Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: Adam. Listen. Um, I really appreciate you coming by to give your decision in person. But, you know, there’s really no reason to belabor this. Thank you for everything that you did for Newman Media, and we promise to take very good care of it from here. And good luck in your future endeavor.

Adam: Wow, you are very sure of yourself.

Victoria: That’s because you and I both know that this is the only answer that makes any sense.

Adam: Then call me crazy, but I’m not moving on to another job. I’m gonna stay with the company once the sale goes through.

Victoria: Is that right?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Hm.

Adam: I’m a team player, and I didn’t want to dump such an important piece of family legacy in your lap when you already have so much on your plate.


Nick: So, where did this interest in business come from, because I had not heard this before.

Faith: I really liked the econ class that I took, and i have some great role models in our family. I really look up to aunt Victoria, Summer, and grandma. Mom, too — she’s worked in the business world before, not to mention running this place. So, maybe I inherited the gene.

Nick: Your mother is definitely inspirational. And I have every “faith” in you, too. See what I did there?

Faith: Ugh! Dad!

Nick: Look, kid. You know I’m your biggest fan. I think you’re so smart and driven, and I believe you can do whatever you want in this world, including business, if that’s what you decide to pursue.

Faith: Thank you. And I’m not saying for sure i want to do this yet, but I do like the idea. So, I at least want to explore it.

Nick: Yeah, well, the good news is, you don’t have to decide right now, right? You can try all kinds of things and then make a choice when it feels right.

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