B&B Short Recap Friday, August 23, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

After Taylor and Brooke have left, Ridge and Brooke chat briefly about Hope kissing Finn. Brooke assures him that she’ll make sure that Hope knows she crossed the line. They start to kiss when RJ comes in to tell them that Bill isn’t Luna’s father after all. Katie comes in, so they fill her in on Bill not being Luna’s daughter. They rehash what has happened lately with Bill, Poppy and Luna. They all seem convinced that Poppy is guilty, except for RJ, who’s not sure. However, they all feel bad about Luna. RJ talks about how he’s concerned about Luna and mentions that she said she and Bill need each other, and she’s staying with him at his place, even though they’re not father and daughter. The others look curious, like this seems strange to them.

Bill tells Luna again that she can’t kiss him like that. Steffy, in the entryway, looks shocked to hear that Bill isn’t her father. Luna tells him that no one’s ever been so kind to her like this before. Steffy keeps listening in and shakes her head angrily. She can tell that Luna is manipulating Bill. Luna adjusts her makeup in the mirror, so then she sees Steffy there. She is stunned and looks unsure of what to do. Bill again sympathizes with what she’s going through and offers to get her psychiatric help. He tells her again that he’s there for her as a father. She leaves, saying she has “work stuff.” Steffy hides so Luna won’t see her. She sneaks out after Luna leaves, but she leaves her phone behind.

Steffy follows Luna to her apartment. Luna yells at herself for being so careless. Steffy comes in just then and tells Luna that she knows what she’s up to. Luna plays innocent, as usual. Steffy tells her that she knows she kissed Bill. She warns Luna to think about what she did and how wrong it was. Luna makes two glasses of iced tea and offers one to Steffy. Luna pretends to be mortified that she saw her kiss Bill. Steffy continues to try to find out why Luna would do this. Luna just watches while Steffy drinks the tea. Then she talks about how she and Bill share the common experience of what happened with her mom being in jail, and how they need each other, so she supposes that’s why she kissed him. Steffy doesn’t buy it and is surprised when Luna mentions that her mom might have killed the two guys at Il Giardino. Steffy stresses that she doesn’t seem like the Luna she knows. She realizes that Luna has risen fast from interning at Forrester to living at the Spencer Estate. Steffy figures out what Luna has been up to. Luna doesn’t say anything, so Steffy realizes that she’s right. Then she gets dizzy and passes out. Luna looks down at her in a creepy way and then sighs deeply.

Li visits Bill at his request. Bill tells her that Luna isn’t his daughter and that they took two more paternity tests. Li is shocked, but he asks her if she manipulated the original test results. Li denies it vehemently. Eventually, he believes her. He wonders who rigged the test. She’s not sure if Poppy did that or not, but she doesn’t believe that she’s a murderer. She thinks Poppy was framed. He wonders who would set up Poppy.


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