Young & The Restless Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
Traci, for someone who’s been on an absolute whirlwind, you seem refreshed.
Doesn’t she? Traci seems to sparkle no matter what. All right, you are so sweet. And you are so silly. Traci, allow the man to gush. It is his prerogative. Thank you for the back up, Jack. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Please proceed. You know, you seem pretty happy yourself, Alan. Well, I can explain the chemical reactions my brain has when it sees Traci. There’s the dopamine, which is the high, the oxytocin, which is the warmth, and the serotonin, which is the contentment. All good stuff now that I’m finally seeing you. Which is to say, I missed you very much. I missed you too. Has it been that long since you two have seen each other? A lot longer than I thought it would be. Really? What happened?
You want to tell the story?
Oh, no, no. I would not deprive you of the pleasure.
Please, you go ahead.
You sure? You two are just adorable. Tell the story. All right, so I was on my way to a conference in D.C. And I was in New York, as you know, doing a little business, meeting with my publisher and the like. So, I had the brilliant idea of sneaking up to New York to surprise her. Oh, be still my heart. But you know what they say, man plans, God laughs. Didn’t go exactly as you thought it would. Complete and utter disaster. All right, show me where Phyllis was grabbed. Right here, but that’s where she was last seen. Where she was grabbed. This is where Sharon was last seen. All right, where was the van stolen? Right here. Hey, what are you guys looking at? Has here been news about Mom? Not specifically, no. We would have contacted you right away. But we do have some new information. We’re getting closer, kiddo. Yeah, the van that was taken from the medical supply parking lot, we have security cam footage of some of the vehicle’s movements. Does that mean that we know where Mom and Sharon are located? No, but we think we have the general vicinity. Every step gets us closer to finding them. Hey, freak, you watching this? You, ooh, are you watching me now? Look what I’m doing. I got a metal object in my hand. This is your chance. It’s your chance. You could zap me with 1,000 watts of electricity and take me out. Huh, you don’t have any response to that? Really, you’re not even going to use your loud noise? You listening? Maybe you’re not even there anymore. Doesn’t matter. Sharon, rise and shine. All right, come on, come on. You got to help me. You got to help me now. Get up. Teamwork makes the dream work, whatever that is. Come on. Sharon. Sharon. Sharon! Alan, I have a hard time believing that your very romantic idea ended in disaster. Yeah, not with the way you two look at each other. Come on, how do we look at each other? I have no idea what they’re talking about. Neither do I. Tell us about New York. Ah, yes. Well… complete and utter panic on my part.
Not on Traci’s, of course.
I was already in New York. I knew nothing about the surprise. But my agent decided to book me on a last minute book reading in Charleston. So, as my train was pulling into Penn Station, her plane was taking off from JFK. So, by the time we were able to actually connect, it was too late for him to come and meet me. Right. So then I decided to come back here, set up a nice warm welcome home and then my flight here was delayed. Freezing rain in March. It does happen. So it’s been quite a long time. It has. But somehow we survived because we are so brave. So brave. Courage. Traci, I love you. Mm. Too much? Should we stop?
No, no, never.
No, no. That is not what you were going to say. No, I was going to say, Traci, I love you and you deserve all the happiness in the world. And Alan, after everything you did for Ashley, you deserve some happiness too. I hope the two of you get more than a couple days together this time. Oh, thank you. We are grateful no matter how much time we get together. But what if I’m grateful and greedy? What if I want more? Well, I want more too, but work is work. Alan, what can we do? No, I’m glad you asked that because I was thinking if I quit my speaking engagements, we’d have more time to travel together, if that’s what you’d like. You sound so confident, Dad. That’s because I am. Really? I mean, you’re sure that we’re going to find them? You don’t think that there’s a possibility that it might be too late? Supergirl, I swear to you, on my life, that thought has never crossed my mind. Just think about how tough your mother and Sharon are. How hard they would fight to get back to the people they love. Besides, somebody took Sharon and Phyllis for a reason and it wasn’t to hurt them. We don’t know who kidnapped them or why they did it. If they were even kidnapped. Seriously? If? Oh, look, I’m not trying to downplay that at all. I’m just going by the facts. You know, I’m trying not to make assumptions. The security footage, it doesn’t show abduction and I’m just keeping that in mind. Okay, but Chance, facts aside, you have instincts, right? What are those telling you? Well, after what we just learned in the past 12 hours, I will admit, I do have a bad feeling about this. Sharon, hey, come on, get up. Sharon, come on. Come on, let’s get up. Let’s get up. Don’t– don’t– don’t’ freak me out, okay? Please don’t freak me out. Come on, we’re in this together. Sharon. Oh, my– oh, my God. Sharon, come on, come on, come on. I don’t– There’s no pulse. Oh, my God, I don’t feel a pulse. What did you do to her? What did you do to her? Hey, Sharon, wake up. Come on, come on. Oh, my God. Now, don’t say no, okay? Say you’ll think about it. And remember, I’m the most amazing travel companion ever. Well, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. Alan is the only one who’s figured out how to wake me up when I have these early meetings that I just dread. ALAN: Room service coffee set up by the bed so that the aroma wafts into her dreams. And then he sets up my shower for me. Which is scalding, by the way. It’s kind of terrifying. I actually did complain about the hot showers
and the steam in the room.
All that aside, it sounds like a match made in heaven. Who can say no to that? Everybody, let’s slow down for a second. Alan, you’re talking about giving up your public speaking career. What am I actually giving up? You know, being away from you to talk to strangers and say the same things I’ve said a dozen times. No, but I would never ask you to do that, to give up something, such a big part of your life. Alan, if I may. Please, thank you. He offered it, sweetheart. Maybe he means it. Maybe that’s what he wants. But– but I also know that you have a life. I don’t want to crowd you or… No, no, it’s not about that. I mean, I look at you and it’s always more joy. You could never crowd me. I mean it. That’s a relief. For a minute, I thought you were going to say you like taking breaks from me, which would be totally understandable. Oh, come on and tell me that you know better than this and you’re just teasing. You know, I thought Jack was the king of romantic gestures, but Traci, you’ve got a strong contender here. You two have seen each other through the dark times into the light, and I, for one, think we could all use a few more bright moments. I’m glad you see my logic. I am glad my sister has you in her life. Oh, I’m the lucky one. Traci has a wonderful family, a brilliant career, people who love her. It’s very true. My life in Paris wasn’t quite so full, and after last year, it got a little bit worse. Losing your brother. Yeah. I was alone in Paris, and I could still be alone, but I’m not because of you. Alan, I love hearing the compliments and hearing how you see me, but you have to know I am more grateful for you. When I look at you, I am reminded what it really feels like to be completely happy in a way that I haven’t felt in years. So yes, yes, I would want more moments like that. Thank you very much. JACK: Isn’t that the essence of love? To want more days, more moments with someone we know makes us happy. By that definition, I am tragically in love. In fact, if I thought I had a shot, I’d ask you to marry me right now. Oh my God, this is bad. This is really bad. Dad, do you still feel so confident after hearing him say that? Hey, I did not say that to make you worry, okay? This is me just assessing the situation. Now based on what I’ve seen, I do think a crime has been committed, okay? I don’t think your mother or Sharon left of their own volition. You guys have said as much and I’m just agreeing, that’s all. But if you have a bad feeling… Chance is just listening to us, all right? He is on our side. He’s going to help us figure this out. Yes, put it a lot better than I did. Thank you. Bottom line is we’re going to bring them home. Okay, yeah, you’re right. What do we do next? I think we should do a door-to-door search, like a four-block radius. Agreed, agreed. I’m working on some search warrants right now, too. Search warrants? How long is that going to take? I can’t be sure.
It depends on the judge.
Man, forget the judge. I’ll just put Newman Security on it.
Are you going to tell me no? No, I’m going to tell you that using a private team could compromise evidence for an investigation and a possible trial. Man, I don’t care about that. The only thing that matters is finding Sharon and Phyllis. Chance, please. I’m not arguing. I’m just saying. What streets are you looking at? Well, I think we should start here, and if we don’t find anything there, then we–
We expand the search.
Exactly. What is this area? I don’t recognize it. CHANCE: It’s a bunch of medical warehouses, some office buildings, a medical facility here and there. You know what? New Hope used to source from a company there, but then the vendor went out of business. Yeah, it looks like most of these places around here are empty, maybe all of them. So, it’s just a bunch of abandoned buildings? Yeah, deserted, no workers, no trucks going in and out. Checks all the boxes. SUMMER: I don’t get this. I don’t. Why would somebody take the both of them? I mean, what do they want? It’s not money or else they would have reached out by now. So, they clearly don’t want the cash.
What do they want?
Hey. What’s going to happen if they don’t get it? Listen to me. We’re close, okay? We’re going to get you every answer that you need. Just hang in there a little bit longer. PHYLLIS: Oh, my God, I can’t feel her pulse. Are you listening? Do you hear me? Oh, my God, how do I help her? What do I do to fix it? Is it the water? The water? The antidote? Oh, my– The bottle, the bottle. Where is it? Oh, God. Oh, God. I drank it all. Oh, my God, I drank it all. But you knew that, didn’t you? What do I do? Oh, my God, what do I do? Tell me what I do! Oh, my God. What is this? You freak. When I find out who you are… “I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears.” Crazy freak. I’m going to find out who you are after I save her. I’m coming for you. I swear I am coming for you. Sharon, Sharon. What a person won’t do to get a free trip to Manhattan. I can see a smile on your face, but panic in your eyes. I threw way too much at you before your second cup, and I’m so sorry. Alan, Alan. This is not panic.
You know, we could, um–
Right, I forgot. We could say a lot of awkward things to get us out of here. Oh, no, no. I don’t want to drive you guys away. JACK: No, not at all. Trust me, he wouldn’t leave his baby sister alone right now if he didn’t know that’s exactly what she wants. Thank you, Diane. And I’ll see you later, Jack. See, I can take a hint. [Alan sighing] Not very smooth, am I? I will let you know in a minute. Is there something that you wanted to say to me? Yeah, get a full crew ready. I’ll meet you there. Okay. Chance is right, all right? We’re closing in. My crew is going to tear that place apart. You’re going to keep me posted, right? Even if it’s just to say that there’s no news. Yes, I will, but if I don’t get back to you right away, please don’t assume the worst. Dad, I’m not, I’m not sure about this. All right, how about this? I will do my absolute best to keep a cool head, and you do the same. [Summer sighing] All right, you’ll let me know if you learn anything new? I’ll call you. Same goes for you. All right.
A little bit longer.
Be careful. Let’s get you something to eat. You know that I can’t eat. Want to try? Can you eat right now? Well, you know me. I can always eat. Sometimes I think we know each other too well. It’s not a bad thing. You’re right. I knew that you were worried about my mom and Sharon, even though you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Yeah, look, I’m– I’m apprehensive. Okay, I have concerns, but I am very confident that we’re going to find them, and we’re going to bring them home. I can tell that you mean it. That’s the only reason I’m not a complete wreck right now. Good. [Summer sighing] If you can, please trust me on this. Okay, I know it’s hard after everything with Daniel. I’m trying. You don’t have to get into us right now. But just please know that you can count on me. No, I, I, I do. I mean, you listen to me about my mom and you’re helping my dad. You didn’t even put up a fight when he wanted to use a private search team. Yeah, well, we’re lost. You’re a good guy, Chance. You’re a good cop. Thank you for that. Can you promise everything is really going to be okay? Hey, we are going to find your mom and we are going to find Sharon, and we are going to bring them home safely. It’s just a matter of time. PHYLLIS: I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears. I mark my time in blood, sweat, and tears. I swear to God, I hate you. My God. Sharon, all right. I gotta, I gotta, um, do– do CPR. Okay. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Sharon? Please. Hey. Wake up. Okay, pinch your nose. Come on, come on, Sharon. One, two, three, four. Come on, come on. I swear to you. I swear to you. Do not leave me here alone, please. One, two, three… One, two, three, four. One, two, three– Oh, God. Oh, God. Are you okay? Are you okay? Please say you’re okay. What happened? Oh, my God. Sharon, you died. You died. You were dead. He murdered you, and he just left you there, and there was a card. There was a card, and if I didn’t see it, oh my God. The brain has only so much time. The oxygen to your brain. How many fingers do I have up? My head is killing me. Because you died. You were dead. Unless that was a trick. Was it a trick? I CPR’d you. There’s no way you can fake that. You died. How did he do that to you? I brought you back to life. Did I pass the test? Go slow. Just go slow, okay? Just keep breathing. Keep breathing. You saved my life. Well, the V-bot didn’t give me options, you know? I had to. No, you didn’t have to do that. Yeah, I did, Sharon. I had to do it. Turns out I was right about you, wasn’t I? Don’t make a big deal out of this, okay? I mean, a few minutes ago, you were a corpse. So, if you want to spend the rest of your alive days saying, I told you so. No, you can spend it however you want, Phyllis, but I saved your life, and you saved mine. Yeah, they will be in touch, Chance. They know they have to be fast and thorough. And we will be. Okay, thanks.
Hey. Thought you might be here. Do you have anything new? Chance is going over some security footage. Um, it might narrow down the search area for where Sharon and Phyllis are being held. Okay, well, that’s great. Whereabouts? It’s an old warehouse district. A lot of abandoned buildings. A lot of places in the shadows to hide where nobody can hear you. It’s not exactly a reassuring thought, is it? No, it’s not. Have you got something? I do, actually. Um, I got a text. Usually, I would trash it because I would assume it’s spam, but– Not this time? No, and I think when you see it, you’re gonna agree with me. Look, anything you have is worth taking a look at. Okay, so I got the number for Phyllis’ burner phone from Daniel, the one that she called Summer from. And I called it, you know, once or twice. Yeah, we’ve done that, too. We never got an answer. No, nobody picked up, but this text came through.
What did the text say?
Look at it. Does that make any sense to you? Click here for information on the Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic. [Alan sighing] Alan, I’m really not trying to put you on the spot. I just want to understand what it is you’re saying. Oh, can you tell I’m winging this? Um, I don’t know what to say. Look, it was spontaneous. Uh, it was not planned and maybe ill-conceived. I– I– We don’t have to have this discussion right now if you don’t want to. You mean you want to set aside this conversation and maybe circle back to it, maybe not? I mean, you know, if that’s what you want. It’s not what I want. I spent a lifetime without you, Traci. It was productive, interesting, challenging, you know. In some ways, they were good. In some ways, I wish I could forget. But then, I think, was it really living? I don’t think so. Because now there’s this woman in my life who radiates warmth, humanity, who has a curious mind, a generous heart. And when I was away from you, it made me remember what my world was like before you. And you know what? It was not enough. Not compared to what we have. Look, I want to give you space, but I want to be nearer to you. I want to be your partner, your friend, lover, family. You are the one thing in my life I never realized I didn’t have. I love you very much. Traci Abbott, will you marry me? Alan Laurent, yes, I will marry you. ALAN: I just want to hold on to this moment. Oh, I do too. Is it all too fast? For whom? For you, I don’t know, the world. Obviously not for me. I’ve been the picture of restraint until today. If it was up to me, I would have proposed after the first kiss. Well, that might have been a little bit too soon. Well, some might say today is too. Well, who cares what the rest of the world thinks? How about you? What do you think? How do you feel? Oh, Alan… you come to a point where you convince yourself that you don’t need this kind of love anymore. Your life is fine. It’s full of joy. Little, small, big joys, wins, losses, memories of your special people. Like your daughter who passed away. Yes, I talk to her every single day and I’ve told her all about you.
You think she’d approve of me?
TRACI: I do. Finding you has been this really unexpected gift, like, like a bonus chapter to what’s already a lovely life. Well, all the days we have left, I want to spend with you. That sounds wonderful. But we have to make it official. What? Isn’t it official?
No, no.
You asked, I answered.
It seems official.
We need the ring, okay? We need to get you a ring. And don’t say you don’t need one. This is for me, okay? Because if we do spend time apart, you need to have a reminder of me right on your hand. Well, that sounds beautiful. But all of this can wait. No, I disagree. I’ll be right back. No, you’re so impulsive today. Yeah, but this is our time, all right? Let me make it special. I’ll be right back. I’ll be back, don’t worry. Hey, I hope you’re not fleeing the scene. Oh, no, it’s just a little something that’s missing. It’s very important, but I’ll be back in no time at all.
Okay. Thank you. Traci, Alan was just leaving. He was practically running. So, sis, any news? It reads like an automated response, like a courtesy text you get when a business is closed. So you didn’t get that text when you called the burner phone? Nope. And neither did anyone else or they would have mentioned it. Okay, so to me, this is either on purpose or it’s one hell of a glitch. What about that link? Did you click on it? No, not yet. I didn’t want to risk it. Smart. Let’s get that to Chance right away. You don’t think this is spam, Nick? Let’s see if this is even a real place to start with. Mm. So Havenhurst Clinic is an actual clinic. It seems like it’s permanently closed, though. I’ve got a map of the warehouse district that Chance’s team can search. Let me guess.
Havenhurst is in there.
It is. And that can’t possibly be a coincidence. Please, Sharon, don’t drink that fast. Don’t chug it just in case this freak spiked it. Please. Our host has way too big of an ego to try to pull the same trick twice. They’re enjoying impressing us with their creativity. Well, I think you’re giving whoever it is too much credit. Just go slow. Gee, it almost sounds like you care, Phyllis. And you know what? It’s starting to become very clear to me that’s what all of this is about. Getting past the hate, seeing the bigger picture. Mm, well, the joke’s on them. Because I can still hate you and not want you dead. But you’ve wanted me dead in the past, haven’t you? So now, what’s different? This situation has changed things. It’s changed us. Mm. You don’t have to psychoanalyze the situation. It’s not that deep. You know, there’s no bigger picture. I mean, this is just some twisted fun for that sick freak that likes to see us suffer. That’s true. The voice is enjoying this. Get some sort of joy out of gaining a sense of control and power. Thank you. Of course, there can be other layers to this, regardless. Remember, I told you what the voice said. To think of this as an experiment. They’re getting some sort of satisfaction out of accomplishment. Right. Right. Like a puppet master. Yes, but he or she was looking for some sort of a result. Like, they were trying to convince us, or themselves, that humanity can rise above darker emotions. Okay, or self-preservation trumps all. Really? Maybe we saved each other because we just didn’t want to be alone. That’s not very noble, isn’t it? Okay, well, now we’re just talking in circles because you insist on being so contrary. Well, you insist on being a know-it-all. Well, I’m not saying that that’s the only reason behind all this. I’m sure there are others. But I am saying that one of the points is to cast a light on our relationship. That is clear to me. And it has become very serious. It’s gotten to an extreme point. Literal life or death. All right. So, I mean, did we dance to your tune? The question is, what happens next? Look, I know this is tough, but we’re going to figure it out. I am going to go update Daniel and try to get some work done, but I will be waiting for a phone call from you and my dad. Okay. Now, if you need anything… I will call you. Hey, glad I caught you both. Billy got a text. A text from who, Phyllis? No, but it’s all connected. Tell him. I called Phyllis’ burner phone. Daniel gave me the number. Nobody picked up when I did call, but once I disconnected, a text came through from a business, like a follow-up text. Wait, from the same number? I mean, why now? I’ve called that number like a million times. I don’t know. That’s what we’re trying to figure out. So the phone is connected to a business. What did the text say? Text mentioned something about a Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic, which just happens to be…
In our search zone.
You got it. Wait, so one of those abandoned medical buildings. Does that mean we’re in the right area? It’s a very specific clue, but is it the truth? Or is it a trap? What’s next? I think that’s the wrong question. Well, of course it is, because I’m the one who asked it. No, no, no, no. Because it puts everything back. That freak show’s court gives them the control. We take the control. Just like you said, we had to get past everything. I saved your life, you saved my life. We got past all of our history. And then it was just us, and we had to lean on each other. Not just tolerate each other, not just put up with each other. We had to believe in each other emotionally and mentally. We had to keep breathing together. That’s what it is. Oh, my gosh. That’s the final riddle. We have to find an escape route together. If it were that simple, we would have done it already. No, we wouldn’t have, Sharon. Because we had the distraction of being here together, and fighting, and everything, our basic loathing with each other. And dare I say, things are different now. Listen. I don’t hear anything. No. No, you don’t hear anything because the voice is gone. So, you’re saying this is it? This is our chance to get out? Yeah, this is it. And there is a way out. There has to be. Because if there weren’t, we were never intended to survive. And that’s not the case. Death is not an option. It’s not an option. It’s not. Okay? It’s teamwork. Pure and focused teamwork. That’s how we get our freedom. Alan’s left you speechless. He sure ran out of here on a mission. If you want to keep all this to yourselves for now, we understand. No, no, no, I want you to know. I want the whole world to know. Oh, Jack, love finds you in the strangest, most surprising times. And now, I think it appears I’m going to be married. And Alan has run out to buy a ring to make it official. Wow, how wonderful. Oh, and so romantic. It is, isn’t it? I’m still trying to catch up. Okay, let me recap. Alan misses you and wants to spend as much time with you as possible, so he very sweetly and spontaneously asked you to be his partner for life. Is that what happened? Yes, and it appears you said yes. I think I did. I think I did. Oh, it just doesn’t feel real yet. Hey, are you happy? I am, Jack. And is this really what you want? More than anything. [phone pinging] Captioned by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. Captioning provided by Bell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Television and CBS, Inc. Join us again for “The Young and the Restless.”
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