself when Chanel had every right to be mad at her. Joy had the nerve to say that she didn’t ask her to befriend her. We couldn’t believe our ears. Chanel wasn’t the one in the wrong. Joy and Johnny were wrong. They made out and kept the truth from Chanel. She had every right to confront Joy about her role in the secret. Joy has a nasty attitude considering Chanel was trying to be a friend to her. We hoped the value would be bigger since they were friends but that didn’t happen. Joy’s response made the showdown fall flat. If she humbled herself, we would have enjoyed the scene better.
We wonder what we’re supposed to think about Amy (Sophia’s mother). She is a conservative woman and wants her daughter to keep her baby. It looks like the writers are trying to make Amy look like a bad woman for having old fashioned values. Amy is pro-life and there’s nothing wrong with that. For some reason, the writers are choosing to make her look like a monster for wanting Sophia to keep her baby and get married. We know the writers want us to root for Tate and Holly so anyone who keeps them apart will be considered a villain. It must be Amy’s turn now that Sophia has been destroyed. We are being manipulated into hating her character because she wants Tate and Sophia to own up to what they did. On a side note, Holly said the consenting age in Salem was 17 when she wanted to be with Johnny. If that’s true, how come Sophia had to leave Salem to get an abortion? We know that Amy has to be the new interloper for Tate and Holly’s relationship, so she wanted him to marry Sophia. Back to the point of our rant. Tate and Sophia wanted to get an abortion to fix their careless mistake. We are pro-choice and don’t have an issue with abortion. Tate and Sophia decided to get the abortion because the baby was an inconvenience. She could have given the baby up for adoption. For some reason, they didn’t want to consider that option.
Brady and Kristen talked about Rachel’s behavior. They needed to have a conversation about her because she’s out of control. Rachel’s behavior needed to be addressed. They talked about her sending the texts to Ava. Brady suggested they get her help before her attitude gets worse. We applaud the writers for having parents have a conversation like that about their troubled daughter. Kristen tried to defend her, but she had to give in once Brady told her that Rachel would get like them.
The writers showed Julie mourning Doug. We weren’t sure if they were going to have her break down anymore once Doug III arrived. She seemed like she was over Doug’s death once he got there. It broke our hearts to hear her talk about feeling responsible for Doug dying. Most people felt that way when they lost the people they loved. We wonder what we could have done differently. Could one action prevent the person you love from dying? Susan Seaforth-Hayes lost Bill Hayes (Doug) in real life, so watching her grieve on the show was like seeing her pain. We applaud her for her realistic performance.
Writers on shows tend to create stories to get us to shift our opinions about certain characters. We see it happening with Stephanie. They go overboard getting us to believe that Stephanie is a hot character. The woman has been linked to at least five men since she’s been back on the show. She has been with Alex, Chad, Everett, Philip and made out with Harris before he left the show. Stephanie hasn’t been back that long, but she has done her share of bed-hopping. We understand people don’t have to settle with one person, but she is getting around on the show. It’s time for other characters to have fun on the show besides Stephanie. Our next rant has to do with Stephanie too.
Stephanie must be a villain on the show. The only people who overhear things on the show are villains. She overheard Philip’s conversation with Kate. He admitted that Victor’s letter was forged. Stephanie conveniently heard him admit to that. We didn’t think it would get revealed that fast. She told him off for risking her career with the forgery. Philip was stupid to talk about something like that on the phone. Kate already knew that no one could find out, so what was the point of the conversation? He was clearly supposed to get caught that way. Stephanie thought about Alex while she was sleeping in bed with Philip, so it helped her that she heard that conversation. It’s the ticket she needed to get away from Philip. We couldn’t believe that Philip got caught that way. He should have been smarter than that because he did something that could make him go to jail. We think the writers are trying to make us root for Xander while destroying Philip’s character once again.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.
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