Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, January 23, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: How are things for you, by the way, with all the changes in the C-suite?

Kyle: Ah, news travels fast, huh?*

Summer: Well, I guess that means that you’re now back where you belong in the co-CEO spot.

Kyle: Not quite.

Summer: Then who?

Kyle: My mom.

Summer: Diane is now co-CEO of Jabot? I mean, how do you feel about that? About your mom taking your job?


Ashley: Well, you’ve certainly convinced yourself that I’m the one with the problem, haven’t you?

Tucker: Uh, you are the one rewriting history.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. I know what you’re doing. I know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish.

Tucker: You’re trying to provoke me into losing my temper so I’ll turn over a table thus validating your story. No dice.

Ashley: I am not the one who is playing games.

Tucker: Ashley, if this was a game, wouldn’t that suggest that I’m deriving some pleasure from it? I’m having fun? I assure you I’m not.

Ashley: You are gaslighting me.

Tucker: Have you asked yourself why I would make you question your sanity? What do I stand to gain from that?

Ashley: It’s retaliation, Tucker. You’re trying to make me suffer.

Tucker: Listen to yourself.

Ashley: It’s because I changed my mind about leaving Jabot. I ruined your dreams and all of your expectations and now you’re trying to punish me.

Tucker: That’s incredible. You never really knew me at all, did you?

Ashley: No, I know you quite well. You are selfish. You are smug. You are narcissistic. You’re a son of a bitch.

Tucker: Yeah. Yes. I know I’m all those things, aren’t I? But I can tell you right now, I have never ever been motivated by the need to inflict harm on others and absolutely never on someone I loved.


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