Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, October 5, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: ‘Sup?

Sally: ‘Sup?

Nick: Yeah. Looked it up online. Apparently it’s short for “what’s up?”

Sally: Oh. That — that’s what that means?

Nick: Mm-hmm. I really just wanted to come by and congratulate you for the latest research reports.

Sally: Thanks.

Nick: Well done.

Sally: Well, that is just step one. I am going to build on the momentum.

Nick: Alright. Well, carry on, then.


Tucker: Okay, okay. Hey, victor. Long time. Oh, you’re looking good, man. You been hitting the heavy bag?

Victor: You know what they say. Strong body, strong mind.

Tucker: Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. It’s important if you want to stay on top of the competition. I see it didn’t take you long to seek out yours.

[Both laugh] Yeah.

Victor: I see your ego hasn’t taken a hit

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