Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, October 4, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Ah, come on in. Make yourself at home.

Diane: Just what the hell was that insanity? A helicopter on the Abbott lawn? What were you thinking?

Tucker: Well, I was in a hurry. I didn’t want to miss the festivities.

[Chuckles] And I do enjoy making an entrance.

Diane: This isn’t just about you.


Summer: You like puzzles. I have one for you. We keep seeing my mother and my grandmother with their heads together. What are they up to?

Kyle: Secretly plotting to make you happy, just like I am. Eyes here on the handsome guy you just pledged your troth to.

Summer: Okay, I got to be honest. I-I don’t know what a troth is, so I might want to keep it for myself.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Mm.

Summer: Okay. You convinced me. I’ll share it.

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