GH Short Recap Thursday, January 16, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Chase and Brook Lynn go have tests run to find out if there is a reason Brook Lynn can’t get pregnant.

Trina goes to see Kai at the hospital. Kai tells Trina that because he has to recover from his dislocated shoulder he will have to postpone entering the NFL draft until next year.

Ava tells Nina that if she wants to break Drew’s hold on Willow she must tell Willow that she and Drew were sleeping together at the same time Drew was telling her that he loved her.

Chase helps Willow realize that she must make her own decision about what is best for her family and stop listening to what other people are telling her to do,

Willow tells Carly to meet her at the hospital because she wants to talk about Michael.

Alexis tells Curtis that if Drew takes Scout away from everything she loves, she will fight Drew for custody of Scout and she will win.

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