Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, October 11, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victor: Tucker McCall. I want you to find out why he suddenly returned to Genoa City.

Michael: [Chuckles] From what I hear, he made quite the grand re-entrance. He certainly wasn’t sneaking around or being private about his plans. What is it you want me to dig into?

Victor: He says he’s here to mend fences with Ashley, to reconnect with his son Devon, and meet his grandson. I don’t trust any of this. But I’m gonna make sure that he will not do any harm to Ashley or that boy.

Michael: That’s very chivalrous of you. I imagine Ashley could hold her own and since Tucker would have to go through Abby to get to Dominic, I’m guessing the little guy is pretty well protected, too. But what ulterior motives do you suspect the man of having?


Tucker: Right. So, I went back to the company and — and thrill seeking, which led to the accident. But it all forced me to — to realize what I’ve been missing, the love and the life that I had right in front of me and I just let slip away. And when you ended the marriage, you said to me, “the only way i would ever trust that you’re not gonna hurt me again is if you went through some kind of miraculous change, if you became some completely different man.” Do you remember that?

Ashley: Mm.

Tucker: And you didn’t believe it, right?

Ashley: I remember it very well. I remember it.

Tucker: Well, I’m here to tell you it’s possible ’cause I stand before you a completely different man.

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