Y&R Best Lines Monday, February 27, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: So, are we back to not talking about things? Because I know that’s what you said you wanted, but then you started venting, which admittedly has me a little confused. Is venting considered talking? Am I supposed to respond? Do I just pretend like nothing happened? Because I’m good either way.

Lily: [Chuckles] Oh, god. We were talking. You know…
Daniel: [Exhales sharply] Right, just talking without the words. Yeah. Got it


Lily: [Laughs] Hi, Daniel.

Daniel: [Laughs] Yeah, um, let’s see. It’s only been a couple of days since the woman who was supposed to go through the rest of my life with me told me that she’s in love with another man. My — my daughter — I don’t know when I’m gonna see her again — or if. “If.” Yeah. Oh, and the cherry on top of this disaster Sunday — my mother can’t stop inserting herself into my life.

Lily: Oh, god.

Daniel: And what grown man doesn’t want that?

Lily: I know. I know.

Daniel: Yeah. Your turn.

Lily: [Chuckling] Oh. Oh, god. Okay. Um… hi. I’m Lily.

Daniel: Hi, Lily.

Lily: Hi. My life is in shambles. Uh, let’s see. I am dealing with the heartbreak of breaking up with my boyfriend, who was also my COO.
Daniel: Mm.

Lily: So, yeah. And, um, I am entering a lawsuit, not with a company, but with my brother.

Daniel: Wow.

Lily: Yep. Right?

Daniel: Wow.

Lily: [Laughs] Oh, god.

Daniel: [Sighs] You know, I am sorry that Billy let you down and that you have to go through all this crap with Devon.

Lily: Thank you.

Daniel: [Sighs]

Lily: And I think that Heather is crazy for moving on without letting you show her how much you’ve changed.

Daniel: Mm. Well…


Look at us, huh? Just a pathetic pair of brokenhearted fools.

Lily: Yep. Yep.

Daniel: What happened? We weren’t always like this.

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