Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Ava asks Alexis for a loan from the Cassidine Estate because she needs to pay her taxes or she will lose her gallery. Alexis tells Ava she won’t give her a loan because it will upset Kristina.
Kristina later talks to Lucky and tells him Sonny will soon have heart surgery and she is worried about him. Kristina also tells Lucky that what really makes her angry is that Sonny didn’t go to court to fight for sole custody of Avery because he doesn’t need any stress right now because of his heart condition. Kristina tells Lucky that he agreed to joint custody of Avery with Ava and Ava doesn’t have the money to take care of Avery. Lucky advises Kristina to let go of this hatred of Ava because it will only hurt her and baby Adela would want her mom to be happy.
Nina isn’t happy that Willow turned down her offer to buy her a house and has decided to move in with Drew. Nina uses Willow’s spare key to get into Drew’s house to look inside Drew’s safe for anything that will help her change Willow’s mind about Drew.
Valentin asks Alexis to go to the police station because he needs her to do something for him.
Curtis tells Kai to keep his guard up around Drew because Drew can’t be trusted. Kai and Portia appear with Drew at a press conference to promote his new Pediatric sports program.
Jason meets with Valentin at the police station and promises to do a favor for him in the future if he tells him everything he knows about Jack. Valentin tells Jason he thinks Jack is still the head of the WSB but he is using being the chief of the WSB field office as a cover. Valentin also tells Jason that Jack will do anything to get what he wants but now his weakness is Carly because he is in love with her. Valentin tells Jason that the only way to protect Carly from danger is to get her away from Jack. Jason goes to the hospital and tells Carly that her relationship with Jack is over now.
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