Days Transcript Friday, September 20, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[phone ringing]

[gasps] Steve. Oh my goodness, I was so worried about you. I’m so glad you called. Listen, I know you got into the supermax, but– oh, you did talk to Clyde. Oh. Well, did you tell him about your doubts that you have about our niece being our niece?

[ominous music] Well, listen, not to sound like I told you so, but why wouldn’t he stonewall you? I mean, if there’s nothing in it for him, why would he give you any answers about Abigail?

Abby. What are you doing here? I just brought the kids home. They’re upstairs.

[sighs] I’m sorry. I– the door was unlocked, and I thought you would want to know. I– I remember something.

You did?


That’s– that’s great. What– what is it? What did you remember?

It was about you. Well, um, actually, it was about us.

[dramatic music]

Listen, I know you have your doubts. I do too. But until Abigail starts remembering something– no, I told you, we cannot do a DNA test on her without her consent. Listen, listen. Let’s just talk about it when you get back, all right? Mm. Mm-k. I love you. All right, get back safely. All right, bye-bye.

[phone beeps] Uh– oh, Jada, hi. I thought you went back to work.

Yeah, I was going to, but Rafe has been so agitated. You know, he’s threatening to check himself out against medical advice.

What? Why would he do that?

Because he is out of his mind with worry about his sister.

[ominous music]

I am hurt. I am very angry.

But I am not confused, not even one tiny bit. I know just what I want, and pretty soon, I’ll have it.

What– what about Li? Do you really want to defy him like this? I mean, he told you he didn’t want you to hurt us, right?

And you’ve been so good to me, Connie. Which is why I gave you a raise, which is why I put all of my faith and trust into you. Please, Connie, don’t throw it all away. I’ll give you whatever you want!

As much as I’ve enjoyed hearing both of you grovel, the answer is no.

Connie, please don’t. Don’t do this.

Bye-bye, ladies. Have a blast.

No. No!

[timer beeps]

Oh, God.

[breathing rapidly]

Oh, no.

[both screaming]

No, no!

[timer beeping]

[phone beeps]

Another apology? Another one not accepted. Ugh. How would you like to, uh, help me even the score by having sex with me again? Mm. You know, Gabi’s leading two to one. Come on, it’ll be fun. Ugh, God. What an ass.

[phone ringing]


[phone ringing]

[dramatic music]


Gabi, are you here? Guess not.

Is this blood? What the hell? What is going on here?

[both screaming]

[timer beeping]

Melinda, what’s happening with that thing? Can you see it?

Oh, my God, two minutes. It’s gonna blow in two minutes. What are we gonna do?

We’re gonna die.


We’re gonna die!

[both screaming]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[phone ringing]

[groans] Go to hell, Stefan. Seriously, you know, maybe your next restaurant manager would like to help you with your revenge sex tally. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

[knocking] Oh, God, now what?

[eerie music] Connie.

– I can’t take your call right now…

[sighs] – But you know what to do.

[phone beeps]

Ava, hey. I, uh– I feel terrible about hurting your feelings and disrespecting you. I was a jerk, a total jerk. And I– I would really like another chance to apologize.

[soft dramatic music] You know what? No. Voicemail is not the way to go. I– I need to do this in person. I will see you soon.

[phone beeps]

Connie, what are you doing here?

Oh, just tying up a few loose ends. And I’m glad you’re in, since you’re next on my list.

Your list? What are you talking about?

Oh, come on, Ava. You think I don’t know that you’ve been trash talking me all over town, telling anyone who would listen how I was creative with my résumé? Very disappointing, Ms. Vitali, that you did not heed my warning. I mean, I did tell you, did I not, to keep your mouth shut?

[tense music]

Is there anything else you know about Ms. Vininski?

Oh, apart from the fact that she got me fired, Melinda says that the woman is a complete fraud and her résumé was a complete lie.



You did tell on me, didn’t you?

No, I didn’t. I don’t know–

Liar. I asked you to keep quiet, but you sold me down the river. Now, I’ve already made sure that Melinda won’t be able to badmouth me to anyone else ever again.

Melinda? Oh, my God, wh–

And now, you won’t either.

[suspenseful music]

Hello, is someone down there?

[both screaming]

[speaking Spanish]

Hello, is anyone there?

[speaking Spanish]

What are you saying? Translation, please.


Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death, glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

God. No! No!


[glass crashing]

OK. Chad, I was so moved when you recited your wedding vows to me. It really affected me. And– oh my God, no, no. This is so phony and cloying. Damn it. How am I supposed to keep doing this to him?

[sighs] Yesterday, Chad was reciting his wedding vows to me, and his words were just full of emotion and love, and I could feel it in my soul and–

Wait a second, Sis. Uh, don’t tell me you’re falling for him.

[scoffs] What? No, no, of course not. He’s a nice guy, Mark. He doesn’t deserve this.

No, I don’t disagree. Still–

[sighs] Still. I have to start remembering and make it convincing.

[soft dramatic music]

OK, we’re good. I told Julie you were here, and she’s gonna keep the kids upstairs.

Oh, good. I am so sorry. That was just incredibly thoughtless. It would have been terrible if they saw me here.

No, it’s– it’s OK. They didn’t, and they won’t. Um, Julie’s playing their favorite game with them, Connect Four, so…


We’re good.

OK. OK, so what is it? What did you remember?

Um– Oh. I, um– Chad, I was really moved when you brought over the album and recited your wedding vows to me. It was– it really touched something inside me. And–

But I thought you said you didn’t remember anything.

Yeah, no, I didn’t. Not at first. And, um– and then I, you know, kept looking at the album and thinking about the words you said. And it was– it was like the Abigail you were talking about didn’t feel like a stranger to me anymore. It felt like– like she was inside me. I could hear the music. I could smell the flowers. I could taste the wedding cake. And then I saw you standing in front of me, saying those words to me for the first time.

And all of a sudden, my vows started spilling out of me, Chad. I remembered them.

[laughs] I remembered them.


This is exactly what I have prayed for.

[tense music]

So, Ava, you seem surprised to see me.

I am, actually. How did you know where I live?

[chuckles] That was simple. I just got your information off the DiMera contact sheet before you were fired. See, I like to keep track of little things like that, just in case.

Mm. OK, so, Connie, I’m not gonna tell Gabi anything about your résumé. OK? I promise you. She got me fired. I never liked her anyway. So as far as I am concerned, I never even saw you. You’re not gonna have a problem. Not from me.

Yeah, well, Gabi and I, we’re parting ways. She’s in the past now.

I didn’t know that.

Well, now you do. See, I’m off to start a new life with my boyfriend, but I can’t have everyone thinking I’m a fraud, Ava. First off, if it isn’t true. I have lots of skills. And I’m a very conscientious worker. I’m an amazing employee.

Yes, of course you are, Connie, of course. And you know what? I actually– I have heard that you are very efficient and very conscientious.

Now you’re just sucking up so that I won’t hurt you, but I see right through you, Ava Vitali.

No, no, no, no. I am not sucking up. I swear. I have heard that you are a stellar employee and that you are very–

Who did you blab to? Who were you gossiping to about my work history?

No one. I swear to you, I was not–

Are you sure you didn’t tell your good friend Stefan? Because I know how close you two are.

Stefan? No, we are not even that close. And I didn’t say anything to him, not about you.

I don’t believe you. You’re lying. I can see it in your eyes. You’re a bad liar. I know you told him.

OK, OK, OK. Let’s say that I did say something, which I did not. I don’t think it’s even gonna register for him. He has so many more important things on his mind right now. OK, let’s say he did know. OK? I really don’t think he would care. So he’s certainly not gonna tell Gabi. He’s not gonna tell anyone.

Yeah, well, I trust that philandering creep about as much as I trust you. In fact, he’s my next stop, once I’m through with you.

[knocking] – Ava, hey. You in there? It’s me, Stefan.

How convenient. Someone just saved me a trip.

So you’re telling me that this lady, Connie, stabbed Rafe and killed Li Shin?

That’s our working theory.

Oh, my God.

And considering what this woman is capable of, there’s a chance we might be adding Melinda’s name to that list.

Well, no wonder Rafe is so worried about Gabi. Have you still not been able to reach her?

No. Rafe left her a message hours ago, and we haven’t heard back, but I’ve got people out there trying to track her down.

Oh, I hope she’s OK. I mean, she’s– I mean, Rafe has been through so much already. I–

Yeah, he has. I mean, being this upset cannot be good for his health. Kayla, he is going out of his mind, like I said.

Well, I could give him a mild sedative.

I think that would be a good idea.

Well, what about Connie? Do you think that she left town? Do you think that, now that you’re on to her, she knows?

No, honestly, I’m not even sure if she knows that we’re on to her yet, but she’s gonna know soon enough. I have every available cop out there searching for her. And Kristen told me that she saw her at the park earlier today, so there’s a possibility she might still be in Salem.

I hope you find her, soon.

Yeah, me too. Listen, thank you for looking after Rafe, OK? I’m gonna go join the search for Gabi.

OK. Oh, wow.

[suspenseful music]


[groans] What the–?


All right. Aw. Got a little– got a little excited there. My– my heart was pounding.

Oh, yeah.

Or is pounding. Is pounding.

Mine, too.

I’m nervous.

[laughs nervously]

Um. OK. So how much of, uh– of the vows do you remember?

Pretty much all of them. I mean, I might get a word or two wrong, but I can try to recite them if you’d like me to.

What, if I’d like you to? Yeah. I would love– I would love that.



All right. Here it goes. They say– um.

[soft dramatic music]

It’s OK. Just take your time.

Um… They say that when you meet someone and you fall in love with them, you’re drawn to them because they have something unique.

And that’s why we’re here today. Because I need you, Chad. I need your courage. I need your love. I need your faith, your faith in us.

I’m beyond grateful that I get a second chance at life, with you and our beautiful children, our entire family.

You’re the love of my life, Chad. There’s nothing that I want more than… to spend the rest of my days with you.

[phone beeps]

Hey, sis. Uh, it’s me. I just want to let you know that I got in to see Clyde.

[ominous music]

[sighs] I tried to tell him to stop pressuring you, but he pushed back, hard. He’s desperate for you to marry Chad again, ASAP. Oh, and you should know I had a near miss with Abigail’s Uncle Steve. Yeah. Uh, don’t worry. He didn’t see anything.

[knocking] – Ava, please open the door. Look, I know you’re in there. I saw your car parked outside. Look. I know I’ve already apologized, but I think it bears repeating. I am really, really sorry for even suggesting that you and I sleep together again.

OK, just go away, Stefan. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.

Oh, but you do want to talk to him. You’re gonna tell him to come in here, or your next words will be your last. – Ava, please.

All right. Come on in. The door is open.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, God.

Mr. DiMera, so nice to see you. Please, join the party.

I’m at the DiMera house. There’s a heavy smell of smoke, but there’s no signs of any flames on the first floor and no occupants on the scene, but there were two cars in the garage. I’m gonna do a thorough check. Dispatch units immediately.

[phone beeps]


[ominous music]

[coughing] Melinda.


What the hell is going on? What are you doing down here?

Connie. Connie Vininski. No, no, no, no, no. Go. Go help Gabi.


[coughs] There.

Are you OK? Are you sure you’re OK?

I’ll survive.



[suspenseful music] Gabi? Gabi, come on. Open your eyes. Gabi, can you hear me? It’s EJ. Gabi!

EJ? Is she–


Oh, here is Dr. Johnson now. I’ll let her know. No problem. Kayla, hey. Uh, I was just telling a patient to follow up with you. I’m sure you’ll be hearing from her very soon.

Oh, great. Thank you very much. Listen, as long as you’re here, I just have a little question for you.


Well, remember when I gave you that DNA test? You know, you were gonna run it for me for my– for my niece.

Yeah. Uh, Abigail, right?


How is she?

Um, She’s OK. You know, she’s adjusting. But I just– I just want to make sure that, um, you absolutely kept it in your sight the whole time. And I mean, there wasn’t even an instant that you let it out of your sight.

No. No, never. You gave very strict marching orders. Why?

Well, you know, she’s family. And, um, you know, given the circumstances, my husband, he just wants to make sure that the test results were, you know, absolutely accurate.

I completely understand. He has nothing to worry about, nor do you. I took those samples to the lab myself, and I was there the entire time. There’s no way they were tampered with.


[ominous music]

Um, rest assured, that woman is most definitely your niece.

I just can’t believe it. I mean, I can’t– there’s no way that you would know any of those words if you weren’t– if you weren’t there with me that day– if you weren’t you.

No, of course not.

Ooh. I am so happy that you remember one of our happiest memories. I mean, there’s so many more to come.

I can’t wait till that day.


And I– listen, I don’t– I don’t– I don’t think for a second that– that, um– that we’re just gonna go right back to the way we were. You know? And again, I don’t want to– I’m not trying to pressure you. Uh…

But that’s the most hope I’ve had since I found out that you were alive.

Yeah, I feel that too.

[phone ringing]

Um, you can check that. No?

Ah. OK, I got to take it.

OK. It’s OK.

[phone ringing]

This is Chad. What’s up?

I’ll be right back.


Gabi? Gabi, can you hear me?

[coughing] Oh, my God. What happened?

Connie Vininski, she set up a homemade bomb.

A bomb?

Yeah. EJ got here after it went off. He put out the fire.


Gabi has a head injury. We need to get her to the hospital now.

The first responders are on the way.

No, there’s no time. I’ll take her myself.

EJ, that’s not a good idea!

We’re going. It’s OK, Gabi. We’ll get you the help you need.


Connie. What the hell is–

Shut the door, now.

[suspenseful music]


What is going on here. What are you doing?

Well, in a nutshell, I’m cleaning up. I’m eliminating all the problem people in my life, and lucky for me, the next person on my list just came knocking at the door. That’s you, in case you’re wondering.

Let’s be reasonable here. I understand you were upset that Ava and I slept together because of how loyal you are to Gabi.

What? Loyal to Gabi? I hate that little slut. I’m glad you cheated on her. And I hate you, too, Stefan DiMera, for what you did to my boyfriend, the only person that I’m loyal to, who I love with all my heart!

I’m sorry. I’m not understanding. What boyfriend?

Li Shin. Hello!

Li Shin? Li’s dead.

Exactly. And it’s all your fault!

OK, now I’m really lost.

You and Gabi with your grand plans. You think I didn’t know what you two were doing? She broke his heart, and she destroyed him. And you helped her do it, and now you’re going to pay for it.

OK. All right. I think I understand now. You’re angry, and I get it. OK, but your beef is with me and Gabi. OK? What does this have to do with Ava?

Well, this two-faced liar told you I faked my résumé when I explicitly told her to keep her mouth shut!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Connie, Connie, I didn’t. I didn’t. I told you I didn’t tell.

And I told you I didn’t believe you. So now I have to silence her for good. And then you’re next.

– Oh, and here is Dr. Johnson now. I will let her know. No problem.

[phone beeps]

[keys clacking]

[phone beeps]

[phone ringing]


Hey. You have a second to chat?

Yeah. Sorry that I couldn’t get Clyde to back off.

Yeah, I kind of figured you wouldn’t have much luck in that area, so I stepped things up on my side. I remembered my wedding vows with Chad.

Wow. Uh, how’d you pull that one off?

Chad mentioned that there was a box of mementos from their wedding, said it was in the attic. I was able to sneak in, found it, luckily, while he was away, and there was a piece of paper with Abigail’s vows written on it. I memorized it right before he got back.


Yeah, well, I’m highly motivated. Anyway, Chad was so emotional and excited when I was able to recite the vows. I mean, he had tears in his eyes, and I just felt awful and so guilty. I know that I’ve been deceiving him all along, but somehow, deceiving him like this, it feels incredibly and especially cruel.

Look, I don’t like this either. You know that. We have to go through with it. It’s the only option. Mom’s life is on the line.

[soft dramatic music]

Gotta go.

[phone beeps]

Hey, is everything OK?

No, actually. I just got some bad news.


She still hasn’t regained consciousness.

Well, she took in quite a bit of smoke. You know, um, a concussion can cause altered consciousness for some time, even if there’s not a serious underlying issue, which she may have sustained, unfortunately, which is why I’ve ordered a CT scan of her head just to rule out any kind of brain bleed.

Brain bleed?

Well, it’s just a precaution. Listen, she’s in good hands, if you want to go home and get some rest.

I’m staying right here until I know she’s OK.

Gabi. Thank God.


Where am I? What happened?

[coughing] You won’t believe this, but, um, Connie had this life-sized cardboard cutout of Li Shin.

Oh, I believe it. In fact, I saw it with my own eyes.

[ominous music]

You went to the apartment?

We realized that Connie was holding you hostage, but we didn’t know where she had taken you.


We didn’t even know if you were still alive. So we started the search at her place.

Connie had no idea you were onto her? Neither did I.

I’m just so sorry that we didn’t find you sooner.

Yeah, me too. But I’m glad you found us when you did.

[chuckles] And it’s a good thing Connie’s no Oppenheimer ’cause this whole house would have come tumbling down.

I am so sorry, Melinda, for everything that you’ve been through.

Yeah. Me too.

Well, now that you’re a little calmer– at least I hope so– can I ask you again, when Connie left, what exactly did she say?

Um, she said that she was going home to be with Li, and then leaving town.

Well, if she does try to go home, she’s going to find the place crawling with cops.

Oh, she mentioned something about, um, having some– some loose ends to, uh, take care of first.

Do you know what those might be?

She didn’t elaborate, but, um, can’t you just track her phone? Surely you have probable cause.

No. She ditched it for a burner.

[sirens blaring] Sounds like your ride’s here.

[sirens blaring]

I just remembered. Connie took Gabi’s phone with her before she left.

OK, now that we can work with. I couldn’t track Gabi’s phone before because there was no signal in the DiMera’s secret room, but this just might be the break that we need.

OK, look. Ava knows about your résumé being slightly embellished. OK, but, really, you have no interest in staying on at DiMera anyway, right? So what does that matter? And you have a problem with me and Gabi, right? Right? Not Ava.


So really, Connie, Connie, this is all on me. This is all on me because everything that has gone wrong in your life, everything, starting from Gabi stealing those DiMera shares from Li, that was all my idea. And seriously, we knew that that idiot would fall for anything, especially Gabi getting kidnapped.

Shut up!

And Li Shin, what a pathetic loser he is. I mean– sorry, was– that that fool was pining for a woman who would never, ever love him back, not in a million years. I mean, what a joke.

Stop it!


Gabi and I, we– we used to laugh about this behind his back. I mean, Li and– and Gabi, that is ridiculous. I mean, Li Shin, what a miserable waste of space he was, pompous jerk. And I’m sorry, I’m gonna come right out and say it. The world is a better place without him.


What bad news? What happened?

There was an explosion at the mansion, uh, in the basement.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, it’s shocking. My brother EJ was involved, but he’s OK. And, um, EJ apparently had to take Gabi to the hospital. It looks like she’s seriously injured.

[ominous music]

I still can’t wrap my head around it, all the horrible things that Connie did. I feel like such a fool for not seeing the signs, for– for hiring her in the first place.

You can’t blame yourself, Gabi. The woman was obviously an expert at conning people.

Yeah. But the way that she worked so hard to ingratiate herself with me. When I look back on it, there was a desperation to it.

And hindsight is / in this case. You couldn’t have known what that woman was capable of. And it’s over now, thank God.



[soft dramatic music] Thank God.

And EJ…

when that rubble came down on me… and I was surrounded by all the flames… and God, there was just so much smoke. And– and I couldn’t breathe.

And I couldn’t see, and everything was so black.

I was sure I was gonna die.


And there you were, just in time.

You saved my life.

[clears throat]


No. Don’t even think about it.

You ruined everything, just like last time.


[groans] Damn it.

Stefan. Oh, Stefan, you are bleeding like crazy.

I’ll be fine. You OK?


[suspenseful music] You saved my life.


Dr. Greene, can you take care of Ms. Trask? She needs a full workup. She’s suffering from smoke inhalation and the effects from being held hostage.


By a homicidal lunatic who’s in love with a cardboard cutout. I just hope the police can catch her and that she’ll be locked up for an eternity and beyond.


Hold it right there, Connie! Drop the knife, or I’ll shoot.

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