Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, June 7, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: So then I said, “I quit, I’m out of here. I’m gonna sell my car, buy a motorcycle and hit the road and see where it takes me.” Then, guess what he said to me back?

Chelsea: Uh-huh.

Billy: Yeah? What did he say? What did you think?

Billy: It’s all right.

*Billy: Oh, yeah. I’m very aware. I’m actually playing and I’m doing pretty well. My– my emotional intelligence rating went from needs improvement to vaguely self-aware.

Chelsea: Hm. So, you’re the one who’s playing.

Billy: Oh, come on. Can’t be that bad.

**””************””””””” ””********

Nate: What do you want, Audra?

Audra: Well, just to admire how you operate. The fact that you and victoria ever get any work done is impressive.

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