GH Short Recap Friday, March 21, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Ava asks Alexis for a loan from the Cassidine Estate because she needs to pay her taxes or she will lose her gallery. Alexis tells Ava she won’t give her a loan because it will upset Kristina.

Kristina later talks to Lucky and tells him Sonny will soon have heart surgery and she is worried about him. Kristina also tells Lucky that what really makes her angry is that Sonny didn’t go to court to fight for sole custody of Avery because he doesn’t need any stress right now because of his heart condition. Kristina tells Lucky that he agreed to joint custody of Avery with Ava and Ava doesn’t have the money to take care of Avery. Lucky advises Kristina to let go of this hatred of Ava because it will only hurt her and baby Adela would want her mom to be happy.

Nina isn’t happy that Willow turned down her offer to buy her a house and has decided to move in with Drew. Nina uses Willow’s spare key to get into Drew’s house to look inside Drew’s safe for anything that will help her change Willow’s mind about Drew.

Valentin asks Alexis to go to the police station because he needs her to do something for him.

Curtis tells Kai to keep his guard up around Drew because Drew can’t be trusted. Kai and Portia appear with Drew at a press conference to promote his new Pediatric sports program.

Jason meets with Valentin at the police station and promises to do a favor for him in the future if he tells him everything he knows about Jack. Valentin tells Jason he thinks Jack is still the head of the WSB but he is using being the chief of the WSB field office as a cover. Valentin also tells Jason that Jack will do anything to get what he wants but now his weakness is Carly because he is in love with her. Valentin tells Jason that the only way to protect Carly from danger is to get her away from Jack. Jason goes to the hospital and tells Carly that her relationship with Jack is over now.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny and Laura had a talk. Sonny tells Laura that Valentin broke into the house and the reason that he didn’t kill Valentin is because he thought of what she would say to him. Sonny tells Laura that she would tell him not to kill Valentin because Charlotte needs her father. Laura tells Sonny that since she is Mayor and he does what he does they are going to disagree but she thinks that he is trying to be a better man and it is an exciting time to be his friend right now.

Brook Lynn gets into a big argument with her mom because Brook Lynn can’t trust Lois since she told Gloria that she gave her baby up for adoption and didn’t bother to tell her that her grandmother about the adoption. Brook Lynn tells Lois that she told Chase that Dante is the father of her child because she doesn’t want to keep any secrets from Chase. Brook Lynn assures Lois that Chase won’t tell Dante the truth. Lois tells Brook Lynn that she thinks they need some time apart so she is going upstairs to pack and she is going back home to Bensonhurst. Chase tells Lulu to leave Brook Lynn alone and not tell Dante that he has a child or he will arrest her for breaking into Martin’s room and looking at confidential attorney files.

Jack is about to kill Valentin but Anna arrives and persuades Jack not to kill Valentin because she is going to arrest him and make sure he pays for his crimes. Anna tells Valentin that it is time he pay for his crimes so she will not let him escape this time.

Jason tells Jack to stay away from Carly because he doesn’t intend to have Carly be poisoned because of him again.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Cody gets arrested for stealing his own car because the arresting officer transposed the numbers on Cody’s license plate. Cody asks Alexis to represent him, and Alexis tells Molly to recuse herself because they have a family connection.
Ric happens to be at the courthouse and offers to represent Cody. Ric and Alexis get into an argument because Ric wants to help Cody but Cody explains the mix up to Molly and she drops the case and Cody is let go. Cody tells Ric that he should try to be civil with Alexis because his arguments with her hurt Molly. Molly tells Alexis that she should stop letting Ric goad her into arguments.

Ava’s accountant tells her that, despite the money that Nina loaned her, she is still broke because she needs to pay her taxes. Ava’s accountant tells her that she has to tighten her budget even further and he also takes away all her credit card except for one.

Tracy takes great pleasure in telling Drew that Martin is on his way to California with a federal Marshall because he didn’t pay alimony to one of his wives. Drew tells Tracy he can get another lawyer so she better get ready to move the crypt. Tracy tells Drew she will fight him and take away everything he has if he doesn’t leave the family crypt in its place.

Nina tells Willow that she will buy her a house so she doesn’t need to move in with Drew. Willow agrees to think about it and then heads to Drew’s place to talk to him. Willow arrives while Tracy and Drew are still arguing and Willow tells Tracy if she would have Wiley and Amelia welcomed Drew into the family he would have been the most loyal Quartermaine but since she didn’t do it she brought this on herself. Tracy tells Willow she will soon be saying those words to herself. Willow tells Tracy that Drew is a good man and Wiley and Amelia love him and are excited to move into his house.

Valentin stops by Laura’s place, but Charlotte isn’t home because she is at the Quartermaine’s with Rocco. Laura promises to protect Valentin if he turns himself in to the police. Valentin tells Lulu he can’t turn himself in it’s too late for that now. Valentin asks Lulu to tell Charlotte that he loves her more than anything and he will always be with her.

Sonny calls Jack that Valentin is in town, and he will have a boat waiting for him at pier 55. Jack repays Sonny’s favor by telling him Carly is in hospital. Anna tells Sonny and Jason that the Champagne that poisoned Carly was meant for Jack. Sonny tells Jason to go to pier 55 and make sure Jack finishes the job on Valentin. Anna calls Jack and leaves a message telling him not to kill Valentin. Jack arrives at pier 55 just as Valentin is about to get on the boat, points a gun at him, and says it’s over my friend.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn tells Chase that Dante is the father of her baby and Chase tries to persuade Brook Lynn to tell Dante about the baby. Brook Lynn tells Chase that she doesn’t want to disrupt Dante or their son’s life because their son may not know that he is adopted. Brook Lynn promises Chase that if her and Dante’s son comes looking for her and Dante then she will tell Dante he has a son. Brook Lynn asks Chase not to tell Dante the truth about his son. Chase agrees not to tell Dante the truth.

Valentin sneaks into Sony’s house to get something he left behind, but Sonny catches him. Valentin apologizes to Sonny for tampering with his medication and explains that Jack made him do it because he threatened Charlotte. Valentin also tells Sonny that a hit man named Smolinsky bought the incendiary device that set off the bomb in his penthouses. Valentin tells Sonny he doesn’t know the name of the person who v hired the hit man.

Sasha tells Jason that Willow can’t find out that she is pregnant with Michael’s child because she could use the information in court to get custody of Wiley and Amelia. Sasha tells Jason they must protect Michael. Jason agrees not to tell Carly that Sasha is carrying her grandchild. Carly was poisoned with polonium and Anna calls Robin on the phone so she can give him instructions on how to stabilize Carly until they can get the antidote to the poison. Anna calls Jason to tell him to go to the hospital because Carly is sick. Carly goes into cardiac arrest and Isiah must shock her heart to get it beating again. Jack arrives with the antidote and gives it to Isaiah to put into Carly’s IV. Jack sits by Carly’s bedside and tells her that his heart belongs to her.

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GH Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Trina’s family and friends surprise her with a birthday party at Ava’s art gallery. Emma gives Trina the same book about art that Spencer gave her for her birthday. Trina sneaks out of her birthday party to go look at the art book.

Sonny tells Kristina about his heart condition after she and Rocco arrive at his house and Dr Gannon is there checking on Sonny’s condition. Dr. Gannon takes Rocco home and, once they are gone, Sonny tells Kristina that he is taking medicine, keeping his stress level down and he will soon have surgery to fix his heart condition.

Charlotte is reunited with her grandma Laura and Charlotte tells both her and Lulu that she is happy to be home, but she misses her papa.

Brook Lynn is shocked that her grandma Gloria knew about her giving her baby up for adoption and never told her she knew her secret.

Gloria tells Lois that Brook Lynn would be very angry with her if she found out the identity of her child and didn’t tell her. Gloria also reminds Lois that Gio doesn’t know that he is adopted and, if this secret got out, it would ruin the memories he has of his parents.

Carly tells Jack that she was wrong to push him away, she was just scared of her feelings for him. Jack and Carly have sex and then Jack gets in the shower. Carly waits for the champagne they ordered from room service. Carly hears a knock on the door and brings the champagne inside. Valentin sneaks inside Jack’s room while Carly has her back turned opening the champagne.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Ava asks Nina for a loan until she can get back on her feet.

Kristina gets even angrier with Ava when she refuses to let Avery go to the ballet with her since the ballet falls on a day Avery is supposed to be with Ava.

Ric tells Portia that she could go to prison for tampering with Heather’s test results since the fake test results were used in Heather’s criminal case. Ric advises Portia to tell Curtis the truth rather than be blackmailed by Drew.

Drew is upset about The Invader article that he asks Portia to stand behind him during the press conference promoting his new Pediatric Sports Program at the hospital so that Aurora Media will be forced to cover a positive story about him.

Kristina gets permission from Willow to make videos of Wiley and Amelia to send to Michael because he misses the kids. Carly tries to talk to Willow to try and persuade him not to move in with Drew. Carly gets into an argument with Drew instead and Willow defends Drew.

Carly tells Nina what just happened with her and Drew and she also tells Nina they must put their plan into action now. Carly tells Nina they must get into Drew’s house and find evidence to prove to Willow that Drew isn’t a good man anymore. Carly thinks that if they can’t find any dirt on Drew they will need to make up some evidence.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jason talks to Charlotte and tells her that he understands why she dislikes Anna but she saved her and Valentin’s life today. Jason also tells Charlotte that Anna promised Valentin that she would take care of her and get her home safely. Jason tells Charlotte she may not like Anna, but she deserves respect from her.

Sasha turns down the job Carly and Olivia offered her and tells Carly she loves working for the Quartermaines. Brook Lynn wants to find her child but her grandmother Gloria arrives to tell her not to do that because he might not know that he is adopted. Gloria tells Brook Lynn that she told Lois to contact Martin because she wanted to make sure that they were protected and that the adoption remain closed.

Lois wants to tell Brook Lynn that Gio is her son but Gloria doesn’t want to take the memory of Gio’s parents away from him.

Laura persuades Drew to drop the charges against Tracy and let her out of jail. Drew tells Martin that he isn’t afraid of Tracy and he is going to win this battle to move the Quartermaine family crypt out of public land. Portia persuades Curtis to meet with Drew and try to reach a truce. Portia also persuades Curtis to run an expose on how Drew is abusing his power.

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GH Short Recap Friday, March 7, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Isaiah goes to Jordan’s apartment and cooks her dinner. Isaiah tries to persuade Jordan not to go after Jens Sidwell but Jordan is determined to catch Sidwell. Isaiah tells Jordan that he wants to date her and if she doesn’t go after Sidwell they wouldn’t need to sneak around to date. Jordan tells Isaiah that if he doesn’t want to sneak around for now then he can leave.

Carly breaks up with Jack because his job with the WSB doesn’t allow him to be in a committed relationship.

Josslynn begins her WSB training with her handler Vaughn. Vaughn doesn’t think Josslynn will be a good agent because she has ideals and WSB agents have to compromise their ideals to do their job. Josslynn tells Vaughn she wants to work for the WSB and she isn’t going to quit.

Lois tells Ned that Tracy had no right to tell Gio that he shouldn’t sign the papers for the educational trust Sonny gives him. Ned takes his mother’s side because he thinks that someday Gio might feel obligated to do a favor for Sonny that could put Gio in danger. Ned reminds Lois she used to feel the same way about taking Sonny’s money. Ned wonders why she wants Gio to take Sonny’s money for his education,

Jens Sidwell summons Alexis to Windermere and shows her the dagger that Helena left her in her will. Alexis is shocked because she threw the dagger in the harbor. Alexis tells Jens that Helena killed her mother with that dagger and she watched her mother die when she was a little girl.

Lulu confronted Brook Lynn about why she didn’t tell Dante that he had a son and she gave him up for adoption. Lulu explains that she broke into Martin’s room and found his notes. Brook Lynn tells Lulu she never went to Martin to talk to him about finding her baby. Brook Lynn tells Lulu that she never saw the baby after she gave birth. Lulu tells Brook Lynn she saw Lois talking to Martin in his hotel room so Lois must be the one trying to find her son. Lulu tells Brook Lynn “you tell Dante the truth or I will.”

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GH Short Recap Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Kai and Elizabeth help Drew with the new pediatric sports program he wants to start in memory of Oscar.

James breaks his arm because he was sledding off the roof of his house.. Felicia brings James to the emergency room. Isiah puts a cast on James and a few minutes later James is excited to meet Kai who signs his cast.

Ric tells Portia to tell Drew she is going to set up a meeting with Curtis so they can try to stop arguing and be friends again.

Natalia confronts her ex-husband Jens Sidwell and he accuses him of wanting to take over Deception. Jens tells Natalia that he is a changed man, and he wants to be a legitimate businessman. Natalia also thinks Jens is after Sonny but Jens tells her that he thinks she is the one who wants Sonny.

Sonny brings papers for Gio to sign for his educational trust that Sonny provides for him. Tracy tells Gio not to sign the papers because Sonny gets his money in illegal ways. Gio stands up to Tracy again and signs the papers and gives them to Sonny. Gio tells Tracy that he appreciates her concern for him and he knows what people think about Sonny, but Sonny has only been kind and supportive of him since his mother died when he was twelve years old.

Lulu tells Carly that she snuck into Martin’s room hoping to find information about where Charlotte might be but instead found out Brook Lynn and Dante had a child when t they were teenagers. Lulu tells Carly that Dante doesn’t know that he has a son and that Brook Lynn gave the baby up for adoption. Carly thinks that Lulu should keep Brook Lynn’s secret because the baby has grown up and he may not know that he is adopted. Carly tells Lulu that she will keep the secret if she decides not to tell Dante. Lulu tells Carly she won’t know what she should do until she looks in Dante’s eyes.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Portia asks Ava what she should do about Drew’s blackmail. Ava advises Portia to tell Curtis the truth rather than do Drew’s bidding. Portia tells Ava that, if Drew goes to the police and tells them that she tampered with Heather’s test results, she could lose her medical license. Ava suggests that Portia talk to Ric and ask his legal advice so she can decide what to do about Drew.

Lulu finds Martin’s notes about Dante and Brook Lynn’s baby and the adoption. Lulu later talks to Cody at the stables. After Cody has a few beers with Lulu, she makes him believe that Brook Lynn told her what happened when they were camp counselors in junior high. Cody tells her that he has never seen Brook Lynn so scared as when he drove her out of town and she told him she was pregnant with Dante’s child. Cody tells Lulu that he promised he would never tell anyone her secret.

Lois asks Martin to give her the notes he took when they talked about Gio because she wants to burn the notes.

Rocco gets a text message from Charlotte telling him that she is in Buenos Aires. Rocco asks Danny if he should tell Lulu where Charlotte is because he is scared Lulu could get killed going after Charlotte. Danny tells Jason Charlotte’s location which upsets Rocco because Danny had no right to tell Jason. Jason tells Anna and they head to Argentina to bring Charlotte home. Jack gets a text message letting him know Charlotte is in Argentina.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Laura and Curtis get word from the US Congress that the original plans for the McConkey Esplanade have been approved.

Drew goes to Portia’s office and tells her that he knows she tampered with Heather Webber’s test results to assure Heather would stay in prison. Drew tells Portia he will let her secret out if she doesn’t help him with Curtis.

Brad and Lucas are about to have sex when Brad stops and tells Lucas that he knew a secret about Portia and he used it to pressure her to let him go to the conference. Lucas tells Brad he can’t be with someone he can’t trust.

Lulu breaks into Martin’s room to try and find out If Martin knows Valentin’s location. Maxie is Lulu’s look out when Martin arrives and Maxie tries to keep Martin from going into his room.

Jason asks Sidwell if he is responsible for putting the bomb in Sonny’s penthouse. Sidwell lies to Jason and tells him that he didn’t bomb Sonny’s penthouse.

Sasha agrees to talk to the ladies of Deception and persuade them to do business with him in exchange for a half million dollars.

Anna wants Emma to be an intern at Deception but she isn’t sure that she wants the job. Anna and Jason know that Jens Sidwell is dangerous although Jason doesn’t think he bombed Sonny’s house. Anna and Jason strategize on how to handle Sidwell.

Willow tells Nina and Carly that she and the kids are moving in with Drew. Carly and Nina decide that they must find a way to stop Willow from moving in with Drew but they don’t know how to make Willow see the truth about Drew.

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GH Short Recap Friday, February 28, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Carly offers Sasha a job at the Metro Court in order to give Sasha some breathing room since the Quartermaines are driving suffocating her because of the baby. Kristina tells Sonny he needs to find a new place to live because Avery and Donna can’t keep living at the Metro Court.

Kristina gets into an argument with Ava when she comes over to talk to Sonny about Avery’s schedule. Kristina accuses Ava of killing baby Adela again.

Jason later tells Sonny that the police think he killed Cyrus but he didn’t do it but his fingerprints were planted in Cyrus’s cabin. Sonny tells Jason that Jens Sidwell has teamed up with Drew to take pier 55 away from him. Sonny and Jason also think Sidwell is responsible for bombing his Penthouse but they can’t prove it.

Sasha and Carly tell Lucy and Maxie not to do business with Sidwell because he held Sasha captive in a room with a bomb in it. The only problem is that Deception needs a rare mineral called Zincite that is used in Deception’s new night. Jens Sidwell can get the mineral so they can get their cream to market before Enchantment can beat them to market with a copy of their product.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, February 27, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Lucky awakens and his family is so happy he is okay. Lucky tells Sonny that when he was struggling to breathe and , thought that he was going to die, he heard his father’s voice just like he was in the hospital room with him and Luke told him” it’s not your time cowboy not now.

Jack tells Sidwell that if he bothers Carly, he will drop a bomb on him and finish the job he started in Africa.

Josslynn sends a text message to Carly and Trina that she is on an environmental science class trip to Easter Island because a spot on the trip was available at the last minute. Josslynn is actually on her first assignment for the WSB.

Curtis, Laura, and Jordan tell Sonny, Drew, and Jens Sidwell have teamed up and they are planning to use imminent domain to take his property on the pier away from him. Laura tells Sonny that, as the mayor, she can’t put up with a battle between him and Jens Sidwell over the pier property.

Dante helps Chase see that asking Finn to be his sperm donor would have to many complications. Chase later tells Brook Lynn he was wrong to suggest that Finn be the sperm donor isn’t a good idea.

Martin tells Tracy that the Quartermaine family crypt is partially on city property and if she continues with the cease and desist order for Drew not to use the Quartermaine name he will make a call and the state will force her to move the family crypt. Tracy isn’t intimidated and tells Martin she is calling Drew’s bluff.

Lulu tells Tracy that Lucky is awake and she wonders if Martin has any information on Valentin’s whereabouts. Martin tells Lulu that he has looked through all the records he has on Valentin but he hasn’t found any clues on where he might be. Martin leaves quickly telling Lulu and Tracy that he has to meet with another client. Dante arrives and tells Lulu that Martin almost crashed into his car because he was in such a hurry to leave the house. Lulu tells Dante she thinks Martin is the key to bringing Charlotte back home.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Chase wants his brother Finn to be his and Brook Lynn ‘s sperms donor so their child will in some way be genetically his child. Brook Lynn is worried that what happened with Molly and Kristina will happen with Finn and Chase although the situation is slightly different with Fin̈n and Chase. Brook Lynn tells Chase that she needs some time to think and then tells her mom what Chase wants to do and asks her mom to help her decide what to do about the situation.

Tracy gets a judge to approve a cease and desist order so that Drew will stop using the last name Quartermaine. Ned, Olivia, and Gio think that, if Tracy enforces the court order, Scout will be the one hurt because she will feel like she isn’t part of the family.

Drew lies to the Assistant District Attorney(ADA) Turner and tells her Jason never went to his house and he was alone when Cyrus was murdered and he won’t lie for Jason. Carly tells Drew to stop lying and tell the truth. Carly asks Willow to persuade Drew to tell the truth. Willow tells Carly that Drew would never lie just to send his brother to prison. Carly doesn’t understand why Willow is letting Drew manipulate her. Willow later tells Drew that Carly is wrong because nobody manipulates her and that she makes her own decisions and, to prove it, she tells Drew that she, Wiley, and Amelia will move into his house.

Jason tells Diane they will never find Cyrus’ body because the person who framed him for the murder is a professional. Diane gets a court order to set Jason free for now because ADA Turner is determined to convict Jason for Cyrus’ murder even though they haven’t found his body.

Aunt Stella gets Curtis a meeting with her friend Congressman Henderson. Curtis hopes to persuade the Congressman to keep Drew off the Appropriations Committee so Drew won’t be able to stop the McConkey Esplanade project.

Josslynn tells Jack that she has decided to become a WSB agent so she can help people just like Dex wanted to do.

Anna is determined to figure out who is framing Jason so he can be cleared of Cyrus’s murder.

Chase wants his brother Finn to be his and Brook Lynn ‘s sperms donor so their child will in some way be genetically his child. Brook Lynn is worried that what happened with Molly and Kristina will happen with Finn and Chase although the situation is slightly different with Fin̈n and Chase. Brook Lynn tells Chase that she needs some time to think and then tells her mom what Chase wants to do and asks her mom to help her decide what to do about the situation.

Tracy gets a judge to approve a cease and desist order so that Drew will stop using the last name Quartermaine. Ned, Olivia, and Gio think that, if Tracy enforces the court order, Scout will be the one hurt because she will feel like she isn’t part of the family.


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GH Short Recap Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Brad’s Aunt Selina wants Brad to quit his job at the hospital to return to work for her in order to pay off Cody’s debt to her. Brad doesn’t want to leave his job so he gives his Aunt the proof that Portia tampered with Heather Webber’s teat results so Ms. Wu can have leverage over the co-Chief of Staff of General Hospital. Ms Wu tells Brad that his debt to her is paid.

Maxie tells Nina where the combination to Drew’s safe is because Nina is hoping to find something in Drew’s safe at his new house to help her break up Drew and Willow. Maxie tells Nina the same thing Ava advised her to tell Willow…that she and Drew were sleeping together while Drew was telling her that he loved her and trying to persuade her to divorce Michael. Nina tells Maxie she can’t do that because she is afraid to lose Willow.

Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Turner takes Anna off the Cyrus murder investigation and takes over the investigation herself. Anna tells ADA Turner that Jason’s fingerprints were found in Cyrus’s cabin. Anna tells ADA Turner that Jason’s alibi is Drew. Drew gets a call and is asked to come down to the police station. Willow goes to the police station with Drew and ADA Turner if he can provide an alibi for Drew.

Kai surprises Trina by taking her to the museum where they each paint a painting.

Josslynn almost tells Anna that she killed Cyrus when she finds out Jason’s fingerprints were found at Cyrus’s cabin. Josslynn goes to talk to Jack and is very angry with him for framing Jason for Cyrus’s murder. Jack tells Josslynn that Jason won’t be convicted of murder without a body. Jack tells Josslynn that if she wants to go on trial for what she did, the police will find Cyrus’ body and she will be on trial for murder. Jack has a WSB assignment for Josslynn but she tells Jack that she isn’t a WSB agent and she doesn’t want to become an agent.

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GH Short Recap Friday, February 21, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn is surprised that Chase isn’t angry with her about not telling him she had a baby when she was in high school and giving it up for adoption a secret from him. Brook Lynn tells Chase that nobody, not even her father. Brook Lynn explains that only her mother knows, and she handled the closed adoption. Brook Lynn tells Chase she didn’t even see her child so she doesn’t know if it is a boy or a girl. Chase tells Brook Lynn that she is the strongest woman he knows, and he loves her very much. Chase offers to help Brook Lynn find her child if she decides she wants to find it.

Drew refuses to call a truce with Jason because he feels the Quartermaine family has turned its back on him just because he fell in love with the wrong woman. Drew tells Jason that he has the Quartermaine name and his part of the Quartermaine money he doesn’t need the headaches the Quartermaine family have given him.

Sasha tells Tracy that a private detective named Elaine Stevens is looking for diet on Michael and they should be on guard.

Jason later tells Tracy that Drew is coming after the Quartermaines because he feels the family has turned his back on him. Isiah gives Lucky the antidote for digitalis Lucky’s heart stops but Isaiah shocks him with the paddles until he is able to get Lucky back into stable condition.

Josslynn tells Jack that Cyrus had a hatchet and was coming toward her and she was afraid for her life so that is why she shot him. Josslynn is afraid nobody will belive that she shot Cyrus in self-defense because everyone knows that she thought Cyrus killed Dex so people will think she is lying and went to the cabin to kill Cyrus, Jack tells her the WSB will help make all of this go away but she can’t tell anyone not even her mother what happened at the cabin. Jack tells Josslynn if she can’t handle keeping the secret they can call the police right now. Josslynn tells Jack she can keep what happened at the cabin a secret. Jack takes Josslynn back to the WSB office and admits that he knew Cyrus killed Dex because he saw it on surveillance camera from Rice Plaza. Jack explains that he gave her clues to see if she could figure out Cyrus killed Dex. Jack tells Josslynn he thinks she would make a wonderful WSB agent and offers her a job. Josslynn thinks Jack helped her with Cyrus to force her to work for the WSB. Jack tells Josslynn even if she refuses his job offer nobody will ever know what happened at the cabin. Jack tells his assistant Colette to go with the WSB team and completely clean the cabin of any evidence. Dante and Anna arrive at the cabin and start looking for evidence of where Cyrus might be.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Curtis’ Aunt Stella agrees to introduce him to a Congressman that is a good friend of hers so Curis can ask the Congressman to make sure Drew doesn’t get appointed to any important committees in Congress.

Lulu tells Dante she feels like Brook Lynn has taken her place in the lives of her friends and family. Dante tells Lulu that Brook Lynn is a different person than she was when Carly hired her to break up their marriage.

Dante encourages Lulu to let her past with Brook Lynn go and start fresh with Brook Lynn.

Chase and Brook Lynn discuss possibly being foster or adoptive parents but Chase can’t stop blaming himself because, since he is sterile, Brook Lynn will never be able to experience what it is like to be pregnant. Brook Lynn can’t bear to see Chase in such pain and she blurts out that she has been pregnant already.

Willow tells Drew she doesn’t think it’s the right time to move in with him because she doesn’t want to uproot Wiley and Amelia again.

Jason goes to Sam’s grave to decide if he should kill Cyrus. Jason goes to Drew’s house to call a truce with Drew because he knows that is what Sam would want him to do.

Elizabeth does CPR on Lucky and, when the ambulance arrives, she goes with him to the hospital. Elizabeth calls Laura and Jordan calls Lulu and they head to the hospital to be with Lucky. Elizabeth tells the doctors that she thinks Lucky was injected with digitalis. Elizabeth tells Laura she isn’t sure that Lucky will make it. Elizabeth also tells Laura that Cyrus is the digitalis killer. Elizabeth tells Laura that Cyrus thought he was releasing bedridden patients from suffering and the first person he tried to kill was Lulu.

Cyrus catches Josslynn searching his house and tells her that she is getting in the way of his mission. Cyrus tries to inject Josslynn, but two shots ring out and Cyrus falls to the floor. Cyrus says ” now you’re the murderer ” before he dies. Josslynn is in shock but has the presence of mind to call Jack and ask him for his help.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jack and Carly ‘s Valentine’s Day is interrupted by Donna who calls out for her mommy because she had a nightmare. Jack explains to Donna why people have nightmares and helps Donna feel better. Jack is then called away because he has to go to work.

Chase tells Dante that he is sterile, but he knows that they will find a way to be parents.

Brook Lynn later gets into an argument with Lulu because Lulu interrupted her Valentine’s Day with Chase so that she could handle a work emergency that Natalia or Maxie could have handled. Lulu tells Brook Lynn that she has a perfect life and if she doesn’t have something she wants it is her fault. Dante later tells Lulu that Brook Lynn and Chase just found out that they can’t have children.

Curtis tells Drew to leave Savoy because he is refusing him service. Curtis tells Willow she can stay if she wants but Willow leaves with Drew. Drew takes Willow to his new house and asks her to move in with him.

Cyrus arrives at Elizabeth’s house and tells her that he will answer all her questions. Cyrus tells Elizabeth that God gave him a mission who are suffering and imprisoned in their own bodies so that these suffering souls can be free to be with the Lord, Cyrus tells Elizabeth he tried to free Lulu but the drug he used damaged her liver and brought unwatering oil attention. Cyrus tells Elizabeth he killed Sam because she was getting in the way of his mission to free Lulu from her suffering. Cyrus is grateful to Sam because of Sam he discovered digitalis was a quick and effective method of freeing people to be with the Lord. Cyrus tells Elizabeth he had to kill Dex because Dex had seen him near Sam’s room when he killed her. Cyrus tells Elizabeth that since she heals people she understands that he must inject her because she knows everything now. Lucky tells Cyrus to get away from Elizabeth. Cyrus goes to Lucky and they struggle for the syringe and Cyrus sticks the needle in Lucky and runs out of Elizabeth’s house. Elizabeth tells Lucky she called 911 just as Lucky falls to the floor.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jack and Carly spend Valentine’s Day together. Jack brings Carly roses and then he fixes the pipes on her kitchen sink after they both get splashed by water. Jack tells Carly that his father was a plumber and taught him a few things about plumbing.

Trina admits to Kai that her father Curtis owns Savoy after he takes her there to impress her.

Dante cheers up Lulu after she thinks she is a bad mother because she doesn’t know the things that Rocco likes to eat. Dante tells Lulu about Rocco’s first crush when he was a little boy.

Lucky (temporarily played by Guy Wilson) and Elizabeth spend the evening together eating the Valentine’s Day cake that Aiden made for Elizabeth.

Anna asks Jason not to kill Cyrus because she has enough evidence to arrest him for the digitalis murders, but she can’t get a warrant for his arrest until tomorrow. Anna is nervous when Jason doesn’t respond to her request..

Chase takes Brook Lynn to the Savoy and gets on stage and sings a romantic song for her,

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GH Short Recap Monday, February 17, 2025

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Elizabeth presented Anna with evidence implicating Cyrus in multiple deaths, prompting Anna to consider obtaining a warrant for his arrest. Meanwhile, Cyrus prepared syringes filled with Digitalis and learned that Elizabeth was at home. At the police station, Sasha kissed Jason to support their fabricated story about him being her baby’s father, a gesture witnessed by Mac, who was visibly upset. Carly and Sonny discussed Jason and Sasha’s situation, with Sonny advising Carly to stay out of it. Later, Elizabeth was confronted by Cyrus at her home, leading to a tense encounter. Elsewhere, Jack visited Carly, assisting her with a plumbing issue and sharing personal anecdotes about his family background. At The Savoy, Spinelli’s attempt to set up Lucas on a blind date was unsuccessful, while Trina and Kai enjoyed their first date, during which Trina revealed her father’s ownership of the venue. Anna implored Jason not to take lethal action against Cyrus, but Jason remained noncommittal. The episode concluded with Cyrus confronting Elizabeth at her residence.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Short Recap Friday, February 14, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Alexis persuades Jason not to kill Cyrus because Danny doesn’t need to live with the guilt of knowing that his father killed Cyrus.

Sonny and Ava agree to share equal custody of Avery.

Lulu gets upset when she finds out Jens Sidwell is going to invest in Deception. Lulu tells Maxie that Jens recently held Lucky hostage. Maxie decides not to meet with Sidwell until she knows more about him.

Sidwell sees Natalia outside and wonders if her co-workers know that they used to be married.

Elaine Steven’s is so grateful to Sasha for taking her and her dog Mavis to the hospital that she tells her that she is investigating her as part of a case she is working and she tells Sasha to watch her back.

Lucas and Isaih rescue Cody and Molly from the hospital roof.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Anna arrests Jason for threatening to kill Cyrus at Charlie’s pub. Anna is trying to keep Jason from killing Cyrus before she can arrest Cyrus for the digitalis murders.

Martin hires Elaine Steven’s and her dog Mavis to dig up dirt on Michael so they can have leverage on Michael so that it can help Willow get custody of Wiley and Amelia. Elaine talks to Sasha. Sasha plays with Mavis and tells her that her baby is due on July 23. Felicia later tells Sasha that Elaine is a private detective and she is probably working on a case. Elaine meets with Martin in the park and she says she hasn’t found any dirt on Michael but she intends to become friends with Sasha because Sasha is the family cook and the servants overhear things.

Sasha calls Elaine’s secretary and finds out Elaine is in the park and she walks to the park to play with Mavis. Elaine gets a call and asks Sasha to take care of Mavis. Elaine finishes her call and Sasha let’s Mavis off her leash so Elaine has to chase her. Sasha gets a look at Elaine’s note pad but then Sasha hears a car crash and it seems like Mavis got run over by a car.

Cody and Molly get stuck on the hospital roof when the door to the stairs gets locked behind them. Cody left his cell phone downstairs and Molly’s cell phone battery is dead.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Lucky and Elizabeth worry that Cyrus will leave town before they can prove that he is the digitalis killer.

Anna arrests Josslynn for trespassing since Cyrus ‘s landlord told Chase that he let a blonde girl in her early twenties into Cyrus’s apartment because she told him that she worked at the rescue mission with him. Anna tells Josslynn that she is attesting for her own protection because Cyrus is dangerous.

Martin goes to the police station and presses charges against Jason for threatening to kill Cyrus at Charlie’s pub. Cyrus had told Martin earlier that he didn’t want to press charges against Jason because he just wants peace.

Jason and Sasha tell Danny that Jason isn’t the father of her baby, but people need to think that he is the father of her baby. Danny agrees to keep the secret.

Sasha advises Jason not to kill Cyrus if he wants to keep Danny’s respect and admiration.

Nina almost tells Willow that she was sleeping with Drew at the same time that Drew was trying to persuade her to leave Michael because she is his one true love but Tracy interrupts their conversation. Tracy later promises Alexis she will leave Drew and Willow alone.

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