Y&R Best Lines Thursday, May 19, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Michael: Really? That’s wonderful.

Diane: Yes and no. While I’m thrilled that my son is close by, he has made it clear that he did not stay for me. He officiated Mariah’s wedding.

Michael: Hmm. Has young master Kyle become a man of the cloth?

Diane: [ Laughs ] Of the internet variety.

Michael: Yeah.

Diane: But he was a natural. He was so poised and warm, generous, and funny.

Michael: It sounds like you were there as a guest.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Michael: You crashed Tessa and Mariah’s wedding.

Diane: “Crashed” makes it sound so —

Michael: That you weren’t invited


Phyllis: Yeah. You know me so well. You know, in fact, I’m gonna put that to the test. Um, what am I thinking right now?

Jack: Okay, okay, let me give this a try.

Phyllis: Yeah? Do your best.

Jack: Yeah.

Phyllis: I bet you cannot guess, I bet.

Jack: You spent all your time at the wedding mingling and dancing and not eating, and you are famished.

Phyllis: How did you know that?

Jack: Well, you have to ask?

Phyllis: You do know me well.

Jack: Let me go 2 for 2.

Phyllis: Okay.

Jack: Let me guess what you would order from room service.

Phyllis: Um, you know what? I sort of have a craving for Society’s late-night menu. What do you think?

Jack: Are you kicking me out?

Phyllis: No, no, I just want to continue the celebration. It’s been such a festive, festive day

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