Y&R Best Lines Thursday, September 23, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: I’m just glad that, you know, we’re okay.

Phyllis: Yeah. We are okay. We’re better than okay.

Nick: Put the whole Jack thing aside.

Phyllis: Yeah, I think we proved that last night. Um, by the way, you really outdid yourself, and that’s saying a lot.

Nick: You’re welcome.


Billy: What about advertising? Newspapers, magazines, maybe tv stations by chance?

Gaines: As a matter of fact, he did. Couple of news stations.

Billy: Oh, wow. There you go. Very cool.

Gaines: You know, it is amazing that you would remember my father’s name after so many years. You must have been very young. He stopped working a long time ago.

Billy: Well, it’s a steel trap. Information gets in, doesn’t get out. It’s kind of a cruse. So what brings you into town

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