Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Chad told Julie how he dropped Jennifer and Jack off at the airport. He let her know that Jennifer said the mystery woman wasn’t Abby. Chad thought it would take time for Jennifer to get used to the idea, so he thought it was better for her to go back to Boston. Julie thought Abby could get her memory back with fewer people around. She wondered how he was doing. Chad told her that he was trying to keep it together for Abby and the kids. He was worried that she would get her memory back and realize she didn’t love him anymore. Julie believed that Abby would love him once she got her memory back. Abby told someone that she would have fewer family members to deal with now that Jennifer and Jack were gone. She hung up the phone just as EJ walked in the room. He introduced himself to her. She said she met her other brother-in-law. EJ said Chad never got over her sleeping with Stefan. She was shocked by that info. EJ realized that no one told her about that. He told her that it was Stefan’s fault it happened. EJ talked to her about his feud with Stefan. Abby called him the “idiot” brother. He said she didn’t always speak that way about him. She wondered if she slept with him too. EJ admitted that they were together. She wondered if there were any other brothers that she slept with. He said she never slept with Tony, and Andre is dead. Abby wondered how he died. Chad walked in before EJ could answer her. Stefan walked into the office to talk to Gabi. She was about to call security, but she hung up the phone. Gabi decided to yell at him instead. He wanted to talk so they could move past his cheating with Ava. She didn’t think they could get past it. Gabi would never forgive him or forget what he did. Stefan pled his case to her. He begged her to come home to make things up to her. She agreed to go home with him, so she could pack her things.
Connie wanted to get rid of Melinda’s body. She all the things she needed to get rid of Melinda’s body. Connie was ready to get started when Melinda started stirring. She didn’t understand why the drug didn’t kill her when it worked to get rid of Everett/Bobby. Connie decided to slit her throat instead. She grabbed a hacksaw to slit her throat, but cardboard Li begged her not to kill Melinda. He wanted her to do the right thing and let her live. Connie wondered why he cared so much. She asked him if he loved her. Cardboard Li assured her that he’s in love with her. She worried that Connie knew too much. Connie wondered what she should do with her. Abby let Chad know that EJ told her about what happened with his brothers. Chad glared at EJ, so he apologized. He demanded to know what EJ told Abby. Abby interrupted and said she was the family slut. He lashed out at EJ. EJ told him that it was going to come out eventually. Chad walked away from him. Stefan had to chase Gabi into the DiMera mansion. EJ was happy to see them arguing. Gabi told EJ that Stefan slept with Ava. He was shocked to hear the news. Gabi told him that she was there to pack her things. EJ snarked at her moving out, and she suddenly changed her mind about moving. She told EJ that she was going to stay there. Abby hid her phone when she heard Chad coming. He wondered if she was okay. Hearing so many terrible things about her was a lot to deal with. Chad said there were wonderful memories as well. He said she didn’t have to stay in the room, but she wanted to be there. She hoped it would bring back memories. Melinda woke up confused. She woke up tied to a bed. Connie planned to take care of her. She said and Li planned to take care of her.
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