Days Transcript Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft dramatic music]

So how does it feel to be husband and wife again? Hmm.

Well, it’s only been about an hour, but so far, for me, it’s even better than the first time.

For me as well. I’m so happy that you and Fiona could be here for the wedding, especially on such short notice.

I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. It was just lovely. And you, Maggie, you did such a beautiful job of officiating.

Oh. You know, it didn’t feel like a job. It– it was just pure joy, actually, for me to marry my two favorite people on the planet.

Xander, what’s wrong?

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to look at my phone on our wedding night. It’s just, uh, I did play hooky my first day as CEO at Titan.

Well, I’m sure no one will hold that against you. I mean, it’s your wedding day, for heaven’s sakes.

I know, Maggie, but I did have a rather important meeting that I had to miss, and I was hoping Brady could close the deal for me, but I just got a text saying that he never even showed up.


I wonder what happened.

[dramatic music]

[jazz music]

I’ll have another, um, double.

Thank you.

[sighs] Poor kid.

Look, I get that Sophia is still mad at me, but for her to be so mean, can you believe she suggested we go say hi to your dad?

Wow. So she’s– what, she’s basically threatening to out us?

Yeah, but pretty sure she was bluffing. Because why would she give her leverage up like that? I mean, if she tells anyone about us, she’s gonna have to work at the Bistro, which I know she doesn’t want to do.

Yeah. I know, I just– I hate that you’re in this position and that she’s being so mean to you like you said.

It’s OK. The important thing is that you and I get to spend time together.

Yeah. Do you honestly think that she’s gonna keep quiet, though?

I gave her money, and I promised her there was more on the way, so pretty positive she’s gonna keep her mouth shut. [phone ringing]

That’s my dad.

[dramatic music] Well, I hope you’re right. Otherwise, I’m gonna be in some serious trouble.




Bad time?

No, no. It’s a good time. Come in. I was hoping to see you.


Listen, tell me– here, have a seat.

Oh, thank you.

How did it go at Poplar Bluff?

Well, it was quite an adventure, but aside from all that, I’m sure that you’ve heard that we found John being held captive in an abandoned building.

Yeah, I heard. I mean, what a crazy coincidence.

I don’t think it was a coincidence. I think it had something to do with our search for Abigail. I just– I just don’t know how it fits yet.

Oh. So you and Chad came home empty-handed?

No, we did not.

[tense music]

Oh my God, Jack. Did you find Abigail?

Yeah, I wouldn’t drink that if I were you. The coffee here is notoriously awful.

It can’t be that bad. Ugh! Um, OK. I stand corrected.

Yep. Look, um, I know how overwhelming all of this must be. Yeah. A couple of strangers show up out of the blue. One thinks you’re his dead wife, the other his dead daughter.

[dramatic music]

Yeah. It doesn’t happen every day.

No, I don’t imagine it does. Thank you, though, for flying here with us to figure out the truth.

Um, please don’t thank me yet. I’m– [sighs] I’m starting to think this is a huge mistake.

So who is this Brady?

Well, he’s my idiot cousin. Although now, I guess he’s my idiot nephew.

Now, now, be nice. Brady’s a good person.

He totally flaked on helping me out today. I knew I shouldn’t have left him in charge.

Well, I’m sure Brady had a good reason for not showing up to close that deal. I mean, he’s usually very reliable.

Mom knows Brady better than most.

Well, that’s true. We’ve become quite close since I became his sponsor.

His sponsor?


So I assume you’re an AA, too, Maggie? Oh, sorry. [phone beeps] None of my business.

No, it’s all right. We’re family now. Fiona, if you would like to go to a meeting while you’re in town, I’d be happy to go with you.

Well, that’s very kind. I’ll let you know.


I just got an alert that Theresa was transferred to Statesville earlier today, so that’s probably why Brady didn’t show up.

Hmm. Still, could have at least called to let me know.

[soft dramatic music]

[phone ringing]

Oh my God. Do you think Sophia told your dad about us?

Only one way to find out. [phone beeps] Hey, Dad, what’s up?

Hey, kid. Not much. I just– I want to make sure you got to New York OK. You were supposed to call me when you landed.

Yeah. I’m sorry, Dad, I forgot. I’m actually– I’m in the car on the way back to camp right now.

It’s hard to hear you.

Oh. Yeah, sorry, I– you know, camp’s in the woods, and, you know, there’s not a lot of cell towers.

Right, of course.

Actually, Dad, it’s kind of hard to hear you, too. Where are you?

[jazz music]

Chad and I met someone who could be Abigail. She just doesn’t look like her.

Then how could it be her?

The woman we found told us that she’d been in a really bad accident a few years ago at the exact same time that Abigail supposedly died. She told us that she’d had reconstructive surgery.

But she’d know if she was Abigail, right?

She said she had amnesia, that the accident left her with no memory of her past.

Oh. I guess it could be Abigail.

Which is why we need you to do a DNA test on her.

[dramatic music]

You think it’s a mistake? Why?

Because I’m just afraid it’s a big waste of your time. I mean, what are the actual odds that I’m your supposedly dead wife?

Yeah, look, I know it sounds crazy, but since someone sent us on a search for her, and it led us to you, and the pieces, they mostly fit together so far. And you can’t remember anything that contradicts you being Abby.

Still, it’s far-fetched. I’m just– I’m just worried that you and your father-in-law are setting yourselves up for a terrible disappointment.

Well, it’s– it’s pretty hard not to get your hopes up. Look, it will all be resolved soon. Once you do the DNA test, we’ll know one way or another.

That’s true. But– OK, let’s say that I am this Abigail person. Then what? [exhales sharply] Then what, Chad? I– It’s not like we can just be together. I don’t know you at all.

All right. Kayla’s ready to give us the test.

You good? Are you still up for this?

Yeah. Yeah. I’ve come this far. No sense in turning back now.

OK, here we go. Champagne for the bride and groom.

And sparkling cider for the mothers.

Thank you.

That’s thoughtful. Thank you, darling.

So who’d like to make the first toast?

Oh, I would, if that’s all right.

Of course.

OK, so here’s an old Scottish wedding blessing. A thousand welcomes to you with the marriage kerchief. May you have good health all your days. May you be blessed with long life and peace, and may you grow old with kindness and riches.


That was really beautiful. Thank you. Cheers, cheers.

Cheers, cheers.

Cheers, cheers.

Well, you know, I’ve got to make one too, right? [laughter] I would like to raise a glass to my beloved wife, who is not only the love of my life and a truly amazing person who always pushes me to make better decisions, even when I’m stubborn and refuse. If it wasn’t for her, me and my mum never would have reconnected. It’s no secret that I had some reservations about inviting you to the wedding, Mum, but Sarah insisted that family’s important and that you should be a part of our lives and Victoria’s. I know we still have our issues to work out, but now, thanks to Sarah, we have that chance, and I’m just so grateful. So here’s to Sarah.

To Sarah.

To Sarah.


To Sarah, darling.

[eerie music]

Oh dear.


Well, I should have left some for the next toast. I’m going to need a refill.

Let me get that for you.

No, no, don’t trouble yourself. I can get it.

[indistinct chatter]

Dad? I– I just asked you, where are you?

Um, buddy, I’m at home.

Really? There’s a lot of noise in the background?

Yeah, it’s TV. It’s a party scene or something, I gotta turn it down. Listen, I’m glad you got to camp safely, and I also wanted to tell you I’m really glad you got to see your mom before she was transferred to Statesville.

Yeah, me, too. I just wish you would have let me stay in Salem.

Buddy, we talked about that, OK? I think it’s really, really important that you don’t miss camp.

Yeah. Is that the only reason?

What do you mean?

I don’t know. It just– to be honest, it kind of felt like you couldn’t wait to get rid of me.

Buddy, oh my God, that’s so not true. It’s just that you made a commitment to the camp, and I think you should– you know, you should honor the commitment, that’s all. But I can’t wait for you to come home because I miss you already.

I miss you too, Dad. I’m glad you called.

Me, too. Me, too. All right, I’ll– I’ll talk to you again soon, OK?

OK. Have a good night, Dad.

I love you. [phone beeps] I love you. I love you.

So your dad doesn’t know you’re still in town, then?

No. No. He thinks I’m at camp. Although he did say that I would be coming home in a few weeks, so we may not be able to meet up like this for much longer.

Yeah, but hopefully we won’t have to meet up in secret for much longer after that. I mean, your parents, kind of seemed like they’re open to the idea of letting us date when school starts.

I know, and my mom practically gave me her blessing after she was arrested.

But we still have to be careful.

Yeah. I mean, if they found out that we were sneaking around all summer, can you imagine?

That would ruin everything.

Yeah, well, we won’t let them find out.


In the meantime, we should be making the most of our summer hideaway.


[tender music]

OK. Here we go. Now, I have swabs from both you and Jack, and we’ll find out if you are father and daughter.

How long do– do the results take to get?

Well, I’ll have the lab put a rush on it. It might be an hour or two. You’re welcome to sit here or– well, I think you might be more comfortable than in the waiting room.

Thank you, yes.

All right. I will be back.

Well, I’m starving. Think we could get something to eat?

Yeah. There’s a cafeteria downstairs. – Mmm.

Yeah. I had the coffee, I think. I’m betting the food isn’t any better.

You’d probably win that bet.

I know of a place that we could go.

Where is it?

I can take you if you want.

Sure. Yeah, let’s go.


[soft dramatic music]

Our little angel is still sleeping.

Oh, she is such a little angel. She has such a wonderful disposition. And just so you two know, if you are planning a honeymoon, I would be more than happy to take care of her while you’re gone.

Oh, well you will get that chance.

Definitely. Sarah and I are determined to get away at least for a couple of days, right?


Just wish it could be longer. I just can’t really afford to be away from Titan for too long right now.



And I can’t afford to be away from Victoria for too long ’cause I’ll get very sad, so that works for me as well.

Well, I can pitch in, too, if you’d like. I’d love to spend more time with my granddaughter.

So does that mean you’ll be sticking around in Salem for a while?

Yes, if that’s all right.

Of course. [phone beeps]


Do you mind?


[soft dramatic music]

Oh, you look happy. Is this from your secret beau, perhaps?


Well, don’t let us keep you. We were just about to wrap this party up anyway, weren’t we, girls?


Yeah, well, in that case, I’ll let him know I’m available.

[phone beeps]

[jazz music]

Guess this must be your home away from home, huh?

I beg your pardon?

When you were on the phone before, I heard you tell someone you were at home.

You, uh– [clears throat] you make a habit of eavesdropping on private calls?

Private call– buddy, you’re in the middle of a bar.

Hey, buddy, I don’t care if I’m in Grand Central Station. What I say on this phone is none of your freakin’ business, is it?

I’m sorry. Forget I said anything. Jackass.

Whoa, I’m sorry, what did you say?

[tender music]

You are so beautiful. Whoa. What are you– what are you doing?

Tate, I– I think we should have sex.

[soft dramatic music]

OK, the lab is working on the samples. Where’s Chad and– well, “Jane Doe” seems a bit cold.

Yeah. I don’t know what to call her either. Actually, they went out to get something to eat, although I think maybe Chad had a hidden agenda.

[bright music]

[chuckles] When you said you were gonna take me to get something to eat, I thought we were going to a restaurant.

Well, don’t worry, I’m not gonna let you starve. I texted the chef on the way over. She’s gonna whip something up for us.

The chef?


Where are we anyway?

This is my family’s estate. I lived here with my wife and our two kids.

Very bougie.

Yeah. Yeah. Which is funny, because Abby was the opposite of bougie, which is probably why she didn’t love living here. But it was our home.

And that’s why you brought me here, hoping it would trigger some memories.

Yeah. I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t true, but–

You don’t lie.

Does anything seem familiar?


[dramatic music]

If you’re gonna call me a name, at least have the guts to do it to my face, all right?

Dude, calm down.

No, I’m calm. I’m calm.



What’s going on?

Uh, this guy decided he wanted to eavesdrop on my call, and he’s got the nerve to give me a bunch of attitude about–

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. Let’s not spoil a good time before it even starts, hmm?

[jazz music]

Sorry about that. Just let it go. I’ll make sure you get a very generous tip.

So I was very glad when I got your text.

Yeah? And I was very glad that you accepted my invitation. How was the lovely wedding?

Oh, very lovely, except that I was white-knuckling it the whole day.

Yeah, I would, too, if I had to spend that much time with your son. No offense.

Xander is no great fan of yours either, as you well know, and he was quite angry that you blew off that business meeting.

Oh! The meeting! I– I ran into my kid.

I thought he was away at camp.

He was. He is. I mean, he’s– it’s a long story, but I also had to go visit my dad in the hospital.

No! Is he all right?

Mm-hmm. He’s gonna be just fine. But between that and this, I missed the meeting. But what I really needed was one of these, I needed a drink, so–

Yeah, I hear you. Let’s order a couple of rounds, eh? [chuckles]


I must say, I’m enjoying Fiona’s company very much. She’s delightful.

Well, you wouldn’t say that if you’d met her back when we lost my father. I mean, my dad, Titus. I mean, Titus– I mean, honestly, I haven’t seen her like that since I was a wee lad. It’s– it’s like I got my real mother back finally.

Well, I’m glad she’s got herself together now. And you did it all, Sarah. I mean, you brought her to your wedding, and now to Salem.

Yes. I’m feeling quite pleased with myself.

As well you should.

OK. So, you newlyweds, any idea where you want to go for your honeymoon?

Well, we’re saving the big honeymoon, so we’re just thinking a few days somewhere– I don’t know, I was thinking Green Mountain Lodge?

Hmm. I have a better idea. What about the Horton Cabin?

[soft dramatic music]

I– I don’t know. I didn’t realize that you were even, you know, thinking about sex or that you thought we were even ready for that.

Why wouldn’t we be? Unless do you not want to?

No. No. Oh my God, no, Holly, of course I want to.

Oh, me, too.

[tender music]

Hey, maybe, uh– maybe we should talk about this for a minute.

OK. What’s there to talk about?

Um… well, for one, like, have you ever done it before?

No. Have you?


That’s good. We can be each other’s first then.

Yeah– yeah. What– like, what about protection? You know I don’t– I don’t have any.

That’s OK. I do.

OK, sweetheart. I’ll let you know as soon as I know anything. I will. Yes. I love you, too. Bye.

So how did Jennifer react when you told her about the woman that you and Chad brought back?

She’s– she’s– she’s trying to stay neutral about it. Doesn’t want to get her hopes up.


It’s too late for me to do that, obviously.


[somber music]

It’s just, to believe Abigail is still alive.

And if she’s not, if it’s a hoax, it’s– it’s like you have to grieve all over again. And I– I’m not sure that– that Jennifer and I could handle that heartbreak all over again.

I take it he’s the lord of the manor, so to speak?

Yeah, he’s my father. Stefano DiMera. Passed away several years ago now.

He’s very intimidating.

He was. Abby didn’t mind standing up to him, though.

Go Abigail. Oh.

[mysterious music]

Well, this is pretty.

Abby bought that when we lived in Paris together. Maybe that’s why you’re drawn to it.

Or maybe I’m just drawn to shiny things.

Yeah, well– I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be pressuring you. It’s just I need–

You just need me to be Abigail.

My family’s cabin. Why didn’t I think of that?

Right, but is it definitely empty?

Yeah, for sure.

I think it’s a great idea. It’s cozy, it’s romantic. And Johnny and Chanel, they spent their honeymoon earlier this year there.

Yeah, but didn’t Julie show up and kind of ruin the romance? [laughter]

Yes, yes, she did. But I promise you, you two will have the place all to yourselves, no unexpected visitors. Promise.

Mmm, that sounds perfect.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. And, well, and since it’s only a ferry ride away, we could start our honeymoon tonight.

[romantic music]

So here. Protection.

[laughs] Where did you even get these?

At the drugstore while I was waiting for you in the square.

Wow, I didn’t realize that you had this whole agenda, like you were plotting–

No– shut up! I wouldn’t put it like that. I don’t know. When I ran into Sophia earlier, she kind of was grilling me on whether we’ve, like, done it or not, and when I told her no, she gave me a hard time, so…

Why would she do that? It’s none of her business.

No, I know. Obviously not. But she did point out that you rented us a hotel room on prom night.

Yeah. You know, I rented the hotel room so that we could be alone together. I wasn’t like, you know, trying to seduce you or whatever.

So what are you saying? Are you saying you don’t want to make love to me? Oh my God, Sophia was right. Tate, did you change your mind about me?

No, no, Holly. No, you have no idea how badly I want to be with you.

Then what are we waiting for?

[soft dramatic music]

Holly, just stop. This is a bad idea.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.


I’m very confused here. So Tate is your son by one of your exes.


But the other one gave birth to him?

Yeah. Yeah. The whole process was very– it was experimental. It was brand-new.

I’m not talking about the bloody science. What I’m talking about is how could anyone– how could– how on Earth could anyone put their body through a whole pregnancy and childbirth when they don’t have to? You should have just stolen the baby after it was born.

Well, maybe. Maybe she shouldn’t have stolen the baby at all.


Right? That would have been an interesting–

That would have been the best option of all. [laughter] You know what I’m thinking?

Hmm. What are you thinking in there?

We should take this back to my place.

Mmm. Yeah, maybe. No, I’d like to. I gotta– I gotta– I gotta go home.


Because my– my family, they need me.

OK, Mr. Family Man. One more for the road, then?

Absolutely. Mmm. I want to tell you something?

I can’t reach.

Come here, come here.

Listen, Jack, I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this. How did JJ react when he heard the news?

He thinks Clyde is lying. He refuses to believe his sister is alive, and he thinks that we are torturing ourselves needlessly.

Well, I– I hope so much that he’s wrong. I’ll go check on those tests, and hopefully we’ll finally get the answers.

[soft acoustic music]

[soft dramatic music]

This is delicious.

It’s a banh mi sandwich.

Banh mi?


I never heard of that. Definitely never had one.

Yeah. We– Abby and I ordered it once from this Vietnamese restaurant we used to go to, and she liked it so much that we got the recipe so that the chef would, you know, make it for her on occasion. Do you like it?

Yeah. I do. [phone beeps]

[dramatic music]

They’re in. The DNA test results.

What’s wrong? Why is this a bad idea?

Look, I just– I don’t like that Sophia made you feel insecure. And I don’t know. I feel like if we do it, we’d be doing it to prove a point, and so in a way, it’s like she’s forcing us into it.

Oh. Do you feel forced?

No! No, no. God, no, I’m sorry. That’s not– that’s not what I mean. I just– I don’t like how Sophia made you feel like it was weird that we’re waiting, and I don’t want that to be the reason that we decide not to wait.

[tender music]

Yeah. I get that. And Tate, I don’t want that to be the reason either. And when we actually do go through with it, I’d want to, like, you know, spend the whole night with you and all that stuff.

Yeah. I’d like that.

Me too.

Come here.


OK. Well, I probably should get back to Grandma Maggie’s and put the key back. Not that anyone’s looking for it tonight anyways.

[phone beeps]

Yep. Looks like we can catch the last ferry to Smith Island.

I don’t know why you brought all these clothes. Because you’re definitely not gonna need them.

Ah. Is that so? A[phone ringing]

Hi, Mom. Are you on your way to the square?

Um, no, honey. I can’t seem to find the key to the Horton Cabin. Do you think that Johnny and Chanel still have it?

No. They gave it back to me, and I put it in the desk drawer in the study.

OK, well, it isn’t there. I’ve looked and looked. It’s not there.

Well, that’s strange. Hang on, Mom. You know what? I’m gonna come back there, and I’ll help you find it, OK? I’ll see you soon.

What, Maggie can’t find the keys?

No, so I’m gonna help her look. We have about a half hour before the last ferry.

Yeah, we do. I’ll come with you.

No, no, no. No. You stay and go buy the tickets because it’ll save us some time.

You sure?

Mm-hmm. I’m sure. All right.

Hey, where’s Kayla?

She’ll be back soon with the results. So how about you two, where did you go to eat?

My family’s estate.

Ah. So you recognize anything?

Um, I didn’t, no.


Well, I– I have the results. I didn’t open them. I thought I would leave that up to you.

Actually, you know what? I think Chad should do the honors.

[dramatic music]

Well? Chad, what does it say?

[chuckles] Sorry, darling. There was no way I was gonna let you drive home. I mean, dear God, look at the state of you.

[ominous music]


Oh, my God! [brakes screeching] [body thuds]

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