Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Sharon and Phyllis have a long talk and decide to work together to slowly let go of the hatred they have always had for each other and at least try to be civil towards each other.
Victor tells Lily that he thinks Aristotle Dumas is going to try to take over Winters Inc. Victor thinks that Dumas sent Damian to town to insinuate himself into her family because Dumas sent
Damian information about her family three months before Damian came to Genoa City.
Lily later tells Devon what Victor told her and that she doesn’t think they should trust Damian.
Sally wonders why Aristotle Dumas is calling Billy on the phone and sending him so many text messages. Billy tells Sally that Dumas wanted to congratulate him on the upcoming launch of Abbott Communications. Billy also tells Sally that Dumas also found out that Jill took Abbott Chancellor away from him and sold it to Victor. Billy tells Sally that Dumas is keeping an eye on Abbott Communications because he might want to invest in the company. Billy later returns Aristotle Dumas’s call and tells him he’s got the quid pro quo he promised to give him.
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