Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 6, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: Phyllis. I didn’t know you were in town.

Phyllis: I didn’t know you were alive. I had to come see for myself.


Diane: Well, it’s a relief to have you back so soon. I — I honestly didn’t think I’d ever see you again.

Phyllis: Oh, this is amazing! Still so patronizing.

Diane: Jack and I are talking about our son —

Phyllis: Yes, I’m aware of that, Diane.

Diane: So, will you help me connect with him after all?

Phyllis: You don’t deserve to connect with him. You don’t deserve Kyle. You didn’t deserve him before, and especially after all of this insanity.

Diane: Did you just fly out here to ruin everything for me and my son?

Jack: Actually, my plan was to forget that you existed. Phyllis is the reason I came back here at all.

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