Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Kyle and Summer argue because Summer thinks Kyle is making a mistake moving Kyle out of the Abbott house where he is happy. Summer thinks Kyle can manage living in the same house with his parents for the sake of Harrison’s happiness.

Summer once again brings up changing the custody agreement, but Kyle once again reminds Summer she isn’t Harrison’s biological mother and she will lose a custody battle. Kyle tells Summer that Daniel advised him to put himself in her shoes.

Summer later tells Daniel to stay out of her arguments with Kyle and stop giving her and Kyle advice. Lucy goes by Sharon’s house looking for Faith and notices Sharon looking at pictures of Cassie. Sharon tells Lucy, Cassie was Mariah ‘s twin and she died in a car crash. Sharon later tells Daniel that she told Lucy about Cassie’s car accident, but she didn’t tell her about the role he played in her death.

Lucy later tells Heather she stopped by Sharon ‘s house and she told her about Cassie’s accident. Heather tells Lucy that Daniel has never gotten over what happened to Cassie.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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A guilt-ridden Adam and Chelsea share with Billy and Sally about Connor’s condition. Adam and Chelsea are both distracted because they can’t forget they cheated on Billy and Sally.

Jack tells Diane that he thinks Victor is the mystery investor for Glissade and he is using Kyle against him. Kyle goes to the Jabot offices to gloat about his new job to Diane. Diane tells Kyle that she and Jack love him even if he is making the wrong decisions right now.

Victoria asks Claire if she wants to change her last name to Newman.

Jack goes to Victor’s office to tell him that he will pay for using Kyle against him. Victor tells Jack he has been a bad father to Kyle and he is paying for it now.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Josslynn and Trina finally finish moving in to their apartment with the help of Dex and Gio.

Trina finds the art book that Spencer gave her and starts missing him. Gio tells Trina his mother died when he was eleven years-old and he misses her very much.

Drew tells Curtis he plans to announce he is running for Congress at the Quartermaine 4th of July picnic. Drew is
happy that his name is officially Quartermaine.

Blaze gets dropped from her record label because of the bad publicity and she is heartbroken. Brook Lynn is determined to make sure Blaze doesn’t give up on her dream of being a famous singer. Maxie tells Blaze that they will resume the advertising campaign with her in the fall once the bad publicity goes away but Blaze thanks its best to quit Deception.

Dante tries to persuade Sonny not to retaliate against Ava for Avery’s sake but he says Ava went after Kristina
and she has to pay.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

The Deception team decides to support Blaze by running an ad in Crimson magazine which says ” no one cancels love ” with the Deception logo at the bottom.

Lucy tells Scott that if he doesn’t drop Ava’s custody case, he won’t get any romance with her. Scott goes to Ava’s place and tells her he is dropping her case because she can’t win against Sonny unless Sonny has a very public life so miserable breakdown.

Sasha tells Blaze to not talk to the press or look at the internet and the scandal will go away. Sonny tells Alexis that he is going to make Ava’s life so miserable she will wish she was dead. Sonny tells Alexis Diane will make sure Avery will never lay eyes on Avery again. Carly tells Josslynn the details of then evidence the FBI has against her and that Jason became an FBI informant to keep her from going to prison. Josslynn agrees with Jason that Carly should not turn herself in to the FBI. Nina almost fires Adrain DeWitt from his position as editor of The Invader but Maxie persuades her not to do it because Mr. DeWitt will have to print what she wants in the paper and if he disobey her orders she will ruin his reputation by exposing the role he played in this scandal.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea agree that having sex was a mistake because they drank too much bourbon. Adam calls Sally and tells her if they don’t hear news about Connor tomorrow, he is going to go home because he needs to be with her. Chelsea calls Billy and tells him that she will head home tomorrow if there is no news about Connor. Chelsea tells Billy she misses him and needs to be with him.

Kyle assures Victor that he didn’t tell Jack or Diane about his job at Glissade. Kyle tells Victor that Diane thinks he is going to work for Newman Enterprises.

Summer tells Nick and Phyllis that Kyle is going to work at Glissade with Audra because she took over the company with the help of a secret investor.

Summer tells Nick and Phyllis she wants to go to court and get sole custody of Harrison because she feels that Kyle is making reckless decisions. Nick tells Summer she might not get custody of Harrison because she isn’t his biological mother. Nick tells Summer she would have to prove Kyle is a bad father or that Harrison wasn’t safe at home. Diane asks Summer talk to Kyle and keep him from moving out of the house. Summer didn’t know that Kyle was going to move out of the house. Summer tells Diane she never should have let things get this far with Kyle and she needs to fix the situation.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Jack tells Victor that he should only come after him and stop using Kyle. Jack tells Victor to stay away from his family or there will be hell to pay.

Kyle tells Jack and Diane that if he gets his old job back, he will not move out of the house with Harrison. Jack refuses to give in to Kyle’s demands so Kyle tells them he is moving out of the house. Diane tells Jack she will try one more time to fix the relationship between her and Kyle because they are mother and son and they have come too far to lose their relationship.

Adam and Chelsea share memories of Connor while they drink bourbon but then Chelsea gets sad and cries because she doesn’t know if Connor will be home for Thanksgiving. Adam holds Chelsea and then they kiss. The kissing turns to comfort sex which they both regret once they realize what they have done.

Billy and Sally talk about what Connor is going through and how heartbreaking it is on Adam and Chelsea. Sally thinks that she and Billy should go surprise Adam and Chelsea in Maryland, but Billy doesn’t think they should do that because Chelsea told him that she and Adam needed to concentrate on Connor. Billy and Sally decide not to go to Maryland and just say goodnight after having coffee together.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Diane to start researching how to get sole custody of Avery because he doesn’t want Ava to raise her. Diane tells Sonny that Avery isn’t a baby anymore and she might hate him for taking her away from her mother. Sonny tells Diane that he would rather have Avery hate him than have her grow up and be like her mother.

The team at Deception finally pays attention to the alerts on their phones and reads the article on the Invader website and hears the recording of Natalia talking about Blaze and Kristina. Blaze is hurt by what her mother said on the recording and walks out of the room. Maxie tells Natalia that Deception’s relationship with Blaze will change but it isn’t because she is way. Natalia struggles to remember with whom she had the conversation that was recorded.

Kristina worries about Blaze and how hurt she must be by the recording. Blaze tells Kristina that this is all her fault because she didn’t tell her fans the truth about being gay. Blaze tells Kristina they should break up and Kristina thinks that this shouldn’t end their relationship. The Deception team tries to figure out the best way to handle this public relations crisis.

Alexis tells DeWitt she will sue him and the Invader unless he tells her the name of the person who gave him that recording. Sonny tells Diane that the person who gave that recording to the Invader hurt Kristina and when he finds out the identity of that person they have a target on their back. Alexis arrives at Ava’s hotel room to talk to her. Natalia tells Sonny that she finally remembered who she was talking to when she was recorded. Natalia tells Sonny the person who recorded her was Ava Jerome.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Audra and Nate have dinner and celebrate her new job at Glissade. Nate and Audra kiss after their date.

Chance tells Summer that Chancellor-Winters is going to split up and Billy wants him to be COO of the newly formed Abbott -Chancellor. Chance isn’t sure he wants to take the job because he is afraid that Billy has a hidden agenda.

Billy figures out that Lily has been conning him and she intends to kick him to the curb once the two companies split and return to work with Devon at Hamilton Winters. Lily tells Billy that she needs time to think and he should stop pressuring her.

Diane tells Jack about her conversation with Michael. She and Michael think that Victor wants to use Kyle to restart their old feud because he is angry about what happened with Nikki the night he persuaded her to go to rehab.

Kyle is so angry with Diane for firing him that he tells his parents that he and Harrison are moving out of the house and he will find his own place. Jack and Diane ask Kyle not to leave his family home over business differences between them. Kyle thinks things will get more tense between them soon so it is best he find his own place.

Jack sends Victor a text message asking if they can talk.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Michael invites Diane for a Chai latte and a talk and, while they are talking, Diane figures out Michael is trying to get information from her for Victor. Michael decides to tell Diane that Victor asked him to befriend her as a loyalty test for Victor. Michael also tells Diane Victor asked Cole to befriend Kyle and Michael. He suspects that Kyle’s new job may be connected to Newman Enterprises. Michael tells Diane that he thinks Victor is going after Jack, but he doesn’t know what Victor’s plan is yet. Michael thinks he will need to step in to save Victor from himself and he doesn’t want Diane to get caught in the crossfire of the latest war between Jack and Victor. Victor sees Michael and Diane talking and tells her that he knows Kyle has another job.

Kyle has a date with Claire and he tells her coffee Summer wants to revisit their custody arrangement because he doesn’t approve of his business relationship with Audra.

Kyle tells Audra he thinks Victor wants to use Glissade against Jack but, despite his doubts, he intends to make Glissade a success.

Jack tells Nikki Diane fired Kyle because he kept undermining her authority. Jack also tells Nikki he and Diane think Kyle has a new job. Diane tells Jack that Victor talked to her and he already knew Kyle left Jabot. Kyle comes home and Jack asks him what is going on between him and Victor.

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GH Short Recap Friday, June 28, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Laura agrees to be a character witness for Ava if she has to go to court to fight for custody of Avery.

Carly tells Jason she has heard the recording of the evidence that the FBI has on her. Carly has a long talk and Jason persuades Carly not to turn herself in to the FBI.

Sonny runs into Natalia and they have a drink together.

Kristina tells Blaze she is considering fighting for custody of the baby if TJ and Molly should break up. Kristina asks Blaze if she would be willing to co-parent the baby with her if she should get custody. Blaze tells Kristina she wants to be a mother someday but not right now because her career is on the upswing.

Brook Lynn and Chase decide to move into the Quartermaine Mansion for the summer.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 28, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Summer hires Chloe again to help Sally with the newest Marquetti collection while Chelsea is on her leave of absence. Summer notices Audra and Kyle talking and later asks Audra what is going on between her and Kyle. Audra thinks Summer is very nosy for an ex-wife because it shouldn’t matter to her what Kyle does with her.

Kyle tells Jack and Diane he has another job and he has to pack up his office. Jack is heartbroken that Kyle is leaving Jabot and asks Diane to talk to Kyle and stop him from leaving Jabot, but she thinks the new job will be good for him.

Mariah and Tessa are worried about Sharon who seems unable to concentrate for long periods of time. Sharon calls her doctor and tells the doctor her new bipolar medicine is making her feel odd.

Faith tells Lucy about college life and the accident she had when she was drinking and how she almost died. Faith encourages Lucy not to drink because it isn’t fun.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Trina to tell Ava that he has talked to his lawyer and they both agree that the Metro Court isn’t the proper place to raise Avery even part-time. Ava and Trina figure out that Sonny is going to fight her for custody of Avery. Ava is angry and tells Trina that Sonny isn’t the only one who has reasons to sue for custody. Ava tells Trina she won’t let Sonny take Avery away from her.

Trina later tells Gio and Josslynn that she is worried Ava could cause physical harm to Sonny.

Mac apologizes to Cody for thinking he was a conman when he first arrived in town. Mac also thanks Cody for helping his family so much while he was gone. Sasha, once again, tells Cody he should tell Mac the truth but Cody doesn’t think it’s the right time to tell Mac the truth.

Kristina draws up a petition stating that, if Molly and TJ break-up, the baby remains with the Davis family. Kristina wants Alexis to look at the document to make sure it is okay. Alexis reminds Kristina that she won’t take sides about the baby. Alexis thinks that Kristina should talk to Molly and TJ about her concerns.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea decide to stay in Maryland to be close to Connor in case he makes progress and gets out of the in-patient wing of the treatment center and they are able to visit him again. Billy and Sally talk about how they wish there was something they could do to help Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Diane fires Kyle from Jabot because she is tired of him constantly undermining her authority. Jack arrives at the office while Kyle and Diane are arguing. Jack tries his best to resolve the situation between them but Kyle is angry with Jack because he takes Diane’s side without hearing his side of the situation. Kyle leaves Jabot and sends a text message to Victor telling him he wants to meet with him. Kyle tells Victor he will accept the job he offered him. Victor tells Kyle he must work together with Audra or he can’t have the job. Kyle tells Victor that he will work with Audra to make Glissade a competitor to Jabot so his parents can see they made a mistake when they let him go.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Diane gives Finn a copy of the temporary restraining order Chase filed against him so he can’t come near Violet. Diane also gives Finn a copy of an order giving Chase temporary custody of Violet. Finn asks Scott to take his case, but after hearing the details of what happened and reading the orders from the judge, he tells Finn he can’t take the case and advises Finn to go to treatment. Finn has two bottles of vodka delivered to his apartment, but then he throws the bottles against the wall and leaves the apartment.

Anna tells Jason that Valentin has a satellite phone hidden in his bookcase and she is sure that is the phone he uses to do Pikeman business. Jason tells Anna they need to get the satellite phone and give it to the FBI.

Carly goes to see Brennan at Pentonville and tells him that the FBI has a recording of her that implicates her in RICO violations and Jason became an FBI informant so she wouldn’t go to prison. Brennan tells Carly that the FBI won’t honor their deal with Jason. Brennan advises Carly to get a good lawyer and build a good defense while Jason keeps the FBI busy because she will have to defend herself one day.

Sonny throws Ava out of his apartment and tells her Avery will stay with him until she can find a place to live. Sonny tells Ava any relationship they had is over because of what she did to Alexis.

Valentine uses the satellite phone to give an order to someone and tell the person to move the next shipment through Port Charles because Sonny won’t be a problem since all Sonny needs to push him over the edge is one good shove,

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis tells Nick that she has heard rumors about in-fighting at Chancellor-Winters and she is waiting for the company to blowup so she can ask Billy for a job.

Faith asks Sharon, if she wishes, she and Nick were still together. Sharon insists that just being friends with Nick is fine.

Faith thinks that if Cassie hadn’t died she and Nick would still be together. Sharon remembers when Daniel apologized to her and Nick for causing the accident that killed Cassie.

Devon, Lily, and Nate stage an argument about splitting up Chancellor-Winters so Billy won’t discover their plan.

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GH Short Recap Friday, June 21, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sam plays the recording the FBI has on her to Carly and tells her that Jason became an FBI informant to keep her from going to prison. Sam is furious because Jason gave up two years of his life and left his family to protect Carly. Carly blames John Cates because Anna forced Jason to become an informant and leave his family. John sees Anna leaving the Corinthos coffee office and tells Jason that he hopes he recorded his conversation with Anna. Jason tells him he didn’t record the conversation.

Jason tells John that he doesn’t need to record his conversation with Anna because she isn’t the head of Pikeman. Jason accuses John of being so eager to close this case that he isn’t looking for the real criminal. John tells Jason he isn’t going back to Quantico empty-handed; he will take Carly with him. John later goes to the Metro Court to share a bottle of champagne with Carly because his case is almost done and he will soon be leaving town.

Violet comes home and finds Finn passed out on the floor and she tries to awaken him, but Finn doesn’t wake up so Violet grabs Finn’s phone and notices that Tracy has called Finn several times. Violet presses her name and tells Tracy she thinks he is dead and she should call an ambulance. Tracy calls an ambulance and goes to Finn’s apartment. The paramedics bandage Finn’s cut while Tracy takes Violet to Brook Lynn and Chase ‘s apartment and tells them what happened with Finn. Tracy tells Brook Lynn and Chase to take Violet to the Quartermaine Mansion while she returns to Finn’s place to talk to him.

Anna and Valentin have dinner then they tell each other they love each other and start kissing.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Robert and Anna welcome Robert home from his trip.

Anna tells Mac that John Cates is causing her trouble but she can handle him.

Finn quits his job at the hospital because he doesn’t want to work under supervision and go to AA meetings and take drug tests in order to be able to treat patients. Finn is angry with Elizabeth for reporting him to Portia and Terry. Finn tells Elizabeth to stay away from him and Violet.

Jason asks Anna to get proof to put Valentin in jail because Drew is running for Congress and they will be digging up all the Quartermaine family scandals.

Spinelli finds the audio file that is the evidence with which John is forcing Jason to work as an FBI informant. Spinelli explains to Sam that the file can’t be deleted or corrupted because it is a read only file. Sam listens to the evidence against Carly and is furious that Jason left his family for two years to protect Carly. Sam asks Spinelli to make a copy of the recording and heads to the Metro Court to talk to Carly.

Finn goes home and starts drinking because he quit his job at the hospital.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 21, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

This is a special stand-alone episode celebrating the 30th anniversary of Joshua Morrow playing the role of Nick Newman on the show.

Faith returns home to see her family before going on a trip to Europe with her friends. Faith is upset because Moses broke up with her because he thinks that they got together too young and they should see other people. Faith tells Nick and Sharon she won’t fall in love again. Faith asks Nick and Sharon their entire love story both the good and the bad parts of their relationship.

Mariah and Tessa arrive to see Faith and stay to hear the love story.

The audience is shown clips of Sharon and Nick’s relationship.

The episode ends with Nick at the Newman Ranch looking at a picture of Victoria and having memories of times with his sister. Nick also remembers important times with his mom and dad and he thanks Victor and Nikki for everything they taught him and he tells them he is proud to be their son.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Mac returns home from his trip helping a friend and Maxie and Spinelli fill him in on everything that happened while he was gone. Mac is surprised at how much Bailey Louise (now played by Miley and Riley Plonski) has grown since he has been gone since she is now a toddler.

Cody brings James home from his riding lesson and welcomes Mac home. Cody wonders if he should tell Mac he is his son and he talks to Tracy about what he should do without telling her the identity of his father. Tracy thinks Cody’s father will just be happy to be his father and he will forgive him for not telling him the truth.

Alexis’s disbarment is vacated. Alexis can practice law again after she takes forty-eight hours of classes to take the test in order to get back her law license.

Alexis advises Chase and Brook Lynn’s to talk to a licensed social worker who can best advise them how best to protect Violet from Finn who is unable to care for Violet when he is drinking. Chase talks to Stella about Finn’s situation without mentioning Finn’s name. Stella advises Chase to document all the instances of Finn’s drinking and get statements from everyone who has seen Finn drinking and build a solid case proving that Violet shouldn’t be with her father.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Katie has a rough time accepting Claire into the family because the kids at school think Claire is crazy and dangerous. Katie tells Victoria that Claire isn’t a part of her family and she can’t force her to like Claire. Claire talks to Kyle about her problem with Katie and he advises her to give Katie some time to get used to her. Kyle talks to Claire about his problems at work and she thinks he should look for another job.

Victor wants to meet with Kyle and offers him the job as Co-CEO running Glissade with Audra.

Billy falls into Lily’s trap and agrees to undo the Chancellor-Winters merger. Lily tells Billy she will run Abbott-Chancellor with him. Billy has a video call with Jill who doesn’t believe Lily wants to undo the merger.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Scott and Lucy argue because he wants to take Heather’s case. He sees the potential for a lawsuit against the manufacturer of Heather’s hip replacement. Lucy asks Scott not to take Heather’s case for the sake of Heather’s victims and his own peace of mind.

Cody tells Sasha that he is scared to tell Mac that he is his son because he thinks Mac will be angry with him for claiming to be the son of Leopold Taub just to get Leopold Taub’s money.

Sasha and Cody’s romantic moment is interrupted by Gio practicing his violin twenty feet away from the stables. Cody and Sasha put romance on hold and decide to enjoy the private violin concert.

Sam asks Carly to tell Jason to keep away from Danny. Carly tells Sam that Danny adores his father and she is hurting Danny and Jason by keeping them away from each other. Carly thinks Sam is just punishing Jason for disappearing twice and leaving her to raise Danny alone. Sam insists she is trying to keep Danny safe and if anything happens to Danny it will be Carly’s fault because she refused to talk to Jason.

John tells Jason he has seen emails from Anna to Brennan but the emails don’t prove that she is the head of Pikeman. John asks Jason to get the proof he needs to arrest Anna or he will put Carly in jail. Jason later tells Anna the details of his conversation with John. Anna doesn’t think Valentin is framing her, he is just using her as a decoy to keep John busy. Anna promises Jason she will get proof that Valentin is the head of Pikeman tonight when they go to dinner. Jason tells Anna if she doesn’t get the proof they need, he will take Valentin down himself so Carly isn’t sent to prison.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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Claire meets Johnny and Katie for the first time in person, because up to now, she had only talked to them through video calls. Claire answers Johnny’s questions about her time in the psychiatric ward of the hospital as well as growing up with her Aunt Jordan.

Katie is upset that their house burned down, and all their things are gone because of Claire’s Aunt Jordan.

Abby is upset that nobody in the Abbott family bothered to tell her about Ashley’s DID or called her to participate in the intervention for Ashley. Abby is tired of her entire family treating her like a child instead of an adult. Billy tells her everything Jack and Traci did to make sure Ashley got treatment.

Abby talked to her mother on the phone last night, but she and Devon decide to go to Paris and wait until Ashley is ready to see her.

Daniel and Lily come to an agreement that Chancellor-Winters can keep the Princess Louisa game and market it as a classic game. Lily tells Daniel that the sales from the game will be put into a college fund for Lucy.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Audra figures out that Tucker is faking his heart attack to buy some time so he can stop the takeover of Glissade. Tucker finds out Jack is in Paris to check on Ashley and also take over Glissade. Tucker talks to Jack who tells him he isn’t in Paris to take over Glissade. Tucker’s assistant Dawn tells him that the detectives have been unable to find any information with which to blackmail any of the Glissade board. Tucker tells Audra she has won, she has Glissade.

Nikki has a long talk with Victoria and persuades her to be her second-in-command at Newman Media so she can concentrate on her sobriety.

Victor talks to Adam who tells him that he has to turn down being CEO of Newman Media because he has to concentrate on Connor and helping his son deal with his OCD. Adam tells Victor he will consider helping him if he tells him the name of the company with which he wants to go to war.

Nikki and Victoria talk to Victor about both of them running Newman Media but he tells them he doesn’t want them to do that because he wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media.

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