Y&R Best Lines Thursday, January 20, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Mariah: Ooh! Nothing like coming downstairs in the morning, having a cup of coffee waiting for you.

Noah: Well, I hope you had up at your place because this one is for dad.

Mariah: Rude.

Noah: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: So, you’re already buttering up the boss. Please tell me you accepted Nick’s job offer.

Noah: I did.

Mariah: Yay! So you’re less of a flight risk now.

Noah: I’m not sure I like those criminal connotations, Miss.

Mariah: You know what i meant. I know that you said that you were planning on staying and you’ve been here for a while now, but I got the sense that you didn’t want to be tied down, but now you’ve made a commitment.

Noah: Well, it’s a commitment to see how things go. So, how about you? You seemed kind of stressed out last night. Is everything okay with you and Tessa?

Mariah: Yeah, everything’s amazing. It’s better than it’s ever been. Um, I just have a couple of friends going through a tough time. And I see both sides of the situation. But there’s nothing I can do. So I just have to sit back, hold my breath, and hope everything works out for the best


Amanda: But she is holding her own. She has so many contacts from working with the family.

Elena: Ah. So that means a lot of people in politics, right?

Amanda: Yes, and she has not been shy about reaching out and, um, getting in touch.

Elena: Really? Shocking. She’s always been so timid and self-effacing.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] She did give me an earful about her last encounter with you and Nate.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Surprisingly enough, she didn’t seem as happy as everyone else about us living together.

Amanda: So, how is Nate?

Elena: Who’s asking — you or your sister?

Amanda: Both, maybe.

Elena: [ Laughs ] He’s fine. I mean, honestly, he’s wonderful. He’s a great housemate. And you can feel free to tell your sister that we went with the beige bathroom rug. She’ll know what I’m talking about.

Amanda: Okay. Well, cheers to you both.

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