Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Moses and Faith have brownies at Crimson Lights and Faith tells him about her upcoming community service and out-patient rehab for her drinking problem. Moses tells Faith that he went to alternate meetings with Neil when he would
go visit him in New York. Abby has a baby celebration with Mariah, Lola, and Elena to celebrate Mariah bring pregnant with her child. Victor gives Sharon a message from Adam telling her that he is safe. Adam doesn’t want her to know
where he is so she won’t have to keep things a secret from Rey. Devon tells Amanda that he has feelings for her and he wants a relationship with her. Phyllis has a problem with the heating system at the Grand Phoenix and suspects that Sally had something to do with it. Sally tells Phyllis that if she wanted to retaliate against her she would never know what hit her. Jack overhears the conversation between Phyllis and Sally and tells Sally it is best that they not see each other anymore.

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