Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Brady thanks Kristen for calling and says he’ll be in touch. Brady hangs up and informs Ava that apparently Rachel is okay with starting therapy. Brady admits he thought Rachel would throw a tantrum and Kristen would cave, but calls this a relief for him. Brady tells Ava that he’s sorry for what Rachel put her through. Ava says it’s okay as she survived. Ava and Brady then begin kissing.
Tate joins Sophia at the hospital. Tate asks if everything is okay since the doctor moved up her appointment. Sophia reveals that she lied and the doctor actually didn’t change it.
Holly asks Doug III not to go yet since he came for the money and she wants him to have it today so he can pay off his debts and never have to deal with those criminals again.
In the town square, Leo then comments to Javi that he likes his Rochester sweatshirt and asks where he got it. Javi informs him that Kerry gave it to him as Kerry then reveals that is where he’s from. Leo thinks back to talking to Marlena about his belief that Javi was Lady Whistleblower because of the Rochester sweatshirt. Leo calls it unbelievable which Kerry questions.
Brady tells Ava their kiss was definitely worth the wait and invites her to hang around awhile. Brady says that Ava has been listening to him go on about his daughter and his son, so he wants to do whatever she wants. Ava says she doesn’t mind as she cares about Sophia and Tate too. Brady tells Ava that he’d really love to find out what else they share in common.
Tate questions Sophia about her appointment getting moved. Sophia explains that she asked the doctor to move it because her mom wanted to come to it, so she called the office to get in earlier. Sophia admits she felt bad about springing it on Tate so she didn’t tell him the whole truth in her text and she felt really bad. Tate asks if her mom won’t find out and flip out on her. Sophia hopes she’ll have more energy to deal with her when it’s over. Tate encourages her that Kayla is great, so she’s in good hands.
Holly hands Doug III the envelope of money. He says he doesn’t know how to thank her. Holly tells him to get out of whatever situation he’s in and not to let it happen again. He says he doesn’t plan on it and asks what she told Maggie. Holly says she told her it was for her senior trip. Holly adds that she doesn’t want to go on the trip to be around Tate and Sophia. Doug III points out that she only gets one senior trip, so maybe she’ll change her mind before then but Holly assures that she won’t.
Leo claims to Kerry that he was just talking about Rochester with the woman who does wardrobe for Body and Soul as she was there during the eclipse. Marlena mentions that she and Leo were just on their way to lunch. Leo suggests they all have lunch together. Kerry argues that he and Javi were looking forward to having lunch just the two of them. Leo tells Kerry that he knows he’s not thrilled that he and Javi decided to be friends again, but feels they are going to have to find a way to get along. Javi feels Leo makes a good point so Leo declares it’s a double date where they can bond and get to know each other better.
Ava jokes with Brady that they are both not big fans of The Nutcracker. Brady reveals to her that it was Rachel that stole the Nutcracker tickets out of his jacket and resold them. Ava guesses they are holding her responsible for the internet going out that night too. Ava suggests they can finish off their movie date.
Kayla joins Tate and Sophia at the hospital. Kayla introduces herself to Sophia, who admits she’s nervous. Kayla assures they will take good care of her. Kayla sends Sophia to the exam room to meet the nurse and says she’ll be there in a bit. Tate tells Kayla that he guesses she heard about he and Sophia. Kayla sits him down and confirms that Maggie did fill her in. Kayla asks if Theresa knows that she’s going to be a Grandmother. Tate says not yet. Kayla asks how Holly is dealing with it. Tate admits she’s really upset, especially since Sophia is going through with the pregnancy. Tate explains that they planned to end the pregnancy but Sophia’s mom found out and refused to let them leave. Tate adds that they have discussed adoption and are open to the idea but Sophia doesn’t know if her parents will be. Tate goes over how Holly and Sophia hate each other, so he doesn’t know how much longer Holly will put up with this. Tate then tells Kayla that he brought Holly flowers earlier but they got interrupted by Doug III, who has apparently been a great comfort to Holly.
Doug III tells Holly that this is so nice of her and promises to pay her back before her senior trip so she can still go. Holly says she only cares about him not getting beat up again and suggests he text those guys to tell them he has the money. Doug III agrees to do so and they respond to meet in the park in 20 minutes. Holly points out that he can’t go by himself. Doug III feels he has to. Holly asks what if they double cross him and decides she’s going with him but Doug III says no.
Leo says he’s going to the men’s room and tells them to start without him. Leo then texts Marlena to meet him at the entrance to the Salem Inn. Marlena says she has to go call her assistant and steps aside to meet Leo. Kerry asks Javi if they really have to do this. Javi says it’s just one lunch and argues that they can’t leave because Leo would be really hurt. Kerry complains that Leo is an idiot and just trying to suck up to him while Javi tells him that he’s just being friendly. Leo tells Marlena that Kerry is Lady Whistleblower since he’s from Rochester. Marlena reminds him that the sweatshirt is not proof. Leo says that’s why he invited him to lunch because he knows he needs proof and how to get it. Marlena and Leo go back to the table. Marlena claims she just had to talk with a patient while Leo claims Abe and Kate called about his next story on Body and Soul. Leo says they loved it. Javi knows how worried he was about Lady Whistleblower ruining his plans. Leo asks if they want to hear it. Marlena thought it was confidential. Leo talks about knowing it won’t go beyond this table and tells Javi that it will be his way of showing he trusts him after falsely accusing him. Leo then tells them that he’s going to have one of his characters get possessed by the Devil.
Tate tells Kayla that he knows he sounds jealous and has no right to be, but Holly and Doug III met at the Horton Christmas and hung out there while he was supposed to be taking Sophia out of state and Doug III was apparently Holly’s shoulder to cry on when she found out. Tate knows it’s selfish of him to be worried about where he stands with Holly while being there for Sophia. Tate complains that he messed up so badly. Kayla encourages him not to be so hard on himself when he is taking responsibility and standing by Sophia which is all he can do right now. Kayla says she will do the initial scan on Sophia and then will call him in to join. Kayla brings up that Tate and Holly have been through hard times, so they will find their way through this as she walks away.
Holly tells Doug III that he can’t tell her no. He says he won’t let her get hurt. Holly argues that she won’t get hurt. Doug III says she saw what they are capable of. Holly says they don’t care about her and he’s the one that got beat up, so she just doesn’t want that to happen again. He insists that they will just take the money and run while Holly asks how he doesn’t know they won’t demand more. Doug III feels it won’t make a difference if she’s with him or not. Holly insists that she won’t let them hurt again while Doug III worries that they will want to hurt her to shut her up. Doug III says he won’t go then, so Holly worries that will just put him in more danger. Doug III tells her to stay home then so she reluctantly agrees and tells him to be careful as he then exits.
Brady and Ava finish watching their movie and start to kiss until they are interrupted by Kristen showing up at the door, asking where Rachel is. Brady asks what she’s talking about. Kristen tells him to cut the crap and calls for Rachel. Brady tells her that she’s not there as he thought she was with her. Kristen responds that she’s not and she has no idea where she is. Kristen questions where Rachel is. Brady asks what’s going on and why she thought she was here. Kristen explains that Rachel was gone from her room and she took away her phone so she can’t track her. Brady suggests the DiMera Mansion being huge so she could still be there but Kristen tells him that her backpack is gone with some of her clothes. Ava tries to suggest calling her friends but Kristen tells her to stay out of it. Brady argues that she’s just trying to help and that it’s a good idea. Kristen shouts that she doesn’t want to stand here and speculate as they need to find her.
Leo talks about thinking the ratings will go through the roof and tells Javi and Kerry that Marlena was possessed by the Devil twice. Leo adds that it would be perfect for the character of Charlemagne since she looks like Marlena or it could happen to one of her children. Javi calls it creative while Kerry says it works for him. Leo reminds them that this goes no further than their table.
Doug III goes to the park and Holly joins him. He argues that she agreed not to come with him. Holly argues that she didn’t go with him, she followed him. He tries to tell her to go or at least hide in the bushes because he doesn’t want her in the middle of this. Holly tries to go but one of the men arrives and stops her, saying she’s not going anywhere.
Tate joins Kayla and Sophia in the exam room. Kayla says they are starting the ultrasound and shows them the baby. Kayla says the heartbeat is strong and regular, so everything looks perfect so far.
Javi asks more about the Devil possession but Marlena suggests changing the subject. Kerry decides he and Jav are going to get going because they were looking for quality time together but suggests they do this again sometime. After Javi and Kerry leave, Marlena asks Leo if he had to pick devil possession. Leo says it was all he could think of in the moment but assures he didn’t actually pitch it and only the four of them know about it, so if it ends up in Lady Whistleblower’s column then they will know it is Kerry, so they will see if he takes the bait.
Kristen and Brady try making calls about Rachel but have no success. Kristen says the servants have scoured the DiMera Mansion and she’s nowhere to be seen. Brady decides it’s time to call the police.
Kayla tells Sophia that she will print her an ultrasound picture and the nurse will be in. Tate and Sophia thank Kayla as she exits. Sophia tells Tate that was crazy and apologizes for interrupting he and Holly earlier if he wants to go back to her. Tate tells Sophia that he’s here now and Holly has company anyways.
Doug III tells the man to stay away from Holly. Holly gives him the money and says it’s all there, then remarks that beating up someone who owes him money is pathetic. He comments that Doug III’s girlfriend has quite the mouth on her. Doug III clarifies that she’s not his girlfriend and says they are all squared up now, so he doesn’t want to hear from him again as he walks away. Doug III tells Holly that this is why he didn’t want her to come and questions what she was thinking by mouthing off to him like that. Holly argues that he didn’t do anything. Doug III says he could have while Holly encourages that it’s over so there’s nothing else to worry about. He hopes that she’s right.
Javi goes home with Kerry and talks about how he knows Kerry didn’t enjoy the lunch but points out that Marlena is alright. Kerry notes that it’s Leo who annoys him. Javi appreciates Kerry making the effort and they start kissing until Javi stops. Kerry complains about how slow they are taking it and says he’s starting to think Javi isn’t attracted to him. Javi assures that he is and there is no problem. Javi suggests they take this to the bedroom. Kerry says he just has to call work and tell them he’s taking the rest of the day off. Javi then heads to the bedroom to wait for him. Kerry then pulls out his laptop.
Leo and Marlena remain in the town square, waiting for the next Lady Whistleblower column. Leo then gets the alert that a new column is posted, saying they have piping hot Body and Soul news, claiming they hacked in to Leo’s e-mail to find out about the devil possession storyline which happened in real life to Marlena. Leo concludes that he got Kerry.
Javi removes his shirt in his bedroom and briefly flashes back to being with Leo. Javi tells himself to forget about Leo as they are just friends and he’s with Kerry now. Kerry comes in and tells Javi that he cleared his schedule, so they start kissing.
Brady finishes his call to the police and tells Kristen that they are opening a missing persons case and they want them to go back to the DiMera Mansion to go over the details and the security footage. Kristen complains that it’s wasting time instead of looking for Rachel. Ava asks what she can do to help. Kristen yells at Ava to stay out of it and blames Ava for Rachel being unhappy. Kristen complains that Ava is pushing her way in until Marlena comes home and questions what is going on in here. Brady informs her that Rachel is missing.
Tate and Sophia sit together in the town square. Sophia looks at the ultrasound picture and says it’s all worth it. Sophia calls the baby the biggest problem in her life, but admits if Kayla said something was wrong with the baby, she would’ve been devastated. Tate admits he would have been too. Holly joins them and asks how the appointment was. Tate says it was fine. Holly asks to see the sonogram picture so Sophia shows her. Holly acknowledges it as Tate’s baby.
Doug III calls Leo and leaves a message to let him know that he paid off all his debts after a friend gave him a loan and he’s determined to get a job to pay it back completely. He declares that he needs to do right by the people in Salem who have been so good to him. Doug III asks Leo to call him back because he needs his help again as he wants to do whatever it takes to get the necklace back to Julie.
Javi and Kerry lay in bed together. Kerry says it was worth the wait until Leo bursts in and announces he’s there to expose Lady Whistleblower once and for all.
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