B&B Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope is shocked when Liam asks if they went through everything (with Beth) just to live apart. He asks her if it’s too late and whether she has someone. She replies, “Not yet,” so he thinks she means Finn. She assures him it’s not Finn. Liam misses her and wonders if they can try again. She’s really thrown. He wonders if the good in their past outweighs the bad. He assures her that he’s not the same person he was and that he’s worked hard on himself. She tells him that they’ve moved on and that he’s asking too much. They hug. Just then, Carter walks in.

Just after Brooke sees Ridge hugging Steffy, assuring her that he’ll always be there for Taylor, she wonders what he meant by that. Taylor phones just then and asks Ridge to come over to Steffy’s place. He kisses Brooke and leaves. Brooke and Steffy have another argument about Ridge and Taylor. Brooke thinks that Steffy is trying to undermine her relationship with Ridge, even though she claims she’s not trying to push her parents together. Steffy brings up Hope once again, chasing after Finn. Carter comes in just as they’re postulating that Hope should find a new man, or go back to liam. Carter doesn’t want to discuss Hope and Liam with Steffy and Brooke, so he leaves.

Taylor tells Ridge that she’s having a hard time adjusting to her new diagnosis of Broken Heart Syndrome. He urges her again to tell their kids about what’s going on, but she refuses. He assures her that he’ll be there for her, and they hold hands. Taylor tells him that she’s taking medications given to her by Paris’ mom, and they’ll have another echocardiogram in a few weeks. Ridge tells her that he’s made some calls, and he think he’s found someone to help her with her problems. Taylor shares how she’s feeling, and they hug.


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