Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Steve goes to Jerry’s apartment and knocks on the door, asking if he’s inside as he needs to talk to him about Abe Carver.
Whitley says to herself that she’s sorry to Jerry as she didn’t want to do this but the hospital was getting suspicious so it was either him or her and she had to throw him under the bus. Whitley hopes that Jerry is long gone by now. Whitley declares that she was up against a wall and had to choose herself. Kayla then approaches her.
Rafe goes to Paulina’s apartment and says he hopes he’s not interrupting anything. Paulina says she knows he’s there to bring Lani back to prison. Rafe mentions that he’s not police commissioner anymore but he volunteered to oversee the transfer as he thought it would be easier for Lani with someone she knows. Paulina thanks him. Rafe asks if she wants to call Lani in. Paulina responds that Rafe is here and Lani’s not.
Lani goes to Whitley’s apartment, wondering if Jerry is telling the truth that Abe could really be alive. She knocks on the door and calls out to Abe. Lani then bursts through the door, shocked to find Abe inside.
Rafe questions Paulina saying Lani isn’t there, which she confirms. Rafe worries that’s not good as there’s not much time for him to get Lani back to prison. Paulina notes that Lani wanted to sit alone in the park after everyone left. Rafe points out that there’s a little bit of time, but she can’t be late or she could screw up her chances at getting an early release. Paulina assures that Lani won’t screw this up as she wants to get back to Eli and the kids as soon as possible. Paulina suggests calling her but Rafe reminds her that Lani is a prisoner, so she doesn’t have a phone. Paulina notes that Lani has been gone for awhile now. Rafe decides he’s going to the park, so Paulina decides to go with him and prays that Lani hasn’t lost track of time.
Lani is shocked to find out it’s true that Abe is alive. Abe, in his sedated state, questions who she is. Lani responds that she is his daughter but Abe says he’s sorry as he doesn’t know her. Lani remembers that he had amnesia. Lani encourages that everything is going to be okay now as she’s going to take him home to his family and everyone who loves him.
Kayla tells Whitley that she couldn’t help but overhear that she feels against the wall and asks if she can help. Whitley claims everything is fine. Kayla says it didn’t sound like that as she said something about choosing herself first. Whitley responds that as much as she loves the hospital and the town, it’s time for her to put herself first and say goodbye for good.
Jada finishes a call at the police station as Belle arrives. Jada informs her that she was just getting another warrant for the DiMera Mansion. Belle responds that it might not be necessary since Brady could be getting Rachel back as they speak. Jada asks if Kristen admitted to hiding her. Belle explains that Kristen hinted that Rachel could appear if Brady signed a new custody agreement, so she drew one up and Brady should be signing it right now…
After ripping up the new custody agreement, Brady calls out for Rachel. Kristen screams at him, asking what is wrong with him as she thought they had an understanding and that they were going to work this out. Brady argues that Kristen doesn’t get to kidnap his kid and use her to dictate their arrangement. Kristen complains that she told him that she had a feeling Rachel would reappear after he signed the papers, but now asks who’s to say. Brady responds that he is as he pulls a gun on Kristen. Kristen questions Brady coming armed for this and asks since when he owns a gun. Brady responds that it’s John’s and it’s loaded. Kristen asks if he’s going to shoot her in cold blood if Rachel doesn’t reappear. Brady warns that he’s thinking about it and asks where Rachel is. Kristen claims that she doesn’t know and says they need to get down to business, asking if he brought another copy of the agreement. Brady tells her that there is no agreement as she’s not calling the shots, he is.
Steve continues knocking on Jerry’s door. John joins him. Steve goes over Whitley claiming that Jerry was at the hospital when Abe disappeared and was the last person to see him on the docks. They talk about Jerry not answering the door not giving them much option, so they kick the door in.
Rafe and Paulina go to the park but Lani is gone. Paulina argues that this doesn’t make sense since she knew she had to go back to prison. Paulina questions why Lani would forget about that and just disappear.
Lani tells Abe that this is not his home. Abe tells her that “Paulina” brought him home when he got out of the hospital and told him that this is his home. Lani asks if he means Whitley. Abe asks who Whitley is and insists it was Paulina. Abe argues that if she was his daughter, she would know this and points to the edited wedding photo that Whitley made. Lani tells Abe that the woman in the picture is not his wife and not Paulina.
Kayla questions Whitley quitting the hospital. Whitley confirms that she is today. Kayla calls it kind of sudden. Whitley claims she’s been thinking about it for awhile and just made the decision to move back to Scottsdale. Whitley mentions telling Steve earlier. Kayla acknowledges that Steve is investigating what happened to Abe. Whitley claims that she told him everything she knew and feels terrible that she can’t do more to help. Kayla still doesn’t understand why she’s leaving. Whitley responds that she just feels like things have changed and feel different since Abe died. Kayla questions Whitley quitting her job without notice and leaving town for good, all because of Abe.
Steve and John search Jerry’s apartment but find that he’s gone.
Whitley tells Kayla that she’s not leaving exactly because of Abe but that him dying sums up how the whole town is ailing to her, so it’s time for her to put her needs first. Whitley says she’d like to use her vacation time as her 2 week notice. Kayla guesses she can’t change her mind. Kayla asks her to come to her office to talk about her exit package but Whitley says that’s not necessary and that she has to get going. Kayla insists it’s important and she won’t want to put it off. Whitley says it’s probably on the website. Kayla talks about how it’s going to take awhile as she has to make phone calls and cut her a check. Whitley says she can mail it and will get her the address when she lands in Scottsdale. Whitley hugs Kayla and says she was great to work with and a great lady. Whitley then rushes off through the elevator, leaving Kayla confused.
Paulina repeats to Rafe that it doesn’t make sense as Lani knew she couldn’t be late in returning to prison and she’s been counting down the days until she gets out. Rafe suggests thinking about what Lani would be trying to do before going back to prison. Paulina insists that Lani would make it back in time and there’s no way she would screw this up. Rafe tells Paulina to stay calm and promises to find Lani. Paulina asks if he means the way he found Abe.
Jada goes over Kristen saying that if Brady signed a custody arrangement, Rachel would magically reappear. Belle confirms that was implied. Jada calls it blackmail and kidnapping. Belle notes that Brady knows that but he also knows how dangerous and volatile that Kristen can be. Belle says Brady would do anything to get Rachel away from Kristen and he’ll deal with her later. Jada worries that it’s exactly what Kristen wants and Brady is playing right in to her hand while Belle is helping him do it. Belle gets that Jada is frustrated and adds that she hates what happened to Rafe. Belle says Shawn feels terrible that Clint overheard him talking about Rafe and Jada’s relationship. Jada complains that Shawn is only suspended, so he can come back to the force, but thanks to him, Rafe’s career is over. Belle says they don’t know that. Jada argues that Rafe would be just as pissed at Brady as she is.
Kristen tells Brady that she sees he means business, so he’s won. Kristen then tells Brady that Rachel is in the secret passage. Kristen grabs a glass figure to try to knock Brady out but he catches her. Brady argues that she has been using their daughter as a chess piece. Kristen complains that he did the same thing. Brady argues that he was protecting Rachel from her. Brady states that Kristen is nuts and incapable of loving Rachel. Brady screams that Kristen doesn’t know how to love and only wants to win. Brady says she’s here because she lost in court and just wants to win like Stefano. Brady screams that Rachel is not a prize or a possession. Brady screams that he doesn’t want Kristen in Rachel’s life, so he might as well just kill her right now. Rachel then runs in to the room and calls out to Brady.
Lani insists to Abe that the woman in the photo is not Paulina and talks about being his daughter. Abe talks about being told he had a son, Theo. Lani says she talked to Theo earlier and he’s so worried about him. Abe mentions thinking he saw Theo on TV. Lani says they can talk about it all when they get home but they need to get him out of here. Abe brings up that “Paulina” told him not to leave the house. Lani argues that it’s not Paulina, but a nurse who works at the hospital, who some how got him out of there. Lani talks about Whitley faking Abe’s death and making everyone think he drowned. Lani brings up that she was at Abe’s funeral. Abe jokes that this could be a story on Body and Soul. Lani insists that Abe has to come with her but Whitley comes home and declares that she can’t let her do that.
Brady tells Kristen to stay out of it as he turns to Rachel to tell her everything is okay. Rachel argues that he said he was going to kill her mom. Brady explains that he needed Kristen to tell him where she was since no one knew after she disappeared from camp. Brady insists that he would never kill anybody. Kristen tries to call Rachel to her but Brady yells at her to stay out of it. Rachel yells at Brady not to talk to Kristen like that.
Jada apologizes to Belle for taking this out on her and acknowledges that Shawn feels terrible, but says he shouldn’t because it’s not his fault. Jada admits that she and Rafe brought this on themselves as they kept working together even though they knew how they felt. Belle blames on whoever created the regulations. Jada feels awful being at work while Rafe is out on the streets. Belle says she’ll do anything she can but Jada doesn’t think there is anything since they knew the regulations and what would happen. Jada complains that it’s so stupid. Jada says they need Rafe because they have a missing child and they don’t know what really happened to Abe.
John and Steve search Jerry’s apartment but find nothing, wondering why he must have left in a hurry and if he knew Steve was coming. Steve suggests Jerry started feeling the heat and decided to get out before people started putting things together. John says that’s if Jerry is behind what happened to Abe. Steve says that’s why he wanted to talk to him. They wonder what method of transportation he took to leave as Steve points out that they can’t cover the airport, trains, and bus stations between just the two of them. John agrees that they will need some help with that so Steve decides to see if he can get some by calling Jada. Steve tells Jada that he’s calling about Jerry Prentiss as he and John decided to talk with him as it turns out that he was in the hospital near Abe’s room on the day that Abe went missing but now he’s gone too. Steve adds that they are in Jerry’s apartment and it looks like he grabbed his stuff and ran. Jada guesses that he wants her to put people at the airport, train, and bus stations and says she’s on it. Jada declares that if Jerry is still in Salem, they will find him. Steve hangs up as John points out that they don’t know when Jerry split, so he hopes it’s not already too late.
Paulina complains to Rafe that this wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t sneaking around with Jada. Rafe argues that this isn’t about he and Jada as they need to focus on trying to find Lani. Paulina brings up Rafe being fired for sleeping with a subordinate and argues that if they focused on their jobs instead of each other, maybe they would’ve found Abe and there wouldn’t have been a funeral. Paulina cries that Lani wouldn’t have been sad and felt the need to be alone. Paulina breaks down crying that it’s too much as Rafe hugs her.
Lani tells Abe that Whitley is not Paulina. Abe tells Whitley that she won’t believe what Lani has been telling him. Whitley questions who Lani is. Lani responds that she is her worst nightmare, introducing herself as Abe’s daughter and the wife of Eli, who will be very interested to hear all about what Abe has been doing here. Whitley argues that Abe was very ill and he’s been nursed back to health and it’s imperative that he not have any stress so she has to ask her to leave. Lani tells her to just shut up. Lani asks if she has any idea the hell that she has put them all through it. Lani brings up being at Abe’s funeral this morning. Whitley asks her to leave and calls this ridiculous. Lani reveals to Whitley that Jerry told her everything about how she hired him to play her brother. Lani declares that her act is over as she is taking Abe home and Whitley is going to prison. Abe questions who is going to prison. Lani tells Abe that they are getting out of here now and he will start feeling better soon. Whitley asks Lani not to do this to them, crying that they have a future and they love each other. Whitley claims that she didn’t mean any harm and was just trying to help Abe. Whitley asks Lani to have mercy. Lani asks if she should feel bad that she’s sick, depraved, and crazy. Lani tells Whitley that she’s going to make her pay. Whitley argues that she’s not crazy and she loves Abe. Lani tells Whitley to get out of her way but Whitley says she can’t let her do this and injects her with the syringe.
Steve asks John what Jerry’s motive would be and if maybe he was looking for a ransom or if something went wrong and he had to put things on hold. John questions why he would kill the hostage if it was a kidnapping or why Jerry would even open his mouth about Abe falling in to the water. Steve wonders why Jerry would hang around until the police showed up and says they only know his name because he talked to Eli and Rafe. Steve adds that if Jerry did kidnap Abe, then everything he did after makes absolutely no sense. Jerry’s printer in the apartment then goes off with an error message due to a paper jam which leads to Steve finding something in the printer.
Rafe brings Paulina to the hospital to have Kayla check her out after her panic attack. Kayla encourages her to relax and says she’ll be back to check her numbers but she thinks she will be fine. After Kayla exits the room, Paulina complains to Rafe that she won’t be fine after the things she said to him. Paulina admits she was cruel and assures that she thinks Rafe and Jada did everything they could. Paulina says she’s sorry and is mad at herself. Rafe understands that she was pushed to the limit. Paulina worries that Lani has to get back to prison in time and they still don’t know where she is. Rafe then gets a call from the prison in Maryland.
Kristen questions Brady talking like this in front of their daughter. Brady blames Kristen for creating this situation and says they are done. Brady tells Rachel that Kristen needs some time to think about what she has done and instructs her to wait by the front door. Brady tells Kristen that she’s gone too far to terrorize him. Brady says all she had left was that he hasn’t told Rachel what kind of woman she is but that’s over now as he’s going to tell Rachel everything. Rachel runs back in to the room and tells Brady not to yell at Kristen like that. Rachel cries that she doesn’t want to go and wants to stay with her mom. Brady tells her that’s not going to happen as they are leaving. Brady picks Rachel up and leaves the mansion as Kristen breaks down crying. Belle then arrives and asks what Kristen wanted to see her about. Kristen informs Belle that Brady tore up the custody agreement. Belle question what happened and where Rachel is. Kristen responds that everything just fell apart, but Brady will listen to Belle and he needs to sign the agreement. Kristen argues that Belle is a mother, so she knows how important it is that Rachel is not cut out of her life. Belle asks again where Rachel is. Kristen informs her that she’s with Brady. Belle asks where Rachel has been all this time then. Belle realizes Kristen won’t tell her but says she can make a pretty good guess. Belle warns Kristen that when she goes too far, there are consequences.
Brady brings Rachel home to John and Marlena’s. Brady tells Rachel that she has to know that no one knew where she was or if she was safe. Rachel says she was fine. Brady says he didn’t know that. Brady sends Rachel to her room and says they will talk later. Brady then puts John’s gun back as Jada then shows up at the door. Brady informs Jada that he was just about to call her as Rachel is back. Jada reveals that she knows. Brady adds that he was right that Kristen had her the whole time, so Jada is welcome to go to the DiMera Mansion to arrest Kristen for kidnapping. Jada responds that she’s sorry but she’s here to arrest Brady for pulling a gun on Kristen and threatening to kill her. Brady asks if that’s what Kristen told her after kidnappping their daughter. Rachel comes back in and reveals that she is the one who called the police.
Steve and John find the day’s bus schedule in Jerry’s printer. They note that there are a lot of places he could be headed to. Steve decides they have to get to the terminal before Jerry boards.
Paulina questions Rafe ignoring the prison’s phone call. Rafe explains that they were calling to find out where Lani is and if he told them that she’s missing then she would officially be a fugitive and it would only get worse from there. Paulina asks what do they do. Rafe calls the prison back and claims that he’s with Lani now and that he will have her back at the prison before lockdown. Rafe tells Paulina that he has bought them some time and hopes it’s enough.
Lani questions what Whitley injected her with. Whitley calls it something to help her relax. Abe asks what’s going on. Lani says that Whitley will not get away with this as she then collapses.
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