Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 26, 2024

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Nikki decides that she wants to be CEO of Chancellor Industries and how much it means to her to honor Katherine’s legacy.

Victoria was thinking about warning Billy about Victor’s takeover attempt of Abbott-Chancellor but she decides not to warn him since the possible takeover means so much to her mother.

Kyle and Claire tell Harrison he can’t go to Paris with him. Phyllis advises Summer to spend time with Harrison while Kyle is away on a business trip. Summer should take a lot of pictures to show the judge when she and Kyle go to court.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Blaze and Kristina go on the Perez Hilton show and talk about the scandal involving Natalia’s recording that was made without her consent. Blaze and Kristina tell Perez that Natalia is the victim because she was recorded without her consent. Blaze is hopeful that she can repair her relationship with her mother.

Nina helps Willow with another public service announcement to promote bone marrow donation.

Ava asks Nina and Willow to testify on her behalf at the custody hearing but they both say no because they don’t want to get involved in the situation.

Anna asks John to let Jason go because Jason fulfilled his part of their agreement. John refuses to do it so Anna tells him she won’t rest until she ruins his career. Anna won’t allow John to twist the law in order to get revenge on Sonny.

Jason manages to persuade Carly that he needs to go do his next assignment for the FBI because she can’t turn herself in because her daughter Donna needs her. Carly goes to the Metro Court and tells the desk clerk that John Cates is checking out so he should send two bellhops upstairs to his room to pack his things and bring his suitcases downstairs.

Jason calls Danny to tell him he has to go away to his next assignment. Jason tells Danny he is a good son whom he is proud of and loves very much. Jason gets on the bus to Quantico headed for his next assignment.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Traci tells Alan that she has to go to Los Angeles because they want to turn one of her books into a movie and she has to meet with the producers. Alan tells Traci he cancelled speaking engagements so he could spend more time with her. Traci asks Alan to go to Los Angeles with her and he gladly accepts the invitation.

Abby talks to Ashley via video call and tells her that she and Devon are engaged. Abby tells Ashley that she had doubts because of her long history of failed relationships. Ashley advises Abby to follow her heart and Abby thanks Ashley for the perfect advice just when she needed to hear it. Devon asks Victor for his permission to marry Abby. Victor approves. Later, Victor, Devon, and Abby have a champagne toast to celebrate the engagement.

Summer finds another judge that grants an order prohibiting Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris until the custody issues are resolved. Kyle and Summer argue once again about the trip to Paris and then Kyle leaves to talk to his lawyer. Kyle’s lawyer tells him he can’t do anything to reverse the judge’s order.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Carly tells Sonny that John is after him and he won’t stop until he is in prison. Sonny tells Carly that John has no evidence to put him in prison. Sonny is more concerned about his custody battle with Ava. Sonny asks Carly to smooth things over with Michael and persuade him to talk to him again so he can apologize for their earlier argument. Carly tells Sonny to smooth things over with Micheal on his own because she won’t clean up his mess for him.

Michael talks to Kristina about her testifying for Sonny at Avery’s custody hearing. Kristina doesn’t think she would be a good witness for Sonny because she saw him beat up Dex at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding.

Jason tells Anna about his new assignment and he asks Anna to use her contacts at the FBI to get him out of the assignment.

John tries once again to persuade Ava to give him evidence against Sonny, but she is scared that Sonny will kill her. John tells Ava he will find another way to get Sonny. Ava is touched by John’s gesture to protect her that she gives him a kiss.

John gets called to his boss’s office because Anna called John’s boss and told him he needs to stop John because he is out of control. John later went to Anna’s office because he is upset that she called his boss. Anna tells John to stick to his agreement with Jason or she will bury him.

Jason tells Carly about his new assignment and she decides to turn herself in to the FBI.

Sonny and Tracy share memories of Luke on his birthday.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Lily tells Devon that she has decided to stay with Billy at Abbott-Chancellor because she doesn’t think that she and Devon can work together at Winters because he likes to work alone. Devon is hurt by Lily’s decision, but he is glad that Lily finally told him the truth.

Devon and Abby go to the park. Devon asks Abby to marry him and she accepts his proposal.

Lily tells Billy about the plan she and Devon had for her to go work with him at Winters and leave Billy high and dry. Billy knew that something was going on and he appreciated that Lily told him the truth.

Mariah and Tessa celebrate the anniversary of their first date by having a picnic in the park.

Nikki isn’t sure she wants to be the CEO of Chancellor Industries when and if Victor acquires the company. Nick isn’t sure that the takeover will be easy, but Victor is confident he will acquire Chancellor Industries and that Nikki will be the CEO.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nick goes to Sharon’s house to check on her and she insists that she is fine…she is just trying to get adjusted to her new medication. Sharon admits to Nick that she has been missing Cassie. Nick tells Sharon he has been missing Cassie too since the 20th anniversary of her death is coming up soon. Sharon later has a fantasy that she and Nick kiss.

Nikki, Victoria, and Nick demand that Victor tell them what he intends to do once Nikki returns from her leave of absence. Victor waits for Adam to arrive before he tells everyone that he is about to acquire Chancellor Industries and he wants Nikki to run the company.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

James sneaks out of his house and goes to the Quartermaine stables to talk to Cody. James tells Cody that his Grandpa Mac told him he can’t take riding lessons with him anymore. Cody calls Maxie and Spinelli to come get James. Maxie explains to James that she is the person who decides where he takes riding lessons not Grandpa Mac. Maxie and Spinelli tell James that Grandpa Mac is going through something private and they need to give him time to work things out. Maxie tells James he may have to go someplace else for riding lessons for a little while, but she will work it out for him. Cody tells Sasha he is heartbroken that James is hurting because of his situation with Mac.

Jason tells Carly that John is determined to put Sonny in prison and he has to find a way to get through to Sonny so they can work together to keep him out of prison.

Josslyn gives Trina the turtledove figurine Spencer gave her. Trina grieves Spencer once again.

Gio and Tracy talk in the Quartermaine’s kitchen. Gio tells Tracy his favorite places in New York.

Dante and Laura go to visit Lulu and they have a long talk and Laura advises to let Rocco decide when he wants to visit his mother.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nina makes Mr. DeWitt apologize to Blaze and Kristina for publishing the article in The Invader that outed Blaze. Nina agrees to give Blaze and Kristina Media training so they will be ready for the interview Brook Lynn has set up for them to do.

Cody tells Tracy that Mac is his father, but Mac is upset with him because he didn’t tell him that he was his son. Tracy also tells Cody not to leave town and give Mac time to get used to the news.

Natalia agrees to let Brook Lynn and Blaze handle the artistic side of Blaze’s career and she will handle the business side of her career.

Chase tells Dex to do the best job he can at the academy and he will earn the respect of his fellow policeman.

Jason intended to spend time with his boys and keep working at Corinthos Coffee. Jason is also going to tell Sonny the truth about Why he became an FBI informant. Jason hopes that Sonny will let him back in the organization so he can keep him out of trouble.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Victoria helps Claire realize that she does have feelings for Kyle, but Claire decides to respect the fact that Kyle is her boss and not act on her feelings for him. Claire calls Kyle and tells him she would love to go to Paris with him and Harrison.

Summer feels like she doesn’t have any rights as Harrison’s mother when her lawyer sends her a text message telling her that she can’t stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris.

Chelsea almost tells Billy that she and Adam slept together but she thinks better of it because Billy has been a blessing in her life.

Nick and Phyllis worry about Sharon because she is talking to them and she suddenly gets angry with Phyllis when she tells her that she had a talk with Faith.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Lois tells Carly the love story of Gio’s parents. Lois explains to Carly that Gio’s mother Camila was a talented violinist who came to the United States from Italy to play for the New York Philharmonic and six months later she met and fell in love with Francis. Camilla and Francis were married before he left for the army. Francis was killed in battle before Gio was born. Camilla gave birth to Gio and returned to the philharmonic, but Camila died when Gio was 10 years old, so Lois asked Sonny to help with Gio. Sonny paid for Gio’s education until recently when Gio got a scholarship to PCU. Carly wonders why Sonny never mentioned Gio to her at all.

Sonny and Nina apologize for hurting each other in the past and wish each other the best.

Nina tells Maxie that, after her talk with Sonny, she realizes that she and Sonny were never right for each other and now she thinks it’s time she moved on with her life.

Natalia persuades Sonny to start a private record label so Blaze can release new music. Natalia wants to be in charge of the record label, but Sonny tells Brook Lynn to be in charge of the record label.

Anna tells Valentin that she can’t go on the run with him and Charlotte because she won’t leave her family. Valentin tells Anna that, after they broke up, he didn’t have a reason to try to be a good person, so when she arrested Brennan, he became the head of Pikeman. Anna and Valentin kiss goodbye and she leaves Valentin’s house.

John tries to persuade Jason to give him information on Sonny, but Jason reminds him that was not part of their deal. Jason gives John Valentin’s satellite evidence on Pikeman phone and John goes to Valentine’s house to arrest him, but he and Charlotte are already gone. Jason goes to the Metro Court to tell Carly he gave John evidence on Pikeman and this long ordeal has ended.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

John Cates asks Ava to testify against Sonny in the case he is building against Sonny. Ava tells John she will think about it and contact him when she has made a decision.

Willow once again asks Sonny to forgive Michael and repair their father-son relationship. Sonny tells Willow he will think about it because he admires her for being tenacious and kind.

Sonny asks Nina to testify on his behalf if Ava should subpoena her for Avery’s custody hearing. Nina doesn’t think Ava would call her as a witness because they are no longer friends but, if Ava did call her as a witness, she would tell the court that Avery was a wonderful father and that Avery adores him. Sonny wonders if Nina would be willing to bury the hatchet with him just like she has buried the hatchet with Drew.

Gio turns down an opportunity to play violin for a Broadway soundtrack in New York because he likes PCU and doesn’t want to go back on his commitment to play violin for the college ‘s summer concert series.

Drew promises Nina that the kiss between him and Willow will never happen again.

Anna makes Jason promise not to give the FBI Valentin’s satellite phone with the proof that he is head of Pikeman until she has time to warn him because she doesn’t want Charlotte to lose her father. Jason gives Anna the two hours she asked him for to warn Valentin.

John gets a call from his boss who tells him they have gotten word that Pikeman is sending a big shipment and they must know the head of Pikeman tonight.

Anna tells Valentin that he must leave town with Charlotte tonight because she told the FBI he is the head of Pikeman. Valentin asks Anna to go on the run with him.

John pounds on the door of Jason’s room and tells him he must tell him everything he knows about the head of Pikeman right now or he loses his deal and Carly will go to prison.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Sally argue because she agrees with Chelsea that Paul won’t be able to protect Jack from Victor’s plan to ruin Jabot.

Heather calls Paul to tell him she wants to go to Portugal and see him. Paul tells her to come in the fall when there is better weather.

Audra reveals to Sally that Victor is Glissade’s secret investor. Sally tells Audra that Victor wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media so Adam can help him ruin Jabot.

Kyle and Summer argue about him going on a business trip to Paris. Kyle pushes Summer’s buttons by telling her he might take Claire and Harrison with him to Paris. Kyle later arrives home and asks her if her passport is up to date because he wants her and Harrison to go to Paris with him.

Phyllis and Summer start thinking of a way to get rid of Audra because they don’t want her in Harrison’s life.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Sally argue because she agrees with Chelsea that Paul won’t be able to protect Jack from Victor’s plan to ruin Jabot. Heather calls Paul to tell him she wants to go to Portugal and see him. Paul tells her to come in the fall when there is better weather.

Audra reveals to Sally that Victor is Glissade’s secret investor. Sally tells Audra that Victor wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media so Adam can help him ruin Jabot.

Kyle and Summer argue about him going on a business trip to Paris. Kyle pushes Summer’s buttons by telling her he might take Claire and Harrison with him to Paris. Kyle later arrives home and asks her if her passport is up to date because he wants her and Harrison to go to Paris with him.

Phyllis and Summer start thinking of a way to get rid of Audra because they don’t want her in Harrison’s life.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea tells Adam to think carefully before he decides to go back to Newman Media because she needs his support with Connor. Adam tells Victor he will not use Newman Media to hurt Jack. Victor agrees to Adam’s terms, so he returns to Newman Media.

Adam, Nick, and Victoria are upset that Victor won’t tell them what will happen when Nikki has finished her outpatient treatment. Victor tells them not to worry about that until Nikki is done with her treatment.

Audra tells Kyle that they will run Glissade together, but they are not friends. Kyle decides to go to Paris with Audra for the Glissade meetings. Audra thinks that Kyle doesn’t trust her.

Chelsea talks to Sharon about Connor’s condition and Chelsea notices that Sharon is distracted but when she returns to the conversation Sharon tells her she is fine.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 17, 2024

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Esther: Hi there, what can I get you?

Claire: Um, I’m actually not sure. What would you recommend?

Esther: Well, the double mocha latte is very popular and so is the butter pecan swirl. Oh, and the caramel macchiato. And you give it some zhuzh, extra whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles, and you’re good to go.

Claire: Rainbow sprinkles?

Esther: Yeah, you only live once, right?

Kyle: Hey, Esther. I’ll have what she’s having.


Esther: Two drip coffees, no whipped cream, no foam, no chocolate sprinkles and no… fun.

[ Kyle and Claire chuckle ]

Claire: I promise you, I will order something extra decadent next time.

Esther: Okay. I’ll hold you to that.

Claire: Thank you. So much for living large. You could have ordered something a little bit more interesting, though.

Kyle: This is exactly what I needed. You care to join me?

Claire: I don’t know.

Kyle: Well, if you’re worried about summer showing up, we could sit at two different tables and just sort of yell a conversation back and forth. Sound good?

Claire: It sounds loud.

Kyle: Yeah, one table it is then, if you have time.

Claire: I do. But do you? I mean, shouldn’t you be at the office?


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Audra: So, uh, what did you think about the article?

Nate: You’re officially an A-list mover and shaker, Audra. I’m impressed.

Audra: As you should be.

Nate: I also read the press release. You know, for a woman who’s so focused on every detail, it’s funny. You failed to mention that you’d be partnering up with another ex-lover. Fascinating.


Heather: Wh– why? Why would I want to leave the man of my dreams and our wonderful daughter and our beautiful, if slightly underfunded at the moment, life? Come on. We’ve worked too hard to get here. There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be than sitting next to you in a park, drinking coffee on a work day.

Daniel: Well, it is pretty perfect. Minus the no jobs part.

Heather: Yeah. Minus that. But otherwise…

Daniel: You know, we could take these coffees and go back to the apartment. There are certain perks to being unemployed


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Diane: Do you really think Victor’s behind this?

Jack: It would explain his sudden interest in Kyle’s future.

Diane: But this seems extreme, even for Victor.

Jack: No, this is classic Victor. The powerful puppet master pulling all the strings.

Diane: True, but Newman hasn’t been in the cosmetics business for years. I mean, would he really go out and buy a company, just to give Kyle a job and stick it to you?

Jack: Now, keep in mind, he’s sticking it to Tucker as well by bringing Audra on board. No, this is classic Victor. He’s taking care of both of his enemies with one grand gesture.

Diane: And he’s using our son as a weapon.

Jack: Because he knows it would drive me crazy. God, we’ve been here before, luring Kyle away from his family. I should have seen this coming.

Diane: And you know what set happened


Jack: Victor?

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you. My family is off limits!


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, July 8, 2024

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Phyllis: At what point is another espresso a bad idea?

Nick: At the point when you get so wound up about Summer, I can start to see you twitch.

Phyllis: Oh, I’m not– I’m not wound up. I’m not stressed. I’m not. I’m just, I’m thinking methodically. Thinking methodically about all the things we put on the table as to what could really be going on with our daughter.

Nick: Have you got a winner yet?

Phyllis: I do. The last thing we came up with. I think that she is really going for custody for Harrison, or– or thinking about it, rather, because it’s a knee-jerk reaction. Because she’s angry, and maybe a little jealous.

Nick: Okay. Putting yourself in her shoes. Total stretch.

Phyllis: Yeah, but I’m not 100 percent sure. Because also, Nick, she knows Kyle. She knows when he’s distracted. And she knows when he’s reckless. And she knows if he’s going to be a bad influence on their son.


Claire: Grandpa, are you following me around tonight?

Victor: No.

Claire: Because I told you I was fine.

Victor: I came here for a croissant. Now, look at these eclairs. You know, those were your mother’s favorite when she was a child.

Claire: They’re my favorite, too.

Victor: Really?

Claire: Yeah.

Victor: Okay. Well, why don’t we sit over there? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.

Victor: Mmm. Mm-hmm. Good.

Claire: Do you want to hear something kind of funny?

Victor: What?

Claire: When I was a kid, I thought eclairs were named after me.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Perfect.

Claire: Note to self, don’t eat an eclair on a date.


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GH Short Recap Friday, July 12, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sasha tells Cody that she saw Willow and Drew kissing on the 4th of July. Cody promises to keep her secret. Cody tells her it’d best she forget about what happened because when you work in someone’s house you are always going to see things that happen in the house.

Laura tells Kevin she has decided to honor Heather’s wishes and not try to get her case reopened. Laura later tells Trina she is going to honor Heather’s wishes and Trina tells her that she thinks Heather isn’t responsible for what she did because she was mentally ill.

Curtis tells Portia he went to visit Heather and she told him she is going to tell Laura not to reopen her case.

Elizabeth tells Jason that Jake has been accepted to art school in Barcelona, Spain and Jason offers to pay for Jake’s tuition. Elizabeth tells Jason that is fine with her if Jake accepts his offer.

Anna tells Jason she is going to dinner with Valentin tonight and she intends to take the satellite phone he uses to give orders to the Pikeman employees.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Portia talks to Jordan because she wants to start a petition to recall Laura as mayor. Laura visits Heather in Pentonville and Heather tells Laura to stop trying to reopen her case because she wants to serve her time for her crimes.

Blaze and Kristina decide to do an interview to tell her fans her side of the story.

Brook Lynn decides to work from home so she be home to take care of Violet.

Chase decides to work at the police station three days a week so he can be there for Violet.

Felicia talks to Cody and tells him to give Mac time to forgive him and he will have the family that he has always wanted his whole life.

Maxie talks to Mac and tries to persuade him to forgive Cody because Cody has changed since he first came to town. Mac thinks Cody can’t be trusted and he has a hidden agenda. Cody arrives at Maxie’s house to return Felicia’s phone which she left at the stables on purpose so Cody would have to return it to her so he and Mac would talk to each other.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Sasha makes Cody promise not to leave town without first talking to her if he decides to leave town.

Sasha tells Felicia and Maxie that she knew that Cody was Mac’s son and she switched Cody’s hair sample with hers when Felicia ran her own test, that is why the test Felicia ran come out negative.

Ava talks to Sonny’s pharmacist and tells him to switch Sonny’s bipolar medicine for placebos or she will tell Sonny that he has been giving him a quarter of the bipolar medicine his doctor prescribed.

Willow tossed and turned all night and Michael is worried something is off with her. Michael asks Drew if he has noticed anything off with Willow. Drew tells Michael that Willow is fine and he shouldn’t worry about her. Drew tells Willow that the kiss between them shouldn’t rain their friendship or make things awkward between them because they will be so busy they will soon forget about the kiss.

Jason can’t shake the feeling that there is something strange going on with Sonny’s medication although Carly tells him that she checked and Sonny is taking his medicine. Carly tells Sonny she will testify for him at Avery’s custody hearing.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Cody tells Mac he is his son and he tries to explain why he lied to him but Mac doesn’t listen because he is angry that Cody lied to him and his family.

Cody tells Maxie the truth and he explains that he lied at first because he wanted Leopold Taub’s money but, when he changed his mind about the money, he lied because he didn’t feel worthy to be a part of Mac’s family. Maxie makes Cody promise not to leave town until he gives Mac time to process how he feels about being a father.

Drew tells Willow that if they had met, before she met Michael, their relationship may have led to romance, but she loves Michael so nothing can happen between them. Drew and Willow agree that the kiss that just happened between them will never happen again and the kiss only happened because they were excited about the holiday and they had two drinks.

Curtis persuades Nina and Michael to put their past differences aside and work together to make Aurora Media a better company. Nina thanks Drew for building a bridge between her and Willow. Nina is happy because Willow told her she is glad that she and Michael put aside their differences.

Portia is angry with Laura because Laura is having Heather’s case reopened and she tells Laura she will do everything possible to make sure Heather stays in jail.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 12, 2024

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Nate helps Audra relieve some stress by going to the park and getting her some tea to calm her nerves. Audra decides to have sex with Nate to get out of her head and have some fun.

Summer talks to Chelsea and Sally about starting a new line targeted at a younger demographic. The new fashion line would be called Marquetti and Summer wants Sally to be the lead designer for the new fashion line. Chelsea thinks it is a great idea, so Summer hires Sally to be the lead designer for the new fashion line. Sally tells Chelsea she always knew that her job as creative director would be temporary and she never would have taken her job from her if Summer was thinking about offering it to her. Sally thanks Chelsea for giving her this opportunity.

Chelsea feels so guilty about having comfort sex with Adam that she shed a few tears and Sally asks her to tell her what is wrong but she makes a quick getaway saying she has to go. Adam is conflicted about helping Victor ruin Jabot because he respects Jack, so he tells Victor he will sleep on it and give him a decision in the morning.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Katie continues to be upset about Claire being her sister. Katie starts sulking when she sees Claire in the park with Harrison and she decides not to go get ice cream with Victoria and Johnny. Harrison later gives Katie flowers to cheer her up because he wants to cheer her up and Katie changes her mind about getting ice cream with her family.

Adam and Chelsea continue to behave nervously around Billy and Sally because they feel guilty about having comfort sex in Baltimore. Adam and Chelsea don’t want to hurt Billy and Sally, so they agree never to tell them the truth about what happened in Baltimore.

Chelsea gets a call from Connor’s doctor who tells her Connor has had a breakthrough and he is out of in-patient treatment and back in outpatient treatment. Connor texts Adam and Chelsea and tells them he wants to video chat with them. Connor tells Adam and Chelsea that, while he was in in-patient treatment, he realized it was up to him to fight his OCD and he could do it because he has people who love him and he deserves to be happy.

Lily finally makes up her mind about what to do and tells Billy she will work with him at Abbott-Chancellor.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Kyle and Summer argue because Summer thinks Kyle is making a mistake moving Kyle out of the Abbott house where he is happy. Summer thinks Kyle can manage living in the same house with his parents for the sake of Harrison’s happiness.

Summer once again brings up changing the custody agreement, but Kyle once again reminds Summer she isn’t Harrison’s biological mother and she will lose a custody battle. Kyle tells Summer that Daniel advised him to put himself in her shoes.

Summer later tells Daniel to stay out of her arguments with Kyle and stop giving her and Kyle advice. Lucy goes by Sharon’s house looking for Faith and notices Sharon looking at pictures of Cassie. Sharon tells Lucy, Cassie was Mariah ‘s twin and she died in a car crash. Sharon later tells Daniel that she told Lucy about Cassie’s car accident, but she didn’t tell her about the role he played in her death.

Lucy later tells Heather she stopped by Sharon ‘s house and she told her about Cassie’s accident. Heather tells Lucy that Daniel has never gotten over what happened to Cassie.

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