Y&R Short Recap Friday, August 12, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Elena figures out that Imani never set up a meeting with Sally to get her out of her Newman Media contract when Sally tells Nate and Elena she never had a meeting scheduled with Imani. Elena gets upset with Nate for defending Imani and saying that Imani has been very supportive at work.

Chelsea asks Billy to talk to Victoria about telling Johnny she is his biological mother.

Sally agrees to let Elena out of her Newman Media contract when Nate offers a good price to buy out Elena’s contract.

Elena thinks Nate is enjoying having Imani stroke his ego and tell him everything he wants to hear.

Tessa tells Kyle and Summer she will think about the offer to be the face of Marchetti and later tells Mariah that she knows she talked to Kyle about her being the model for Marchetti.

Chelsea figures out that Billy isn’t happy at Chancellor Winters and tells him that he can tell her the truth about the reason he is unhappy.

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