Y&R Best Lines Thursday, November 10, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: It’s Phyllis, Amanda. Hey.

Amanda: Hey.

Phyllis: Okay, I got here as fast as I could. I didn’t even know you were in town.

Amanda: Yeah, I just — i just got in today.

Phyllis: Okay. What happened?

Amanda: Well, I came to talk to Devon. You know, I wanted to surprise him because I’ve been gone for so long. But I got a surprise because he was naked on the couch with Abby


Phyllis: Wait, wait. You saw Devon with Abby?

Amanda: Mm-hmm, and it was perfect timing. Perfect timing, you know? I walk in the door after months of being gone, and the first thing that I see is that.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, were they — were they actually —

Amanda: Having sex? Yes. There is no doubt. I saw what I saw, and Devon admitted it, so…

Phyllis: What?! Why Abby?

Amanda: Oh, well, Devon claimed that they were really upset and they needed comforting, so it just happened.

Phyllis: Oh, it just happened? Really? She just happened to be naked? He just happened to —

Amanda: Yeah, pretty much.

Phyllis: Yeah. Okay.

Amanda: Pretty much, yeah. And he also repeated it half a dozen times just so that I could get the message.

Phyllis: Seriously? I mean, he’s with you. I-I thought he was a good guy, that he was the only one in this town left with integrity.

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