Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 18, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Please don’t make me play this game with you, “Taylor.” Let me in. I have a master key. Please don’t make me use it.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

[ Exhales sharply ] Phyllis, wow, what a surprise.

Phyllis: Stop. Seriously? You didn’t think I was gonna figure out your alias when you checked in to my hotel?


Diane: Your hotel

? My, my, how things do change.

Phyllis: Stop the act. You know this is my hotel. You know that. That’s why you made a beeline for it when you landed.

Diane: You’re right. I won’t insult your intelligence that way. What I mean is it would be a pointless lie since I know very well what you’ve been up to since I’ve been away.

Phyllis: Oh, do you?

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Oh, is that so?

Diane: I’ve followed the lives of a lot of people in Genoa City, not just Jack and Kyle.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, listen to you. And I’m on the short list. I’m so lucky.

Diane: You’re running with the big dogs now.

[ Chuckles ] Congratulations, Phyllis. It’s a beautiful hotel. And you fought hard to make this a success. Your success. You know, I’m really quite impressed given —

Phyllis: Okay, cut. Cut the act. Alright, did you follow me and Jack from LA? Is that what you did?

Diane: Don’t be absurd.

Phyllis: Do you have any idea the hell that’s gonna rain down on you if anyone knows you’re here, Diane?

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