Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, February 23, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: Hey, there. Mind if I join you?

Ashland: You are free to sit wherever you like.

Billy: [ Groans ] So whatā€™s on the agenda for this beautiful day?

Ashland: [ Sighs ]

Billy: Uh-oh, are you having a hard time trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast? You look like a villain in a superhero movie, planning world domination. Or maybe youā€™re just plotting your next move at Newman/Locke.

Ashland: ā€œPlottingā€? Well, that sounds a lot like an accusation.

Billy: Well, I hear your medical situation is improving. Congratulations on that. But I got to believe that youā€™re trying to figure out what to do next with this future that you didnā€™t expect to have, and Iā€™m a bit of a betting man, but Iā€™m gonna say that you are itching to get a lot more control out of your wifeā€™s company. Get a lot more Locke in Newman/Locke


Billy: I donā€™t think I would call them baseless, Ashland. In fact, Iā€™m gonna give you a little bit of credit. You built an empire that you basically ran by yourself for a number of years, so I just find it hard to believe that youā€™re gonna simply be an advisor to your wife. And donā€™t get me wrong, okay? Donā€™t start talking about how marriage is sacrifice and all that kind of stuff, because I do believe thatā€™s true for a lot of people, but not for the Locke-ness monster. No, no, you have way too much to say. How is work going, by the way? Itā€™s good? I know you like to flip coins. Is that how you decide who handles what division?

Ashland: Weā€™re handling things just fine, thank you.

Billy: Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what you want Victoria to think. You know, she has waited her entire life to get control of Newman. And you just threw a big, old wrench into her plans by sticking around longer than she expected. Iā€™m sure that makes for interesting dinner talk.

Ashland: [ Laughs ] Iā€™m guessing you think youā€™re going to shock me with your macabre sense of humor, but you know something? A guy like me doesnā€™t reach the heights I have while maintaining some kind of delicate sensibility. I will say this, though. I think I understand why you have such a bitter view of marriage, given your sordid history.

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