Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, February 20, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: You’re the last person I expected to break into my room.

Ashley: Who’s at the top of the list? I’m intrigued.

Tucker: What do you want?

Ashley: I believe you. You’re right and I’m wrong.


Sally: So, is this a little bump? Or…

Adam: Well, I’m sure that I can work things out, but, you know, maybe I should hold off on telling you until then.

Sally: Oh.

Adam: I can see you’re disappointed.

Sally: No, it– it– I mean, maybe like a little “oh, well”-ish. No, disappointed is reserved for when I think about my career.

Adam: Because the initial flurry of work hasn’t led to more?

Sally: Yeah. Chloe and I met and bounced around ideas on how to keep the company afloat, but, I don’t know, maybe Sally Spectra design is gonna have to do something bigger. Maybe going to pitch to chancellor-winters again.


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