Y&R Short Recap Thursday, April 27, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Nick tells Victoria that Victor wanted him to be COO of McCall Unlimited, but he turned down the job offer. Victoria tells Nick that she plans to go on a business trip with Nate to Los Angeles. Nick thinks that Victoria is making a mistake having a fling with an employee, but Victoria tells Nick to mind his own business because she knows what she is doing.

Nate tells Audra he is going on a business trip with Victoria to buy some streaming services in Los Angeles. Nate lies to Elena and tells her that he is going to Los Angeles on a business trip alone. Audra agrees to meet Elena for coffee to talk because Audra has something she wants to tell her.

Michael tells Jack that his contact in the Coroner’s office says that Jeremy’s death appears to be a homicide but she hasn’t finished the autopsy yet.

Phyllis tells Summer that Jeremy manipulates her into faking her own death to frame Diane. Phyllis tells Summer that she wanted to back out of the plan, but Jeremy got mad and came at her with scissors and was going to kill her but she took the scissors from him and then she couldn’t remember what happened but the next thing she remembers Jeremy’s body was covered in blood. Phyllis explains that she covered his body in a shower curtain and made it look like one of his prison enemies killed him. Phyllis asks Summer to not tell anyone she is alive until she can figure out a way to get out of this mess.

Jack asked Diane to marry him even though she is in jail because he wants to be married with her and prove that she is innocent.

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