Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 2, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: Would you like another croissant?

Rey: No, thank you. I have to stay in decent shape if I plan to hold on to my gorgeous wife.

Sharon: Well, you look damn good from here.

Rey: [ Laughs ]

Sharon: Well, let me know if you want anything else, ā€™cause i want to take care of my handsome husband.

Rey: Mm. You looking for someone?

Sharon: What? No. Who would I be looking for?

Rey: Mariah and Tessa. Youā€™re just dying for them to come downstairs so you can pounce them with those bridal magazines.

Sharon: What, these?

Rey: Uh-huh.

Sharon: Who put them there?

Rey: Yeah.

Sharon: I think ā€œpounceā€ is a strong word.

Rey: Mm. Accost? Barrage?

Sharon: Look, itā€™s getting closer and closer to their wedding date, and a lot of big decisions still need to be made. If they donā€™t make up their minds soon about the ceremony and the reception and all the little details that go into it, Iā€™m worried this wedding might not happen


Rey: You know, as much as Iā€™m looking forward to Mariah and Tessaā€™s big day, however crazy it may be, nothing will surpass the day we got married.

Sharon: Aww, our wedding was amazing.

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: And youā€™re right, it came together with a little bit of magic.

Rey: Yeah. You know what I remember most? Staring into those big, beautiful blue eyes.

Sharon: You know, everything kind of faded away during the ceremony, but the reception was fun.

Rey: Itā€™s true. There were some great toasts. Weā€™re gonna have to reciprocate for Mariahā€™s

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