Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
While “Rafe” and Jada were spending time together, EJ showed up. They wondered why EJ was there. EJ said he wanted to check on his detective. He made a comment about Jada not finding Rachel. When Jada was about to leave, she tried to kiss “Rafe.” EJ interrupted them. After Jada left, EJ demanded to know what was going on between him and Jada. Arnold told EJ he didn’t touch Jada and that they didn’t sleep in the same bed. EJ wanted to talk about the plan of using Arnold to get Jada fired. Arnold wasn’t sure how he could get her fired, but EJ said he would get information on her and Arnold could use it to expose her. He asked EJ who would take Jada’s place when Rafe got fired. EJ said Rafe would take her place and convince Paulina to hire him (EJ) back for being on to Jada’s corruption. Alex went to the hospital to check on Justin and Bonnie. Kayla warned them to prepare themselves for what they were about to see. They were shocked when they saw Bonnie. Bonnie woke up and was concerned about learning her lines. Justin let her know that she didn’t have to worry about the lines because she wasn’t going back to Body and Soul again. Bonnie was upset when Justin told her that she wasn’t going back to the set. Justin threatened to sue the show. Alex said what happened to Bonnie was an accident. Justin said his wife almost died because of their negligence. Bonnie tried to say something, but Justin wouldn’t let her. When her phone rang, it was the wardrobe department from the show. He yelled at them for sending the text that started the trouble, but they said they didn’t send a text. Justin, Bonnie, and Alex talked about Richard (wardrobe department) and wondered if he lied. Justin looked through Bonnie’s phone and saw that the text was from an unknown number. They try to figure out the truth. Alex left the room to call the police. Justin let Bonnie know they were going to figure out what happened.
Philip called Stephanie and thanked her for not telling Xander the truth. Stephanie let him know that she didn’t do it for him. She said she did it for Sarah and said Philip would be the one who had to live with what he did to his brother. Stephanie ripped into him for being a terrible person and told him to leave her alone. She said she hoped Xander never found out the truth and hung up the phone. Stephanie went to the hospital to see Bonnie and ran into Jada. She told Jada that she has been stressed out over everything that happened as well as her break up with Philip. Jada wondered what happened. Stephanie said she couldn’t deal with Philip’s business deals. The good news was she was free to help Jada plan her wedding. Jada asked her to be her maid of honor to which Stephanie said yes. Alex showed up to tell them how Bonnie was doing. He suggested Jada to talk to his father about what happened. Xander showed up at Titan and told Philip that he wanted them to be partners and make Victor proud of them. When Philip was nervous about it, Xander thought it was because he thought he wanted to start a war with the DiMeras. Philip said they should go after the DiMeras. Xander was surprised that he changed his mind. Philip told him that he and Stephanie broke up and admitted that Xander’s idea wasn’t a bad one. Xander said this was the time to do it since EJ was fired and Rachel was missing. Philip wondered if he wanted to capitalize off Brady’s child being missing. Xander said Rachel was kidnapped by her parents multiple times so it wasn’t a big deal. While Xander and Philip were talking, they talked about the things Kristen has done to them. Philip said Kristen took advantage of them so they could do the same to her. Arnold told EJ that he didn’t want to go through with the wedding, but EJ told him he was going to go through with the wedding. While Alex and Stephanie were talking about Jada and Rafe’s wedding, she let him know that she and Philip were no longer together. Jada went to see Bonnie and Justin. Justin told her that Bonnie’s fall wasn’t an accident. He wondered if someone wanted Bonnie to fall down the elevator shaft. When Jada asked who’d do something like that, Justin thought it might be the same person who poisoned the cupcakes. A mysterious person crossed out Bonnie’s picture.
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