Y&R Best Lines Monday, January 22, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Come on, Dad. We know that this is a temporary gig. Victoria waltzes back in here. She wants her job back. It’s gonna be musical chairs all over again and someone might end up out on their ass.

Victor: Son, I understand Victoria’s decision, but that doesn’t mean that I will use you and your brother as placeholders.

Adam: Okay. That’s easy to say now, but when the time comes, I assume all bets are gonna be off,

Victor: Sit down. I’m gonna say it once. Your place at my company is secure. You got that?

Adam: Understood.

Victor: But don’t you give me a reason to change my mind.

Adam: No, those days are gone, okay? I’m with you. All in, %. Things are going well in every facet of my life. Personal and professional. I’m not about to screw that up.


Victor: Good, son. in such a good mood?

Adam: Um, it was just, um…

Victor: Look, boy. I know you’re still seeing Sally Spectra.

Adam: Is this where you’re gonna make a dire prediction that she’s gonna be the ruin of me or Nick, or both of us?

Victor: Let me just say that I don’t think she’s good enough for either of my sons. And I don’t like the fact that she has hurt Nicholas as deeply as she has. But there’s a reason for that. She’s always cared more about you than about your brother. The heart wants what the heart wants, you know? It’s an unstoppable force.

Adam: That’s about as close of a blessing I can expect from you where Sally is concerned, so I’ll take it. Thank you.

Victor: As long as you trust her, I’ll try to do the same


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