GH Short Recap Thursday, December 5, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Molly moves out of the apartment that she shares with TJ. Molly talks to Alexis about how she is going to live without TJ who she has loved since she was sixteen years old. TJ talks to Curtis about how he is going to live without Molly. Curtis hopes that eventually Molly and TJ can be friends with each other.

TJ goes to Alexis’s apartment to return a journal Molly left at the apartment. TJ tells Molly that he will always love her. Molly says the same to TJ and, then after TJ leaves, Molly cries.

Natalia tells Kristina that she lied on the stand about their fender bender because she wasn’t going to let her testimony undermine the case against Ava. Natalia apologizes to Kristina because of the harsh things she said about her relationship with Blaze.

Sonny advises Dante to plan family activities to do with Danny and Scout and also tells Dante not to feel guilty about letting Lulu back in his life.

Anna persuades Carly to plant a bug on Jack Brennan so they can find out where Valentin and Charlotte are so they can bring Charlotte home. Carly plants the bug in Jack’s office. Jack calls Valentin and tells him Lulu is awake and he asks him if he wants Charlotte to come home.

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