Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, September 14, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: Hey there, Nikki. Nice to see you out and about. No Victor?

Nikki: I’m just picking up a quick bite for us.

Billy: Mm. Well, I’m surprised you have time to even eat, with everything you’re juggling, your high-powered job, you’re a wife, mother, grandmother extraordinaire. You are a real superwoman.

Nikki: Just a woman, actually.

Billy: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. So, how’s the wedding plans coming?

Nikki: Please don’t pretend to care. I know you’re only hoping to find a reason to blow Victoria’s wedding out of the water


Billy: Well, Nikki, I am simply doing my job as the head of a media company, and this wedding is making headlines.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. For the right reasons — two notable people getting married, a high-society affair. But your personal agenda should not be making news. But if you hurt my daughter in the meantime, I promise you, you will regret it.

Billy: Well, threat noted. But let me be very clear. The last person I want to see hurt is Victoria. I’m actually on her side. And I’m surprised that you’re not more concerned about who Ashland Locke really is.

Nikki: I happen to trust Victoria’s judgment.

Billy: So, you’re not the least bit worried that there’s basically no documented history of the first two decades of his life? I see. Victoria didn’t share that information with you, did she?

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