Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Kyle tells Claire if she wants to leave some of her clothes in his room for when she spends the night. Kyle also tells Claire that he could ask his mom to put some extra closet space in his room at the house since the house is being work today. Kyle also persuades Claire to call in sick to her job for the first time ever so they can spend the day together.

Kyle sends a text message to Jack and tells him that he ate some bad clams and can’t come into work today. Claire texts the same message to Nikki. Nikki and Jack know that Kyle and Claire aren’t sick but they let them take the day off. Jack and Nikki promise that they will do everything they can to support Kyle and Claire ‘s relationship.

Sharon tells Tracy about what the kidnapper put her and Phyllis through in the abandoned psychiatric clinic. Sharon tells Traci about the distorted voice that came through the intercom. Sharon explains to Traci that she thinks that the person had a phycologist background because the person knew a lot about human behavior. Sharon tells Traci that before they got rescued they had a gas leak in the room where they were held and if Billy, Chance, and Nick hadn’t arrived they would have died.

Traci remembers one of the text messages she saw on Alan’s phone that said “unexpected gas expulsion precautions taken.” Traci leaves a message on Alan’s voice mail telling him she can’t go to Paris because her book publisher wants to talk to her about her book. Traci is crying when Jack arrives at Crimson Lights. Traci asks Jack she needs him to tell her that she isn’t making the biggest mistake of her life.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon and Phyllis have a long talk and decide to work together to slowly let go of the hatred they have always had for each other and at least try to be civil towards each other.

Victor tells Lily that he thinks Aristotle Dumas is going to try to take over Winters Inc. Victor thinks that Dumas sent Damian to town to insinuate himself into her family because Dumas sent
Damian information about her family three months before Damian came to Genoa City.

Lily later tells Devon what Victor told her and that she doesn’t think they should trust Damian.

Sally wonders why Aristotle Dumas is calling Billy on the phone and sending him so many text messages. Billy tells Sally that Dumas wanted to congratulate him on the upcoming launch of Abbott Communications. Billy also tells Sally that Dumas also found out that Jill took Abbott Chancellor away from him and sold it to Victor. Billy tells Sally that Dumas is keeping an eye on Abbott Communications because he might want to invest in the company. Billy later returns Aristotle Dumas’s call and tells him he’s got the quid pro quo he promised to give him.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Nick asks Sharon if she ever thinks that they should get back together. Sharon tells Nick that she has thought about it before but she hasn’t had fantasies about them getting back together. Nick tells Sharon he has also thought about them getting back together but he is scared he will hurt her again and that will ruin their friendship. Nick also tells Sharon that he doesn’t want to go to England with her because he thinks she should spend time with Mariah, Noah, and Faith so she can heal her ideal love. Sharon persuades Nick take more time to think about going England with her.

Traci tells Jack that she and Alan want to get married in Paris. Jack worries that Traci wants to elope, but Traci promises Jack that she and Alan won’t elope. Traci asks Jack to walk her down the aisle and he is honored to accept. Traci tells Jack, Kyle, and Diane about Alan’s phone being hacked. Traci also tells them about the strange messages Alan got on his phone about a security breach at the clinic.

Kyle tells Jack, Diane, and Traci that Phyllis and Sharon were held captive at an abandoned clinic just outside of town. Traci considers telling Alan what Kyle told her but decides not to do it because the two events couldn’t possibly be connected it is just a strange coincidence.

Chelsea surprises Adam with a lunch of quiche Lorraine and the cake she made for him when they were first dating. Adam tastes the cake and tells her that it is much better than the cake she made him when they were first dating because that cake was inedible. Adam and Chelsea make love because Chelsea is ready to make the most of their second chance.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Amy gets admitted to the hospital in Chicago because a spot opened up in the Clinical trial for the experimental drug. Damian and Nate get a call from Amy telling them that she is in the Clinical trial so Damian and Nate decide to go to Chicago to support Amy.

Holden and Audra have lunch, and Audra reminds Holden that they are just friends. Devon and Lily see Audra and Holden having lunch and Lily tells Devon that she can’t shake the feeling that Damian and Holden are hiding something from Nate.

Summer has lunch with Kyle because Claire can’t have lunch with him because she has to go back to work. Summer tells Kyle she thinks Victor wants them to get back together and that is why he doesn’t approve of his relationship with Claire.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, March 17, 2025

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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

All right. One lavender latte and one brownie. Thank you.

Is that Mariah?

Yeah. And I also spoke to Noah. And I hugged Faith so hard, I made her squeak. As worried as I was about myself when I was in that clinic, I was so much more worried about what the kids were going through, not knowing where I was. Only you, after going through something like that, would be worried about everyone else. Are you sure you’re cool here? Do you want to go home and get some rest? No. This is exactly where I want to be. Everyone is so happy and living their lives and free. And now I am, too. All because of you. Man, I cannot believe that Phyllis and Sharon have been held captive this whole time and that whoever did it gave you clues to find them. I mean, that’s like the strangest kidnapping I’ve ever heard of. You have no idea. Well, I also can’t believe that you just dove in and followed through on tracking them down. Well, when the picture of Phyllis and Sharon came through from the actual person who kidnapped them, there was no way that I wasn’t gonna do something about it. What if it had been a trap? If there was the slightest chance that I was able to save Phyllis, I was gonna do it.

Mom. Oh, my God!

Thank God.

My babies.

Oh, my gosh. We were going up to your room. I thought that you would be resting. Are you okay? I am now that I’ve seen you two. Yeah, we’ve been worried sick. What happened? All right, the ladies said they found a camera in here, so my guess is there’s gotta be more. They also said that this sicko was here while they were sleeping, so maybe he left a trail. I don’t know. We just gotta find it. Now, I know this place is trashed, but I want to fingerprint the surfaces and look for anything. Does not matter how small. Anything that could lead us to whoever did this. You know, I say we do the town, go big. I want to show the woman I love– What are you doing? What Phyllis and Sharon just went through– And, I mean, I just– I’m the jerk that assumed that Phyllis went rogue on me. You had no way of knowing. I didn’t give her the benefit of the doubt at all. I literally took her name out of the press release for our company. Who does that? Billy, do not blame yourself. I should have trusted her, Sally. I should have known that she wouldn’t just bail on me like that. She is committed to this company just as much as I am, and I thought that she just took off. I should have known that something was wrong, and I– I didn’t. Well, I assume whoever was holding Phyllis forced her to tell some bogus stories so that her friends and family wouldn’t come looking for her. And that worked too damn well. Man, I just– I keep thinking about how terrifying that it must have been for Phyllis and Sharon, and you. I’m really glad you’re okay. I’m just glad we got there when we did. Why is that? When we finally… broke into the building and found out where they were, the room was filled with gas. I mean, literally, if we were five minutes later, Phyllis and Sharon… would be dead. This might be a long shot, but I’m hoping we can find some prints that don’t belong to the victims. Now, if we can do that, we can at least ID whoever did this and get one step closer to explaining his connection to Phyllis and Sharon. Mmm. I did not realize how much I took things like this for granted until I was locked away. Twice. [sighs] Just being able to go out and enjoy this coffee or my brownie. I never thought about how fortunate I am, we are, to be able to simply live our lives or make the most basic choice until all control was taken completely out of my hands. To be that helpless for someone as strong as you, there’s nothing easy about that. It’s behind me now. And part of retaking control of my life is finding out who did this to Phyllis and me. Is it too soon to ask you if there’s anything you remember about this, something that could give us some clue as to who was behind it? Would you believe that at one point, we actually wondered if the kidnapper really was someone that we knew? Like one of our own kids. Why would you possibly think that? Because whoever was responsible for this, they just knew so much about Phyllis and me, about her history, our hatred, how that’s impacted our families, our kids. And the whole new level that was taken to when Heather was murdered. Being locked in that room, searching for answers, we just let our minds go there that one of our kids could be trying to teach us a lesson. Yeah, I get it. But the problem with that is none of our kids are capable of doing anything like that. No, of course. You’re right. I don’t know that we actually really believed that. We were just desperate to find an answer about who would want to force us to face our past, our demons, and all of the bad stuff that we’ve been through. Man, talk about some extreme therapy. It was more like an attempted exorcism. Was it successful? Food. Food is good. Mom, you have no idea how happy it’s made me seeing you devour that burger. Same. Mmm. This is great. And this right here is very medicinal. Mmm. [sighs] I love this ’cause I have a choice. I have a choice between, um, salad and fries, but it’s not really a choice because I’d take the fries. But, um, I like it because it’s not poison. Um, I’m sorry. Was there poison in your food? I am just– I’m so happy that I’m here– take my hand–with my babies. Mom. Hey, you don’t have to pretend like everything’s fine. Yeah, or try and protect us. We want to hear everything. Everything, from the beginning. How did this even happen? Um… I–I was minding my own business, and I– I woke up in, um– in an abandoned, uh, psychiatric clinic with Sharon. And we tried to find a way out, but, um, we couldn’t. Trust me, we tried. Listen, there was never any ransom demand. So what was the point of the kidnapping? Was it just, like, a sick game? I don’t know. Uh… The person who did it made it clear that it was more than a game, that it was some weird experiment and that Sharon and I had to work together to finally get free. Mom, this person hasn’t been caught yet. That means that you’re still in danger. I’m sorry. I, um– I wasn’t snooping, I promise. It’s just that your phone was making this very strange alert sound, and I thought there was something wrong, so I grabbed your phone to see if it was going to burst into flames or something. You hear stories about that sort of thing happening. And that’s when I saw the alert, this strange alert. “Security breach at clinic. Precautions enacted.” What? It is none of my business. Of course it isn’t. I’m just trying to help. Well, was it a gas leak? It was on purpose. He rigged the gas to start leaking if Phyllis and Sharon tried to escape. That’s insane. Well, I mean, it’s a miracle that you and Nick and Chance showed up when you did. I mean, at least it’s a happy ending. Oh, I agree. But it won’t be a happy ending until they’re caught. Right now, whoever did this is still roaming the streets of Genoa City. Yeah, it’s terrifying knowing someone so evil is just out there. What happens next? We hope that Chance and the police can find out who it is before they do something this diabolical or, God forbid, worse to someone else. I need a bag over here. Summer, I mean it. Please don’t do that. Don’t freak out, please. Wait. How can I not freak out? Okay, I have protection. I have a lot of protection. I have GC’s finest. Chance, um, is leading the pack. Uh, hey, I don’t want you guys to worry more than you already have. Listen, I’m very happy to hear that you have protection, but whoever did this, they’ve already managed to evade the authorities so far. So, yeah, we’re gonna worry about you. Listen, whoever did this isn’t getting away with it, let me tell you that.

I will hunt them down…


…and I will find them.

No. You can’t come for my family and expect me to sit back. No. You are not gonna go vigilante. There’s no way you can do that. It’s way too dangerous. Just promise us you’ll let the police take care of this. Oh, I will. No. No. I want you to say it. I want you to say all the words. “I promise I will let the police take care of this.” I promise I’ll let the police take care of this. That was very convincing. Thank you. Great. I guess we can move on. What I would like to know is, you said that you and Sharon, you were forced to work together. Whoever did this knew about… our– our decades of hostility toward each other and knew about our past and would give us riddles and tests, um, based on– based on our history. What happened? Well, at one point, I drank some water, and there was poison in it. And, oh, man, I was– It was so much pain. It was so much pain. I mean, I was paralyzed with pain. And Sharon screamed out for help, but the help that they gave was another riddle, and it was my life. My life was a punchline. Look, thank God Sharon obviously figured it out. That’s the irony. If it weren’t for Sharon, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now. [voice cracking] I wouldn’t be sitting here with my beautiful babies. This may sound strange, but I do want to believe that what Phyllis and I went through was ironically cathartic to whatever extent. How? The riddles we had to solve, working together to win the game so that we could go home, we did, in fact, face down some of our issues, maybe even come to terms with some of them. The most horrific part may also have been the most revealing. When you are forced to save each other’s lives? Yes. Can you talk to me about that? I mean, if it’s too soon, obviously you don’t have to. No. It’s all right. Um, Phyllis was the first one to be poisoned. One minute she was fine, and then the next, it was like she was dying right before my eyes. I’m guessing you were given a riddle to solve. And I did. I solved it. I found the antidote in time. We thought at that point that had to be the worst of it, but the next morning, Phyllis found me barely alive. I don’t know what it was or how it happened, but something caused my heart to slow down and almost stop. I am alive right now because Phyllis administered CPR. I mean, it’s so twisted to push you both that close to death for their own entertainment. It’s insane. Well, the Voice insisted that all of this was not about entertainment. It was more like some sort of psychological experiment. But they were playing God with your lives. They were ready to watch you die. Who does something that heinous? I-I’m so sorry. I hope I haven’t upset you. No, not at all. I’m… [sighs] And, you know, as for these messages, I don’t know what they are. I’ve been receiving alerts like this for a couple of days now, and once I saw “security breach,” I… Well–[sighs] I haven’t opened my phone since for fear that it’s been hacked. And if I do open it, then my data could be exposed. So that’s why I overreacted when I saw you holding it. And I please hope you forgive me for being a little intense about it. Mmm. That is good. And it’s no surprise that you’re so incredibly tense. Well, whatever you’re doing is helping. Thank you. [exhales] You know, I’m amazed at how much you risked to help your friends. As much as I would love to nail that son of a bitch and make them feel the pain that Sharon and Phyllis did, I will be more than happy to hand in my cape for a corporate jacket and let Chance and the GCPD handle it from here. Is that a promise? I promise you. Once Phyllis is okay and she’s back on her feet, it’s all about Abbott Communications and taking that company to the stratosphere. Not wearing a cape doesn’t make you any less of a hero, in case you were wondering. God, Mom, I– I’m just so glad that Sharon saved your life. Yeah, I am, too. You said that you had to save each other’s lives? Yeah. The next day, I woke up and Sharon didn’t have a heartbeat.


Let me guess. Another riddle. Yeah. So it was in a card, actually. Luckily, I figured it out. And, um, I know CPR, so… I got Sharon alive and kicking. Wow. Listen, I gotta ask. You said that you and Sharon, you did work together. Were you able to work through any of that mutual anger that the two of you have? I think that, um, Sharon and I have… a new appreciation for each other’s strengths. Look, I… don’t even want to bring up his name, but… is there any chance that Ian Ward survived and he was the one behind all of this? Um, I thought the same thing, but Chance assured me that his body was cremated. I believe that. I’ll tell you, this freak has to be found. They have to be found sooner rather than later. I still can’t get over how much this person knew about me and Phyllis. And not just our history. About our personalities and what makes us tick. Makes me think whoever this is has some sort of experience in the field of psychology. You think? They knew what games to play that would push all the right buttons. Like pitting us against each other and then compelling us to work together. Forcing us to confront our hatred and distrust and then make choices that were literally life or death. I mean, it sounds like war games, not psychology. Sure felt like war at times. But I can’t help but think how similar this is to aversion therapy or desensitization therapy. It’s almost like you said earlier some sort of twisted therapeutic intervention. [sighs] I’m just so glad that you and Phyllis made it out of this. That’s all that matters. But right now, we really need to figure out who is behind this so they can never hurt anyone ever again. Well, of course I forgive you. And I am so sorry that I never even considered that this could be about your privacy. I can see why you would be really worried that some crazy hacker is trying to get all your personal data. What do you think about just starting with a new phone? You know what? That is a good idea. Anyway, it’s probably silly of me to have never opened it anyway. But, you know, I just wanted to be extra careful, that’s all. Wait. You–You have. You did. You texted me when you went out to get the engagement ring. You texted me to let me know you were on your way back to the club. You had to open your phone for that. Right? You know, you’re right. I did open it to text you earlier. Ha. You know, I must have been so excited to get back to my beautiful fiancée that I forgot about the risk. Besides, you know, it’s probably already been hacked and too late to do anything about it anyway. I would just feel so bad if I’m responsible for this somehow. Honey, this is not your fault. You did not know what was going on, and you were just trying to help. Yes, but your information might be out there, and someone might be using it. Ah. If they are, who cares? You know, and as a therapist, it would be interesting to feel what it’s like to have your identity stolen. Hmm? To be victimized like that, stripped of who you are…[chuckles] by some criminal who’s using your identity for their own nefarious purposes. That must be devastating psychologically. Maybe that would be an interesting experiment for me to face that, you know, to experience those feelings. But you already have, in Paris, when your brother Martin pretended to be you. [knocking] PHYLLIS: Billy? Hey, Billy, are you in here? [Sally sighs] Yeah, Phyllis. Come in. Ooh, hey. Oh, gosh. Am I interrupting? No, no, you’re–you’re fine. You look good. You look, well, better than the last time I saw you. Oh, yeah. Well, it is amazing, you know, what-what, uh, a shower and freedom will do. Yeah, Billy told me what happened. I’m really glad you’re okay. Thank you. I am, too. You know, it’s nice. I just kept on thinking about the people I love and that got me through, so… Hey, listen, I’m fine. Uh, well, I’m surprised to see you out and about. I just wanted to know if maybe we could have a conversation. You know what? That’s actually perfect timing ’cause I have to get back to the office. Okay. Thank you. I’ll catch up in a second. [Phyllis clears throat]

Take care of yourself.

Thank you. Thanks. That is the plan. So, what do you want to talk about? I’m not fine. [labored breathing] I’m not fine. I need my life back. You’re the only one who can help me. You want another latte? No. I think I’ve had enough caffeine. Although this was especially delicious. Hey, guys. I hope you don’t mind. Your security detail told me where to find you. I hope you tracked us down because you have an update. Yes. I just came from the clinic. We bagged a number of items, and now we’re just waiting for a fingerprint hit.

I hope you get it.

Yeah. It’s gotta be a long shot, right? I mean, the kidnapper must have been wearing gloves. Yeah, sort of. But I do have some good news. Now, we were able to trace the purchase of a remote-controlled apparatus that was attached to the gas line that was triggered. Now, I checked with the landlord. The device was definitely not there before. Turns out it was bought at a hardware store not far from the clinic. So, I just want you to know… I’m–I’m ready. I’m ready to jump into Abbott Communications. We are going to have the biggest, baddest launch ever. And I’m– I just wanted to apologize. I’m sorry. No, Phyllis, please do not. There’s no reason to apologize. I am sorry. I am. I’m sorry. Because we had a timeline. We had a timeline that was blown to bits…


…because what happened– Hold on a second, okay? You were kidnapped, okay? You were just kidnapped. We almost lost you, all right? I don’t care about the business. Not when your well-being is at risk. Just take some time. It’s all good. We’ll figure it out. We’ll launch this company. There’s no doubt about that. But you just need to take some time. No, I’m fine. We had a strategy, and I screwed it up. We had a whole strategy. Phyllis, take some time, okay? Please. That’s an order. Okay, listen, listen. I want you to listen to me. You know what helped me when, um– when I was stuck there? I just–Obviously, I just kept on thinking about seeing my kids again. [sniffles] Um… But what helped me was knowing that I was coming back to Abbott Communications. Ah, come on. Billy, man, we’re building something so strong. We’re not just going to be outliers. We’re going to be leaders in the community. We are changing things for the better. We are building something so great. Us, with my son by my side. So…it’s so important to me. I need this now. [exhales] I need it. Now. Today. Not tomorrow. Not one day when I feel better. I need it now, okay? Please. Please. And I’ll be fine. It’s the only way I’m gonna get past what was taken from me. What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna analyze the hardware store security footage and see if anyone goes in there that you or Phyllis recognize. Well, I’ve been running through everyone I know, anyone I’ve brushed paths with. And other than Phyllis, I can’t think of anyone else who hates me as much as she did. Well, weirdly, thanks to our captor, even she doesn’t hate me as much as she used to. Sure. Yeah. I still need to bring her up to speed, but it very well could be that your abductor is someone that you two know. Look, there’s a pretty good chance that Phyllis has a list of people who hold a grudge against her, but this kind of insanity is next level. Well, let’s just hope the footage gives us a face that one of you recognize. Let’s get back to talking about the wedding. Okay. You know, that’s one of my favorite subjects.

Mine, too.

[both chuckle] While you were in the shower, I might have gone on the Internet and looked up a few ideas. A lot of options. And it’s pretty overwhelming. First, do we want to get married in Genoa City with family and friends nearby? I mean–And if so, where? A quaint little chapel? Or maybe we could get married at my house. I think that’d be a lovely place to get married. And according to Diane, it’s going to be even lovelier after the refresh. I’m sure it will be. [chuckles] But then I had another idea. I’m all ears. What do you think about going back to Paris, where we have so many memories of getting to know each other? Okay, maybe they weren’t all wonderful. Oh, no. You’ve brought so much joy into my life that all the not so wonderful parts I’ve forgotten about. Oh! But you have given me… more than you will ever know. And that’s why I want our wedding to be just perfect. Um, we could also do the toes-in-the-sand beach thing. That seems to be very popular. As long as I’m marrying you, I don’t care where. Oh! [chuckles] [cell phone pings] [sighs] Okay, this is kind of strange. What possible kind of hack could this be? Look, why do you keep asking questions about this phone? I told you, some crazy person hacked me, and I can’t control what they do, okay? Not how many messages they send me. Look, it’s off, all right? Won’t bother you anymore. [sighs] I was worried about it because I thought it would bother you. You’re right. I’m– I’m sorry I snapped. I– Look, honestly, this whole thing is stressing me out, and that’s not fair to you. And–[sighs] you know– We’re in love. We just got engaged. We’re gonna spend the rest of our life together, and that’s all that matters. You know what? This idea of getting married in Paris, that is starting to grow on me. Do you think we should, jump on a jet, maybe check out some venues? Look, I get it, okay? I mean, you want to feel like you’re on solid ground and that you’ve got your life back under control, but it’s really important that you don’t take on more than you can actually handle right now. Listen, I-I-I know what I need. I know. And I need the excitement and energy of launching our company, and that–that is gonna get me past this.

I know that.

No, I hear you. I do. But–I mean, Phyllis, are you–you’re sure? It’s, uh– You’ve just been through a lot. I know. Hey. I’m positive, okay?


Okay. All right. Good, good. Good, good, good. Where do you want to start? With the press release? Yeah. Look, I–I need to make a confession. Oh. A confession. Okay. Go for it. [sighs] Phyllis, I thought you went AWOL on me. I did. And I was an idiot. And the press release went out, and– I–Hey. I get it. Business is business. Phyllis, the press release went out without your name attached to it. Oh. Excuse me. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry. I was an idiot. I made a mistake. I–I– Don’t worry about it. I–You thought I bailed on you.

I understand.

I was an idiot, okay? I made a mistake, and I realized it very quickly. I–I understand. After the press release went out, you realized that… Phyllis, I–I realized that you would never bail on me. I realized that you would never bail on this company, not after working so hard to bring Daniel on board everything. And I-I-I-I started to– I realized you were in trouble. Can I ask you a question? I just want you to tell me the truth. Um, do you want me to work with you? I mean, really, or is this kind of a mercy thing right now? Phyllis, I need you. I need your fire. I can’t do this with anyone else. You’re the only person on the planet that I want to do this with. But most importantly, will you forgive me? [sighs] Of course I forgive you. You saved my life. Of course I forgive you. Chance, thank you for being so thorough on this. If anyone can catch this monster, it’s you. Oh, well, you know what? You have been through a hell of a last few months, haven’t you? I don’t think anyone would blame you if you wanted to get out of town for a while and clear your head. Sharon, he’s right. You’ve been talking about going to Sedona forever. Go. Regroup. Get some rest. Actually, a better idea. You should take Faith. Go to Europe, see Noah. Hang out with your son. He would love to see you. You know what? Yeah. Now is a good time to go. Absolutely. It’s what you need. Okay. I’ll do it on one condition. What’s that? You go with us. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Friday, March 14, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Oh, Sharon. We need to find that surveillance camera. We’ve already looked, Phyllis. Yeah, not hard enough, and they’re watching everything we do. Yeah, I know they are, which means they can also see us searching for the camera. Not if we’re smart. What? What do you want us to do? Sort of casually stroll through the room like we’re, I don’t know, measuring for wallpaper? What do you want to do? Just stand here and wait for them to do what they plan to do, which is probably kill us after they’ve had their fun? No, I say we just do it right out in the open. I don’t follow that. I mean, who cares? If they can see that we’re trying to dismantle the camera, let them. Let them come here and try to stop us. Oh, wait. You have something there. I like that. So what you’re saying is we shouldn’t pretend to sleep. We should just dismantle the camera in the open and sort of dare them to come in here. At least it’ll give us a chance to try to get out of here. This is a good idea, and it just builds upon my idea. But you’re talking about doing everything out in the open and sort of lure them in, right? I like this. You’re taking it a step further. Okay, should we get looking? No, no, no, no. Let’s take it even one step further. What do you mean? Let’s trash the place. Let’s trash it like a rock star hotel room on New Year’s Eve. We’ll really get them down here. Let’s do it. I have some aggression to get out of my system. I’m sure you do, too. What are you waiting for? You know what? I better give Summer a call. I talked to Daniel and Summer. There’s no update on Phyllis. Nobody’s heard anything. Damn it. -I’m sorry, Nick. -Yeah, it’s just with every lead that doesn’t pan out, with every hour that goes by, our worst suspicions are being confirmed. There’s something wrong here. You know, when you first mentioned the idea that maybe Sharon and Phyllis were kidnapped, I’m really starting to think that’s a possibility. Well, I know that Chance is going to really lean into that angle. He’s already talked to the highway patrol, all the hospitals, the local clinics. Maybe that’ll turn something up. Look at us, huh? Coming together to try and find Phyllis and Sharon. It’s a– it’s a little ironic, given our history. It’s kind of crazy. Chance is going over some security footage. Um, it might narrow down the search area for where Sharon and Phyllis are being held. Okay, well, that’s great. Whereabouts? It’s an old warehouse district, a lot of abandoned buildings, a lot of places in the shadows to hide where nobody can hear you. Does that make any sense to you? Click here for information on the Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic. You don’t think this is spam, Nick? Let’s see if this is even a real place to start with. Hm. So, Havenhurst Clinic is an actual clinic. It seems like it’s permanently closed, though. I’ve got a map of the warehouse district that Chance’s team can search. Let me guess. Havenhurst is in there. It is. And that can’t possibly be a coincidence. If this is, this confirms that Phyllis and Sharon are being held hostage in the facility. They already shared their location, Nick. We can go to them now. We can help. I love you too, Supergirl. I will call you once I get to Havenhurst and figure out what’s going on. I promise you, we’re going to find your mother and Sharon and bring them home. You just have to hang in there. Bye. Summer sounds scared. Man, she’s terrified. The whole family is. Well, it’s been a nightmare for months for Phyllis and Sharon’s family, and you’ve been at the nexus of both. Man, you aren’t kidding. First, Ian Ward shows up out of nowhere, links up with Jordan, somehow breaks her out of prison and they do all of this to just terrorize Sharon. Go after the Newmans again, too. Man, straight up evil. Now we’ve got this other lunatic on the loose who kidnaps both Sharon and Phyllis, man? It is just– It’s too much. Can’t argue with that. I just hope we get there in time. And what’s the plan when we get there? I don’t know, but Chance sure as hell is not going to like it that we’re there. I think the best thing we can do is just follow his lead. What if he tells us to turn around and go home? That is not happening. I agree. Just wanted to hear you say it. I just can’t stop trying to wrap my head around this whole thing. I don’t get it. This person kidnaps Sharon and Phyllis. They put them in an old abandoned psychiatric clinic. For what? There’s no ransom demand. There’s no notes. Just a riddle on an e-card. Who will pay the price to save the life of the mind? Still trying to figure out what that means. It can’t possibly be just a random comment. I mean, clearly someone is going to pay the price for saving them. Is it going to be Phyllis and Sharon? Is it us? I mean, he’s leading us directly to them. What does that mean? I don’t know. I wish I had an answer for you. But something tells me we’re going to get an answer very, very soon. Whoa. What– what are you two doing here? The same thing that you are. Nick, do not do that. What did I say? I said wait for me to call you. Yeah, I don’t remember you mentioning that. And it wouldn’t have mattered if we did. No, it wouldn’t have. If they’re in there, Chance, we’re not leaving. In fact, I’ll get the Newman security team to come out here and back us up. No, you are not. Now, I don’t need more complications around here, okay? I am in contact with them. Do not fight me on this either. Chance, what are these cops standing around for? Why aren’t we busting down the door? Well, Billy, we are waiting for the landlord to let us in, okay? Now, we don’t even know if Phyllis and Sharon are even in here. We got a text about this location from Phyllis’ burner phone. Where the hell else could they be? We will find out when the landlord gets here. Now, we’re also waiting for a search warrant.

A search warrant?

Yes, Billy, a search warrant. That’s how we do things. That’s the law. If they’re in there, we don’t know if they’re alive or what kind of condition they’re in. Last thing we have is a screenshot, okay? We don’t know what’s going on in there, Chance. I understand that you two are frustrated, okay? No, I don’t think you do. These women have been through hell the past six months. If they’re alive, it’s only from sheer luck and determination. Now you’re asking us to stand around and wait for permission to go in? I’m not asking, Nick. I’m ordering it, okay? Now, we don’t know what’s in there. This whole thing could be a diversion that this bastard cooked up. It could be a trap. We don’t know. My gut tells me it’s not. Okay, that’s great, but we’re not going to smash our way in. This is a police matter. We’re going to follow police procedure. You got it? [phone pinging] Would you look at that? Search warrant got approved. Okay, so does that mean– Like I said, Billy, we’re going to wait for the landlord to open the door. Ah! This feels great! It does, doesn’t it? I can’t believe we didn’t think about this before. You know what? I think that we both got so tired of being lab rats. I am not a rodent. You know what? You’re right, Phyllis. You’re not. You have always just been you. And you know what that is? I’ll tell you. A holy terror!


SHARON: A terror! A holy terror. That’s more like it. Ah! This is so cathartic! You know what? This one… is for Ian Ward. You sick son of a bitch! You wanted a family? My family? Well, you were willing to kill for it. You almost killed me! Oh, my. And you know what you got from that? Your own funeral. Yeah, that’s right. A sad and lonely death. Because there was no one there to mourn you. Now that is real justice. That is justice. And guess what? This is for you, Jordan! Jordan, the devil’s bride! Yeah, that’s right. This is for you, Jordan. Jordan, thanks a lot for drugging me and sticking me in the sewer! Yeah, Jordan! And guess what? Thanks a lot for running me off the road! And you know what? This, this one… This one… This is for poisoning my medication, making me out of my mind. I didn’t know what I was doing. This is for Heather’s death! For me blaming Daniel and putting you and your family through so much pain. I’m– I’m really sorry about all of that. We don’t need to go there. Sharon. We don’t. We don’t need to go there anymore. We don’t. Honestly, I– I… I think that part, it’s good that I– I was stuck here with you. Because I realized I wasted so much of my life trying to get you to pay for all the crimes you committed. That you thought I committed. You know, we both have had a lot of time here to think about us, you and me, and what our hatred has cost us. Yeah. I guess it took being imprisoned here by some psychotic and all of our history being thrown in our face for us to realize it. I’ve heard of tough love, but you know, this is kind of ridiculous. Ah, this is very sweet and warm and runny, but we got a job to do. We gotta– we gotta keep on going. Yeah, let’s keep going.


Hey, do you think that– Do you think they’re watching us? Oh, oh, listening, definitely listening. Hey! Listen to this! This isn’t a game anymore! We’re not going down without a fight! No, we are not going down! No, we can’t! We gotta do this for our family. Yeah, for our family, for sure. We have put them through too much already. Oh, my gosh, they’re scarred for life. And things were finally getting back on track, almost back to normal! Almost back to normal? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! But you had to bring us here to teach us a lesson. Yeah, well, lesson learned, sicko.

Thanks for that.

You can go to hell. ‘Cause we’re not done. We are not done.

We have too much to live for.

Too much. We have our families to live for. We have our families to live for. Daniel, Summer, Lucy. Noah, Mariah, Faith, Aria, Cassie’s memory, and…




[Sharon chuckling] [Phyllis laughing] [Sharon laughing] Cassidy First. Yes, yes, Cassidy First and your new job with Billy.

You have to fight for that.

I have to fight for my job. I definitely have to fight for my job. Yeah. Okay. You listening to that? I have to fight for my job. Come on, did you hear that? Yeah, what are you gonna do now? Now, you’re not gonna be able to see us. You won’t know what we’re thinking or planning.

Now, it’s your turn…


…to wonder what’s going on.

No. [laughing] There’s no stopping us. You wanna try to stop us? There’s no stopping us! You try! Where is this guy? He said he’s on his way.

Is he walking?

He will be here. Okay. Now, we are as close to the middle of nowhere as one could possibly be without a map, so let’s just hang on a little bit longer. We have been hanging on. What are we supposed to tell the women if they’re in there? And I believe they are. You gotta hang on too? Hey, I know you’re anxious, okay? I am too. We all are. I wanna get this guy too. I want them locked away forever. But what I do not want is for them to escape by on some kind of legal technicality. No, what we don’t want is to finally get in and realize Sharon and Phyllis are dead because we’re out here deciding if we’re gonna break the law. I swear to God, if that landlord doesn’t show up, we’re busting down this door, Chance. Are you Detective Chancellor?

No, he is.

That’s me. What do you want me to do? Open the damn door! Hey! Wait a minute. Now, has anyone contacted you in the past few weeks showing interest in this place? I mean, think about it, man. Anything. A phone call, a text message. This place has been out of business for years. Give me the keys. Thank you. This isn’t working. What’s the problem? Somebody must have changed the locks. Well, that’s not possible, because you just said nobody’s inquired about this building for years, didn’t you? Man, we are wasting time. We need to get in there. Look, we’re gonna break this lock right now or smash through that door. You got a problem with that? SHARON: I can’t believe we actually found the camera. Yeah. This freak must be so good at hiding Easter eggs. Hey, there you go. I think you just solved the riddle. We were kidnapped by the Easter Bunny. That’s a great story to tell our kids. You know what? It would be no crazier than anything else. Oh, isn’t that the truth? Place looks great. Yeah. Yeah. I like our personal touch.

Junkyard chic.

Yes. That’s so funny. You’re funny. That– that’s a good thing, right? Yeah. It’s such a good thing.

Okay, no, I’m–

Take that as a compliment. I was just checking because I don’t usually get that from you. Yeah, I mean, I didn’t ever think you were particularly amusing, so, you know, but you were. Well, you know, it’s not like we bring out the laughs in each other, right? That’s for sure. It took us to be here in this hellhole to realize that, right? Because this was hilarious. Yeah. Oh, just a barrel of monkeys, right? There is a fine line between tragedy and comedy. You know, we should have thought to do this on day one. If we did it on day one– We would’ve saved ourselves a lot of misery. No, we would have clocked each other with a lamp or something. Oh, you know, you’re probably right. Yeah. Thank you. So, what happens now? Um, well, the voice can’t see us, right? So, I assume the voice will be very, very upset. We should expect a visit. Yeah, but this time, we will be ready for them. This time, we will have the upper hand. Damn straight we will. You know, probably, they’re gonna show up with some kind of weapon, though, right? Hm. Yeah, maybe. We should get something to protect ourselves. Um… I– I got this. I got this. Oh, this. Okay. Oh, yeah, that’s good. That– that works. Okay. Let’s get ready.

We should hit the lights.

Okay. So, we wait, right? We wait. The landlord doesn’t care about the building. Can we please just smash this door? Shatterproof glass, Billy. Knock yourself out.

There you go.

Hold on. Hold on. What’s the problem? We don’t know what’s in there, Nick. My people go first. Fine, but we’re right behind them. Did you hear that? Barely. It was definitely a door closing. Are you sure? It just sounded so far away. No, no, definitely. Definitely. Come on. Get ready.

Get ready.

Okay. [phone pinging] Hey. Look. Stay here just in case someone comes. What does it say? It’s another riddle. Not very sportsmanlike, ladies. You lose. That’s not a riddle. That is a threat. More like a death sentence. Are you having second thoughts? Hm. Just saying. Feels like we took the wrong bet. No. No, we didn’t. We smoked him out. We smoked the voice out. He’s coming for us. Come on. Get ready.

Come on.

No turning back now. No. No turning back now. He’s coming for us, and we are armed. We’re ready. All right? We’re gonna take him down. Yeah, yeah. It’s us against them. It is us against them, Sharon. It is us against them. We are badasses, and you know it. Everything that we’ve done in our life, everything that we have done to survive. Yeah, we are. Everything that we did to protect our family. We’re survivors. We’re survivors. Yes, we are survivors.

Take my hand. Take my hand.

Okay. All right? We got this.

Deep breaths.

We got this. [low hissing] What’s that? I don’t know. What is that? Oh, God. It’s gas. Where is the gas coming from? I don’t know. We got to find it. Yes, we have to find it now.

Oh, here. Here.

You found it? Yeah, behind the fridge. Okay, good. Turn it off. Please, turn it off. Right there. Damn it. SHARON: What? PHYLLIS: It’s not pushing.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God. Okay. Sharon, what are you doing? We got to find something. Here. Use this to try to stop it. [both coughing] NICK: What is that music? They’re here. I know it. Sharon! Phyllis! PHYLLIS: Come on. Come on. It isn’t working. PHYLLIS: I know. It’s not working. I’m choking on the fact it’s not working. Okay, calm down. Calm down. I can’t be calm. Come on. Oh, my God. We need something. We need, like, electrical tape or something. Okay, I’ll find something. Oh, my God. Is this your goal? You’re trying to snuff us out? You’re not gonna win. We’ll never let you win. We’re getting out of here. Here. Use this. Oh, God. Oh, my God. [coughing] Oh, my God. It’s not working. Sharon! Phyllis! Nick get back. Get back. [door bangs]

Wait. Wait a minute.


Did you hear that?

What? It’s– [indistinct] It sounded like voices. Someone talking. PHYLLIS: Oh, God, it’s nothing. Just like I thought I heard the door close. It’s nothing. They would have found us by now

if it was someone.

SHARON: No. Phyllis, I mean it. I heard someone. You didn’t hear someone? Please find electrical tape. Come on. We don’t have a lot of time. But Phyllis, you know there isn’t any. Yes, there is. Look for it. Phyllis, get away from there.


I can’t. Yes, you are gonna pass out if you don’t move. Move away! [Phyllis coughing] [doorknob rattles] None of the other rooms were locked. Oh, my God. No. Phyllis. Phyllis. The voice is here. What? Come on. Come on. You gotta get over here and help me. I don’t think I can. Phyllis. Phyllis. [doorknob rattles] [Phyllis coughing]

[door bangs]

[Sharon screaming] Phyllis. Phyllis, you need to keep your nose and mouth covered. NICK: Sharon! Phyllis! Nick. Oh, my God. Thank God. Phyllis, it’s Nick. He’s found us. Nick! We’re in here! Are you okay? Yes, but you need to hurry. Sharon, is Phyllis with you? Yes, she is. But she’s not doing so well. You have to hurry up. Phyllis, Phyllis, stay strong. They’re here. Stand back. We’re gonna shoot the lock. No! No, there’s been a gas leak. You’ll cause an explosion. Okay, then back up. Hey. BILLY: Phyllis. Phyllis. Stay. Stay with me. You’re safe. Phyllis, I’ve been looking for you. Phyllis? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Phyllis, okay, I got you. Is she okay, Billy? I don’t know. We got to get them out of here. Yep. Hey, I still think we should take them to the hospital, just in case, just to be safe. I don’t disagree, but the EMTs checked them out. They said they could go home. For as long as they were stuck in that room, they just want to feel something familiar, be in a safe place. You got anything new on that building? No, nothing new, but my guess, this guy didn’t leave much of a trail. I mean, seriously, this thing was carefully plotted out. What about the gas leak? It was programmed to go off. We found a trigger.

That’s crazy.

It’s diabolical. I mean, there was a lot of thought and a lot of preparation that went into this. I’m telling you, it’s not just some random kidnapping. I don’t understand. I mean, why would they do this? And who? How are you two feeling? Better, thanks. Alive. Which we didn’t think was gonna happen until you guys showed up. We had all but given up hope that anyone would be able to track us down in that horrible place. Look, we’re gonna fill you in on everything that’s happened later on, but right now, I need you to tell us, how did this happen? How did you end up in that clinic? We don’t know. We were drugged and we were taken there.


Uh, yeah. I mean, we didn’t even know the other was there until we woke up. That’s for sure. We thought it was somebody’s idea of, um, a joke. Yeah, given our relationship. I mean, you guys probably thought we took each other out, right? Actually, I’ll rephrase that. You– you probably thought I took Sharon out, didn’t you? I mean, it may have come up. Well, I gave you ample reason to think that. You know, I certainly threatened it for a long time, which I’m sure this lunatic was betting on people thinking that way. Do you know who this lunatic is? No, we have no clue. We never even saw whoever it was. We did hear their voice, though. Yeah, and they spoke to us in this distorted voice. We don’t know if it was a man or a woman. And then we got the idea that maybe it could be that Jordan or Ian were still alive. PHYLLIS: They’re not alive, are they? No. I can vouch for that. Thank God. That is a blessing. Well, what that means is whoever this was is just as sick as they were, if not more so, if that’s even possible. Ian and Jordan are your garden variety psychopaths. Whoever this person is, they are sick. It was like they– they liked to watch us suffer. That they liked the game for their own entertainment, the game of cat and mouse. And you know how that game ends? The mouse dies. Well, I think everybody here is asking the same question. Who is this person? And it was just one person? We have no idea. Yeah, and they always spoke to us in the distorted voice, playing psychological games with us. What kind of games, exactly? They were riddles, mostly. The voice, that’s what we called him or whoever it was, would put us to a test to see if we could answer them. PHYLLIS: Yeah, and they knew about our history and our hostility toward each other through the years and they were using that. They knew a lot about us, which got us to thinking who would even care whether or not we got along? For a second I thought it was you.

Me? Seriously?

PHYLLIS: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, for years you were trying to broker peace between us and I thought that it was you. I mean, for a fleeting second I did. Look, of course, I want you two to get along, but I promise you, I didn’t drug or kidnap you to make that happen. Okay, well it was just for a second I thought that. You know, when you’re in a dungeon being trapped, your mind plays tricks on you. Can we go back to the riddles? What would happen after you answered them? You promised our freedom. And that was a lie. It only led to more riddles, which eventually escalated into us having to save each other’s lives. Seriously? You know they poisoned us. They just wanted to see if our hatred toward each other was stronger than actually saving each other. They were playing games with us. They were psychological games. We were like rats in a maze, being watched for somebody’s entertainment. It was like a science project. Well, we’re confident that whoever did this to you, they never intended to keep you there forever. Why would you say that? Because they basically led us directly to you.


You’re kidding me. They gave us riddles as well. They weren’t very difficult to answer. I mean, especially the one that said, click here. Just like lab rats forcing you to push the lever to get more. It’s twisted. What do you think they do? Almost let us win? I mean, the gas is the answer to that. Maybe their endgame was having us be almost rescued. He’s definitely sick enough. You know what? I’m sure both of you are absolutely exhausted. There’ll be plenty of time for questioning after you’ve had some time to recover. What matters now is that you’re both safe and that part of this whole ordeal is over. Is it over? What if the voice is pissed off that we were rescued that way? What if being rescued was never part of the plan at all? This isn’t over for us. Whoever that is, they’re still out there. We have to find them before they strike again. [phone pinging] Again? That thing won’t stop. ANNOUNCER: Next week on The Young and the Restless. Hey, um, what’s going on? You tell me, is it true? Has my mom been admitted to a hospital in Chicago? Nick, I want you to be honest with me about your feelings. Do you ever think about us getting back together? So, the kidnapper wanted you to be found. PHYLLIS: Yeah. Whoever did it is a total whack job. This person hasn’t been caught yet. That means that you’re still in danger. You know, I see we do the town. Go big. I want to show the woman I love– What are you doing? Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, March 13, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Of course. Send him in. Morning, Pop. Adam. My son. Son, how are you? So, what’s going on? I came to see how you are.

Wanted to see your recovery.

You know, feeling better. I think soon I’ll be… working out again. Well, maybe you should hold off on the heavy bag for a little while. Gunshot wounds take a little bit of time to heal. I know. I know, I know, I know. But, you know, nothing keeps me down for long. Okay, well, just take it easy. What’s on your mind? You were right about something.


Moving on the ranch was the best thing that I could have done. And bringing Chelsea with me. Good. [sighs] What do you think? Like I walked into the belly of the beast.


No, seriously. Have you checked this place for booby traps? Like, if you touch something off limits, does a butler come and escort you out? We are safe here, I promise. And look.

We have breakfast.

Hmm. Well, you seem very comfortable here. I wasn’t at first. I felt the same way as you. This is the Newman ranch, Nikki and Victor’s turf. Yeah. Doesn’t exactly spark joy. But now I’m feeling more settled here. Feels like our home. My home. Well, mine, Connor’s and Adam’s. So you all live together here as a family, the three of you, but you’re not together with Adam? Uh, well, here’s the thing. Adam and I are not officially back together, but, um… we are kind of on our way. I hope the police find something. They’re checking out the location you got that text about. The Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic. What is this place, Nick? An abandoned medical facility? How does it tie into whatever’s going on

with Phyllis and Sharon?

I don’t know. But with my online research, it certainly seems like it’s been shut down for quite a while. I called Phyllis’s phone at least a dozen times. That message never came through until today. So, what’s going on? Chance’s team is looking into it. And we just wait? You know, I can click this link right now, and we can find out for ourselves. Don’t do it, all right? It could be a trap. Hmm. Good luck. JACK: Is this really happening? You and Alan are getting married? I don’t know. I think so. My head is spinning. Is this real? Am I here right now? Oh, I think it is. Tell me what you’re feeling. I never thought I was gonna get married again. And I was fine with that. I mean, I have a wonderful life. I love it. But finding Alan has just been this amazing bonus. I never thought I would find someone like him. He’s generous and he’s kind. And he’s someone who’s worthy of you. And he adores you. Well, he’s pretty wonderful. I’m so lucky to have found him. No, he’s the lucky one. Never forget that. [cell phone pings] Oh! Oh, let me guess. Your fiancé. [laughs] He’s on his way back. All right, well, we better get out of here. Yeah, we’ll make ourselves scarce. In the meantime, I could not be happier for you.

Thank you so much.

Me, too. Thank you so much, both of you.

I love you.

Oh, Jack. I love you, too. And nobody cry. ‘Cause, look, I’ll never stop.

We’ll try.

Oh! [laughing] PHYLLIS: Oh, damn it. I… Try again. Try again. All right. Yeah, yeah. Oh. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Get us out of here. Come on. I realize it could be a trap, Nick. That’s why I didn’t do it in the first place. But what are we gonna do, sit here and do nothing? This is the best lead we have. Come on, man. My phone’s backed up. I can delete anything that might be compromised or used against us in any sort of way. Okay, I’m sold. Let’s give it a shot. I need to find out what’s on this link, okay? Whatever happens, we’re gonna find out some information, and we’ll just–we’ll take whatever comes next. Yeah? If you’re in, I’m in. This could be our best chance to locate Sharon and Phyllis. Okay. I’m on it.


Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I was waiting for my fiancé. [chuckles] Have I been too long? No. No. Just long enough to help me have the time to set a few things up. Well, the place looks beautiful. Although you should not have done anything. Oh, no, it was my pleasure to set the stage.

Can I take over now?

Yes, please. Well, I would like to make a little toast, if you’ll indulge me. [Traci chuckles]

Here’s one for you.

Thank you.

And one for me.

[chuckles] Now… I don’t think you realize how incredible you are. Not-Not really. And I just want to say how grateful I am that every day I get to see that. You’ve changed me. I’m a better man because of you. Traci, I just cannot imagine living the rest of my life without you. Okay, you gotta turn it the other way, Sharon. I tried that, Phyllis. It didn’t work. All right. But-But it’s not– You know, it’s not in. It’s not in all the way. Okay, because you’re such an expert at lock picking. Okay, do you want to compare our history of criminal expertise, ’cause we could definitely do that. You know what? We said we wouldn’t do this. We can’t turn on each other.

Right. Right.

All right. Phyllis, it appears that I may be doing something wrong. Would you like another try? I’d love it. Thank you for the opportunity. Yes.

Sure. Yeah.

Right. Here. There you go. Okay, I have to…


Um… Can you–Can–Can you– You’re in my light. You’re in my light.

Yeah, of course. Of course.

Yeah. You’re breathing on me right now. Try going diagonal. We went diagonal the last three times, and it didn’t work, remember?

Okay. It’s just a suggestion.

Okay. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, I have a– I think I got it. Okay? This should open.

This should open.

[alarm blaring] [blaring continues] Living with Chelsea and Connor, the three of us under the same roof, has been so much better. Connor has access to both of his parents. He knew that having Chelsea and me together would be the best thing for him. Well, he knew what he wanted. He asked for it. Well, he’s a very smart kid. Yeah. Well, I’m not only happy for Connor, but, um, you seem happy as well. And I have a suspicion that it has something to do with Chelsea, right? We have gotten closer. The connection we once had seems to have returned. I, uh, didn’t know if that was possible. Having a child, Son, is very binding, you know. She remembers the good times that we had. I think she sees that it’s possible to have that again. Makes me happy to hear that. You deserve some happiness. I’ve seen a whole new side to Adam since Connor was diagnosed with his OCD. He’s steadfast and willing to do anything for his son and for me. Well, he should. I think you both deserve that. And I know that he loves Connor. He does. And he’s such a good dad. And going through this together has made us stronger. We could have turned our backs on one another or played the blame game.

But you didn’t.

No, we didn’t. And I’m starting to realize that maybe Baltimore was more than just a moment of desperation. Adam’s become so much more understanding and less selfish, more than I’ve ever seen. And it’s made me see him differently. As a potential partner again? I’m not there yet. But you think it’s a possibility. Look, Chloe, I know how you feel about Adam. I know that you think he’s bad news and he’s never gonna change.


And you have all your reasons for not liking him, and they are valid reasons, so…let me have it. Tell me this is a terrible idea. I can take it. Well, actually, what I was going to say was… I’m really happy for you, Chelsea.

You’re staring.

Oh, and I’m so sorry.

You don’t look sorry.

I’m not sorry. I’m just sitting here thinking how lucky I am to have met you. You know, my brother was just telling me that– how lucky you are to have met me. Right after I told him how grateful I am to have found you. Well, then, let’s make it official. I got a little something here. Mm-hmm. All right, you ready? Here goes. [gasps]

You like it?

It’s gorgeous. You sure? I could get a bigger diamond. Oh, no, no, no, no. It’s perf–It’s perfect. Just like you. It’s beautiful. I want to do this right, okay?

[Traci chuckles]

[clears throat] Now, before, I blew the surprise and jumped the gun, and so this time, I’m just going to keep it short and sweet. I love you. You’re everything to me. Traci Abbott, will you marry me? Nothing would make me happier. Is that a yes?

[both chuckle]

That’s a yes. Oh, good. Here you go. Now, I hope it fits. If it’s too large, we can resize it or whatever. Don’t even worry about it. We have all the time in the world now. Alan Laurent, thank you for all of the magic you brought to my life. [chuckles] Okay, we get it! Turn off the alarm, please! Turn off the alarm! [alarm blaring] [blaring stops] Damn it. What do we do now? Okay, well, we can’t give up. There has got to be another way. There’s not. There’s no other way. The windows have bars on them. They won’t open. That has an alarm on it. The door won’t open. We’re stuck here. Until someone finds us. Someone will get us out. No, they won’t. How do they know to even track us here? Our families will look for us. They will find us. They will not! They will not! It’d be a miracle if they did. We’re in some random clinic. How would they even find us? I don’t know, Phyllis. I don’t know. You tell me honestly. Would one of our family members even get here, let alone find us here… before it’s too late? We have some new leads, but we haven’t found her yet. But we and the police are doing everything we can to find your mother, Faith. I promise you that. We’re gonna bring her home. Yes. Now, listen, I really have to go, but I will, of course, call you if we learn anything new, okay? Okay. I love you, baby girl. Bye.

How’s it going?

Just about there. This needs to work, man. We need a win, like now. Okay.

You ready?

Yes. What the hell? Well, it seems that everything in your life is falling into place. And I think that’s the result of your efforts in regard to business and your family. Well, that is high praise coming from you. Well, I gotta tell you, I really admire the way you jump right back into the saddle at Newman Media as if you had never left. Well, Newman Media has always felt like my domain. I built it from the ground up. You did indeed. You know, Adam, what I am beginning to admire the most is how you deal with Chelsea and Connor as a father. I mean, you helped him through his OCD. Thank you, Dad. I appreciate the compliment. I don’t take anything you said for granted. Well, I mean every word of it. Now, part of me just wants to make you proud, earn your support a little more each day. If I could manage to live up to your legacy, that would be all I could hope for. I appreciate that. Yeah. More than you realize. I don’t take that for granted either. So I will always support you. And I gotta tell you, I will also support Chelsea. I admire the fact that she has come back from all the turmoil she has gone through. She has almost reinvented herself, you know? So…she’s welcome in my family. She’ll appreciate that. Now, where do you go from here? Wow. Traci looked overjoyed. Traci hasn’t been this happy in a very long time. It’s like a spark’s been lit inside of her, and Alan did that. Kind of like when we first found each other, the joy you brought into my life. Aw. Well, I hope they have as wonderful a life together as we do. I have to admit, when Tracy said she thought she’d be single for the rest of her life, I realized I thought the same thing. Not because she doesn’t deserve to have somebody in her life. No, but because no one is good enough for your little sister. Funny, isn’t it? How when you stop looking, sometimes the right person just walks right into your life. Sounds like Tracy has found her perfect match as well. Counting the carats? Oh! No. I’m admiring it in the light. I think we should talk wedding. We–We just got engaged. Shouldn’t we savor the moment? I can’t help that I’m greedy. I want you to be my wife.

When can we get married?

I suppose anytime we want to. Yeah? What do you think? Are you thinking something grand and lavish? I was thinking simple and quaint. I just want to be your wife. That’s all that matters to me. That’s why I want to be your husband. Well, then maybe– Maybe you’re right. We shouldn’t wait very long, because nothing would make me happier than for us to start our life together as a married couple. [chuckles] Our future is going to be so bright. It’s going to be breathtaking. Believe me. You’re right. I have no idea how anybody would be able to track us here, but I have to believe that our families would do everything they can to find out where we are. No. No. There’s no guarantee of that, Sharon. Are you really gonna do that? Are you gonna let whoever did this win? No. No. All right. So we don’t wallow. Yeah, we don’t wallow. There’s not a chance of that. [sighs] There’s still no way out. Whoever is doing this, the Voice, they are playing with us. We have to win at their own game. They like riddles, don’t they? “I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears.” This is the last clue. But where did that card come from? That wasn’t here yesterday. My God, you ingested something last night that made your heart stop. That was part of the plan. And then this card appeared overnight. Sharon, our captor is coming in here overnight while we sleep. BILLY: Do you think this is real? I don’t know why it wouldn’t be. Okay, if this–if this is, this confirms that Phyllis and Sharon are being held hostage in the facility. Can you zoom in, just see if they’re okay? I mean, they look fine physically, but… Okay, let’s go. No. Wait. Hold up. Hold up. What do you mean? We know where they are. We don’t know what this is. This could be, like, the first step in, like, a ransom demand. They already shared their location, Nick. We can go to them now. We can help. Okay, but it doesn’t make any sense. Why would they take them in the first place and then show us exactly where Sharon and Phyllis are? [sighs] Are you okay? Do you need medical attention? Look, I have learned that it is pointless to warn anyone against getting involved with anyone else. It didn’t work for Sally. It didn’t work for you. And, hell, I’m pretty sure it never worked when someone else warned me when past relationships of mine were headed for disaster. Is that what you think? This is headed for disaster? Look, I am never going to be Adam’s biggest fan, but I was very impressed with how he handled everything with Connor. I didn’t think he had it in him. Neither did I. And Connor needs both of you, maybe now more than ever. And you are his strength. And maybe you and Adam are stronger together. Yeah, I hadn’t thought about it that way. Well, you know, I’m kind of a genius. You’re so wise. But, honestly, if Adam is what you want, then go out and get him. I mean, you deserve some joy in your life, right? I mean–I mean, we all do, but… I know you, and I trust you. And whatever happens, I know that you’re gonna make the right decision for yourself. Oh, I am so relieved to hear you say that. I was so scared to tell you. Adam’s the only person that I’ve discussed this with. Well, he’s not exactly impartial. Well, I don’t think you are either. Well, because I’m not. But my love for you is always gonna win out. And I’m gonna support you no matter what. Thank you for saying that, because I am really happy. [sighs] Am I crazy to think Adam and I can maybe really make it work this time? Why not? What could be better for the three of you? Well, I’ve told Chelsea how I feel. I told her that I want to be a couple and a family again with Connor. You know? She–She knows that. Well, that’s a good start. Yeah. But I’m not gonna pressure her. I don’t want to scare her off. I already got her to agree to live with me and have dinner, so she now seems open to the possibility for us to be an us again. How nice. Right now, that’s all I can hope for. Absolutely agree. So what happens next is up to her. It has to be. Just know I will always support the two of you, okay, and support Chelsea. I admire what she has gone through in her life and how she has found herself. I’m glad. And I’m grateful that you see Chelsea in a new light. You know, she didn’t know how you would feel about her moving onto the ranch. Oh. Well, I guess I can be intimidating sometimes. Hmm. You think? [Victor chuckles] You know, I am who I am, and, um, I speak my mind, Son. That’ll never change. Just know that I will always be here to support the two of you, all right? Thank you. It’s nice to be so aligned with you. That hasn’t always been the case with us. And especially after everything that happened, I’m just–I’m really grateful. You know… I’m very happy to hear that. Adam, you’ve gone through difficult times. But…we’re here now. You’re part of the family again. And I really appreciate what you have said, all right? Thanks, Dad. Oh, my God. This sick freak is coming in here at night while we’re sleeping, planting these clues for some demented scavenger hunt, clues for us to find. We knew that we were being watched. We knew that they could see what we were doing. Oh, God. What were they doing, like sitting in this chair, watching us sleep? Watching us drool? Listening to you snore? Watching us like little babies? My God, we’re at their mercy. To know that this creep waited until we were asleep, waited until it was safe to come in. What if we had woken up while they were here? We’d probably be dead. Or, you know, if they’re coming in here at night, that gives us an opportunity. Yeah. An opportunity to catch them in the act. We would have to take turns sleeping, and one of us would have to be on alert all the time. Yeah. Pretending to be asleep, right? It’s a risk. We don’t know how often this person is watching us, so we’d have to be very clever about it. Mm-hmm. I have another idea. There is another option. Nick, I think I got something else here. There’s a link at the bottom of the picture. Should I– Yeah, just do it. “Who will pay the price to save the life of the mind?” What kind of psychopath are we dealing with? Oh. Hey. I’m sorry for interrupting. No. It’s, uh–It’s all right. We were just catching up. Sounds nice. Hi, Chloe. Hello, Adam. Um, you know what? I should actually get going.

The office awaits.

Oh, I will meet you there. I have to take care of some things here. Yeah, you should. Um, but thank you for the hospitality, madam. Such a good mistress of the ranch. Adam, I wish you well. Thank you. You, too. I thought you went to the office. I, uh, went to see my dad actually. I wanted to check on him, see how he’s doing. Is he all right? He is a force of nature.

He sends his regards.

Hmm. Did you have a nice visit with Chloe? Yeah, I did. She was very…helpful. Is it presumptuous to assume that you were talking about me?


[sighs] She told you to stay away from me, didn’t she? “Pack your bags and run as fast as you can.” What do you think that message meant? “Who will pay the price to save the life of the mind?” I don’t know. It could be a taunt. Maybe they’re trying to throw us off. I mean, whoever’s behind this is not concerned about a ransom. They want us to try to rescue Phyllis and Sharon. Ah. I think there’s more to it than that. I mean, they took ’em to a psychiatric ward. Do you think that’s what they’re referring to when they say “the life of the mind”? Psych wards are where psychopaths live, Nick. One who’s savvy enough to put this whole thing in motion? Look, they want us to go find them there, okay? I can’t imagine it’s gonna be easy to get into the building once we get there, so… So we’re back to thinking this could be a trap. I don’t know. You think it’s time to call Chance, let him know what’s going on? Yeah. I’ll call him. [sighs] You know, the more I think about it, the more I think you deserve a big fairy-tale wedding. No. I have you, my prince. That’s all I need. What did I do to deserve you? [cell phone pings] Your phone. It keeps going off. Don’t you want to check it? There has to be a camera here somewhere. We find it. We find the camera, and we turn it off. And then this sick freak has to make an appearance. Would they really care, though? They can’t see us. No. This sicko likes control. They like to witness their experiment in real time. Okay, but if we… If we challenge them like that, they could retaliate. They could leave us here to starve and die, to turn on each other or kill each other even. Sharon, if we play by the rules, we will stay here forever. We cannot be obedient, Sharon. We can’t. We also have to be smart. This is smart. They have nothing if we’re dead. Don’t you understand? This is a sport for them. They like watching us survive. This is entertainment, how we survive. You get that, right? That’s what all these sick games have been about. So, what did Chloe say this time? The usual? I’m the devil. She said if I want you back, then I have her support. [scoffs]

You’re kidding.

I’m not kidding. Chloe blesses our reunion. Is that what this is? Hmm? A reunion? Maybe. Don’t blow it. Never. I cannot wait for Ashley and Billy to find out. They are gonna be over the moon. Especially Ashley. We owe Alan a lot. Yes, we do. You know, he fits right in. It’ll be an honor to welcome him into the Abbott family. And I don’t think Traci could have written a better love story. And this is just the beginning for her and Alan. Let’s drink to them. I’m sure it’s nothing. Well, don’t you even want to look at it? Are you curious? Well, at the moment, no, I’m not. But that’s a lot of pings. I just thought maybe it was important. Nothing is more important than you and this moment with my future bride. Okay, thanks, Chance. Keep us posted, yeah? Okay. Police are on the way to the clinic, and they will proceed with caution. Yeah. I’ll update my dad’s security team once we get there. I noticed you didn’t tell Chance we were on the way there. What are we gonna do, turn around? Let them scope out the place first? No way. Now that we know it’s likely that Sharon and Phyllis are there, I’m not wasting any more time. And if they are, we’re going in to get them. So, the Voice has pushed us to relive our past. Repeatedly put our lives at risk so we had to save each other. See, they did that for their own amusement. We’re like lab rats. You said so yourself. Yeah, if they can’t study us and our behavior, it defeats the purpose. It ruins the psychological study. So we have to destroy the world that they created for us… and turn off the camera. We will find the camera, and we will turn it off. Okay? And lure them here. At least we’d know who we’re dealing with. So we have to come together. Okay? Together, we will bring this freak down. Okay? We’ll get out of here. We will get out of here. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Traci, for someone who’s been on an absolute whirlwind, you seem refreshed.


Doesn’t she? Traci seems to sparkle no matter what. All right, you are so sweet. And you are so silly. Traci, allow the man to gush. It is his prerogative. Thank you for the back up, Jack. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Please proceed. You know, you seem pretty happy yourself, Alan. Well, I can explain the chemical reactions my brain has when it sees Traci. There’s the dopamine, which is the high, the oxytocin, which is the warmth, and the serotonin, which is the contentment. All good stuff now that I’m finally seeing you. Which is to say, I missed you very much. I missed you too. Has it been that long since you two have seen each other? A lot longer than I thought it would be. Really? What happened?

You want to tell the story?

Oh, no, no. I would not deprive you of the pleasure.

Please, you go ahead.

You sure? You two are just adorable. Tell the story. All right, so I was on my way to a conference in D.C. And I was in New York, as you know, doing a little business, meeting with my publisher and the like. So, I had the brilliant idea of sneaking up to New York to surprise her. Oh, be still my heart. But you know what they say, man plans, God laughs. Didn’t go exactly as you thought it would. Complete and utter disaster. All right, show me where Phyllis was grabbed. Right here, but that’s where she was last seen. Where she was grabbed. This is where Sharon was last seen. All right, where was the van stolen? Right here. Hey, what are you guys looking at? Has here been news about Mom? Not specifically, no. We would have contacted you right away. But we do have some new information. We’re getting closer, kiddo. Yeah, the van that was taken from the medical supply parking lot, we have security cam footage of some of the vehicle’s movements. Does that mean that we know where Mom and Sharon are located? No, but we think we have the general vicinity. Every step gets us closer to finding them. Hey, freak, you watching this? You, ooh, are you watching me now? Look what I’m doing. I got a metal object in my hand. This is your chance. It’s your chance. You could zap me with 1,000 watts of electricity and take me out. Huh, you don’t have any response to that? Really, you’re not even going to use your loud noise? You listening? Maybe you’re not even there anymore. Doesn’t matter. Sharon, rise and shine. All right, come on, come on. You got to help me. You got to help me now. Get up. Teamwork makes the dream work, whatever that is. Come on. Sharon. Sharon. Sharon! Alan, I have a hard time believing that your very romantic idea ended in disaster. Yeah, not with the way you two look at each other. Come on, how do we look at each other? I have no idea what they’re talking about. Neither do I. Tell us about New York. Ah, yes. Well… complete and utter panic on my part.

Not on Traci’s, of course.

I was already in New York. I knew nothing about the surprise. But my agent decided to book me on a last minute book reading in Charleston. So, as my train was pulling into Penn Station, her plane was taking off from JFK. So, by the time we were able to actually connect, it was too late for him to come and meet me. Right. So then I decided to come back here, set up a nice warm welcome home and then my flight here was delayed. Freezing rain in March. It does happen. So it’s been quite a long time. It has. But somehow we survived because we are so brave. So brave. Courage. Traci, I love you. Mm. Too much? Should we stop?

No, no, never.

No, no. That is not what you were going to say. No, I was going to say, Traci, I love you and you deserve all the happiness in the world. And Alan, after everything you did for Ashley, you deserve some happiness too. I hope the two of you get more than a couple days together this time. Oh, thank you. We are grateful no matter how much time we get together. But what if I’m grateful and greedy? What if I want more? Well, I want more too, but work is work. Alan, what can we do? No, I’m glad you asked that because I was thinking if I quit my speaking engagements, we’d have more time to travel together, if that’s what you’d like. You sound so confident, Dad. That’s because I am. Really? I mean, you’re sure that we’re going to find them? You don’t think that there’s a possibility that it might be too late? Supergirl, I swear to you, on my life, that thought has never crossed my mind. Just think about how tough your mother and Sharon are. How hard they would fight to get back to the people they love. Besides, somebody took Sharon and Phyllis for a reason and it wasn’t to hurt them. We don’t know who kidnapped them or why they did it. If they were even kidnapped. Seriously? If? Oh, look, I’m not trying to downplay that at all. I’m just going by the facts. You know, I’m trying not to make assumptions. The security footage, it doesn’t show abduction and I’m just keeping that in mind. Okay, but Chance, facts aside, you have instincts, right? What are those telling you? Well, after what we just learned in the past 12 hours, I will admit, I do have a bad feeling about this. Sharon, hey, come on, get up. Sharon, come on. Come on, let’s get up. Let’s get up. Don’t– don’t– don’t’ freak me out, okay? Please don’t freak me out. Come on, we’re in this together. Sharon. Oh, my– oh, my God. Sharon, come on, come on, come on. I don’t– There’s no pulse. Oh, my God, I don’t feel a pulse. What did you do to her? What did you do to her? Hey, Sharon, wake up. Come on, come on. Oh, my God. Now, don’t say no, okay? Say you’ll think about it. And remember, I’m the most amazing travel companion ever. Well, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. Alan is the only one who’s figured out how to wake me up when I have these early meetings that I just dread. ALAN: Room service coffee set up by the bed so that the aroma wafts into her dreams. And then he sets up my shower for me. Which is scalding, by the way. It’s kind of terrifying. I actually did complain about the hot showers

and the steam in the room.

All that aside, it sounds like a match made in heaven. Who can say no to that? Everybody, let’s slow down for a second. Alan, you’re talking about giving up your public speaking career. What am I actually giving up? You know, being away from you to talk to strangers and say the same things I’ve said a dozen times. No, but I would never ask you to do that, to give up something, such a big part of your life. Alan, if I may. Please, thank you. He offered it, sweetheart. Maybe he means it. Maybe that’s what he wants. But– but I also know that you have a life. I don’t want to crowd you or… No, no, it’s not about that. I mean, I look at you and it’s always more joy. You could never crowd me. I mean it. That’s a relief. For a minute, I thought you were going to say you like taking breaks from me, which would be totally understandable. Oh, come on and tell me that you know better than this and you’re just teasing. You know, I thought Jack was the king of romantic gestures, but Traci, you’ve got a strong contender here. You two have seen each other through the dark times into the light, and I, for one, think we could all use a few more bright moments. I’m glad you see my logic. I am glad my sister has you in her life. Oh, I’m the lucky one. Traci has a wonderful family, a brilliant career, people who love her. It’s very true. My life in Paris wasn’t quite so full, and after last year, it got a little bit worse. Losing your brother. Yeah. I was alone in Paris, and I could still be alone, but I’m not because of you. Alan, I love hearing the compliments and hearing how you see me, but you have to know I am more grateful for you. When I look at you, I am reminded what it really feels like to be completely happy in a way that I haven’t felt in years. So yes, yes, I would want more moments like that. Thank you very much. JACK: Isn’t that the essence of love? To want more days, more moments with someone we know makes us happy. By that definition, I am tragically in love. In fact, if I thought I had a shot, I’d ask you to marry me right now. Oh my God, this is bad. This is really bad. Dad, do you still feel so confident after hearing him say that? Hey, I did not say that to make you worry, okay? This is me just assessing the situation. Now based on what I’ve seen, I do think a crime has been committed, okay? I don’t think your mother or Sharon left of their own volition. You guys have said as much and I’m just agreeing, that’s all. But if you have a bad feeling… Chance is just listening to us, all right? He is on our side. He’s going to help us figure this out. Yes, put it a lot better than I did. Thank you. Bottom line is we’re going to bring them home. Okay, yeah, you’re right. What do we do next? I think we should do a door-to-door search, like a four-block radius. Agreed, agreed. I’m working on some search warrants right now, too. Search warrants? How long is that going to take? I can’t be sure.

It depends on the judge.

Man, forget the judge. I’ll just put Newman Security on it.


Are you going to tell me no? No, I’m going to tell you that using a private team could compromise evidence for an investigation and a possible trial. Man, I don’t care about that. The only thing that matters is finding Sharon and Phyllis. Chance, please. I’m not arguing. I’m just saying. What streets are you looking at? Well, I think we should start here, and if we don’t find anything there, then we–

We expand the search.

Exactly. What is this area? I don’t recognize it. CHANCE: It’s a bunch of medical warehouses, some office buildings, a medical facility here and there. You know what? New Hope used to source from a company there, but then the vendor went out of business. Yeah, it looks like most of these places around here are empty, maybe all of them. So, it’s just a bunch of abandoned buildings? Yeah, deserted, no workers, no trucks going in and out. Checks all the boxes. SUMMER: I don’t get this. I don’t. Why would somebody take the both of them? I mean, what do they want? It’s not money or else they would have reached out by now. So, they clearly don’t want the cash.

What do they want?

Hey. What’s going to happen if they don’t get it? Listen to me. We’re close, okay? We’re going to get you every answer that you need. Just hang in there a little bit longer. PHYLLIS: Oh, my God, I can’t feel her pulse. Are you listening? Do you hear me? Oh, my God, how do I help her? What do I do to fix it? Is it the water? The water? The antidote? Oh, my– The bottle, the bottle. Where is it? Oh, God. Oh, God. I drank it all. Oh, my God, I drank it all. But you knew that, didn’t you? What do I do? Oh, my God, what do I do? Tell me what I do! Oh, my God. What is this? You freak. When I find out who you are… “I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears.” Crazy freak. I’m going to find out who you are after I save her. I’m coming for you. I swear I am coming for you. Sharon, Sharon. What a person won’t do to get a free trip to Manhattan. I can see a smile on your face, but panic in your eyes. I threw way too much at you before your second cup, and I’m so sorry. Alan, Alan. This is not panic.

You know, we could, um–

Right, I forgot. We could say a lot of awkward things to get us out of here. Oh, no, no. I don’t want to drive you guys away. JACK: No, not at all. Trust me, he wouldn’t leave his baby sister alone right now if he didn’t know that’s exactly what she wants. Thank you, Diane. And I’ll see you later, Jack. See, I can take a hint. [Alan sighing] Not very smooth, am I? I will let you know in a minute. Is there something that you wanted to say to me? Yeah, get a full crew ready. I’ll meet you there. Okay. Chance is right, all right? We’re closing in. My crew is going to tear that place apart. You’re going to keep me posted, right? Even if it’s just to say that there’s no news. Yes, I will, but if I don’t get back to you right away, please don’t assume the worst. Dad, I’m not, I’m not sure about this. All right, how about this? I will do my absolute best to keep a cool head, and you do the same. [Summer sighing] All right, you’ll let me know if you learn anything new? I’ll call you. Same goes for you. All right.

A little bit longer.

Be careful. Let’s get you something to eat. You know that I can’t eat. Want to try? Can you eat right now? Well, you know me. I can always eat. Sometimes I think we know each other too well. It’s not a bad thing. You’re right. I knew that you were worried about my mom and Sharon, even though you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Yeah, look, I’m– I’m apprehensive. Okay, I have concerns, but I am very confident that we’re going to find them, and we’re going to bring them home. I can tell that you mean it. That’s the only reason I’m not a complete wreck right now. Good. [Summer sighing] If you can, please trust me on this. Okay, I know it’s hard after everything with Daniel. I’m trying. You don’t have to get into us right now. But just please know that you can count on me. No, I, I, I do. I mean, you listen to me about my mom and you’re helping my dad. You didn’t even put up a fight when he wanted to use a private search team. Yeah, well, we’re lost. You’re a good guy, Chance. You’re a good cop. Thank you for that. Can you promise everything is really going to be okay? Hey, we are going to find your mom and we are going to find Sharon, and we are going to bring them home safely. It’s just a matter of time. PHYLLIS: I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears. I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears. I swear to God, I hate you. My God. Sharon, all right. I gotta, I gotta, um, do– do CPR. Okay. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Sharon? Please. Hey. Wake up. Okay, pinch your nose. Come on, come on, Sharon. One, two, three, four. Come on, come on. I swear to you. I swear to you. Do not leave me here alone, please. One, two, three… One, two, three, four. One, two, three– Oh, God. Oh, God. Are you okay? Are you okay? Please say you’re okay. What happened? Oh, my God. Sharon, you died. You died. You were dead. He murdered you, and he just left you there, and there was a card. There was a card, and if I didn’t see it, oh my God. The brain has only so much time. The oxygen to your brain. How many fingers do I have up? My head is killing me. Because you died. You were dead. Unless that was a trick. Was it a trick? I CPR’d you. There’s no way you can fake that. You died. How did he do that to you? I brought you back to life. Did I pass the test? Go slow. Just go slow, okay? Just keep breathing. Keep breathing. You saved my life. Well, the V-bot didn’t give me options, you know? I had to. No, you didn’t have to do that. Yeah, I did, Sharon. I had to do it. Turns out I was right about you, wasn’t I? Don’t make a big deal out of this, okay? I mean, a few minutes ago, you were a corpse. So, if you want to spend the rest of your alive days saying, I told you so. No, you can spend it however you want, Phyllis, but I saved your life, and you saved mine. Yeah, they will be in touch, Chance. They know they have to be fast and thorough. And we will be. Okay, thanks.


Hey. Thought you might be here. Do you have anything new? Chance is going over some security footage. Um, it might narrow down the search area for where Sharon and Phyllis are being held. Okay, well, that’s great. Whereabouts? It’s an old warehouse district. A lot of abandoned buildings. A lot of places in the shadows to hide where nobody can hear you. It’s not exactly a reassuring thought, is it? No, it’s not. Have you got something? I do, actually. Um, I got a text. Usually, I would trash it because I would assume it’s spam, but– Not this time? No, and I think when you see it, you’re gonna agree with me. Look, anything you have is worth taking a look at. Okay, so I got the number for Phyllis’ burner phone from Daniel, the one that she called Summer from. And I called it, you know, once or twice. Yeah, we’ve done that, too. We never got an answer. No, nobody picked up, but this text came through.

What did the text say?

Look at it. Does that make any sense to you? Click here for information on the Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic. [Alan sighing] Alan, I’m really not trying to put you on the spot. I just want to understand what it is you’re saying. Oh, can you tell I’m winging this? Um, I don’t know what to say. Look, it was spontaneous. Uh, it was not planned and maybe ill-conceived. I– I– We don’t have to have this discussion right now if you don’t want to. You mean you want to set aside this conversation and maybe circle back to it, maybe not? I mean, you know, if that’s what you want. It’s not what I want. I spent a lifetime without you, Traci. It was productive, interesting, challenging, you know. In some ways, they were good. In some ways, I wish I could forget. But then, I think, was it really living? I don’t think so. Because now there’s this woman in my life who radiates warmth, humanity, who has a curious mind, a generous heart. And when I was away from you, it made me remember what my world was like before you. And you know what? It was not enough. Not compared to what we have. Look, I want to give you space, but I want to be nearer to you. I want to be your partner, your friend, lover, family. You are the one thing in my life I never realized I didn’t have. I love you very much. Traci Abbott, will you marry me? Alan Laurent, yes, I will marry you. ALAN: I just want to hold on to this moment. Oh, I do too. Is it all too fast? For whom? For you, I don’t know, the world. Obviously not for me. I’ve been the picture of restraint until today. If it was up to me, I would have proposed after the first kiss. Well, that might have been a little bit too soon. Well, some might say today is too. Well, who cares what the rest of the world thinks? How about you? What do you think? How do you feel? Oh, Alan… you come to a point where you convince yourself that you don’t need this kind of love anymore. Your life is fine. It’s full of joy. Little, small, big joys, wins, losses, memories of your special people. Like your daughter who passed away. Yes, I talk to her every single day and I’ve told her all about you.

You think she’d approve of me?

TRACI: I do. Finding you has been this really unexpected gift, like, like a bonus chapter to what’s already a lovely life. Well, all the days we have left, I want to spend with you. That sounds wonderful. But we have to make it official. What? Isn’t it official?

No, no.

You asked, I answered.

It seems official.

We need the ring, okay? We need to get you a ring. And don’t say you don’t need one. This is for me, okay? Because if we do spend time apart, you need to have a reminder of me right on your hand. Well, that sounds beautiful. But all of this can wait. No, I disagree. I’ll be right back. No, you’re so impulsive today. Yeah, but this is our time, all right? Let me make it special. I’ll be right back. I’ll be back, don’t worry. Hey, I hope you’re not fleeing the scene. Oh, no, it’s just a little something that’s missing. It’s very important, but I’ll be back in no time at all.


Okay. Thank you. Traci, Alan was just leaving. He was practically running. So, sis, any news? It reads like an automated response, like a courtesy text you get when a business is closed. So you didn’t get that text when you called the burner phone? Nope. And neither did anyone else or they would have mentioned it. Okay, so to me, this is either on purpose or it’s one hell of a glitch. What about that link? Did you click on it? No, not yet. I didn’t want to risk it. Smart. Let’s get that to Chance right away. You don’t think this is spam, Nick? Let’s see if this is even a real place to start with. Mm. So Havenhurst Clinic is an actual clinic. It seems like it’s permanently closed, though. I’ve got a map of the warehouse district that Chance’s team can search. Let me guess.

Havenhurst is in there.

It is. And that can’t possibly be a coincidence. Please, Sharon, don’t drink that fast. Don’t chug it just in case this freak spiked it. Please. Our host has way too big of an ego to try to pull the same trick twice. They’re enjoying impressing us with their creativity. Well, I think you’re giving whoever it is too much credit. Just go slow. Gee, it almost sounds like you care, Phyllis. And you know what? It’s starting to become very clear to me that’s what all of this is about. Getting past the hate, seeing the bigger picture. Mm, well, the joke’s on them. Because I can still hate you and not want you dead. But you’ve wanted me dead in the past, haven’t you? So now, what’s different? This situation has changed things. It’s changed us. Mm. You don’t have to psychoanalyze the situation. It’s not that deep. You know, there’s no bigger picture. I mean, this is just some twisted fun for that sick freak that likes to see us suffer. That’s true. The voice is enjoying this. Get some sort of joy out of gaining a sense of control and power. Thank you. Of course, there can be other layers to this, regardless. Remember, I told you what the voice said. To think of this as an experiment. They’re getting some sort of satisfaction out of accomplishment. Right. Right. Like a puppet master. Yes, but he or she was looking for some sort of a result. Like, they were trying to convince us, or themselves, that humanity can rise above darker emotions. Okay, or self-preservation trumps all. Really? Maybe we saved each other because we just didn’t want to be alone. That’s not very noble, isn’t it? Okay, well, now we’re just talking in circles because you insist on being so contrary. Well, you insist on being a know-it-all. Well, I’m not saying that that’s the only reason behind all this. I’m sure there are others. But I am saying that one of the points is to cast a light on our relationship. That is clear to me. And it has become very serious. It’s gotten to an extreme point. Literal life or death. All right. So, I mean, did we dance to your tune? The question is, what happens next? Look, I know this is tough, but we’re going to figure it out. I am going to go update Daniel and try to get some work done, but I will be waiting for a phone call from you and my dad. Okay. Now, if you need anything… I will call you. Hey, glad I caught you both. Billy got a text. A text from who, Phyllis? No, but it’s all connected. Tell him. I called Phyllis’ burner phone. Daniel gave me the number. Nobody picked up when I did call, but once I disconnected, a text came through from a business, like a follow-up text. Wait, from the same number? I mean, why now? I’ve called that number like a million times. I don’t know. That’s what we’re trying to figure out. So the phone is connected to a business. What did the text say? Text mentioned something about a Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic, which just happens to be…

In our search zone.

You got it. Wait, so one of those abandoned medical buildings. Does that mean we’re in the right area? It’s a very specific clue, but is it the truth? Or is it a trap? What’s next? I think that’s the wrong question. Well, of course it is, because I’m the one who asked it. No, no, no, no. Because it puts everything back. That freak show’s court gives them the control. We take the control. Just like you said, we had to get past everything. I saved your life, you saved my life. We got past all of our history. And then it was just us, and we had to lean on each other. Not just tolerate each other, not just put up with each other. We had to believe in each other emotionally and mentally. We had to keep breathing together. That’s what it is. Oh, my gosh. That’s the final riddle. We have to find an escape route together. If it were that simple, we would have done it already. No, we wouldn’t have, Sharon. Because we had the distraction of being here together, and fighting, and everything, our basic loathing with each other. And dare I say, things are different now. Listen. I don’t hear anything. No. No, you don’t hear anything because the voice is gone. So, you’re saying this is it? This is our chance to get out? Yeah, this is it. And there is a way out. There has to be. Because if there weren’t, we were never intended to survive. And that’s not the case. Death is not an option. It’s not an option. It’s not. Okay? It’s teamwork. Pure and focused teamwork. That’s how we get our freedom. Alan’s left you speechless. He sure ran out of here on a mission. If you want to keep all this to yourselves for now, we understand. No, no, no, I want you to know. I want the whole world to know. Oh, Jack, love finds you in the strangest, most surprising times. And now, I think it appears I’m going to be married. And Alan has run out to buy a ring to make it official. Wow, how wonderful. Oh, and so romantic. It is, isn’t it? I’m still trying to catch up. Okay, let me recap. Alan misses you and wants to spend as much time with you as possible, so he very sweetly and spontaneously asked you to be his partner for life. Is that what happened? Yes, and it appears you said yes. I think I did. I think I did. Oh, it just doesn’t feel real yet. Hey, are you happy? I am, Jack. And is this really what you want? More than anything. [phone pinging] Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Oh, Kyle, this is beautiful. Hm. I’m so grateful that Jack and Diane offered to babysit so we could keep our date. Oh, believe me, no one is happier than Harrison. Oh, I’m not sure about that. Your parents both seemed pretty psyched about movie night with their grandson. They’re planning on using him to settle a long-standing argument. I thought Jack and Diane were getting along well. They are, and they still have their differences. Such as? They can’t agree on the definitive James Bond. My dad says Sean Connery, mom says Roger Moore, so they’re gonna watchGoldfinger, thenLive and Let Die. Let Harrison be the judge. To be honest, I’ve never seen any of those movies. Are they age-appropriate? They promised they would skip the questionable parts. You really haven’t seen them? You’re more of a romantic comedy type, aren’t you? Sure. Although, I’m not immune to the charms of a handsome, dashing man of mystery. If you keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna tell you all my secrets. I can’t wait to hear them. Champagne? Yeah. James Bond drank martinis. I’ve never had one of those. Maybe next time. What are we celebrating? I’m celebrating the fact that tonight… I finally get to spend some alone time with you. Come here. [Kyle sighing] Kyle, um… I know that this probably isn’t the best time, but… we really need to talk.

Hey, Vic.

VICTORIA: Hey. Thanks for meeting me. You know that we’re all here for you, Nick. So, any news at all about Phyllis or Sharon? I mean, Chance is doing everything he can to find them, but so far, he’s come up with nothing. You don’t know for sure if either one of them is in trouble. You’re right. You’re right. They could be fine. You know, they could walk through that door, but I know at this point, that’s just wishful thinking. It’s just, it’s so unlike Phyllis to stay off the radar. Especially after everything that went down with Sharon. She knows better than to not call anyone back. Though, it’s not outside of character for either one of them to resist what they might see as overprotectiveness. They both could be just ignoring me on their phones to teach me a lesson. I don’t know. I don’t know which one of them is more stubborn at this point. Well, they’re very lucky to have you looking out for them. We all are. Oh, it’s been quite a year for this family. Sure has. It’s getting harder and harder to stay positive with everything that’s been thrown at us. But we have to. We have to lean on each other and stay strong for our kids. So, if something is wrong, that’s what Phyllis and Sharon would want you to do. Oh, my God. Phyllis, you need to hang on. Think about your kids. There– there’s so much pain. It feels like I drank battery acid. Phyllis, you need to drink this. It’s the only bottle that was different than the others.

It has a yellow sticker on it.

Oh. Phyllis? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, whoever did this, whoever did this, it feels like, it feels like– like my heart is beating out of my chest. Oh, God. Your– your pulse is racing. Oh. I– I felt like those lunges would prepare me for what my body was gonna go through. Oh, my God, it’s so stupid. I am sure that this is the answer to the riddle. I’m the beginning and the end, though you can’t see me. The poison, it was in the water. That was the beginning when you drank it. When you drink the water again, that will be the end. What if it’s the end for me? Here. Here. No. Seriously, what if that bastard did this, and if I drink that, it’s game over? They said that this is a game. You and I both agreed that if they were going to kill us, they would have done it by now. Whatever is going through my insides right now, maybe it’s just game over for me. Did I get the answer right? Did I solve the riddle? Is that the antidote? [Phyllis gasping] It is clear that Phyllis trusts me less than she trusts you, so you need to answer me right now! Uh-uh. I’m sorry to interrupt. No, you’re not. Is there a problem, Summer? Kyle, it’s about Harrison. Harrison’s fine. In fact, he’s more than fine. Harrison is upstairs with my parents, watching movies, eating popcorn and gummy worms, getting spoiled rotten. SUMMER: I know that. But there’s something that we need to discuss as his parents. Can we just step away for a few minutes and talk, please? We just sat down. It’s okay, Kyle. I understand. If this really is about Harrison. Yeah, it is. Then, our date can wait. I will step aside and let the two of you talk.

Thank you, Claire.

Yeah. [Kyle and Summer sighing] Okay. What is it? What’s wrong, Summer? Kyle, I’m concerned about what Harrison might hear about my mom at school. It looks like she really is missing. Wait, you still haven’t heard from your mother? No. And Chance is doing everything that he can to find her, but the thing is that there are other cops on the force who have kids in Harrison’s class. And they could overhear something at the dinner table from their parents, which could make its way back to our son. There’s nothing we can do about that, but I just don’t want Harrison to be afraid that something bad has happened to his grandma, you know? He’s a sensitive kid. He’s probably already picked up on what you’re feeling. He has. He’s already asked me some questions. I mean, he was supposed to have a playdate with my mom yesterday. He wanted to teach her how to play ping-pong. Phyllis playing ping-pong. Now that’s an image that can’t help but make you smile. She’s gonna be okay, Summer. I really hope that you’re right, but the fact is… we don’t know. And I know that Harrison still remembers being taken from his room by Jordan. And that could lead to some equally scary thoughts about what could be happening to your mom. Do you think that I’m being crazy overprotective right now? When you’re a mom, is there really such a thing? Listen, I will think about some things to say to Harrison if he hears about Phyllis. No, no, I don’t think that we should wait until after the fact, Kyle. Yes, let’s hope for the best, but we need to prepare for the worst. Kyle, we need to talk to our son tonight. You’re right, of course. I keep telling Summer, Faith, and Noah that they don’t need to worry about their moms, but kids, no matter how old they are, they pick up on stuff. That just reminds me how incredible our parents are, you know? How strong they are for us every single day despite everything that they’ve gone through. They always manage to put on a brave face. Yeah, I was talking to Billy about that earlier. You were? NICK: Yeah. I went by his place just to see if he had heard from Phyllis, and, um, you know, he picked up on what I was going through and how badly I want to be there for my kids. You’re both great fathers. You have that in common. I’m sorry. I know it must be hard. You always have to be the one who’s always there for everyone. It’s all right. I do my best. You don’t always have to be so strong, you know that? It would be nice if there was, like, a day or two where everything didn’t fall apart, you know, so I didn’t have to worry about everyone. Look. I actually believe that that day is coming soon. There are some really good things happening right now. Remind me again what those are. Well, Dad is recovering nicely from his gunshot wound and Mom, I mean, she’s sober now, and she’s taking Chancellor to new heights. Claire, she’s finally rid of Jordan, thank God. And she’s working at Chancellor, and she’s turning heads. Look, I know that Sharon and Phyllis are gonna reach out soon, and we’re just gonna find out that this was some big misunderstanding. I hope you’re right. And I am grateful for all the good things that are in our lives, I am. But, Vic, I’m telling you, I got this sinking feeling in my gut that Sharon and Phyllis are in real danger. Oh, God, this feeling, it’s not going away. Damn it! What, are you shocked by this? This lunatic probably likes this. Am I putting on a show for you? You like watching me die! You’re not gonna die, Phyllis. I’m not gonna let that happen. Like you have a say. All of the other bottles were identical. Drinking the one that was marked is the only option. You think I trust you more than this lunatic? You think I’m trying to poison you now? You tried to poison my son’s whiskey. I was trying to get rid of that bottle of poisoned alcohol when Heather walked in. God. Maybe you want to finish the job. Maybe you– maybe you have the guts for premeditated murder now, Sharon. Look at me. Why? Why do you want me to look at you? So I can see the murderous look in your eyes? Is that why? Do you remember the last time you accused me of trying to kill you? I thought you tried to run me off the road, yes. Right. And you were wrong about me then. And you’re wrong about me now. Drink. No. I can’t. No. No. No. So, you want to die out of spite? That’s what I’m gonna tell your kids. I’m gonna tell Summer and Daniel and Lucy that you would rather lose your life than to have me be right about something. I can’t force you to drink that. This is your call. Oh, my God. Give it to me. Whether it kills me or not, at least I don’t have to listen to you. I don’t have to listen to you and your self-righteous know-it-all voice anymore. Shut up! [Phyllis gasping] It’s Mariah. In the last hour, I’ve gotten texts from her, Faith, Summer, and Noah. They all want updates on their moms and I can’t give them to them. You’re worried that they’re gonna hear the worry in your voice. I’m just trying to keep everyone calm, you know? But I also don’t want to give them false hope. I don’t blame them for being freaked out after what Ian and Jordan put Sharon and Phyllis through. I tell them and myself, like you said, we don’t know that they’re in trouble. That’s the truth. Sharon said she was taking some personal time, and Phyllis said that she was gonna be away on business. I’m trying to get them to take them at their word, at least until we get more information. I guess I could lie to them. But you can’t lie to yourself. I can tell from the look on your face that you’re 100% convinced that Phyllis and Sharon need your help, aren’t you? Well, I’m with you on that. You know, it’s like you can tell your kids the same thing that I’ve been telling Lucy. Everything’s fine, there’s nothing to worry about, but then you try and you tell yourself that, and you’re just not buying it. Phyllis. Phyllis. Still here. [Sharon sighing] So, whatever was in that bottle, it did the trick. I don’t know. I feel horrible. Oh, God, I feel like I swallowed a whole tackle box of fish hooks and it’s being pulled out of my stomach. Maybe drink some more. Maybe the dose you need is the whole bottle. Can’t get any worse, right? Where? Drink all of it. Okay, anything? If that was my last meal, I want a do over. It tasted horrible. Maybe it’ll take a little while for it to work. Maybe. Maybe you should get up, move around. Ugh. Are you trying to make me vomit? Just get your circulation going so that the antidote gets into your system faster. I feel– I feel so faint from the pain. Here, let me help you. You can lean on me. Come on. Oh, God.

I feel so sick.

SHARON: Let’s go. Hey, I gotta do this. Yeah. Here you go. Okay. How are you doing? No, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t do this. I gotta sit down. I’m so– I’m so weak. I can’t. What is it? More pain? I think it’s fading. Look, I know that my mom can take care of herself, but it’s just… It’s driving me crazy not knowing where she is and if she’s okay and I’m… I’m just trying to focus on the things that I can control. I get that you want to protect Harrison. I do, but I don’t see the urgency. I don’t think we should interrupt his movie night with my parents. And why bring this up when there’s a chance that he might not even hear about this? But what if he does? Kyle, don’t you remember the nightmares that he had after his kidnapping? Do you want our little boy to feel even a moment of being afraid or confused again? [Kyle sighing] You’re right. You’re right. [Summer sighing] I’m– I’m sorry that I wrecked your romantic dinner with Claire. We’ll go upstairs and talk to Harrison. Kyle, look, I really appreciate you hearing me on this. Yeah, we promised each other that going forward, Harrison would always come first. I have every intention of keeping that promise. Hm. Now, it feels like I’m the one who’s interrupting. Do the two of you need more time? I’m sorry, Claire. Summer made me realize we need to tell Harrison about Phyllis. And it really can’t wait. We’re worried that if he hears about Phyllis, it’ll trigger the memories of his own kidnapping. I know how worried you are about your mom. And I also know firsthand about the trauma that Harrison experienced when my Aunt Jordan kidnapped us both. So, I totally understand. You go do what you need to do. Yeah, I don’t think it’ll take long. You mind waiting here for me? Not at all. Are you sure? I– I don’t want to hold you up. And I also don’t want to rush our talk with Harrison. Maybe you could reschedule? Take all the time you need. I’ll just, uh, wait here at the bar for you.

KYLE: Great. Thank you.

CLAIRE: Mm-hmm. Hi. I will have a sparkling water, please. Actually… I’m going to live dangerously. I’ll have a martini. Daniel, there’s no point in any of us jumping to worst case scenarios. Nick’s right. We don’t know for a fact that anything’s happening to Phyllis or Sharon. We don’t know that. But, I mean, we all feel it, right? Look, I appreciate the two of you trying to calm me down, but I just overheard where you’re at with this, Nick. I didn’t say that I’ve lost hope. But it is getting harder and harder to explain why the two of them have been AWOL for so long. Maybe that’s because there is no explanation. Maybe whatever they’re dealing with is a whole hell of a lot less than innocent. I mean, what if we never see my mother or Sharon again? Better? What’s better? We’re never going to see our kids again? Don’t say that. Your pain stopped. That had to be the antidote. We passed the test. What test? I’m not brimming with optimism. Can we not celebrate for at least five minutes that you didn’t die? Yeah, sure, let’s celebrate. We’re being imprisoned against our will by some crazy, psychotic, wannabe game show host. That’s the truth. Hey! Hey, let’s make a deal! Let us go, and I swear when I see you, I won’t rip your eyes out. I’ll be really gentle with you. Nothing? Hey, we saved your life. We won. We won, but what about next round? [feedback blaring] MODULATED VOICE:Well done, Sharon. You solved the riddle. Hey, listen, before you tell us what our prize is, can you please just walk away from the microphone so we don’t get that feedback anymore, please? SHARON: This is getting out of control. We agreed to play your game. I didn’t agree to anything. But physically hurting one of us, that is out of bounds. If we’re going to play, can we at least play nice? [feedback blaring] I’ll take that as a no. They wanted me to save you. Okay, well, I’m all for giving homicidal lunatics the benefit of the doubt. No, Phyllis, this was a part of the game. Okay, if the game was, let’s put Phyllis in the most excruciating pain possible. I could have just as easily been the one who drank the poison. The voice had no way of knowing which one of us would pick up the tainted bottle. That’s true. It couldn’t be me, writhing on the floor, losing all hope, praying for death just to take the pain away. It makes me wonder… if it had been me, would you have saved me? Thanks. Hm, that’s strong. I guess James Bond is a little tougher than me. Somehow, I doubt that. What you’re drinking there is straight alcohol. Ian Fleming’s protagonists drink Vespers. He drank Italian scooters? That’s Vespa, which I’m sure he chased plenty of those in his time. Vesper, you can drink without a chaser. It’s still a martini, but when you add a little Lillet instead of vermouth, it changes everything. May I? Uh, two Vespers, shaken, not stirred. After everything you’ve done to my family… maybe death by poison is what you deserve. Are you shocked to hear me say that? No, not at all. I just don’t believe you. You think I’m a liar. Oh, I know that you hate me, Phyllis, but I don’t believe that you would just stand idly by while my life hangs in the balance. Maybe I wouldn’t have figured it out. Maybe I wouldn’t have unraveled the riddle. Maybe. I mean, because clearly I’m not as smart as you, Sharon. Maybe so, but you did figure out that last riddle pretty quickly. Yeah, I did. Look, if this is the way you want to play it, it’s fine with me. If hating me is the distraction you need right now, I’m good with it. I know that you’re concerned, but never seeing them again? From what Nick said– I’ve been in constant communication with Chance. You know, he’s called in a bunch of favors to friends on the force. They’re using a ton of resources to try and find my mother and Sharon, and they’ve come up with absolutely nothing. I don’t have to tell you what this is doing to Summer.

No, you don’t.

Yeah. Because, you know, she’s freaking out. She’s worried that Harrison might overhear something at school, and it’s going to trigger everything that happened with him and Jordan. And my own daughter is starting to ask me questions like, “Why isn’t Grandma texting me back?” So, I can’t really send her off on tour with her grandfather again without tipping her off that something’s wrong here. You’re not thinking of telling her that? Not unless I have to. Look, if you think it will help, I’ll have Johnny reach out to her, have her come out to the ranch. Yeah. Yeah, actually, that might be nice. She’s been through a lot lately. You’re a good dad, Daniel. You just have to trust your instincts. Well, my instincts right now are telling me that this is very bad. I mean, I don’t understand how this can be happening all over again. Yeah, I know. I’ve got a lot of questions too. Maybe we’re about to get some answers. Hey. Hi, you guys are both here. I, uh, have some news about Sharon and Phyllis. That’s better. That’s much better. I had a feeling you’d like it. So this is your drink of choice? Well, mine and Mr. Bond’s. What’s in it? Or, let me guess. You’ll tell me, but then you’ll have to kill me, right? Mm, fortunately, a signature cocktail is the only thing I have in common with a licensed killer. Fortunately. What you’re drinking there is gin, vodka, and Lillet, which is a white wine liqueur flavored with fruit and a hint of quinine. Quinine? Isn’t that a poison? In large doses, yes. Yet you drink it by choice. Well, they say, “Pick your poison.” This is mine. Maybe mine too. That whole vodka martini thing, that’s just for the Bond films. Sean Connery or Roger Moore? Mm, Daniel Craig. I’ve never actually seen any of the films. But I do know who Daniel Craig is. He’s very sexy. I would say skip the movies, read the books instead. You’re into spy fiction? My best friend makes fun of me for it. He’s partial to 19th century French literature. Sounds fun. He has his moments. I’m Holden. Claire. Oh, looks like Claire has made a new friend. Excuse me. Claire. Hey. How’d it go with Harrison? We prepared him in case he hears something. We told him that Phyllis might be out of town, which could be true. And if not, we figured a little white lie wouldn’t hurt. We just don’t want him to be scared. I think you did the right thing. Well, thanks for doing that with me, Kyle. We’ll talk later, okay? Good night. Good night. Is that a martini? It’s actually a Vesper. James Bond drinks them in the books. This gentleman introduced me to them. As you both know, the GCPD surveillance team has been working with Newman Security on this. Yeah, going over the CCTV footage. I thought you came up short. We did, but we expanded the scope a bit and had more to sift through. Appreciate the extra eyes, by the way. Yeah, of course. Anything that will find Phyllis and Sharon. If they need to be found. Well, we now have evidence that suggests they do. What evidence? We have footage of your mom leaving the Athletic Club. Now, we’re able to track her progress for a little bit, but she turns a corner and we lose her. Moments later, a white van with no windows comes around that corner and drives down the street. I don’t really like the sound of that, Chance. Same day, not ten minutes later, we got Sharon leaving the Cassidy First offices on tape. Heads for the parking lot where her car is, but we both know her car didn’t leave that parking lot. Another one did, though.

Same white van, no windows?

Right. Now, between you guys and mine, Nick, we have some sophisticated software that allowed us to scan the rest of the footage. And? Well, since then, there’s been no sight of Phyllis or Sharon. So, you still hate me and I still hate you. And, you know, even though I’m sure you will claim that I’m only saying this to make a point that I’m a bigger person, I’m going to say it anyway. I’m glad you’re okay. And I know that you will deny this until your dying day, which is not today, but I do believe that if the tables were turned, you would have done the same for me. So, you are saying you think my brush with death brought me closer to forgiving you for everything you put me and my family through? Did it? I’ll go on record saying that I don’t know if I’ll ever even forgive myself for everything I put Daniel through in the wake of Heather’s death. There’s that. And I know that it can’t make up for all of the pain that caused you, but surely saving your life is worth something, right? Sharon. Oh, I mean, I know you want to have a talk right now. Just… Oh. I’m so exhausted. I’m so exhausted from what my body just went through. I just, I want to… Oh, God. How can I relax in this hole? SHARON: You will. You will sleep. And you will be safe. Because I’ll be watching over you. Thank you. For what? Thank you for saving my life. You’re welcome. Sorry, again, about the interruption. You have nothing to apologize for. You know how much I adore Harrison. Almost as much as you adore his father? Don’t make me choose. Yeah, Summer puts on a strong front, but I can tell she’s really scared about her mom. Really, I get it. It’s okay for you to look out for your son and your son’s mother. I’m not threatened by her. Is that liquid courage? Do I have any reason to need it when it comes to us? None at all. Besides, we don’t even know if Phyllis is in trouble, so I would like to redirect all of my focus back to you. I like the sound of that.

KYLE: Yeah.

Do you want a taste? Oof, not my thing, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I think I might have another. Oh. You sure about that? It’s kind of hard to tell how hard it’s hitting me because I always feel a little lightheaded when I’m around you. Oh. So, someone took Sharon and my mother. Someone who has a white van. We find it, we find them. We ran the plates. The van is registered to a medical supply company, and it turns out it was reported stolen from its main lot the morning that Sharon and Phyllis disappeared. You know where this van is now? We don’t know yet, but we’re all hands on deck.

I promise you that.

Yeah, but this is something. We suspected this was happening, and now that we know it and we have a lead, we are going to find Phyllis and Sharon and bring them home. Get some rest, Phyllis. I think we’re going to need it. MODULATED VOICE: Again, well done, Sharon. You’re one step closer to liberation. What the hell does that mean? Why are you doing this? I know this is a game to you, but what is your goal here? Why does it matter so much to you that Phyllis and I reconcile? What’s in it for you? MODULATED VOICE: The satisfaction of accomplishment. So, this is personal? Some achievement that you want to check off of a list? Do we know you? MODULATED VOICE: This isn’t personal. My position is objective. Think of this as an experiment and nothing more. So, we’re just your lab rats? We mean nothing else other than that? What is it you mean when you say liberation? Does that mean that we will be set free from this place at some point? If we win, is that our prize? Or do you have something else in mind? MODULATED VOICE: You should rest too, Sharon. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for the two of you. But… [feedback blaring] [Sharon screaming] What? What? What is it? I don’t think we’re getting out of here anytime soon. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Monday, March 10, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

What’s really going on with Holden and me? I don’t know what you mean. I caught that look between you two before he took off. Definitely sensing there’s something you wanted to keep private. That was all Holden, not me. What does that mean exactly? The guy claims he needs a friend in town and wants it to be me. You’re not thrilled? I’m not. I ran into him at Crimson Lights. He wanted to have lunch and I agreed. But I’m only humoring him because he’s my in to learning more about your brother. So, whatever look you saw between us, that’s all it was. What are you doing, Sharon? You’re hardly looking up. What are you, writing a bucket list or something? I’m trying to concentrate. I mean, it’d be impossible to really write a bucket list. You can’t really mark anything off in this hellhole that we’re in. Oh, my head. I bet I can guess what’s on your bucket list. I’m not writing a bucket list. Oh, just– You know what? Let me guess. Let me guess. It’d be a fun game. The word “game” won’t seem very fun to me ever again after this.

Can we just drop it?

PHYLLIS: No. [Phyllis sighing] I bet I could figure it out. You’re not hard to figure out. Oh, my gosh. What would be on your bucket list? Um… It would be something having to do with your kids. Right? Yeah. It’d be one last time saying goodbye to them. One last time that you get to snuggle with them. Oh, one last time that you get to express your eternal love for your children. That would be on my list, with Daniel and Summer. Makes sense, given that you didn’t get those moments with them when you faked your own death. You know, we were having a nice moment just now, and you have to go there. I just know your history. Okay, well, I know your history, Sharon. All right? You’re not much different. You know, a bucket list is supposed to be like, um, your– your choices on how you’re going to live large before you die. That’s why I can guess what you would do, because you would do something incredibly self-sacrificing. Would you stop? No, that’s what you’d do. You’d, like, give away all your money to charity, and you’re supposed to put that in your will, but you wouldn’t do that. You wouldn’t do that, because you would do it while you’re alive, so everybody could say, “Oh, isn’t Sharon incredible? Isn’t Sharon generous? “Isn’t Sharon amazing?” You know what? You would choose something that would guarantee all eyes on you. Phyllis, front and center, selfish to the very end. Mm-hmm. I would. I’d go out with a bang. That’s what I would do. And you would, too. What would be your last item on your bucket list? What would it be? Mm, mm. So easy. To be saved by Nicholas. Nicholas, your knight in shining armor once again. Tell me that you don’t want Nicholas to burst through that door right this second and save us. Hey, sorry to drop by like this. I know we just saw each other a couple hours ago. No, please. I told you I wanted to be kept in the loop, so… tell me you’ve got something. I talked to Daniel and Summer. Uh, there’s no update on Phyllis. What about Sharon? Nothing. Look, why I came by was I was wondering if there might be a list of associates or contacts that Phyllis may have linked up with. I’m sure it’s a long shot, but I’m just trying anything and everything. No, I agree. We got to do everything we can. In fact, I made those phone calls already. Nobody’s heard anything. Damn it. I’m sorry, Nick. Yeah, it’s just with every lead that doesn’t pan out, with every hour that goes by, our worst suspicions are being confirmed. There’s something wrong here. I agree. Damn it. I can’t believe you’re wasting so much time on that. It’s ridiculous. I mean, obviously, it’s not working, so just do lunges with me or something. Do I need to remind you that we are in a life or death situation? Everything hinges on how well we play the game and solve the riddles. Yeah, I know, but it’s not working. What you’re doing isn’t working. Well, then why don’t you help me? We play the game, we get rewarded. Maybe that will be our ticket out of here. But it’s not, Sharon. We already solved two riddles. It didn’t get us anywhere. It didn’t get us better food. We didn’t get anything for participating. Staying alive is not enough of a prize for you? Of course it is. But maybe that’s not the goal. Maybe we’re doing all of this to amuse him or her. Do you really want to take that chance? That all of this is just so whoever is behind this can pass the time? You do want to see your children again, right? Don’t say that to me. You know I want to see my children. Well, then help me. At first, I thought maybe this was some sort of long anagram or it had some secret meaning, but so far, I’ve got nothing. Are you serious with that? Seriously? Really? I mean, because I figured it out a long time ago on my, like, fifth jumping jack.

You solved it?

Yeah. It’s here. Then, what does it mean? Tell me. No. I’m not telling you. Here. I feel like you could use that. Uh, yeah, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got to go meet up with Chance and talk to the security team. What are you going to do in the short time it’s going to take us to have a beer? Nick, you’ve been burning the candle at both ends since this started. I’m right behind you, okay? Sit down, have a beer. Put our heads together and maybe we can find something that we missed. All right. Thanks. I appreciate you making those calls. It means a lot. Look, I’m going to confess something to you, okay? It took me a while to admit that Phyllis could be in real trouble. My first thought, of course, was a selfish one. She wasn’t picking up the phone. She wasn’t calling me back. I thought I made a mistake joining forces with her at Abbott Communications. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s perfectly normal to think that Phyllis may have gone AWOL. I mean, how many times has she gone rogue? Yeah, she’s very capable of that and you would know. I feel like I know Phyllis pretty well and she is very excited about this company. I mean, she’s committed and then she vanishes. I’m sorry I didn’t figure this out straight out of the gate that something’s wrong. She absolutely wouldn’t do this to her kids and neither would Sharon. You know, when you first mentioned the idea that maybe Sharon and Phyllis were kidnapped, I’m really starting to think that’s a possibility. Let me ask you a question. How sure are you that Ian Ward is dead? You believe me, don’t you? You’ve brought me up to speed on your past relationship with Holden. I have no reason to think you’d lie to me about what’s going on now. I will take the vote of confidence. But… you do know that if there was something more to whatever that was between you and Holden, you can tell me anything, right? That sounded an awful lot like I trust you, but I don’t. I guess it did. I didn’t mean it like that. I trust you. I just know sometimes it can be hard to be completely open about an old flame to your new man. That’s all. It can be. Now, do you want to hear what I learned about Damian or not? Absolutely. Uh, why don’t we head back to my place? You can fill me in there. What is it? Amy won’t be back from Chicago for a while, right? Nope. Um, after her appointment with Dr. Kelly was done, she was going back to her place to grab a few things. Why? Is there something she shouldn’t hear? I don’t know, but I’d rather tell you first and let you decide. How about a drink? Hm. Sounds good. Huh. Amy forgot her scarf. It’s so chilly today. Chicago isn’t the Windy City for nothing. I hope she isn’t too cold. It’s sweet, the way you worry about her. I can’t help it. You know, she is facing so much and she’s been so strong. I just want to be there for her. You talked to her. How did she sound? A little flustered. She said she wasn’t expecting Dr. Kelly to whisk her off to Chicago for tests so soon. She thought it was just a consult. But that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Absolutely. Given the severity of her condition, there’s really no time to waste. I really hope your doctor friend can do something to help her. You and me both. Now, Damian. Another situation that would be best if resolved quickly.


So, what have you learned? Well, according to Holden, he and Damian were best friends before Damian hired Holden to work for him at Danglars Properties and Monte Cristo Investments. And what? Things changed after that? Their dynamic was totally different. Suddenly, Damian had all the power, and Holden was answering to him instead of feeling like an equal. I’ve been there with Devon. It wasn’t easy at first, but we managed to work it out. Our relationship is stronger for it. Well, I got the sense that in this case, things are not going well. The way Holden speaks about Damian, his tone, it feels like Holden resents Damian. Because he’s successful? More like because Damian treats him like an employee first and a friend second. Hm. Yeah, that could be challenging. I think I saw some of it in play back at the Athletic Club. It looked like Damian came down pretty hard on Holden. Holden didn’t seem happy about it. And there’s something else. Holden admitted that Damian has a hell of a temper when he’s crossed. And it sounds like Holden’s been at the receiving end of it more than once. Ian Ward. It’s funny you say that. When you first floated the idea that Sharon and Phyllis were kidnapped, that’s the first name that popped into my head. And I asked myself, am I absolutely sure he’s dead? And? I saw him get shot. I walked by his dead body. I even called the morgue and confirmed that he was there. He was cremated, Billy. This isn’t Ian Ward. Well, sounds like you made sure. I hate to think there’s another madman running around the streets of Genoa City. No. We don’t know if a madman is behind this. Okay, so Phyllis and Sharon are missing. It’s not Ian Ward. It’s not another madman. Can you tell me what the hell happened? What is wrong with you? Why won’t you share the answer with me? [Phyllis scoffing] We don’t have enough information about the game, Sharon. And if we’re really playing against each other, maybe it’s winner take all. And if I give the correct answer, I get to go home. You would really leave me here? Mm-hmm. I’d send someone for you, eventually. Well, it’s just as possible that the game is about the two of us working together. So, if you have the answer, out with it. Nah. Plus, the answer is a completely ridiculous concept. You know what? We are at the mercy of some maniac who probably doesn’t care if we live or die. So, how about you stop insulting me and refusing to offer any bit of cooperation? How about you stop playing the role of the mean girl and grow the hell up? Our lives could be on the line here. And I definitely plan to see my children again. So, if this answer could have even the slightest possibility of helping us get out of here, then for the love of God, give it to me. Okay! Shh! Ah. It’s forgiveness. Forgiveness. That’s the answer. Costs nothing. Worth everything. Yeah, that’s it. I think you’re right. Although it’s not ridiculous. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Forgiveness? Um, that’s never, ever, ever gonna happen, okay? After what you did to my family? After what you did to my son? And Lucy? Not to mention what you did to Heather’s body. I’ll never forgive you. Ever. I’m not even talking about the stuff that you’ve done to me in the past. I would have to forgive you as well. What do you have to forgive me for? Are you kidding me? Oh, Sharon, seriously, that’s ancient history. You are still holding on to that? That’s ridiculous. Instead of you insulting me yet again, why don’t we focus on trying to figure out the game? No! No! It’s boring. I don’t want to figure it out with you. The music and the first two riddles, they were in reference to fights that we had had in the past. This riddle is about forgiveness. Clearly, whoever is behind this abduction has an interest in seeing the two of us make amends. Okay. Actually saying the words and meaning it? Well, if it gets us out of here, why not accomplish the goal?

At least try.

No. No. I will tell you this. I would rather die and have rats gnawing at my decaying body than ever, ever say and mean, “I forgive you, Sharon.” So? My brother has a temper. Holden’s exact words were, “Like a cornered mountain lion.” Did Holden know you were trying to get information out of him about Damian? It just pretty much came up in conversation. Why? A spotlight on my brother is the last thing I want right now. I’m just trying to help. I know you are and I appreciate it. The thing is Lily’s been doing some digging too. Well, that’s a good thing, right? You wanted to find out more about Damian. So, what’s the harm? I’m afraid if he finds out too many people are rummaging around his life, it’s going to scare him off. And I don’t want that to happen for Amy’s sake. Neither do I. But you were all for me getting intel from Holden. I knew about that one time. I was rather shocked to see you two walk into the Athletic Club together. Like I said, I just ran into him. Huh. But you said Lily’s been checking into Damian as well. What did she find out? Turns out Damian doesn’t actually own Danglars Properties or Monte Cristo Investments. He is just the CEO. So, another lie? But why? Your guess is as good as mine. If Damian has to answer to someone, keep up this front, that must be incredibly stressful. Maybe that’s why he can be so harsh with Holden. It’s possible. You’re upset? I’m not. I just think too many people asking too many questions can blow this up. You do know Lily and I are just trying to protect you. I do and I appreciate the thought, but I am more than capable of making these assessments on my own. You don’t think you might be a little too emotionally involved to be objective? So, what are you trying to say? Do you see something in Damian that I don’t or can’t see for myself? The man vanished for years. When you track him down, he sends another man to impersonate him. And then he seems to own all these companies, but he doesn’t. He’s just a hired hand. I mean, that is a lot to unravel. But you seem to be ready to just give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m not ready to completely trust my brother. No, not yet. But I want to. Is that misguided of me? Maybe it’s a little too optimistic. Nothing wrong with leaning into hope, is there? Especially when the good I see it’s doing Amy, to finally be reconnected with her son. And hopefully, with some work, they’re on their way to having a real relationship. And you wouldn’t mind having a brother

in your life, would you?

Is that so wrong, Audra? I think when it comes to your feelings about your brother, you have to follow your instincts. That said, Damian’s lies, his inconsistencies, it can hurt to be cautious. I want to believe there is a good man behind it all. And I think I’ve seen glimpses of that. I hope you’re right. But would it be so crazy that we find out everything we can about Damian before we let him any further into our lives? You know, the thing that I keep bumping up against is the fact that Phyllis and Sharon both called one person from a burner phone to describe or explain their absence at the same time. That, to me… tells me that they are together. Agreed. The animosity between those two is at an all-time high because of Heather’s murder, of course. So, I– I don’t see them running off into the sunset willingly together. Yeah, they’ve been going out of their way to avoid each other lately. Okay, so let me ask you this then, too. This idea that Summer floated about Phyllis kidnapping Sharon in order to get revenge, or the flip side, Sharon being triggered and her kidnapping Phyllis. Is there any legs there? Look, I know that Sharon’s got her issues, but she’s in a good place right now. I’m serious. And Phyllis has been extremely vocal about wanting to move on and get rid of all these revenge fantasies. For her kid’s sake. Billy, I believe her. No, I agree. So do I. So that puts us back where we started. Possible kidnapping. Well, I know that Chance is going to really lean into that angle. He’s already talked to the highway patrol, all the hospitals, the local clinics. Maybe that’ll turn something up. Everything helps. Yeah, but the waiting, man, it’s starting to kill me. I’m finding it harder and harder every day not to go out and just start hitting things. This isn’t easy for you, Nick, especially after this nightmare that your family just went through. It’s been hell. And now this. It’s just taken everything to another level. It’s really starting to take its toll. Stop doing this. It’s useless. I’m looking for clues. We figured out the clue. It’s forgiveness. It’s not going to happen. I’m hoping maybe there’s something here that we overlooked. You overthink things. Maybe it’s not about the riddle so much. It’s more about finding some kind of insight into who is behind this. Well, it’s obvious who’s behind it. A psychopath with a God complex. What is the motivation? Kidnappers thrive on power, control. Oh, they’re most definitely in control. Yes, but the music, the mystery, the performance of it all, it’s almost as if this is somebody who wants to prove how brilliant they are or how intimately they know us. So, if we can figure out why they’re doing this and what their goal is. Well, their goal is to torture us, clearly. I mean, that’s the goal. And you’re succeeding. We are most definitely tortured. So give it up on the paper, please. At least I’m trying to find the key to getting us out of here. I’m not wasting time doing jumping jacks and lunges and withholding information. I gave you the information. I told you it was forgiveness. And by the way, you should do sit-ups and jumping jacks. We need to be strong physically and mentally, especially if we’re going to be here for the rest of our lives, you know? And the goal is to forgive each other. And that’s most definitely not going to happen on my end. It’s really that hard for you to imagine doing that. Sharon, you framed my son. You framed him for murder, purposely. And not just any murder. The murder of the woman he loved.

I was drugged.

Oh, see? There we go. I was drugged. No responsibility. I have taken responsibility. No, you haven’t. You haven’t taken any responsibility. My son is suffering. He may never get over it. I know for a fact I’m never going to get over it. I am never going to forgive you. What if it’s the only way out of here? Well, then I can lie, right? Oh, my God. I could say I forgive you. I could just lie. But I think the freak is going to know I’m lying, you know? But I could just say, yeah, I think you’re a good person. I could say that. Like, everybody in town believes that you’re a good person. And I could just say, “Yeah, Sharon is a good person.” I could– Oh, my God. What is it? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? I’m so nauseous. [Phyllis gasping] I understand why you, Lily, and others have your reservations about Damian. I’ve had my guard up as well. But I think I’m a little more forgiving because… I’ve seen how happy his coming around has made Amy. You have to have seen how hopeful she’s become almost overnight. I have noticed the change.

It’s wonderful.

Yes, and that’s what matters. I have a feeling Amy never would have considered undergoing more treatment for cancer if she didn’t feel Damian and she were on the path to reconciliation. And I’m going to do everything in my power to help make that happen. It’s all I want. The happy, healthy ending Amy deserves with her son. [Nate sighing] I just don’t want Damian to disappoint her or worse, hurt her or you. I have to believe that Damian, now that he knows all the facts, will not only make Amy’s final days her happiest, but that reuniting with her will change him for the better. You’re swinging big on this, aren’t you? Maybe it’s all too pie in the sky. Maybe we’re all going to get burned. But a big part of me wants to believe we can trust Damian, that… there’s hope we can be a real family. You want to talk about it? Nope, I’m fine. No, you’re not. I don’t know, man. It’s just… when I think I got my family back on track, you know, with all the fear and worry behind them and they can start to heal. I could have lost Sharon and Phyllis too. And now this. It’s hard not to think that this somehow falls on me. You know that’s not true, Nick. Yeah, I know intellectually speaking, of course. But I just keep wondering, what am I missing? You know, what did I miss? I’m doing everything I can to convince my children that their mothers are going to be fine. We’re going to find them and it’s all going to be okay. You’re being strong for them. That’s what you got to do. Yeah, but honestly, I don’t know how this is going to turn out. I see how tore up Daniel and Summer are about their mother. Doing what I can to keep Mariah and Faith close. Convincing Noah not to hop on the first flight home. Yeah, there are times when I don’t know if I’m going to make it through the other side of this. Look, man, it’s a tough spot that you’re in. Okay, you’re a single father. I mean, I know that from experience and I’ve got a partner in Victoria, but you’re doing this on your own right now. That’s not easy. I’ve got help. I do. You know, Faith’s been amazing. My parents are always there for me. I’ve got Vic. Man, certain days, I really feel the weight of this. Because you’re the rock for your family, for Phyllis, for Sharon, for everyone. I think you got to give yourself a little bit of slack. You know, Phyllis just loves to give me a hard time about the fact that I always ride off to Sharon’s rescue. But she conveniently forgets that I do the same thing for her. Well, hopefully I can help you do that. I think I’d like some help. Look at us, huh? Coming together to try and find Phyllis and Sharon. It’s, uh, it’s a little ironic, given our history. It’s kind of crazy.

[Phyllis groaning]

Let’s get you to the couch. Sit down, okay? All right, well, what do you think is wrong? I don’t know. May– maybe food poisoning or… Sharon, maybe– maybe just poison. Maybe there’s something in– in the food or the water. Oh, my God. This is… Hello? Are you there? We need help. Phyllis is sick. There’s something wrong. Please help us. You sound like you care. Just simple human decency. I would think you would do the same for me. Oh, my God. Hello? Can you hear me? Phyllis needs medical attention. [feedback blaring] MODULATED VOICE: Then you’d better start looking for the antidote. What have you done to me? SHARON: Where do I look? What am I looking for? I’m not even sure what’s wrong with her. MODULATED VOICE: Perhaps Phyllis is dying. Maybe I’ve decided to make good on my threat, since she seems to be unwilling to progress through the stages of the game as agreed. You son of a bitch! I just want to make sure you and Amy don’t let down all your defenses, and then Damian turns out not to be who you hoped he was. And given his history, that’s a very real possibility. And I don’t want either of you hurt. Me either. [Nate sighing] Maybe I need to believe the best about Damian, if for no other reason than this has been such a rollercoaster ride. Mm-hmm. And I don’t think Amy or I could handle another bombshell. So, let me keep digging. I will be discreet. I already got Holden to a place where he feels safe opening up about his relationship with Damian. I’m sure I can get him to tell me a lot more. I don’t think I’m okay with that idea. Because you don’t want the information? Or you don’t think I can handle myself? Or is there a third option? What does that mean? You might be a little jealous. Hardly. It wouldn’t be so terrible if you were a little green-eyed. A bit of proof that our relationship is important to you. [Nate sighing] I hope I don’t need to act jealous for you to know that. All right. I really appreciate the beer, but I gotta go. Um, sorry to drop in unexpectedly like this again. You know, I’m just trying to cover all the bases. It’s okay, Nick. You don’t have to apologize. Let me know if you ever want to talk again, okay? Yeah, no, I, you know, this was cool and all, but it’s not like a, you know, a bonding moment. Yeah, no, I get that. That’s not what I was offering. Cool. On the same page.

Okay, great. Great.

Yeah. [phone ringing] That’s ranch security. Hold on. Hopefully, they have news. What have you got? SHARON: Okay. Where could it be? It would help if I knew what I was looking for. [Phyllis groaning] It could be in here. Oh, gosh. A pill, a bottle. Nothing. Oh, my God, it’s getting worse, Sharon.


It’s getting worse. Hold on, hold on. I’ll find it. Can you help me out and give me a clue, another, a riddle, something, anything that will give me a place to start? This can’t be what you want. If Phyllis dies, the game is over. [feedback blaring] MODULATED VOICE: I’m the beginning and the end, though you can’t see me. She’s in so much pain. Please, can you give me more than that to go on? Okay, I can do this. “I’m the beginning and the end, though you can’t see me.” I’m the beginning and the end of what? What the hell does that mean? I know exactly how we can continue this. I’m all ears. One large pizza, jalapeno, and pepperoni, extra cheese. I missed out on lunch today, remember? I love the way you think. I’m in. Anything interesting? It’s Holden. This is your life, your family. How do you want me to respond? Whatever you say, I’ll follow your lead. You’ve got one.

Okay, thanks.

So? They checked all the CCTV footage. They came up with nothing.

Nothing? Damn it.

Yeah. All right, I’m gonna go check in with Daniel and Summer and Faith and Mariah. If you hear anything, you’ll check back with me?

Yeah, of course.

All right, I’ll do the same. Thanks again for the beer. Yeah. I’ll see you later. Damn it, where are you? “I’m the beginning and the end.” I’m sorry for what I said to you. Oh, my God, my stomach feels like it’s on fire. “But you can’t see me.” Oh, water. Water, that’s where I need to look. What are you doing? The water. Water? Is it poisoned?

Oh, my God.

It’s got to be here. Yes, this is it. Yeah, here, drink this. I think that this is the antidote. You think? I’m almost positive. It’s the only one with a sticker on it. Oh, I need more than almost. It answers the riddle, okay? It’s clear, you can’t see it. It’s the beginning because it made you sick and it will end the pain too. Drink it. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Friday, March 7, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Ahh. Miss Charles. I was hoping I’d get to see you again. How nice. If you’ll excuse me. Give me another minute, please. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I got to town. Well, then I suggest you find a hobby, or at least another woman to smile at, because I meant what I said. The past is in the rearview. So, this doctor friend of yours. Carol? Sorry. Uh, thank you.

Dr. Kelly.

Yeah. She’s the best. Truly insightful. And most of all, she gets it. She understands how fearful Amy is right now and how important this is to all of us. The look of hope in my mother’s eyes. She didn’t have that when she told me about her illness.

NATE: Mm-hmm.

And she looked… defeated. She wants more time. And deserves it. I’m just happy she agreed to see Carol. Yeah, and I’m grateful you made it happen. Sounds like you’re moving closer to forgiving your mother for everything. Does it? Because I don’t know if I could ever really get there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Oh, my gosh. Oh, I’m so sorry, Jack. I’m just a little preoccupied. You okay? Billy mentioned that Phyllis has you a bit worried. Any updates? No, but Chance is on it. Have you heard that Sharon is also supposedly out of town, and that they found her car left at the Cassidy First parking lot? That is definitely, definitely unsettling news. Um, I’m glad to hear Chance is on the case. It’s good to have a personal connection with the police department. Oh, well, it’s not quite as personal as it once was. We’re on a break. Or maybe it’s permanent. I– I don’t know. I really haven’t had time

to think about that.

I reached for something comforting when I mentioned Chance. I’m sorry, I was wrong about that. I– SUMMER: It’s okay. At least Chance has listened to my concerns when maybe another detective wouldn’t have. I just don’t want you feeling like you’re alone in this. Thank you. I know that I’m not. Actually, Kyle has been really supportive, and that’s helpful. I’m really glad that we’re reconnecting this way. Reconnecting what way? Kyle, hey! So, I was just at the house, and it is coming along so well. Okay. Is Dad still having a panic attack every time he talks about it? Only about once a day. [Kyle chuckles] Harrison is loving going from my suite to his mom’s, but I can tell the little guy wants some more space to do his thing. I’m sure the same can be said for you, especially when it comes to Claire. Eh, not a lot of alone time these days, no. But some people will be thrilled to hear it.

Grandpa, hi.

VICTOR: Sweetheart!

Come here.

CLAIRE: It’s not a bad time? No! Come here. Never. Hi.

Sit down.

Thank you. I thought you’d be working now. Your grandmother tells me how hard you work, and she doesn’t stop singing your praises.

Well, she’s an incredible boss.

Yeah? She gives me lots of breaks, just like this one. So sweet. CLAIRE: I have an important question for you. I hope you’ll give me an honest answer. Of course. Is there a chance that… [scoffs] …you’re urging Summer to reconnect with Kyle? Are you sure you wanna be seen with me since we don’t actually know each other? According to you. Now you’re making yourself a bigger problem than you are. Hmm. Being alone with me was off-limits until you wanted to convince me to work on Damian. Which you did, and I was very grateful. And now you’re going back to the West Coast. And… you’ll miss me? Okay. Let me make myself clear. I am with a handsome, successful, brilliant man who treats me with respect, so if you’re thinking about me, I don’t need to know. Keep it to yourself. I met as someone who used to be a close friend. Back in the day.

Not that close.

Mmm. Speak for yourself. Then you were gone, just like that. And I forgot about you. Mmm. Clearly. Then Nate reaches out to Damian, and now you and I are here having this conversation. That’s wild, don’t you think? Okay, don’t get it mixed up. A coincidence isn’t kismet. Why do you have this wall up with me? Me. I don’t want anything from you, Audra. Good, because you’re not getting anything. Damn, can’t we just be friends? You know how to do that. We could count on each other back in LA I can’t force you to be my friend again. There’s no point in that. I’m just saying, Damian is gonna be spending some time here, as far as I can tell. Really? He’ll do that for Amy? Which means I’ll be here too. So he’ll be off doing his thing, and I will be sitting in this place, working from my phone all day long. Unless I have a friend I can call and hang out with. Is that too much to ask? [Audra sighs] How does that even work? How do you look at your dying mother and think, “No, I can’t forgive her”? That’s– that’s not what I meant. Then please, explain it to me. Look, when I lost my father, I lost my mother, too. It may have felt that way, but she is still here. No, no, no. She lied to both of us, to me and my dad. And it didn’t have to be that way. I’m sure it was a confusing time. Really? And what about every day after? Every birthday I had, when my father would tell me how nervous and excited he was the day I was born. Every Father’s Day card I made him, when my mother was just sitting on the truth all that time. I hear you. But when was she supposed to tell you?

[Damian sighs]

When you were just a kid? After Jackson died and you blamed her for everything? How would you have handled it? I don’t know. And I never got the chance to find out. How does a child wrap his head around that?

[Damian scoffs]

You’re a grown man now with years of life experience. You understand the world is messy and complicated. People do things they regret. And look how hard it is for you. Amy wanted to protect the love her husband and son had for each other. And now is when you have to decide how long it’s gonna take you to forgive her. So you think that I want Kyle Abbott to be with one of my granddaughters, but not the other? I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking. You know what I think about Kyle Abbott, right? I do, I do. And his entire family. But… Kyle and Summer are co-parents. They have history, and people tell me that you didn’t have an issue with them being together in the past the way that you do about Kyle and me now. You want me to be honest with you, and I have to tell you, I don’t want Kyle Abbott to be with anyone in my family, with neither one of my granddaughters. Okay? I’ve got to be furthermore honest with you and tell you that I feel sorry for Summer, but she has to be with Kyle now because of Harrison. But you don’t want them together. No. Absolutely not. I really don’t. SUMMER: Oh, no, no, no. I don’t mean “reconnecting” like that. [laughs] I just mean that Kyle and I have known each other forever, and even before we were a couple– Yeah, that bond has always been very special. Yeah. And I missed it. And we can finally talk about Harrison together as a team again, and we can ask each other about our days, and… he’s been really supportive of everything that’s going on with my mom, like I said. I care about Kyle, you know? I think I always will. And I think it’s important that Harrison can see that. Oh, he does. You have a very happy, confident, loving son, and that’s because he feels safe and protected by both of you. And by you. His grandpa. Hey, you know… I’m really glad we can talk like this. As much of a bond as Kyle and I have, ours came first. Starting the day you were born. Which is why I am so happy that you and Kyle are good again, and Kyle is like himself again. You know, it makes it feel like old times in the best way possible. Uh, Kyle, I– I have to ask, and I’m not trying to be pushy, but is there some reason that you haven’t asked Jack and me to take Harrison for a while? You mean while we’ve been at the club? Yeah, is there some lingering concern that you haven’t wanted to discuss? You know, some reason that you haven’t wanted Harrison to hang out with us? Mom, you don’t think I’m holding a grudge, do you? That I’m keeping Harrison from you? Well, I– I don’t know what to think. Mom, no, no, no. This isn’t a snub. Nothing like that. Honestly, it just… never occurred to me to ask you to babysit. Well, why not?

I don’t know.

[laughs] Well, Kyle, Jack and I looked after Harrison all the time at home. I mean, the whole family worked together as a team. That doesn’t have to change. Hey, we could take Harrison to the movies. Or he can come to our suite, hang out, and have that Sunday. And you’d be his hero forever. Yes. We would get Harrison time, and you could have some time with Claire. So just say the word, and it is Grandpa and Didi reporting for duty. [chuckles] It’s actually really cute. I mean, Harrison running from Kyle’s suite to come say good night to me, or going there to say good night to him. And then when he can’t decide where he wants to sleep, he has this little routine that he does. All so no one gets their feelings hurt. Right. He has Kyle and I play rock, paper, scissors for it.

Ooh! Clever little man.

[laughing] Sounds like you’re all finding your way through things, and maybe even having some fun. Yeah. We are. And I think a lot of it is because Kyle’s just lighter these days. You know? He’s let go of all that anger and tension since you made up, and I’m just– I’m so happy for all of you. Yeah, it was a hell of a risk trying to tear him out of Victor’s clutches the way we did. You know, it was a bold move, but I don’t know if it was a risk. Kyle loves you and Diane so much, even when he can’t express it. And look, I don’t let my grandpa off the hook. I’m used to it. I can handle it. The one thing I won’t accept is it affecting my family.

Which is my family too.

Yeah, I agree. I’m glad you feel that way. I do too. Long before you were married to my son, you were an honorary Abbott. And before you were my father-in-law,

you were my Uncle Jack.

In my heart, I still am, and that’s never gonna change. Jack, I want you to know that… I would never side with my grandpa against you. Oh, that’s very sweet. I appreciate that. And hopefully you won’t be involved in whatever his next move is. And there’s always a next thing with your grandfather. I mean, it has to end sometime, right? Just the thought of Harrison being caught between

the two sides of his family–

Wait, wait. Nothing Victor ever does is going to touch Harrison. You have my word. Kyle and I will make sure of it. Let me ask you something, darling. Do you honestly feel that I’d be more protective of one of my granddaughters than the other? Why do you think that? There’s no easy way to answer that. I– It’s a feeling, or an instinct. Do you have that feeling because you lived with your aunt so long? That could be it. Or it could just be insecurities. But why insecurity in regard to Kyle Abbott? You are way above him. So is Summer. Grandpa, this relationship is important to me. And I wanna talk to you about it, but the way that you feel about him, it makes it difficult. [sighs] You asked me to be honest with you. So I’ll ask you an honest question. Are you feeling insecure because deep down, you know that your relationship with Kyle Abbott is a mistake? I’m not insecure about my feelings. Or about Kyle’s. My concern is that you’re never gonna give us a chance together. That miraculous little boy who has already been through so much in his life still has this sweetness to him, this joyful fearlessness that only comes of feeling loved and secure and safe, and you and Kyle have done that. Aww. Well, it’s not just us. I mean, he gets love from all sides. Yeah, that’s true. And look, I know Victor probably adores his grandson. It’s just he has a long history of using people to get what he wants. I know that Grandpa loves Harrison. And I don’t think he would ever pull anything that would hurt him. At least not intentionally. Well, the fact that you felt the need to qualify that tells me you know how badly things can go even when there are good intentions. I mean, this is my life. This is my family that we’re talking about. Because you have to take the good with the not so great, you know? But Harrison’s happiness and safety are the most important thing to me. I can see that. It shows. And it’s the same for Kyle. And we’re finally working as a team again, and I really feel like Harrison can feel that, you know? And I think it’s in large part to do with Claire going to work for my grandma. It might’ve been the best thing to ever happen to our family.

That’s a brave offer.

Don’t be silly. Your father and I would love to help you out with Harrison. I should have asked sooner, or you should have. That’s a complete oversight on my part, probably from the novelty of being there. But reality’s settling in. Yeah, and you deserve a date with your girlfriend. I had one planned for tonight, but Summer has a video conference with Tokyo, and she won’t get back till after Harrison’s bedtime. Did you cancel already with Claire? Give her a call. Tell her it’s back on. [chuckles] You’re the best. Are you keeping your distance because you’re afraid Nate might clue in? He knows. I told him. But you told him about me after all that? I told him we knew each other from LA and that I didn’t say anything because he showed up with some other man’s name, and I wasn’t about to step into that mess. What did Nate have to say about that? His priority is his half-brother along with Amy, some guy I knew years ago doesn’t rate. Uh-huh. Okay. And why are you pestering me when Damian should be your priority too? And what is he anyway, your friend, your boss? Even when I’m thinking like a friend, still on the payroll. Mmm. Makes it messy. Well, you were on Tucker’s payroll, I figured you’d understand. Watch it. Yes, ma’am. So Damian was your friend first, right? Good guy. The best. Then he hits the jackpot and brings you along for the ride. Smooth. I like it. How you’re low-key fishing for information. Story for another day. Or never, since you don’t want to know me. Must be hard to find the new normal after something like that. They have to trust you to keep you around. But how do you trust them knowing they can take away your livelihood if anything goes wrong? Well, it may have been like that for you and whoever. AUDRA: Mmm. The trust is there for Damian and me. But right now, he’s a lot more boss than friend because he has a lot on his plate. So yes, I’m still on the market for a friend in case you change your mind. And what if you told him you needed one? Would he do that for you? That’s not something I would do right now. So I couldn’t tell you. Holden, you are being so ridiculous. The way that you’re so cagey and careful about what you say about Damian, are you afraid of him or something? It’s not fear. It’s respect for his situation. But fine. It is a transition, going from buddies who used to watch a game to taking orders. And then taking major heat when things don’t work out. Does that mean Damian has a temper? Like a cornered mountain lion. How I feel about my mother, I know it’s not rational. But it’s there. It’s like a mountain I can’t move. But maybe, maybe with more time. For what it’s worth, the fact that you sat with your mother and talked to her, it’s already made all the difference. I don’t think she would agree to see Dr. Kelly if you two hadn’t had that conversation. Part of it is this loyalty to my dad. To a good man who loved both of us. And part of me wants to know more about my biological father, but… Maybe it feels like you’re choosing sides, but it isn’t. I’d be happy to tell you what I know about our dad, which isn’t a lot. As you know, he passed when I was young. Then you don’t have much left of him either. Other than genes. I have stories from my mother. How our father became a private investigator. And I think my mom and her sister, Devon and Lily’s mother, were in love with him at the same time. So he was a charmer. Are you surprised? No. I’m not. I don’t think he was the easiest man to live with. And as far as I can tell, there was a lot of drama. And I think he passed before they could fix it. Which is a shame. Mmm. And was my mother ever part of that drama? Or was I? If you’re asking if our father ever knew he had another son, I believe Amy when she said she never told him. So, no, I never heard a word about anything like that. But I can imagine him wanting to know you. Be a part of your life. Yeah. I had the best dad I could ever ask for. Until he died. NATE: Mmm. So, we have that in common, I guess. Losing our fathers. It’s bad enough when you’re young, that loss. DAMIAN: Yeah. But you grow up, need advice, have questions you want to ask. Then it hits you all over again what you lost. Yeah. That you’ll never get those answers. No matter how much you need them. No, we won’t. Texture is key, along with the color palette. And I want you to know, I kept Harrison in mind with the renovation. I don’t want anything to feel off limits or intrusive to him. He needs to be as comfortable in the house as your father is. And above all, this place really needs to be a home that Jack still loves. Just embracing the future, and not just the past. So, this is all for Dad? Yeah, what do you mean? I hope everyone appreciates the changes. I think I’m asking what this means for you. I mean, not for Dad, or for Harrison, or anyone. You always could read me really well. Don’t give me that much credit. I didn’t know that you and Dad were faking your separation. And I bought in too easily, I’m ashamed to say. Well, maybe the reason we were so convincing is because that’s how badly we wanted you back. Dad said that’s dumb, that people believe the worst in you. That must have hurt more for you. I’m used to it. Don’t forget, I’ve had decades of being an outsider to this family. Things have gotten better, though. Yes, and then after the fight, things got worse. Especially with your aunts. Oh, also, also with Billy. I would like for this renovation to be a peace offering for everything that we put them through. Is that all? Okay, I admit, I suppose I’d like to see a little of myself reflected in the house, you know, to feel like it’s my home too. Is that– is that so terrible? I’m not trying to take anything away from the house or from the family. It’s just I’d like to feel… included. Mom. It is your home. This is your family. I think the fact that Dad’s sibling signed off on the refresh is a peace offering, too. Yeah, I just hope that everything goes well and that everyone loves the house, especially your father. He will, deep down. Way, way deep down. I’m kidding. But Harrison and I can’t wait to see it. Well, Harrison and I can discuss it over hot chocolate tonight while you have your date with Claire. Thanks, Mom. You saved me. Sweetheart, you must know that I’ve known Kyle Abbott since he was a baby. I know how the Abbott’s work. In fact, I warned your mother against her relationship with Billy Boy Abbott, that idiot. She finally got rid of him. From what my mom tells me about Billy, he doesn’t sound like Kyle at all. What do you mean? I disagree. CLAIRE: I could tell. What I’m asking is that you don’t do anything to make your point. You’re over 21. You make your own decisions. You make up your own mind. Okay? Just know where I stand. Okay. You can disagree. But nothing else? No. Nothing else. So I have your word? Oh, yeah.

I’ve got this.

Please, you’re my guest. At lunch and in Genoa City. I insist. Okay, I’ll get the next one. I hope there is one. Yeah. I’m glad we did this, man. Me too. Looks like your understudy is trying to fill in for me now. What’s that? Oh, no. I’m sure that… Just joking. Just joking. Well, this is a nice surprise. Let me introduce you to Damian. This is my brother. Audra, hi.

Hey. So nice to meet you.

Thanks. And it’s so nice to see you two together. I thought you were on your way back to LA. I still am.

Just on a later flight.

Huh. So, what are you up to, Audra? Holden hates airplane food, so I agreed to have lunch with him. And I offered to pay, but she insisted we go Dutch. Which is quite the statement, considering I’m out of a job. What I really liked is an update on Amy’s meeting with the oncologist. Just got word they’re on their way to Chicago to run some tests. Amy’s agreed to that? I mean, that’s huge. I’m so pleased for her. And you must be, too. It’s progress. Sorry to eat and run, but…

Please don’t go on my account.

No, no, no. I have some things to take care of. But I’ll be in touch.

Yeah. Glad to hear it.

All right. You got a second?

Uh, of course.

Yeah, come on. What the hell are you doing? Oh, gosh. Next time, stop me from talking your ear off. Oh, all those wonderful things you said about my grandson and my son. That was rough. Well, Harrison is my favorite topic. Yeah, I could see that. Listen, the other topic, your grandfather. I know sometimes it’s difficult to… You know, it’s not easy to confront all the damage that my grandpa can cause, but I do understand. And Kyle and I are very much in sync on this. I’m glad to hear that. Good to know that two people I adore have found their way past some harsh feelings. I was a little worried there for a while. You don’t ever have to worry about Kyle and me. We have the kind of history where… nothing can come between us for too long. To know that we have your support means everything to me. Thank you, Grandpa, for taking the time to speak with me. You’re welcome, my sweetheart. So just know that you can always come to me and ask me directly, all right? I don’t want the Abbots to fill your beautiful head with nonsense, all right? My aunt said enough horrible things about everyone I love to last a lifetime, but it doesn’t matter. And the Abbots would never try to come between us. They know that it’s not possible. Sweetheart, there’s one thing you must understand about the Abbots, okay? They envy us. They envy our success. They envy the success of our company. And they envy our closeness. Do you understand? That has been the case ever since Jack Abbott became the head of the family. Okay? Remember that.

Come here.

All right. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take care of a few things before I’m on grandma duty. Text me to coordinate the Harrison handoff. And I will make sure to load him up on sugar before he gets to you. Get him all hyped up. You know me. I don’t scare easily. Kyle, hi. You didn’t make other plans for tonight, did you? Tons. Yeah, I’m all booked up. No. Why? Because I want you all to myself. Thank you. Look, we didn’t come to this town to play Holden. I know that. It doesn’t look like it. Damian, it’s all good. You got a lot on your plate I’m not about to have. But you are, okay? You’re supposed to be landing at LAX right now, focusing on business, so I can deal with this. I’m handling things from here. No, what you need to do requires in-person discussions. And you know it. And the delay won’t change that. No, this is my business, okay? My call. The plan was for you to go back and do what needs to be done. Instead, you walk in here with Audra Charles? Look, this trip is an excuse to get back with your ex. According to her, she was never with me, so she can’t be my ex. Are you listening? Yeah, I hear you. This is complicated enough, okay? I’m here because of my mother and my half-brother, who is clearly involved with Audra. You don’t see the issue with that? It doesn’t seem to bother you that Lily Winters was Nate’s cousin? Excuse me? Just commenting. It’s none of my business. Stay away from Audra. Stay away from all of this. Go back to Los Angeles and do the job I pay you to do.

Hello, my love.

Hello. I went by the house. Progress is excellent, but no, I won’t tell you anything else. I’m starting to think this cover of secrecy is a good thing if it’s gonna keep you this happy. Oh, it’s not just about the house. There’s more? Yeah, we have big plans tonight. Oh, I didn’t know. Neither did I, but it’s something that we haven’t done for quite a while. Um, a concert, an evening of dancing, a trip up to the cabin? Better. We’re watching Harrison. Well, not what I was expecting, but yeah, that sounds great. How’d that happen? Um, well, Kyle made it clear that he was missing time with Claire, and we haven’t spent time with Harrison lately, so there you have it. Oh, sounds like a wonderful plan. For everyone. Well, not everyone’s gonna be happy about it, especially the Kyle and Claire part. Uh, who could possibly object except for Victor, and who cares what he thinks? I was thinking Summer. No, no, no, she’s, um, taken care of. She’s speaking with Tokyo or something, so Harrison is all ours. What about Kyle? Well, he’s going to be with… Wait, is Claire the problem? I have this nagging thought. Summer might have decided she wants Kyle back. I just hope you didn’t book a sitter because of me. Nope. Well, my dad and Didi will take Harrison tonight so we can have our date night as planned. Oh. I hope they don’t mind. KYLE: No way. She volunteered, practically insisted. Couldn’t understand why I hadn’t asked her sooner, so when I told her that I miss seeing you, she made the offer. That’s so sweet of her. She’s our cheering section, and I, for one, am grateful. So am I. I can’t wait. It’s always very nice to run into you. It gives the day a little jolt of excitement. It does. But I promise I won’t sit too closely or ask you to come upstairs. But I know you have work to handle, not to mention things with Damian and Amy. You’re in a very good mood. Like I said, because I got to see you. [phone ringing] Gotta take this. So, uh, you mind waiting for me? Absolutely. Sorry about that. Everything okay with Damian? He reminded me of some business I need to get on right away. Meaning you have to go back to Los Angeles right now. How about lunch when I get back?


Come on. Give me a call if you make it back to town. Safe travels. Sorry I had to take that call. Well, I’ll leave you two to your lunch. There’s no need for that. I’ll have to take a rain check. Got a plane to catch. Take care. Bye. NATE: Okay. So, what’s really going on with you two? ANNOUNCER: Next week on The Young and the Restless… When I look at you, I am reminded what it really feels like to be completely happy. If I thought I had a shot, I’d ask you to marry me right now. Hmm. That’s strong. I guess James Bond is a little tougher than me. Somehow, I doubt that. Oh, my God. What is it? What’s wrong?

What’s wrong?

I’m so nauseous. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, March 6, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Kyle. You meeting someone for lunch? I just grabbed a quick bite to eat before I head back to the office. I’m getting mine to go. You should have texted me. I would have grabbed it for you. I mean, we do sort of live together again. Right. One big, happy family at the Athletic Club. Harrison is sure enjoying it. Spending one night in my suite and the next in yours is like having a slumber party every night. How much longer are the renovations on the Abbott house gonna take? Not too much longer, I hope. I’ll be glad when it’s finished and we can get home. Have you heard any news about Phyllis? No, Not since that one phone call from the burner phone. I’ve been trying to convince myself not to worry. Trying to convince myself that everything’s gonna be okay. But I can’t deny how odd this whole thing is. Because she hasn’t called again? Yeah. I mean, if she really is just on a business trip, why hasn’t she replaced her phone by now? That’s a good point. It’s just after everything, with Heather and Mom in the hospital, she knows how worried we would be. And I don’t think that she would put us through that nightmare, you know, at least not intentionally. It just makes me feel like… maybe something really bad really did happen. Hey. [Summer sniffles] AMY: I mean, I can hardly believe it. I feel like I finally made a connection with my son again. That’s wonderful, Amy. Exactly what we were hoping for. Now, come on. I’m not deluded that, you know, everything is suddenly perfect. But…we reminisced, you know, cried about the past. I mean, we talked about the misunderstanding between us, pain and grief that we both felt over the years as a result. It…

Sounds intense.

Yeah. But we share good memories, too. It just seems that… [exhales] It might be that he is willing to give me the benefit of the doubt, you know, and maybe even try to find his way to forgiveness. What more could you ask for? Ah, there is one more thing. He did speak about getting to know you better, too. Well, um, I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear all this, Amy. And relieved. You and me both. Especially considering, ooh, how much anger he carried along with him when we lost Jackson. I didn’t know what to expect. His first reaction to being tracked down? It wasn’t positive. I expected as much. I kept a lot of secrets from him that he suddenly had to process. True, but he’s been pretty mysterious himself. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d left Genoa City and we never heard from him again. Mysterious? [chuckles] Why do you say that? Did you learn something about Damian that I don’t know? Hello, Lily. Always good to run into you. Damian. Damian Kane, this is my brother, Devon Winters. Yes. The famous Devon Winters. Nice to meet you. Good to meet you, too. I don’t know about this famous stuff. Well, you know, as soon as I thought I was being offered a position at Winters, Inc., I did my research. I wanted to know more about the company, more about you and your cousin. And I gotta say, your success is quite impressive. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that compliment. And for the record, I wasn’t aware of Nate’s offer until after the fact. I’m not surprised, since the job was bogus to begin with. But, hey, there’s no reason for me to hold any of that against you. Well, good. Do you mind if I ask you a question then? Yeah. Feel free. I have nothing to hide. Yeah? You sure about that? ‘Cause last I checked, your name isn’t Aristotle Dumas, which means you don’t own any of the companies that you claim to own. I did learn something about Damian, and it’s something you need to know. Okay. Lily did some investigating on her own. Well, a deeper dive. I’m almost afraid to ask. What did she find out? Damian doesn’t actually own Danglar and Monte Cristo. It turns out they’re really owned by a man named Aristotle Dumas. And who is he? No one knows, really. Dumas is known by reputation in certain circles, but keeps a low profile. Some people believe it’s a front name for a conglomerate. At the very least, this person or entity has gone to great lengths to make it seem like Damian owns these two companies when, in fact, he’s just the CEO. Well, on one hand, I’m relieved to hear this. I was worried about how Damian got enough money to buy these companies in so little time. But on the other hand? On the other hand, it’s just odd that he would agree to be a front for this Dumas person. [sighs] What did my son get himself into? I have to wonder, too. Did you ask Damian about it? I only found out last night while you two were at dinner. [clears throat] But… we shouldn’t worry just yet. There are plenty of reasons a reclusive mogul like Dumas would set his businesses up this way. We shouldn’t automatically assume the worst. If you say so.

You’re skeptical?

Yeah. I’m a mother. I will always worry about my son. But you’re right. Until we get all the information, I’m just gonna have faith that everything is gonna be okay. And from what I can tell, you know, Damian is doing quite well for himself.


Yeah. And your dinner with him last night went better than we could have imagined. Yes. I also have some more good news for you. [chuckles] Don’t tell me. I won the lottery. I hope so. Remember my oncologist friend from Chicago I told you about? Mm-hmm. Well, she cleared her schedule and has agreed to come see you today. Today? She’s gone over your medical records and wants to discuss treatment options. Think you feel up for it? I am up for anything and everything that is going to give me more hope. Oh, I see the investigation continued even after they tracked me down. Well, that was me. I felt compelled to investigate you further. It’s funny. You didn’t mention that at dinner. Well, I did tell you that Devon and I are very protective of our family, and we just couldn’t get over the fact that you sent an imposter in your place to meet Nate. Yeah, I explained all of that, okay? I was suspicious of your cousin’s outreach to me from the very beginning. So I was simply being cautious, not nefarious. Well, I wonder if all of your caution has to do with your questionable business dealings. Look, whatever you think your investigation turned up, believe me, you don’t have anywhere near the full story. Well, listen, we get that sometimes there’s good reason to keep corporate connections under wraps, all right?


What I don’t get is that you obviously wouldn’t have taken the job at Winters even if it were real, ’cause you clearly don’t need it. Okay. What’s your question? My question is, why would you pursue something that you thought was a scam? And what were you looking to find by coming to Genoa City? Information. Nate’s offer came out of nowhere. And nothing about it matched my background or my résumé. In fact, everything about it raised red flags, so… I suspected that something more had to be going on. And what do you know, I was right. Yeah, that doesn’t justify your deception, though. And why wouldn’t you just confront our cousin? I believe you’re only asking because, like Lily, you want to protect your family. But despite whatever you think you dug up about me, I have no secret agenda. Well, then why all the subterfuge? Hey, I’m the one that’s playing catch-up here, okay? I just learned that almost everything I thought I knew about myself and my family was based on a lie. So whatever it is you’re wondering about me and my behavior, just know that I’m wondering the same things about you. [laughs] I don’t think it’s the same thing. No, actually, it’s worse, okay? Because I just found out I have a brother I never knew I had. And after years, I’ve been unexpectedly reunited with my mother, only to find out that she’s dying. So it’s pretty obvious the wrong person is in the hot seat here. Hi. Claire. What a nice surprise. Hi, Claire. Is something wrong? Did you hear something from Phyllis? There’s been no more news. And the more time goes by, the more upsetting it is to Summer. I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope everything’s gonna be okay. I’m sure you’ll hear something soon. Yeah, I hope so, too. Are you gonna be all right? Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Just going through it all again kind of got to me. And you’re a friendly ear. Always. If you’re sure you’re gonna be okay. Yeah, positive. It’s all good. And I need to get back to the office. What are you doing here? Nikki has a business lunch that she wanted me to sit in on. She thinks it’ll be a good learning experience for me. Nikki’s right. The more you soak up about Chancellor’s business, the faster your meteoric rise to the top will be. Claire, are you already vying for a promotion? I didn’t realize how ambitious you were. At least in the corporate world. I’m actually finding it quite exciting. I guess I’m still surprised that you gave up on your dream of working with children. I mean, you made it seem like you were so passionate about it when you were Harrison’s nanny. I loved every minute of that job. Which is why I’m so grateful that I’ll still get the chance to hang out with him. He’s grateful, too. We both are. Spending every day with Harrison was the best. It really helped center me after all that trauma with Jordan. And you helped him heal, too. But now that I’m back in the corporate world, I’m surprised how comfortable and energized I feel.

Oh, you know what that means?

What? You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. I guess that’s why I feel more and more comfortable in my new life each day. I’m finally where I belong. I guess anywhere would be better than the hell that Jordan put you through, making you do all of those horrible things to our family. It’s so much more than that. For the first time in a long while, I’m not grasping onto something out of desperation. I don’t think anyone’s accusing you of that. Yeah, of course not. Well, Claire, you beat me. [laughs] Always be early to a business meeting. One of your rules. Summer, any word from Phyllis? I’m afraid not. [sighs] No word from Sharon either. I assume that you’ve heard that they found her car at Cassidy First, right? Yes. Very concerning. I’m just hoping that there’s some harmless explanation and that this will all be over soon. There you go. Stay positive. Knowing your mother, I’m sure she’s getting ready to make her grand entrance any moment. I hope so. Kyle, I’m going back to the office, too. My car’s been giving me some trouble. Do you mind giving me a ride? Sure. Yeah. No problem. All right. I’m just going to grab my food.

Bye, Grandma.

Bye, hon. Good luck in your meeting. See you at dinner. I’m already looking forward to it. [kissing] Is everything all right, Claire? That’s great. I was hoping you’d be open to meeting Dr. Kelly. She is one of the leading oncologists in this area. Everything is going so well, I’m just afraid to hold out hope. This field is moving quickly. It’s hard to keep up with all the advances, but she is on the cutting edge. So if you don’t mind, I’m gonna remain hopeful. Really? I’m a believer in positive thinking combined with great science. And with Carol– that is Dr. Kelly–we have both. I admit, I am flooded with positive vibes from you and Audra. Now all you have to do, just join in. You two are so wonderful. I am profoundly grateful for all your support. And now that I know that there’s a chance that Damian and I can heal, I am going to cling to as much time as I possibly can get. Which is why I’m eager for you to see what she thinks about your case. If I could just get a few more months, maybe a year, I’ll do whatever it takes. Even if that means thinking positively. Now, that’s what I’m talking about. I know I haven’t been very good at this lately, but…things are looking up in so many ways. Why not believe in this miracle, too, right? If modern medicine can extend your life, I’d be thrilled to help make that possible. Whether this works or not, you have already done so much for me. More than I can ever deserve.

Bring it in.

[chuckles] Bring it in. [exhales] Okay. You’re right. You have had a lot to deal with. And we’re not accusing you of anything either. No. Our curiosity and our concern comes from a place of love for Nate. I get it. I do. And I’m not being defensive here, okay? But it’s been so much for me to take in. And you suggesting that I can’t be trusted, it’s a bit ironic, considering how I got here in the first place. Sorry, guys. I have to take this. Why don’t we have a seat? Listen, I know that you probably don’t know this, but you and I actually have a lot in common. How so? Well, I didn’t know who my biological father was for most of my life growing up. Hmm. Well, from my research, I thought you were adopted by Neil and Drucilla Winters as a teen, so you had to know that he wasn’t your bio dad. I did, yeah. I did, for sure. And Neil and Dru took me in, and they gave me a home. But my biological mom always lied to me about who my dad was. So it wasn’t until later in life that I found out.

Tucker McCall.

That’s right. And I tell you this to say that I can relate to the confusion that you’re feeling. Thanks, man. I appreciate you sharing that with me. I still don’t trust you completely. ‘Cause even though I can sympathize with everything you’re going through, you know, the way you’ve operated has been questionable, to say the least.

The way I’ve operated?

Yeah. What about your cousin? Well, you’re the one that sent an imposter to get information while you could stay hidden, right? And then you told everybody that you own two companies when you really don’t own them. You’re just the CEO. And on top of hiding your connection to Aristotle Dumas, when we confronted you with the truth, you didn’t really want to talk about it. So I hope you can understand that I’m not gonna be very quick to let you off the hook. [scoffs] Okay, fine. To be fair, both Nate and I have been a little guilty of deception, so… Sure. But at least we know what Nate’s motives are, right? You, not so much. And it makes me curious as to why you have so many things that you’re keeping secret. I honestly don’t think I need a motive other than curiosity and a deep need to protect my personal privacy. Besides, I was the one that was contacted with a lie. So is it any surprise I’d want to know why? Well, no, but why wouldn’t you just come straight out and ask? Okay. And you think Nate would have just come clean? Well, I guess we’ll never know, will we? Shouldn’t we be past the point of distrust by now? I am. And I have every reason to be suspicious of Nate and my mother, but I’m still here willing to talk things through. Nate and my mom are open to that. Why aren’t you and Lily on the same page? If you really want to know, I’ll be blunt about it with you. There are just things about your story and your past that don’t add up to me. That being said, I’m still willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I guess that’s the most I could ask for. At least you’re being candid about where you stand, and I appreciate that. Yeah. I’ve never been one to hold back how I feel, so you can always count on me being blunt and direct with you. [laughs] Thanks for the warning. And thank you for joining me for dinner the other night. Perhaps we could do it again sometime soon. Maybe. When did you have in mind? The sooner the better. How about tonight? Well, my appointment just texted me. He’s running a little late, so we can use the time to talk. I prepped the meeting brief for you, so I’m actually pretty up to speed about the goal of the lunch. I’m not talking about work. When I came in here, I felt that there was some awkwardness in the air. Is there a problem between you and Summer? Why would you say that? Very little gets past me. Really, it’s– it’s nothing, Grandma. Now, darling, I thought by now you would be so comfortable with me that you would talk about anything. Even though Summer is your granddaughter, too? I don’t play favorites. I love all of my grandchildren equally. I get the feeling that Summer’s not happy about my relationship with Kyle. Well, honey, that’s not surprising. I mean, she and Kyle have shared a lot together, including a child. They have a long history, yes, I know, and they’ll always be connected by Harrison. Yes, but that doesn’t mean that there’s anything more to it than that. Are you worried that Summer wants Kyle back? I don’t know, but I… get the sense that there’s something more going on. Do you think it’s possible that Grandpa is urging Summer to reconnect with Kyle? You were awfully quiet on the ride over here. Was I? You still concerned about your mom, or is there something else on your mind? What else would it be? I keep getting the feeling that you’re upset about my relationship with Claire. So tell me, is this going to be a problem? Uh, how about I check my calendar and I will get back to you? [chuckles] You know, I hear they have calendars on phones now. Hmm. Fine. Consult your planner, and I’ll just keep hope alive that a “yes” is coming, so call me. I’m sure my number’s in your Rolodex. Well, sorry I had to take that call. What did I miss? What you walked in on was pretty much the gist of it. But I wasn’t as forgiving of the man as you seem to be. Yeah. I noticed. Why did you tell him what we know about Dumas and his companies? You saw how hard Nate came down on me for getting involved. It’s like, why would you open up to him about all of that? I don’t know. I just felt compelled to, ’cause like you heard me say, there’s a lot of things that I just don’t trust about the guy, and it’s concerning that he seems to be winning you over. Look, I don’t have a problem with you dating Claire. You have every right to live your life how you want with whomever you want. Glad to hear it. I still get the feeling there’s something more at play here. Look, Kyle, I– I care about you.


Okay? How could I not? So, yeah, I will admit that there’s some residual protective feelings when it comes to you. I just don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all. If that’s all it is, then please let it go. My parents have worrying and overprotection cover, so the last thing I need is for you to jump on that bandwagon. I get that. But where this is concerned, I see their point.

Come on, Summer.

No, you come on. You seriously aren’t at least a little bit worried that my grandpa’s going to try to mess things up for the two of you? He’s clearly not a fan of your relationship. Victor’s opposition doesn’t scare me. Yeah, but do you really want to put yourself through that? You know how my grandpa can be when he doesn’t get his way. Your grandfather is not going to run my life, or Claire’s, for that matter. What about Harrison? Have you thought about how this could impact him? No. I’m not about to let Victor’s opinion of my relationship impact Harrison in any way. And I don’t give a damn if I have his approval or not. I’m surprised you would suspect your grandfather of such a thing. It’s no secret that Grandpa has gone to great lengths in the past to protect people in this family from the people they’ve chosen to love. Mm, he has been known to take things a bit far on occasion. From what you and Mom have told me, it’s more than a bit. Have you actually seen anything that would make you think that he’s trying to push Summer back with Kyle? No. Not specifically. And I hate that the thought even entered my mind. But, you know, Grandpa has been so adamant about not wanting me to be with Kyle. And Grandpa and Summer are so close. Well, yes, of course they are. I mean, you’ve seen how protective Victor is of his family, and she is his granddaughter, but so are you. I know, Grandma. But lately Summer seems so…emboldened when it comes to Kyle, and I can’t help wondering what’s behind that. Hey, did your work call go okay? Nothing I can’t work out. What are you so engrossed in? I’m actually doing research on your oncologist friend. Seems like she is quite well-known and highly respected. Only the very best for you, as promised. [chuckles] She’s exactly that. Her qualifications are very impressive, and then some of the results she’s achieved has made me hopeful. Like I said, there’s lots of progress being made all the time. And Dr. Kelly’s research is responsible for several recent breakthroughs. Well, I’m trying not to get overly optimistic. I can’t afford to let my expectations get unreasonably high and then disappointed. And I don’t want to give you false hope. We need to take this one step at a time and see where it leads. [knocking] That’s probably her now. [clears throat] Darling, you know that Summer’s concerns about you aren’t new. She had issues with you before you and Kyle ever got together. I know. It took her a long time to trust me with Harrison. And I thought once she saw how wonderful you were with him that those feelings would dissipate. So did I. But Summer has never let me forget my past. And it’s almost like she’s been more aggressive since Kyle and I have grown closer. Aggressive in what way? Like she’s using their history as husband and wife and as Harrison’s parents to reconnect with him and drive a wedge between us. You don’t honestly believe that. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being insecure and paranoid. Leftover vestiges of what Jordan instilled in me. Oh, and you’ve worked so hard to get past that. I have. But maybe some of it’s still ingrained in me. All right, well, I’m impressed at your determination to stand up to my grandpa. But many have tried and most have failed spectacularly. Victor may have gotten me fired at Glissade. But that was different. He doesn’t have the power to fire me as Claire’s boyfriend. You sure about that? Look, I hate the pressure that Claire’s under, but she’s strong enough to stand up for herself, and she’s not about to be bullied into a breakup that she doesn’t want. And as for Harrison, do you really think I would let Victor’s manipulations affect our son? Kyle, I know that you would move heaven and earth to protect Harrison. Mm-hmm. But everyone knows how far Victor Newman is willing to go to stop something he opposes. You’re really not worried at all about how bad it could get? I mean, is this really worth it? It’s more than worth it. Kyle, are you actually falling in love with Claire? Look, I’m not saying that you’re wrong to be cautious about Damian, but I kind of see his point where he said that he felt the same way about us that we feel about him. I can see how he would think that we’re being untrustworthy. And I’d agree if we were blatantly and obviously hiding something from him. But we’re not. Our cards are on the table. Yeah, I guess that’s true. And it’s why I wanted him to be aware that we knew about his lies when it comes to his business affairs. Why? You wanted to see what he would do? Yeah, and I think it was pretty telling that he went straight into defense mode and started playing the victim. There’s a lot more secrets that Damian has than what we’ve uncovered. And as much as Nate claims that he doesn’t trust the guy, I know that he wants things to work out, especially for Amy’s sake, ’cause he’s hoping that she’s gonna have this reconciliation with her son before it’s too late. Which is all fine and great. But I do feel like that’s blinding Nate to the bigger picture here. I know, but I kind of understand how he feels. And I feel for Amy, too. She should be able to spend her final days with her son. Sure she should. And I’m not saying that this whole Damian situation is bad. I’m just saying that we shouldn’t trust everything the guy says to us. Well, look, I’m glad that you’re leaving some room for doubt, but I will say I have spent a bit more time with Damian. You know, we shared a meal, and I got to get a feel for him. And that was after Victor informed me of his deception around his business connections. But I really don’t feel like he’s dangerous. Well, I never implied that he’s dangerous, but I’m wondering why you are going out of your way to defend him and make excuses. In spite of everything we just talked about, you still want to go have dinner with him. Is there more going on? What do you mean, is there more going on? I mean, is this turning into something personal for you? NATE: Damian, uh, this is a surprise. Hey. I was hoping to find my mother. Please. You found me, I am happy to say.

So good to see you again.

You, too. I was just telling Nate what a lovely time I had last night. I enjoyed it, too. In fact, I was hoping that we could do it again. Can I treat you for lunch? I would love nothing more to spend more time with you, but I’m actually meeting the cancer doctor that Nate recommended. Hopefully, she has some new options that we can discuss. So, this is the specialist you told us about. She cleared her schedule to come see Amy today. Oh, man. That’s great. Thanks again for using your connections to arrange this. And lunch can absolutely wait for another time. This is clearly far more important, so… Thank you. Devon, I just met the guy, okay? There’s nothing personal going on. I’m just as curious about him as you are. And I’m definitely not ready to trust him either. Then why are you willing to spend so much time with him? What’s the harm in getting to know him better? He’s Nate’s brother. And I have a lot of unanswered questions, and I feel like this is a way to get answers without scaring him off. And that’s all it is, in spite of Nate asking you not to get involved? We have our business and our family at stake. We’re already involved, and I’m not gonna let Nate sideline me that easily. All right, that all sounds fine. I just have to ask if it’s more than that, ’cause I would hate to see you get close to this man and become personally involved only to have our worst suspicions come true. Thank you so much for coming, Carol. I know how busy your schedule must be. Anything for you, Nate. Then let me introduce you to Amy Lewis, whose medical records I sent. And this is her son, Damian. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Kelly. And I’ll be very grateful for anything you can do for my mom. Thank you for coming, Doctor. I hope Dr. Hastings explained this is a preliminary meeting. I made it clear you need to gather more information to update the records I sent. Yeah. Nate has explained everything to me, and I am happy to share whatever you need. Why don’t we go grab some lunch while they talk? Why not? Now, Claire, you listen to me. You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful young woman, and you don’t need to feel insecure about anything. It seems that you and Kyle have a good relationship. So hang on to that as long as it makes you happy. But what about Summer? What if I can’t hold on? I love Summer as much as I love you. But I can’t deny that she has some of her mother’s…drive, if you will. And she can be a bit of a bull in a china shop sometimes, but you can’t let that intimidate you. I guess I just have to accept the fact that Summer will always be in Kyle’s life. Yes, she will. But I believe that things will start to settle down soon, and the three of you can learn to live happily as a blended family. I mean, that is what you want and deserve, right? To be happy. That’s what I want more than anything. Well, I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure nobody takes that away from you. Not Victor, not Summer, not anybody. Thank you, Grandma. It really means so much to have your support. My darling, you will always have my support. KYLE: In love? Honestly… I don’t know if our relationship has reached that stage yet, but I can see it getting there. And the last thing I want to do is force anything. Claire and I just want to let things develop naturally and see where it leads us. Even with my grandpa ready to do everything he can to stop it? Even with that. I just– I hope you’re being sincere, that me being with Claire isn’t an issue for you. Kyle, I already have so much on my plate right now. Work. Harrison. Everything that’s going on with my mom. I can barely handle all of that. So, no, I’m not wasting any time thinking about you and Claire. So you can just put that out of your mind completely. That’s exactly what I was hoping you would say. I’ll meet you in the car. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Hey. Thanks for meeting me. Of course. What can I do? I don’t know, maybe talk me down? That’s a start. I know. Let’s try not to panic, okay? I’m gonna do everything I can to help you. Okay, here you go. A flat white for the gentleman.

Thank you.

And a vanilla latte for the lady, a double. Someone needs her caffeine. Thank you, Esther. You are the best. Will there be anything else? The pecan pie muffin for my dad? Oh, gosh. Oh, no. I’m sorry, I forgot. We’re all out. Where’s my head? Actually, I know exactly where my head is. It’s worried about Sharon. Why are you worried about Sharon? Well, I called her, left a couple messages. Nothing. And that is so unlike her. Look, I’m sorry that Sharon didn’t get back to you, but there’s nothing to worry about, Esther. She just went out of town. Took a little trip to a spa, you know, just to get her head together. Oh. How nice. Not even leaving a word. Well. I hope she’s enjoying herself.

Thank you.

ESTHER: Mm-hmm. Way to cover. Yeah, I just wanna keep everything on the down low until we figure out what the hell is going on. Morning.


Hey, man.


Any news about my mom? [Chance sighs] Well, I’m sorry to say, but there’s no trace of Phyllis, or any evidence that might indicate to where she is. Car’s still at the Athletic Club. Um, there’s no record of her hiring a ride share or a car service, nothing like that. You know, if she went to the airport or a train station, she would need a ride, right? Then how did she get out of town? I mean, I guess it’s possible somebody picked her up. But who?

Thanks for coming.

Mm-hmm. Can I offer you anything? No, I’m good. Thank you. So, please tell me that you have talked to your mother. Left more messages, no response. So no one’s heard from her since Summer that one time? Nothing’s changed since yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, you and Nick were apprehensive to tell me that your mother was missing in the first place. We didn’t wanna worry you for no reason. Okay, so you’re saying there’s a reason now? Is that what I hear? Look, just none of this makes any sense, Billy. That my mom would just take off and give Summer one quick call to tell her that she’s on a trip that she’s convinced is gonna better the company? She doesn’t tell her who she’s with, where she is, what she’s doing? Not very Phyllis-like, is it? No. Agreed. I think something’s off about this whole thing. [pages flipping] [Phyllis groans] No! So much for waking up from this nightmare! SHARON: Finally, you’re awake. No snoring. No drooling on my shoulder. I had a good night’s sleep. [Phyllis sighing] Oh, look at this. For someone who thought the coffee was drugged, you sure did a number on it. No alarm clock this morning. Maybe our host wanted us to sleep in. Phyllis… I don’t have time for silliness, silly games. Yeah, you’d rather read, right? No. I’m trying to find some sort of clue, something that may reveal our captor’s identity. We have no idea when this person’s gonna be back. So you’re trying to find it in books. SHARON: Why not? [sighing] You know, any information that we can find and use against our captor, the better position we will be in. Knowledge is power. It may be the only weapon we have. So you think that could be an option? Somebody picked Phyllis up and they just left town? I’m just spitballing here, Chance, but… Summer said Phyllis called and told her that she was going out of town to track some leads for this new company she’s all fired up about. So, maybe she teamed up with someone to go and recruit some new hires and they’re traveling together. So like a business road trip? Yeah, I don’t know. I’m just throwing things out. No, if Mom was actually going to recruit new employees, she would’ve involved Daniel. I mean, she was so excited that they’re working together again. For her to go from harassing him to take this job to just radio silence, it doesn’t make any sense. Yeah, I don’t disagree. Just leaving town, I mean, it’s not like Sharon either. And we just heard from Esther, Sharon never told her that she was leaving town. [cell phone ringing] Oh, this is the precinct. Let me grab this. Detective Chancellor. Hey, everything’s gonna be okay. It has to be. All right, yeah, thanks for letting me know. You got news? Yeah, some. About Sharon. Did they find her in Sedona? There’s no record of her checking into any spas in the entire city. Unfortunately, I agree with what you’re saying, okay? I don’t know why Phyllis would leave town right now without letting anyone know, especially when there’s so much work to be done in town. That’s what’s gnawing on me. Okay, so you got any theories? I got questions. When I was in Paris, she called me about a dozen times. I mean, I called her back out of self-defense. When I did talk to her, she was in a great mood. She was excited about Abbott Communications. Really excited about the launch. And then she disappears out of the blue? She doesn’t get back to me, she’s not even getting communication with her kids? I don’t know why she would do that. So you don’t think this is somehow related to the launch of the company, like Summer said? If this had anything to do with Abbott Communications, she would’ve called you first, not Summer. Summer has nothing to do with the company. And then she goes and tells Summer that it’s a secret? I agree. It doesn’t make sense. You know, there is something else. Okay, it’s probably a good time to tell me that. Sharon is also gone.

Excuse me?

She apparently disappeared right around the same time that my mom did. [chuckles] They hate each other. Okay, they’re not on a girls’ trip, so what is going on here? No, I don’t think they are. How’s this for a coincidence? Apparently she called Nick to tell him that she was fine right around the same time that my mom did the same thing with Summer. That is a hell of a coincidence. And they both used burner phones. Which explains why I couldn’t get a hold of her. Look, this is either a cosmic coincidence that these two women who hate each other just up and vanish and lose their phones or whatever, or something else is going on here. What do you think that is? I mean, you don’t think it’s possible at all that… maybe the two of ’em did leave town together and they just didn’t want anyone to know? PHYLLIS: What do you expect to find? A bookmark with this person’s name on it? Or an old library card, or a poem? If I find something, I’ll know it when I see it. Okay, Sharon… this person, they’re not dumb. They managed to kidnap us and make us disappear from our own life. They’re not gonna have something laying around that reveals their identity. Well, I don’t expect it to just be lying around. But why choose this place if they don’t have some connection to it? Do you need me to connect the dots? Seriously? Because I will. Here’s one dot, the voice knows about your mental issues. I think that we are on the last stop of your Bipolar Express. There’s more to it than that. Isn’t that enough? What if our captor was a doctor here? Or a patient? There could be something in these books that they didn’t expect us to find. Okay, but what if they were? Who cares? I wanna get out of here, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how much of a long shot it is. No stone unturned, no book unopened. Either help or shut up. Um… excuse me? Don’t you think what you’re doing could put us in more jeopardy? I’m not sure that that’s possible. Yeah, it is. Listen to me. Whoever did this, they don’t wanna be found out. Sharon, they’ve already disguised their voice. They said to us that we would die if we didn’t win the game. That’s what they said. Don’t you think that what you’re doing right now could be seen to the voice as some sort of threat? Well, if I find something, we’ll come up with a way to use the information to get us out of here. Sometimes knowledge isn’t power. Sometimes it’s just a bunch of words. Do you have a better idea? As a matter of fact, I do. So you’re telling me that Sharon is not in Sedona? Doesn’t seem to be. They also said there’s no record of her getting on a flight out of town. Her car’s not at the ranch. I assumed she drove. It’s kind of a long haul for some R&R, don’t you think? Why would she tell me she was there and then lie about it? So you wouldn’t go after her. I mean, hasn’t Sharon done that before? She said she was on a business trip in Madison, but really she was in some motel in town. No, that was different. Sharon was drugged. All right? She wasn’t in her right mind. She’s good now. She’s back to her old self. Dad, I’m glad to hear it, but maybe– just throwing it out there– something triggered Sharon and she took off. No, Sharon’s in a good place. Okay. Then maybe she did just go away to clear her head and she lied to you about where she was going so you wouldn’t pop in. Why would I do that? Because you worry, and you would want to check in on her. And if she really wanted some alone time, she might not feel like that was that productive. I’m not buying it. Sharon wouldn’t leave without telling me, and she certainly wouldn’t lie about it. She wouldn’t do this to her children so soon after everything they’d been through in the past few months. Yeah, I’m with Nick on this one. Sharon’s all about being up front with her family. How’s Faith doing with all this? She must be worried sick. She is. She’s really struggling with this. I mean, she was so worried the last time Sharon went missing. You’re the best, Dad. You’re always watching out for the people you care about. [sighing] I can’t protect the people I care about when they go AWOL. Both Sharon and Phyllis are missing. I don’t even know where to begin to look for the answer, but I can tell you this, I’m 99.9% sure it’s not good. Okay. I’m all ears. What is this brilliant idea of yours? All right, instead of sticking your nose in a bunch of books and coming up with nothing… you bargain. We’ve already talked about this. You cannot negotiate with someone who has all the power. Mmm. Sure you can. [chuckles] There’s a price for everything. We are the moms to Nick Newman’s children. Victor Newman’s grandchildren. They’re deep pockets, as you know. Right? The maniac states a price, and then we pay it. You really think whoever’s doing this is in it for the money? Yeah, everyone has a price, Sharon. Everyone has a price. And they’ll just name it, and then we’ll pay it. I mean, listen, sticking us in a room together cannot be the reward. That doesn’t make any sense. Well, whatever this is, it makes sense to whoever is behind it. That’s why I’m hoping that we can figure out what that is. We don’t need to figure it out! We don’t need to figure out what is in this crazy person’s head. I wanna get out of here, Sharon. I’m–I’m ready. I’m ready to offer just a pile of cash to do it. I’m telling you, this is not about money. This is about proving something. “Proving something.” Okay, so now you’re just interested in being a criminal profiler. Well, I do have a degree in psychology, and I did used to work with the Genoa City Police Department. I know, Sharon. You never let anyone forget it. Just because you’ve been on both sides of the padded wall doesn’t make you an expert. Well, it doesn’t take an expert to realize that this isn’t a textbook kidnapper who’s just in it for the personal profit. Or in it for making up stupid riddles and rhymes that suck, by the way. Have you not been paying attention? Those riddles are about us. This is someone who is forcing us to face our confrontations of the past. What, they have some perverse pleasure in seeing us go at it and making more trouble for us? Or it’s someone who wants us to learn from our mistakes. That’s never gonna happen. Think about it. Clearly this is someone with a lot of knowledge about our history who’s willing to go to a lot of trouble to force us to face our past, which means… this is someone who knows us. It’s someone who hates how much we hate each other. Maybe it’s someone who’s been affected by our conflicts in the past. What are you saying, like a friend or a family member? I think it’s almost impossible to believe that Sharon and Phyllis would take off together without letting anyone know. Look, Mom has been known to play things close to her vest in the past when she really wanted something. Of course, it was never anything good. What could she possibly want from taking off with Sharon to God knows where? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was some kind of revenge tactic, you know, for everything that Sharon did to our family after Heather’s death. But Mom said she got past all that, and I believe her. She said the same thing to me, and I believe her as well. I mean, she’s excited about this company moving forward. It’s been all positive. And I mean, look, Phyllis and Sharon, they’ve had their battles, okay? But it sounds like Phyllis is ready to make that a memory, or at least stuff it in a box. [sighing] Which is great, but, I mean, it still doesn’t explain what’s going on here. Look, if this isn’t a revenge tactic, then what is it, okay? I mean, are they making amends? Do you honestly see Phyllis hugging it out with Sharon to move on? [scoffs] No. Not in a million years. Okay, well, I think that we need to look at another possibility, then. Like what? That Sharon and Phyllis were taken together. You think they were kidnapped? Who would kidnap them, and why? What would the objective be? It’s definitely not money because there’s no ransom, though. And what person in their right mind would put Phyllis and Sharon in a room together? It would definitely be someone who never read The Ransom or Red Chief. What is that story again? It’s the two kidnappers. They take the spoiled little rich kid, and he drives them nuts and– Oh, yeah, and then they pay the dad to take them back?


Is that what it is?


Okay, well, good Lord. I mean, whoever kidnapped and locked Phyllis and Sharon in the same room, I would imagine they would be begging us to take them back right about now. I’m just gonna say that the coincidences are real there, and I don’t want to admit it, but I think this kidnapping thing actually has legs. Okay, well, Ian and Jordan were the only two people that were crazy enough to try and pull something like this off, and they’re both dead. [phone ringing] It’s Summer. Hey, have you heard from Mom? No, I was hoping you might have. No, Billy hasn’t either. I’m with him now. I’m with my dad and Chance at Crimson Lights. Can you come meet us? Do you have an update? I think you’re gonna want to hear what Chance has to say. Yeah, I’ll come right now. What is it? Chance has been looking into this for us. He sounds like he may have found something. Okay, look, I’m just gonna say it, okay? Phyllis and I are in business together, and I got a lot riding in this, so I hope you don’t mind, but I’m coming with you. Yeah, come on, let’s go. I’m not accusing anyone, okay? But is it so far out of the realm of possibility that someone related to us is behind this? And when you say us, you really mean me. That’s not what I said. Yeah, that’s what you meant. I’m sorry, but are you suggesting that possibly Daniel or Summer could be responsible for this? Oh, or maybe you think I’m in on it, which would be insane, because last thing I would want is to be locked into a room with you. Okay, well, maybe you’re not a part of it, but the idea of Daniel and/or Summer being behind this kind of makes sense in a twisted sort of way. Um, you’re kidding me, right? No, you know what? They have watched us go at each other for years, and the last few months have been horrible. You have been attacking me relentlessly. You tried to prove that I was guilty. Because you are guilty. Sharon, you’re guilty. You’re guilty for trying to frame my son for killing Heather. That will never change. [Phyllis sighing] And I have done and said everything I can to apologize. I’ll be doing so for the rest of my life. It doesn’t matter. I don’t care. I really don’t care. You should be locked up in a cell and paying for what you did, for what you put my son through, period. Maybe that’s just it. See, maybe your kids know that you are never going to let this go. You are never going to stop seeking vengeance, and this is their way of getting you to save yourself by locking us in a room together until we’ve worked things out. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don’t need saving. That’s what you do. You do that. You act like the damsel. You have Nick on speed dial for that. Wow. You have so much anger. Oh, stop it! Stop it! Don’t– don’t shrink me. I’m offended that you would accuse my kids of doing something like this. What– you know what? What about your kids, huh? What about yours? Hmm, wow. I mean, Faith saw you attack my family relentlessly for months. She watched what you put Lucy through, how you wrecked Lucy by putting her father through that. Maybe Faith is trying to teach you a lesson. Um, there is no way that Faith could or would pull this off. Whoever is behind this has resources, enough to get us kidnapped and locked up in this room rigged with games that they’re forcing us to play. Okay, not Faith. What about Mariah? She hasn’t always been an angel. She would never do anything this over the top. Well, since we’re throwing names out there, how about this one? Maybe it’s Nick.


Mm-hmm, Nick. Nick, maybe he’s tired of our fighting. I’m sure he’s tired of your “woe is me” victim thing. And he’s always getting mad at me for something, even though everything I have done has been in self-defense. Are you listening to yourself? Do you hear yourself? Yes, I do. Maybe it’s Nick. Maybe Nick wants us to finally work things out. I hate to pry or pull the dad card, but how are things with you and Chance? Still sketchy? Um, well, I haven’t been able to completely get over how he treated Daniel during the murder investigation. Oh, yeah, when he was doing his job? I– I get that. Nobody is more committed to their job than Chance is, and I have always admired that about him. Until Daniel got caught in the crosshairs. I just wanted support. You know, I wanted somebody to put their arm around me and tell me that it was all gonna be okay, that there was no way that my brother was capable of murder, but instead, Chance felt like the enemy. You said you recently had dinner together. Yeah. We did. It was nice. I mean, clearly we’re perfectly civil with each other. But? I just don’t know if I’m there yet. And I don’t know if I ever will be. But he has gone out of his way to try to find Mom, and it means a lot. [Nick sighing] Summer, he’s a good cop. It’s what he does. And I do get the sense he’s going the extra mile for you. I just hope he puts all those detective skills to work to actually find her. That she could be in danger. She could be hurt. We’re not gonna think like that. All right? This is Phyllis Summers we’re talking about. She’s one of the toughest people I’ve ever met. Trust me. She’s gonna come firing back into town with a hell of a story for us. And I’m trying to believe that I really am, but I just keep on thinking about Heather. Why are you doing that? Because we all told Daniel not to worry. We told him that she was okay, that we would find her, that he was reading too much into everything, and look at what happened there. Wow. Given everything that’s happened, I can see how it’s hard not to go there. I mean, didn’t you just put the odds on something bad happening at 99.9%? I did. But we’re gonna stay positive. Okay? And not just for our own sanity, but for your mother’s sake and for Sharon’s. They need that same energy. Yeah. You’re right. It’s gonna be okay. It is. Hey, sorry about that. Had to call in some reinforcements. I appreciate that. Yeah. We’ll bring your mom home, I promise you that. Thank you. Hey, you okay? Uh, Chance, Summer said you may heard something. Uh… Look, Billy, I, um… I’m Phyllis’s business partner, okay? I’m gonna be here. I figured it’s time to start looping him in on this. Okay. Well, we’ve located your mom’s car. It’s at the athletic club garage, so wherever she went, she didn’t drive. There’s no record of a car service or a ride share either. Okay. Did you find out anything about Sharon? Well, she told Nick that she went to a spa in Sedona. There’s no indication that she actually went there. No record of her checking into any spas in the entire area. But I’m digging into that one a little bit more. Okay, so what I’m hearing is a little more information, but we’re right back where we started, which is we have no idea what’s going on. Unfortunately. Daniel and I were talking earlier, and we’re wondering if potentially Phyllis and Sharon are together. You really think that’s what happened? What if it’s not by choice, Nick? It is ludicrous to even suggest that Nick might be behind this. No, he cares too much about the both of us. Mmm. I know he hates seeing us fight. Yeah, he does. He does, and there’s nothing he would love more than for us to find a way to get along. But kidnapping us, terrorizing us, I mean, there’s no way that he would want us to be afraid for our lives, and especially not– PHYLLIS: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What was that? Go ahead and say it. Especially not you? That’s what you’re gonna say, right? I mean, he’d have no problem scaring the hell out of me, but not you.


This is not a competition about who Nick cares more about. You’re so delusional. You think you’ve already won. Would you stop it? There is no way that Nick is behind this. Right. So we’re gonna go back to accusing my kids. Well, Daniel’s been known to go to some dark places, and Summer has proven on more than one occasion that she’s a lot like you. Oh, oh, so now I’m capable of kidnapping. That’s what you’re saying? Well, we all know that you have no boundaries, not when it comes to getting what you want. Not that long ago, you faked your own death, and you let your children mourn. And then you enlisted Summer to be your faithful little sidekick so you could see where I might get the idea that your child and or you might be behind this. Oh, my God, that’s it! That’s it! You wanna fight? You want the gloves to come off? You got it. I am not the reason we’re here. Not me. Not my kids. You. This is probably one fellow patient from one of your nut house stays that did this.

Oh, that is ridiculous!

Oh, no, no, no. It is true, Sharon. I can see it now. I can see it now. Talking to a fellow patient incessantly. “I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s Phyllis.” Big bad Phyllis made you do this. Let me tell you, it’s no one else that you should be pointing the finger at except you! I didn’t mean to start a fight. You did! Okay, well, I went too far! All right? I’m just trying to brainstorm and think of every possibility– I don’t care! You are constantly tearing my family apart! Okay, well, I shouldn’t have. You shouldn’t have, no. But that’s what you do. And then you cry and you beg for forgiveness. Please! I didn’t mean to do it! And everybody feels bad for you and they let you off the hook! I am so tired of it! Guess what? I don’t let you off the hook, ever. I know. Hey, we cannot let this turn into a war. We might be playing right into this person’s hands. Think about it. This could be exactly what they want, is you and I at each other’s throats. So, which is it? Which do you think it is? Do they want us to finally get along? Or do they want us to kill each other? I gotta know! Please tell me! Please tell me! I’m at the end of my rope! Is that the goal? Is that we just keep on fighting until there’s just one of us that ends up alive? Because I am ready to make that happen! You really think it’s possible that Phyllis and Sharon were kidnapped? I get it. It’s extreme, right? But there’s a whole hell of a lot of coincidence going on right now for us to not see what’s potentially right in front of our face. Who the hell would take both of them? That’s the point that I made. Exactly. You know, with Jordan and Ian both being dead, the list of people that would go after those two women is non-existent. I mean, the tally of our mom’s enemies isn’t exactly short, but I can’t think of anybody crazy enough to try to pull off an abduction. Why would Sharon be involved? Was it just the wrong place at the wrong time? Maybe it was arbitrary. Maybe they ran into each other and were randomly abducted. Usually when that’s the case, it’s followed by some sort of ransom demand, which hasn’t happened. Dad, you were there when Mariah was suggesting that maybe Mom kidnapped Sharon to punish her. I mean, obviously that sounded ridiculous, but could it be possible? Or flip side, maybe Sharon kidnapped Mom. Do we need to consider that the only two people involved in all of this are Mom and Sharon? Hello, hello, hello, hello! Damn it! You know what? It doesn’t help for you to get all worked up. Don’t tell me what to do.


I’m just trying to help. You know what would help me? You know what would help me? If you never, ever said another word to me, like, like, like ever. Well, unfortunately, we do need to work together. Then stop trying to purposely piss me off. At least now I know that you wouldn’t actually commit murder to get out of here. Uh, I don’t know anymore. I don’t know. I don’t know what I am or am not capable of. I don’t know. I know that I hate being in a room with a woman I absolutely despise. I do know that. I don’t know the end game. What is the end game to this nut job exercise? I don’t… All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are you doing? I’m gonna break the window. I’m gonna break the window. And then I’m gonna scream as loud as I can and tell someone here it’s me. No, Phyllis. Give me that. Stop it. Let go. If you do that, you’re gonna get us both killed. There she is. Just who I’m looking for. Can I get a refill, please? Oh, sure, Nick. Um, listen. Have you been able to reach my boss yet? I have a very important appointment, and Sharon promised to cover the rest of my shift. I’m gonna have my coffee grounds read. The man is brilliant. He’s in such demand. And the wait list is months long, and if I miss this appointment, then who knows when I’m gonna get another chance. Well, Esther, you certainly can’t miss something that important. We’ll make sure you get there. Have you checked with any of the other employees? See if they can cover for you? Oh, that is a very good idea. Okay. Okay. Maybe we can get the guy who reads the coffee grounds to figure out where Sharon and Phyllis are. I take it Esther doesn’t know that Sharon’s missing? We’re trying to keep it quiet. Um… Truth is, we don’t know what happened to Sharon and Phyllis, so I would appreciate it if you’d keep that between us. Let me get this. What do you got? Supergirl. Remember, positive energy. The more time that passes, the more worried I get. All right, we got Sharon’s car. It’s at Cassidy First. It wasn’t in her normal spot, so they just noticed it. Now, give me the phone numbers that Sharon and Phyllis called from. Maybe I can use them to get a general location on the burner phones when the calls were made. Really? Is that possible? It’s kind of a long shot, but maybe I’ll get lucky. Yeah, I’m gonna text you that number right now.

All right.

You know, Chance, this is starting to sound more and more like an official investigation. It’s what I was just thinking. Are you still thinking we shouldn’t assume the worst? I’m trying to fight that instinct. This makes it a lot harder to do that. PHYLLIS: Give me the chair, Sharon. Give it to me. How are you even gonna get through that metal grate and break the glass? I’ve got this. Give me the chair. I mean it. What does breaking the glass get you? This place is obviously abandoned. We don’t know that for sure. We have looked, Phyllis. There’s no one out there. We have no idea where we are. There’s nobody here! Just because we haven’t seen someone doesn’t mean there’s not someone up there listening. Is that some kind of Zen Koan? Please give me the chair. I have to do something. I have to break the glass. Please give me the chair!

Give it to me!

All right, fine. Break the glass. It’s only the middle of winter. We will freeze to death. Okay. [Phyllis sighing] Look, I’m sorry for accusing Daniel and Summer. I know what great and fabulous people they are. Look, whoever is behind this, it’s someone who knows us and needs us. Yeah. We’re back to square one. Oh, my God. We’re stuck in here, and we don’t know a way out. Is that what you want? You son of a bitch? Are you entertained? MODULATED VOICE: I’m not here to be entertained. That’s not the point. Well, what is? What do you want from us? MODULATED VOICE: The game. It’s all that matters. I hope you’re rested. It’s time to continue. What is worth everything but costs nothing? Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Monday, March 3, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

[Sally sighing] Okay.


BILLY: Nothing. Nothing at all. What is so funny? You’re laughing. I was just gonna say, that pillow right there looked very flat, so that last chop really, really helped it out. You know, it’s nice and fluffy now. Appreciate it.

You’re so funny.

[Billy laughing] You’re so funny. Listen, the place looks perfect. It looks unbelievable in here. I know what an important night this is for you, and I just want to do everything I can

to make sure it goes smoothly.

Okay, thank you. I appreciate that. But let me just say this, if tonight goes south for any reason whatsoever, it won’t be because the pillows aren’t fluffy. You don’t know that. Okay. Thank you, though. I do appreciate it. You’re welcome. [doorbell ringing] Oh, that’s it. They’re here. You ready?


One more. Come in. It’s unlocked. You got this.

NATE: There we go.

LILY: Thank you. Mm-hmm. Good stuff. Thanks.

To Winters.

DEVON: To Winters. Long may we grow and prosper. Yes. And take over the world. Ooh. I’ll cheers to that. No biggie. I can’t believe we finally signed the deal. How long have we been working on that Stackhouse merger? Gosh, I think six months now. Never thought it would happen, but that was before we brought in our closer.


NATE: So, here’s to you for getting us across the finish line.


Aw, thank you, Nate. Very sweet. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re the best there is and we’re lucky to have you back where you belong. Aw, well, thanks, guys. It’s really funny how things end up, right? All the hell I went through at Chancellor, and I did end up where I belong. I guess Victor Newman was right.

Damn him.

Well, let’s not go overboard. Uh, so Nate, what is the latest with Amy and Damian? Well, they’re having dinner tonight, which is a good sign. Um, I’m waiting to have that talk with Damian, too. I’m just hoping he’s still planning on sticking around for it. Well, before you go too far down that road, there are some things about him that I have to tell you. I just wanted you to know it means a lot, you agreeing to see me again. Well, the last time there were a lot of things that we didn’t get into. So, I figured it was time for us to– to talk about ’em. Well, I am here and ready to give you all the answers you ask of me. I don’t even know where to begin. Wow, Sally, the place looks amazing.


Hey, come on now. Don’t I get a little credit? I mean, I did approve it all. It does look amazing, Billy. Looks like home. Thank you. That means everything. But, serious, this is, uh, this is all her. She’s the genius here. Well, I don’t know. The Nobel Committee might disagree. That’s only because they don’t give awards for taste. Honestly, I gave her a few recommendations of what I thought would work, and this is what she did with it. So, really, it’s truly amazing. You see, Jack? It’s all about trust. Do you two have trust issues that I don’t know about? DIANE: Oh, no, no, no. It’s nothing as serious as all that. Oh, I would disagree with that.

I’d say it’s very serious.

Jack. We’re without a home right now.

[Diane sighing]

What do you mean? We have temporarily moved into the Athletic Club while our house is being updated. Oh, well, that makes sense. Which was never part of the plan. We are now moved out of the house, as is Kyle and Harrison, and Traci and Alan were pushed out. DIANE: You make it sound so dire. Being forced to live in the lap of luxury while our mansion is refreshed. I am merely informing my brother where he can reach us, since we are no longer in the home that our family has inhabited for, well, generations. Well, thank God it doesn’t bother Billy. Well, I was aware of this, uh, redecoration because Diane reached out and asked for my blessing. Yes, and I really appreciate that, Billy. I do have to be honest, though. I was not aware of the scale of this redecoration. I only realized what it was until I drove by and saw all the construction crews. JACK: Wait. Construction crews? You had Damian investigated? Yeah, that’s right. What would prompt you to do something like that? Well, you know Damian introduced himself to me recently, right? Yeah, so? Okay, well, he seemed very interested in seeing me again. I mean, he wasn’t pushy, but it was definitely there. So, you meet the man and what? Didn’t like his vibe? Well, all that we know about him is from what Amy has told us. Or what my private eye found out when she tracked him down. Yeah, I know, and I wanted to know if there was more to the story. I didn’t want you to be blindsided. Well, I appreciate your concern, Lily, but you taking it upon yourself to dig into my brother’s background was something I never asked you to do or wanted you to do. Nate, I was just trying to protect you. Okay, hey, before we get into this, what did you find out about the guy? Like, is there more to Damian’s story, or? LILY: Oh, yeah. There’s a lot more. I think I’ll trade that in for a tea. Pot of chamomile? Two cups. Thank you. I assume that’s still your favorite. I’m touched that you remember. I don’t want you to make too much out of that, okay? I’m not, Damian. Because you and me, we– we’re a long way from fixing things between us. Damian, I’m just happy that we can share a common memory. That’s all.

No expectations.

DAMIAN: Okay. I just didn’t want you to get the wrong impression. I know, honey, and I just didn’t want you to think I’m looking for a quick fix, either. I know, and I realize this isn’t easy for you, honey, and it isn’t easy for me. It just broke my heart that you thought that I didn’t care about your father when he was dying. Well, I guess you didn’t realize how it came off at the time. At least, to me. I did not, and I am so sorry for that. But I just, you know, I can’t stop thinking about what you said about being, um, afraid, feeling alone. You were very mature for your age, and I think I took advantage of that. Assuming that you can handle more than you can handle. I mean, you were 16 years old. You were a kid. It guts me. I just hope you can understand why I did what I did. Look, I wasn’t taking your feelings into account. Just my own. So, for that, I’m sorry. Thank you so much. I mean, your words… If there’s even a slightest chance that we can mend the hurt between us, I can die a happy woman. JACK: When we first talked about remodeling, you were talking about a couple little tweaks. You know, a coat of paint here or there, maybe a new piece of furniture. No mention of a construction group. It’s really not that big a deal, Jack. It sounds like a pretty big deal. Okay, yes, there are a few trucks there, as needed for the very minor remodeling that’s going on. Which, by the way, is coming along beautifully. I’m almost afraid to stop by and see it for myself. You know, when I was in interior design, I know it seems like a lot, but I was actually really shocked at how many workers it took to just…

Change a light bulb.


So many.

Exactly. So many. I mean, even the small little design things, you know, like electricians and wallpaper hangers, demo crews.


Demo crews? Um, Sally, I really appreciate you trying to back me up, but you better stop before he has a heart attack. I think you may be too late already. Jack, please, can’t you be a little more like Billy has been with Sally and trust me? You are going to love our home, I promise. And– and if you don’t, then we can just change it back to the old, dated museum that you’re so comfortable with. Deal? I didn’t find it old and dated. Deal? Deal. Congratulations. We can move on from the Abbott house.

What do you say?

Yes, thank you. Okay, so I would, um, like to make a toast, if I could.

Oh, I’m all for that.

Yes, me too. What are we toasting to? Well, first of all, thank you both for being here. It means a lot to us, and to you, thank you for this. Wouldn’t have happened without you. I stand here, and it feels like a turning point in my life in more ways than one. It feels like a new beginning, and, uh, I want to thank you for that. My big brother, for trusting me, and supporting me. And, equally important, for funding my next journey. You know, we’ve had, uh, conflict over the years, but it was never because we didn’t love each other. All I ever wanted was for you to believe in me. And I feel like standing here, I can say that you do and Jack, that means everything to me. So, thank you. Thank you to this next journey, to Abbott Communications, and to my big brother, Jack Abbott, for helping me make it all happen.




Cheers. How come you’re smiling? I just thought of Figaro. Oh, man, I haven’t thought about that cat in a minute. Wow. What a character he was. He was all that. You remember when you brought him home? Yeah, we– we both tried to hide from Dad so we could break the news to him gently that there’d be a new member of the family. Then he got out, and the first thing he did was jump on your dad’s lap. I thought Dad was going to lose it for sure. So did I. But from that moment on, that was his cat. They loved each other so much. For weeks after Dad had passed, we had to bring Figaro’s food into the bedroom because… he just wouldn’t leave. And I sure knew how he felt. God, I miss that man. I know you do, my love. He loved you very much. You were his world. From the moment you two laid eyes on each other, it was just… some unbreakable bond. Did he ever tell you about, um, the day that you were born? Oh, yeah. You– you were having contractions at the house, so he got you in the car and… [Damian whooshing] …drove like hell to the hospital. Then, we got stuck on the highway behind an accident. I thought I was going to deliver you right on the side of the road. Hm. AMY: We got there in time. Your dad was with me through all of it. Not only was he there when you were born, he was the first person that held you. And I will never forget the look on his face as long as I live. It was pure, absolute love. Do you swear he never knew the truth? That he wasn’t my biological father? Never. Honey, why do you ask? I mean, did you… Did you sense otherwise? Not for a second. Well, first of all, Damian lied about his position at Danglers and Monte Cristo. What do you mean he lied? He owns those companies. Hm, that’s obviously what they wanted you to believe. And who’s they? Damian and the person, or I don’t know, people who are above him. They went to great lengths to keep it quiet who the real owner is. And who’s the real owner? It’s a company called Arabesque, and it’s privately owned, and it operates out of Washington, D.C. Okay. I’ve never heard of them before. Well, they clearly don’t spend a lot of money on publicity, but it’s a big operation. I mean, Danglers and Monte Cristo are just two of their divisions. So, Damian actually has no controlling interest in either one of those companies? Uh, no. He’s CEO of both, but he doesn’t own them. So, who does own Arabesque, and why are they being so mysterious about it? I mean, I don’t know the mystery part, but the real owner is a man named Aristotle Dumas. I have heard that name before. What about him? Not much. I don’t think anybody even knows what the guy looks like. LILY: Well, he has his hand in a lot of different operations, and he goes through a lot of trouble to keep it quiet. Okay, so Damian works for the guy. Yeah, and he lied about it, Nate. Which I think screams the question, why? What else is he hiding? I mean, this is a big red flag. Thank you, Billy. Those– those words mean more to me than you know. Well, I meant every word, Jack. I know you did. So, if you’ll allow me, I would like to make a toast myself. Maybe you haven’t always felt it, but I never stopped believing in you. I have always admired your resilience. You have been through more setbacks, more tragic loss, more disappointments than pretty much anyone I know. And somehow, every time you get knocked down, you manage to get right back up and go after whatever it is you’re after with passion and creativity and… old-fashioned Abbott stubbornness. [all chuckling] I am very proud of you. And not just because of this adventure, which I am quite sure is going to be a success, but… because of your capacity to love, to forgive. To Billy Abbott, my brother. Come here, come here.

Thank you.

That was lovely, Jack.

It really was.

DIANE: Yeah. Yeah, after all that, I better not screw this up, huh? It’s not gonna happen. Oh, I agree. You’ve got this. But, I have to ask. Do you really think it’s a good idea to have Phyllis be part of it? Did you ever consider telling him the truth? Many times, honey. The secret weighed on me. I mean, tortured me sometimes. But your father was just so overjoyed at the pregnancy, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. And then when you were born and I saw the connection between you two, it would’ve broken his heart. And you never told Nathan the truth either, I imagine. That would have been like a bomb being dropped in the middle of two families. I needn’t. So, no. I just lived with that secret and carried it along with me. And then I just… ugh, I just hoped that in time, the shame would go away. And then I feared that you and your father would find out one day. But when Nathan died, and as sad as I was about that, it was like a burden was lifted. Because your lie was safe. And I would die with the truth. But then something happened. Something changed within me when I got the cancer diagnosis. Knowing that I was dying, I just didn’t want you to be alone in the world, knowing that you had a family. Yeah, a biological family I’d never met. Had no clue about. Mom, how did you– how did you imagine that would go? Oh, about how it has, honey. With you being angry and hurt. But I just hoped that you would reach out to Nate. It just felt right, Damian. Look, no matter how difficult this has been for me… I don’t regret not one moment. Because I hope that one day, you will forgive me. Even if this happens after I’m gone. Because we have a bond too. It was solid. It was strong. Or did I just imagine that, hm? NATE: His overnight success, it’s a lie? Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I just felt like you needed to know. Are you sure this information is accurate? Positive. Then, why didn’t Denise find this when she located him? Because maybe she was focused on just finding him. I mean, this took a lot of digging. It was under a lot of legal paperwork. How’d you find this out? Um, I just, you know, I called in a favor and– To somebody that was the best of the best to look into it. A favor from who? Victor. Damn it, Lily! What, Nate? It’s fine. I do not want that man knowing anything at all about my business. He’s not gonna know anything. How do you figure? Because I didn’t even give him your name. I just said that it was a background check for Winters, and he was happy to oblige with the whole Chancellor runaround. I still don’t like it. Hey, hey, listen. At least we know it’s legit, right? Because Victor’s investigators, they don’t leave any stones unturned. Yes, but does that automatically make this sinister? Maybe there’s some other explanation. Did Damian directly tell you that he owns those two companies? He didn’t deny it. Maybe he thought it made him look more powerful and impressive by letting me believe that. Or maybe he was trying to hide his connection to this Dumas guy. Or maybe he had no choice but to hide it. Aristotle Dumas. LILY: The Count of Monte Cristo again. That’s strange, all right. LILY: Nate, it’s more than strange. I mean, look, every time I’ve met with Damian, I feel like he’s been holding something back. Hang on, hang on a minute. You’ve been meeting with him? How many times? It was just a couple times. I thought the only time you talked to Damian was when I left you two alone at the Athletic Club. Well, we crossed paths a couple times since then. What’s the problem? The problem is I never asked you to get involved in this at all. Who initiated it? Like, did he ask you out? I mean, more or less. I told him that he should forgive his mother and he said that he would meet with her if I agreed to have dinner with him. I did it for you, Nate. You should have told me first, Lily. It wasn’t your place to jump in there and run interference for me. I can handle my own business. I wasn’t trying to handle anything. I was trying to break open this box of lies he’s been telling you since he came to town. That’s not the point.

Isn’t it?

NATE: No, Lily. This is only about Amy and Damian and him making peace with her before she dies. That is it. The rest is irrelevant. And you may have just messed that all up. I’m sorry, how? If Damian finds out you had him investigated or that you only agreed to have dinner with him so you could find out more information, he could get so pissed off, he might leave town without giving Amy a second chance. Did you ever consider that? I won’t deny that you and I were close once. In many ways, as close as you and your father. I had a great childhood. At least, I thought I did, until I saw the way you were when Dad was dying. Honey, I explained that to you. You don’t have to explain it to me again. I believe that you were trying to be strong for the both of us. But back then, I had no idea what you were feeling. I just saw you shutting down. And then something inside me… started to shut off too. I am so sorry, Damian. Me too. It was the worst time of my life. I lost everything when Daddy died. Yeah, we both did. First, we lost him. And then each other. I always thought that, uh… your father and I would, um… grow old and wrinkly together. [Amy and Damian chuckling] Still be best of friends. Going through life, you know, hand in hand. I wasn’t ready to lose him. And I did not handle it very well at all. Hm. Neither did I. Is there still time to repair the damage? Damian, I will do anything. Anything. I’m willing to try. That’s all I needed to hear. Look, Diane, I know you hate Phyllis. I think it’s fair to say the feeling is mutual. I swear to you, this has nothing to do with my personal feelings about Phyllis. You’re the one who has to work with her. Do you really want to have to work with her? I believe Phyllis will be an asset for the company. And let’s not forget that this is her comeback, so she’s going to do everything in her power to make it a success. Hm. Well, let’s just hope this latest redemption tour of hers is more successful than the last hundred or so. Well, we all have our flaws, don’t we, Diane? And what I don’t want to do is spend the evening having to defend my decision. So, what are your plans for the launch? I mean, any idea when you’re going to be starting? Yeah, yeah, excited to say in the next few months. Well, that’s encouraging, huh? Maybe even sooner if I hear back from Phyllis. Where’d she go? Uh, she’s actually following up on a few potential partnerships. Oh, really? You never mentioned that. Who were they? You know Phyllis. You know, she wants to keep it a surprise. A surprise? Did she actually say that to you? No, not directly. Wait, I don’t understand. Uh… Actually, I haven’t been in contact with Phyllis– Just the last day– So, I’m sure she’ll reach out to me soon enough and, uh, she’ll let me know. So, she just took off right in the middle of you trying to launch this thing without telling you where she was going or what she was doing, and now you haven’t been able to reach her? SALLY: Um… Billy, do you mind? I think the food’s done. Will you help me in the kitchen?


SALLY: Okay. What is with all of the trashing of Phyllis? I haven’t seen my brother this excited about anything in quite some time. Can we let him have this? I’m not trying to spoil anything, Jack. But this isn’t just about Billy being excited. This is an investment. Your investment. And it sounds like it’s going to be derailed because Phyllis is being Phyllis. Billy trusts Phyllis. We have to respect his judgment. Hold on. Did you know that Phyllis was a part of this when you agreed to foot the bill? You’re not eating? I don’t have a big appetite these days. Is it the leukemia? Mm-hmm. And also all the meds I’ve been taking to fight it. It’s just a never-ending battle trying to find that balance and sometimes my body screams, “Enough!”


AMY: Mm. Is there anything else you can do for this? Uh, Nate has spoken to his friend who’s an oncologist, so. Yeah, you mentioned that. Yeah. I actually have an appointment with her next week, but, uh, I’m just not holding out on any miracles. Why not? From what I hear, they’re coming up with new treatments and medical trials every day. This could be a positive thing for you. I have seen so many doctors. Second, third, fourth opinions, but I am going to go see this one too.


If for nothing else but to satisfy Nate. He has pushed so hard for this. And honey, I have made peace with God and now with you. That’s all the miracle I need. You and Nate have gotten pretty close, haven’t you? Yeah, unexpectedly under the circumstances. I am so grateful. He’s a good man. So, how well have you gotten to know the rest of Nate’s family? Nate, look, I’m really, really sorry. Okay, I really wasn’t trying to make things difficult for you. I was just trying to help. I know you were. I mean, this whole thing with Damian and Amy, it’s been so strange. And I’ve just seen how much it’s consumed you. Yes, Lily, it’s consumed me. But you’re making that out to be a bad thing and it’s not. Hey, I’ve grown to really care about Amy. I’ve learned things about my family that were a shock, yes. But she’s also given me more insight into a man I lost when I was far too young. And no amount of investigating on your part is going to change the fact that Damian and I are brothers. Good or bad, we’re connected. Right, we all get that, Nate. I really think Lily was just trying to look out for you and make sure you didn’t get hurt, that’s all. Yeah, absolutely. I’m just worried Damian’s going to find out you went behind his back. He’s not going to find out. I’m not going to tell him anything. You involved Victor, Lily. You used him to dig up all this stuff about Damian. You don’t think that can come back to bite us? No, I made it clear to Victor it was a company matter. I didn’t even mention your name. Damian won’t care about that. All he’d know is you were snooping around in his business. That’d be enough for him to take off. Everything Amy and I have been working toward could blow up. I’m asking you to respect the boundaries here. I didn’t ask for your help, and I don’t need it. Are we clear? Yes. Could we discuss Phyllis when we get home? We’re not going to resolve it here. Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll stop. Thank you. Oh, Sally, that looks delicious. Thank you. But first, I would love for you to show me around the rest of the place. I might even get a few more decorating ideas.

Hopefully not too many.

DIANE: Ha. I would love to. Come on. Hey. Um, Diane didn’t mean to come down so hard on Phyllis. Yes, she did. But I don’t really care what she thinks, Jack. I– I care what you think. I mean, I hope you don’t see this as a roadblock. You’re not second-guessing your investment in the company. I am going to trust your instincts. I owe you that much. Appreciate that. But Phyllis going off on her own and not reporting back to you sounds alarmingly familiar.

Yeah, I hear you.

Okay. We both know that she is not very good at following the rules or staying in her lane. All I’m saying is keep your eyes open. Be careful. I haven’t spent much time with Nate’s cousins. Devon and… Lily. Oh, but I absolutely adore his girlfriend, Audra. You’ve met, right? Yeah, she seems nice. Oh, no, honey. She’s been a godsend to me. Well, I’m grateful for that. So, from what you do know about the cousins, Devon and Lily, are they good people? Can they be trusted? Why all of a sudden an interest in his cousins? I’m just curious. Does this mean that you’re serious about getting to know Nate better? I’m definitely thinking about it. I’m sorry. I did not mean to come down on you so hard. No, it’s okay. I get it. I know we may never be able to trust Damian completely, but my only goal in this is to make things right for Amy and not do anything that will scare him off. Yeah, I hear you, Nate. I do. Loud and clear. Nate, even with Victor involved, I really don’t think that Lily’s done anything to mess up the progress that you and Amy have made with Damian. I hope you’re right. I’m also hoping that maybe there’s some kind of explanation for all the mystery. I’d like to at least give my brother the benefit of the doubt. Absolutely. And we would all love for this to work out for you and Amy. That’s a given. So, just tell us what you need and we’ll do it. I need for you to do nothing. No more investigations. No more casual run-ins. Leave it alone. That’s what I want. Just leave it alone. I’ve got this. Are you still mad at me? I wasn’t mad at you. Yes, you were, but you’re right. I should have kept my big mouth shut about Phyllis, but you can already see the trouble. I am as concerned about Phyllis as you are, and I tried to explain that to Billy without coming on too strong. You mean like I did? I don’t want Billy feeling I’m pulling my support. I want this to work. So does he. Look, I want Billy to fly in this new project. DIANE: So do I, Jack. The problem is, flying anywhere with Phyllis is bound to end in a crash landing. [Jack sighing] Well, all in all, it was a pretty successful evening. Yeah. Got a little funky in the middle, didn’t it? I need you to be honest with me. You think that I’m making a mistake With Phyllis, just like Diane believes? [Sally sighing] I do think it’s a problem that Phyllis just disappeared without telling you where she is or what she’s doing. It just shows me exactly what Diane was trying to point out, that Phyllis is just more comfortable working alone without having to answer to anyone, but… that’s a problem only you have the answer to. Every time I called her today and she didn’t answer, every time I left a voicemail, I couldn’t help but think, “This is it, this is done. “I’m not gonna do this.” And then I started thinking… Phyllis isn’t stupid. She knows this is her last chance, so… why is she doing this right now? I mean, it’s Phyllis. It’s what she does. Maybe it’s something else. Like what? That’s just it. [Billy and Sally sighing] I wish I knew where she was so I could just talk to her at least. Are you worried that something happened to her? Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Friday, February 28, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

SALLY: Yeah. Don’t worry. Okay, here we are. Mm-hmm, here we are. You happy to be home? I am, yeah. It was really hard to leave Paris this time. Mm, maybe I have a little something to do with that. Mm, maybe. Ah, there you are. Welcome home.


Thank you. We just got in. I don’t know if either of us knows if it’s yesterday or tomorrow. Well, how was your trip? I can’t wait to hear all about it. I got a lot of work done. It was good. And the rest of the time? The rest of the time was magical. Well, I want to know every detail. Okay, I think I’m going to leave you two to have that conversation. Ah, you don’t have to leave. We promise we won’t make it too embarrassing. Thank you, appreciate that, but I actually have to go check on Phyllis, make sure everything’s okay there. Did you say Phyllis? What sort of trouble has she gotten herself into now?

DANIEL: Thank you.

NICK: Thank you. So Sharon finally checked in with you last night? Yeah. Summer got a call from Mom, too. Yeah, she told me Phyllis is okay. That’s a big relief. You know, given everything that’s been going on around here recently, all the craziness, it’s kind of hard not to automatically assume the worst case scenario. But at least now we know that they’re fine and there’s nothing to worry about. Yeah. Sharon is okay, isn’t she? She seemed fine on the phone. Yeah, but you don’t sound convinced. What’s bugging you about this? I don’t know, Daniel. I’m probably just being paranoid, but this whole scenario of Sharon going missing and then Phyllis going missing at the same time, and now suddenly they’re not, just doesn’t add up for me. I don’t think Audra meant to be so critical. Uh, Phyllis and I don’t like each other. Surprise, surprise. So, what’s her problem? It’s not a problem. She’s just gone radio silence for a little while. SALLY: Which was kind of a blessing. I mean, she did call you like a thousand times when we were in Paris. Okay, maybe not a thousand, but she did call you a lot. She did. But, you know, I talked to Daniel and he said that she’s been in contact with the family and everything is good there and it has to be because we have a lot of work to get done. [phone ringing] Excuse me. You good? Yeah. Yeah, I’m– I’m better than good. Okay. And listen, just because we’re back from Paris, it doesn’t mean we can’t bring that city home with us. Well, I couldn’t agree more. I’ll see you later. It’s a date. Uh-oh. PDA alert. This must be getting serious. Oh, I don’t know about serious, but it’s special. Oh, so tell me. I want to just live vicariously through you, through your romantic romp in the city of light. Well, aside from Phyllis’ interruptions– Which we’ll get to later. I had the best time of my life. That great, huh? And let’s just say I haven’t stopped smiling since I got off the plane. You sound smitten. I’m happy. You deserve it. Especially after being burned by Adam. Thanks. Sorry. So, I have to ask, now that you and Billy have gotten closer, how do you feel about him racing out of here to track down Phyllis, of all people? What’s that all about? Okay, so what specifically about this is bothering you? I found it very odd that when I talked to Sharon, it seemed like she didn’t want to talk to Faith and Mariah. Did she bring them up at all? Only to relay the news to them that she is okay. So, what’s odd about that? I mean, those girls went through hell with the whole Ian Ward and Jordan situation. Yeah. You don’t need to tell me about what kind of hell our family’s been put through recently. No, no, I know, but what I’m saying is Sharon would know that if she were gone for like even ten minutes, it would trigger them. And she sure as hell knows that they want to hear from Sharon herself that she’s okay. Mom did only contact Summer, not the both of us. Why would she do that? Don’t you think that’s bizarre? Look, Sharon and Phyllis go missing at around the same time, then they both call home to tell everyone that they’re okay at about the same time? You want to know what I think?


I think maybe you’re looking for something to be wrong. And hopefully, you’re just getting yourself all wound up over nothing. 7 AM. Our kidnappers want us up bright and early. I can’t believe I slept at all. I can’t believe you used my shoulder as your pillow. Me either. So bony. Shh. Why? What? What are you doing? Oh, damn it. Phyllis, what’s the matter with you? They reset our phones. Oh. That doesn’t bother you at all? Did you think that the voice was actually going to let us call whoever we wanted? Of course, the phones are shut off. They thought of everything. You hear that? Good for you. You thought of everything, you weirdo. Great. That’s going to help.


Name calling. Maybe if you keep that up long enough, they’ll just kill us both to shut you up. I’m sorry. Did I offend you, weirdo? God, this is hell. Say that again. Hey. Do you think that they stayed here all night?


Him. They. The voice. Whoever. Do you think that they stayed here or they left and went home? Or they snuck in here at night while we were sleeping and turned the phones off? No. I can’t– I can’t– I can’t think. I can’t think. I didn’t have coffee. I need my coffee. I need coffee. Then, I can answer questions. [Sharon laughing] What is so hilarious? Everything is so set. Everything is just set to the T to get the day started. You know, this, whatever this is, this has clearly been thought out and well planned in advance. I know. It’s like we’re the only guests at a bad motel. So, what happens next? Yeah, what happens next, freak? What’s the game today? Well, I am no fan of Phyllis’s. Is anyone? That’s a good point. But, I don’t know, for whatever reason, she and Billy just click as work colleagues. Well, from what I heard, not always successfully. Are you talking about her brief tenure at Abbott-Chancellor? Yeah, I have brought that up too. And? And he says this company is going to be different. He has the financial backing and he’s really taking his time to put all the pieces together. He wants this badly. Well, if wanting something was all it took, I’d be running a cosmetics company instead of taking interviews with third-rate startups. Hey, you will have your chance. You’re way too smart not to have someone realize what a valuable asset you are. That’s right. Spoken like a true friend. I mean it. All you need is an opportunity. I mean, look at Billy. That’s all he needed and now look at what’s happening for him now. So, does this mean he’s given up going after Victor to get Chancellor back? Yes. Thank God. I don’t know. It might have been nice to see Victor lose one for a change. Victor Newman never loses. That’s the problem. And I’m just glad that Billy didn’t have to find that out the hard way. Again. Hm. You really want this for him, don’t you? Billy’s a great guy. And he’s had a lot of disappointment in his life. I mean, his mother literally fired him. So, yes. I– I– I do. I want this for him. And if that means that Phyllis is the necessary evil to help him succeed, then… I can live with it. Well, just watch your back with her. That woman is a magnet for trouble. Yeah, you’re probably right. I mean, we’ve all been on edge waiting for trouble. Perhaps this is just an unnecessary concern. Which you don’t think so. I mean, look… it’s just too clean for me, you know? It’s too convenient. Sharon and Phyllis chose to go off the grid at the same time without telling anyone who loves them, not anyone in their family where they’re going or what they’re doing. Throw in the fact that they both call home using burner phones, claiming they lost theirs? At exactly the same time. Sharon also said she lost her phone? See what I’m getting at? I think I’m starting to. Man, I was up most of the night running a bunch of what-ifs through my head. None of them are good. Not when it comes to these two. You sure that’s a good idea? Coffee could be drugged. Oh. Yeah, well, trust me. There’s nothing that can make this situation more surreal and strange than it already is. So, you know what? I’m gonna take my chances. Mm. Coffee. Now, I’m good. I’m good. [Phyllis sighing] Do you want some? No, thank you. If it would make you feel better, I can start crackling around the room like a lunatic or acting like big, giant imaginary bunnies are chasing me. Everything is just a joke to you, isn’t it? PHYLLIS: It’s not a joke to me. It’s just you have to stop worrying about what’s not happening and focus on what is happening. We’re never gonna get out of here otherwise. No, I suppose you’re right. Things really can’t get any worse than they already are. It’s just, you know, I spent all those months under the influence without even realizing it, so it’s not a state I’m eager to get back to. Well, that must have been rough. Yeah, it was really horrible. Although lately, for the first time in a long time, I was actually starting to feel normal again and then this happened. You need coffee. Do you want milk or sugar? What? Why are you suddenly being so civilized to me? SALLY: How are things with you? Are things still solid with Nate? Oh, yes. Very solid. And mixed in with a little drama, courtesy of his newly found brother. They finally met. And that’s a story all by itself. So, Nate’s been working overtime trying to get Damian, that’s the brother, to reconnect with his mom. But it’s just been a struggle. Well, from everything you told me, I mean, I’m not really surprised. Amy lied to Damian about his biological father and about Nate. But she’s dying, Sally. And it’s just so heartbreaking to see her being rejected by her son after all the trouble she went to to track him down. And she is just such a sweet, loving soul. So I can’t understand how the man can have so much anger for her. Amy kind of gets to you, doesn’t she? A shrink would probably call it transference. Because my mother was so absent from my life. But, yeah. Nate and I have gotten close with Amy. So, I guess it’s made me a little soft. Well, I always suspected you had a gooey center. Okay, I don’t know about all that. I just, look, I don’t know how I got caught up in all of this. Okay, promise you won’t laugh. Of course. Okay, so the more time Nate and I spend with Amy, the more it’s starting to feel like… Like a little family. And that’s very new for me. And she’s been staying at Nate’s because of her health. So, sometimes when I wake up in the morning, it’s just the three of us together. Are you crying? No. You are. No, I just, it’s really beautiful hearing you talk about this. That’s it. I’m just touched, okay? You warmed my heart, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. Fine. I just hope Damian can knock down some of those walls he’s put up so this can all just have a happy ending. You know, if you’re right about this, then we need to start thinking about what our next move’s going to be. I agree with you, but for now, we’re going to keep it right here. We don’t want to worry Faith and Mariah and Lucy even more than they already have. That’s funny. Summer said Mom told her to do the same thing. What do you mean? She asked her to keep it quiet. She didn’t want Billy to know about any of the wheelings and dealings that she has going on right now. And she also didn’t even want him to know that she left town.

Hey, boys.

Hey, Billy.

How you doing?

What’s up, man? Uh, have a seat. All right.

How was Paris?

[Billy grunting] Paris was good. It was great. It was too short, but it was good. A lot of good things happened there. Yeah. Phyllis told me you guys are starting a new company. Abbott Communications. She told you that? That’s a little bit of a bummer. I was hoping she wasn’t going to say anything until we were able to officially launch. Ah, relax, man. I’m not going to say anything. Okay, well, just so you know, it is a media company. Yeah, I get it. It’s going to compete against Newman Media. I don’t care. I gave Phyllis my word. I wasn’t going to say anything about it. And I’m giving it to you too.


I really hope it works out for all three of you. Thank you for saying that. I want to thank you again for the opportunity. I mean, it means a lot to me. I’m really glad that you’re on the team, and it’s not just because your mother badgered me. Yeah, well, she definitely did. Well, Phyllis is Phyllis. But I am expecting you to bring your own talent and your expertise and make your own mark. I appreciate it. Speaking of Phyllis, have you heard from her? I’ve called her, left her messages, I’ve got nothing. And I really need to talk to her as soon as possible. Where the hell is she? If we’re going to get out of here, we’ve got to be on the same page with each other. We can’t be sniping at each other all the time. That has to end. Because obviously this game, it’s– it’s linked to our past together. And so you’ve suddenly decided to be a real human being? Okay, see that right there? You can’t do that. That’s a snipe. If I’m willing to set aside my thorough disdain for you, then you’ve got to meet me halfway. Or we’re never going to get out of this mess. Yeah, that seems like the smart way to approach it. Are you being sarcastic? Is that sarcasm? No, no, I’m agreeing with you, Phyllis. Okay? It’ll be nice not to be the subject of your hostility and vengeance for a change.

Okay, so–

Even if it is in

a godforsaken place like this.

I understand. When we get out of here, I’ll go back to how I was. But until then… we work together. Agreed.


[feedback blaring] PHYLLIS: Oh, God. MODULATED VOICE: Good morning, ladies. Are we ready to play? We’re ready. Yeah, what’s next? What do you have for us? [phone alert] Oh, I bubble and flow, dark and gooey, but there’s acid behind the sweetness. Mm. It’s so easy. So easy. The chocolate fountain, remember? Oh, how could I forget? No, you pushed me into it. Yeah, I pushed you, because you have been goading me all day. Plus, you wrote that article about me in Restless Style, calling me an inferior mother. Well, I mean, it was the truth, Sharon. Oh, maybe in your world, yeah. No, you were, at the time, a lousy mother. You picked Adam over your own kids. See, that is a lie, and you know it. Is it really a lie? You didn’t care about the truth then, and you still don’t. It doesn’t matter to you. The only thing that you care about is trying to make me look bad. That’s not hard. Oh, that’s right. I forgot you’ve been a saint your whole life. Well, in certain times, yeah. I mean, compared to you, I have been Mother Teresa. Oh, God, you are awful. Well, too bad there’s not a chocolate fountain for you to push me into. There’s some hot coffee, though. Yeah, don’t tempt me. No, you know what? You know what? I am not going to do that. I’m not going to let you get to me. I am not letting you get under my skin. Pushing you into the chocolate fountain was childish. It’s something that I regret. Are you serious? Do you really mean that? I really do. Well, then, I realize that I should not have pulled you into the chocolate right after me. I realize that.

See? Not our finest hour.

Mm-mm. Thank God we’ve both matured since then. Thank God. Yeah. You know, I smelled like a candy bar for weeks after that. It was horrible, and it was all the wax in my hair.

Mine too

It was so bad. Maybe that’s why we’re here. I mean, maybe it’s so we think of all those trivial things we’ve done to each other. And we can put the focus on the bigger picture. I’m not following. Have you ever thought about it? Like, really thought about it? Exactly why we hate each other so much. That’s pretty obvious, Phyllis. Nick. Mom is fine. It’s just a misunderstanding. So, you talked to her? Yeah, everything’s okay. Great. Is her phone working? It should be. Because every time I call her, I get the same thing. It’s a voicemail, and she’s not calling me back. [Nick sighing] And I don’t think she’s ignoring me. No, she wouldn’t do that. Okay, then what is going on? I actually remember Phyllis saying she was having some phone issues. It’s true. She was. I mean, that’s probably what it is. Come on, you guys. Please. I mean, you can do better than that. Tell me what the hell’s going on. Nothing’s going on. Well, clearly something’s going on, and I need to know what it is. Mom did leave town. Um, I think that she just thought you were going to be gone a little longer than you were. Where’d she go? I do not know where she is. Honestly, I didn’t speak with her. Summer did. Summer said that she was trying to surprise you with some business deal she was working with. Oh, I don’t like the sound of that at all. Business deals I don’t know about? Not good. Summer said she wasn’t specific about it either. Nick, is that true? You seem a little worried. Seems to me there’s more going on here than you’re telling me. Morning. Holden. This is Sally Spectra. Oh. Pleasure to meet you, Sally. You too. So, how do you two know each other? Uh, we are old friends from L.A. [chuckling] It’s funny to run into each other again here in Genoa City, though. Isn’t it, Audra?

Yeah. Hysterical.

HOLDEN: Hm. So, what brings you to town, Holden? Work. But I’m sure Audra will fill you in on all of that. Oh, by the way, the breakfast burrito is killer. I don’t know if you’ve ordered yet, but I suggest you try it. Yeah, yeah, I’ve had it. Yeah, it’s really good. It’s an excellent hangover cure, too, so. Not that I’m an expert or anything. That’s not why I’m a connoisseur either, I swear. I’d ask you to join us, but we were actually in the middle of a private conversation. Of course. I will leave you to it. It’s been a pleasure, Sally. Yeah, likewise. Okay, what was that about? Holden works for Damian. You’re kidding. He’s his right-hand man. That’s crazy. I mean, having someone that you knew from L.A. have any sort of connection to Nate? And it gets even weirder than that. When he first came to town, he pretended to be Damian. What? It completely blew me away. When I first ran into him, I actually wondered if he really was Nate’s half-brother and had just given me some fake name in L.A. Was Nate surprised when you told him? Well, I didn’t tell him. At least not at first. Seriously? I didn’t know what to tell him, Sally. Or how to explain to him who Holden was. Who I’m starting to suspect was more than just an old friend. We dated a bit. I panicked, so I didn’t say anything at all. I was hoping it would all just go away, I guess. Hoping he would go away. Okay, well, I hope that you’ve told Nate the truth since then. I finally came clean. How’d he take it? Well, I expected him to be mad, like I would have been. But Nate was just so gracious and understanding. He gave me a complete pass. Which made me feel worse. You did tell Nate everything, right? Mostly. Audra! Okay, maybe my relationship with Holden was a bit more intense than just a couple of dates. And that’s what Nate thinks it was? I saw no reason to get into all the details with him. Yeah, I mean, I get that. I probably would have done the same thing. But you are gonna have to fill me in. Look, Billy, I wouldn’t worry about it if I was you. I’m sure Phyllis is gonna show up soon and she’s gonna have a good explanation. All right, I gotta go. I really wish you guys luck with your new company. What company? Got it. I’ll call you later. So, you’re gonna tell me what’s going on with your mom? I told you. BILLY: No, you didn’t tell me anything. You and Nick are acting like a couple of scared teenagers nervous to tell their parents that they’re in trouble. Where the hell is your mom? This whole thing started between us when you and Nick slept together. Mm. Do we really want to go there? It’s kind of significant, Phyllis. Yes, it is. It’s also ancient history, Sharon. What are you doing? What are you doing? Yes, we’ve done horrible things to each other in the past. We have done questionable things to each other. But why are you taking us down this bad trip to memory lane? I mean, I don’t understand. To what point? Why do you want to watch this? Phyllis, stop. No, I’m not gonna stop. We’ve actually been to hell and back together. And this latest ordeal with Heather? But you want to watch this for like your own entertainment? I mean, why are they doing this? Why are they putting us through this? We figured out both of your riddles. You said we could advance if we played by your rules. And what’s the point of playing the game if we’re not allowed to win? MODULATED VOICE: A valid request. I will consider a commensurate prize. Oh, great. Look what you did. What? You pushed him.

I pushed?

Yeah, you pushed him. Did you hear what he said? He’s gonna consider a commensurate prize. Great, great. You probably just screwed everything up for us. So, how did you and Holden first meet? He helped me out of a jam with some pushy music people. That much I told Nate. What I didn’t tell him was Holden and I started seeing each other after that. So, like, not just a few dates. It was an actual relationship? I don’t know what you would call it, but it was something. Holden could be a real charmer. Yeah, I clocked that. And he could be fun, too. And we had some great times in the beginning. It was exciting, glamorous. Until it wasn’t. What happened? Things got a little intense. A little scary. What do you mean by scary? Well, Holden liked to live on the edge. And that was fine for a while. But he just kept pushing the boundaries until I had to break things off with him. It wasn’t pretty. And now here he is, back in your life. That must feel strange. I just want him to go back to L.A. as soon as possible. I’m happy and I don’t want to relive the past. I just want to focus on the present with Nate. And I don’t want Holden messing that up. Okay, listen, Billy. Any concern that Nick or I had for my mother is past tense. Yes, we had been worried when she left town and she didn’t tell anyone, but when we found out that she told Summer why and she’d contacted her, we were fine with it. Okay, well, I’m not fine with it.

What’s the problem?

First thing first, she told Nick about Abbott Communications. She wasn’t supposed to do that. He said he’s not going to tell anyone. I trust him. It doesn’t matter. You’re missing the point, okay? I asked her not to do that and she did it anyway. And now she’s out taking deals to surprise me. I don’t like the sound of that. It doesn’t set a good precedent. I don’t know anything about those deals. I don’t even have the base organization set yet. And she’s taking meetings without me knowing about it. That is not a good start to this relationship. I’m going to continue to call her to stop her from whatever the hell she’s doing out there. And if she gets a hold of you first, you tell her to call me.

Do you got that?

Yep. Hey, Sharon, it’s me again. Um, hope I’m not bugging you. I know you’re waiting for a new phone, but I wasn’t sure if you were checking messages on this one. Um, I hope you’re having fun in Sedona, getting a lot of rest. I wanted you to know I did talk to the girls. I let them know that you’re okay. They’re relieved. But honestly, they would really like to hear from you. And, you know, so would I. So, um, if you’re up for it or just want to talk, I hope you know I’m always here for you. Okay, bye. I can’t believe you’re saying I made things worse. Maybe I should have screamed at them like you did. I wasn’t screaming. I was making a point. By screaming. Sharon, if we show fear, we’re never going to get out of here. I wasn’t showing fear, Phyllis. I was playing along. Like we agreed to, remember? Do what they say. Until things turn to our favor. You’re such a doormat. I shouldn’t have expected anything less. That’s right, Phyllis. Bully your way through. Right into a grave. Into a grave, right? Into a grave. At least I’ll go down fighting. Oh, gosh. I can’t work with you. I can’t work with you, okay? You stay in your lane. You stay over there in your lane. I’ll stay in mine. Fine. And may the smartest woman win. Well, that’s going to be no contest. Don’t kid yourself. I’ve beaten you before. And I’ll do it again. ANNOUNCER: Next week on The Young and the Restless. Is today the day you officially launch your attack on me and Newman Media? Is there more to Damian’s story, or? Oh, yeah. There’s a lot more. I’m going to break the window, and then I’m going to scream as loud as I can until someone hears me. No, Phyllis! Give me that! Stop it! Let go! If you do that, you’re going to get us both killed! Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, February 27, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

Huh. I was definitely not expecting that. Neither was I. Are you sorry? I’m not sure. Hey, my boy. Sorry to interrupt. Um… Something’s come up. What’s going on? Sharon’s missing again. What? How is that possible? And it’s not just Sharon this time. Phyllis is missing, too. Oh, my God. What has Phyllis done now? [banging on door] [Phyllis sighing] We have to stay alive. That’s the goal. Apparently. It’s stupid. You know, it wouldn’t be terrible if you could offer something a little more constructive. All right, fine. Hey! Hello? Hello? So you tell us that we have to play a game to stay alive and then you go silent. What the hell? What’s happening? What do we have to do? Tell us. How do we win? How do we get out of here, freak? Maybe you should go a little easier on the insults. Why? Because I’m going to hurt its feelings? I don’t care. I don’t want to be friends. I just have to figure out how to get out of here. We need answers! This is ridiculous. Do you have a better idea? Yeah. To hell with whoever’s behind this. We need to figure out a way out of here together. That’s how we win the damn game. I hope you don’t think I was pushing. That was my fault. I kissed you. I mean, I’m not complaining. I… I keep talking about needing space, and wanting to take things slow, and then what do I do? I kiss you and get carried away. Hey, again, no complaints. Well, um… I’m not a fan of mixed messages, so I’m sorry. Okay, well, how about we settle on agreeing this was a lovely evening? [Chelsea sighing] That is a fact. You put so much effort into everything, and dinner was delicious. Yeah, and I think that we can agree that this was nothing more than a simple dinner, as promised, and we’re navigating it perfectly, kiss included. Agreed. Um, it’s just that kiss. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea. I still can’t move quickly. I’m still trying to come to terms with everything, moving in here, what’s going on with us, this, you know, feeling the pull, but not wanting to repeat the mistakes of the past. Look, and that’s why we go at your pace. Okay? I don’t ever want to rush you. I’m never going to push you to make a decision that you’re not comfortable with. This? It’s what we want it to be and we’ve got plenty of time to get there. You made me feel really special tonight. Well, that was the plan. I’m not just talking about dinner, or the wine and the food, how beautiful everything was. It’s how thoughtful you were. Deciding to have dinner here instead of going out where there would be all these eyes on us. I hadn’t even considered that. That would have made me so nervous, but… you thought of every detail down to what would make me most comfortable. Well, I know you. We know each other pretty well and keep learning things about each other, which I think is good. That gives me hope. Hope is good? [Chelsea chuckling] It’s not just about hope. It also makes me excited for the future. At your pace, when we get there. Careful. You’re going to make me want to kiss you again. Well, I wouldn’t turn you down. But the whole going slow thing, I want to honor that. To us. From surviving our worst selves to finding our best selves. Hopefully together. I think we’re off to a great start. So do I. You know what I said about being brave? None of this would have happened if you didn’t take a chance.

On your cooking?

[Adam laughing] On me. On knowing me. What I’ve done in my past. What I’m capable of. And you still accepted my invitation. You are capable of so much, Adam. Compassion. Honesty. Well, maybe that’s what’s different this time. Is we’re being honest about our feelings. Where things stand. We’re listening. Compromising.

It’s like we’re grown-ups.

ADAM: Mm? Mm-hmm. Sounds like a pretty good foundation to build on. If that’s what you want. I think I’m ready to try. Phyllis hasn’t done anything, Mom. Is it possible that Sharon did something to Phyllis? I mean, I– I know she seems to have been doing well, but maybe she was triggered by something and she’s gone off the deep end again. No, Sharon’s back on track. She’s on her meds. She’s doing her therapy. She’s very excited about her work at Cassidy First. Yes, but she’s missing, and so is Phyllis. You can’t believe that that’s a coincidence, son. Mom, until I have an actual fact that tells me otherwise, I just gotta wait and see. Well, how long has it been since they’ve been last heard from? Phyllis invited Daniel and Summer to breakfast, but she stood them up. They haven’t seen or talked to her in like 24 hours. And Sharon? I was supposed to meet Sharon at Crimson Lights, but she didn’t show either. Mariah called in to Cassidy First. Sharon never showed up to work. You consider involving the police? Summer’s talked to Chance. He’s looking into it, unofficially. I just hope that this is some kind of strange misunderstanding or coincidence. I mean, to think it could be something else is just too frightening. How do you propose we find a way out of here? We tried that before. It didn’t work, remember? [jazz music playing] SHARON: That song again. I know that I know it from somewhere, but where? Are you sure you don’t recognize it? I’m trying to place how I know it, and I just can’t. It has to be a part of the game. It’s a song that means something to both of us, but what? You know what? I can’t do this. I won’t. I don’t think we have a choice. I have been messed with enough, Phyllis. I have been drugged, framed, kidnapped, and I won’t let that happen again. I’m losing control of my life like that, so whatever game it is that this freak thinks he can force us to play, I’m out. PHYLLIS: Okay. Just know, whoever that is, they can see us and they can hear us at all times, okay? So what? I think we have to play along. We have to. That’s the only way out of here. Makes sense. Okay, we’re in. MODULATED VOICE: Excellent decision. Let’s play. [Chelsea sighing] You didn’t have to clean up. Oh, it’s the least I can do after you made me that incredible meal. Well, your reward. Oh. Mm. Mm. Delicious.

Wow. Shall we?


So, the house, your room.

Mm-hmm. Or should I say your wing? Is there anything you want changed? You know, art, wallpaper, curtains, paint? I’m good. Well, whatever you want. I’m– I’m good. I want you to feel comfortable. There is something I would like. Name it. Um… to know if you’re really over Sally. Oh. Okay. Because if there’s anything there, Adam, anything at all, even the smallest flicker… There’s not even a flicker of a flicker. Are you sure? I’m positive. But it– it doesn’t seem like you are. Billy and I were able to work through things, reach a decent place. I don’t feel like you and Sally have come to find that same peace. So, I need to know before I potentially open my heart up to you again. I can’t let it get shattered because you’re still not fully over your ex. Yeah. I’m not ready to assume anything is wrong at this point, but if there is something that we need to be concerned about, I want to be prepared, which is why I’m here. Dad, some extra help from your ranch security team wouldn’t hurt. Anytime you need them, you let me know. Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise you. I just want to find Sharon and Phyllis so everyone can put all this fear and worry behind them. Okay, you got us. We’re playing the game. We agreed. It’s only fair that you should tell us who we’re playing against. What’s your name? MODULATED VOICE: My identity doesn’t matter. It matters to us. Please. MODULATED VOICE: It has no bearing on the game. Okay, fine, fine. Just tell us, what is the object? How do we win? MODULATED VOICE: First things first. Go to the safe. Can’t. What? There’s this birthday card. I mean, what’s the significance? It’s neither one of our birthdays. Is it your birthday? Is this your idea of a party? [feedback blaring] Turn off the mic. Great way to offend him. Well, at least we have something to go on. We’re one step closer to getting out of here. This is all we have. It’s a riddle. I don’t get it. What is this, Batman? I mean… Well, we found it on the safe. What are the odds that the answer will give us the code to open the safe? What is the riddle? “I’m 18 away from Independence Day.” And that’s it? What the hell? Independence Day? Independence from our captivity or Independence Day literally? Like, the Fourth of July? What’s 18 days away from July 4th? Which direction? Um, do you know what? I saw a calendar over here. Hold on. Maybe there’s a clue in here. Okay, here, take that. If we count backwards… from July 4th, it’s June 16th. There’s nothing here. If we go forward. Well, then we’ll get to… July 22nd. [jazz music playing] Hm. The music again. Maybe the music is somehow connected to this date. July 22nd, Sharon. What are you thinking? [safe beeping] I promise you that there is zero threat of you getting burned. Sally is the past. I’m looking forward. Hopefully with you. And there is nothing that means more to me than that possibility. So even if we never did anything more than live under the same roof and co-parent our son, even then… you still couldn’t see yourself getting back together with her? There’s no future for Sally and me. Okay, the one thing that we can absolutely agree on is that. I mean, too much has happened. You sound wistful. Not at all. I mean, there’s just… There’s regret. I understand. I understand. I get it. I felt the same way about Billy. And even though our breakup was my fault, I always– Wait, wait, wait. No. Stop right there. We were both responsible. We allowed that night to happen. For whatever reason. And what was that reason? We were raw over what was happening with Connor, and we turned to each other. Yeah, I mean, that was the official explanation, but what about the other possibility? And what’s that? Maybe us coming together that night wasn’t as innocent and random as we let ourselves believe. Boom.


What? What? That could be booby-trapped. That could be set to explode. Oh, like you care if I go up in smoke? Well, I never thought I’d be saying this, but you’re all I have, Phyllis. Oh, that’s so sweet, Sharon. Don’t get used to it. If we’re going to find a way out of here, it’s gonna take both of us. Yeah, we both know I’m the brains of this operation, so.


Yeah, that’s a joke. Well, this is self-explanatory. How did you, uh, how’d you do that, figure out the code? July 22nd, 2013. 7-2-2-1-3. How’d you figure out the year? Oh, Sharon, seriously? It’s the date that is seared into my brain. It’s the night that we had that fight at the MS charity event when you tried to kill me. I didn’t try to kill you. You pushed me down a flight of stairs. It put me in a coma and you left me to die. I didn’t push you. We were struggling, you lost your balance and you fell. It wasn’t intentional. All right, keep telling yourself that.

It’s the truth.

PHYLLIS: It doesn’t matter. Obviously, our gameskeeper, he wants us to remember that date for some reason. The song. The song was playing at the event while we were fighting. Whatever this is, it’s about us. Our past, our history. Oh, good God, the game is about us. [Phyllis sighing] That’s it. Whoever is behind that speaker, he knows us. He knows our relationship. Sharon, we are the game. The game is about us. But what’s the end game? Maybe this is it. We figured out the code to the safe. Oh, well, I figured out the code to the safe. And this is our reward. Phones to call for help so we can get out of here. Game over. No, it just seems, whoever that is, they went to so much trouble. I mean, this place, the music, the setup. I mean, it just– it just seems too easy. Oh, right, unbelievable.

It’s locked.

It’s locked. What kind of sick game is this? [Phyllis exhaling] Hello? What are we supposed to do with these? MODULATED VOICE: Congratulations for figuring out the first step. You will each use your phone to call a loved one. Only one, so choose well. You will tell them that you’ve gone out of town for a bit. Maybe for business or to sort through some emotional issues. He’s talking to you there. MODULATED VOICE: Whatever you think will convince them that you’re okay. Make clear you will be back soon and tell them not to worry. Because that’s the truth, right? We will be going home soon. Uh, this is great and all, but the phones are unopened. MODULATED VOICE: Once you agree to the rules, they will open. Control freak. We agree. Please, can you unlock the phone? MODULATED VOICE: If you try to alert your loved one to the truth, the phone signal will instantly scramble and there will be a price to pay. As with all the best games, when you behave and follow the rules, you advance. When you try to take control, you will be penalized. How will we be penalized? And as long as we play along, you can’t hurt us. MODULATED VOICE: Can’t I? Ugh, I’m getting so tired of this freak behind the curtain shtick. Would you shut up? Last thing we need is for you to do or say something stupid. I know you have that covered, I know. MODULATED VOICE: So, do you agree to the rules? Shall the game continue? We’re in. MODULATED VOICE: Excellent. Simply input the code to the safe into your phones. Backwards this time. PHYLLIS: Okay. 3-1-2-2-7. Ah! Okay, it opened. MODULATED VOICE: Shall we get to it? All right. Um, the person I’m going to call? I’ll call Summer. I– I don’t want to call Mariah or Faith because I’ve already put them through too much and, you know, they might– they might hear how afraid I am or how worried I am for them. Okay, but you have to act. Sharon, this is what you have to do. You have to act. You know, it’s easier for some of us to lie to our children than others. Listen, whatever you have to do to get the job done, please do it. Don’t screw this up for both of us, please. Nick, that’s my best option. Of course he is. I have wondered a lot about that night. You know, trying to figure out if it was just a desperate, drunken one-off or if it was something more. I think that Sally saw the truth before I did. I mean, she was convinced that I still had feelings for you. She was hammering me just to be honest with her. Not just her, but with myself. And you denied it? Until I couldn’t anymore. I do believe that our history was with us that night. Even though at the time we absolutely loved other people? Look, I hate that what we did hurt Sally. Billy, not so much. It was– And my impulse to lie to them, I’m hoping that it would all go away. It was the worst possible thing I could have done. I see that now. I was just, I would have handled it differently. But I do not regret everything that has happened. Got us to this place. I can almost see that place from here. But you’re not quite ready yet. I guess I just have to keep working on winning me over. Believe me, I have no intention of stopping. But just so we’re clear, there was no plan to win you over tonight. It was done to see you laugh. Smile. Relax, I mean… reconnect in a way that we had almost forgotten about. Well, you definitely achieved your goal. My only goal was to create another happy memory. If I’m lucky, hopefully the beginning of years of happy memories. This is the Adam I’d forgotten existed. The one I fell in love with all those years ago. Sharon and Phyllis will turn up. It’s probably a very simple explanation and it will be settled immediately. That’s what I’m counting on. All right, I gotta get home to Christian, so I’m gonna take off. My boy, keep us posted, all right? Yeah, of course, Dad, I will.

[phone ringing]

Is it Sharon or Phyllis? I mean, it’s a blocked number, but I’m not gonna take any chances. Hello? Nick? Sharon, thank God, where are you? Greetings from Sedona. So, you’re in Sedona. Um, yeah, I texted the girls and told them. Didn’t they tell you? No, the girls never got those texts. Well, that’s strange. What’s with this number? Like, why aren’t you calling me from your cell? Oh, maybe that’s the problem, um… You know, somewhere between home and getting here, I lost my cell phone. I know that’s silly of me, but don’t worry. I ordered a new one. I got this burner phone so I could check in until it arrives. Yeah, I’m just glad you got another one. The girls are gonna be so relieved. They’ve been very, very worried, Sharon. So have I. Well, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset all of you. No, it’s okay. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a little me time. It’s gotta be beautiful there. Um, I’ve never seen anything like it. Well, enjoy it. You deserve it. You know, if you get some time, maybe send a postcard or two between your spa visits. I will. Well, Faith and Mariah are definitely gonna be glad to hear from you. Would you mind telling them that I’m in Sedona? You don’t want to call them? I’m just so exhausted. It was a long trip, a long travel, and I only have the strength now or the energy to get into bed. Is everything okay, Sharon? You sure? Yeah, I’m fine. I just needed some time alone, you know, to process everything and find my balance again. I figured the best way to do that was to go off the radar. Give the girls a kiss for me, okay? And Aria, too, when you see her. Yeah, I can do that.

Good night, Nick.

NICK: Sharon? PHYLLIS: All right, Summer, yeah, I’m so sorry. Um, hey, listen, I’ve been just so busy, and I’m sorry I bailed on breakfast. It just, I couldn’t find my phone. It’s crazy. So, you know, I got this burner phone, and the first thing I did was call you. Um, where am I? Uh, yeah, you know, I’m gonna be honest with you. This is where I am. I’m– I’m following up some really important business leads, but it’s really important you don’t tell Billy. Don’t tell Billy because I really just want to surprise him. Yeah, I’m sorry, babe. I’m sorry. I really apologize for worrying you. It’s just, everything happened so fast, and I just had to get out of town. I’m just really, really sorry that I worried you, and I love you so much, and… Tell your brother I love him. Give him a kiss for me, okay? And I’ll be home soon. All right? Yeah, I promise. I love you. I love you, okay? Bye-bye. Okay, okay. It’s probably time for me to call it a night. I understand your wisdom. Not that I’m ready for this night to be over. It was perfect. Um, thank you for a wonderful evening. Well, thank you. It was wonderful for me, too. Although I’m still not fully convinced that you made that pasta by yourself. Hey, I am a man of many talents. I’ll prove it to you. Okay, give me a challenge for our next dinner, and I will make it happen. Oh, this could be interesting. But nothing that’s as hard to make as it is to pronounce, and nothing that takes several hours, or nothing that’s smelly. Okay, you have a lot of rules. Well, I have to keep my winning streak alive. Fair. Okay, so no confit de canard or a cassoulet. But I’ll tell you what, I am not gonna settle for hot dogs, so be prepared. The difficulty level will be just right. Challenge accepted. And about that secret ingredient. Oh, that’s on a need-to-know basis. But there will be cheesecake for breakfast. Perfect way to start the day. Um, well, thank you, again. Mm-hmm. May I walk you to your door?

Absolutely not.

Ah, yes. Boundaries and all of that.


Mm-hmm. I will see you in the morning. Oh, Chelsea? Sharon’s in Sedona? I mean, she just up and leaves without telling anybody? She’s been talking about taking this trip for months. And honestly, it is exactly what she needs. A little downtime so she can decompress after everything she’s been through. It’ll be good for her. Well, then why do you still seem so worried? Sharon claims that she texted Mariah and Faith. The girls never got those texts. And now Sharon wants me to fill them in on what is going on with her and where she is? She says she’s just too tired to call them. Since when is Sharon too tired to call her kids? I mean, I don’t want to be an alarmist. It’s the last thing we need right now. But does that sound off to you? [Chelsea exhaling] A burner phone. Texts that Mariah and Faith never got. And now, Sharon doesn’t want to talk to them. I’m telling you, there’s red flags all over this. Now, I know I need to just take a breath and remind myself that the nightmare’s behind us and to stop looking for problems that don’t exist, but– I think that Sharon told you the truth. I think she is exhausted, not just from the trip, but emotionally. And I think she called you because she knew it would be a quicker conversation than calling both the girls directly. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. In any event, she’s safe. VICTOR: I think your mother is right. Sharon said she’s safe. Believe her. Don’t worry unnecessarily.


[phone pinging] It’s from Summer. Phyllis called her. She’s fine. Nothing else? Nope. Well, I’m glad that Phyllis is accounted for as well as Sharon, but… what are the odds that they would both check in around the same time? Weird. Anyway, everybody’s safe. It is all very odd, but your mother’s right. As far as we know, everyone is safe, so don’t worry. Yeah, I’m sure everything’s gonna be fine. Nick had so many questions. Oh, so did Summer. Oh. But I answered them all. I mean, you kept it together for Nick, right? He didn’t suspect a thing. No, neither did Summer. So? So. Now, we’ve waived off any possible rescue attempt. Doesn’t feel like winning to me. Yeah, but we will. We’re getting out of here. Okay, so we did what you said. We did what you said. Next step. What do we do now? Yeah. How long you intend for this to go on? And what’s our next test? [feedback blaring] MODULATED VOICE: Rest. Sleep. Tomorrow is another day. Rest? How are we supposed to rest? Seriously. Okay. Here we go, then. Just go to sleep, I suppose. I mean. Well, we’re gonna have to figure out how to get some sleep. We have to be sharp and ready for whatever this maniac throws at us tomorrow. But, yeah, well, this maniac clearly knows us. Uh, wants us to implode or something. Who could be so cruel? Maybe it’s someone who wants us to face our… Loathing of each other? Something like that. Mm. That makes no sense to me. Unless they want one final showdown. What do you mean by that? Maybe we’re not playing against our captor at all. Maybe we’re just playing against each other. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

VICTOR: Would you care for a drink? Oh, somehow this doesn’t seem like a social call, but seeing the look on your face, you better make it a double. Thank you. All right. To your health, old boy. And to yours. And no one else getting shot here anytime soon. Be honest, how’s the healing going? Well, whenever I move or sit, I feel it. Sounds like you’re on your way. Oh, and if this meeting is about, uh, further moves on Jabot and Jack, I’ve got nothing new to report. Oh, it’s not about that. Are our men still in place? Oh, if by men you mean the spies we embedded in the company in order to get intel on any and all new products? Yeah. Then the answer to that is yes. Uh, they will need a few more days to generate a report. Good. That’s it? You have no demands, no complaining that you wanted it yesterday? It’s not what this meeting is about. Then what is it about? Something is going on at Winters. I’m concerned about Lily. And I want to help her. Hello there. Hello. Oh, that’s not necessary. No, good manners are always necessary.


Okay, thank you. Yes. Sounds like something your mother taught you. No, my father. The one who raised me. Jackson. I appreciate you joining me for dinner. Well, I’m holding up my end of the bargain. [Damian chuckling] You make it sound like we made a business deal. Well, I have learned that most things in life are transactional. Okay, I get something I want. Dinner with you. Yeah, and I get something I want, which is I want to know how things are going with Amy, Nate, and you. Hm. What’s all this? ADAM: This is for you. I hope you’re hungry because you’re about to have the best dinner of your life. Thank you.


Oh. Very nice. I opened it earlier to let it breathe. You cooked? I did. I, um… I thought we were going out for dinner. Well, I wanted us to have an intimate meal. You know, if we go to the club or Society, we’d most likely run into someone we know. Right, and then we’d get all the questions, like when I moved in here. Mm-hmm. I know how much you loved that. You’re having dinner together? What does this mean? What’s this all about? Are you getting back together? Yeah, and our answers would be awkward and tentative, and once our inquisitors moved off, we would take the conversation someplace safe. We’d talk about Connor. The weather. Or sports. The Milwaukee Brewers. Well, I don’t think we’d be talking about the Brewers. Are you sure? I mean, it could be their year. You really made dinner? I did. Hm. What? Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go out instead? Oh, I’m positive. I’m glad you’re looking out for Lily. After what happened at Chancellor, It’s the least I can do. Is she in trouble? I don’t know, but it is always my obligation to have her back, okay? Now that her brother is married to my daughter… That makes her family. That’s right. Well, listen, this is a bit off topic, but I’d like some clarity moving forward. Does this distinction extend to her cousin, Nate? I don’t want to continue whatever feud he and I had, so I’m willing to forget our differences. That’s very generous of you. I have to wonder if Lily is as willing to let bygones be bygones. Lily is very angry with us. You and Nikki.


That said, I’d like to help smooth things over, so what can we do to help Lily? This has to do with Aristotle Dumas. The reclusive billionaire businessman who lives in D.C.? The very same. You have been curious about that man for years. Yeah. I wonder if he even exists. There are no photos of him, no public appearances. He could be a conglomerate of people operating under the guise of a self-made figurehead. Whoever he is, he has gone to great lengths to remain hidden. And you want to know why? VICTOR: Yeah. And what interest he has in Lily and Devon and Winters. Hm. I hope it wasn’t too presumptuous ordering the wine. Uh, no, you actually made an excellent choice. When I moved to L.A., I took the opportunity to educate myself on a few of California’s vineyards, and the vintage of this particular pinot noir is one of my favorites. I will not be distracted by the fact that you can pick a good pinot. I am here because I want to know how things are going with your mother. How much do you already know? Why don’t you assume I know nothing, and you tell me everything about you? I know your cousin filled you in, at least from his perspective. Yeah, but I want to know your perspective, and you have my full attention. And that’s not something I will ever take for granted. I’m sure Nate told you that I grew up living a lie, and that I cut my mother out of my life after the man I believed was my biological father had passed away. Right, but you didn’t know he wasn’t your biological dad when he died, or that your mother had kept it from you. True. So, maybe you can fill me in on how you cut your own mother out of your life. I mean, it must have been hard for her and for you. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you. I was happy when Lily came to me and asked me for a favor. To find out some information about Damian Kane. Did you turn up anything of interest? What’s interesting is that Damian Kane had a meeting with Nate in Los Angeles, ostensibly to try to get a job at Winters. And you’re thinking Nate had ulterior motives? Well, what I found out later is that Damian Kane had two successful companies, so why the hell would he want a job at Winters? Maybe Winters just was looking to make a deal with the guy. That’s what I thought. But then… now the plot gets a little thicker. I find out that Damian Kane’s companies are really owned by Aristotle Dumas. You must have called in a good many favors to uncover that. I did, I don’t think that either Lily or Devon or Nate know what they’re getting into and who they’re dealing with. So you’re worried this may spell trouble for Winters? You bet. All right, what do you want me to do? I want you to find out everything you can About the relationship between Damian Kane and Aristotle Dumas. Look, I can tell that you’re used to being guarded, so I will just tell you what my motives are. I’d appreciate that. Okay, well, it’s very simple. I love my cousin. I care about him. And I want to protect him. And I know Nate doesn’t show it, but he’s also very guarded as well. And I can tell that it has really affected him finding out that he has a brother at this stage in his life. So, you’re here to advocate for your cousin? Well, and your mom. I mean, if I can help you all heal and come together, I’d like to. And what if I’m just going to cause Nate and my mother just more pain? Well, then I’ll do what I can to protect them from you. Then maybe my going back to California is the best way to protect them and myself. Well, Nate did ask you to stay. He did. Okay, so he must believe that there’s some good that can come from that. And do you share his optimism? I’m more of the pragmatist in the family, but I’m willing to, you know, see how things play out. I believe you. Yeah, I believe that you have good intentions here. So, you’ll answer my questions? Long story short, I broke ties with my mom because I blamed her for my father’s death. And how did he die? Heart disease. Well, Amy couldn’t have caused that. Yeah, well, maybe a part of me believes that the real reason he died was… a broken heart. My mother didn’t seem to care that he was dying. I mean, I kind of find that hard to believe. DAMIAN: Yeah, well, that’s what it felt like to me. It seemed like she just shut down. She stayed away. She… left us to deal with it ourselves. She was hardly around. Well, maybe that was her way of dealing with everything. Yeah, that’s what she said when we spoke earlier. That she was trying to be brave for both of us. Trying to hold things together. That and she had to work two jobs just to pay for his health care, so. Okay, well, I’m sure you can understand that. I suppose I can now, as an adult. But that’s all news to me. At 16, it just felt cold. And since I stopped feeling her love, I… started to hate her. I was full of resentment. And I ran away. But you came back. Yeah, but that resentment, that anger… it took hold of me. And I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to let it go. I have to say, I am a little offended by your suggestion that I would offer you a gastronomic experience that would be anything less than spectacular. I am actually just as curious as I am terrified. Maybe it’ll help if I knew what was on the menu. No, I think I should let the anticipation build a little more. Okay, you can’t blame me for being a little bit nervous. I don’t recall you being very comfortable in the kitchen. Hey, I’ve learned a few things since we were together. Bachelors gotta eat too, you know. Well, you weren’t a bachelor that whole time. You and Sally didn’t cook together? We, uh, were big on takeout. Got to know all the food app drivers by name. We did try breakfast once. Any luck? We tried eggs Benedict and it was an epic failure. And after that, if we stayed in, we did oatmeal. Instant. You know, the one that you boil water? Yeah, Adam, I know what instant oatmeal is. I was just saying– That you were surprised that I know how to boil water? What about when Connor would stay over? Well, he had his pancakes. Right, right. So, we’ll be having oatmeal for dinner. I tried my hand at a new dish. You did? Sorry, that sounded… Concerned? Let me try again. You did? That sounded a little less scared. I mean, come on, I told you that I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mom. I do have skills. Okay, all I ask is that you just give it a chance before passing judgment. Okay, well, you’ve put in a lot of effort, so it’s the least I can do. [Chelsea gasping] Pasta! Okay, hard to screw up. Makes a lot of sense, since one of your strongest skills in the kitchen is boiling water. Great! And I’d love to know which jar from the pantry you got the sauce from. The pasta is homemade. And the sauce is made from scratch. [Chelsea laughing] Are you being serious? I grated the cheese and I peeled the garlic myself. You’ve gone to a lot of trouble. Well, you’re worth it. And then some. To you… Chels. And to you, Adam. To us. To finding answers to what comes next. ADAM: Okay. Go ahead. I’m just letting the anticipation build a little bit longer. Okay, okay. You do know you’re my emergency contact if I have to go to the hospital, right? Do you want me to take the first bite? I’m joking, I’m joking. Okay, I’ll try it. Can’t wait. Well? Is it horrible? Chelsea. Say something. It’s amazing. Yeah? You really cooked this? I definitely did. And the mess in the kitchen proves it. You swear you didn’t order this from one of those food delivery apps that brought it in from a Michelin star Italian bistro? Come on, you don’t have to exaggerate to spare my feelings.

Let me try it.

Okay. Wait, that is good. Yeah, but you’re acting just as surprised as I am. Didn’t you try it already? I wanted us to taste it together. So… I’m sensing parmesan, garlic, definitely a cream sauce, but there’s something else in here. Secret ingredient. What is it? It’s a secret. Oh, come on. Everyone knows romance needs a little bit of mystery. I’ll get you to crack over dessert. Oh. Now, dessert is from a food app. [Chelsea laughing] Well, at least we know you can make one meal very, very well. I wanted you to have your favorite cheesecake from Junior’s. Junior’s is in New York City. I had it flown in. Like I said, you’re worth the trouble. Well, I don’t know if I’m going to have room for dessert because I don’t plan to leave any of this on my plate. How’s your steak?

It’s good. It’s perfect.

Mm. I was torn between that and the chicken, which is also delicious. Oh, here, have some. Oh, no, no, you don’t have to. Oh, it’s fine. Just give me a piece of chicken and we’ll call it even. What? What is it? My mom used to do that for me. We really didn’t eat out a whole lot, but… when we did, she would always get something that I liked so I could have my first and second choices. I didn’t remember that ’til just now. Well, you know, when someone hurts you, it’s easy to forget the good memories. My mom seemingly bailing on my dad, I think I might be able to get past that and admit that I didn’t understand what she was feeling. But learning that she lied to me about my biological father and the half-brother I never knew about, that’s gonna take some time. Look, I… I’m not saying what your mother did wasn’t wrong. But you do see my side in it. Yeah, of course I do. I mean, I also have gone through that, where I found out who my biological dad was. And I get it. It makes you question everything. So, what would you do if you were in my shoes? How can I find a way to let my mother back in? I think only you can answer that by spending time with her. You know, while you still have the chance. Just hear her side of things. She’s taken too much away from me. Look, when you lost Jackson, she lost him too. And then you cut your mother off and you ended up losing both of your parents. And I don’t know you, but you don’t seem like the kind of man who quits on things. Or people. But look, your mother just wants her son back. You know, but you’re the only one who can decide if or when that happens. Just think about it. I will. So, are you sharing your sides? Because those mashed potatoes are off the hook. [Lily chuckling]

Sure, go ahead. Dig in.

Thank you. I’m curious to learn more about this Aristotle Dumas. And perhaps Damian Kane can offer us a way in. I don’t think there’s any ill intent toward either Devon or Lily’s interests. Either way, I’ll find out so you can protect your family. I appreciate that. By the way, talking about family, how’s yours? Oh, um, great. Lauren’s perfect. Fenmore’s thriving. Kevin and Gloria are doing well. Although I’ve learned not to ask Gloria too many questions in case I don’t want to hear what the answers are. She’s a character.

MICHAEL: Yeah, she is.

Yeah. You look great. Are you sure you’re doing okay? It’s just been a few days since you took that bullet. I feel strong and focused. It wouldn’t kill you to take a few days off, you know. Why the hell would I do that? Because we’d like you around here for a little longer.


I couldn’t agree more.


VICTOR: Come here. So sweet. Victor, you have been pushing yourself too hard. Why don’t you just humor us and just take it easy for at least a few days? Thanks for the backup. Yeah, not that it’s going to do any good. You know, I appreciate your concern, but to be honest with you, when I got shot, I realized how fleeting life can be, you know. So, I’m going to make the most of every moment I have left. Darling, what more is there to accomplish? You’ve already conquered the world. I mean, you made Newman Enterprises extremely successful. Your children are happy and healthy. Your grandchildren all adore you. And yes, life is fleeting. So, why don’t you stop working so hard and spend it with the people you love? Nikki makes an excellent case. Look, it’s hard to imagine what life would be like here without you. Although, we all did have to consider that when that gun went off and we discovered you had been shot. Through the grace of God, you survived. So please slow down and let us savor every moment we can have with you. This food is leaps and bounds ahead of anything I’ve ever made. As I recall, you kind of knew your way around a kitchen. Mm. Just like you, I’ve got my go-tos. Stuffed French toast. Mushroom risotto. Trout almondine. And your double chocolate brownies are to die for. Thank you. I found my way. I was a terrible cook when we first got married.

You were not that bad.

CHELSEA: Yes, I was. You could have taught me how to boil water. What? Nothing. Is this more of that mystery you think we need for romance? Actually, it’s about honesty. Which I have also heard is an essential ingredient of a successful relationship. What haven’t you been honest about? Do you remember the first time that you tried to impress me by cooking? You made that cake? Oh, yeah. The one that you dropped on the floor. Actually, that’s not what really happened. I’m listening. Okay, so you made me the cake from scratch. You asked me to take it out of the oven when the timer went off. Yeah, I remember. I had to jump in the shower. Timer went off. I took it out of the oven. It just didn’t look right. What do you mean? I mean, it hadn’t risen. It was kind of flat. It looked more like a pancake. No, wait a minute. There’s more. It didn’t just look bad. It smelled bad. How does chocolate cake smell bad? I don’t know, but it did. I had to taste it. And? And it tasted even worse than it smelled.

Oh, no.

And I know how much you wanted to impress me, how proud you were. I didn’t want you to be disappointed. So you… I dumped it on the floor, and I said that I burned my hand pulling it out of the oven. I yelled at you for that. And it was your birthday. Yeah, you did. But you just wanted to protect my feelings. I’m sorry I lied. Don’t be. I would have been devastated. I mean, I appreciated the effort. And I appreciate everything you did tonight. For me. I mean, we spent a lot of today talking about a lot of happy memories. I had kind of forgotten that we had any. Well, that’s my fault, Chels. I should have made more of them for us. Look Adam, I should have, too. We have been through hell and back together, haven’t we? It’s kind of a miracle that we can sit down and enjoy a nice meal like this after everything we’ve been through. Nothing like some psychological trauma, Connor’s and mine, to create resilience. You are the bravest person I know. For trying your cooking. Hey. Big risk. Big reward. So, I gave you what you came for. Told you all about my family drama. Yes, you did. And yet I still know so very little about you. Are you involved with anyone? Romantically? Oh, my God. I don’t think that’s relevant. Hey, I’m not making a play or anything. I’m just curious. I’d be surprised if you were single. Why is that? Because you’re the total package. Oh, my God. That’s not something a player would say. Seriously, what guy in his right mind wouldn’t be interested in you? Oh, okay. Well, I am single, but it’s because I am focused on my career. I can relate to that. So, you’re single too? I am. I haven’t met the right person. And your career? You’ve managed to do quite well for yourself. Through skill, hard work, and some luck. That’s pretty vague. Hey, like you said, I like to play my cards close to the vest. Which is why there must not be that much information out there about you. So, you’ve done a little Internet sleuthing, huh? Maybe.

I did too.


On you.

You did?

I did.

Okay. You’ve managed to do quite well for yourself too. Before coming back to Winters, you had a pretty good run at– I think that’s enough about me. Come on. All we’ve been talking about tonight is me. Well, that’s why I’m here. You really know how to stay on point. Yeah, I do. So, skill, hard work, and luck. That’s right. That’s all you’re going to give me? Hey, I don’t want to overshare. Besides, it’s only our first date. This is not a date. Hey, you’re the boss. At least at Winters. So, what’s your next move? I think I’m just going to have to follow your lead. I’m not sure how brave I really am. I’ve spent so much time consumed with fear and doubt. That’s not at all what I’ve seen. Believe me. If you’re talking about Connor, I’m not the only parent who’s stepped up and shown courage. I told you, you helping Connor through his OCD, it made you a better man. I did what any dad would do. Don’t do that.

Do what?

CHELSEA: Sell yourself short. You were there for him. And me. And put all of your needs aside. All of your wants aside. Look, I saw the two people that I care about most in this world in pain. What else was I supposed to do? I wasn’t going to turn my back on you guys. But it was more than that, Adam. You weren’t just there for us. You were there with us. I would give my life to not have Connor get sick the way he did. And for you to have to watch him suffer. We were both brave. We were. I, uh, I don’t mean to bring up old wounds, but do you think that maybe Sally and Billy saw this before we did? How I changed and how it changed how you see me? I know Billy did. And Sally, from everything she said to me after everything came out, I think she saw how… you changed me. How did I do that? I don’t know. I just felt safer because of you. Yeah. [Adam sighing] Look at us. Who thought that we would be here again? Definitely not me. You both know damn well I didn’t accomplish what I have by resting on my laurels. In business, there’s always a new challenge, a new mountain to climb. A new foe to defeat. But I know when to stop and hang ’em up. MICHAEL: All right, Victor. Nobody here thinks that they’re going to win this argument with you.


But that’s not going to stop us from petitioning for a recess. One week. What do you mean one week? A whole week? A weekend. Get away somewhere. With your beautiful wife. Or we could just stay home and relax in this beautiful house that you have built for us. Sweetheart. I’m relaxing while I’m working. You know, this is a beautiful home, but I know when it’s time to stop, okay? [Michael chuckling] No. Victor Newman knows no limits. NIKKI: Well, case in point. It’s late, yet you have brought Michael all the way out here to work on something. All right, now if you want to know what we were talking about, it was something regarding Lily Winters. She needs my help. Oh. Well, I very much approve. You know how much I want to regain her trust. Um, I just feel like I need to clarify. This is not a date, and I will not be leading you anywhere. Hey, I just meant that I was going to take your advice, okay? I’m going to give my mom another chance. Oh, okay. I’m happy to hear that. So, I guess you’ll be staying in Genoa City for a bit. Would that make you happy? It would. It would. For Nate and Amy’s sake. But, I mean, you’ve been away from L.A. for a while. What about work? Business back home is all good, and I trust Holden to keep the lights on. Now, I have a question for you. Since I’m going to be around, can I see you again? Um, I am open to negotiating that. So, Lily asked you to find out more about this Damian Kane, and that is what led you to discover his connection to the mysterious Aristotle Dumas. Yeah, well, I asked Michael to find out everything he can, you know? And you’re worried that his involvement could spell trouble for the Winters. Lily came to me. She was obviously worried about something, and she asked me for help, you know? And I owe it to Neil and to his family to protect her. I want to do that, too. I mean, we owe her that. I will do everything I can to repair that relationship. Well, good luck with your mom. Thanks for listening, and helping me see how there– Thank you. Might be a way forward with her. You’re a good influence on me. Oh, God, there you go trying to influence me again. Why do I have a feeling you’re not going to let me get away with anything? Uh, maybe because I won’t. Good night, Damian. Good night, Lily. I can’t believe how good that meal was. Thank you. You sure you don’t want cheesecake? Oh, no, I’ll just have to save it for breakfast. Well, I thought I was cooking you oatmeal. Oh, that’s not going to cut it anymore. You set the bar way too high tonight. With my cooking. With your cooking. And… everything. You sound surprised. There was a part of me that thought tonight could potentially be an absolute disaster.

You know?

Me, too. Like with my food. Like with your food. I’m glad we gave it a chance before we passed judgment. So tonight was good? Tonight was better than good. So much better that… I want to do this. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane

[feedback blaring] SHARON: Ah! [Sharon panting] Oh, no. No, no, no. Please. Oh, no! It’s okay. I’m okay. Hello? Is anyone there? [feedback blaring] Okay, you’ve got my attention! Tell me who you are! Is someone there? I don’t understand. I don’t– I– This place, what is this place? This doesn’t make any sense. I shouldn’t be here. I– What happened? What? What? Oh, my– my head. Is it drugs? Did you drug me? Why would you do that? Who are you? What do you want from me? I have to get home. I have to… Oh. Thank God. Thank God. No. Open. Open, open, please. No, no, no. Hello? Can anyone hear me? I’m locked in. Please help. Who are you? I can get you money, if that’s what you want. My name is Sharon. I have children. I have a granddaughter. If this is a real kidnapping, you chose me for a reason. Tell me what it is. Just tell me what you want. You can have it. Anything. Just let me out of here. If you can hear me, then make that sound again, please. Maybe there’s no one there. Maybe this isn’t real. Maybe the drugs are still in my system from before. Maybe they’ll always be with me. Maybe I’m just losing my mind. I’ve just worked so hard. I’m on my real meds now. No. I’ve done all the work. I didn’t come this far just to lose my mind now. No. No. This is real. This is real. This is really happening. I haven’t seen your face. I don’t know who you are. I won’t tell a soul. I’ll just say– I’ll say that I needed time to myself. I will protect you. I swear. There will be people looking for me. You should run. You should run now. The people who tried to hurt me before, they’re all dead. Ian, Cameron, Jordan, they’re dead. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I shouldn’t have said that. It… There has to be another way out of here. Okay. For Mariah and Faith and Noah and Tessa and Aria and Nicholas. You have to stay calm. Okay, there has to be a way out. There has to be a way out of here. Yes. Yes. Hello? Hello? Anyone hear me? [Sharon gasping] Who is it? Oh, no, no. Dear God. This can’t be like before. This can’t be like with Heather. Phyllis. Oh, my God. Please be breathing. Please be breathing. Please. Please. Oh, my God. Phyllis. Phyllis, wake up. You have to wake up. Can you hear me? Phyllis. Phyllis.

Wake up.

[Phyllis inhaling] Can you hear me? Oh, hell no. Easy. Come on. Let me help you. Can you get up? Easy now. Got it? Let go. It’s okay. Look, it was disorienting for me, too.

Are you okay?

Where are we? What did you do to me? I– I didn’t do anything to you. Wait– What… What did– what did you do to me, Sharon? Why on earth would I do anything to you, Phyllis? We’re obviously both stuck here. Someone put us here. I don’t know why. I didn’t think it was real at first. I thought maybe I was having another hallucination, but no. You are here, and you are very much your normal self. Is this payback? Is this phase two? You know what? You’re really not making any sense. Maybe you hit your head. You got rid of Heather. I didn’t kill her, and you know that. You didn’t kill her, but you got rid of her in the most despicable way. Sharon, you know that drugs or no drugs, you want to do the same to me right now, don’t you? Because I’m always the one who’s going to call you out. That’s right, Phyllis. Because your one purpose in life is to harass me every day, even now, even when we’re stuck in here. The only thing you can think to do is blame me. It’s all about you, isn’t it? You know what? Maybe this is your doing, and you’re lying to me. This is your revenge. Are you kidding me? If I wanted to inflict pain upon you, I’d do it from afar so I wouldn’t have to look at your face. Really? Because I think you would want to see my misery up close. The charges against me were dropped. You said that you could never accept that, so now you want to make me suffer and you arrange this, whatever this is. I was unconscious on the floor. I woke up to you looking down at me. You could have been faking. You lie like you breathe, no effort at all. You’re so deranged. You know what? I’m getting out of here. How do we get out of here? I’m doing it myself. There’s a door, be my guest, but it’s locked. [doorknob rattling] Oh, my God! Yeah, it’s locked. [Phyllis panting] We’re trapped. Oh, my God. We’re trapped. If you didn’t think we were trapped, if you knew this was real, you would be crying right now, climbing the walls, begging for someone to save you. This is real, Phyllis, and the reason I’m not freaking out is because I’m a little bit numb at this point. But yeah, this is really happening. Of course it is, and of course I would have to get trapped in a room with you of all people because nothing in my life can be easy or normal for more than like two weeks. PHYLLIS: Open the door. Oh, my God. It doesn’t even move. Open the door. You have– You’re behind this. You have the key.

I’m not behind it.

Give me the key.

Oh, my God. Do–

Where do you have it? Do you want to lose a hand right now? Give me the key so that I can get out of here. I don’t have a key. You did this. Okay, come on. Sharon, oh, my God, for the last time, open the door. Sharon, please. Are you done with your fun? Just open the door. Do you get it now, Phyllis? We are stuck in here and whoever put us in here is out there. Now, you say that you’re not behind this. I’m not. I’m not either. [feedback blaring] [Sharon groaning] What is that? It happened before. You slept through it. No one could sleep through that. Except you did. Oh, right. I’m going to have to take your word for it, except you can’t be trusted. Phyllis, we do not have time for your paranoia right now. We’re in here, and whoever did this to us is out there. Except they’re making that sound on purpose. And they can hear us. They can hear us. Hey! Hey, psycho! Do you think this is funny? Who did this? That guy Ian? Or Jordan? I thought they died. They died, didn’t they? They definitely did. Nick saw Ian die from a gunshot, and Jordan poisoned herself. So, who is it? Is it one of their psycho followers? And they’re trying to get back at us for some reason? I don’t know. It’s possible they met some people in prison, or these are followers from Ian’s cult days, still following old orders. Maybe they’re trying to carry out some mission. But to what end? I don’t– I don’t understand this. And why me? Why me? Why would I be a part of it? Why me? Let me go! Keep her!

Oh, my God!

Phyllis. Phyllis, stop it!

Why me?

This isn’t a game. This is serious, and this is dangerous,

and anything that you say…

Um. …could come back to bite us. I’m gonna have to ask you to let go of me, please? Gladly. You’re gonna have to calm down. I’m calm! Is this funny? I’m calm! We need to figure out why we’re here, who did this to us, and why’d they lock us up together. It’s definitely not because we’re friends. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe they just want to watch us kill each other. Maybe that’s the point. For us to turn on each other, fight to the death. Okay, if that was the point, it’d take me, like, two minutes. This isn’t a joke, Phyllis. I’m not joking. It’d take me, like, two minutes. Uh, I’d like this to be over, please. Um, I have a life. I have kids. I have a new job. I don’t really have time for this, thanks, but, um, I’m done. They’ll for sure open the door now. Well, some of us are resourceful, you know? Some of us take matters into our own hands, you know, and make things happen, and others, like yourself, wait for someone to rescue them, like you always do. I’m gonna get us out of here. You just love to make me sound as pathetic as possible, as if I didn’t save myself and my daughter from a homicidal maniac. Do you know how to pick a lock? That’s good. Did you break it? Did you just stand there doing nothing? Oh, yeah, definitely get in some easy reading at this time. You expecting a key to fall out of one of those books? That would be useless now that you’ve jammed the lock. What I’d like to hear is, “Hey, Phyllis, you showed some initiative. “You’re resourceful, Phyllis. “You’re my idol, Phyllis.” Oh, hang on a minute.


Look at this. Look. What, this? Property of Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic. Havenhurst.

It’s all Havenhurst.

Same with these. That’s where we are. But you know this place, right? I’m just saying. You know. Maybe you had your own room. Maybe they kept you away from everyone and all the sharp objects. Okay, that’s enough, Phyllis. Yes, I have spent some time in clinics, and no, not this one. There’s nothing shameful about getting treatment when you need help. What’s shameful is inflicting your nastiness on everyone around you. You got me. Yeah, I do. So now, can we just focus on the situation here? We are never going to get out of here. Our only hope at this point is to figure out who did this. Why? Why us, and why here? Problem solving is my superpower. Jerk. Let’s go sit down. Let’s go sit down. Let’s go sit down. Okay, so… do you remember where you were before this? Yes, I was at Crimson Lights. I was working, and then I went out to run some errands. You know, it’s dark out now, but it can’t have been the same night, can it? I know. I feel the same way. I mean, where I was before this is I was, um, I was in my suite, I was sleeping, and I was having some really, really wild dreams. I mean, wild. I had to wake up and kind of shake it off. I was having strange dreams, too. Maybe both of us had already been drugged by that point. I mean, they had to knock us out to get us in here. You know, I was planning to have breakfast with my kids the day after. That’s good. Good. By now, they’d be worried about you, and they’ll come looking for you. I mean, it’s good that they’re, not that they’re worried, but that, you know, they’ll look for you. I know. Or, I don’t know. Maybe, maybe they think I just took off like I did before and they’re mad. Phyllis, I’m sure that they don’t feel that way. Don’t, don’t, don’t act like you care, okay, about me, please. I wouldn’t dare. Trust me. What about your kids? Do you think they’re looking for you? Um, I can’t be sure. Mariah may have tried to contact me about Cassidy First. Faith was having a sleepover at a friend’s house, and then she had a day trip planned. She may have tried to reach out to me by now. We can’t have been gone for more than one day,

can we?

PHYLLIS: I don’t know. I know our kids will be worried. Especially after everything they’ve already been through. And they’d start panicking. SHARON: No matter how big they get, they need to know that they can count on Mom. I know, and when they don’t, and they don’t feel that way, all hell breaks loose. You know, it’s one thing to do this to us,

to try to frighten us.

PHYLLIS: I know, but to do this to our kids, that pisses me off. Me too. I’ve had enough of this. Enough. I guess it’s too much to ask that we have our phones. Yeah. That’s– that’s the game. Is that the game right now? Hide and seek with our phones? All right. Game on. Let’s go. How long do you think this place has been closed? Seriously? You’ve never heard of this place? Oh, give it a rest, Phyllis. I would assume that you’d know of these places. Yeah, I got it the first time because I’ve spent so much time in clinics. Because you’re a therapist. You’d know of these places. Oh. Yeah, and you admitted that we’re probably here because of you. Well, maybe somebody thought that it was finally time that you get the help that you need. Oh, that’s right. You did get treatment a long time ago, didn’t you? Just look for your phone, Sharon. Don’t try to get my head. It’s probably as dark and scary a place as it is in here. You know what they call that? They call that projection. Yeah. You know about that, projection? Or did you miss that class because you were having one of your fainting spells? You know, I could always give you some free talk therapy while we’re in here. I mean, I would never diagnose someone without an in-depth conversation and history because that would be unprofessional, but… borderline personality disorder comes to mind, and narcissism. If the goal is for us to kill each other, you’re making it really easy. You know, it makes my skin crawl, the idea of somebody watching us and listening to us and judging. I don’t know. Are we supposed to get along? Are we supposed to argue? I mean, what’s the game?

I don’t understand the game.

SHARON: Hold on. I found something here. There is food and a can opener here. How old is that food? Well, nothing’s expired. This is not from before. Is it like– like a gift from the host? How long do they expect us to be here? Mm-hmm. You can have the stuff that’s in the can.

I’m gonna hydrate with water.

No! Stop it!

There’s a lot.

You cannot drink that, Phyllis! My God. There’s a lot there. No, that’s how I was drugged before in the sewer. It was the water. There was PCP in the water, and I drank some before I realized it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. You’re welcome. We don’t know for sure who is behind this. Maybe it has nothing to do with Ian. Maybe whoever did this is someone from your past. Uh, okay, well, in that case, we can drink the water. We might have no choice but to drink at some point. We’ll find out then. We have to work together to get out of here. Okay? So then we can drink water from normal people.


Mm-hmm. PHYLLIS: Were you like this before? Like, calm like this?

In the sewer?

In the sewer, yeah. The sewer. That must have been horrible. So, Ian’s game was to get rid of you? Is that what it was? So that Mariah would want to be with him and he would be a father figure to her again? I guess so. Oh, yeah, and then, then he enlisted Claire’s aunt to join him and play along? It was a plan that only made sense to them. I just wish, uh, I wish that Ian had been the one who was chained up. That way I could have gotten some answers maybe, but then Victor shot him. Anyway, at least Ian is where he belongs now. In hell. Wow. It’s like Heather really did die for no reason. Because of some vendetta that had nothing to do with her. I hate it. It’s like this hand around my heart. It’s always there, squeezing some days more than others. Daniel had to lose the woman he loves. Lucy lost her mother and you. You had to watch the people you love suffer. And you helped them cover their tracks. You helped them with their plan without even really knowing it. You helped them run me off the road. Every day I thought I was being responsible for my illness. Taking my medication. And I was poisoning myself. When I look back at that and realize that every day my free will was being taken away from me. My sense of judgment, of decency. I did some horrible things. I told lie after lie and that stain will not wash off of me. I’ll never get over it. Good. You shouldn’t. You know what, Phyllis? Think whatever you want. I don’t care anymore. Don’t they teach you about accountability in therapy, Sharon? Because it seems like you’re really just letting yourself off the hook again. You know all of this. I was drugged. I had a powerful mind-altering poison in my system. I was having hallucinations. Can you even begin to understand this? I was having entire conversations with myself when I thought somebody else was in the room. That’s how bad I was. Yeah, you’re drugged. It wasn’t your choice. It was– I know. I know. But that didn’t stop you from going after my family. If you were to ask Mariah or Nick or anyone else, they would tell you that they could see that something was up. I was either hot-headed or I was spacey. I was having blackouts. You saw that for yourself. Sharon, I know. I saw it for myself. I did. I did at the most convenient time. You went unconscious. That wasn’t convenient. It was hell. You know what was hell? You know what was hell? What my son went through was hell. What Lucy went through was hell. You threatened them. You accused them. You kept on telling them to leave town. I mean, that’s the irony to all of this. If they would have left town, Heather would still be alive. I’m really sorry about that. I’m sorry about everything I said, everything I did. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. You know, the PCP didn’t make you attack other people in town. It just made you attack my family. That’s all. [Phyllis sighing] Lucy lost her mom because of Ian Ward, but she almost lost her father because of you. You had so many opportunities to speak out. You had so many opportunities and you didn’t do it. It’s like human decency took a back seat to the need, this need that you have to attack my family. So all of your tears and your regret, I don’t care. You earned it. Choke on it. And right now, right here, in this moment, it’s more important for you to tear into me than to try to find a way out of here. I don’t care about you at all. I honestly don’t. Yeah, I know. You don’t even see me as a person. To you, I’m just a target. I’m like an easy mark. And you know, the funny thing about that is you really like to say I’m so pathetic, I’m so weak, you love to paint me out that way, but then you act like I’m the devil incarnate. So which one is it, Phyllis? Am I helpless or am I a super villain? Both. I think you’re both. I do. Because I’ve watched you. Depending on what you want or who you want it from, you are both. And I see you, your eyes well up and your bottom lip quivers and you act so innocent and demure. Oh, you cry to whoever will listen. But you also were able to take a body and throw it into the river, So, wow. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Right? SHARON: Enough, Phyllis. Just stop, okay? You could be using this energy to try to find a way out of here. But no, not this time. This time, you’re scared. This time, you’re helpless. And like the bully that you are, you have to take it out on me. But you know, you don’t have PCP in your system. No. This is who you really are. Just an endless stream of hate and rage. It’s what gets you up in the morning. And when you faked your own death and put your children through hell, that was you, too. I spent so much time making that up to my children. My children have forgiven me, Sharon. They barely let you back into their lives. I doubt they’re gonna forget what you did anytime soon. You know, your spite was more important to you than your children. And yeah, I may harbor some resentment at one point or another, but it takes poison in my blood for that to come out. But with you, you are the poison! And any other time or place, I would tell you to choke on it! But today, in this circumstance, I just want to get out of here. I want to be able to tell my family that I’m gonna be okay. So do you want to keep tearing into me just to make yourself feel better? Or do you want to do something useful? Do you want to get out of here so that we never have to speak to each other ever again? You know, there’s nothing I would want more than to get out of here, that’s for sure. And nothing I would want more… than to take you out. And I think that that’s what they want, whoever that is. But I’m not doing it. You know why? Because I make my own choice! I am not a victim! I want to get home. I want to see my kids. I want to… I just want to continue on with my life. I want to get out of here. What does that mean exactly? What do you think it means? It means we have to work together. We have to work together to get out of here. That’s the first thing you’ve said that we can agree on. [feedback blaring] Okay! You’ve made your point! You can stop now! [soft jazz music playing] What is happening? Whoever this is is really, really dramatic. They set the stage. We’re the cast and this is… This is the scene and they have the soundtrack. Hey, you freak! What do you want? What’s wrong with you? We haven’t put on enough of a show for you! You freak! Do you get off on this? Kidnapping two beautiful women! Beautiful women! You perv! Stop. Shh. Just stop for a second. Does this music sound familiar to you? I don’t know. What is it? A listening party, Sharon? It could be a message. I don’t care. I really don’t care anymore. No, I meant it. Stop. Stop. This music is getting to you. You’ve become more tense. What? I was so chill before. What? Did you black out the last hour? Think! Where have you heard this song before? I don’t care. I don’t know and I don’t care. They picked this music on purpose. It’s part of the game. PHYLLIS: No. I don’t care about their game. They can shove their game. Open the door! I swear when I get out of here, I will rip off your arms and I will take your head and bash it in! Open!

[music stopping]

[Sharon gasping] That was a mistake. You don’t know that. Maybe they want this. Maybe this is what they want. If this is a game, what are the teams? It’s us against them. They don’t know what we’re capable of. Then we’re gonna have to show them. What do you say, Phyllis? You want to play? Yeah. Why the hell not? Okay. We’re listening. What are the rules? Let’s get started. MODULATED VOICE: Now, we’re getting somewhere. Hello. Nice to meet you. What’s your name? MODULATED VOICE: Not important. Well, it is to us. What is your name? MODULATED VOICE: This is about the two of you. No one else. And yes, you have to work as a team in this game. What is the goal? How do we know when we’ve won? What’s the prize? MODULATED VOICE: Staying alive. Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 21, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Claire and Kyle are determined that Victor will not put an end to their relationship.

Damian has a talk with Amy, and he tells her that he is angry with her because she wasn’t around when her father was dying when both he and his father needed her the most. Amy explains to Damian that his father let the medical insurance lapse so she had to work three jobs to pay the medical bills. Damian tells Amy he wishes that she hadn’t told him Nate Sr was his biological father because he feels like his father died again. Damian tells Amy he needs time to think about their talk. Victor tells Lily that Damian doesn’t own me companies he told Nate that he owns the real owner is a venture capitalist named Aristotle Dumas.

Victor decides to have Michael investigate Aristotle Dumas.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Damian tells Lily he stayed in town because he wanted to get to know her better. Lily tells Damian that line might impress women in California but it doesn’t impress her.
Damian tells Lily that he sent Holden to pretend to be him because he didn’t trust Nate, Lily thinks that people in California must have trust issues. Damian tells Lily that Amy wanted him to go down a path that he didn’t want to take and that created the distance between them. Lily tells Damian that she understands having your life turned upside down by something shocking but, no matter what has happened between him and Amy, he should do anything he can to give his mother peace before she dies. Damian asks Lily to have dinner with him and she tells him “no ” Lily then responds “ask me that question again when you have made peace with Amy.”

Damian goes to Nate’s apartment to talk to Amy.

Daniel and Summer worry when Phyllis doesn’t show up for breakfast with them. Daniel tells Summer that Phyllis hasn’t answered any of his voice mails. Daniel calls Billy to find out If Phyllis went to Paris to see him. Billy tells Daniel she hasn’t talked to Phyllis since yesterday. Billy leaves a message for Phyllis to call Daniel and Summer and to also let him know she got his message. Summer asks Chance to look for Phyllis.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Michael tells Lauren whet they told Chance about what happened with Ian at the ranch house. Lauren knows that Michael isn’t giving her all the details about what happened that night.

Victor tells Kyle once again that if he hurts Claire he will answer him.

Victor calls Michael who doesn’t answer his call because he is having a romantic evening with Lauren. Victor leaves a message telling Michael he needs the information about all the products that Jabot has in development.

Summer gets upset with Daniel because he keeps insisting that she is jealous of Kyle and Claire ‘s relationship. Summer gets so upset that she decides not to have dinner with Daniel.

Daniel is worried because Phyllis isn’t answering his phone calls.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Jack and Diane move into the Athletic Club while the Abbott house is being renovated, Jack is distracted because he is worried about how different the house will look after the renovation. Jack and Diane have dinner and then dance before they go upstairs for some romantic time together.

Victor asks Michael if the three spies he planted at Glissade are ready to go through with his plan. Michael tells Victor that the spies he hired are ready but he thinks that the Abbotts have suffered enough and advises Victor not to go through with his plan. Victor tells Michael he will go through with the plan with or without his help.

Summer tells Daniel that she is worried about how much Victor will make Kyle suffer because he is dating Claire. Daniel thinks that Summer is jealous of Kyle and Claire. Summer tells Daniel she isn’t jealous she is just worried about how all the turmoil that Victor will cause Kyle and Claire will affect Harrison. Victor tells Kyle that he will never accept his relationship with Claire because he knows that the Abbott family will fall apart soon and he doesn’t want Claire to get hurt because of it. Kyle tells Victor that he and Claire will continue to see each other with or without his blessing.

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