Days Short Recap Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At the DiMera mansion, Jada orders EJ to tell her where Rafe was. When EJ was about to let Jada out, Arnold showed up. Jada wanted to know what was going on and asked them questions. She asked “Rafe” about the secret mission he was supposed to be doing. Arnold lied about what he was doing. EJ interrupted Arnold to say Rafe was working for him by tracking down Sloan so she could pay for what she did. Jada wondered why EJ didn’t just let the situation go since he wasn’t a victim in the situation. EJ said he had time on his hands and Sloan made a fool out of him so she had to pay. He said he hired Rafe to find her. Arnold said he wanted to tell her, but EJ made him promise not to say anything. An unconvinced Jada asked EJ if he had Rafe doing something illegal. Arnold said he wasn’t doing anything illegal. He said he had to prove himself to John and Steve. Jada asked where he was looking for Sloan since he hasn’t been home and was in the secret tunnel. Arnold said he was traveling and just got back. He said he was in the secret tunnel so no one would see him and his arrangement with EJ would stay secret. Rafe said he was charging EJ a lot of money so he could get her something for the wedding. Jada was skeptical but ended up believing Arnold’s lies. She ended up leaving to go to the police station. EJ and Arnold were shocked at how they were almost caught. At Titan, Philip talked to Kate on the phone. He said he didn’t know if she got through to Sarah and wasn’t sure if Xander was going to show up and kill him. When Xander showed up, Philip got off the phone. Xander offered a peace offering, but Philip was skeptical. He told Philip that he talked to Maggie about making peace with him. Xander said if Victor trusted him, he could too. He said he overheard Philip saying something about killing him. Philip lied about what Xander heard. Xander said he wasn’t going to kill him and suggested they make their arrangement work. He asked if Philip was willing to work together without betraying each other. Philip wanted to apologize on behalf of Victor for keeping the truth from him and treating him the way he did. He said Victor wasn’t around much but made up for it by being overbearing while grooming him. Philip said Victor treated Xander like that because he was the son most like him. He said Victor died before he could prove that he changed. While they were talking, they decided they were going to prove themselves to Victor.

Sarah went to Stephanie and told her that she didn’t tell Xander the truth about Philip. She said her conversation with Kate and Philip convinced her not to say anything. Stephanie was shocked that Sarah was going to lie to Xander, but Sarah said she didn’t know what Xander would do. She said Xander wanted to start a war with the DiMeras, but Philip talked him out of it. Sarah said Philip and Xander getting along would keep the peace. She said Xander tried to kill Philip before, but it wouldn’t be good if he found out Philip did. While they were talking, Sarah asked Stephanie not to say anything. Stephanie said she was upset with Philip for using her, but doesn’t want to be the reason why Philip went to prison or Xander hurting him. She decided to keep the secret. Sarah was grateful that she was keeping the secret, but Stephanie wondered if she thought it through. Sarah said she was sure and had to worry about Xander finding out later. Leo went to Rafe’s house to look for him. Javi told him Rafe wasn’t home. They talked about the search for Lady Whistleblower. Javi told Leo that he hoped Lady Whistleblower pays for what she’s doing to him. Leo got a text from Abe who wasn’t happy about Faith’s exit. He wondered what Abe expected him to do about Chanel quitting out of the blue. Javi told him Kerry spent the night. Leo was uncomfortable but said he was happy for them. When Leo was about to leave, he noticed a shirt that said “I Love Rochester.” Gabi and Kerry were in the town square. They talked about Javi and Leo. Kerry said he was with Javi, but Leo was a problem. Gabi said she was afraid Javi was going to forgive Leo. Kerry said Leo was going to try and get back in Javi’s bed. She told him about Leo’s issues with Will and Sonny and said she would never forgive him. Gabi offered to help Kerry if he ever wanted to keep Leo from Javi. Sarah went to Titan to let Philip know she wasn’t going to tell Xander the truth. She said he had to make it work with Xander. Xander came in and heard Philip saying he owed Sarah. Philip said he was talking about her encouraging them to get along. EJ and Arnold were glad things worked out with Jada. When Arnold wanted his check, EJ said he might be able to use him as Rafe, but he had to keep his hands off Jada. He said he had a way for him to be able to do it. When Leo went back to his room, he realized Javi was Lady Whistleblower. When Abe called, Leo told him he knew who Lady Whistleblower was.

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