Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon and Phyllis have a long talk and decide to work together to slowly let go of the hatred they have always had for each other and at least try to be civil towards each other.

Victor tells Lily that he thinks Aristotle Dumas is going to try to take over Winters Inc. Victor thinks that Dumas sent Damian to town to insinuate himself into her family because Dumas sent
Damian information about her family three months before Damian came to Genoa City.

Lily later tells Devon what Victor told her and that she doesn’t think they should trust Damian.

Sally wonders why Aristotle Dumas is calling Billy on the phone and sending him so many text messages. Billy tells Sally that Dumas wanted to congratulate him on the upcoming launch of Abbott Communications. Billy also tells Sally that Dumas also found out that Jill took Abbott Chancellor away from him and sold it to Victor. Billy tells Sally that Dumas is keeping an eye on Abbott Communications because he might want to invest in the company. Billy later returns Aristotle Dumas’s call and tells him he’s got the quid pro quo he promised to give him.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Nick asks Sharon if she ever thinks that they should get back together. Sharon tells Nick that she has thought about it before but she hasn’t had fantasies about them getting back together. Nick tells Sharon he has also thought about them getting back together but he is scared he will hurt her again and that will ruin their friendship. Nick also tells Sharon that he doesn’t want to go to England with her because he thinks she should spend time with Mariah, Noah, and Faith so she can heal her ideal love. Sharon persuades Nick take more time to think about going England with her.

Traci tells Jack that she and Alan want to get married in Paris. Jack worries that Traci wants to elope, but Traci promises Jack that she and Alan won’t elope. Traci asks Jack to walk her down the aisle and he is honored to accept. Traci tells Jack, Kyle, and Diane about Alan’s phone being hacked. Traci also tells them about the strange messages Alan got on his phone about a security breach at the clinic.

Kyle tells Jack, Diane, and Traci that Phyllis and Sharon were held captive at an abandoned clinic just outside of town. Traci considers telling Alan what Kyle told her but decides not to do it because the two events couldn’t possibly be connected it is just a strange coincidence.

Chelsea surprises Adam with a lunch of quiche Lorraine and the cake she made for him when they were first dating. Adam tastes the cake and tells her that it is much better than the cake she made him when they were first dating because that cake was inedible. Adam and Chelsea make love because Chelsea is ready to make the most of their second chance.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Amy gets admitted to the hospital in Chicago because a spot opened up in the Clinical trial for the experimental drug. Damian and Nate get a call from Amy telling them that she is in the Clinical trial so Damian and Nate decide to go to Chicago to support Amy.

Holden and Audra have lunch, and Audra reminds Holden that they are just friends. Devon and Lily see Audra and Holden having lunch and Lily tells Devon that she can’t shake the feeling that Damian and Holden are hiding something from Nate.

Summer has lunch with Kyle because Claire can’t have lunch with him because she has to go back to work. Summer tells Kyle she thinks Victor wants them to get back together and that is why he doesn’t approve of his relationship with Claire.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

The entire episode takes place in Havenhurst as Phyllis and Sharon decide to trash the room where they are being held to show their captor that they will survive this ordeal. Once Phyllis and Sharon trash the room they find the camera and turn it off.

Billy, Chance, and Nick wait for the landlord to arrive to open the door. Chance gets a search warrant to search for the building. The landlord arrives but the keys to open the building don’t work because the door locks have been changed. Chance’s team opens the door and they start calling Phyllis and Sharon ‘s name. The men hear music and follow it to the room where Phyllis and Sharon are being held. Phyllis and Sharon’s room fills with poison gas because their captor is upset that the ladies didn’t play the game fairly.

The men find Phyllis and Sharon and kick down the door to the room. Phyllis is unconscious because she has breathed too much of the gas. Nick helps Sharon out of the room. Once everyone is at Sheron’s house the ladies tell Billy, Chance, and Nick everything that their captor put them through when he had them trapped in that room. The ladies think that the game isn’t over for their captor and he may come after them again. Phyllis and Sharon say they must find out who their captor is before he can hurt them.

Traci hears Alan’s phone ping and she looks confused when she reads the text alert.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea’s relationship gets the approval of Chloe and Victor.

Adam and Chelsea decide to move forward slowly with their relationship so there is less of a chance they will mess it up this time.

Chance stops Billy and Nick from going to Havenhurst because he wants to make sure it isn’t a trap. Billy and Nick get tired of waiting on Chance and they click on the link in Billy’s phone. The link opens to a picture of Phyllis and Sharon sitting on the couch in the locked room.

Phyllis and Sharon work together to try and open the only door in the room. Phyllis and Sharon get startled when a loud alarm rings.

Alan arrives back at the Athletic Club and he gets down on one knee and proposes to Traci as he gives her a beautiful ring.

Billy tells Nick that there is another link at the bottom of the picture of Phyllis and Sharon. Billy clicks on the link and it reveals this message “Who will pay the price to rescue the mind.” Billy and Nick decide to go to Havenhurst. Nick tells Billy to call Chance in case this is a trap. Billy tells Chance everything they discovered but he doesn’t tell Chance that they are on their way to Havenhurst. Chance tells Billy he will go to Havenhurst with a team to check it out. Phyllis and Sharon decide to find the surveillance camera and turn it off. Since their captor likes watching them survive, he will have to come to their room and turn the camera on again. The ladies decide to take turns sleeping and the next time their captor comes into the room they will overtake the person and get out of the room and go back home to their families.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Alan and Traci return home and are having lunch with Jack and Diane. Traci tells Jack and Diane how much she and Alan missed each other since her agent had scheduled an unexpected reading of her latest books for her fans. Alan had a speaking engagement and was unable to meet with her after her book reading. Alan tells Traci how much he loves her and if he thought that he would say yes he would propose to her right now. Jack and Diane excuse themselves because they know Alan and Traci need to talk alone. Alan thinks he scared Traci with the talk of marriage. Traci tells Alan that if he proposed she would say yes. Alan tells Traci how much he loves her and that he wants to be her friend, partner, lover. and family. Alan tells Traci that he never thought he needed love until he met her. Traci tells Alan that his love was an unexpected gift that she thought would never come her way. Traci yes to Alan’s proposal and Alan rushes off to get a ting for Traci to make the proposal official. Traci happily tells Jack and Diane the news that she and Alan are getting married but since the proposal had happened so quickly that Traci still can’t believe it.

Phyllis is trying to find a way to get out of the locked room inside Havenhurst. Phyllis is worried when Sharon doesn’t wake up when she calls her name. Phyllis goes to the couch and doesn’t feel a pulse on Sharon so she does CPR on Sharon until she breathes. Phyllis is so upset that the distorted voice killed Sharon, but she is relieved that the CPR was able to save her life. Phyllis tells Sharon that the answer to the last riddle is that they must work together to get out of that room is to work together. Phyllis tells Sharon that it wasn’t possible for them to work together before because they were too busy fighting with each other to work together. The ladies shake hands and agree to work together to find a way home.

Billy tells Nick that he called the number to the burner phone Phyllis used to call Nick. Billy says that nobody answered. He got a text message from the burner phone number that said “click here for information about Havenhurst.” Nick does a search for Havenhurst on his phone and finds out the hospital is closed but is in the vicinity of where the medical supply van was stolen. Billy and Nick head to the Athletic Club to tell Chance and Summer about the possible clue. Chance thinks it might be a trap so he wants to do some more research while Nick and Billy head to Havenhurst with the Newman security team.

Alan is sitting on a bench at Chancellor Park looking at the ring he bought Traci when his cell phone beeps. Alan opens the message and sees surveillance footage on his phone of the room where Sharon and Phyllis are being held prisoners.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon finds the antidote to the poison that was in the water that Phyllis drank. Phyllis considers not taking the antidote at first because she doesn’t trust Sharon. Phyllis finally drinks the antidote because she wants to see her family again. The antidote works although it leaves Phyllis weak and tired. Phyllis thanks Sharon for saving her life. The voice of their captor tells Sharon to rest because tomorrow is going to be a busy day for her and Phyllis.

Chance tells Nick and Daniel that they were able to amplify the surveillance footage from the Cassidy First and the Athletic Club parking lots. Chance says that in both pieces of footage they saw a white van with no windows following Sharon and Phyllis. Chance also tells Daniel and Nick that they checked the license plate of the van and found out that the van was stolen from a medical supply company.

Summer sees Kyle and Claire at the Athletic Club restaurant, and she doesn’t like it. Summer interrupts Claire and Kyle’s date and tells Kyle she thinks they should talk to Harrison about Grandma Phyllis before he overhears something at school. Kyle and Summer decide to head upstairs and tell Harrison that Phyllis will be out of town. Claire decides to wait for Kyle and try a martini since she and Kyle had been talking about James Bond movies earlier. Claire thinks that the martini is very strong since she never drinks alcohol. Holden sits next to Claire and tells her that in the James Bond books he actually drank vespers which is like a martini but not as strong as a martini. Holden also suggests that Claire read the James Bond books before she watches the movies because the books will help her understand the movies better since she has never seen the movies. Kyle and Summer come back downstairs and they see Claire at the bar with Holden. Summer tells Kyle that it looks like Claire made a new friend. Kyle reassures Claire that she doesn’t have to worry about Summer because they are only Harrison’s parents and that won’t lead to them getting back together. Claire tells Kyle she isn’t worried because Summer doesn’t scare her.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, March 7, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Claire makes Victor promise he won’t interfere with her relaxation ship.

Jack tells Diane that he had a long talk with Summer and he has a feeling that she wants to get back together.

Damian and Nate bond over the death of their father.

Holden asks Audra if they can be friends again because Damian hasn’t acted like his friend lately. Damian tells Holden he didn’t bring him to Genoa City so he could get back together with Audra. Damian orders Holden back to Los Angeles to take care of some important business.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea agree to allow Connor try out for the baseball team.

Billy and Jack wonder how Adam and Victor found out about Abbott Communications before it’s launch date. Billy and Jack wonder if there is someone at Jabot leaking information about the company.

Billy tells Jack that he hasn’t been able to get in touch with Phyllis so she can help him put out a press release. Jack wonders if Phyllis is as committed to Abbott Communications as Billy.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Chance tells Billy, Daniel, Nick, and Summer that Sharon didn’t go to Sedona because they checked all the spas in the entire city of Sedona and she wasn’t there. Chance later finds out that Sharon’s car is at Cassidy First and Phyllis’s car is in the parking lot. Billy tells Chance that he thinks Sharon and Phyllis were kidnapped together. Summer thinks that either Phyllis or Sharon kidnapped each other.

Phyllis is getting stir crazy so she wants to take a chair and break the windows and scream until somebody hears her. Sharon persuades Phyllis not to do that because it’s the middle of winter and if she breaks the window they will freeze to death. Phyllis and Sharon think that it could be one of their friends or family members that locked them in that room so they can learn to be civil to each other. The ladies argue a while then decide that their captor isn’t a member of their family. The distorted voice comes through the speaker and gives them another riddle ” what means everything but costs nothing.”

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 28, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Billy and Sally return home from Paris and she and Audra catch up with each other. Sally tells Audra how happy she is with Billy although she doesn’t want to label their relationship yet. Audra tells Sally that she feels like Nate and Amy are a family. Audra tells Sally she hopes Damian can fix their relationship because all Amy wants is to have her son back in her life.

Sally meets Holden, who interrupts their lunch at Society, to say Hello to Audra. Audra tells Sally that Holden got her out of a bad situation with some music producers in Los Angeles. Audra tells Sally that is the only thing she told Nate. Audra tells Sally that the whole truth is that she and Holden had an intense relationship.

Sharon and Phyllis solve the second riddle their captor leaves for them. The answer to the riddle is chocolate fountain. The ladies remember when Sharon pushed Phyllis into a chocolate fountain years ago. Sharon and Phyllis try to work together but then they start to argue again and then the ladies decide they can’t work together so they will pray their captor’s game separately and may the best woman win.

Daniel and Nick tell Billy that Phyllis and Sharon had been missing but they called earlier and they are okay. Daniel tells Billy that Phyllis is making some deals for Abbott Communications because she wanted to surprise him. Billy gets upset and tells Daniel that Phyllis wasn’t supposed to do anything without talking to him. Billy tells Daniel that if Phyllis calls him, to tell her that he needs to talk to her about these deals she made without consulting him.

Nick calls Sharon’s phone and leaves a message letting her know that Mariah and Faith want to talk to her. Nick still can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong because Phyllis and Sharon went missing at the same time and they both said that they lost their phones at the same time. Nick also called their families at the same time to let them know they were okay.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, February 27, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea wants to know if Adam is over Sally before she considers having a relationship with him. Adam assures Chelsea that he is over Sally although he regrets that they broke up because of the one night stand he and Chelsea had in Baltimore. Adam and Chelsea kiss one more time before they each go to their rooms since they agreed to take things slowly.

Phyllis and Sharon’s captor gives them a riddle to solve which says “18 away from the fourth of July” which they figure out it is July 22 2013 which is the day when Sharon fought and Sharon pushed Phyllis down the stairs and Phyllis went into a coma. The ladies figure out that their captor must know them. The date in the riddle is the continuation to a safe that contains two cell phones. The ladies tell their captor they will continue to play the game. The captor gives them permission to make one phone call to someone they are okay and that they are out of town.

Sharon calls Nick and tells him she is at the spa in Sedona and asks him to tell Mariah and Faith where she is because she is too tired from her trip to call them. Nick tells Victor and Nikki it is strange that’s Sharon wouldn’t want to talk to Mariah and Faith. Nick also thinks it is strange that Sharon lost her phone and is calling from a burner phone.

Phyllis calls Summer and tells her she went out of town to follow business leads for Abbott Communications and she asks Summer not to tell Billy about her trip. Summer sends a text message to Nick telling him she talked to Phyllis. Nikki thinks it is strange that Sharon and Phyllis called close to the same time but she is glad that Phyllis and Sharon are okay.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Victor tells Michael and Nikki that he is afraid Aristotle Dumas may mean trouble for Winters Inc and he wants to protect the Winters family from the mysterious millionaire that nobody has ever seen because he doesn’t do interviews and nobody has ever taken a picture of him.

Michael is happy to investigate Aristotle Dumas to see if he could cause trouble for the Winters family.

Damian tells Lily that he isn’t sure if he can forgive Amy for not telling him Nate Sr was his father and that he has a half-brother but he has decided to stay in Genoa City to talk with his mother. Lily is happy and Damian asks Lily for a date since Lily told him their dinner wasn’t a date. Lily tells Damian she will think about going on a date with him.

Adam surprises Chelsea when she gets home because he has made pasta for her with pasta sauce that he made himself. Adam also had Chelsea’s favorite cheesecake from Junior’s bakery in New York flown in so she can have it for dessert. Adam and Chelsea have dinner and talk about happy times when they were dating and also after they got married. Chelsea is touched by Adam’s efforts with the dinner and after they finish dinner she gives Adam a kiss.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis and Sharon wake up locked in a room together at Havenhurst Psychiatric Facility. Sharon figured this out because she finds some books in the room that say property of Havenhurst Psychiatric Facility. The entire episode takes place with the two of them locked in that room together.

Phyllis and Sharon, at first, believe that the other locked her in that room as a form of punishment. The ladies soon figure out that isn’t the case when they hear an annoying alarm that sounds like a very loud smoke detector. Phyllis argues with Sharon because she is angry Sharon didn’t serve time in jail or get any punishment for throwing Heather’s body in the river. Phyllis tells Sharon that she was in her room in the Athletic Club and she had just awakened from a dream.

Sharon tells Phyllis she was at Crimson Lights, and she also had a dream. The ladies can’t remember how they were take0,n who took them, or how they ended up locked in that room together. The ladies decide they must work together to get out of that room and go home. A distorted creepy voice comes out of a speaker and tells the ladies they have to work together to play this game in order to stay alive.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 21, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Claire and Kyle are determined that Victor will not put an end to their relationship.

Damian has a talk with Amy, and he tells her that he is angry with her because she wasn’t around when her father was dying when both he and his father needed her the most. Amy explains to Damian that his father let the medical insurance lapse so she had to work three jobs to pay the medical bills. Damian tells Amy he wishes that she hadn’t told him Nate Sr was his biological father because he feels like his father died again. Damian tells Amy he needs time to think about their talk. Victor tells Lily that Damian doesn’t own me companies he told Nate that he owns the real owner is a venture capitalist named Aristotle Dumas.

Victor decides to have Michael investigate Aristotle Dumas.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Damian tells Lily he stayed in town because he wanted to get to know her better. Lily tells Damian that line might impress women in California but it doesn’t impress her.
Damian tells Lily that he sent Holden to pretend to be him because he didn’t trust Nate, Lily thinks that people in California must have trust issues. Damian tells Lily that Amy wanted him to go down a path that he didn’t want to take and that created the distance between them. Lily tells Damian that she understands having your life turned upside down by something shocking but, no matter what has happened between him and Amy, he should do anything he can to give his mother peace before she dies. Damian asks Lily to have dinner with him and she tells him “no ” Lily then responds “ask me that question again when you have made peace with Amy.”

Damian goes to Nate’s apartment to talk to Amy.

Daniel and Summer worry when Phyllis doesn’t show up for breakfast with them. Daniel tells Summer that Phyllis hasn’t answered any of his voice mails. Daniel calls Billy to find out If Phyllis went to Paris to see him. Billy tells Daniel she hasn’t talked to Phyllis since yesterday. Billy leaves a message for Phyllis to call Daniel and Summer and to also let him know she got his message. Summer asks Chance to look for Phyllis.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Michael tells Lauren whet they told Chance about what happened with Ian at the ranch house. Lauren knows that Michael isn’t giving her all the details about what happened that night.

Victor tells Kyle once again that if he hurts Claire he will answer him.

Victor calls Michael who doesn’t answer his call because he is having a romantic evening with Lauren. Victor leaves a message telling Michael he needs the information about all the products that Jabot has in development.

Summer gets upset with Daniel because he keeps insisting that she is jealous of Kyle and Claire ‘s relationship. Summer gets so upset that she decides not to have dinner with Daniel.

Daniel is worried because Phyllis isn’t answering his phone calls.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Jack and Diane move into the Athletic Club while the Abbott house is being renovated, Jack is distracted because he is worried about how different the house will look after the renovation. Jack and Diane have dinner and then dance before they go upstairs for some romantic time together.

Victor asks Michael if the three spies he planted at Glissade are ready to go through with his plan. Michael tells Victor that the spies he hired are ready but he thinks that the Abbotts have suffered enough and advises Victor not to go through with his plan. Victor tells Michael he will go through with the plan with or without his help.

Summer tells Daniel that she is worried about how much Victor will make Kyle suffer because he is dating Claire. Daniel thinks that Summer is jealous of Kyle and Claire. Summer tells Daniel she isn’t jealous she is just worried about how all the turmoil that Victor will cause Kyle and Claire will affect Harrison. Victor tells Kyle that he will never accept his relationship with Claire because he knows that the Abbott family will fall apart soon and he doesn’t want Claire to get hurt because of it. Kyle tells Victor that he and Claire will continue to see each other with or without his blessing.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, February 17, 2025

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Recap written by Suzanne

Kyle and Claire discussed the importance of Victor’s approval of their relationship. Kyle expressed reluctance, but Claire emphasized her desire for family harmony. Eventually, Kyle agreed to a dinner with Victor. Meanwhile, Diane proposed subtle renovations to the Abbott home, aiming to modernize it while preserving its charm. Jack was initially hesitant but agreed to the updates, and they planned a brief getaway during the renovations. At Society, Lily sought Victor’s assistance in gathering information on Damian, to which Victor agreed. Elsewhere, Audra and Holden discussed their past, with Audra insisting they keep their history hidden from Nate. Holden revealed Damian’s intention to leave town, but Nate remained determined to facilitate a reunion between Damian and his mother, Amy. Later, Claire convinced Victor to have dinner with her and Kyle, despite his reservations. Audra warned Nate about raising Amy’s hopes, suggesting Damian might not be ready for reconciliation. Holden persisted in seeking a meeting with Audra before his departure, despite her reluctance.


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Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 14, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Three or the residents of Genoa City dream about spending Valentines Day with their unrequited loves.

Sharon dreams that Nick set up a romantic evening at Crimson Lights for her. The dream evening included a romantic dinner, champagne, and dancing with Nick. Nick also tells Sharon that he has always loved her and wants to move in with her at the ranch so she Faith and Christian can be a family.

Adam dreams that Chelsea set up a romantic evening for him and tells him that he was right she had been denying her feelings for him, but she doesn’t want to deny her feelings for him anymore. Adam also dreams that he is telling Sally that he did love her but he had to let his love for her go and now he is sure he is in love with Chelsea.

Phyllis learns that Sally left Billy in Paris because Sally realized she is still in love with Adam. Billy had set up a romantic evening for Sally, but when Sally left him for Adam, Billy realizes that Phyllis is the only woman that understands him. Phyllis wakes up from her dream before Billy kisses her. Phyllis wonders why she had a romantic dream about Billy.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Nick warns Phyllis to be careful because Billy always has an agenda. Billy waits until Sally is asleep and then calls someone on the phone. Billy tells the person that Abbott Communications is fully funded and he asks the person to do a deep dive into Chancellor Industries and find out everything that has been going on since Nikki has been running the company.

Damian decides to return to Los Angeles and forget everything that happened in Genoa City.

Audra tells Holden to forget they were ever friends in Los Angeles and that he helped her get out of a problem with Tucker. Audra explains to Holden that she is a different person now and she doesn’t want anyone knowing about her past. Holden tells Audra he and Damian are going back to Los Angeles tonight, so her secret is safe with him.

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