Y&R Best Lines Thursday, January 27, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Mariah: That is a great concept, Noah. Thank you for helping us brainstorm. And you probably saved us from some ā€œpin the bridal bouquets on the donkeyā€ games.

Sharon: Hey, thatā€™s a really fun game.

[ Laughter ]

Mariah: Well, if you have any other artistic ideas, weā€™d be appreciative, because we have got a whole wedding to plan, and Iā€™m only so creative


Lily: Hi. Iā€™m your Auntie Lily. Iā€™m sorry I woke you up. I didnā€™t know you were all snuggly in your little bed.

Devon: He was.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] I just came to talk to yourā€¦ what do I call you, dad? Pops?

Devon: You can take it easy on that. No, itā€™sā€¦ I do wish that Dominic wouldā€™ve been able to meet his grandpa Neil, now that he legally has the Winters name.

Lily: Yeah. Well, Iā€™m sure mom and dad are looking down at us, smiling.

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