Y&R Best Lines Friday, September 24, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Abby: I couldn’t stand the thought that our first real conversation would be after the “I dos.”

Ashland: [ Chuckles ] Well, to say that you have been busy is an understatement. Not only are you the owner of my favorite restaurant in town, but I have also heard that there’s a new member of the family.

Abby: Yeah, Dominic.

Ashland: That’s a strong name.

Abby: Dominic Phillip Newman Abbott Chancellor.

Ashland: Oh, my. That moniker is longer than he is.

Abby: Oh, he’ll grow into it eventually.


Abby: I can’t believe that Victoria ever spoke to you again after that first negotiation. I mean, you chose Victor and Adam over her.

Ashland: Well, as I told you, I think she was a little more than exasperated. I think she still might be.

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