Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 13, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Holly from Days


-The music playing in Everett and Stephanie’s scene drowned them out.

-Jada could be heard shuffling papers while Stephanie was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Eric while Kristen was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Nicole while EJ was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Sloan while Stephanie was shown.


-Holly apologized to Tate for the fight she had with her mother earlier. The fight should have happened the day before since it happened on Mother’s Day.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Alex while Tate was shown.

-Brady could be heard opening a door while Theresa and Alex were shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Theresa while Holly was shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Stefan while Rafe was shown.

-When did Roman become Tate’s grandfather? Tate said he had to help his grandfather at the pub. Roman is Tate’s uncle not his grandfather.


-The music playing in Rafe and Ava’s scene could be heard while Eric was shown.

-Sloan could be heard talking to Leo while Kristen was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to EJ while Leo was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Ava while Nicole was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking on the phone while Ava was shown.


-Steve could be heard talking to Kayla while Sarah and Xander were shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Maggie while John and Marlena were shown.

-Marlena could be heard talking to John while Alex was shown.

-Sarah could be heard talking to Xander while Jada was shown.


-Marlena suddenly noticed that Jude smiles like Eric. Why didn’t she notice it sooner?

-The music playing in Stefan’s scene could be heard while Ava was shown.

-Stefan referred to EJ as his big brother, but Stefan is the older one.

-Steve could be heard talking to Ava while Nicole was shown.


Sloan from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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