Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Brady and Ava were having a conversation when Kristen showed up at the townhouse looking for Rachel. She demanded to know where Rachel was. Brady told her that she wasn’t there. Rachel disappeared from the DiMera mansion. Kristen told him that she took her phone and clothes with her. She was determined to find their daughter. They made phone calls to look for Rachel. Tate showed up at the hospital to be with Sophia. She admitted that she lied about the appointment because she didn’t want her mother to be there. Tate assured her that Kayla is a good doctor and that she’s in good hands. Kayla met with the teens. She asked Tate if Theresa knew about the baby yet. Tate caught her up to speed about what’s been going on. Kayla wondered if they thought about adoption since abortion wasn’t an option. Tate and Sophia were okay with it, but they weren’t sure how her parents would react to it. Kayla was proud of him for standing by Sophia. He wasn’t sure how much longer Holly would be able to handle everything. Kayla left to start examining Sophia. Later, Tate and Sophia saw the ultrasound and were moved by it. Kayla assured them that everything looked good so far. She went to get the picture printed, and they were overwhelmed. Holly gave Doug the money he needed. He was grateful to her for the money. She let him know that she was using it for her senior trip, but she didn’t want to go because of what’s happening with Tate and Sophia. Doug promised to pay her back in time for her to go on her trip. He was going to the park to pay the henchmen back. Holly was determined to go with him. He told her that it was dangerous so they argued about it. Doug tried to convince her to stay safe. Later Doug arrived at the park, and Holly followed him. He wanted her to hide while he talked to the thugs. She was about to hide when one of the thugs saw her. Doug told the guy to stay away from her, but she snapped at him for beating someone up over money. He gave the thug the money and thought they were even. After the guy left, Doug questioned Holly for mouthing off. She thought the worst was over now that he’s paid the money back.
Leo put it together that the shirt Javi wore belonged to Kerry. He decided to treat Javi and Kerry to lunch. Kerry was annoyed, and Marlena was confused by the invitation. They sat together, and Leo left the table. He texted Marlena to walk away from the table and meet him. Kerry was upset and let Javi know once Leo and Marlena left the table. Leo told Marlena that Kerry was Lady Whistleblower. He was determined to get proof that he’s the culprit. Marlena and Leo went back to the table. He told Kerry and Javi about plans for the storyline he wanted to write for the soap. Leo told them about the Devil possession storyline. Javi was confused by the story, so Leo told him what happened to Marlena. Marlena didn’t want to talk about her possession anymore. Kerry wanted to leave. Once Javi and Kerry left, Marlena wondered why she told them about her possession. Leo said it was a ruse to set up Kerry to see if he would leak the story. Javi and Kerry went back to his place and started making out. He put the brakes on and upset Kerry. Javi decided they should go to his room. He went first while Kerry stayed behind to leak the story Leo told him. He went upstairs to be with Javi. Leo and Marlena waited to see if the plan worked. They saw Lady Whistleblower’s new column. The column revealed the Devil possession storyline. Leo realized that Kerry was busted. Brady told the police that Rachel was missing. Ava wanted to help, but Kristen wanted her to stay out of it. She blamed her for Rachel’s disappearance. Kristen yelled at Ava when Marlena arrived at the townhouse. She wanted to know what happened. Brady told her that Rachel was missing. Leo burst in on Javi and Kerry while they were in bed. He said he was there to expose Lady Whistleblower.
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